If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Play On Words: “I Don't See Color” (Or Race)
So Why You Giving Me The Finger
Unity Consciousness #766


Person #1: I don't see color.
Person #2: What do you mean by that?

Person #1: When I see someone I just see a person.
Person #2: So you don't notice their color?

Person #1: No, I don't look at people that way.
Person #2: (shields one hand with the other and then extends one finger upward from the hand that's shielded) What do you see?

Person #1: I see a middle finger.
Person #2: How do you know it's a middle finger when the rest of my fingers are covered up?

Person #1: It's pretty obvious.
Person #2: How do you feel about it?

Person #1: (uncomfortable) What's your point?
Person #2: What color is my middle finger?

Person #1: (annoyed, but feeling open-minded) Same color as your hand.
Person #2: And what color is that?

Person #1; I don't know, dark brown, chocolate, black?
Person #2: What made you choose those colors?

Person #1: I'm looking right at your hand!

scrolls across the screen
Old Global Newsflash Rehashed: A main component of racism has always been denial based on color.

Person #2: (looking into the camera)
If you don't see color, then see my finger, see my thumb...
And whenever I see you coming, I'm taking evasive action.

Narrator: “I don't see color” is equivalent to saying “I don't see gender.” I just didn't notice you were a female so all my interactions with you were just based on you being a gender-less person just like me.


(scene shifts to Person #1 at home alone. Thoughts appear on screen)
“I'm in deep denial about what racism has programmed me to think, so I'd rather “blank out” color because it's color that's the problem, so if I just “don't see color” then hopefully people will believe the problematic thinking embedded in my logic, just goes away.”