If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, August 13, 2017

I Am Difference & Circumference | Poem
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1087


I Am Difference & Circumference

by Ancestors through Usiku

Thinking I'm all this and that
Then reality intervenes
Identity crisis attacks
What doesn't add up with math
Now I am doubling back
Remembering I am natural fact
Versatile mother, father, child
Uniformly diverse
Universally dispersed
Phenomenal due to phenomena
I am concentrated light
Darkness in flight
Water and flame
Djindja unchained
Weak and strong
Spirit and flesh Primordial bones
Circular with cornerstones
I am what I was to be
Moment by moment eternity
Creativity refined nativity
Totality and potentiality
Singularly plural
Changing yet unchanging forevermore

I am each dimension breached
Every mirror image reached
Preexisting concealed
Becoming existence revealed
Always where I am
Doing what works
Instance and circumstance
Sameness and difference
Maintaining my worth
Rising in place, then birth
Above mountains at the summit of Earth
Continuing being at this elevation
Weighted on depth of foundation
Unless culture is used to confuse
Causing me to seek elations
Of structurally sound views
Without Nu or Maatiu
Building self-esteem things
Bigger than I, you, me and we
Making it making it worse
Until misplaced is birth
I am succumbing then overcoming
By principles of natural force
Reversing course
Re-turning difference into circumference

I am confidence and fear
Southern fish, northern bear
Daydream and nightmare
All forms of basic needs
Maker of altruists and thieves
I am purified and stained
Unlimited self-contained
Both sides of anything claimed
Crazy and sane
The worst and the best
Beautiful and ugliness
Essential goodness, essential evilness
Starting point and conclusion
Scarcity and profusion
Mandatory and one's own choosing
Passive and aggressive
Dominant and recessive
Jagged and smooth
I irritate and soothe
Vilified and glorified
I am undead and nu-alive
Knowledge and belief
Awake and asleep
Giri So and So Dayi
Combination lock, skeleton key
Clarity and confusion
Reality and illusion

I am cell, chasm and bull
Tomb, solstice and mule
Minuscule and immense
Bland and intense
Offense and defense
Enigma I am anima
The Ujima of all schema
Up and down evolution
Genetic problem, prophetic solution
Separation and unification
Spontaneous calculating
I am science, starry-soul and nature
Completely technology nomenclature
Toxin and nutrition are litmus
For my health and sickness
All else is my self witness
What I love and hate to mention most
In this spiritsphere of personal growth
I am a work in progress
Beingness continuous