If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Christianity, Humanity, African Genetics, Phenotype, Genotype
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1289


(Part 9ge of 11)

A variation cannot be a variation unless its foundation is the original.
All of us contain several variations mixed with several variations mixed with several variations....
This results in how we temporarily look today (phenotype).
This also results in temporary genotype differences (genetic variations below the surface).
Even though to humans, beauty is skin deep – to the Creator beauty is phenotype and genotype.
Paint the earliest version of Christianity on me Lord so I can once again be 100% covered in my Africanity.
You can take the lightest skinned people, place them in the tropics, then have them only breed with each other for thousands upon thousands of years, and eventually, they will turn darker and darker or their numbers will get smaller and smaller, but not before they got sicker and sicker. And the other way around.
If genetics do not adapt to new conditions, the creature cannot survive. That is one of the purposes of adaptability (variations) in genetics. That is one of the fundamental reasons why we look different in terms of certain physical characteristics. Not because we have different genetics, but because we have the same genetics that are in a temporary state of variation. The example is shown to us the way all of us get darker in summer and lighter in winter.

God did not create the world by standing over there and pointing a magic wand over here and then creation started to appear over the course of one week.
Everything is a child of God.
Every rock, jot and tittle from biggest to little, everything in the universe is a child of God.
Therefore, the clue is everywhere in plain sight.
God is a pro. God procreated the world - from within self and gave birth to creation.
God gave birth to everything. God is the Parent and Everything is the Child. Therefore, everything contains the genetics of God.
Not just the genetics of God, but 100% of the genetics of God.
We cannot get genetics from anywhere else.
Likewise, the same is true of human genetics. All human genetics were born out of Africa and then varied within Africa and outside Africa and mixed lots of times over hundreds of thousands of years.
Quit trying to turn to somebody with a DNA test to tell you who you are and to explain to you how genetics work.
You contain 100% the genetics of God. You can understand genetics to the degree you need to. If God created you and you contain God's genetics, then you are capable of understanding yourself.

If you are the child of God, are you 100% the child of God or something less than that?

1. If you say I am 100% the child of God, then how can people who are black, white, yellow, brown and red, all be 100% the child of God, while at the same time, not having 100% the same genetics?

2. If you say I am not 100% the child of God, then what percentage of God are you and who are the other Creators who make up the rest of the 100%?

3. What is your basis for saying you are 100% the child of God?
4. My basis is the science of genetics and how they actually function in all species as shown over and over in the natural world (which includes humans).
5. The Christian basis is a bias based on partial thinking that resists wholeness thinking while claiming holiness.
6. Some forms of Christianity are based on the acknowledgment and recognition of sin, wrong, error and mistakes. Yet those same Christians refuse to admit their misunderstanding of their African genetics.

There is only one human family, so no matter how many times humans go through variations, we are still simply a variation of the original, thus still 100% original, thus still 100% African, thus still 100% the child of the Creator.
This is the evolution of Creation, supported by tons of natural fact. Christianity's version is supported by belief and miseducation and a suboptimizing of our genetic potential that impairs (improperly pairs) our thinking and behavior.

Since Christianity in its current form of textbook lies, is standing in the way of humanity understanding itself to be one and the same African family, then Christianity must go back, along with genderism and racism and so on....
If you really think, God would just pick up some dirt and stuff and form man and breathe life into him, and that's how humans came into existence, then God took a bone and formed woman, and then God needed that bone-bred woman to give birth to the Son of God, then I understand why accepting the fact that your genetics are 100% African, is a problem.

Thinking must be faith-based and evidence-based.
Cycles and seasons of change provide all the faith and evidence we need.

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