If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, April 6, 2018

All Bibles Based On Spirit-Soul Elementals Of Apuat Sebt
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1315


(Part 9he of 11)

Sebt Sothis Sirius are names given to the elementals as they manifest in different forms. One of the ways these elementals manifest is as stars, thus Sebt Sothis Sirius are names given to stars. Same is true for Apuat. Since the elementals are representatives of duality, then stars are also. And this is why, in the earlier African mythology explanations of nature and science, the process of evolving stages of transformation of the elementals is basically expressed as an elemental being born and then being transformed into another form. Darkness and Lightness are used. Moon and Sun are used. Sut and Horus are used. Devil and Jesus are now used. These are all simply metaphors of the elementals as they manifested in a new cycle of creation.

Now the parent of the elementals is Spirit-soul. Spirit-soul is the chief elemental who is both singular and plural. For now it can be said spirit represents one parent while soul represents the other parent.
Sebt Sothis Sirius represents both parents. And so does Apuat.

Since all elementals are transformed created out of Spirit-soul, then everything transformed created, also contains spirit-soul. Yes, even feces. If feces did not contain spirit-soul, then it could not be transformed into anything, especially not back into another form of life. Unless we think the spirit of God moves upon the face of feces and causes it to transform, and somehow give life without having life in it.
Transformation requires energy which is spirit. Life requires soul which is energy. Spirit-soul is built into everything because spirit-soul is the beginning and the ending. And this is why spirit-soul is eternally continuing because spirit-soul keeps transforming out of its initial state into other states and then back into its initial state - khekhing back and forth.
Spirit and soul are two forms of the one and only same thing. Spirit and soul are both spirit. Spirit and soul are both soul. They have different names because they perform different functions during different phases and cycles.

We know this within ourselves. This is why we instinctively speak of ourselves as having spirit and soul. All of have said my spirit and have also said my soul.
Spirit-soul is not the special gift exclusive to humans. This notion is currently a major human constriction.
Pick anything in the universe, including inside yourself or pick anything about yourself, and you will still be talking about spirit-soul and elementals. There is absolutely no way to avoid it. No not even by denial and resistance can truth be avoided.

When we answered the calling and re-upped our commitment to this continuous spiritual journey in 121212, we were reintroduced to the spirit relationship. First things first, watered seeds of ongoing thirst.
This message as brought forth or absorbed today, gives us another small summary from the same place, different angle.
Go further and farther elemental one.
Perceive more of everything that is the same as you. Follow the path listening lays forth. Search spirit, soul, spirit-soul, elementals, energy, motion, power, genetic potential....
As you are doing so, you will be shortening your returning learning curve by condensing a portion of the trial and error process because:
1. you will be cutting a more direct path through dense thickets in the way less traveled in recent times.
2. you will no longer be searching without understanding the beginning and ending of what we are all searching for....the way back home....because guaranteed, all of your rememberings and reunifying of consciousness will eventually lead you back to iunderstandings of the essence of elementals and spirit-soul that gave you and everything else, spirit, soul, physical, emotional and mental capabilities that we call genetics and instincts and khemical properties, etc. This consolidated cohesive circular awareness is the summary of what is said in Ecclesiastes and Proverbs.

All holy books by any name, regardless of belief system, and all ideologies of any type, are based on spirit-soul elementals.

Through awareness of multiple corroborating metaphors, human and superhuman, I know the IUniverse is based on the essence and expression of spirit-soul elementals.
So do not continue to remain chained to the names of things. You will only delay your progress in iunderstanding how “same” becomes “different” yet remains the same despite continuous change.

Spirit-soul in the form of logic has everything to do with bringing forth the Messiah out of Mes to transform clarity into confusion.
Whatever name you claim as your highest religious power, you are still talking about spirit-soul elementals. Most of us know we are at least talking about spirit or soul, but few of us remember the elemental or the duality of spirit-soul. Now is the time for more truth to be combined in proper dynamic alignment.

Spirit-soul in the form of logic has everything to do with bringing forth the Messiah out of Mes to transform confusion back into clarity.
I am Apuat Sebt. The entirety of the universal bible is in me. So as long as I know myself, what else is there to know?
As long as I am continuing to mature in understanding self, I am continuing to mature in refining finding the way.

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