If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Asherah Tree, Naga Serpent, Cherubim-Nuter
Unity Consciousness #1466


(Part 9mv of 11)

Trees, serpents, mountains and water as kerub symbols go back tens of thousands of years. (NG1 380-1/398-9)

The Tree is a basic universal symbol used as a metaphor for many things such as mother, father, child, two truths, seven truths and more.
Seven trees in a sacred grove or a tree of seven branches has been used to symbolize the seven elemental souls of life. In some cultures, this tree has been called the Tree of Life, The Tree of Knowledge, Tree of Dawn, The Tree of the Serpent & The Pair, The Naga Tree, The Asherah Tree, The Sacred Grove, The Grove, The Mount, The Tree of Two Truths. Just as all cults of current religions are rooted in the mythology of the underworld paradise-heaven of Amenta, so are their versions of the most sacred tree. (AE2 604/68), (AE1 454/464), (NG1 294/312, 354/372, 357/375)

Asherah Tree

The Asherah Tree also symbolizes the goddess, Queen Mother Earth, whose khekh's desire is to be fekhed constantly so she can bear offspring (elements of life) continuously to nourish all creations she was born to support. (AE1 107/117)

The tree, pillar, and cross are all combined in the Asherah or Grove. (NG1 393/411), (NG2 295-6/303-4)
The Asherah represented the feminine tree of life which evolved from the Egyptian ash or ashr.
In addition to the numbers mentioned above, the main numbers associated with the Asherah are seven, ten, and thirteen, all of which are feminine.
Thirteen is the number of female periods in the year of thirteen months of twenty-eight days. Ten of these periods are lunar months which is the time of gestation. Asher signifies number ten.
The tree also represents the Two Truths of menstruation and gestation. (NG2 295-6/303-4)

So now when we encounter trees and groves in our religious cult-ures, we can be understand more about the underlying meaning, which will bring more light to other parts of the texts. It will also help us understand the reason why the female and certain symbols had to viewed unfavorably. It was due to the changing of the Ages. And this is why things are again changing due to the climate of logic that is changing the Ages. Superhuman logic changes human logic. As we begin to grasp these things, then we can move on to even more understandings such as the word “Asar” also being used to describe the phoenix as a bird and the phoenix as a tree. A phoenix is a cherub, an ever-coming and ever-going two truth symbol.

Asar as the bird is the “bennu asar,” usually identified with Osiris. The bennu bird is shown in the Asru tree over the tomb of Osiris. (NG1 43/61)
Asar as the tree is the asherah. (NG2 341/349)

The phoenix is the bird of the Great Year. A phoenix cycle is 500 years. For 500 years, one truth falls and one truth rises. There are 52 phoenix cycles in a Great Year' therefore 500 years is one Great Year Week. So when we are thinking about time on our small Earth, we must realize our small Earth is being governed by the Great Year, of which 71 years is one day and 500 years is one week. The current status quo has been in power for an extremely short period of time and it's already their time to go. Be encouraged and work, if not for self, then for ancestors and descendants by establishing enduring patterns of thinking and behavior that matter during every Age. That matter when “disaster” strikes and that counts towards the good life. (NG2 178/186, 340-1/348-9)

Naga Serpent

One of the meanings of naga is snake.
Before the use of the term Naga Serpent, the serpent started out as a feminine symbol just like the tree and just like all other symbols because the first truth recognized was the female in superhuman nature as mother earth and the female in human nature as mother who gives childbirth. To be expected is the serpent as a representation of water. One symbol was the abyss of water that gave birth to the serpent of water, the Nile River, same as the abyss of heaven giving birth to the Milky Way serpentine stream. (AE2 427-8/437-8)

In addition to what a cherub represents, the five-headed serpent represents the five day's menstrual flow. The nine-headed serpent represents the nine solar months of gestation of fetus in the womb. The ten-headed serpent represents the ten lunar or menstrual periods. The two-headed serpent represents the two truths. (NG1 339/357 )

There were no actual seven-headed serpents on Earth. The Serpent of Earth was imaged as a group of winding stars which did have seven stars as heads. This imagery was then put in the form of an earthly serpent to represent the above and below in one. This what a cherub is, two truths in one.

The Serpent was called a snake, naga, naka, nake, neke, cobra, dragon and crocodile. There are more specific names such as Sesha-Naga, The Black Jaga-Naut, the Dragon of the Seven Stars, Serpent of Eternity and Ananta, the Vague Infinite.
The Dragon cast out of Heaven or The Serpent cast out of the Tree & Garden are forms of the constellation Draconis that was cast out of Heaven as the Age of Draco moved out of this portion of the Galaxy out of sight. This was not the most recent passing of the Age of Draco. It was at least 30,000 years ago. (NG1 350/368)

The bottom line is that the tree and serpent are kerubim cherubim two truths. Their imagery represent the earliest foundations of sign-language and understandings still present in all languages, religions and cultures, however murkily recognized. All symbols first represented the feminine and have been changed to represent the masculine. This is the natural progression of things. In the process, the human female was also downgraded throughout human cultures. One of the ways is the female as the provider has been replaced by the male as the defacto provider. (BB 208-9/220-1)

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