If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, February 14, 2025

Peer Pressure Of Fate
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3229

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt of 11)

We currently view peer pressure as human to human, and mostly during teen years and strongest during teen years due to immaturity and lack of experience.
If we are not both, the goat crossing the bridge and the troll under the bridge, both a chronic liar and denier of truths, we will quickly admit that peer pressure is lifelong and comes in many varied simultaneous forms. I don't need to list a single one because if you don't know, this message won't cure enough ills of illusion to bring you back to the real.

As detailed in the previous message, Fates are influenced by other Fates. Influence, in one sense, can be viewed as pressure, a nudge, something encouraging you in a certain direction, thus assisting you, thus making it easier to go in that direction.
In a healthy psyche (fully formed, mature), the two truths are always present and always weighed. By themselves, the two truths should cancel each other. It is only when we add other truths, that the balance moves to one side. Peer pressure in an unhealthy psyche (not fully formed as to level of awareness, immature in thought processes), holds a larger weight and earlier place in decision-making, thus in fate-making.

Word Peer from Piur from Phiur from Khiur, the circle, which is equal to the eye.
Word Pressure from Pre-Tseru from Fru-Khiur from Khiur-Khiur. Yes, it takes at least two things, two truths to create pressure. Two truths, properly understood, always start out in equal balance, then go through the fluctuations of dynamic balance, and then return to equal balance. Additional logic is what changes equal balance to dynamic balance. In other words, additional logic provides truths to consider to know whether to say yes or no, for instance. What type of additional logic and amount of additional logic varies depending on the circumstances, situation, set of conditions that must always be considered in priority order.
No healthy psyche chooses to take wood from the structure of their house to burn as fuel just because it is the quickest and easier source. Yet we make many such decisions in daily life, reconfirming them moment by moment, day by day, essentially robbing Peter to pay Paul, kicking multiple components of Fate down the road until they accumulate like our laws, corrupt institutions, illnesses, landfills and the great plastic heap in the ocean.

Since peer pressure is Circle Pressure is the pressure of other beings, who fundamentally represent time to manifest abilities, then peer pressure is also Time Pressure, thus also Fate Pressure.
Be careful giving a fuck what other people think, and be vewy vewy careful doing and not doing, just because others do or don't.

If we consider spirit-soul as inherent in all creations, then the first great fate is water pressure. One meaning of which is the daily pressure in your mind influencing you to seek water to drink, water to wash, water to flush, water to cool the environment, water to grow food. And so on. Unfortunately we do not have enough pressure to conserve water or to curb our activities that poison water and impacts the environment to reduce the water cycle. Fate and fortune are one. Essentially being about the dynamic mixture of truths.

In addition to several dozen other pressures we are influenced by, the Seven Fates are also our Peers and exert Peer Pressure.

And because these Fates are aspects of the Supreme Circle of Being, when they peer, they are using their eyes, their sensing abilities to assess conditions, make adjustments, report to each other and to the One. Thus their peer pressures vary, thus so does the force of their nudgings on our decision-making. This nudging is trying to keep us aligned, in tune and on time with natural cycles that exist in greater number and importance than human cycles.

Part of the meaning of Khiur the circle, is appear. This is due to word forms such as ber, per, fer, ker. We can briefly say word appear is from khepru or kheper as transformer, a form of khekher, the sifter, heavy lifter and highway-low road drifter.

To create a creature, a being, is to create a circle, which is make appear, give birth, which is why peer pressure is involved in all births, including the births of imagining, conceiving, gestating and coming forth in the mind, in the spirit, in the emotions and through the actions of the rest of the body that follow those peer pressures.
This reminds us that spirit-soul, mind, emotion and body are peers, influencing, nudging each other, but not equally or in the same proportions. This internal pressure is like the turgor pressure of waters in a closed container (circle) with flexible gates that close and open into various aspects of our life. These aspects can be likened to leaves on a vine and scales on a fish.