If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, November 19, 2021

Con Games Are Everywhere
Unity Consciousness Is
The Process Of Restoring Wholeness To Knowledge
Unity Consciousness #2565

(9azzp of 11)

Khan is the leading soul of life and death, the Lord of Lords. Khan means Can, Container, waters, service, cunning, conning, wizard, knower, king, to be able, courageous, valiant, brave,victorious.
Cun or Cyn is the dog and the pre-human primate. This relates to both Cynosura as Ursa Minor (Cyn-ursa) and Kepheus as Cynocephalus.
Khun takes a long path of transformation through words like Khon, Khin, Khen, Khan, Han, Whin, Gwen, Ken, Venus, Ven, Wen, Khem, Kham and more.
Kham and Kam becomes Khan and Kan then Chan and Can then Chun and Cun.
All of these are the womb, the Kun of birth and re-birth, the Mes-Khen, the Mes-Khun. Khun is the mother; Khun-su is the child as Kan, Khan-su, Kan-su, Cun, Kun, Khun, Con, Coon.

Thus Khun rises to power at the crossing crossroads corner between Ages. Thus a different overall con emerges when Ages change. Also many smaller cons emerge. Human cons, such as Maafa Racism, democracy, capitalism and labor, are small cons compared to the con the galaxy orchestrates.

1. The Con starts with the Container, the universe and its Contents, all creations.

2. Next comes Context (worldview, utamawazo). This is the totality of your knowledge of self and all else that forms your overall perspective and informs all smaller perspectives. Your Context is operating along with the Context of others and the Galactic (Universal) Context.

3. All these things are working together, functionally and/or dysfunctionally. Conspiracy is conspire is two or more things working together, knowingly or not. Con-spira-cy. Spira is a form of scire (to know). Also, Spira is Spire is spirit. Conspiracy is spirit motion based on knowing and knowledge. This is why, one of the most important fundamental keys is “know yourself.”

4. Conspiracy is a fundamental truth that all things do all the time. In a Universe based on One Spirit who needed to duplicate into two forms of Self in order to grow, evolve and maintain existence and preexistence, One had to become Many. Conspiracy helps maintain cycles of harmony and disharmony, function and dysfunction, dynamic balance and dynamic imbalance.

5. Knowledge of self and all else is Consciousness. Consciousness is the degree and level of knowing overall and in specific areas.
“Conscious (conscience)” means "knowing, knowledge, awareness". This is science. Science is knowledge and the process of knowing. Any and all knowledge is part of the scientific process. Since knowing (science) is a process, consciousness exists in degrees based on our level of awareness of self and all else. Everyone is a scientist.

6. As we mature in the science of self (consciousness of all else), we won't be so easily okie doked by people using knowledge one way, yet claiming it is the other way. These are the people who throw their “expert” title in your face like a phylactery, as if knowing has been conferred upon them exclusively and the process of knowing is not valid unless certified by a human government and its institutions.
We believe this way and think this way and behave this way because we have been living with a “governor” on our genetics. Thus we have allowed knowledge to be limited to the finite realm of current humans, rather than accessing the unlimited infinte knowledge of self and all else. By default of inference and inductive driven thought processing, there must be multiple ways of knowing.

Governor - an attachment to a machine for automatic control or limitation of speed. A device giving automatic control.

7. Our Overall Conceptual Problem Is Our Approach To Learning.
We look into darkness trying to extract knowledge, when our dark adaptation is obscured by artificial light. Thus then, we are unaware we must rely on the natural night lights of one's own spirit guide and celestial bodies that illuminate darkness.
This is an older child and adult problem and is not present in young children. Younger children rapidly study and learn multiple topics and skills and become qualified to perform at or above expected levels. On the other hand, as we get older, we allow control freaks to disqualify us as knowers, so we begin to rely on human experts as the sole or primary means of knowing.

Unity Consciousness Is The Process Of Making Whole Khan's Knowledge, Kan'Science, Child Of God Knowledge. This is defragmenting. This is the supreme scientific method. It encompasses the within, without, front, back, top, bottom, first, last, above, below, over, under, Amen hidden, Amenet revealed, seen by sensing abilities, unseen by sensing abilities, sound asleep, sound awake, inner, outer, internal, external, interior, exterior, inside, outside, space, time, energy, matter, emerge, submerge, conscience, subconscious, summary application knowledge, foundational fundamental baseline detailed motherboad Khaos operating system knowledge, somewhere, nowhere, existence, non-existence, something, nothing, express, suppress, temporal, external and so much more.

Recent humans have concocted all manner of destructive con games that seem perfectly sane, including making use of education, science, religion and all things seemingly beneficial, thus without need for discretion.
Everything is a con. Superhumans have also concocted all manner of con games, including conning the con.

Extremely Short List Of Words And Concepts Used In Con Games

Chronological, Compare, Conceive, Concentration, Concentric, Concern, Conditions, Confidence, Confuse, Congregation, Congress, Connection, Connotation, Constellation, Construct, Consult (Consu), Consumer, Continuous, Contract, Contradiction, Contrast, Control, Controversy, Conversation, Conviction, Convince, Counter, Ex-Con

All our understandings and every bit of information regarding these words, their definitions and meanings, are all playing a role in our consciousness, thus how we think and behave and also how all creation uses its genetic abilities.

Con games are large and small. We participate in many for and against self and for and against the extended self and for and against others and for and against all else.
Regardless of the galactic con(s) taking place, still among humans, the biggest con is conning self.
This con is the con of thinking self control exists in the best interests of self, even without the best knowledge of self, thus also without the the best overall Context, thus without the best knowledge of all else in general and in specific areas, according to what is needed to fulfill the healthiest purposes and destinies.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

You Can't Win With Covid Vaccine Schemes
Unity Consciousness #2564

(9azzo of 11)

You can't win, you can't break even
And you can't get out of the game
People keep saying things are going to change
But they look just like they're staying the same
You can't win, way over your head
And you only have yourself to blame
People keep saying, things will get better
(Just to ease your state of mind)
[Michael Jackson in “The Wiz”]

The Latest Lie & Truth From Grand Wizards

As expected and prophesied, based on a continuous abundance of overflowing evidence of behavior of these type of people.

Hospitalizations rising among fully vaccinated in U.S., Fauci says "What we're starting to see now is an uptick in hospitalizations among people who've been vaccinated but not boosted." https://duckduckgo.com/?q=hospitalizations+rising+among+vaccinated&t=chromentp&atb=v264-1&ia=web

Remember, vaccines work...
according to scary crows who claim to know.

The deep-seated natural innate desire to believe, think and respond accordingly, can be debilitating or liberating.

We know by results which show, within and/or without, whether or not we are sinking or rising....
…. in the four inseparable aspects of self.

What we also know is that every time we give creeps our trust, they will creep us along the Green Mile, closer to a Final Destination meant for the scaredest of mind-controlled crows, scared for lives not lived sacred enough to save their souls.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Of Course HIV Is Cured By Natural Immunity & Much Healthier Living
Unity Consciousness #2563

(9azzn of 11)

Before the stink dried on the most recently exposed lie, another one is again exposed out of lying assholes.

How Do I Lie To Thee, Let Me Count The Ways

We've already had several opportunities to know we are being lied to about HIV (inappropriately called AIDS).
HIV is Human Immunodeficiency Viruses (HIV-1 and HIV-2).
AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Many things, factors and conditions can lead to AIDS, just as many things, factors and conditions can lead to Dementia Syndrome and many other Syndromes).

Esperanza Makes Another Brick In The Wall Fall

Now there's hope that the HIV lie will be known by all, or at least by all who want to know the truth.

We've been lied to and told that Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a virus we can't get rid of (a forever virus) and that the body has no ability to mount an immune response, defense, not even with healthy living.

We are lied to and told the corona virus #2, is a virus that even though our body is able to overcome without a covid vaccine, we still need the vaccine because our body's immune response is insufficient

Now on 11.15.21, we are told:
A woman in Argentina has become only the second documented person whose own immune system may have cured her of HIV.
Thus we are to believe our bodies can heal itself of the dreaded death sentence HIV, but not adequately deal with the extremely low death rate and high recovery rate coronavirus, even when people wait to help themselves.

The article states: “The case serves as one of two proofs of concept that a so-called sterilizing cure of the virus is apparently possible through natural immunity.”

The article claims that it's a “miracle of the human immune system.”
I say, it's not a miracle, bur rather only the natural way our bodies work when we lead healthier lives.

As usual, lying and stupidity work hand-in-hand. The so-called experts are behaving as usual and trying to pinpoint some kind of human-conceived magic process they can reproduce and sell to people as a treatment, instead of implicating and acknowledging healthy living on all levels, as the cure to all that ails us.

The article states: “researchers have successfully cured two other people therapeutically — in both cases through complex and dangerous stem cell transplants.”

I also say that so-called experts, due to their suboptimal context, are confusing what is taking place in immune cells, called the viral reservoir.
I also say, if it is true that the Human Immunodeficiency Virus resides under the radar in immune cells, then it is also true that all other viruses are also in the viral reservoir. I suspect this is for the redundant purpose of being able to reintroduce small amounts of a virus back into the circulatory system, just in case, already established immune memory cells are damaged.

Thus, as a result, people are being told the have HIV and can't get rid of it, based on the virus being present in the viral reservoir that even the bodies own active immune system ignores and doesn't respond to because the viral reservoir is a quarantine storage databank documentation location.

The article speaks of a “sustained force” as if what's going on is a mystery.
Once again, I say the sustained force is the body's own genetic potential working in conjunction with much healthier living.
The article continues to echo the logic of the medical industry and the masses, that it is surprising that our bodies can heal itself without medication or some medical treatment or vaccine. This is why people don't believe we can cure ourselves of AIDS and of the corona virus and of the influenza virus and many other ailments, especially those termed “cancer.”

The article admits to what the body is capable of when it states: “there are a number of documented cases of people who have stopped antiretroviral treatment, in particular if they started such therapy very soon after contracting the virus, who have not seen their viral load rebound for years.”
What the article doesn't specify is the changes these patients made in order to live healthier lives in the four inseparable aspects of self, preceding viral load remission and rebound resurgence.

What the article says but doesn't say is that all these supposed treatments and cures to address HIV, have, like most medications and treatments, harmful effects that damage other parts of the body.
The article does not plainly state: You can't cure people by killing people.

HIV cure research hit about $335 million globally in 2020.
Imagine if that was spent towards simply cleaning up the food system and helping people plant food in their own yards.
Imagine what would happen if people stopped lying by 50%.


Additional God (Good) News We've Known Long Ago

All viruses are curable naturally, including the virus of lies and its variants.
Much healthier living will expose more lies to you and allow you to quarantine those lies in order to remember them but not be harmed by them.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Bullshit Speech As Makeshift Manifest Destiny
Unity Consciousness #2562

(9azzm of 11)

See, “Modern Medusa: Human-Issued Mandates & Narratives In The USA Don't Match Worldwide Covid-19 Numbers, Unity Consciousness #2550” In March 2021, it was written:
America is a seducer. It must be exposed for the fraud it is like the emperor's new clothes.
America is a medusa, who itself being a victim of self-hypnosis, continues to turn spirits to stone leaving trails of dead men's bones.
In October 2021 it was written:
The answers are as obvious as who the USA has long ago shown us who they are. Either the USA is no so “the best” as it claims to be AND/OR, there are a lot of covid lies being sold and told to the USA's flock of citizens and similar gullibles worldwide.

I could go on and on and compare and contrast many other categories, but each reader must do that themselves.

The USA is a Mediocre Arethusa, another warped Med-usa, an appealing but deadly attraction medusa,

Now today, the following is added:

Medu Is Also Mdw

Mdw is Speech.
Sa is spirit, child, hinder, return, aid, touch, heal, rank.

Medusa is Medu-sa is Mdw Sa is the spirit of speech of the Mother as manifested by the prepubescent, immature and malformed children (the USA for example as one of the snakes). This is Harpocrates the Hypocrite. The USA, as the epitome of the white collective, became first and Africa became last. The USA became the elder and Africa became the younger.
The USA became the one born of flesh and blood matter, while Africa became begotten of spirit. The USA is the last bit of the dying sunstar and polestar that rule the night, while Africa is the reborn rising sunstar and polestar. The USA is the maimed weakling dwarf deformed child who dies prematurely, before growing up. Africa is Heru the Hero who appears at the last moment to save the day, and as the Kheru, the true voice, the Makheru, the Makher, the new true voice of the Maker, and as the Kharu, the Mother.

Most other countries know the USA is about some bullshit in what it says and does. This is the USA's manifest destiny. This is an extension of the USA's closest ally, Britain as Mother and sister of the USA.
Both of these countries are losing their touch on being able to deceive, thus they rely on many fears, miseducation, short attention spans, dementia, flipped virtues and vices, the pressure of money, laws, mandates (dictates of dictators) and many other contrivances to keep people occupied, distracted, unbalanced and perpetually ill logical, yet happy to be associated with any suboptimal identifier.

The Divine Speech of Bullshit is being exposed as the bull of Aquaria rises out of darkness and moves above the galactic horizon and the bull of Kepheus becomes the guiding light Polaris at the pole position of this Galaxy.
This is part of climate change where lots of logic, in bytes and pieces, is being exposed, challenged and self-examined. For instance, using multiple ways and messages to expose the lies of racial categories and national origins.

Be certain that the speech being used to control the masses, is changing by waning and waxing in order to change the balance of powers. If the logic of the masses does not change as the logic of the Great Day changes, and instead continues to go along with the Malformed Medusa's, then the masses must be laid even lower, and possibly perish, in order to install the governing spirits of the new Ages, thus also, new human and alien governments, to bring about healing by restoring eco-sensibility. Only then will democracy, freedom and civilization exist among humans.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

White Person Pandemic Variant: USA Census Bureau Racial Categories & Definitions
Unity Consciousness #2561

(9azzl of 11)

This was introduced in the earlier message, Definition Of A White Person Pandemic, Unity Consciousness #2559

We are reminded that British white protestant males in the USA and Europe are responsible as the origin of the White Person Pandemic. This was brought to critical mass by other whites as they were adopted, infected and moved out of the lower class of servants, and allowed to see themselves as better than others in the lower class, such as Blacks, and reap rewards by participating in Maafa Racism to keep Blacks from rising by merit and taking (earning) the place of the white heirs of stolen lands and resources who have many benefits and assistances of white privilege.

This still haunts poor whites who still can't do any better than Blacks. These poor whites, and almost poor lower middle class blue collar whites, are appeased with the lipservice designation “working class,” the backbone of America. This self disappointment is used to fuel additional hatred excuses against Blacks. Be certain to understand that this bottomless-pit-in-the-psyche-feeder mentality exists in every class of whites. Their measure of achievement is: “I'm doing good because I'm doing better than you Black people." They are satisfied claiming being number one at the top of the low road during the last phase of the Dark Ages.

Part of the white person pandemic colonization scheme is the same as being used with the covid-19 pandemic, intentional confusion and contradiction deployed against the fearful and willful ignorant. The USA 2020 Census definition of “white,” continues this confusion and contradiction.

By Claiming

A white person is:
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
We already know this definition describes black people, Africans, humans.

The U.S. Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) 1997 Standards require two minimum categories on ethnicity and five minimum categories on race. Congress requires the Census Bureau to also use the category “Some Other Race,” plus allow people to mark more than one racial category. All these ethnic and racial categories are used for Federal statistics, program administrative reporting, and civil rights compliance reporting.

However, in keeping with the keeping up of confusion, contradiction and pathological lying, the USA Congress, Office of Management and Budget and Census Bureau then admit to intentional trickery by way of paper-based doublespeak on race.

By Disclaiming

The race and ethnicity categories [on the Census] generally reflect social definitions in the U.S. and are not an attempt to define race and ethnicity biologically, anthropologically, or genetically. We recognize that the race and ethnicity categories include racial, ethnic, and national origins and sociocultural groups.


The cognitively aware person, should be able to notice the intentional confusion and contradictions in the definitions below being used by the USA government to keep minds, spirits and emotions muddled and muddied, thus keep people with the feeling of struggling in quicksand and needing white people, posing as “the knowers” and posing as the most naturally capable of governing and most intelligent to issue all of life's most critical survival instructions.

1. American Indian or Alaska Native: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.

2. Asian: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.

3. Black or African American: A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.

4. Hispanic or Latino: A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.

5. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.

6. White: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

7. Some Other Race

8. Multiple Races. Indicated by marking more than one racial category

After pausing and doing some of your own rethinking, consider the following.

1. USA race definitions are clearly divide and conquer definitions and feed into the miseducation of the masses of who they think they are as sheep, flock, livestock, chattel, meat, citizens...

2. The inclusion of Middle East in the social definition of a “white” person is used to get people who believe in the Judaeo-Christian and Muslim Bibles to choose “white”. This is aimed mainly at appeasing white Jews who are actually practicing Judah-ism, not Jacob Israelite-ism, and also practicing Davidism, Solomonism and Zionism, all this is a sliver of what a Jew is.

3. The inclusion of North Africa in the definition of “white” is aimed at Greeks, Romans, Italians, Sicilians, Spaniards, Portuguese, French, Macedonians, Cypriots and Turks.

4. The inclusion of “original peoples of Europe” is aimed at the core group of whites worldwide who think they are Europeans and have no other sense of ancestry, despite biological, anthropological, genetic human genome and archaeological evidences that all humans originated in Africa.

5. These definitions are used to accommodate the fragmented minds of humans to help them feel a sense of wholeness in their self-estimation self-esteem. This allows them to think, that despite all else in crisis they feel internally, their identity is not in crisis, which is why they hold on to fake identities for dear life, as if whiteness is the key to life, because the white person pandemic, like a killer virus, has taken all the resources, and if the white person pandemic dies, then so also does their excuses for privilege without merit, except for the merit of moral degradation called barbarianism and American Exceptionalism.

6. Remember, in the USA, for quite some time, the only white folks considered on the top level were the British, the English.

7. This message and the earlier one leads to the usage of the variant “nigger” that helps white people and wannabes, feel human because they are denigrating original humans, who they subconsciously know they are descended from. This, in their terminally mentally ill minds and souls of death, “nigger” is necessary to remove black people from the human race. Yet in their attempted denigration is elevation of the Naga and the Naga's power of genetic annihilation of white and all racial categories. All things must be brought back into the fold of the whole, else be left out,

8. Don't miss this point. If, on the Census, the USA used racial categories based on biological science or based on anthropological science or based on genetic science or based on archaeological science, then the definitions for each racial category would be all based on being African, i.e., African, European African, Hispanic African, Latino African, Hawaiian African, Pacific Islander African, Asian African, American Indian African, Alaskan African,

This then would erode the lie being told using DNA Test Kits used to confuse the truth of ancestry that everyone is an African 100%, but some have varied in skin coloration and other features, that had already manifested in Africa.

9. Don't, miss this point either. By using and abusing social definitions of race for Federal statistics, program administrative reporting, and civil rights compliance reporting, the USA is able to misrepresent information regarding race and misrepresent program effectiveness and lie about who is benefiting from community resources.

All this is to say that the only validity for calling yourself “white” is based on what you have been socialized to think and believe by numerous daily programs containing misinformation.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Personal Choice & Non-Personal Choice Revisited
Unity Consciousness #2560

(9azzk of 11)

See Personal Choice Is Not A Personal Choice When...., Unity Consciousness #2553

See, Personal Choice Revisited, Unity Consciousness #2556

A personal choice is not defined by whether or not it affects others. All choices affect at least one other.
In other words, the following two definitions are incorrect:
(1) personal choice - a choice that does not affect others.
(2) non-personal choice – a choice that affect others.

Here's the correct definition: A personal choice is a choice we can make and/or a choice we make and/or a choice we must make.

Notice the contradiction in how the concept of personal choice is currently and incorrectly being handled.
People are said not to have a personal choice when it comes to getting covid vaccinated because that choice affects others; however, someone else can make a non-personal choice to mandate vaccines, because it's okay for a non-personal choice to affect others. However, the initial individual cannot make a non-personal choice that affects others.
In summary, an individual cannot make a personal choice to not get covid vaccinated, and neither can that same individual make a non-personal choice to not get covid vaccinated, even though it's okay for a non-personal choice to affect others. Yet, an individual can make a personal choice or a non-personal choice TO GET covid vaccinated, even though doing so, affects others.

All this is to say, that the denial of an individual's right to make a personal choice regarding a vaccine, is actually being based on whether or not the individual is voluntarily doing what the status quo wants them to do.

Public Good & Public Safety Hogwash

What is also being said is that it's okay to trample on personal inherent rights when necessary to calm public instigated fear, created by people who want to use that fear as a trump card to control people using any lie necessary and any force necessary when resistance is encountered.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Definition Of A White Person Pandemic
Unity Consciousness #2559

(9azzj of 11)

According to Frances Cress Welsing, People who classify themselves as “white” are less than ten percent of world population.
Countries with the most white people (in descending order): USA, Russia, Brazil, Germany, Italy, France, United Kingdom (England, Scotland, and Wales (which collectively make up Great Britain), as well as Northern Ireland)

Dr. Frances Cress Welsing defines a white person as follows:

a mutation, a recessive genetic deficiency that is unable to produce melanin. A group that is a tiny minority.

White people are the ones who started classifying people by skin color, basically forming two global groups, white and non-white.
Do not be deceived. All categories on any census and other forms that list several classifications for non-whites, is simply a divide and conquer strategy.
White people are the ones who decided to describe themselves based on their skin color, thus by default, how that skin color came into existence is also part of the definition of what a “white” person is.

As a result of identifying as white, a set of thinking and behaviors have been developed called whiteness, white privilege, white supremacy, racism, Maafa Racism.

White people defined themselves as white in order to claim superiority based on manifest destiny, thus white privilege. This was also done to divide and conquer the enslaved and indentured servants and free people in the USA and worldwide.
It is this identity crisis that has created a massive pandemic for hundreds of years and helped the tiny minority of white people on the planet, gain mind control, spirit control and physical control over people and planet.

Understand clearly that to chose white as a main identity is to chose the weakest aspect of self to glorify as a human. It would be like black people dividing humans by sickle cell and non-sickle cell, and then claiming sickle cell is the shiznick.

White skin color is albinism made procreation permanent during the Ice Age and by inbreeding then and inbreeding now when any white person breeds with another white person. Of course this is going to perpetuate the genetic mutation of low to no skin melanin production. And this is why white mixing with others has been such a big deal taboo for whites; however, as discussed many times, what this has accomplished is to continue to weaken white genetic viability and leave them less prepared for climate change global warming. Thus the self okie doke due to using skin color as preference and protection, when the ecosystem, does not treat white skin color as highly favored, except perhaps in deep darkness and coldness.

The basis of what being white means is a pandemic sized problem that must be addressed.

Understand clearly that “white” as a primary identifier of self had to be used for the additional reason of seeing one's skin color as beauty, rather than sickness in a white supremacy context. Thus the abuse and overuse of skin makeup in order to not look dead, add color and look good and presentable and the use of poorly understood Sun worship and tanning for the same reasons.

Dr Frances Cress Welsing "White People Can't Be Equal To Black People"

British White People In The USA And Europe Are Responsible

There is intentional confusion and contradiction in the world regarding who we are as humans. The USA exemplifies this with its definition of “white.”
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
This definition of “white person” per the US Census Bureau, is a definition that describes black people, Africans, humans. (sufficiently explained on this weblog),

Thus then what we have is out front public perception of what a white person is based on skin color as dominant; slightly hidden scientific fact of white as recessive and, slightly more hidden is a definition of a white person that acknowledges their Africaness and black ancestors who first populated all lands on this planet and gave birth to all people via one or more degrees of separation and mixtures and local geographic acclimation.

whites people us census 2020 definition

Ten More Truths

1. Melanin (specifically eumelanin, or black melanin) has antimicrobial properties.” https://academic.oup.com/mmy/article/52/5/445/2802514

2. Albinos and wannabes also put themselves into mental-emotional slavery by limiting their identity to skin color. Whiteness ideology is impossible to live up to because none of it is true, Thus it makes white privilege, a handicap, thus perpetuates cycles of weakness logic in the white collective. Thus pervasive mental illness, including psychopathy and sociopathy in societies that are mostly insane, especially in leadership positions in all institutions, including the leadership of parenting.

3. Every white person of age, based on lived experience, knows white supremacy is a farce. Thus those who deny white supremacy and its ongoing racism, are intentional liars at worst or mentally ill at best.

4. All this is the real ongoing pandemic everyone on the planet is being infected by.

5. White is not a synonym for European.

6. White skin is not the human norm.

7. The list of countries in the second paragraph above represents the world's worst as shown by their own actions, with the USA as leader of the pack, in keeping with their viral load.

8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5zJCv3XNNw
Exposing The System Of Global White Supremacy

9. If you classify yourself as white, all of the above is who you say you are and what you accept as global institutionalized normalized privilege. Thus it is not possible for a white person to not be a racist, unless the white person understands all that's involved in classifying as white, and continuously consciously works against those racist notions and behaviors. Cluelessness (Pre-Giri So-ism) is not evidence of not being a racist, no matter how convincing the self-delusion. Cluelessness exists due to moral degradation and the sedation of miseducation, both of which, are each other's justification.

10. If you classify yourself as any of the non-white categories, this is who you say you are not. However, we all know that many non-whites are wannabe whites and thus classify themselves as non-white, yet have adopted white thinking and behavior, thus betray themselves and humanity, even as they receive forms of meritorious manumission and access to a smidgen of white privilege.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Additional Understandings: Democracy Or Demagoguery
Unity Consciousness #2558

(9azzi of 11)

See Democracy Or Demagoguery?, Unity Consciousness #2554

Well known, at least subconsciously, is the fact that demagogues suppose themselves to be demigods.
On this point they are correct. They are part human and part god; however, they've allowed their humanness to be the biggest and most overwhelming part of consideration. Thus having lost god consciousness as their guiding light, day and night in every sense of sight, demagogue demigods have lost universality, thus balance, thus levelheadedness, thus harmony and peace, thus are net producers of destruction, thus have lost the ability to sense the need for or succeed at self-correction.
This due to supposing themselves to be humans par excellence, a notion as antithetically far from the truth as demagoguery is from democracy, and as antithetically far from the truth as democracy in societies is from socialism in civilizations, which is why societies of today see socialism as “evil.”
Properly defined, socialism is the opposite of how we currently “live,” (each according to need as opposed to each according to greed and what each perceives themselves to solely achieve, thus entitled to receive, above and beyond basic needs).
Socialism is a threat to current favored groups, which is why favored groups are upping the anti ante by thinking out and carrying out renewed desperation for the survival of their by crook vice-acquired privileged elevation, and to stave off genetic annihilation. [thus the use of genetic manipulation via “everybody-needs-several-okie-doke-pokes,” covid mrna vaccines and new clandestine self-destructive mixtures of all other vaccine elixirs. thus also the attack on workers, citizens, children, dissent, voting rights, continuance of Maafa Racism, refusal of reparations and denial of ongoing guilt by favored groups, something which is talking-out-the-ass-gaslit-psychological-warfare manipulation.]

By The Way:
Demagoguery seduces us into debauchery (hedonism, corruption, capitalism, cannibalism, localism, uncivilism, barbarism, widespread imbalance, long-term imbalance and other forms of destructive disparities due to evil discrimination logic that can be summarized as lunacy and chaos that makes even the most verbally genteel often say, what hell and what the fuck as a delayed reaction to all those who already throw up both their hands and holler).
When these things are present, democracy is not.

The USA is a republic. A republic cannot be a democracy.

The USA is a monarchy. A monarchy cannot be a democracy.

The USA is a dictatorship. A dictator issues dictates. A dictate is a mandate that punishes you if you do not cooperate. A dictatorship cannot be a democracy.

A nation, or any grouping of people, can still be a monarchy and dictatorship even if citizens vote, if the nation or group, governs by majority rules and does not meet the needs of all its citizens, according to need.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Self-Righteous Revisited: More Reminders From God
Unity Consciousness #2557

(9azzh of 11)

See, Self-Righteous Statements In Self-Reflective Mirrors, Unity Consciousness #2273

We are supposed to be self-right by righting self from our crooked, weak and wrong, mistake, error, cancerous and toxic logic infecting ways.
Self-righteousness is an internal awareness of always seeking ways to improve towards a healthier self, more perfected way of being.

The Righteous Should Be Angry

1. God is a righteous judge, a God whose anger is present every day.

2. The righteousness of the upright rescues them, but the treacherous are trapped by their own intrigues. [deceptions]

3. A righteous person hates lying

White Christian & White Jewish Bible Verses (Words From Gods)

1. I will expose your [so-called] ‘righteousness’; and what you have done won’t help you.

2. righteousness stands apart, at a distance; for truth stumbles in the public court,

3. And he believed [trusted, had faith] in the Lord; and he counted it to him for righteousness

4. a person is declared righteous because of actions and not because of faith alone [in a culture and its systems, thus, for instance, not simply by having faith in the Ecosystem, but by your actions in the Ecosystem. Secondly, not by having faith in democracy and freedom and justice, but by your actions that contribute or detract from each concept] thus we can see why the majority of citizens in societies are not righteous when it comes to democracy, freedom and justice, thus do not even have those things for themselves.

5. The way of the righteous is level [balanced]

6. I will make justice the plumbline and righteousness the plumb-bob;

7. My soul desires you at night, my spirit in me seeks you at dawn; for when your judgments are here on earth, the people in the world learn what righteousness is.

8. Even if pity is shown to the wicked, he still doesn’t learn what righteousness is.

9. Righteousness makes a nation great, but sin degrades any people

10. The effect of righteousness will be peace; [not fear, stress and other lingering ills]

11. Observe justice, do what is right, for my salvation is close to coming, my righteousness to being revealed.

12. Acting justly is a joy for the righteous but it terrifies evildoers

13. When the wicked flourish, wrongdoing flourishes; [like it is right now]

14. right means correct which means karrekh.

15. they are unaware of God’s way of making people righteous and instead seek to set up their own. [I.e,, the vaccinated are the righteous; whites are the righteous; experts are righteous, police are the righteous and so on...]

16. it is the person that keeps on doing what is right who is righteous

17. So it will be at the close of the age — the angels will go forth and separate the evil people from among the righteous
Human demons separate people based on suboptimal identifiers.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Personal Choice Revisited
Unity Consciousness #2556

(9azzg of 11)

See Personal Choice Is Not A Personal Choice When...., Unity Consciousness #2553

Weak Logic: it's not a personal choice when it affects someone else (for instance covid vaccine).

In the earlier message we went with that definition and now revisit the first personal choice listed that clearly affects others.

1. To abort or keep a child affects the child, both parents and others; therefore deciding to abort or not, IS NOT a personal choice.

Because Weak Ass Logic Prevails In Societies As The Status Quo Logic Of The Majority...

What we have is a woman's right to personal choice over her body and the life of a fetus; however when it comes to covid vaccination, the same woman no longer has personal choice unless she is willing to accept the punishments and exclusions of refusal to give up her rights.
And when it comes to the life of the child, the same woman has long since had to forgo personal choice over the child and submit the child to vaccines or else subject the child to exclusions from participating in society. All this we should already know because endemic to societies is that they are based on and built on contradictions, thus disharmony, an already identified fatal flaw.

Yet, doubling down on thought process contradiction, what we have is a lot of the women who want abortion rights to be a personal choice, are the same women who also don't want covid vaccine rights to be a personal choice over your body.

Vaccine Inequality Revisited
Unity Consciousness #2555

(9azzf of 11)

See Vaccine Inequality: Another Damn Thing A Fool Believes, Unity Consciousness #2552

Vaccine Inequality is what exists in the USA and in many other criminal coonin' countries where there is inequality of information regarding vaccines, immunity, the pandemic and what life is optimally about. Each of the ten major institutions governing people activity are complicit in creating the disparities.

Our societies are examples of what life is suboptimally about.
Yet, even with binders on and blinders on, we still can see everywhere the inequality of life, make excuses for it to sidestep responsibility and continue to accept existence as inequality.
Thus we've succumbed to the view that widespread and long-term imbalance is normal as long as we affix, and periodically replace noticeable tape to the arms of glasses with cracked dirty lens so as to create the confusion that what we are seeing is clarity worth believing, and what we are doing is progress towards our optimal best, when instead, what is taking place is that there is no longer an active race to the bottom because our built up logic momentum is carrying us there the rest of the way.
Which is why we keep stinking thinking and beslaving behaving the same old way.

Because Weak Ass Logic Prevails In Societies As The Status Quo Logic Of The Majority...

We need not apply anymore effort to guide the handlebars or steering wheel this way or that or try to change course. The only reasonable action, in the little time left, is to slam on the brakes, turn logic around and accelerate into tomorrow.

However, history has proven that this never happens, which is why vampire empires all fall down. This is what is happening right now in theaters of cooperation where we all are. Hundreds of examples are Giri So easy to see. For instance, why something as simple as voting, is such a farce. Hundreds more examples of societal weakness and dilapidation are accessible at each of the Bene So, Bolo So and So Dayi levels of awareness.

In addition to what is plainly said above and in the earlier message, all this is to also say again that inequality is being revisited by the earlier form, context and meaning of vaccine. Right now is a time of the rise of fundamental machines.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Democracy Or Demagoguery?
Unity Consciousness #2554

(9azze of 11)

We already know democracy, in the sense of equality for all citizens, does not exist anywhere in any of the top 100 human societies based on their criteria of what makes them great.
Democracy does not exist in these societies, thus neither does civilization.

So if democracy does not exist, then what does??


What is demagoguery?
Look it up!

What is democracy?
Look it up in your thoughts of what you think it means.

If you don't know by now that the word “democracy” and its meanings, have been bastardized and bitchified in your country, making it just as sickening as demagoguery, then you might not ever ever know.

In the USA, republicans are the psychopaths and democrats are the sociopaths, split personalities of one being with one intent, which is why democracy in the USA is one of the greatest criminal systems the world has ever known.

Personal Choice Is Not A Personal Choice When....
Unity Consciousness #2553

(9azzd of 11)

Many supposedly sane people have an insane (self-destructive) definition of personal choice.
Clearly what “sane” means is equal to “what the status quo majority thinks in any group of any size.”

The latest logic abuser (Bob Caustic Costas) repeated what many have surely said: that it's not a personal choice when it affects someone else (for instance covid vaccine).

Okay, then let's go with that definition and list some of the quickly easily obvious things we say are personal choices, but also clearly affect others.

1. To abort or keep a child affects the child, both parents and others; therefore deciding to abort or not, IS NOT a personal choice.

2. When you have a cold, influenza or any transmissible disease, you no longer have a personal choice because your infection affects other people; therefore, everyone should be mandated to take a vaccine for any infectious disease and follow other mandated protocols, which includes disclosing to others your vaccination status, and if not, you are put on the stockade guillotine chopping block of have nots. Chop, chop you out of the rest of your rights.

3. Who you vote for clearly affects others, thus voting is not a personal choice.

4. Each vote cast on a jury affects plaintiff, defendant, their families and many others in the community, thus a juror's vote is not a personal choice and should be mandated and legislated and corrected when necessary to match the letter of the law and not allow jurors to think for themselves and invoke the “I felt this way” excuse.

5. Your choice of job, work or career affects others. We know this.
We also know it is in the best interests of everyone in a group, family, community, nation, world, for everyone to be engaged in endeavors they are best suited for; therefore, job choice is not a personal choice and should be mandated. We all suffer when people are not using their abilities in optimal fashion.

6. Your choice of friend or partner affects others.

7. Your choice to recycle or not, affects others.

8. Your choice to not use chemicals in your house or yard, affects others.

9. Your choice to speak lies or truths, affects others.

10. What you choose to believe, affects others.

11. Your choice to shower or not, affects others.

12. Your choice to put your need for food, shelter and self-esteem above the same inherent rights of others and additional inherent rights, is a choice that affects others.

13. Your choice to support products and services no matter their impact on others, is a choice that affects others, thus should be mandated and restricted to fit the desires of the majority status quo and majority of those willing to use any means necessary to make you do what they want you to do, setting aside and trampling any personal choice as needed.

This is an extremely short list. Please review personal choices you think you have a right to make. Does this personal choice affect others? If yes, then it should be subject to mandates based on whenever an excuse is need to force compliance, and unknowingly stoke revolution.
If you think a personal choice does not affect others, you have not thought about it long enough or comprehensively enough.

Your choice to piss or not to piss in the pool, affects others.
Your choice to call out Maafa Racism or not, in yourself and others, affects others.

It's a personal choice to have free speech and free thinking over your own mind, but not a personal choice to have free behavior over your own body.

Privacy laws apply to all except those it need not apply.

To each his own only applies when you are not owned.

The most deadly infectious disease is suboptimal logic, against which our only protection is self-correction.
Self-Correction is a personal choice until the larger self-correction process imposes its free will spinning wheel of mandates.

Suboptimal logic is preferable, tolerable and normal until it infects person after person and reaches herd buffoonery which leads to calm that becomes complacency, uneasiness that becomes carelessness and fear panic that becomes unabatable calamitousness.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Vaccine Inequality: Another Damn Thing A Fool Believes
Unity Consciousness #2552

(9azzc of 11)

The G20 and all the other groupings of nations, is criminal collusion in your face.
These people talking 'bout “vaccine inequality” is, as always, wolves, telling sheep, they come in peace.
G20 is responsible for almost all inequality in the world, including in their own countries, yet, they expect people to believe, they the white and brown collective G20, want to make sure everyone in the world gets a covid vaccine because those people are poor and the G20 are rich and they the G20 have it in the goodness of their calcified hearts to to be a human being, as opposed to a human unbecoming, and that they the G20, want to save the lives of those the G20 colludes to commit crimes against.

And so, what are the G20 going to do to those countries that refuse the white bred vaccine scheme?
Issue more mandates (sanctions) by flipflopping that same thin line between love and hate they are using in their own countries??
Lock them out of the plantation and salt mine economies??

Or hope the ineptitude of their aptitude, scares people to death before being seen for what it is by being splattered across the friendly skies in one final vision of love in blood, sweat and tears for the Ages and Years.