If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Climate Change Studies Show Continued Asinine Signs Of The Times
Unity Consciousness #2914

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzq of 11)

Rising Antarctic ice melt will dramatically slow global ocean flows – study [ooh, aah, oh my god, what, i'm nervous, I'm worried, what i'm gone do]. These are the things these type of irresponsible articles posing as academic excellence and scientific credibility are trying to evoke from unwoke folks whose lullabies have base lines of fear.
This is yet another study in a barrage of studies that are examples of people getting paid whose spirits, minds and emotions are enslaved to miseducation and who have pledged allegiance to the asili of societies, which is to maintain control at all costs by helping keep people lost.
The article says: “Rapidly melting Antarctic ice is dramatically slowing down the flow of water through the world's oceans, and could have a disastrous impact on global climate, the marine food chain and even the stability of ice shelves, new research has found.” [new regurgitated research]

The article goes on to say: “The "overturning circulation" of the oceans, driven by the movement of denser water towards the sea floor, helps deliver heat, carbon, oxygen and vital nutrients around the globe.”

This article is par for the illogical course just as is any discussion about school shootings, colony collapse disorder, cancer or any other problem, all of these discussions remaining dense, thus unresolved and worsening.

Nutrient Circulation In Oceans

Like all things, there are many factors that are part of sets of factors. We can call these conditions and sets of conditions, or we can use other terms to remind us that if temperatures are rising and sea levels are rising and glacial ice is melting and ocean circulation is slowing down, the only way this can happen is if, in the various dimensions and layers of the same ecosystem, temperatures are falling, sea levels are falling, glacial ice is accumulating and ocean circulation is speeding up. Ocean waters are not a closed ecosystem and neither is Earth.
Ecosystem means combination. Life means combination. Climate means combination. Climate change means a combination of changes.
Consider the following contributing factors, conditions that can also bring nutrients from the ocean floor to the ocean surface:

1. a process called “upwelling” due to wind changes
2. earthquakes. Those centered below dry land and those centered below wet land (underwater in oceans)
3. volcanoes. Those on dry land and those underwater in wet land (oceans)
4. shifts in cold regions
5. magnetic pole shifts and shifts in electromagnetic forces in all or some grid line such as latitude, longitude and angles of light, to name a few
6. changes in moon effects
7. changes in sun effects that are more than just the sun's warming influences
8. land fall and land rise, both on dry land and underwater
9. the motions of all sea life
10. hurricanes, underwater whirlpools and underwater tornadoes
11. release of gases from the ocean floor
12. ocean burping, belching, farting (release of the gas called air)
13. various pressure changes that contribute to gradient changes that contribute to diffusion that contribute to motion, movement, circulation, cycling.
14. changes in the oceans waters called outer space called dark energy and dark matter
15. changes within the black hole of the Milky Way
16. changes in the under inner layers of earth
17. changes in the formulations of species, genectic changes, rna changes, drna changes
18. changes that override and overrule human unwillingness, resistance and inability to know better and do better

All this is to say that individuals must align with the times.
There will absolutely be nothing significant done by nations, states, counties or communities to help prepare people to remember how to live in harmony with the ecosystem. This is so because nations, states, counties and communities are part of the societal asili and worldview of suboptimal thinking that keeps them in an estranged relationship with climate, ecosystem, self, all else.
In many places in human societies, many so-called clean energy, back to nature, organic, natural approaches are being undertaken; however these steps won't move the needle enough in the right direction. It's up to individuals to look out for themselves by going off grid, homesteading, planting, getting water from non-municipal sources, and learning things that allow themselves to continue to have access to the basic basics for living, even if all else fails and exposes our confusion of heads and tails.
In order for humans to prevail through “climate change,” humans must prevail upon themselves and assail their own logic rather than worrying about how climate is changing and what we can do to stop it so we don't have to change.
This requires continued improvements in knowledge of self and all else. In order for individuals and their descendants to make it through this period of climate change, individuals must understand that mind change is always an integral and necessary part of climate change. Logic change is always necessary as climate changes. The way you think and behave must change as climate changes. You already sorta make small scale changes when it rains or seasons change. Larger scale climate change on a global, lunar, solar, stellar and galactic level requires larger changes in our thinking and behavior to align with those cycles of times. It is asinine to improperly define climate change and asinine to promote the notion of studying climate change so that we humans can supposedly know how to prepare for these changes, especially when the majority of what these studies propose is aimed at humans stopping or greatly reducing climate change, as if we can control the outer ecosystem without controlling the inner ecosystem.

The article mentioned in the first sentence of this message wants us to not think and simply believe that impending and unavoidable disaster is the result of the global warming type of climate change. No article from these ambassadors of the capital and its academies mention that fact that the only disaster than can come from climate change is human disaster. No other species will experience disaster. Why not? Because all other creations change as climate changes.
If the ocean truly is heading for disaster, then Earth will die. Do you really think climate change is threatening the life of Earth? This is why we should not spend time and other resources trying to save polar bears, penguins, monarch butterflies or bees. This is because it is asinine to try to save one thing while harming many other aspects of the ecosystem. We have to become partners in micro climates where these efforts will be more effective.
Before Earth dies, humans will die first and all other species will survive and be revived, but not humans. Humans who are raised by societies are mental midgets compared to all other species. Conversely, humans raised by civilizations are on par with all other species, thus behave respectfully, in a non-rude manner.

Why Are Temperatures Rising? According To The Status Woe Of Asininity

“ human activities—particularly emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases—are mostly responsible for making our planet warmer.” https://www.google.com/search?q=why+are+temperatures+rising&oq=why+are+tem&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i512l9.4551j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

In other asinine words:
1. Daily climate change, when it gets warmer during the day and colder at night, is caused by humans and not the rotation of Earth.
2. Seasonal climate change, when temperatures rise for several months and then fall for several months, is caused by humans and not by Earth's revolution.
3. Intermittent climate change is caused by solar storms and coronal mass ejections, not by humans.
4. Multi-year climate change is caused by solar maximums and solar minimums.
5. Longer term climate change is caused by humans and not the position of Earth in the Galaxy because Earth is tethered to the Sun's revolution.
6. Humans are responsible for large scale broad climate change but not all of the above smaller scale climate changes. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
I guess not because humans are not said to be the cause of increases in droughts, deluges, tornadoes and hurricanes. Or at least these increased climate change events are not talked about in relation to humans being responsible, which is why humans think they can stop global warming but take no responsibility for other changes.
7. Again I ask, did humans cause the various periods of global warming that brought different regions out of their Ice Ages? What kinds of human activities caused these global warmings?
8. In other asinine words, climate would not change significantly if there were no humans or if human activities were in harmony with the ecosystem.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Pelham 123 Provides Glimpses & Insights Into Brainwashed & Non-Brainwashed Black Cultural Differences
Unity Consciousness #2913

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzp of 11)

In the movie, The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009 version), Denzel Washington's character, Garber, calls his wife, Therese. She says the news said a dispatcher was talking to the terrorists.
Garber finds it important to correct her by saying they are not terrorists.
His wife, played by Aunjanue Ellis, says, “They are if they're down there waving guns at people, right?”
Garber then tells his wife he has to take the money down to the tunnel.
His wife says, “What! Are they crazy?”
In another display of his brainwashing he says, “It's real simple. There's nothing to it. What it is, is he knows I'm not a cop, so he wants me to come down. They need me to take the money down because they know I'm not a cop...and, you know, they're saying that he might kill somebody, honey.
His wife says, “Well, then somebody has to die, because you can't.”

You gotta love the different way we do when not confused.

Two kinds of Black characters worked in this movie, but if more of the characters were true blue black and the script was the same, it wouldn't work, because real black people wouldn't act the same way.
Even the black guy who took a bullet for the white woman and her boy child was a stretch of sensibility. The writers and director are white males raised by snow wolves and polar bears. The black guy is Wallace who is played by Olugbenga Enitan Temitope Akinnagbe.

Hidden Symbolism

Lee Wallace is the real name of the Mayor in the 1974 version of Pelham 123. In the 2009 version, the Mayor was asked to substitute himself for the 17 hostages. He declined. John Travolta's character, Ryder said he wouldn't take that deal anyway.
As a proxy, the black hostage named Wallace was sacrificed, whose character is an ex-member of supposedly elite Army Rangers who are supposedly protectors of so-called America's supposed best in the world freedom. [all this from one of the top ten brainwashing centers where you can earn continuing credits for miseducation to go along with your good education diplomas, degrees and licenses].
Despite Garber shooting the movie's bad guy Ryder, the police still treated Garber as a threat, something which was allowed to happen by NYPD hostage negotiator Camonetti. He was in the helicopter and knew who Garber was and could have easily radioed or used the loudspeaker to tell the police to stand down in regards to Garber, but he didn't and instead, after allowing 10 police to point guns at Garber and order him to drop his weapon, Camonetti chose to grin and salute Garber from the helicopter and then fly off.
This is because Garber in the 1974 version was a white male transit police lieutenant who did not have an overbearing boss or group of people surrounding and hounding him, nor was he shown to be criminal. Why was Garber in the 2009 version played by a black man demoted to dispatcher and given multiple white male overseerers and shown to be criminal and forced to admit it by a white terrorist. All this is still necessary 35 years after the first version. White Garber was disrespectful to the terrorists while Black Garber was respectful until the last minute when he shot Ryder. Contrary to how crime is portrayed in societies, crime does pay in the short-term.
As an aside, one website that explains some of the differences in two of the three versions of Pelham 123: https://spectrumculture.com/2012/04/29/re-makere-model-the-taking-of-pelham-one-two-three-1974-vs-the-taking-of-pelham-1-2-3-2009/
All three versions are discussed at : https://www.filmstories.co.uk/features/examining-the-three-takings-of-pelham-one-two-three/#:~:text=Adapted%20for%20the%20screen%20in,for%20hijack%20thrillers%2C%20Mark%20argues

All movies or characters, written from any level of black perspective should show significant cultural differences. However, in societies such as the Usa, movies and television shows tend to water down these differences unless those differences show basic human vices often portrayed as unique to the black experience such as guns, drugs, sex, single parents, singers, athletes, hair stylists and other intended limitings, denaturings, denegritudes, denigrifications and denigrations.
In a civilized country, most movies and shows would show the uniqueness of cultures while showing the sameness of cultures.
It would be interesting to see Pelham 123 written and directed by black people and all the characters switched racially.
The remake writers should get first inspiration from Garber's wife who keeps it simple and unstupid by basically telling Garber, you better bring your under investigation we don't need you black ass home and invest in a gallon of white milk and walk through this gate. She was letting him know to focus on what's important (your family responsibility), thus let somebody else save the damn world that keeps slamming you for little to no crime while applauding themselves for much worse.
His wife knew they didn't need a gallon of milk, because obviously this was outside the norm as shown by Garber's insistence on changing it to a half gallon. She was basically using the milk and the amount to try to break him out of his brainwashing and let him know that she and their child need him a lot more than that job or the city and that the only thing white you need to care about is milk, which is also a metaphor for what is normal, priorities, staples, basic needs and liquid essence from the milk cow of heaven, Hathor-Nut, aka Aquaria, mother of the Milky Way.

These hidden insights might not have been intended by the human writers and directors but they were intended by the luck of other rekhs, superhuman writers and directors who are continuously rewriting logic scripts from one word and waking us up by revealing truths that have always been there in a variety of shapes, forms and fashions.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Humans Are High Maintenance
Unity Consciousness #2912

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzo of 11)

What the hell was God thinking when humans were created?
Seems like the Gods were tired, sleepy and not thinking straight.
Why create a universe of multiple subecosystems that all work perfectly self-sufficiently, and then create humans on this Earth who can't fend for themselves without needing a whole new set of tools that no other creature needs?
Humans need to make clothes.
Humans need to cook many of the foods we eat.
Humans still don't know how to prepare food for maximum nutritional effect.
Humans don't know what to eat unless it comes from a human store.
Human need a lot of stuff such as utensils, furniture for every room and more than one set of clothes.
Humans have great difficulty communicating properly.
Humans get lost despite having many tools to help them find their way.
Humans need fire.
Humans need a lot of personal care products.
Humans need a lot of cleaning products.
Each human needs to take more from nature in order to create shelter than any other creature has to.
Humans waste a lot and don't know what to do with their shit and piss so they accumulate waste in large piles.
Humans need a bunch of other humans in order to stay healthy. No other creature needs this.
Yet humans have the most sicknesses.
Humans have to be the most gullible.
Humans have to take the longest to learn from history.
Humans need the longest amount of time to raise their young.
Humans need money.
Humans need governments and schools and many other institutions. Other creatures do not.
Humans need approval from other humans to do many things.
Humans have to own more than they need.
Humans need 9-1-1. 911 is 11 is 2 is two truths. This is what humans really need and then all the high maintenance would go away.
Humans have not learned to work with the seasons or weather or other cycles, including the cycle of light and darkness.
Simply put all other creatures have the habits to learn sufficient knowledge of self and all else. Humans learn and forget frequently.

I'm convinced humans were created to exemplify multiple cycles of creation and destruction, civilization and barbarism called society. This puts the greatest stress on the ecosystem which gives the greater gods another level of challenge to solve, a challenge that cannot be solved by a self-correcting ecosystem where none of the creations have the propensity or ability to behave in such a widespread destructive manner.
Humans upside is good but seems to mainly benefit humans; however, human downside has a greater impact to harm the ecosystem.

Luck Does And Doesn't Explain Anything & Everything
Unity Consciousness #2911

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzn of 11)

Imbalanced Use Of Luck

When something we consider good, happens, we are quick to say we are blessed and God is with us, them, her, him.
Yet, when something we consider bad, happens, we almost never say, we are cursed and God is not with us, them, her him.
We are always attributing things to God that we like, but not the things we don't like. We rarely attribute the “bad” things to “the devil” or some other evil force based on our religion and utamawazo worldview context.
As an exception, in a loose sense, we do equate “natural disasters” with an act of God, but we stop short of saying it is a curse.
Conversely, we rarely attribute “good weather” to an act of God.

Luck Is Rekh

Back in 2015, luck was explained in What Is Luck? | Dumbed-Down By Luck | Definition, UC#110.
It must be clarified that we are not dumbed down by luck, but rather by our understandings regarding luck.
The word luck is the word rekh.
Rekh has been much discussed and is the magi, priest, the wise, the reckoner, time-keeper, the knower, the arch tek (architect), the washer, purifier, and whitener (enlightener), judge, teacher, leader. Of course the Supreme Rekh is the Highest Deity in any belief system.
Rek is time, rule, law and is the same as Ker and Kher and Truth and Kar and Ark and Circle and Cycle and Star and...
Thus, what we attribute to luck or to god by any name or evil by any name is the same thing as saying it is due to one or more forms of spirit-soul, elements and conditions. Because we can't explain it and are too malnourished to work through the critical analysis to remain awake, attentive and retentive in order to get through the chain of causes and effects, we summarily say it's luck or some kind of miraculous act of God, happenstance, chance, coincidence fortune, misfortune, fortunate or miracle. All of these terms have been specifically discussed.
When we take this approach, we usually make imbalanced statements that fail by our own admission. For instance, when one or a few people survive a plane crash, we say god was with them, but what we are also saying is that god was not with the others. God then must be a respecter of persons who saves some and allows others to die, saves some children and allows others to die, allows the good to die young and the bad to live long and spread rot.
Whenever you or someone else invokes luck or God or blessing to explain something, think about the fullness and balance of what you are actually saying and hopefully you will recognize (rekhognize, rekhonwise).

Since Rekh are the knowers, it can be said that Wrecks are humans who are the unknowers, the don't knowers, the pretend to knowers, the fakers, the most highly touted in societies. As explained elsewhere, an “ology” that we use as a suffix is a rek, a rekh, a rekhi; however, in societies, ologies, rather than being the study of something as part of an optimal scientific process, is instead the memorization for the purpose of regurgitation of the bastardization, bitchification and limitation of understandings. In societies, ologies are weapons of mass destruction used to certify false superiority and authority for the purposes of controlling the external due a lack of control of the internal. In other words, to control something else as a substitute distraction from that which is not controlled within self, especially the lack of self-study and self-correction.
Similarly, since luck is used to explain what we don't understand (don't connect the dots of causes and effects to allow us to paint by numbers), we use “work” to explain what we do understand and frequently describe this work as “process.”

If something is true or false, then the opposite must also be true or false. For instance, if the presence of water makes life possible, then the absence of water makes death possible. Also the presence of water must make death possible and the absence of water must make life possible. Water helps create bonds and water helps break bonds. Thus, overall, water is both useful and harmful based on amount, type and other conditions.
So again, if something good happens due to god then something bad must be due to god or at least due to the Ogo, Set, Yurugu, the devil. If a superhuman force is involved in the good things, then a superhuman force must be involved in the bad things.

Luck, good and bad, has very little to do with an individual solely or an outside force solely. Luck, good and bad, is the result of a combination of factors. Sometimes individuals have more or less control and say so in the matter. Same goes for blessings and curses. Is it good luck to survive a plane crash and bad luck to get on the plane? Is it a blessing not to get shot in a mass shooting or bad luck to be there? If there is luck, blessings and curses involved in anything then both sides are always involved.

What I know from personal experience is that despite what we do and control, things won't necessarily go as wanted or planned. Other factors might alter things. However, on several occasions, despite not controlling the things I could, I was given one last chance to avoid a bad situation, in the times I heeded the warning, the voice, the feeling, the intuition, I was able to save myself from difficulty. At other times, in retrospective, I had the chance, didn't heed it and experienced difficulty. It is a certainty there were many other occasions that have gone one way or the other that I am unaware of. Some of these hinged more on the actions and inactions of other creatures, spirits, elements and humans, than they depended on my conscious participation and avoidance. Fates, destinies, experiences and outcomes are in no way singularly dependent on an individual human, another creation, another ancestor or another spirit. All things that take place in this universe are co-dependent in many ways and many layers, including the layers of time.
Because we are miseducated I must expressly state that this in no way excuses us from doing what we should do and not doing what we should not do. As long as we do this, this is the best we can do, yet there is no guarantee that this is sufficient. As a matter of fact, it is not. There must always be assisting factors because there are always resisting factors. If you are still unsure of these truths, consider all the bad things that happen to babies and children and you decide whether the child is responsible or the parents or other factors. When do humans become solely responsible? Who has ever achieved anything alone? This has been discussed many times under the banner of “help” and again under “innocent”. What did a person do wrong when in their home and get struck by a “stray” bullet? Do everything necessary to get a job or start a business and other factors can still interfere despite your diligence. Is it good luck, bad luck, a blessing or a curse? What about the tree that blooms and then another freeze comes and kills the blooms, thus no fruit this season and no food for other creatures that rely on that tree? Is the tree responsible? Predators such as big cats have been given many skills, yet despite their experience, they still fail because they are not the only actors and factors at play. What makes us humans think that we are the “masters of our fates?” You might be a good defensive driver, but that alone is no guarantee of avoiding accidents. On an on we can go to show that no who “succeeds” or “fail” is the sole author, factor, contributor to the outcome. “Hard work,” “disciple” and “dedication” are other banners, and are good things, but are insufficient to guarantee results although they do produce many good results in the present, but might only bear discernible and harvestable fruit in another lifetime.
What is really going on is that societies want people to think success and failure is due to individual effort. This is so the society can shift the blame for its intentional institutional systemic actions to ensure that the majority of success and failure is greatly influenced by the society's culture because society's are intentional maintainers of imbalances. This does explain a lot about what is going on in human groupings.
Many creatures contribute to the good luck, bad luck, blessings and curses that befall themselves and others. Life is a shared experience, an ecosystem experience. Lack of sufficient knowledge of self and knowledge of all else keeps our level of awareness hog tied to unhealthy understandings regarding luck, blessings and curses.

By The Way, to say Good Luck is to say Khut Rekh, Khuti Rekh, Khat Rekh, Maat Rekh, Kherrekh, Khu Rekh, Kharet, Karest...

Monday, March 20, 2023

Birthday Cake Origin & Significances Predate Humans
Unity Consciousness #2910

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzm of 11)

Humans are late to the party.
The first birthday cake was when the messi mass was baked in the waters and when dry land appeared due to a rising up of land and a receding of water. This basically created mountains and valleys that provided boundaries and pathways of lower places for streams, rivers, creeks, lakes, seas and oceans to accumulate, circulate, percolate and evaporate.
More recently than the first birthday cake in the universe, our home star called Earth had two initial birthdays – one in the waters of the black hole and one out of the waters and into the waters of dark matter and dark energy that we call outer space.
For us humans, we don't realize that our birthday is also a simultaneous celebration of our earthday – we are coming out of our human mother and out of Earth because we are formed of Earth.
In other words, our birthday and earthday is when our physical bodies came out of the waters of our mother's womb.
Our birthday and earthday is also a deeper subconscious spiritual acknowledgment of our spirit-soul birth out of the waters into the form of Earth and into the form of us. We are the re mes, the remes, the remix.

Dry matter, our physical bodies and land, are forms of a baked cake, a cake of mes (sem, truth).
Earth is a cake decorated with all forms of nature.
The reason we use candles on a cake is to recognize spirit-soul as the spark, fire, light, star and symbol of life. Each candle represents the anniversary or rebirth of one cycle of spirit-soul that we call age and year. This is why days, months, weeks and years are based on star cycles such as sun stars, moon stars and earth stars.

Birthday is Earthday is Breathday is Breadday is Bredday is Reincarnation Day.
Our bredday is our conception day and carnation day but is not celebrated by us. Our bredday is also the rebirthday of spirit-soul in the waters of our mother's womb. In other words, we, like Earth, have more than one birthdate.

We eat cake to celebrate another year of life just as we eat cake called Earth in order to live.
This cake, called Earth, is reborn and reformed into many types of food (essences, essentials, nutrients). We bake cake because land is a cake of mess (mass) that is baked in the waters through a star-fed heated fermentation process that changes mes into land.

A birthday cake combines the five primordial forms of spirit, water, earth, fire and air.
This is why, pregnancy is described as a bun, bread, loaf or cake in the oven.

Cutting cake is a form of one becoming many and a form of how the universe is divided and how a circle and cycle are divided into sections and how Earth is divided and how we are divided into sections.
All birthday cakes contains layers of ingredients and some birthday cakes contain more than one outer layer. These two overall truths mirror the universal metaphor of dimensions.

Cake, and the word cake, are forms of Khekh and Kak and Kh and Sekh and BAP and Khart and Hearth.
Gifts are given on birthdays because life is given on birthdays.
Gift is Khes is Khut is God is Spirit is Life.
Gift is Khat is birthplace, birther and that which is birthed, all three are gifts (Khuts, forms of gifts, forms of god, forms of spirit).
Gift is Neft, Nef, Khnef, Nephthys, Nephesh, Nebethet, Neb-hetep, Heth, Hesit, Khif, Taht, Paft, Tept - all thirteen are breath, air, wind, spirit-soul.
By the way, as a result of our birthdate, we recognize the significance of the star under which we are born. We call this our zodiac sign. This symbolism and ritual of celebrating our birthday is not different from the star under which the christ, the ever-coming one was born and which we light a candle on a tree and give gifts, though most are misdirected.
Our zodiac sign is a star sign, a star signature, sign-nature, Khes nature. We use our star sign as a significant part of our identity that dictates a portion of who we are and why we think and behave a certain way. Star signs are universal for all humans and earth inhabitants, yet, when inappropriate, we set aside this universal connected sameness acknowledgment and allow many suboptimal identifiers to throw us out of balance, harmony and health and allow Destroyer Principle thinking to rule our being.
We have several zodiac signs that mirror and match the Star Ages that exist at the time of our birth. This is an additional reason why we are multi-faceted and multi-dimensional and multi-layered. Our spirit-soul is the basis of this with its many divisions, the seven elementals being one of those groups of divisions.

A birthday is primarily a superhuman event.
It is ignorant and misleading to say, “I'm only human” unless our definition of human takes on its optimal meaning in our psyche. We are barely human, but we allow this small aspect of self to override the significances of what birthdays are mainly about.

Birthdays are not for the purpose of someone else acknowledging it, wishing us well and giving us gifts. Birthdays are for the purpose of reminding us to remember who we are, where we came from and why we are here. This is self-love and self-gifting that benefits all else.
Humans are late to the party because humans were at the bottom of the guest list.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Climate Change Elephant In The Room
Unity Consciousness #2909

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzl of 11)

Humans are wasting time attempting impossible things.
What is one of those impossible things?
Trying to save other animals from climate change.

The reason it's impossible is not because humans have not yet saved themselves.
The reason saving other animals from climate change is impossible is because climate change is climate environmental change that changes the logic of the galaxy, thus the actions of fundamental forces, thus changes the shape, form, fashion, size, viability and numbers of creations (animals).

One of the purposes of climate environmental change is to alter the mix of creations (animals).

The elephant in the room is the Woolly Mammoth.

The woolly mammoth is simply a hairy elephant.
Why was it hairy? Because the climate was colder.
Animals that we think are in jeopardy are simply animals that will adjust and change form. Some animals might be reduced in number. Some might no longer exist in the form we are used to, but will continue to exist in some form.
We know dinosaurs still exist. Don't we?

Earlier humans couldn't and didn't save the unicorn, yet the unicorn still exists. Unicorn does not mean a one horned white horse. It means a single one horned animal, a unihorn. The unihorn still exists in several one horned animals that are further divided into insects, birds, fish and plants, such as the narwhal (a whale unnecessarily not spelled whale) and the swordfish, sailfish, marlin, gar fish, billfish, unicornfish, bumpheads, anglerfish, dorsal fins and plants with a single long spike, just to name a few more currently existing unicorns that survived large scale climate environmental change.

So if animals such as the polar bear are destined to perish due to climate change, humans can't stop it. What are humans going to do, use snow-making machines to create a cold habitat for polar bears to live in? Polar bears are not fundamentally different from Kamchatka Brown Bears, Ussuri Brown Bears, Grizzlies and Kodiaks or even the mostly vegan Panda.
Humans are unwilling to do the possible, a list which is miles long. For instance, humans are disgustingly unwilling to stop killing animals directly and due to other human activities. Humans are unwilling to stop putting cows, chickens, pigs and turkeys through hell just so we can have meat every day of the week with every meal. For second instance, humans are unwilling to stop children in the favored group from being killed at school, while these same worldwildlife.org type fake kind-hearted people who are going to save animals, participate in the intentional gun violence against children in the disfavored group, while not doing anything to save human animals from homelessness and lack of nutrition and lack of healthcare. These are black and white contrasts and contradictions that have caused humans to waste resources on the impossible and not apply resources towards the possible.

The best humans can ever do is to save themselves from climate change by understanding it as climate environmental change. Human technology will not save humans if either the technology or the human is not aligned with optimal theory based knowledge of self and all else. And this is why every kind of weather event “knocks out” human technologies such as electricity, water, phones, roads, and so on, and as a result humans go through predictable unavoided periods of panic and hardship. And why thousands of human animals continue to die when the earth shakes and humans quake. This must be because nothing can be done about these problems.
And then after problems manifest, instead of naming the preventable causes, we focus on how communities come together to help each other and the life-saving efforts and all the technologies being used. We think it's applaudable and good for people to say they are going to rebuild. Well if you are willing to rebuild after a “disaster” then why weren't you willing to rebuild before the disaster and dismantle, redesign and rebuild your community from the logic up?
So another way to look at climate change and saving “non-human animals” is that animals endangered by climate change is a problem that is not a problem, and is, in fact another intentional means of distraction from other problems and is in fact another way for members of the favored group to get money, just like their co-conspirators called scientists, researchers and universities.
If these animal saving people and supporters were sincere and in any ways qualified to actually save an animal, they would take a holistic approach, whole realistic approach to life, existence, self, all humans, all else, the ecosystem, their culture.

Humans could save all animals by simply stopping climate change by either stopping Earth from rotating or revolving or stopping the sun and moon from doing the same. Humans could simply use current weather control technology to do this. Humans might as well go and try to save the glaciers, save the beaches, and try to save the deserts, while sitting around doing nothing about saving humans from drought and lack of resources directed at supplying clean water. Clean water supplied by municipalities does not exist in the USA. All such water is tainted.

Summing It Up

Current humans attempt to do things using human technologies as the primary solution and the lack thereof as the primary problem. Due to the existence, promotion and use of these technologies, humans illogically think they can do the impossible, go against the natural world, stop the natural world from doing what it does and wants to do. Current humans think we have the best technology of all humans who have ever existed, yet we have contributed the least to the advancement of humans, and have in fact, moved humans backwards.
Humans stupidly behave this way because humans don't want to admit their faulty thinking, weak-mindedness, moral degradation and criminal intents. Humans do not want to do what is easiest and possible, change their logic, their ways, their culture from bottom to top and from inside to out. Humans do not want to give up their current comforts even though the discomforts and human disasters are greater. All current humans care about is a sense of certainty caused by money that allows them to get some food, shelter, hedonistic pleasures and sense of worth based on any kind of behavior that leads to these things.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Prostitution Not The Oldest Profession
Unity Consciousness #2908

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzk of 11)

Once again we are stupefied by lies that are verified simply because they are repeated. The majority of people don't question what they are hearing, seeing, saying, doing, being. How can prostitution be the oldest profession?
You mean to tell me prostitution is older than hunting, gathering, building shelter, cooking, clothes making, tool making...?

Our language, logic, cultures and societies are filled with beau-coo lies and copious half lies. We the people, in order to be more perfectly disunited, repeat these lies simply minded because these lies rhyme with the times (the dominant human asili and worldview).

Lying and Ineptitude Are Older Professions

What follows is a March 2023 case in point that adds to what was pointed out in “Medical Examiners, Doctors & Physicians As Liars About Cause Of Death, Unity Consciousness #2879”
So this man decided to commit suicide but wanted to make it not look like suicide, then he carried a rug and plastic to a location, wrapped himself in both and died.

By The Way, Another Way To Look At It

When the word “prostitution” is used, it is automatically assumed to mean women as sexual prostitutes in service to male customers. It is also assumed to mean this type of prostitution is necessary because men are dominant and women need men in order to survive, thus think. Yet the males are not viewed as in need of women for sex and the type of sex they can't get any other way.
Newsflash: If prostitution emerged as a need for survival and who is dominant, then males would have been the first prostitutes because women were dominant first. Females would have had to be the first gender equipped with physical strength, survival skills and protection skills. This is in contrast to a multitude of images showing human survival dependent on males because of their strength and prowess for hunting. This is also in contrast to what is exhibited by most other animals in the natural world.
Prostitution of the type we think prostitution means, is not the result of the dominance of one gender or the weakness of one gender. This type of prostitution, as well as most other forms, is the result of the destroyer principle being the dominant part of a culture, thus the dominant status of the culture is unhealthy, problem-filled, cancer-filled and dysfunctional in the most rudimentary of ways. No amount of human concocted technology or word spell branding can stop causes from producing effects.
Humans today are soft, essentially hardened criminals against self and all else, committing many crimes against the rights of creation. Today's humans are not even close to being as strong and as natural world savvy as earlier humans, which is why we panic quickly and perish quickly in the absence of human concocted technology when we have to attend to basic needs. We are too natural world stupid not to drive through water covered roads. It must be because we think the human technology of a motor vehicle is greater than the fundamental force of water and that 911 is like a get out of stupidity free card.

Again, prostitution as the oldest profession can't ever be possible, not even in recent times when a group of people suboptimally form into a society and epitomize barbarianism. Prostitution still can't be the first profession. Since prostitution is usually meant to mean females selling themselves to males, prostitution called the oldest profession is a way to throw shade on females that they have been prostitutes since the beginning of time and that their first means of survival and go-to means of survival depends on males and not on female ability to think and do for themselves. This notion was likely started around the same time Egyptian Gospels and Christianity were bastardized into the God awful spells, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and other religions of the past 2,000 years. We have been living in a period of time where patriarchy is on growth hormones, steroids, opioids and alcohol.

It has been explained how current day “employment” and for-hire “jobs” in business workplaces are forms of prostitution and slavery. We are trading our services for money just so we can barely survive and based on this fragile status, feel secure. Prostitution of any type, including employment, pledges of allegiance, citizenship require a selling of spirit-soul-mind-emotion, before the body can be sold and told it's okay for this or that reason and justification.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Sorry Mark Twain, History Absolutely Repeats & Rhymes
Unity Consciousness #2907

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzj of 11)

Discussed elsewhere is the fact that every creation that has ever existed is a part of history. Also every moment in each creation's life is a part of history. Every action and every inaction of every creation is a part of history. Stop allowing your miseducation taught to you by your society to severely limit your understanding of what “history” is, thus also retard you in many other ways. You are history.
Due to the abundance of evidence in self and all else, if “know yourself” was the status of education among humans, it would be well-known that history repeats itself within individuals, families, small groups, large groups, workplaces, organizations, communities, nations.
As always things are better understood when part of the inquiry process includes turning to the greatest part of nature for examples. That greatest part of nature is the part that existed long before humans and is always and forever the dominant force everywhere anything is.
”One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.
The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose.
The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits.
All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.
All things are full of labour; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”
(Ecclesiastes 1: 4-9)

This Message Reminded By: Ecclesiastes 1:9
And yes, in the past few months, I've heard several people repeat and cosign on the Mark Twain line.

By the way, what do you think it means when we “relive” something?
Is it being repeated or rhymed?

We have been programmed to consider Mark Twain as some kind of super thinker but when we use critical analysis to break down his statement about history not repeating but rhyming, we can only consider this to be wisdom if we leave out all the history of the natural world and leave out the many forms of repeated history by humans, between humans and within humans.

See repeat.

Would you call the Earth rotating on its axis, a repeat or a rhyme?
Is Earth's rotation a part of history?
Is Earth's daily rotation a historic event?
Is each day a part of history?
Then what about everything that takes place within the span of a day?
Are these things repeating, rhyming or neither?

Do some things create history and some things don't?
Are some things historic and some things not?
How so? Who determines it?
Is there one set of criteria for the history of the natural world and another set of criteria for the history of humans?
Does something humans call “historic” mean it is more important than something that is not?
See repetitive.

Does something have to be exact in all aspects in order to be considered a “repeat?”

And what about rhyme? Is the history we say is rhyming, an end of the line rhyme, a near rhyme, internal rhyme or other forms of rhyming?

Is a twin a repeat or a rhyme?
How so?

If rhyming can be different and still be considered rhyme, then can history be different and still be considered history?
Be not deceived by your answer to the previous sentence. Elsewhere it has been put forth that children are a repeat of their parents and earlier ancestors even though each child is different and the same.

If it is true that “there is nothing new under the sun,” then history must always be being repeated shouldn't it?
Then what is happening each day has already happened on earlier days. Hasn't it?
Thus human history is used history and recycled history and reused history and repurposed history, isn't it? Aren't all the names we use for everything, actually repetitions of earlier names and forms of earlier names and combinations of earlier names?

Aren't names a part of history?
Don't you do many things today that you did yesterday, and many you do the same dang way?
When we remind someone or are reminded, is this a repeat of history, something that already happened?
When we remember, isn't that repeating?
Isn't practice the same thing as repeating?

Take a look at your logic, then look for examples in the greater natural world (the natural world context/worldview), then take a better informed look at your logic.
Because you do too nonstop, I also continue repeating myself.
However, it's past time for us to yield to the galactic awakening, be woke, wake up and re-expand our repertoire of understanding the multiple ways history repeats itself, so we too can rhyme with reason, the greater reason, instead of committing treason against spirit-soul because of mind control repeatedly taught bought sold in different forms that rhyme with the reason of our miseducation certified by false wise men.

You have always been a part of history. In your current form, you became a part of history on your birthday (conception day) and again on your rebirth day (transition from the climate changing womb when the waters of the great mother broke). And of course, every moment in between and since, until you make another transition into another dimension, then your history will continue on another page, another chapter, another book, story, phase or however, you choose to conceive sameness, difference and interconnection of one who is many.
You are history and you rhyme with other history, even though not always aligned with the times (the two times) or the current times.

By the way, rhyming is repetition. Even in our simplified understanding of rhyme, we know rhyme is based on repetition of sound. Thus history that rhymes is history that repeats.
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was Heard Through Reverb and Observed.
All Words come from One Word, thus they rhyme and repeat the history of the beginning word. And if the Word was the first creation and the word was God and Light then all other creations and languages and manifestations of all creations are repeating the history of God and Light and rhyme with the same.
Take “One became Many” out of your logic is this message isn't crystal clear.

Take “One became Many” out of your logic is this message isn't crystal clear.

The form of climate environmental change taking place right now is a repeat of history. Just because our severely limited level of awareness prevents us from understanding that this combination of climate environmental change on this Earthstar last happened 25,920 years ago doesn't mean recent and current history are not repeats.

By the way, repetition is the basis of learning, so if history does not repeat, there is very little chance to learn from history or learn from the past since no pattern has been established and the first time something happens is the last time which makes it more likely to be forgotten and its significance missed.

People who say history doesn't repeat are those who don't want to admit they are making the same mistakes, thus are not as intelligent as they pretend to be. They also don't want to admit they are relying on what has already been done before, thus they don't want to admit that what they are doing now is nothing new under the sun. Thus they do not want to give credit where credit is due.

Another Way Of Knowing

History is Khestory is Khesteriu. Simply put Khes is Spirit and Teriu is repetition, thus History is spirit repetition. If history does not repeat itself then neither does spirit. This begs the question of where does all these 100% unique spirits come from that have no part or parcel in another?
Not even the so-called random so called Big Bang can explain things as they are. No branch of societal logic coming from its institutions can explain why many things repeat, but supposedly not history. I know why. Because societies treat history as separate as science and as separate as the inseparables. This is why logic contradictions cause frustration and are suppressed in an effort to resolve by absolving oneself by projecting flaws onto others.