If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Open Concept Living Not Achieved Through Kitchens But Through Family Renovation
Unity Consciousness #2835

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzv of 11)

Everything in existence, every thought, behavior and manifestation of the thinking and behavior of any and all creations, is the result of the motions of spirit-soul in various combinations of elemental souls of life.

Since everything is a clue and insight into what is taking place with spirit-soul principalities, we have pointed to several things taking place on television and in movies serving as pointers to what time in the cycle exists and announcers of what is coming next.

The onset of society in the USA matched what a society is – a barbaric fragmented way to organize a group of people into a country, thus having no chance or intent to be a healthy place. No one should be making the USA starting out by killing natives and then enslaving Africans and then Jim Crow and the continued forms of racism, a side story to their now supposed greatest country in the world claim and greatest in history with only a few problems. USA exemplifies the accumulation of all vices in one place. The masses are sick which is why the society continues its sick ways generation after generation with only non-systemic minor changes touted as progress. This causes an inordinate amount of resources to be wasted on things such as military, police, all manner of healthcare, housing, food and so on. This reveals the true nature of societies. No one in a society, especially patriots, enjoy more than one or two rights of creation, unless that person takes their education into their own hands and operates in the society but not of the society. And even then not all rights are enjoyed because societies attack all rights of creation.
I know your Stockholm Syndrome prevents you from believing the one you love is your tormentor. Societies poison pollute land, water, air and outer space. This alone tells you they are treacherous.

Now a steady stream of people have begun moving towards open concept kitchens, dining rooms and living rooms which involves reconfiguration by removing and adding walls, doors, windows, reframing rooms, adding higher ceilings and rearranging things that just don't work, conflict, contradict and make living in a house problematic, feel closed in, dreary, disorganized and without sensible flow.
This is the same process taking place with spirit-soul as it is going about opening up logic so behavior can open up and the manifestations of humans can make more sense in a great room way, as we are at the threshold of two great room changes called Ages. Spirit-soul and all other creations are steps ahead of humans.
Favored groups in all societies are fighting against this, recently berating being woke and much earlier misrepresenting socialism. They are fighting against what has already been reestablished above, thus the below must follow, obey, yield or succumb to the relentless pressures of principalities who will remove all obstacles to their rulership.**

The task for spirit-soul is to get more people to rely on DYI for the personal renovation of their thinking and behavior, and not rely on popular experts to do it for them or design it for them. This means returning to relying on one's own spirit-soul and ancestors who existed during the last known good configuration of human thinking and behavior. As self-renovation is taking place, knowing who to work with will be easier to determine.
Demolition that precedes reaching an open concept is messy and most often involves redoing foundational things. In the areas that need reworking, some things can be reused and repurposed but most of it cannot. Home renovations are tied to monetary budgets. Personal renovations are only limited to what each person is willing to invest in returning to being open-minded the way they were at birth so they can reconnect to family.

**As spirit-motion cycles take place, alignments change and combinations of alignments change that transfer energy from above to below and the other way around. This then removes strengthening power from the current set of conditions and status quos and adds weakening power to the same. Hundreds of thousands of years of human history bears this out and is the essence of what any means necessary means. Any being equal to uni. It is a unified universal set of environmental climate changes that are able to establish a universe and able to deal with anything in that universe as guided by changes in the Kaos and motherboard. Please let me live on this earth long enough or maintain awareness and influence in another dimension to see the smack down of current societies and reestablishment of civilizations.

Societies Are Necessary As Hell
Unity Consciousness #2834

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzu of 11)

See Part 1, Society Self-Preservation Through Miseducation, Unity Consciousness #2831

Just as religion was appropriate for the conditions that existed, likewise, hell (Amenta underworld) is the necessary rising and falling counterpoint to heaven (Amenetta overworld), and societies are the necessary twin power to civilizations that helps keep the big spinning wheel of heaven in the round and fulfill the need-want incentive of the universe that is a stronger force than any amount of power humans have.
Briefly speaking, civilizations approach life in a healthy manner with a priority on the dynamic balance of needs, while societies approach life in an unhealthy manner with a priority on wants and maintaining imbalance.
Civilizations have at least three problems that are solved by the emergence of societies.

1. Harmony that leads to efficiencies and ever-increasing abundance leads to overabundance, overflowing and ease of living. This slows down and eventually inhibits change and innovation for the next stage of evolution because, if it ain't broke don't fix it. However, it does allow ascension of the hierarchy of needs (rights of creation) and allows individuals and collectives to optimize the optimal pursuit of beingness. However, a lot of free time can also provide room for the opposite effect to breed, thus allow for the growth of vices. Uncorrected human thinking and behavior, by itself, can derail and topple anything, including civilizations, slowly bit by byte, and then suddenly all at once, law by adjudication by institution.

2. Complacency that leads to a dulling of the senses of the reality of dangerous human behavior that is always possible. The threat is from sources within the civilization and from those outside the civilization with whom the civilization interacts and allows to come into the civilization, while assuming the newcomers are civilized, thus giving the benefit of the doubt to those without when it is well-known this benefit cannot be given to those within the civilization or even to self, both of which must be continuously monitored for broken logic.
Complacency is also a partner to human tendency to want to accentuate the positive aspects and downplay the negative aspects. This would be like planning a trip, taking care of all details, getting the car in good working condition, packing all supplies, including safety supplies, monitoring the weather, but ignoring the signs that reveal the intentions and behaviors of other drivers. Sooner or later, this will get you caught up in an “accident.”

3. Cycles of spirit motion, that we call “time”, assist in replacing a longstanding civilization, whether or not the civilization is slowing down. This is similar to programmed cell death that takes place simply due to age or upgrade. It is also similar to people who live beyond 100 years of age and die, even though they are healthy in body and mind.
Cycles of Time not only ensure replacement and renewal, but also ensures the reversal and dismantling of the status quo. This process is aided by human groupings that are not diligent in self-correction, thus allowing problematic logic to fester and grow for too long. There are only three options when this occurs:
a) Ignore, resist, deny and die. One infection can be debilitating and deadly.
b) Pretend to address the problem and die.
c) Actually address the problem by removing all cancerous logic in all portions of the embodiment of the society, its institutions, its culture, and taking all remedial steps to restore the body to the same or better health that existed before the problem existed. Begin to live free.

Spirit-motion cycles of time, in conjunction with the primordials and fundamental forces of nature, have also provided assistance to the movement of land animals by changing the waterscape, landscape and temperaturescape, and by raising and lowering the levels of each. For instance, external healing and sickening influences experienced by human groupings would not be possible if people were unable to travel to other lands, thus be exposed to and exchange many things. The Pangaea facilitated interchange among human settlements. This was slowed down when one land became many lands, but this limitation was overcome. It was also slowed down during Ice Ages. It might be necessary to reimpose limitations on human movement through climate environmental changes. This will certainly spell death for many societies feasting off Africa.
We are reminded that an extended period of isolation from groupings that are either stagnating or lost, is necessary for evolution and is what made primate evolution possible from the perfect beast to the imperfect human. Thus, for us today, ever-increasing levels and types of separation from society logic is paramount and a prerequisite to moving from miseducation towards recuperation of unity consciousness. Be in the society but not of the society.

We can now amend an earlier conclusion and state that Society Self-Preservation Is Not Only Achieved Through Miseducation, But Also Through Delayed Reactions Below To Spirit Motion Reconfigurations Above

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Secrets Of The Sacreds
Unity Consciousness #2833

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzt of 11)

We've already shown that sacred is the same word as scared and scarred.
Earlier forms are kherit and Kharred.

We now expand sacred to be the same word as secret and to mean the same thing as secret.
Secrets are sacreds are sakh reks, sekh reks, Khekh rek, Sekh Rekh. The primary sekh rekh is water, blood and other liquid essences; however all four primordials are sekh rekhs (sacreds).

Some of the many other words now more easily recognizable as related to sacred are words such as (Khu ret, rut, rek), secretive, sacrifice, Khut, Khebt, Khem, two truths, Maat.
Secret has a societal meaning of hidden, thus it must also have the meaning of revealed. All synonyms and antonyms of sacred, secret, hidden and revealed, such as concealed, veiled, glass darkly, shed light, coverup, exposed, out of the closet, out of sight out of mind, come to mind, blocked, undercover, are the powers and functions of water, earth, fire and air, celestial bodies, elemental souls of life formed of spirit-soul and all creations.

I am less concerned about what is hidden by humans and more interested in what is revealed by superhumans and is being revealed by superhumans.

We are always in a period of time when revealed and hidden are taking place, increasing, decreasing and trading places. Now is a time for an accelerated change rate of this activity.
Discussed elsewhere in detail, the movie “Get Out” shows us that each time people begin to wake up and remember their true selves (get out of their sunken place), individuals, institutions and the society move quickly to administer another dose of logic to put them back to sleep. Brainwashing comes to us continuously in our societies. We call it culture, education, news.
The sunken place is one or more layers beneath the surface of awareness outside the dimension of needed understanding. The understanding can be sensed but not grasped. Sunken places are forms of the hidden, the secret and are numerous. They are near and far, large and small. Some are called womb, subconscious, abyss, amenta, heaven, hell, holy of holies. All of them are sacred and contain secrets that are interchanging between hidden and revealed.

What is hidden and revealed is tied to continuously changing cycles of motion (periods of time) This hiding and revealing of sacred secrets is more noticeable the larger the cycle that is changing. Cycle is circuit is ser Khut, sar khut, har khut, Har-Khuti, the Lord of Lords of each Age. Spirit-soul is hiding and revealing sacred secrets throughout the dimensions of self, all else, natural world, earth, celestial, superhuman and human, even as the last vestiges of societies being able to fool most of the people all the time, are weakening to the severing point, aided and abetted by being afraid which frays the tie that binds illogic. Word spells are being broken and some people are snapping out of it, hopefully in enough time to avoid being caught relying on a Titanic sinking society monstrosity that does not have enough know-how and wherewithal to save even the most favored in the favored group. Remnants will survive who are preparing by heeding the warning signs that have existed since the inception infection of each society. These are not hidden secrets because they have been revealed many times in each society and in societies before them. Even civilizations (humans harmoniously aligned for a long time) decline when multiple cycles (combinations of spirit-soul) come together, as they always do are doing right now knock many Humpty Towns down using their own momentum so that they can't be put back together by all of the societal logic, experts, authorities, politicians, military, police, doctors, professionals, businesses, CEO's, geniuses, money, resiliency, scholars, scientists and citizens (king's horses and king's men).

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Gun Violence Attributable To White Mental Illness As The Predominate Precipitating Cause Of Gun Violence Is Hidden In Statistics & The Sadistic Nature Of The People
Unity Consciousness #2832

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzs of 11)

Today, CNN quoted a source that said there is 121 guns for every one hundred persons in the USA. This is grossly misleading for obvious reasons.

Breaking Down Their Use of Statistics

USA population is 332 million /100 residents = 3,320,000 x 120.5 = 400,060,000 guns or 1.2 guns per person of any age. This tells us that the data presented in this fashion only tells us that the USA has the most guns based on population. It does not tell us who in the USA has those guns. In other words, the data attributes a bad characterization to the USA overall, causing certain groups to share in this blame for which they are not responsible.

My Daily Bit Of Sustained Analysis

1. First of all, gun possession must be shown by adults in order to have more accurate meaning. We must remove the number of people under age 20. Although some young people might have access to guns, almost all of them likely do not own guns. The number of people under 20 is 82,550,000 or 83 million.
The revised adult population is 332 million – 82 million = 250 million
250 million / 100 = 2,250,000. 400 million guns / 2,250,000 = 178 guns per every 100 adults over 20 years of age. Compare this to the misleading reporting of 120.5 per every 100 residents in the Usa.
400 million guns / 250 million adults = 1.6 guns per adult over 20. This number is also misleading since not every adult owns a gun or lives in a household with a gun.
We could get more accurate by subtracting the number of people age 20 to 24 who also go to college, since most of this group most likely do not own guns.

2. Second of all, gun ownership statistics are more enlightening if also shown by race. This requires going to other sources and combining the information.
White people are 76% of US population or 251 million. Strangely enough, this is the same number as the number for all adults shown above.
Blacks are 14 percent of the population or 46 million. Thus Blacks and Whites are 90% of US population.
It is reported that 46% of whites have a gun in their home compared to 24% of blacks. It does not take a mathematical genius to understand that white people own a lot more guns per household than Blacks. 46% of the White total of 251 million is a lot bigger number than 25% of Black total of 46 million, i.e. 115 million is much bigger than 12 million. Ten times bigger. White people have arsenals because they like to shoot for fun, kill for fun and, due to being guilty of copious lies and other crimes, are nervous nellies about having to deal with truths about who they are, why they are here and where they came from while also dealing with others learning who they are, where they came from and why they are here.
If in fact civilians who shoot people with guns are the problem, then white psyche as mental illness is the biggest portion of shooters, yet continue to try to make a barbaric society seem legit and do everything but address the root causes of gun violence by anyone who uses a gun. In the USA, it's past time to forget the nonsense about responsible gun ownership, the right to bear arms and other illogic used to justify guns in the hands of civilians, and in the hands of law enforcement. The right for any person to have a gun only applies if you have a civilization. In societies, gun ownership is a privilege, as we already know. If you need guns to enforce “the law,” you have no order. Your laws, and/or their enforcement, do not honor the rights of creation. Guns should only be necessary if someone invades your country. The USA is a chickenshit bully who has violated rights worldwide.

3. The third problem with gun ownership statistics as quoted on popular media, is stated as follows per the Small Arms Survey: “The Small Arms Survey’s estimates of civilian firearms holdings use data gathered from multiple sources. However, with much of civilian ownership concealed or hard to identify, gun ownership numbers can only approximate reality. ”
“Most of the world’s firearms are privately owned, which makes documenting their precise number particularly challenging. Official registration totals provide the most reliable data, although they do not capture the full spectrum of firearms in civilian hands. Estimates, even the most comprehensive, are often not reliable. Maximizing both comprehensiveness and reliability requires the consideration of a wide range of sources....The legal definition of a civilian firearm varies. For example, some states allow civilian ownership of firearms that are restricted to military use in other states. As a result, and depending on the setting, the firearms reviewed in this Briefing Paper range from improvised craft weapons to factory-made handguns, rifles, shotguns, and in some countries even machine guns.”

Data is hard to come by and comparisons among countries is also difficult and can be misleading. Also, if private gun ownership is higher than government gun ownership, then how many guns really are there in civilian hands since we know government agencies have a hell of a lot of guns.

Even the data supplied by the Gun Violence Archive, shortchanges the information by arbitrarily only reporting shootings as mass shootings involving 4 or more deaths. They say, “Mass Shootings are, for the most part an American phenomenon. While they are generally grouped together as one type of incident they are several with the foundation definition being that they have a minimum of four victims shot, either injured or killed, not including any shooter who may also have been killed or injured in the incident.” https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/explainer

All low roads lead to the same conclusion: The USA has the most heinous white people in the world. This we know from history as to who those pilgriming, exploring, settler, invading vagabonds were and who the continuous wave of immigrants are. Wrap your mind around the Usa being the most heinous yet too many people believe otherwise. Wrap your mind around how heinous and violent the USA must be when we know all other societies dominated by whites and other race group terrorists, also are violent and practice Maafa Racism and use guns to control all the people.
Perhaps karma has reserved mass shootings and school shootings for the Usa, but you can be certain that other agents of death are coming for all societies because societies are agents of death themselves.

How many people in the USA, law enforcement and civilians, “get away with” gun violence? The statistics are not compiled. No government, popular media or other organization is tracking and spouting those numbers each time a gun is used, even though it contributes to so-call mass shooting, school shootings and all other forms of threat, injury or death by a gun. All this ducking, diving and dodging the true nature of gun violence is white people being too morally bankrupt to admit that there's something fundamentally wrong with every institution in their society, not a few people here and there who are blamed to have one off lone wolf motives unattached to the culture and underived from the culture.

The Answer Is White People

Who's making the guns?
Who's selling the guns?
Who's making the laws?
Who's doing the background checks?
Who's operating the gun shows?
Who kills the most people?
Who is the most in love with guns?
Who kills for sport with guns or rope?
Who can't live without guns?
Who enjoys blowing up things, shooting things and destroying anything (see home renovation shows)?
Who exemplifies the spirit of the Destroyer Principle?
Whose identity is based on faking?
Whose sustenance is based on taking?

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Society Self-Preservation Through Miseducation
Unity Consciousness #2831

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzr of 11)

Can't be great dealing with self-created problems can you?
Can't be great running around taking solutions and turning them into problems, can you?

Education is the highest form of struggle.

Since education is the highest form of struggle, and since a SOCIETY is the lowest form of human organization, akin to barbarianism and savagery, it is incumbent upon the society to miseducate its citizens in order to maintain the existence of the society. This is in the DNA and Asili of societies. Societies can't be anything but what they are. Societies must end through a combination of self-destructs and additional forces of nature.

Societies must miseducate and poison people before birth and every day after birth. This is because children are born with a natural desire to seek harmony of information, thus harmony of thinking and behavior, I.e, without contradiction. The entire culture and all its institutions must be certain to contribute to the miseducation cause of the society.

Miseducation is Mandated By The Constitution Of The People

The truths of miseducation are prevalent throughout the society in multiple forms of problems and inequities. Even so, the masses of citizens do not overthrow the society because though they struggle, most struggle silently publicly and through resentful compliance, while others struggle, they do so suboptimally through rhetoric, protests and other methods aimed at assuaging injustices by triage but doing nothing to address the repeated need for triage. Lastly, only a small portion of citizens struggle optimally. This summary of struggle is normal for a miseducated people but abnormal for an educated people. It's upside down, inside out, reversed perverse and bass ackwards.
Optimal struggle is a process defined as:
”... rhetoric has not often been turned into action, because rhetoric did not become analysis and analysis did not develop program and program did not lead to insistent careful organizing of our people to effect radical change.”
An understanding of your type of education and level of education can be understood by a methodical open-minded approach to reading every message on this weblog that mentions the words: struggle, struggles, struggled, struggling, strive, strives, strove, striven, striving. It is a guarantee you will be exposed to more truths in a couple of weeks than you have been in dozens of years of formal miseducation and a lifetime of miseducation by the rest of the society, mainly home training, media (mainly television) and government narratives.

If you agree that truth sets you free, then what do lies do?
In other words, if you claim to be free in your country and in your democracy, then you'd better make sure you are not being lied to and that your notions of what makes you free is not an illusion constructed of lies about many things.
And if your country is the best place to live, then why go to another country for a vacation, to enjoy yourself? What kind of joy and relaxation can you find in a less free place that you can't find in the freest country you call home?

And if in fact you've been raised on lies, and lies is the only context you've known, then perhaps you can understand why people who have been in prison a long time are more comfortable there, than on the outside. And this is why people used to lies, are more comfortable living those lies than having to adjust to a healthier world of truths.

You've had enough life experiences to know you've been miseducated.

There are enough reminders everywhere, including on this weblog to bring forth specific examples.
The society constantly tells big ole lies that tell you you are free because of this, that and the other, yet miseducation cannot make you free. Liberation is inseparable from education. And this is why, for instance, many people are trapped in the debt of homes, cars, insurance, taxes of all sorts, fees of all sorts and other expenses, despite, in their minds, being highly educated the best in the world. Most people say they can't quit their jobs because they need money to live, thus they can't be free without money. Since when is freedom equal to money? The subtext is that I am not working because I know the optimal uses of my abilities in keeping with my destinypurposes, instead I am simply working for money. An incarcerated mind uses money as a basis; a liberated mind uses what money replaces.
Societal power is based on lies that justify injustices. Therefore, you must be taught to accept those lies and those injustices as the only way and best way. By extension you must be taught to misunderstand the game, misplace the reason for gains and misplace blame. To deal with the pain of broken logic that your deeper spirit keeps reminding you about, the society uses religion as a sedative and as a deflector and misdirector of energies. Look out for the other institutions that are in collusion to keep you in confusion.
All this and more are truths self-evident that societies place the most vile in charge of institutions and their layers. The other players, the employees, the citizens, the masses are kiss asses.

Unexamined Lives, Unexamined Lies
Unity Consciousness #2830

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzq of 11)

I recently viewed this video in August. This time around, some of the information matched the moment of recent messages on this weblog.
Race Matters by Cornell West

A Handful Of Excerpts

Your worldview rests on pudding.
Defines spirituality as self-invested struggle.
The need to use critical thinking and then fuse critical thinking with spirituality.
We are fundamentally two legged featherless linguistically conscious creatures born between urine and feces.
America is unique in thinking it began with innocence.
Would America be unique among modern nations to move from a stage of perceived innocence to corruption without a mediating stage of maturity?
Race is a litmus test for your maturity.
Word to white folks: Confront the most powerful, not scapegoat the most vulnerable.

Someone said, “an unexamined life is not worth living.” Even though this statement has limitations and does not apply to all situations (lives), it does during times like the past 400 years. We have plenty enough information and more than enough leisure to naturally direct our energies towards moving up the hierarchy of needs. Instead, because we cosign on the societal nature of our country, we have chosen to invert the triangle and pervert ourselves by using leisure to expend energies towards pursuing wants, a process we hope will help us achieve feelings of worthiness that can only be achieved through fulfillment and pursuit of higher and higher needs. For many, this then poisons non-leisure time, causing them to behave the same as if in a dog-eat-dog rat race manner, thus causing it to be so.
At last check, one second ago, right now small mind big time liars considered experts are still trying to claim that if there was one apple tree in the world and it began in the USA, that hundreds of thousands of years later, apple trees around the world are not composed of 100% of the first apple tree. That somehow apples from different continents and islands have different origins and new genetics.
This is the same lie regarding the human race origin in Africa. Phenotype and morphology is still being used by DNA testing companies instead of the genotype of genetics. All this is the etiology of a lie and of a bunch of citizens who haven't learned much.

Cornell West - Intellectual Vocation and Political Struggle in the Trump Moment

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Difference Between Christianity & Christendom
Unity Consciousness #2829

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzp of 11)

This video message not only deals with religion but also Africa, of course, the New World and History, of course.
As it is with all of Dr. Clarke's messages, he comes out hitting and spitting truth, and is relentless even through the end of Q & A.
Black History: An Afrocentric View by John Henrik Clarke (1973)

Monday, November 21, 2022

USA School Shooters Started Before The 1900's
Unity Consciousness #2828

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzo of 11)

Problems in societies are always multi-layered. This is so because societies deny, avoid and intentionally delay problem resolution. This causes problems to fester and beget problems, thus become more and more numerous, tumorous, multi-layered. Societies are good at denying and avoiding healthy fundamentals. This is why societies have many longstanding problems that seem to be new and different but are just different manifestations of the same ones that existed at the inception of the society.
School shooters are the same spirit that goes into countries and kills people, goes into homes with a warrant and kills people, goes into communities and shoots black people of all ages.
School shooters are all those who support these behaviors.
School shooters started before the 1900's; however we will only deal with a small chunk of the problem so we can quickly remember how many tentacles the problem has.
School Shooters are not a school problem but rather an education problem, an institution problem, a government, business, citizen problem, a voter problem. A culture problem. A constitution problem. A collective failure problem. A doublespeak problem. A double standard problem.
If education was about mental uplift, there would be no school shooters.
If Education addressed the total self (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual) there would be no school shooters.
In the USA, education is still practiced as segregation where different types and amounts of educational resources for different groups of people is the norm.
School shooters are the descendants of those who fought against education integration.
School shooters are the descendants of the logic of past and present sickos (racists).
School shooters are the product of everything that touches their lives.
School shooters are the direct result of those who put lies into textbooks and who claim that truth telling will damage white children's psyche. Truth hurts. Guess what. Their psyche is already damaged by schools and the rest of the society.
You can't shoot down truth and not expect different forms of shooting to take place.
School shooters have the same mentality as those who deny children breakfast or lunch at school because they don't have money or their parents did not pay the bill.
Schools shooters are related to those who allow junk food in schools and crappy meals.
School shootings come from not caring enough to pay teachers properly, while administrators make too much in some school districts.
School shootings come from putting too many restrictions and requirements on those who wish to home school.
The education system fails by causing teachers to pay for things out of pocket and work ridiculous hours. Education fails because it is not year-round and more hands-on in the application and reinforcement of understandings. Education is a one size, inflexible system that teaches the glorification of the favored group.
Education is memorization regurgitation, test, grade and score oriented rather than demonstration of understanding oriented.
This is just a small portion of the school shooter problem.
If education in the USA was the best in the world, there'd be no dropouts or failing grades because the education system would be very good at addressing the needs and speed of all learners.
For the republic as it stands, education even fails at teaching reading, reading comprehension, listening, listening comprehension, writing, mathematics and language.
And in case you missed it or dissed it, most of the citizens in societies are school shooters harming students by standing by allowing the same educational abuse that happened to them, continue to take place. Most tests used as measuring sticks, fail to come to the proper conclusions as to education's effectiveness, but rather misplaces education's defectiveness by blaming low achievement on students while taking credit for student high achievement.
Civilizations encourage and enhance virtues; however, societies encourage and enhance vices. The problem of school shootings is the society, almost in entirety, its constructs and finishing touches. Democracy, as practiced in the USA, is an ode to mediocrity. This dulls the senses, the being, and produces all kinds of logic that are projectiles aimed at every child, directly or through ricochet.

In the immortal words of Jonathan 'Jody' Patterson-Davis of Family Affair fame: “Every time I win, I beat myself.”
Thus every time I cast stones, my country-sized peasant house of straw & cards built on sand under glass develops more cracks that become even deadlier spiders that intersect to perfection.
Due to defective free will that craves thrills from ills, every time thinking and behavior aims and shoots to kill, another portion of Pandora's seal is broken.

So what's really going on with citizens in the USA and school shootings is not that they care that something's wrong with the shooter or that children got killed, what citizens are most concerned about is their idyllic notion of the USA, which shatters their self image, which is why they are always trying to state a motive for the shootings so that they can tuck away any broad responsibility that the country has.
The USA has killed many children worldwide, including in this country and including those in the favored group who are far less favored than they think.

School shootings are the result of karma, the result of for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, the result of chickens coming home to roost, the result of all things that come back around, a reaping of what has been sown.
Communities cry now because they have not shed a single tear for black lives.

In the Usa, you have said shooting people with guns is okay for your external police called military, and okay for your internal military called police, and okay to shoot black people in general and arrest them, even grade school black kids and handicapped black kids and mentally ill black people and black people with no arms or legs. You have said it's okay to shoot black protesters just because they won't disperse. You've said it's okay for white people to march around armed and attack the US capitol building and it's okay for police to not shoot them but instead allow hundreds of police to be injured. You've said it's okay for there to be stand your ground and open carry and concealed carry and for Kyle Rittenhouse to possess, carry and shoot people with an assault rifle and on and on in many ways you have said that the sicko use of guns is okay. So how far away from all that poison logic is a mass shooter in the USA and a school shooter?

Guns R US

Guns are the US. Guns and ammo are as widely and easily available as toys. The whole culture desensitizes people to killing and the use of guns. Toys are made in the image of these weapons and G.I. Joe. Television is filled with shows and movies where guns are used as the primary response to problem resolution and as the self esteem thing in your hand that allows you to be brave and feel safe and do things you wouldn't do and shouldn't do if you didn't have a gun, that you use to save yourself from stupidity.
Cartoons are filled with violence of all sorts and the use of guns. Think of Elmer Fudd and his gun and Daffy Duck (black) getting shot often.

By the way, quit talking about background checks. That's just code language to keep black people from buying guns because you have systematically gotten them caught up in your illegal injustice system. Psyche tests won't work either because they are calibrated to treat white mental illness as normal. Legal gun owners showed up for the January 6, 2021 Insurrection. How do you keep those crazies from owning guns?
Societies got more problems than you are willing to admit and they are spilling out of your closets.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

You Are A Killer Who Has Embraced What You Are
Unity Consciousness #2827

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzn of 11)

You Are A Killer Who Has Embraced What You Are Because You Proudly Thank Killers For Their Service. Even So, I'm Not Mad At You For Being The Perfect Beast.
You are the monkey who is supposed to, but has not evolved.
Monkey Say, Because Monkey Hear PSA Say We're Free & Safe Due To Military & Police, Thus Due To Weapons Of Mass Destruction, Thus Freedom, Safety, Good Living & Greatness Comes By Way Of Attacking, Killing & Stealing.
Haven't you heard of the USA getting their ass whipped in Vietnam? Along those same lines do you still think police brutality is an anomaly? The source of brutality is a nation of depraved minds and depraved hearts who believe a country can be virtuously great based on vices as lords. Once again, have you heard of any group of people whose organizational structure rests on injustice, surviving for long? 400 years is not long. No one in societies is safe or free as long as they live in a society.
No country of humans has enough resources to be an empire in the manner of human empires. These empires depend on going to war and killing people to take resources so a small amount of people in the empire can live luxuriously, and most of the rest can aspire to such luxuriousness if they work hard as hell in uninspiring jobs for what the empire has not worked for, but has conspired to kill for and conspires to extract from the labors of its loyal patriotic idiotic members called citizens who follow a cult called culture that is a vulture to their rotten logic and dead society.
Let me break this down for those who hear but are unsound. Society culture is a vulture. USA culture is a vulture.
The USA is one of several Great Wizards of Oz, an illusionist vampire who convinces people that the need to suck your blood is beneficial to you so you can be safe and free from those who want to harm you and take from you.
Guess what you people calling yourself Americans? This applies to all likeminded wannabes in societies. You are not safe from Gender. Gender harms and imprisons you. After all you are two genders. So if you unfairly discriminate based on gender, you hate half of yourself.
You are not safe from Race. Race harms you and imprisons you. If you participate in Maafa Racism, you hate your roots, foundation and the core of your being. This is psychosis which is why all racists are psychopaths and sociopaths who are mentally ill and are running a funny farm nation. Above all, you are one race, deconstructed into multiple subraces that makes the whole thing highly inefficient at healthy things, yet efficient at unhealthy things.
Let me break this down for those who hear but are unsound. Societies are mental illness breeding grounds. USA is filled with mental illness, physical illness, emotional illness and spiritual illness. So where in this place is the free and safe place guaranteed by your military? Quit thanking people for learning how to kill people.
You are not free from suboptimalism as your national anthem, pledge and constitution, the main overriding context philosophy of your society.
You are not free from favoritism, disparities, inequities, injustice and lies as the supporting asilis. Each of these harm and imprison you. Especially you who think you are getting over and are in the favored group. This life might very well be your last (along with your lineage, all the way back to the last known good ancestral legacy configuration).
You are not free from poisons and toxins approved by your government.
You are not free from the medication industry. You can't be free if you think health insurance is something you pay for with money as the assurance for health.
You are not free from government and their idiotic despotic neurotic rules, laws, regulations, policies, procedures and protocols.
You are not free from false pandemics, forced shutdowns, vaccine warfare, price gouging portrayed as supply and demand...
You are not free from crime. Most crime is white collar crime carried out by racists.
You are not free from constant everyday all day media manipulations and education misrepresentations as brainwashers of childhood sensibilities until you are molded into a drone soldier who condones the legitimacy of the society. Don't you know you must free your mind in order for the best to follow? Haven't you been taught this? Isn't it old news?
You can't be free if you misunderstand one or more of the following: who you are, where you came from, why you are here. Can't be free to the degree any of these three are incorrect or incomplete.
Suboptimal identifiers of self harm and imprison you.
Can't be free if your critical analysis is in paralysis. Critical thinking is supposed to be as continuous as lungbreaths and heartbeats.
You are not free because of the military or the police. They are killers for you. “Embrace what you are. You are a killer Louie!” * Thank you for your service of going and killing people for me that I am fearful of because some fools told me to be afraid.
If you want to want to be free, safe and secure, then stop wars. The first step is by sending to outside wars, all the people who authorize it, vote for it and support it. Send politicians, send citizens, regardless of ability and regardless of age over the Age of 21, because you ain't free if you can go to war, but can't vote or drink alcohol or don't have all the rights as all other citizens similarly situated in the country.
The second step is by organizing yourselves so that everyone has what they need. Crime is the result of people seeking to get what they need that they feel there is no other way or that crime is the best way.
You ain't free because of economics, the economy, businesses, capitalism, free enterprise, utilities, taxes, fees, interest rates. These things imprison you and harm you. To not know this is to not be an adult. Not mature enough in development to be unchaperoned.
So-called Americans, truly believe they are the most benevolent when instead they are the most malevolent.
You ain't free because of entertainment and sports. These things continue the meme of the status quo stuck below Giri So.
You ain't free because you labor or because you volunteer. These things are bandages on great big gushing wounds. Despite the amount of charity in the world, disparities increase. Charity is beneficial to a few and inefficient and ineffectual to most. Charity is socialism bandage in capitalism that causes wounds. The world needs our efforts directed elsewhere towards the fundamentals of freedom, safety and health.
Religion in no way leads to the saving of the soul. Religion is a harmful sheep covered wolf as evidenced by most people claiming a religion but that has not resulted in harmonious thinking and behavior, but instead, religion has cosigned on (justified) many evils and has designed many evils (been the author of).

If there is a summary for this message it is: Admit to Logic you think is Legit.

*From Interview With The Vampire”

The most telling reason you are not free in societies, is that you are fearful and lack the courage to confront yourself.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Hopelessly Devoted Afflicting, Restricting, Conflicting, Blinding, Unequally Yoking, Thus Choking By Binding Themselves With Misguided Devotion
Unity Consciousness #2826

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzm of 11)

Why do humans think and behave as if just because they were born in a town, attended a school or live in a state or country, that they are supposed to or have to support those places, their teams and anything that comes out of those places?
For instance, you think you have to be in love with the northside or Chicago or Illinois or their sports teams or the Midwest or the Usa or Chicago-style pizza or hotdogs or Lake Michigan or the Taste of Chicago or the climate and culture of Chicago. Likewise New Yorkers feel they have to be proud of Central Park, Broadway, Times Square and much more. This type of devotion is the same as being born into a religion or any ideology and not understanding it or not investigating it for yourself before remaining devoted to it once you reach the age where you claim you are capable of making life decisions.

To devote yourself to anything is the same as pledging allegiance, making a vow, falling in love. Thus devotion is supposed to be reserved for that which is worthwhile, worth the time, effort, attention, resources, mindspace, emotionspace and spiritspace. By default this implies a conscious critical analysis thought process of evaluating the pros and cons of several or all alternatives – and adjusting as you learn more.
To be devoted to anything just because that's where you were born, live or went to school is the same as basing devotion on something outside your control or basing devotion to something based on your decision pertaining to something else. For instance, being devoted to the Chicago Bears because you live there but not because your decision to live there was based on the Chicago Bears.
Of course there are some people who have just enough good enough sense to not tie their devotion to a sports team just because they were born there or live there. This is one reason why there is hope for more of the hopelessly devoted.
Likewise then, this is why we should base each of our paraphernalia paraded and psyche plated devotions on a separate thought process evaluation. Thus we should not just accept, adopt and be allegiant to a set of philosophies, laws and cultural constructs just because we claim citizenship to some place. To so do in any way, is the same as drinking all the juice Jim Jones produces or being easily seduced to doing so due to not thinking through the logic we choose to use.
Being devoted to a sports team is not life critical; however, it is highly indicative of a tendency or habit of using poor thought processes. The underlying lazy brain basis of those poor thought processes is what is most critical, most dangerous. It causes us to be devoted to governments and their agencies, departments and the intentional misapplication of their written constitutions and mission statements. It causes us to be devoted to certain media as opposed to being devoted to truthseeking wherever the process leads. It causes us to be dedicated to military, police and other institutions. It causes us to be devoted to logic that infringes on the inherent rights of creation. And so on it goes, giving us more logic woes than we have fingers and toes to reckon with and keep track between two truth rails of the gap of tolerances that allows our train to stay balance supported and on track.

I am devoted to Africa the nucleus birthplace of all species and the rebirthplace of spirit-soul from the Solar System and Galaxy.
I am devoted to Africa because of what it has done and is doing for the world.
I am not devoted to Africa, as represented by the 55 countries and their political constructs. I am not devoted to Africa, the people who support those self-destruct societies (a redundancy of terms) living on the land of Africa, the nucleus. To say destruct societies is like saying killer poison.
I am devoted to Africa, the cytoplasm and its components. In other words, to the rest of the natural world that comprises Earth. It is only in this manner that I am devoted to the USA as part of the natural world because it contains and provides connection to all the ancestral seeds I need in the form of souls of life.

Deeper Devotion

We know what vote means. Or do we?
Vote is the same word as Mate. What we vote for is what matches our logic, is a mate to our logic.
De-Vote is to define, develop, determine, dedicate and decide to have a lasting relationship with logic that matches ours, thus leads us to being devoted to something, someplace, someone.
When we devote ourselves to anything we are saying the object of our devotion is a good fit, a complement to who I am being by choice. Thus, by extension, our devotions are part of our voice. What we are devoted to, speaks for us, tells things about us.

Blood Not Thicker Than Watered Down Identities

Meanwhile, most people are not devoted to the bloodline of everyone being born from the same African woman and African male. This lack of devotion to family is evidenced by any number of evidences, most of which are easily to recognize.
On the other hand, far too many of us are devoted to bad parenting from physical parents, from schools, from religions, from television, from news media, from experts and from elsewhere in the culture. Sadly, we allow unquestioned default devotions to tie us to things unhealthy and then we turn around and cancel the default of one blood, one family tree and one creation. We break these bonds with words shaped like sticks and stones broken logic regarding race, culture, country and many other suboptimal identifiers. We do so as if we are in the habit of thoroughly vetting our most important devotions.

Devotion is the same as love, which is why misguided devotion is misguided affection which becomes affliction. A clear example is voting for Trump and playing around with impeachment and what you get is the affliction of insurrection. Secondly, affection turned affliction comes by way of voting for incumbents when all you get is redundant numbness of depraved hearts and minds to inequities.

Why do humans think and misbehave these ways in terms of our devotions?
We are trying to glean self-esteem from things rather than from our being.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Before African Enslavement, Current American Enslavement
Unity Consciousness #2825

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzl of 11)

Africa before slavery Part 1

Africa before slavery part 2

The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism

'The Game is Rigged': Richard Wolff

The Africans in the making of America 1619 1776

Dr. John Henrik Clarke The rise of Islam in Africa

Thank You For Your Service Bullshit
Unity Consciousness #2824

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzk of 11)

Thank You For Your Disservice To Humanity.
Thanking someone for being a killer on behalf of a country whose politicians and business people decide someone somewhere else needs to die, is the same as having a depraved heart and depraved mind.
So go right ahead thanking soldiers and police for their service. Who are they serving? Of course it's the philosophies of the country and its favored groups, rich white folks primarily and middle class whites secondarily and lower class whites thirdly.
Stop repeating the lies that we need the police and military to fight for our freedom, protect us, or else we wouldn't be able to be in this country. The last part is true. The military and police allow societies to remain in possession of lands and resources they have murdered to acquire.

Remember: ”...white people continue to be the biggest threat to American democracy. They also work to uphold systems that frequently work against them.”
White people and other racist collectives and other favored groups are the main threat to their own freedom.

So stop thinking you are sane and not mentally ill, if you run around thanking soldiers and police for their service. Their job is to preserve the status quo of racism and inequity, which is why both have steadily gotten worse since the USA's inception, despite fighting many wars internally and externally that is supposedly for the betterment of the lowroad best country in the world.
Which war has the USA fought that was for the purpose of preserving the freedom of people in the USA?
What police department has made the community better for all people?
And what other agency with police powers and military powers, such as FBI, CIA, Homeland Security and many others operate for the greater good of a no-good nation?

The USA only exists as the result of waging war on the Africans who were already here in Central and North America. Then waging war on Africans worldwide, especially in Africa.

The only people who have attacked the Usa are people the USA has attacked and is attacking to destablize their countries.
The only thing more sacred than the murderous militaries and police of racist countries is protecting the religious, ethnic and racial lies of white people portraying themselves as the epitome of semite.

As explained before, what is being fought for using police and military is the right to be the first, primary and only country to extract resources from people, the land and other natural resources and species across the globe, and now on the moon, planets and asteroids. This is the right to act like relentless repentless human-sized army ants. All of this thinking and behavior is disservice to humanity, creation, Earth.
Go ahead! Keep thanking soldiers for their service. The next war is coming to America on karma waves of grain. The soldiers are already advancing. Then see how much you like it and how much good a soundbite of misplaced gratitude will soothe your depraved heart and depraved mind. Societies such as the USA boo hoo about the devastation caused by natural weather events, yet these same people don't give a damn about supporting devastation in countries and in cities and portions of cities in their own countries caused by wars they support that the military, police and other institutions carry out.

Then there's the matter of Veteran's Day and Memorial Day that are a joke. Veterans are discarded and not cared for and not automatically enrolled in services. Yet fools run around saying thank you for your service as if that is the best way they can express their gratitude and do so in a few seconds and move on without making any changes in how they vote or demand any changes in the society to support veterans, and they wonder why their country is like hell in handbasket as they gleefully sing a tisket a tasket. If what veterans provide to this country is so invaluable, then no veteran should want for anything and shouldn't have to go through any of the bullshit paperwork that societies are good at wasting in order to get little to nothing done except maintain disparities.

Don't get it twisted, Africa is a better place than the USA. If all countries got the hell out of Africa and returned stolen resources, and then no longer took anything from Africa and Africa took nothing from anywhere, Africans would be better off than anyone anywhere who depends on societies. Even if nothing was returned to Africa, Africa would rise and other countries would fall
As it was in the beginning, so it will be again when fortunes reverse as souls of life change the angle of their course.

One thing certain is that black people are not safer in the USA.

Depraved Hearts, Depraved Minds, One Of A Kind
Unity Consciousness #2823

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzj of 11)

According to various jumbled laws in the USA, if the defendant's conduct indicates extreme indifference to life, a depraved heart exists. If there is reckless disregard for the consequences and effects of one's actions, then a depraved heart exists. As a result, extra punishment is added and mercy is subtracted.
Depraved heart murder is second degree murder. This alone is depraved because it should be first degree murder. The definitions for depraved mind are the same.

All the laws, policies, and institutions in racist countries are carried out with disregard for the value of human life. It is depraved. This is intentional.
Depraved Hearts and Minds are the same as Criminal Minds. Watch the TV show and you will see that the unsubs and their profiles are the same as the sociopaths and psychopaths called racists. The only difference is that racists are known and identified by their thinking and behavior that most of them think they hide very well. If you support a racist country, person or institution, you have a depraved mind and depraved heart. Especial punishment is reserved for you too.

Maafa Racism More Profitable Than Being Civilized
Unity Consciousness #2822

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzi of 11)

In the news today, after the 11.08.22 state and local political election in the USA. Racism is more profitable than being a decent human.
”The battle for control of Congress remains too close to call, but the exit polls from the 2022 midterms revealed something that Black folks have always known: white people continue to be the biggest threat to American democracy. They also work to uphold systems that frequently work against them.
Though the reversal of Roe v. Wade earlier this year saw an outpouring from women—particularly white women—calling for the government to stop interfering with the right to choose, most of them wound up voting for politicians who plan on severely limiting or banning reproductive rights altogether.”
In other words, white people, like other racists groups, will cut off their noses to spite their face as long as they can maintain privileges based on races.
Maafa Racism Is More Profitable Than Self-Preservation In A Healthy State.

Repeating Reality

The above two paragraphs have been explained many times on the spiritweb, internet and this web log.
What is obvious is that for any racist group, it is more profitable for them to be the favored group in a system of inequity than it is for them to have inherent rights of creation in a system of equity.

In other words, one of the racist groups, white people, know it is more profitable for them to give up several inherent rights than to give up racism, their security blanket in a world of self and all else, both poorly understood.
Why make a deal with devils, sell souls and mortgage children so you can trade inherent rights for human conferred privileges?
Obviously because racism removes competition and removes the need for self-improvement because undue benefits cannot be achieved otherwise, even when performing at one's optimal best.
Of course, trading of rights for privileges has caused and is causing more problems than it's worth, but fools cling to privileges as a permanent solution to the refusal to engage in evolution.
Each generation of racists make their life situation worse. It is worse in the USA today than it was in 1863. Racism is still clung to with greater desperation as the only chance and Great White Hope to be first in line heir-apparents “on top” in the world and dictate how life and existence should go for all species, everything for their benefit.

Racist collectives, including the supposed sacred semites (who abuse all terms such as jews, hebrews and semites), prefer to help themselves as opposed to self-help.
So when you hear a member of a racist collective boo hoo about anything, just know that it is a reminder to you that they don't really care about us or the issue they are crying about, such as misdefined issues like gun violence, crime, the price of something, or anything they claim is unfair or unjust. What favored groups (racists) care about is the preservation of racism and its privileges to give them advantages, excuses and easier roads to travel that their individual personages, abilities and efforts won't otherwise allow.
Just know that when you hear a racist in any ethnic group talk about humans, humanity and inhumane, they are really talking about those terms in a subservient position of importance to their racism as their supreme philosophy. Since racists in the Usa, advertised as a non-racist country, continue to vote for racism, I'm looking forward to Trump's second presidential term which would be the perfect stage for the final destruction of all racist societies. The USA and other racist countries are clogs in the circulatory system of good sense, thus the swamp, quagmires, cesspools and quicksands of stagnation are their only framework for civilization.

A Peek Into The Psychosis Of White Mentality From “Why white people in america are so scared of black people” by Jane Elliott. See comments from Jane elsewhere on the web log and on Youtube.
The general point of this message is nothing new that hasn't been said and known before. Some of the specific statements are also good. Some, however, could be expounded upon to make sure they are not misunderstood to support other falsehoods.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Expanding "Power Concedes Nothing Without A Struggle"
Unity Consciousness #2821

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzh of 11)

The well-known phrase, “power concedes nothing without a struggle,” is only half of the story of power, thus is a one-sided imbalanced view of power.

It is Power within a society, that is the type that concedes nothing without a struggle; however, power within a civilization, has no need of struggle to concede inherent rights to all creations. Power within a society must be forced to do the right thing. This is unnecessary in a civilization, because the right thing already exists or exists quickly after awareness it does not exist.

Debilitating power concedes nothing without a struggle and uses all of its power to debilitate and incapacitate; however, rehabilitating power has no need of struggle to renovate and rejuvenate beings to their optimal path of beingness.

Until now, I agreed with 'Power concedes nothing without a struggle.” This notion was put forth by Frederick Douglass. I now understand that he was referring to the prevailing oppressive suffocating smothering human construct of power of his times, societal power. The same pathetic poisoning use of power that exists now in human groupings called countries and nations.
Societal power concedes nothing without a struggle because societal power is the power of injustice and was obtained unjustly and is sustained unjustly. This is self-evident. If not, self is not understood, which is why the extended self in the form of society and culture is sideways misunderstood to be mostly good and only slightly flawed.
Civilization power, civilizing power, concedes everything to the continuous process of self-reflection and self-correction; however, societal power, doubles down again and again on error and goes all in, which is why, as one example, societies spend most of their resources on weapons to weaken the masses of their citizens and on weapons to defend themselves against self-created enemies, people they've attacked. These enemies are the result of the society's internal and external thinking and behaviors based on millions of legal and informal laws, all based on one fatal flaw.

If the energies and resources of a people or a person is spent in a struggle for and against power, then that leaves little for advancement of evolution due to the continuous tug-of-war back and forth of gains and losses on both sides. This is because energies are directed towards just trying to get back to even, to level, to the inherent rights of creation born with conferred by the goddesses and gods. However, this root investment, manifests itself later when the surface situation goes through rapid transformation and the slate of the constructs of humans, is wiped clean from the face of Earth. Cancer within, cancer without, cancer absent mend, ends with closed mouth.

Power is more than externally manifest. It manifests internally first. Don't we know this?
To only say that power concedes nothing without a struggle is to also concede that the internal personal power of free will must also be contended with, fought with and forced to do the right thing. Do we struggle with the power of our own free will before we concede anything? Do we struggle against doing the right thing? Do we struggle against doing the wrong thing?

Human power (self), when out of harmony with self and all else, concedes nothing without a struggle; however superhuman power (self and all else) concedes many things and is the force against which human power ultimately contends.
Contrary to popular belief, humans are only temporarily and partially autonomous and sovereign, and at times we are neither, thus control of self and anyone else or anything else has only been temporarily and partially conceded to humans because power must be shared with all other creations in order for the universe or any ecosystem to function properly. Thus when human power is imbalanced and counter to ecosystem health, absent human self-correction, the extended self beyond humans, that collective powerfilled set of fundamental forces of nature neters, will self-correct the ecosystem, thus take away the illusory veil of power and paper mache (papier-mâché) permanence of power humans think they have.
This is foretold by Ancestor Marcus Garvey who said, organize your people, if you don't, conditions will.
Thus, conditions will cause the collective effect of individual thinking and behavior to come together as a force against societal power, even if that collective force is not collectively viewed as uniting, being united, being unified, working together or harambee.
Raindrops don't decide to unify, conditions unify and magnify their individual impact. Then heat joins in and wind joins the team.
Although power concedes nothing without a struggle beforehand, there always comes a time when power concedes everything without a struggle after the fact of the impact of power that is always greater than the power that resists.

Since everything taking place is taking place in the Universe and the Universe is another way to say, Body of the Creator, then the statement becomes:
Although higher power concedes nothing without a struggle, it is always eventually defeated and replaced by higher power whose time has come.
Always when this occurs, power whose time has come, uses the self-defeating set of conditions and adds enough additional force to beat down the resisting power so that it cannot resurge and emerge victorious until its next appointed time. Ages are the higher power rulers and are also the appointed times, as well as shorter periods within Ages. The rise and fall of human societies and civilizations have always coincided with cycles of Earth, Moon, Sun, Planets, Stars and combinations (sets, systems, constellations, galaxies). In our muddled minds we call it climate change and global warming, when instead these are only aspects of environmental change, ecosystem change and changes in how groupings of all species function and organize themselves. Always, some species rise, some fall, and if humans survive at all, the status quo will no longer exist. Power has not conceded these understandings into the below without a struggle, yet the same family of powers has assisted in the crossing of many rivers of understanding.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Questioning My Humanity For The Betterment Of Self
Unity Consciousness #2820

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzg of 11)

People are always asking each other, “what do you do?” meaning, what do you do for a living, to make money, as a job to feel validated and that your existence is worthwhile. This is terribly offbase. Almost all messages on this weblogarithmetric are a way to self-assess. Following is another installment.

What have I done for humanity?
What have I done for humanity lately?
What am I doing for humanity?
Is it possible to contribute good to humanity as a byproduct of focusing on self-serving pursuits?
Is my primary use of free will mainly directed towards trying to hurry up and get paid and slow down getting laid? – to rest.
Do the things I say I have done or am doing for humanity, add up to more good, or more bad?

When a society exists, instead of a civilization, is it possible for human efforts to contribute mostly good to humanity, when the predominate context of societies is to contribute almost entirely bad to humanity? Yes, the purpose of societies is to introduce and sustain sicknesses while civilizations heal sicknesses, problems, imbalances, inequalities, injustice.

If I answered yes to the previous question, then why are all societies imbalanced toward more things that harm humanity than heals and helps humanity?
Do I really think my society, my country, is mostly good for humanity? And only has a few problems, otherwise it's a good place for humanity to be its optimal best?
If I think so, then am I correct (kherrekh) or do I need to question my sense of what is good, what is humanity and what are the rights of creation? I can start by listing all the problems humans are having knowing who they are, where they came from, why they are here, and being able to pursue those things and be supported by the society (all its institutions, its culture and traditions – 3 ways to say the same thing).

After several days of reflection, I can revisit this message and make sure I start out by remembering that humanity is the same thing as family.

After several days of absorbing, do I absolve myself from responsibility for critical thinking by using statements such as “I'm just doing my job, that's not my job, it's the law, there's no law against it.”

Here's another single example of many that could be shown, to remind myself that in no way is my country a civilization if from the beginning of my country's origin, the female did not have the same rights as the male or does not have the same rights or only has rights as the result of the male giving her those rights by human law? If any of these are true, even if the female has rights right now, your country is still not a civilization.

Questioning is a continuous process.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Who Is Family? Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2819

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzf of 11)

Like all words, you can be certain that “family” means different things to different people, even among those in the same so-called “immediate” family.

Recent Definition

Paraphrasing and adding my comments to etymonline.com, the recent English language definition of family is said to come from early 15th century common era. Family means "servants of a household," from Latin familia "family servants, domestics collectively, the servants in a household," thus also "members of a household, the estate, property; the household, including relatives and servants," abstract noun formed from famulus "servant, slave".
Although this definition might sound strange to most humans, this definition is accurate since all creations are here to serve the greater universal ecosystem purpose of life and existence. The household is universe, galaxies, solar systems, earths. Even if we limit household to the human species and limit it to country, if all human members of a country served each other, there would be no country with inequality, especially of the Maafa Racism type of inequality or gender inequality, thus that country would also not treat other countries different than themselves, thus there'd be no wars. Renewing this context in human logic would solve all human problems and all ecosystem problems.

Etymonline goes on to say that the Latin word “familia” rarely appears in the sense of "parents with their children". This is an extremely limited sense of family. Derivatives of famulus include famula "serving woman, maid," famulanter "in the manner of a servant," famulitas "servitude," familiaris "of one's household, private," familiaricus "of household slaves," familiaritas "close friendship."

In English, sense of "collective body of persons who form one household under one head and one domestic government, including parents, children, and servants, and as sometimes used even lodgers or boarders" [Century Dictionary] is from 1540s. From 1660s as "parents with their children, whether they dwell together or not," also in a more general sense, "persons closely related by blood, including aunts, uncles, cousins;" earlier "those who descend from a common progenitor, a house, a lineage" (1580s). Hence, "any group of things classed as kindred based on common distinguishing characteristics" (1620s); as a scientific classification, between genus and order, from 1753. Take note of family as meaning those from one set of parents, yet our concept of a Creator of Everything is obviously flawed, since we do not treat all creations of that God as family. Take note of how it is promoted to be community minded or for all of us to be patriots, yet not all family even though kindred based on common characteristics and all of us living in ghettoes (check the fundamental definition and meaning).

Even though many humans consider friends as part of family, we do not consider all people as family, thus we are not friendly to all people. You can't be friendly to someone you do not consider a friend, just as you can't be loving to someone you do not love or caring to someone you do not care about or be kind to someone who is not of the same kind (thus having no kindness because you act like there is no likeness).

Since the masses of humans are stubbornly devoted to their miseducation and lack of trust in their own sensing abilities, I ask, why claim to have a family tree if your family identity does not include trees as family?
Furthermore, why use any metaphor of nature to refer to anything human, if you do not see yourself as fundamentally the same as that aspect of nature?
Metaphor means mirror image. Thus why use language that looks into a mirror to compare humans to other aspects of nature and then deny that the image in the mirror is not the same as yourself? To do so is to look in the mirror and claim the reflection of yourself is not family. How mentally ill is that?
And on that note, why then get offended when someone compares you to an aspect of nature you don't like? That's not who you are, is it? That aspect of nature is not related to you so why care if some fool makes a stupid comparison? You can still be mindful of their intent but it shouldn't hurt your feelings or make you mad. Be glad the person told you their opinion of you.

A More Fundamental Definition Still In Use By The Majority Spirit-Soul In This World & Beyond

Family means what it says above.
Family also means Khamari. Family is a word derived from the word Khamari.
Khamari becomes Phamari becomes Famari becomes Famiri becomes Famili becomes Family.

I have reposted references to Khamari and Kamari on this web log so we can remember more of the original names for “family” before the word “family” came into existence out of some of the early root.

1. Twi humans - Twi (Twin) of the foothills of the Mountains of the Moon. This is Karu Karua in the great lakes region. Karu is Kalu, Galu. Karuti (Karti), Kaldi (Kaldiai, thus Galtiai) Kelti, Kymry (Kelti, Keltae) Khamari, Kamari of Kam, Ari, Kabiri, Galla, Gullah, Chinese and other Mongolians, Khoisan, Khoi-Khoi, Nahsi (Nahsu, Nahisi, Negro). The San (Bushmen, Khan, Kan, Aan, An, Kham, Kam) were skilled as hieroglyphists. Tutsi/Hutu (one-half).

2. The Kamari or Kabiri in India are the African children (Ari, Arians) of Kam, Kfm, or Khebm.
In Afghanistan large sections of the Afridi people and the family of the Khan of Kelat are called the KAMARI. Egypt, its language and mythology are the common source of origin of the lost ten tribes.
The Afridi folk in India are at the head of the Kamari are a form of the Auritae, Afruti, the primal Kafruti of Africa, and the brotherhood of the Kamari, Kabiri, Abroi, and Kymry goes back to the unity of the black race.
The Logari of Afghanistan are descendants of the Kamari and Afridi.

3. Rut - (Kam-Ruti , Khem-Rui, Khem-Ruti) – short people, the earliest Ruti of Africa, the Kafruti (Karuti), Kamruti, Kvm-ruti, Kymruti or Khebm-ruti, who went out to become the Sabme-Ruti of Lapland, and the Kamruti, Kamari, Kamrekh, or Kymraig, or Kymry of Wales. (BB) The Kymraig are the race of Kam, Kvm, or Khebm, the Cwm. The Laps, who call themselves the Sabme (Khabma), are the same people by name and race. Each of the following, who came from the same root, still considered themselves more cultivated and more civilized than the ones who came before, who were then considered to be ignorant and savage. Thus bad behavior towards earlier people became commonplace among the more recent arrivals.

4. Kamari - (Kam-Ari, Ari from Kam, the first Rut, the oldest Africans, the Rekh) called Kymry. Ari go by many names, one of note is Arian.

5. Kymry - Kamari and Kymry are the same words. Kymyric is Kymeric is Kymoric is Khamoric is Kharmoric is Armoric. The Kymry are the Armoricans of westernmost Asia (Europe, Eurasia, Europia. The Kymry came to Wales by way of Spain and/or by water. Kam is Egypt and the valleys and upper regions along the Nile, including the Great Lakes region.

6. Kymry comes from Kfm-ry. Kfm leads us to Khevma or Khebma, the hippopotamus symbol of the Great Mother whose children are the Kamari, Kabiri, Ari (rekh), Kam, Kamites, the black Arians.

The Kamari More Specifically

The children of Ham, Kam or Kham are the Kamari or Kabiri. They are the Ari, the black Arians. The Kamari or Kabiri in India, Wales or Scotland, are the children (Ari) of Kam, Kfm, or Khebm, the old hippopotamus goddess of the north pole, who bore the Kabiric seven.
The Afridi folk, found in India at the head of the Kamari, the Pacts and Scyths, may now be claimed as a form of the Auritae, Afruti, the primal Kafruti of Africa, and the brotherhood of the Kamari, Kabiri, Abroi and Kymry goes back to the unity of the black race, the first race that then varied into other colorations.

Long after the migration of the Grimaldi to Europe, one of the series of migrations started with the Paleolithic Kymry (Kamari) who reached Spain. These were short people who followed the Sabean Great Mother and Sut. At this point, Britain was not yet called Britain but was the Island of Beli, the Star-God of fire and representative of the Seven. This is the Sabean Sut. Thus Britain was inhabited a hell of a long time ago, several tens of thousands of years.
The Neolithic Keltae (Celts, Karti, Kafruti) were second who left Spain and went to Wales, Ireland and Scotland. They followed the Sabean-Lunar with Gwydion-Taht as the son of the mother Ked. [These same Keltae also went east and became the Kaldi (Chaldee, Chaldeans)] The Ore Smelters, Metalurgists & Metalworkers were the Brithons, Hedui and Aedui. These were third in place and degree and were Solarites who followed Hu elevated to the Fatherhood and Prydhain for his son. But it appears certain that Britain was inhabited by the men of the River-drift type in the Paleolithic, if not the Pleistocene age, before Britain was broken off from the mainland to become an island.
All three of the groups above and the Egyptians they came from, were Rekhs, rekhi, rookies, regnai. Masters of smelting, mages, pure spirits, knowers in many subjects, wise, wise artists, wizards, geniuses, reckoners, time-keepers, magi, magicians, men of science, physicians (healers using food as medicine), astronomers, builders, metal workers. architects, priests.

It is unlikely the first use of the phrase Scot-free, used the word Scot, but rather more likely an earlier form such as Khuti, Khati, Kheti, Khetti, Khatti, Ketti, Katti, Sgiot, Sgod, Sgiot-ach, Scyth (Scythian), Scuit, Scotia, Scota, Scotti, Coti, Cotti, Abroi, Kabiri, Kabari, Kamari, Kymry, Kymri, Cymri, Cymry, Goths, Afridi, Auritae, Afruti, Kafruti, Kheft, Khefti, Kheftim, Gevim, Gutim, Gentiles, Catini, Gadeni, Cotani, Rut, Ruti, Kam-Ruti, Khem-Rui, Khem-Ruti, Karuti, Kamruti, Khvm-Rut, Kvm-ruti, Kymruti, Khebm-ruti, Sabme-Ruti (Laps, Sabme, Khabma), Kamrekh, Kymraig, Kvm, Khebm, Cwm, Ruten, Latin, Reta, Karti, Kaldi (Chaldee, Chaldeans), Keltae, Kelt, Celtic, Celt, Kham, Kam, Khem, Kem, Kamite, Khemet, Kemet and many more variations of the same can be found by following the route of each name.

The most ancient type and generator of the human race in Africa is named Khebma. This word modifies into Khcb and Kam as names of Northern Lower Egypt. The Ari are the children, sons (a plural of Ar, the son/sun) of Lower Egypt. The Ari are the seven branches of people who came out of Lower Egypt pelvis and crossed the Great Green Sea (Mediterranean) into Europe and other parts of Asia and became known by other names. The Ari, in one rendering, are the seven Kabiri, answering to the seven sons of Mitzraim (Kam, Kheb, Khebma), These children who came out of Lower Egypt and populated Asia are the Ari, the children of Kam, the black Arians. The Kamari or Kabiri in India, Wales, or Scotland and the Laps (the Sabme) are the children (Ari) of Kam. So are all other groups but there are other words and ways that show their connection to Mother Africa, many of which have already been expressed throughout this African Safari In Spiritsphere aka the return journey home where we belong.

In Africa, in South Karua, Taurt is Mother Earth who divided into the Khaft (Kymry, Kamari, Kabiri, Ari (rekh), Kam, Kamites, the black Arians) and the Kheft.
Khebma begins in the great lakes region and expands in all directions around the globe and fills the entire globe. There is no land on this Earth and no people on this Earth that do not begin in the Great Lakes Region of Eastern Africa.
Khebma modifies into Khcb and Kam. These three words are the names of lands and names of groups of people. Mitzraim is Khebma, Kheb or Kam. The children of Mitzraim are the Ari or Kabiri or Kamari or Arians.
Mitzraim is not just a name of the area that is today called Egypt. At a minimum, Mitzraim began in Khartum, but totally, Mitzraim refers to all of Africa, thus to all lands, because not only was Africa formed out of the mes as the Mest-ru, but so were all other lands. Therefore, Mitzraim, Mestrea, Kheb, Kam, Khemi, Egypt, Ta-meri, Aethiopia, Karua, Aeria and many other names are names for Earth, because even Earth itself was formed as mes out of the waters of Nun. All lands of Earth are parts of the whole, thus take their identity from the whole.

The Kamari or Kabiri in India, Wales, or Scotland, are the children (Ari) of Kam, Kfm, or Khebm.

Three More Truths

1. “...whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.” This is according to the recent version of the Christian Bible. This definition is more expansive than the current human usage of the word family; however, even members of the same religion and same church do not see each other as family.

2. you can't be whole unless you start out whole. This is true in all uses of the word whole. In this message it means that your family cannot be whole unless your understanding of what a family is, is a wholeness understanding of family, a complete comprehensive definition and meaning of family that is all-inclusive of all species, beings, creations and forms of spirit-soul.

3. If you are human, you are Khamari (Kamari, Family); further and more completely, if you exist, your family is anything else that exists.