If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Second Creation – Born Again In Heaven & Hell
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1395


(Part 9kg of 11)

1. Spirit-Soul Forever, Khepera, Change, Transform, Reform, Evolution, Unity Consciousness #1350

2. Next Ones Being Reborn On All Four Corners, Unity Consciousness #1273

3. Salvation Is What? Expanded Definition, Unity Consciousness #1369

4. Zero Creation – Ser Definition, No Problem, No Solution, Unity Consciousness #1378

5. First Creation – Maat Repeats The Answer, Unity Consciousness #1383

6. Second Creation – Soul Of Life In Darkness, Unity Consciousness #1385

7. Second Creation – Eternal Life Meaning Definition, Unity Consciousness #1389

8. Second Creation Principles – Mother Born, Father Reborn, Unity Consciousness #1391

9. Trinity Seed Dimensions By The Numbers, Khepera, Change, Transform, Reform, Evolution, Unity Consciousness #1353

The soul of life of the elementals were born out of the Double Source of Spirit and Soul which formed itself into Waters and all else. The joint energy of the Double Force ultimately comes from the Double Source. All creation contains the Double Force, thus is a repetition of the Double Source, thus is a repetition of The One.

To be born and born again begotten is a natural fact of natural processes. Being born and born again is taking place continuously all over the place outside the human dimension and inside the human dimension wherever there is logic, wherever there is genetic potential. Consider anything, and it is being born and reborn.

Allow the souls of life of the elementals to work the optimal side of their Double Force within you. This will cause rebirth and freedom from the lockdown of human logic. Then we won't be so afraid of understanding we must die and die again and change and change again.

For the masses of humans on this Planetstar Earth, logic that nourishes the four inseparable aspects of self, is at midnight, while for the masses of creation, logic is at the eastern horizon. Many humans are held in resistance and denial at midnight due to waiting on one or more other humans to move. The True Voice is calling everyone out of the death canal of prepubescence and into the birth canal of pubescence. It's up to you to decide which way to go, but it's not up to you or humans which way Earth and Universe are going.

Consider Reconsider

We know Earth is our birthplace, yet we also know Earth is not our first birthplace. So then we should know that wherever we were physically born on Earth, is not our first birthplace on Earth. Even those born at the Source in Pwnt, know there is another birthplace in the below within Abyss of Earth or at least inside the Mountains of the Moon. All this is to say that the principle of born and born again is the same as the principle of peat and repeat, do and do over, form and reform, learn forget relearn reforget remember and any other way you want to describe the same thing going through continuous cycles.

So even in the religious sense, to be born and born again begotten, means far more than simply saving your own individual life in spirit form that never again has to change. In fact, that notion is not only impossible, it is also a first class ticket to the second death. Instead we might as well know before we get there, that even in Heaven & Hell, you must be born and born again in all aspects of self.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Second Creation – Born & Begotten, Meanings Definitions
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1394


(Part 9kf of 11)

Second Creation – Birth/Rebirth, Silence/True Voice, Order Of Creation, Unity Consciousness #1393

Every Child Is Born & Begotten, Not Just Christian Jesus Born in Black, Begotten In White

This is so because child means a repetition of creation. Child does not mean human primarily, solely or predominately.

The child is born as bi-as to inform the child as to bias.
The basis is bias is the bi-axis. The basis, bias and biaxis is to be born and born again and to die and die again and to transform and transform again and to switch between two forces of logic and so on.
Born and Born Again is A Universal Concept that did not begin with humans. Perhaps we've seen the caterpillar born then born again with wings. Perhaps we've seen water spring born from Earth and then die and evaporate to Heaven and then rain reborn to Earth and then rise again reborn from Earth. Perhaps we've seen Sun, Moon and other Stars reborn. We've seen them come, go and come back. Perhaps we've seen Earth reborn, when we call it compost. Perhaps we've seen many forms of the born and begotten, but have just forgotten it exists and how to reckonwise it.

Applying and Reapplying The Double Force

1. Because the first half of the double force comes from the mother, the child is said to be born of the mother, because it is more obvious where the soul of life in the child came from.

2. However, because the second half of the double force comes from the father, who is hidden in the child at birth, it was not clear how that soul of life got into the child. It was then said the child was begotten of the father via a descending spirit anointing, that supersedes outweighs the one-half force of the mother.

This is erroneous.* Continuing to subscribe to this logic is felonious to the other half of the truth rising phoenix-like in all dimensions. It assaults senses trying to rebalance.

To be begotten is often said to mean “be born again spiritually.” It does. However, the fuller truth is that all creation is born and begotten and born again and begotten again, continuously.
To be born, begotten, born again or re-begotten is to be transformed in any area or combination of physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

So now we come back around to what humans have come to rely on as the only meaning of born again.
Yes, we must be born again by water, spirit and blood, but that takes place within self. It is the rebirth of the elemental souls of life within us that are the masters of all change that takes place in the universe.
Understandings nourishes the souls of life and they do the rest.

To be born again is the process of becoming and beingness.

To be born means to transform into a new cycle using the double khekh force and then have genetic potential guided primarily by the logic of the first truth principle.
To be born again begotten means to transform into the second half of the cycle using the double khekh force and then have genetic potential guided primarily by the logic of the second truth principle.

The Double Force is also called the double primitive essence. This double soul of life gets into the child via the parts from the mother and father that combine via procreation, fertilization, conception. Both souls are present separately, then combine into the double force in the child and then take turns manifesting out front. Let us go back one step and also understand that both mother and father also contain the double force in them, it's just that at the time of procreation, the mother principle is pubescent in the mother's egg and the father principle is pubescent in the father's pollen. Only the pubescent can reproduce a form intended to live outside of self and only the prepubescent can reproduce a form intended to live within itself. Thus, it was the prepubescence of the One that transformed and then the pubescent that caused the reproduction into Two Circles.

*The notion of the father's power of begottenness to be more important or divine than the mother's power of birth, is erroneous objectively and subjectively. This is to say it is erroneous using biased vantage point logic and unbiased point of view logic.

Errors of objective biased logic are more easily forgivable as long as the child remains an initiate of learning.

Errors of subjective unbiased logic are errors of choice regarding primary use of free will – you know better but don't take steps towards doing better. This is a risky roulette of reasoning game that coagulates purifying motions intended to self-clean.

By The Way: I now see why the Christian bible uses the words beget, begat, begotten when speaking of lineages in terms of human males. This patriarchy context makes the human males more important and more divine in all aspects. The female doesn't even get a shout out for physical childbirth because the males of these types of religion overshadow the female with their supposed divine rightness because of the "begotten" ideology.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Second Creation – Birth-Rebirth, Silence-True Voice
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1393


(Part 9ke of 11)

Nothing makes sense until it does.
I was unaware this message was forming, even though I have been sifting and re-sifting these notes for many moons.

Birth & Rebirth Called Silence & True Voice

All lives start the same way. Genetic potential is awakened from sleep mode with an explosion that eventually rises and cries out again, as the life within is reborn into another dimension.

Prepubescence is the child of the mother. In the context of sound, this is the silent stage.
Pubescence is the child of the father. It represents the true voice.

In other words, in the first stage the child's development is guided by mother logic which is one-half of the truth. Then during puberty, the child's development is guided by father logic which is one-half of the truth. In the first stage the child manifests the half true voice, then in the second stage the child manifests the other half-true voice. Together this is the total voice which is the true voice, the two voice, the ter voice. Both aspects of logic are merged in a fuller, more manifested form of the genetic potential of the child.

The metaphor is the child's genetic potential develops from lamb-like silence of force to the more potent bull's true voice of force. (NG2 356-7)

Motion is being born and reborn. Energy is being born and reborn. Spirit-soul is being born and reborn. Time is being born and reborn, Life is being born and reborn. Elementals are being born and reborn. Logic is being born and reborn. Genetic potential is being born and reborn. Process is being born and reborn. Cycles are being born and reborn. Truth is being born and reborn. Salvation is being born and reborn. Beingness is being born and reborn. Reckoning is being born and reborn. Identity is being born and reborn. Self-esteem is being born and reborn. And so on. All of this taking place while dying and re-dying is also taking place in order to bring forth birth and rebirth.

Double Force

Highly active within the child during prepubescence is one-half of the double force which comes from the mother. The other half of the double force is activated within the child via transformation into puberty. This other half comes from the father.

The double force is the power to duplicate self within, into another form, so as to duplicate self without, into another form, which then duplicates within....

The soul of life of the double force is the power of transformation, duplication, reproduction. This is the soul of Khekh Khepera that reconnects mother and father, first truth and second truth, concentrated energy and expanded energy....

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Second Creation – Human Goings On Identifiably Wrong
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1392


(Part 9kd of 11)

We are soaking in the second creation so we can move more easily away from human dominated understandings. This will allow us to more easily understand the universal, especially since most of the universe is superhuman, including that which forms the human. Then we can reconfigure, recalibrate and reintegrate human understandings. Our failure to do so has caught up with us in our ideologies, especially our religious and national ideologies and other such suboptimal identifiers.

Since the universe functions kherrekh and kherrekhly without forming itself into humans, let's see how life was before we were.
We go back to the previous message and look at scenarios 1 and 5, then 2 and 4. We specifically use the context of plants.
What if a plant is born and only one-half of its genetic potential is nourished so that as the plant matures, even though it physically develops, the other aspects that bring it into fullness, balance, strength and stability are absent? We know something must go not as intended. What else is a plant to do except use the logic that's available to it and use the nourishment that's available to it. Genetic potential adapts to nourishment, not the other way around. This is why we see plants adapt to survive in toxic environments, or otherwise less than optimal conditions. All genetics do this.

Bringing Identify Out Of Crisis

Study identity. This include all synonyms such as self-esteem.

As a quick foundamentational review:
Identity contains entity.
Entity contains enti, as in one in two.
Enti is EnEn
EnEn is Indi, as in individual, as in two in one.

So then what we have is:
1. The Individual One, Indi, becomes, transforms, duplicates, divides into
2. Enti as one in two, but we are told to keep the two together in our identity. Entity transforms into
3. A pair of enti (parent) which transforms, merges, recombines via reproduction into
4. Re-parent (repa) as in repetition, repeat, child

5. Summary: Indie, Enti, Pairent (Parent), reparent (Repa).
All of this is talking about the essence and basis of the generating force of the universe. This is the progression of transformations (birth and death) that brought us all the way to today. What we have shown in greater detail is how God can be the parent, the child and the spirit, individual, collective, one, two, three, many, thus everything, thus zero, thus the circle, thus the universe.

Our human logic as to our identity has little awareness of itself, or of the IT in self. Yet we can see clearly that repa as in repeat is the same as “rep it” as in repetition, even though we don't connect those words.

Identify is Identity

What is shown above is that entity is one in two. Di means to divide, but instead we use id to add to entity, to get id + entity is identity, which means do the opposite, join, reconnect, do not divide the entity. Thus the identity must contain both sides of duality, and it does, we humans are just unaware of how to identify our identity, having lost understanding of the shuman, khuman and many other metaphors re-presented throughout creation.

Thus we have a basic definition of identify: understanding entity divides the form, identity combines understandings of the forms.
Who are you, the individual?

Who are you, the human?

What is “you?”

What is “hu?”

Going back and improving these understandings will help before moving forward in this series.
As shown by behavior, a frequent conclusion humans have is that it's scary being human because logic is so scattered that any logic that does not match my "humans as the only thing that makes sense," is quite frightful, which means we are afraid of the true self, the full self. We wanna feel comfortable with self while safe and secure from all else.
Scary and scattered used to be right, now it's becoming more and more wrong.
Identify the form; Identity the understanding.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Second Creation Principles – Mother Born, Father Reborn
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1391


(Part 9kc of 11)

When anything is created, it is born of the mother. Mother is a generic word that does not mean female gender as its primary or exclusive definition.

“Mother” is the half of a duality that manifests first at the beginning of a new cycle. That which gives birth AND/OR nurtures to the next stage.
“Father” is the half of a duality that manifests second in a cycle. That which gives rebirth AND/OR nurtures to the next stage.

We have already been shown, via the Two Circles, Two Mothers, Two Sisters and Two Aspects of the Mother, that there is one personality or character or principle or truth or half or side that gives birth then another aspect that nurtures nourishes the four inseparable aspects of self.

1. a child born of the mother and nurtured by the mother principle, will manifest the mother principle.
2. a child born of the mother and nurtured by the father principle, will manifest the father principle.
3. a child born of the mother and nurtured by the Parent Principle (two in one) will manifest neither more strongly and will remain mostly gender neutral except for those gender conditions imposed by society. At puberty, the child will be forced to choose due to the maturation of sexual gender. At this point:
4. a child reborn of the father and nurtured by the father principle, will manifest the father principle, which is to say, will manifest the second half of self.
5. a child reborn of the father and nurtured by the mother principle, will manifest the mother principle.
6. a child reborn of the father and nurtured of the Parent Principle will manifest neither. When it comes to gender, the child will choose the sexual gender physically as the sexual orientation.

Consider what happens when scenario 1 happens during prepubescence and scenario 5 happens during pubescence.

Consider what happens when scenario 2 happens to a child during prepubescence and scenario 4 happens during pubescence.

What we have also said is that it is possible for a child to have two mothers at the same time, one of the female gender and one of the male gender. Likewise it is possible for a child to have two fathers at the same time, one of the male gender and one of the female gender. Likewise, since gender is not primary to being a mother or father, then a child can have two mothers who are of the male gender or two fathers who are of the female gender. Likewise a child can have a female mother and a female father or a male mother and a male father. We are talking about principles most importantly and most fundamentally.

We are repriming ourselves not to get caught up in names and genders as we seek more understandings of the souls of life of the elementals. The information we are using regarding souls of life and other information in mythology and eschatology, has a lot of human and gender terminology. This was better understood by the Ancients. To us it is a stumbling block if we are unaware that we need to go back to Sign language and understanding achieved before the human descriptions became more prominent. This allows us to better understand self in relation to all else because we are using a form of logic that easily translates to self and all else absent the human confusions. To be clear, the human is not confusing, it's just that our understandings of what it means to be human, are confused. Thus, it is not the human form, it is understanding, comprehension, grasp, awareness... All civilizations ensure every member has fundamental understanding of self and all else. All societies ensure most members have superficial understandings of self and all else.

In order to become born again, we must eventually let go of the logic of God as human or God as a gender. Before God was either, God was neither. Before God was human, God was superhuman. Herein lies a major point of logical separation as to why we think and behave differently.

Father Mother Switching Places

When the child is reborn at puberty, the father principle then becomes the physical mother of the puberty stage and the mother principle becomes the physical father. This is to say, the father principle moves out front, the mother principle moves behind in causing physical transformation. When this happens, their names change because their positions change. The position and the name go together as an essential organizing procedure to keep up with what is what in universes large and small. First position is the mother; second position is the father. Thus both halves of a double principle gets a turn being the mother and the father, gets a turn at being dominant and prominent and less dominant and less prominent. This is necessary to bring motion full cycle and understandings full circle.

Before the mother principle was out front, the mother principle did not exist, only the Parent Principle. Then the Parent became two principles side by side as identical twins. Then one principle was moved out front and called the mother. Then when the other principle moved out front, even though it was the father, its name changed to represent the mother because the position from which it was functioning changed.

We can now switch metaphors and describe the Parent Principle as Creator and Destroyer instead of Mother and Father.
The Creator Principle is one-half of the truth. The Destroyer Principle is the other half.
The Creator Principle is one parent; the Destroyer Principle is the other parent.
The Creator Principle is the mother; the Destroyer Principle is the father.
Here now we find another opportunity that shows us why mother principle and father principle do not primarily mean female and male. We know for certain that both the female and male can be creators and destroyers and that neither, especially the mother, has an automatic claim to loving a child more or knowing what to do to optimize beingness in the child.
All that applies in one direction to one principle, also applies in the other direction to the other principle.
This is why there is a time for clockwise motion and a time for counterclockwise motion.

We are reviewing and testing ourselves to make sure we can keep up with the changing forms and names of duality.
So now we come back around to share more understandings as they are being relayed.

At the stage of puberty, it is the father principle that is manifesting more strongly. Father as in second to manifest, not father as in male. The father principle activates the pubescent mode in both the female gender and male gender.
When the father becomes the dominant principle, it moves out front and takes on the name of the mother. This explains why there are male mothers and female fathers. These designations are based on the position of the principle in the logic sequence.

More Optimal Understanding: Mother and Father as one-half each of One Parent, One Truth.
Suboptimal Understanding: Mother and Father as female gender and male gender.

Mother and Father is not limited to our birth mother and birth father. We already knew this based on grandmothers and grandfathers and stepmothers and adoptive mothers and play mothers, etc. So the nurturing influence of the Parent can come from any person or any form of creation that is manifesting either the Mother Principle or the Father Principle or both. We are being influenced from a variety of sources and all understanding of who we are must not be limited to a small portion of influence, especially when that influence is understood solely based on human and gender and not on principle and elemental.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Second Creation – God Has Multiple Personalities
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1390


(Part 9kb of 11)

Detangling Strangling Language

We already know God has multiple personalities, but we just don't call it that.
A popular phraseology is God the father, God the son, God the holy spirit. Each of these are personalities of God.
We also know God is Zero, One, Two, Three and so on. Each of these forms represent a personality.
We know God is Sun, Moon, Water, Air, Spirit and so on. Each of these are a personality of God.
We know God is you and me and all other species because God is the Creator of Everything who created everything out of self because there was nothing else. All of these many forms of creation represent personalities of God. God as the tree, the monkey, the bee and so on.

Since some of God's creations are not functioning in harmony, then it should be understood that God has multiple personality disorders.
This must be so.

”Could Multiple Personality Disorder Explain Life, the Universe and Everything?”

We have come to this place in the safari because we see another rabbit hole ahead that we must go into and we are preparing. We must go deeper into darkness so we can understand the soul of life in lightness.

These are the times of recognizing, rectifying and reconciling multiple personalities (multiple forms of the same logic, multiple expressions of the same logic.). These are the times for the crazies and mentally ill on the normal side to move back towards the middle and meet the crazies and mentally ill on the abnormal side.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Second Creation – Eternal Life Meaning Definition
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1389


(Part 9ka of 11)

Life Gives & Takes Duality

We are exploring the second creation. There is no better time than now to revisit duality, the namesake of two in one and one in two.

Life and death must begin at the beginning because they are a duality. Where there is one, so also is the potential for the other. Where there is one revealed, the other is right there, hidden in plain sight. Right there, just waiting for the conditions to change so its turn can come to the forefront.

An example of the simultaneous existence of birth and death is shown through the logic of those who subscribe to religious baptism. Baptism is understood to mean that the old corruptible sinful self dies, while the new incorruptible cleansed self is born. One cause, two effects.
Every time a child is born, the child in the womb dies. Every time a child in the womb dies, the child is born into another dimension as its spirit awaits another covering.

There is no such thing as living without dying. Why? Because the definition of life includes the meaning of birth and death.

Life gives and takes birth. Life gives and takes death. Death is part of life. Birth is part of life. Both are the same thing because they are the same energy headed in different directions.

Eternal Life Meaning Definition

So now we come to a common term: Eternal life.
It's time to stop speaking of eternal life without understanding that eternal life means eternal cycles of birth and death.

Back in the day in Inner Africa, Goddess Venus was an example of duality. Three of these dualities was Venus as black-skinned with a white spirit and Venus as female and male at the same time.
Venus is called “Iye,” which comes from “Ife” which leads us to the word “Life,” This means Life is about the unity of duality and their simultaneous functioning.

Therefore, as somewhat stated in UC#1380, eternal life is about the unity of continuous cycles of birth and death.

Logic Is Dying & Being Reborn Into The Next Form

We are using birth and death as one-half each of what is called life.
We are using birth and death as one-half each of what is called duality.
Zero is the basis. One is the basis. These two form duality, as another form of the same basis. Two re-presents zero and one. This sets the stage for multiples of zero, one and two. This creates the infrastructure for many that are all based on the same basis of zero, one and two, the trinity.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Second Creation – Duality Summation Poems
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1388


(Part 9jz of 11)

Always Trying To Get Somewhere

by Nsamanfo through Usekhu

I think I know where I'm going
Behavior proves I go where I'm knowing

Which Is It?

by Nsamanfo through Usekhu

That which is, once was
That which is not, will be
That which is, will not be
That which is not, used to be

One Conclusion Fits All Logic

by Nsamanfo through Usekhu

Logic we embrace
Logic we just hate
Fortunately unfortunately
Have their rightful and wrongful place
Their period of grace to operate
It gives and takes

Right + Wrong = Kherrekh

by Nsamanfo through Usekhu

We need to be less correct
In the suboptimal context
And more kherrekh
In the original duet
To become kherkhekh
Zero sum of kherkhes

The difference between right and wrong is greatest at either end of the spectrum when one is at its height while the other is at its depth. This is true of all dualities. The cycle we are in now is stepping wrong down and stepping right up causing them to find common ground in the twilight zone where both exist and neither is found.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Second Creation – 6 Ways To Be Born & To Die
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1387


(Part 9jy of 11)

We are revisiting the elementals and continuing thoughts we've crisscrossed in UC #1364. We already know there must be at least two creations: one based on a celestial creation of the Universe and one based on the terrestrial creation of this planetstar called Earth.
We can say this another way. For the elemental souls of life, there is a celestial creation, a terrestrial creation and a subterranean creation. We could call these future, present and past or before life, life and afterlife. For now it is enough to simply expand from where we are so we can integrate more and consolidate, conclude, decide more optimally.

What we basically just said is that everything has a collective creation and an individual creation. We know this because of the many metaphors that show how one becomes many becomes one. We are learning to reconceptualize the One as also being the Zero. In Zeroness Oneness, all forms of birth are understood to be one and the same on many different planes. Since we know transformation and transition exist on either side of birth, then we also know so also does death. Therefore, that which we reckon as ways to be born, become in another form, the ways to die.
So what is taking place in the human understanding of these things is the explanation of Creation, based on one plane primarily, while mixing in portions from other planes (dimensions). We are doing this without awareness of the layers of Creation that make up the Creation Story. What is most common in human ideology is the mixing of the Universal creation with the much later Planetstar Earth Creation. It's still all good as long as it's still understood. Why? Because, as of Universe, so of Earth.

Six Ways Souls Of Life Are Born/Die, Reborn/Redie, Born Again/Die Again

1. Universal-Formed: Out of Khekh in Zero One Circle of Waters. These creations begin with Khekh.

2. Universal-Born Upper Circle: Out of Spirit-Soul combo of the Two Circles. This circle could possibly produce the upper heaven of constellations, the circumpolar, thus the Greater Great Year. It could produce that which relates to the polar, solstice meridian. Also called Khekh1, Nnun. Also called Heaven-Born, Heaven-Sent, Celestial when no distinction is necessary or understood. Creations at this level begin with Waters (plural).

3. Universal-Born Again Lower Circle: Out of Spirit-Soul combo of the Two Circles. This circle could possibly produce the lower heaven of constellations, those of the equinox and zodiac, thus the Lesser Great Year. It could produce that which relates to the equator, equinox, horizon, solar and Earth. Also called Khekh2, Nnut. Also called Heaven-Born, Heaven-Sent, Celestial when no distinction is necessary or understood. Creations at this level begin with Darkness and Lightness as co-reproducers (parents) of souls of life. (NG1 341/359, 476/494)

4. Planetstar Earth-Reborn. Out of Waters of Earth's Abyss Cytoplasm Nucleus. Also called Earth-Born, Terrestrial. Creations at this level begin with Water (singular).

5. Hesmen and Semen. Out of species born on Earth. Creations at this level begin with the merging of pubescent feminine and pubescent masculine water of reproduction.

6. Amenta-Annu Resurrected: Out of Waters of subterranean Nnut (the sky beneath Earth in the Earth of Eternity). These creations begin with one-half of contrast duality that is considered immortal which then merges with the other half of contrast duality considered mortal. This is the holy kiss of life that merges with the holy kiss of death and allows resurrection to take place. (NG1 471/489)

We are moving towards identifying even more ways souls of life are born. During this process we are also gaining understanding that helps us again become more flexible in switching between expanding logic and consolidating logic, so that the byproduct becomes reworked thinking and behavior. In the short-term we are seeking to recognize the Universal-born logic and Earth-born logic that dominates our worldview context utamawazo. We seek to reconcile our understandings through continuous birth and death before we are born into the second death.

Conceptualize Our Lives

We can conceptualize the lives (birth-death) described above in many ways. A few that help me are:
1. From the universal one circle, spirit-soul motion makes at least one complete loop, then drops halfway down within itself and makes another loop forming the second circle. Each loop overlaps, thus forming a linked chain. As motion continues to go through circles and cycles of birth-death, more circles of creation are formed-transformed. This continues forming a long chain that itself is moving in space like a snake. Eventually each end of this snake connects to complete the circle. We've seen images of serpents formed in a circle or with their tails in their mouths indicating unending continuity of life (birth-death) transitions.

2. The view from below is as a seed or egg that grows and multiplies like cell division, forming more complex or, at least, more intricately connected organisms. This growth moves through many layers and recreates itself in many ways. This process forms a lifeline vine that moves, branches, entwines, climbs and finds it way back to itself in more places than one, including back to the source of the seed at both ends that connects heaven and earth. This makes as one, the final mortal death and initial immortal birth.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Second Creation - Further Into Marvelous Darkness
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1386


(Part 9jx of 11)

Rabbit holes are dark, until adaptation takes place. Light becomes that which exposes us to danger.
And so it is with our exposure to artificial lightness.

I am just being me. I am asleep. Then I wake up when my human form goes to sleep. As always, I take a trip. What else is a soul to do that has been cooped up all day? With eternity in my mind and the temporal on my hands, I know there is not much time before my human self wakes up and snatches me back from freedom. I must move quickly.
I've been hearing words I haven't heard in a long time. Now is the time when I can really move around to try to find the source of those words. Currents carry me to a banquet hall, or what some might call, an event space. I am vaguely familiar with the place. The faces and the things they are doing, I'm sure I've seen before in a different metaphor.
At some point after I arrive, I am joined by an orientation specialist at my side, a guide I cannot identify. I am given a tour of the place as much preparation is taking place and other guests arrive. Then I am led outside. This place seems geared to accommodate travelers and create a memorable experience based on some contrived specialized localized tradition. So I play along and oblige my guide and do as advised.
We are on the move again. I am led to a door by a male who tells me to repeat the words I hear. A female voice from behind the slightly open door speaks. I repeat words said every day, just not in the same way. I am ushered into the same room I was in before. The room is now transformed. The furnishing are more ancient. There are a lot of people present. There is apparently no dress code except be dressed. Everyone is moving in a fluid, slowly undulating circle. They are carrying sparks on strings. A soft light diffuses from above. I somehow know not to just look up at it. Immediately when I enter, people on the outside of the circle make it a point to come up to me, shake my hand and welcome me in. Then they return to the larger circle business at hand and word chanting. In the midst of all this, I understand this same place that is now different, represents a transition of beingness from one stage of darkness into another. Instead of waiting on my human self to wake up, I go back and wake myself up to make sure I am dreaming.

In the light, dark records more. In the dark, light listens, sees and records more.

In these moments of another initiation, I realize the faces I see and the place I am in are metaphors for that which has no human face or place. Everything is just combos of spirit-soul moving to and fro in circles, influencing each other so life motion remains perpetual. Darkness and Lightness watches us at all times and in all places without and within. Darkness and Lightness are filled with eyes. In the beginning the word was darkness of outsight and lightness of insight before it was lightness of outsight and darkness of insight. These are sem-pled things.

Adept Next Step

Now consider the possibility that the beginning in Preexistence is in Lightness. This Lightness had to condense into Darkness in order to be reborn from One Circle into Two Circles.
Thus this makes Lightness as the Creator-Destroyer of Preexistence. It also makes Darkness as the Creator-Destroyer of Existence.
Thus, God is both: the epitome of expanded energy and the epitome of condensed energy. God is Light in Preexistence and Dark in Existence. Before we trip over the human stumbling block, remember, in order for lightness to exist and be manifesting, darkness would also have to exist and be manifesting to a lesser degree. Likewise, as in all cycles, each gets a turn. Thus Preexistence and Existence are each one-half of the life cycle of God. This agrees with God in the form of Darkness and Lightness being one-half and one-half of the circle.

Lastly, then, because each half always gets a turn to be out front revealed dominant “in charge,” then, under this scenario, there must also be a dual life cycle of God that begins with Darkness as Preexistence and Lightness as Existence. Thus then, in human terms, there would then be an Earth where humans are born white first, then become black via a Scorch Age, and somewhere in the mix, all other color contrasts transform into existence.

Concentrated darkness energy is re-expanding. I am the child of dark and light. I am coming out of genetic potential into the marvelous darkness, and from there, into the marvelous light towards zero visibility.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Second Creation – Soul Of Life In Darkness
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1385


(Part 9jw of 11)

Once color contrast was accomplished, darkness was positioned out front first and filled the entire circle. Darkness contained the contrast of Lightness in the background inside itself as a seed of spark. This spark grew more powerful as darkness became more condensed until that seed grew, through stages, into a pole star.
The soul of life in darkness is one-half of the total soul, the total emanation, the total essence. (NG1 473/491, 483/501)
Early evidence of this soul is the dominant brightness of pole stars in the heavens of the southern and northern hemispheres (half-circles).
The condensed concentrated energy of darkness gives birth to stars.
Darkness is alive. It has soul. It has spirit. It has Khekh.

Soul is the same thing as star, spirit, energy, life. (AE1 124/134), (AE2 593/57)

Since a soul of life as a star, came out of the Two Circles, which came out of the One Circle, then we have another way of knowing a Star is the beginning of the universe. We also know the universe is the Creator-Destroyer. So is the Star of Beginnings. See Kar-Tek. (AE1 123-4/133-4), (AE2 725/189)

Natural Phenomena, Fact & Science

All things go through similar progressions of birth, young prepubescent, adult pubescent, old, death, rebirth...
The cells in your body are doing the same.
The soul of life in darkness is born as a prepubescent star, then it becomes a pubescent star, then it gets old, dies and is reborn as another star in the black whole of darkness. Sometimes, during the pubescent stage, the star will give birth to another star. (AE2 576/50)
When it dies, the soul of life in darkness transforms into the soul of life in lightness. It begins another life cycle, but this time, as the other half of the truth. This is so because birth and death take place in the same place. The difference is death is energy slowing down, condensing, while birth is energy speeding up, expanding. (BB 329/341)

Ascending & Descending

Both halves of a circle contain ascending and descending portions. Rebirth begins as prepubescent in darkness and becomes pubescent revealed in lightness. Likewise, death begins as prepubescent in lightness and becomes pubescent revealed in darkness.
We can easily relate this to what happens daily with cycles of darkness and lightness. We can also relate this to what happens annually. Then we can take it to the next level to understand what happens during each Great Year. The same principles and same process applies. Everything is a repetition of the same thing in a different form.

So now we say the same thing a different way:
1. Death begins at the top of the circle. From here to the midway point on the left, is old age. Currently called the northwest quarter.
2. Death is complete at the midway point on the left side. This midway point is also where conception takes place. Conception is the result of death entering the tomb, which then becomes a womb. From here to the bottom is gestation. Currently called the southwest quarter.
3. Birth begins at the bottom of the circle. From here to the midway point on the right is prepubescence. The southeast quarter.
4. Birth is complete at the midway point on the right side. This midway point is also where rebirth resurrection takes place. Rebirth resurrection is the result of transformation of the prepubescent into the pubescent. This means the womb is also a cocoon. From here to the top is virility and reproduction. Northeast quarter.

We know these things in oh, so many ways. Winter solstice is at the bottom of the circle where light is low and darkness is greater. This is the time when the new year is born and the time when Christ, the ever-coming one is born. This is the time when the Light(ness) of the world is being reborn. (AE2 869/333)

Although darkness is, for the most part, still downtrodden in appreciation, darkness is a good thing.
Darkness represents fear, drought, sterility, negation, non-existence, desert, death...yet, what we've found to be the Whole Truth is that there are cycles and times and conditions when the soul of life in darkness also represents joy, abundance, fertility, initiation, existence, oasis, life....
On this note, I suspect night stars are providing energy for baking fermentation transformation, just as what takes place in a dark oven or womb. Dark energy and dark matter are being transformed, doing what they were genetically designed to do best in darkness. (AE2 629/93, 832/296, 836/300)

Let There Be Darkness! And Darkness Appeared

No, it didn't happen that way. There was no word spoken and then zip-bam-boom, full blown, full grown darkness or lightness appeared. No, instead, they appeared via process which contained a series of stages. When was the last time you were outside and all of a sudden it become dark or light? The processes of the universal creation are shown by the processes around and in us. Darkness was born as a child, an infant, a prepubescent soul of life. At the same time, so was lightness as the twin. Darkness had to mature to have the power to help create a pole star. (NG1 551/569)

Revisiting The Pole Star Aspect

The soul of life in darkness is not just a pole star. The first pole star is the Light of Lights. The pole star represents the combination of the seven elemental souls of life. The soul of life in darkness is a star that reproduces souls of life. In basic terms, stars are element factories. The factory/furnace/oven/kiln aspect of darkness, provides further evidence of the soul of life in darkness via heat energy. (AE1 28/38), (NG2 313-4/321-2 ).

Since we know the souls of life were separated from the Waters, and we know stars are element factories, we know the initial souls were born out of the waters, then their rebirth takes place through the interaction of darkness and stars (Lightness). This also means that by the time darkness became pubescent, all seven souls of life were born out of the waters. Or the pole star only combined the souls of life that were born at that time.

The pole star is equivalent to the Messiah.
There are many pole stars and each has many names. One pole star name we frequently encounter is Anup. Like all pole stars, this is a form of the Dog-Star. Dog-stars watch, lead, guide and announce the coming of the next pole star. Before the pole star was called Anup, it was called Khut and Sut. (BB 460/472), ( AE2 629/93)

Since there is a pole star in the south and north, this shows us the pole has two ends. This pole, called the meridian or solstice, provides support and stability for the universe. “St” as in Tser, Sut, Star, Stay, Start, Stop, Stand, represents fixity and steadfastness found in the soul of life in the spirit energy of darkness (dark energy) and in the soul of life in matter (dark matter). The pole stars dictate how this plays ME out. Therefore, even when there is lightness in one half of the circle, there is also a pole star functioning in the background. Where else do night stars go when sunstars are on the same side of the circle?

Loosely Speaking, So Far We Have...

1. One Circle that became Two Circles.
2. Khekh that became spirit-soul.
3. Spirit-soul that became spirit and waters, soul and waters, and other contrasts.

4. Now we further define to remind us that each of the Two Circles is one-half of the total, yet each circle has not yet been further divided in half.
5. Although there are two circles, both halves of Color Contrast are not manifesting outwardly at the same time. Energy expanded into Lightness and concentrated into darkness, then lightness was captured and placed as a seed inside darkness. In each circle, darkness is growing without; lightness is growing within. (This, as we will see, sets the stage for the calling forth of lightness from the within back hidden to the without front revealed via “Let there be light!”)
6. Although this is the stage of Second Creation, this is also third in the series of creations (Zero, First, Second). Zero is the first creation because creation took place first within Zero before Zero could become Double Zero. Double Zero is the restarting point for what we suboptimal educatedly call creation because we are viewing creation as being outside of the Creator as One, but don't realize creation now begins taking place, rather continues, within the Creator as Two.

7. Lastly, I repeat and repeat. The Supreme Being is neither Darkness nor Lightness. This duality, like all dualities were created to fulfill the need incentive. Once a duality is created, one half of it must manifest out front first in order for alternating cycles to begin with a turn and return, each a half-turn in the universal turnover and turnaround. During this iteration of creation, this time around, just so happens that Darkness manifested out front first. Same thing is shown via the more noticeable expression of the feminine principle and water and heaven above and so on. Outside of So Dayi awareness, there is always one part of a duality more noticeable than other parts. Right now, the Ages of Jackal and Pisces are still more noticeable to most people than the Ages of Aquaria and Kepheus. These Great Year Ages are, respectively, part of a 7 part duality and a 12 part duality.
So I jump to another brief summary: The Supreme Being is not in disagreement with self as the Whole Total, but is in disagreement with self as Parts which are absent the mindedness of the Wholeness Ratio.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Second Creation – Orientation To Dark & Light
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1384


(Part 9jv of 11)

In the beginning there was no color contrast. Zero. There was Zero Visibility.
This is shown through many creations. As a tiny example, we use humans. In the beginning of human creation, in the womb, we are alive, living and have existence, but there is no gender contrast. This doesn't take place until several weeks later in the process of creation.*
Same is same for all dualities in the universe. They did not exist at first, then they began to develop.
The development of duality is shown when one circle as Zero, became two circles as Double Zero.
Dualities continued to be developed within these two circles until finally, color contrast was conceived, then born as the soul of life in Darkness and the soul of life in Lightness.

Darkness is Khekh (spirit-soul) in the form of condensed concentrated energy.
Lightness is Khekh (spirit-soul) in the form of expanded dispersed energy.
Khekh divided into two halves.

Darkness and Lightness are the same thing in different transformations. Both Darkness and Lightness are the two primary colors that contain all 5 or 6 secondary colors. (NG1 178/196)

*In the beginning, one became two. This is why, in order for other creations to create, two must become one, or three must become one, and so on.

Gender Orientation

In the beginning, because there were no dualities and no contrast, there also was no feminine and masculine.
Khekh is neutral. Neither spirit nor soul has a gender identity agenda.
Souls of life do not star out with a gender.
When we finally reach the stage of development when gender exists, it is because one soul of life has been divided into two souls of life, each one representing one-half of the total soul.
Each one-half of the soul of life provides contrast, balance and a return path back to oneness at the vantage point at the centerpoint of the circle.

We use feminine and masculine as an example to help us understand darkness and lightness. Both of these examples are examples of the Two Truths.

Two Truths means there is One Truth that has been divided in half. We already know that neither feminine nor masculine is the whole truth regarding gender contrast. We also know neither darkness or lightness is the whole truth regarding color contrast.

Throughout the rest of this safari in the spiritsphere, whenever we encounter any duality, we must recognize we are talking about the same principles of the feminine/masculine, darkness/lightness, one-half truth/one-half truth.

What we know for sure is that dualities are always changing form and switching places with each other.
We use a brief example to further illustrate this critical understanding using two versions of the same sentence:
1. We are in the Second Creation stage and Feminine principle is still manifesting out front revealed (masculine principle logic is manifesting by running in the background, hidden).
2. We are in the Second Creation stage and One Truth is still manifesting out front revealed (the other truth's logic is manifesting by running in the background, hidden).

The truth currently manifesting out front is always called the first truth because it is in first position.
Continuously cycles keep moving along and the truth out front becomes the truth manifesting in the background, and then that same truth, which was once the first truth, becomes known as the second truth, thus the first becomes last, darkness and feminine takes the place of lightness masculine.
This changes over and over again just as we know for sure darkness and lightness take turns in the foreground and in the background, plus the same thing is happening with all dualities. Each of us are examples of this process. So is everything else.

The answer to all understandings is in Maat, The Two Truths. Two Truths are a re-presentation of One Truth. Truth exists as One, as Two, as Three, and so on. At the same time, understandings went from Oneness to Twoness to Manyness and then to one, two, three with little to no zero or wholeness ratio identity.
Now understandings are on the above the horizon side of the return journey home. Understandings are being consolidated and reconciled in this massive reconstruction project. The next shift of workers are being prepared with tools and power.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, June 18, 2018

First Creation – Maat Repeats The Answer
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1383


(Part 9ju of 11)

Unity Consciousness #1 | Understanding Maat Is The Way

Duality as two parts, lacking understanding, is the problem.
Duality as oneness, combined with understandings as oneness, is the solution.
Both of these scenarios are influenced by genetic potential and the free will use of it.

Even so, duality still fulfills the need incentive that brings about life and existence in many forms; therefore brings about the continuation of life and existence in never-ending repeating cycles.

Welcome to salvation, solution, answer, duality, maat, all in one. Too bad our focus is on salvation first and not the other way around.

Maat Is Now The Answer in Two Parts

Maat was once the answer when there was only one circle. The answer existed within. Then Maat became the answer divided into two parts, two circles. One truth became one-half and one-half of the truth.

Maat is the boundary and division of the two truths, where the line was drawn. (BB 97/109)
The answer is the proper dividing and combining of truth according to what time it is in the cycle.
We want food to compose on plants and decompose in our stomachs.

Another Name For Maat Is AN

AN means repetition, twinness (as in “another” or “animal.”)

NA is the closed natural state of things in preexistence when motion is passive and greatly reduced, plus there is only oneness within oneness.
AN is the open natural state of things when motion is increased and transformation takes place causing twoness within oneness. This change into twoness is called nuANce. It takes place in the waters of Nnu. In other words, ANything that is any kind of difference, is a nuANce of what was originally oneness.
Understanding this is the AN-swer.

The answer for Preexistence is to maintain life in one form by becoming life as many forms, called Existence. This process begins with duality and is based on duality, pairs, dynamic balance. So that, no matter how far one side goes, the other side always brings it back. This is so because motion is curvilinear. Linear in the short term, even as it is also curving into a continuous circle in the long term. Once something reaches its fullest extent, it has already begun its reversal of course. If energy is applied against this reversal, then many forms of destruction take place because that energy is moving against a flood of the elementals in the form of waters, air, land and fire and their combinations. Under no circumstances can the Sun reach high noon, and then around 3pm, decide it's heading back to noon when it was at its greatest strength. Likewise neither can the sun at 3 am be pushed back to midnight, no matter how dark the plight or great the fright. These principles are built into how Maat functions to ensure the Answer always transforms itself to meet ANy set of conditions.

The location where things are brought back into balance is called AN. AN is one of the names for the location of the Two Truths where the ever-coming one as child, is reborn. The ever-coming one brings things back into balance. The ever-coming one is the sum total of all the elementals. The change in elementals brings about the rebalancing of Universe, Earth and human thinking and behavior.

On many occasions, the location of AN has been called the twinlight zone, twilight zone, equilibrium zone, the horizon, the equator, the balance, the equal position, equal poise, equipoise, the equally poised who are equally equipped, the equally positioned of the equally equipped, level, middle, changeover, crossover, crossroads, re-balancing, turning point, level playing field, level displaying field......

During this stage of the cycle, the location of AN is more technically, the solar birthplace, which is the place where the Sun moves above Earth's celestial equator (Earth's equator projected into space). The time of equinoxes take place on Earth but their location in space is out where the sun crosses earth's celestial equator. This is not Earth's path because the Sun and Earth do not cross each other's path. (BB 352/364) (NG2 314-5/322-3, 449-50/457-8)

The birth of the ever-coming one from AN is the birth of the pubescent group of elemental souls of life bearing optimal logic. They were born pubescent with suboptimal logic and prepubescent with optimal logic during the Ages of Jackal and Pisces. Pubescence means the elemental souls of life have matured in their genetic potential and have more reproductive powers.

In a very basic sense, AN is the rebirthplace pool of dark energy and dark matter, that reformulates genetic potential according to whatever is needed to ensure the fulfillment of the need incentive.

Maat Is The Ser

Since Maat means two in one, Maat is the Ser who can look both ways at once and perceive through two eyes at once, which are each looking at a different side of things.


Maat is twoness in oneness is the An + Ser. Anser, Answer.
Jackal and Pisces were the answer. Now Aquaria and Kepheus are. Each of these contain many double forms of Maat that are part of the answer.

Aquaria is the ever-coming one parent who rules all the elementals using water as her main mode of rule combined with earth.
Kepheus is the ever-coming one child who rules all elementals using breath, air, wind as his main mode of rule combined by fire.
Of course Aquaria and Kepheus are working together to change things using water, wind, earth and fire.

One of Kepheus' names is Shu-Anhur. This easily reconfigures to become Anshur.
The Age of Kepheus is clearly the next stage in the Answer. We already know Aquaria is part of the Answer because we are in a drought of nourishment and in a deluge of toxins. Aquaria is the Great Mother of the Waters in many forms that nourish and purify.

Maat, the dynamic balance, is changing ITself into compliance with the Great Year Ages.
This oneness of cycles of duality is always the Answer.

By the way, since Anshur is the Answer, the Anshur is also Unshur or unsure.
Unsure means we don't have the answer because we do not have all dualities reconciled into oncness. We are thinking and behaving in an unnatural state outside of oneness.

It should not be overlooked that this message starts out with a review of UC#1. Maat was the way then and is the answer now. Using multiple paths of inquiry and angles of light, the path returns to Maat to tell us you don't need 1,382 other messages to know the answer or the way.

You can know the way by how it fits. Does it fit you to a “TI?” When it does, it will not only feel like heaven, it will be heaven for all involved.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

First Creation – IT & Other Names Of Heaven
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1382


(Part 9jt of 11)

This message is the not the result of a search for the names of Heaven. This message is gathered crumbs resulting from other searches. This post has no comprehensive intent, not even as an introductory message on the topic.

1. Nnun and Nnut are names of heaven we've already touched upon. These two heavens or circles were given many names that represent humans. Those same names, represented other creatures first and then simultaneously represented humans and other creatures. Thus we have human body parts mixed with parts of other creations or humans with a moon on their head, and so on. These symbols are teaching principles of life and existence. Somebody told you differently and that's the only basis for what you think. Recognize, reckonize, reckon wise.

2. “Tep” as in top and “Teph” as in depth, are upper and lower heavens. (BB 77-8/89-90, 452/464)

3. “IT” means heaven. Thus, God is IT. God as One is IT. God as two is TI. These are two orientations of the same thing in different forms at different times in the cycle of life and existence.
So, as we can see, “IT” does not simply mean something that is non-living, inanimate, soulless or nonhuman. Those are suboptimal meanings for suboptimal times. (BB 67/79, 103/115)

Since we know IT is heaven and is also the Creator-Destroyer of Heaven, then we also are able to reach a different version of the answer to the question:
“What it is?” Existence.
“What it was?” Preexistence.
“What it be like?” Everything.

In UC#1380, we learned IT is Everything which is the same ole same ole always something new.

4. “Men” is a name of heaven. Therefore we know the word men does not primarily mean male humans. Before there was Men, there was Smen, the place of all souls. Smen is also a name of heaven. (BB 400/412)

5. Hert means the high country, height, above and heaven. (BB 370/382)

6. Bekh, Bekhn, beacon, Bekhens. All of these words represent origin, birthplace, dwellings of the gods, heaven.
Bekhen is Be+Khen which is Pe+Khen. Pe is heaven and Khen is sanctuary. This birthplace could be reckoned as being lower, right or upper. This refers to the birth of the ever-coming one into puberty. The birth of the ever-coming one into prepubescence occurs on the left side or lower side of the circle. (BB 277/289, 385/397)

7. Blue is the color of heaven and the soul. (BB 95/107)
Zulu means The Blue Heaven. Deep water, above or below is called Zulu. Zulura , means the blue thing and skyishness. Zulura then, must mean the soul of life in the holy spirit energy of waters in the sky of lower heaven. (NG1 237/255)

8. Uat is Water and must be a name for heaven. (BB 180/192, 325/337)

9. Meri means heaven, water, love, hate. (BB 178/190)

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

First Creation – Orientations
More Problems
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1381


(Part 9js of 11)

Reorientation To Orientation

General Rule: Orientation goes through cycles. What we currently call the lower below hemisphere as south, was actually the upper above hemisphere as south.
There are clues: The Kemites already told us that north is lower, when they named lower Kemet as the northern part of their city and Upper Kemet as the southern part. Also the magnetic pole of Earth changes. We can be certain this is also true for other celestial bodies. (UC# 1249), (BB 15/27, 440/452), (NG1 343-6/362-4), (AE1 327/337)

Orientation To Two Halves

The Two Circles are the largest and earliest symbols of two halves.
Upper Heaven Nnun is birth waters of spirit, principles, elementals and Lightness (conception and gestation of waters took place when there was only One Circle). (NG1 164-5/182-3)
Lower Heaven Nnut is periodic nourishment waters of matter, soul, principles, elementals and Darkness. (BB 436/448)
Heaven and Earth as two halves: Nnut heaven becomes upper above; Earth is lower below.
Earth and Amenta as two halves: Earth becomes upper above; Amenta is lower below.

Orientation To How Waters Flow

1. The Sea was parted in Zero. The waters were divided into two circles called heavens.
2. Heaven & Heaven as two halves: Nnun Heaven upper above conceives and births waters; Nnut Heaven lower below nourishes with periodic waters via the water re-cycle. (AE2 664/128)
3. Heaven & Earth as two halves; Nnut Heaven now becomes upper above to Earth lower below.
4. Mountains & Valleys as two halves: Mountains upper above, to valleys lower below.
5. Earth's Hemispheres as two halves: Nile Valley upper above in Utiopia to Nile Valley lower below in Egypt Kemet.

6. Earth & Earth's Abyss of Waters as two halves; Above ground is upper above; below ground is the lower below abyss birthplace of waters that replenish Earth, rise in the annual inundation of the Nile and are part of the water-recycle with Nnut.

Another General Rule: In addition to upper and lower having their meanings switched around from time to time, along with their symbols, Left and Right were also given different designations at different times in cycles. For instance, what was associated with the lower half was switched to be associated with the left side. What was associated with the upper half was switched to the right side of the circle. We've discussed this before when talking about dualities in the sense that all things have switched back and forth such as what is good and bad, right or wrong, etc.

We live in a universe where everything is in motion and everything is changing. Our orientation must be retrained to keep up. (NG1 216/234)

When orientation was by pole stars, the orientation was upper and lower because pole stars relate to solstice.
When orientation was by the Sun, the orientation was left and right because the Sun relates to equinox. (BB 6/18, 440/452)

Orientation To Gender

In the beginning, humans did not represent nature or the elementals as either feminine or masculine. Aspects of nature were first viewed as beneficial or destructive. Things slowly changed. (AE1 6/16 ), (AE2 676/231)

Lower below is feminine; upper above is masculine.
Left is feminine; right is masculine. (NG1 470-1/488-9)

At this point in our review of orientation, we can now understand how “as above, so below” applies as we switch perspectives regarding creations. We further can see how as without, so within also applies.
For example:
As above is upper heaven; as below is lower heaven.
As above is lower heaven; as below is Earth.
As above is Earth; as below is the Abyss.
Heaven becomes the without, Earth becomes the within.
Earch becomes the without, Abyss becomes the within. And so on.

Double Dipping Into Double Take

I am simply restating the basis of the Ten Cardinal Principles of Ancient African Deep Thought.
Saving The First General Rule For Last: In this Existence, where there is one of anything, there is at least one more, another side, another perspective, a mirror image, a metaphor, a duplicate. This is duality.
For instance, there is a double heaven and a double earth. Each of the two things that make up a double, contains many doubles within and is also part of many other forms of duality, even those dualities that consist of more than two things.

Misapplication of orientation causes more problems than we are aware of.
Orientation is the same thing as many other things such as reckoning, context, worldview, utamawazo, perspective, vantage point, point of view, angle of light, metaphor, viewpoint, the other side, someone else's shoes, the shoe on the other foot....

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

First Creation - Life & Existence, Meaning & Definition
Solution & Human Problem
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1380


(Part 9jr of 11)

Introductory Summary

The search for the meaning of life and existence must eventually make its way back to where life and existence begins – where all angles of light begin. Then all logic must make sense for all life and existence after that point. Not just make sense in the mind as the sole sense maker, but also make sense in relation to natural fact manifesting everywhere.

1. Before-Life & Existence
a) The Creator-Destroyer has Life and Preexistence.
b) No other creations exist in a dimension outside of Zero.
c) Humans do not have life or preexistence.
d) The After-Life is already taking place.

2. Life & Existence
a) The Creator-Destroyer has Life and Existence in a new form as many creations who exist in the Two Circles that together were formerly Zero. These circles, and creations they contain, have life and existence.
b) Humans do not have life or existence.
c) The After-Life is taking place.

3. Several Stages Of Life & Existence Take Place
a) The Creator-Destroyer continues to expand Life and Existence in many more forms. Finally, some earlier creations, called stars, transform into what we call Earths. Earths have life and existence in a new form.
b) Humans do not have life or existence.
c) The After-Life is taking place.

4. Several Stages Of Life & Existence Take Place
a) The Creator-Destroyer continues to expand Life and Existence in many more forms. Finally, some earlier creations called animals, are given an elemental booster shot, which transforms the animal into what we call humans. Humans have life and existence in a new form that is founded upon “the perfect beast.”
b) The After-Life is taking place, yet, humans have no clue it is.

5. Several Stages Of Life & Existence Take Place
a) The Creator-Destroyer continues to expand Life and Existence in many more forms. Along the way, human forms are transforming until we reach the form of human we have been for several hundred thousand years. Humans have life and existence in a form that is an adaptation of the previous form of human – an adaptation mainly sparked by learning how to live in the conditions of those times by using genetic potential differently.
b) The After-Life is taking place, and then finally, humans in the form we are, start thinking about Life, Existence, Preexistence and After-Life. This thought process of current humans, has taken hundreds of thousands of years before it flowed out of Africa.
c) Without any human ideologies to rely on, humans simply look at superhuman nature and nature and recognize these things about life and existence are not new things and pertain to all creations fundamentally, even if in different ways. Humans go through many cycles of optimal and suboptimal understandings. Eventually we end up at today when humans treat life and existence as if it only or mainly pertains to humans, including the after-life – as if the after-party was on hold until the human mind showed up. This kind of stuffed-your-head logic is the status quo logic of societies even though the entire basis of human preexistence, existence, life and afterlife is based on and depends on everything that existed long before the earliest human did.

All this is to say, if we want to understand the meanings of life and existence, we need to work our way back to starting from scratch. That is Zero, the Dynamic Duo principle of the Two Circles of Duality Reality and the Elementals. If our current conclusions as to what life and existence are about does not incorporate awareness of the essence of these things, in a Primordial Four sort of way, we are likely using a human framework that serves as its own self-created foundation, which is impossible as a matter of natural fact.

So if we want to understand the meaning of life and existence, we must get back to natural fact. Natural fact is the Sign-language that shows the way.

Additional Duplicate Tools To Use As Needed

Everything needs to add up to one and oneness, then to zero and wholeness.
We must look at all sides of dualities, just like the Ser in search, so we can find the Ser in Answer.

We are the Creator-Destroyer who is functioning in many forms and is seeking understandings of the meanings of self, life, existence and all else.

So far we have not mentioned salvation as having anything to do with life and existence. Salvation is a byproduct of life and existence. If we emulated the principles of how life and existence functions without humans, we would simultaneously be working out our salvation. We'd be closer to the whole truth.

Because we are deep in love with confused logic, we have mistaken natural fact. Humans are a combination of the elementals and other creatures who came before humans. Humans are supposed to be the guardian caretaker steward, not the dominator abuser. With these other creations, humans are supposed to be in the same relationship mindset as parent and child where we are both child and parent, thus we are supposed to see ourselves as all other forms of nature because that's exactly what we are.

We humans are in a stage where we are functioning more as destroyers of harmony, rather than restorers of harmony. We fool ourselves with mindblind words that say we are the best form since humans became multi-colored. “Look!”, we say, “at all we've accomplished.” Yet, anyone with a healthy perspective knows what we've accomplished is life diminished.

Technically Defining Life

The word “Life” is synonymous with “Rep,” to grow, bud, blossom, and bear like the tree, or as Repit the Ultimate One. Life is about repeating repetition of the Ultimate One, which is what happened when one became many within then became two. Repetition has not stopped since and continues up to this very instant. The initiate can see the Repit as Parent, gives birth to another form of self as the Repa, the Child. (BB 245/257)

In the umbilical Nile Valley, life was viewed as a way for motion to renew itself. Thus life and existence is about our own motions that renew life and existence. Since we know we can't renew our own life without contributing to the renewal of other humans and lifeforms, then we know all focus is supposed to be a simultaneous awareness of how the motions we do or don't do, to self or others, impacts life, existence and salvation of the whole total. (AE1 181/191)

As we continue to search, we always find an expansion of understanding. Many of us know “Ankh” means life. A simple expansion is that Ankh means “life that was, is, will be.” Thus Ankh means the before-life, life now and the after-life. No wonder the Ankh is a ubiquitous symbol in Egypt Kemet. Unknowingly, we use to more frequently greet each other with the following exchange:
“What it is? (First Person)
“What it was.” (Second Person)
“What it be like?” (First Person)
“You know, same ole same ole.” (NG1 436/454)

Be Like Ife

Back in Ancient days in Inner Africa, Goddess Venus was both female and male at the same time. Venus is called “Iye,” which comes from “Ife” which leads us to the word “Life,” This means Life is about the unity of duality and their simultaneous functioning. (NG2 8/16)

I am the Repa who repeats.
The life before, the life now and the life after, are the same life in different forms and stages.
Therefore, it doesn't add up for us humans to seek salvation via a life after, and yet, not seek to solve the inequality of the life now by consulting the life before.
Under no circumstances is salvation achieved in any religious/spiritual building or book or membership or ritual, unless that stuff translates into healthier and healthier relationships with self and the extended self of all else.

This life on this Earth is the workspace for working out sustaining the eternal life. Not by way of choosing an ideology, but by practicing what came before human ideology.
We don't get to skip over the temporary life of Existence, and leap back into the eternal life of Preexistence. And then when we arrive at the Black & Gold Gate, base our entry on human ideology. That's ghetto thinking.

We don't get to live in a diminished state of knowledge of self and then expect to be endowed with all understanding once we die and wake up on the other side. That's some serious restorative sleep.
Life and Existence is a two-way stream that flows in all degrees of direction around us. We have to give ife and existence now in order to get life and existence afterwards.

What we've learned is that life and existence is not based on gender, religion, spirituality, race, national origin or any other identifier that humans use in a suboptimal choke-the-life way.
Humans have thought themselves into an unperceived corner of invasive species logic we can be proud of because 'looka here, see my name, my culture, my flag....” On this basis we defend anti-life and anti-existence logic, mainly based on legal and illegal, which is the weakest form of thinking any human can do.

Preexistence, life before humans and the after-life, all three took care of themselves. One of our main understandings is how humans fit in without messing up what was already taking place that allowed us to have life and existence.

Bad news: the human problem has become the largest problem of most creatures on Earth.
Good news: the human problem is the Creator-Destroyer's problem who is climate changing the multi-level problem in truth, into a multi-level solution in truth. These changes are making it harder for the “bad guys” and easier for the “good guys.” Therefore, humans must continue to change in conjunction with changes taking place in superhuman dimensions. Our job remains unchanged: strive for improvements and help others do the same in regards to the basics of life and existence.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, June 15, 2018

First Creation – Existence & Creation Begin
Solution & Problem
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1379


(Part 9jq of 11)

Two Circles exist. Bicycle. Each circle is one-half of Zero.
Time exists because motion has now been separated into two circles and continuity of motion is no longer guaranteed.
The Un-natural stage begins. Unnatural means the unlocked natural. Genetic potential has been opened into another circle for transformation and creation.
The potential for Khaos to become Chaos now exists because difference and separation exist in separate circles and knowledge of the whole total self has been divided. This establishes the basis for all differential treatment.

A star is born again. The Superstar is reborn into a new form as two daughters, sisters, mothers, twins. (BB 351/363), (NG1 69/87)
Some of the many names of these two circles are Great Mother, Iusaas (Neb-hetep), Hes (As, Ast, Auset) & Neft (Nebethet, Nephthys), Hathor & Nebethet-Nut, Venus & Isis, Virgo & Pisces, Cassiopeia and Ursa Major, Neith & Seti). (BB 351/363), (AE1 23/33), (NG1 531-2/549-50)

Creation by spoken word begins by calling into being things which did not preexist, did not have a separate name or that existed as one thing and not two things. Creation by spoken word is necessary to call things into being outside of self. (AE1 180/190, 407-8/417-8), (BB 236/248, 359/371)

The two circles are identical twins initially as 00. Then one of them transforms until they become 01. Binary code now exists. The upper circle functions more as Preexistence and Existence hidden, while the lower circle functions more as Existence and Preexistence revealed.

Khekh has now been divided into Spirit and soul. Each is one-half of the energy in Zero.
Soul of life in water's spirit energy is the upper circle. Soul of life in water's matter energy is the lower circle.

The two circles manifest as two mothers in one person. One circle conceives and nurses creations in spirit, the other circle gives birth and nurses creations in matter. (BB 426/438)

Trinity Seeds Revisited, Elementals, Elements, Khepera, Change, Transform, Reform, Evolution, Phase One, Unity Consciousness #1352

The Two Circles are the waters of Nnun and the waters of Nnut.
North and south now exist. (BB 264/276)

Feminine principle manifests out front (masculine principle logic manifests by running in the background, hidden).

Creation Takes Place By The Numbers, Therefore Math Is Always Life

Since two circles represent one, we can gain additional understandings:
1. One by One is the same as 1 x 1 which equals one.
One times any number allows that number to function as one and multiply its effect.
When oneness is the multiplier, all divisions come together as one.

2. One plus One is the same as 1+ 1 which equals two.
One plus any number duplicates the basis of that number. 1 + 3 = 4. 3 is the basis of one (1/3+1/3+1/3). Now when we add one more we have 4/3. But we also have to change the basis so that 4/3 is based 4 because the one is now divided into four parts, and no longer three parts. Therefore 4/3 = 4/4 because by adding an additional 1/3, we are adding division to one, thus we are turning three divisions into four divisions, thus changing the basis from three to four.
When we add one to any number we are adding a division while maintaining oneness.
This can be considered as spiritual math that complements the mere adding and subtracting of numbers that does not lend itself to understanding the basis upon which these numbers are based and why add and why subtract.

3. Thus, from an overall perspective, Creation involves adding difference while maintaining sameness.
Are we to think these words are different and not the same: double, duo, dual, two, twin, entwine, couple, copulate, duplicate, pair, duality, mate, match, biune, bicycle, you, I the Ankh, both, neither as neutral as neuter, either, Me, We, Jew, repeat, repetition...

4. Through knowledge of self, the super-extended self, we must remember when to add, multiply, subtract and divide. This automatically means we will know what the numbers mean, starting from zero, then one-half, then one, then two. There is no need to go any further, until we understand those four numbers.
For instance, each number represents all four numbers.

5. This is essential, because at this level there is no such thing as human. Thus we can understand the basis of life and existence for humans, by learning it from the superhuman who are in sync with Zero and Duo.

Carrying Around Stumbling Blocks Of Logic
When mother and father are mentioned, this is not talking about humans initially or humans primarily. It is talking about the feminine and masculine principles of the universe that operate in all creations, all Creators and all Destroyers.

It's okay to start with the human basis as our perspective but we must work our way back to the larger, foundational, fundamental understandings of life that existed before humans existed. We must compare the human to the superhuman. We must seek to understand the sameness and difference. When there's a difference and we decide the human way is the way, we are likely in the way of progress and not in the way of regress.
This adds to the problem; subtracts from the solution by adding to Chaotic logic; subtracting from Khaotic logic.
Why do we think and behave so?
All manner of misery caused because we do not understand the meanings connected to adding and subtracting sameness and difference, nor the time and the place when they are appropriate and inappropriate. Thus, then, our motions are out of sync, causing all sorts of chinks, pileups and broken links. Going with this flow leads to the suboptimal. We must do a reversal to the optimal, in order to complete the cycle and be whole in Zero.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Zero Creation – Ser Definition
No Problem, No Solution
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1378


(Part 9jp of 11)

Letters “Z” and “S” are interchangeable, thus Zer is Ser. We can hear and see it in “observe.” “S” pronounced “C” is the softer sound, thus, as part of the workings of the word-sound-power, might be the prepubescent form of “Z.” If not, the meanings of Ser still reveal many connections to Zero, the Ser-cle.

“Ser” is the soul of life in spirit energy of resurrection that manifests through the ever-coming one. This is the spirit energy that awakens beings out of rest, death, Preexistence.

Ser-en-Tep (Tep Hill) is the initial birthplace of Preexistence and the resurrection out of Preexistence. Thus the resurrection and the life. This resurrection takes place in the initial birthplace of the Parent at the time of spring equinox. At the same time, the Child is being reborn at Kep-en-teriu. Parent and Child are reborn at the same time, but in two different locations. It seems the Parent is reborn in the Terrestrial Nnut of Amenta, while the Child is reborn in the Celestial Nnut of heaven. The child rested on the mountain in Amenta. This is likely Winter Solstice when the Sun is said to stand still for three days. The Child is standing still while the Parent is being reborn.
The bottom of celestial Nnut likely overlaps with the top of Terrestrial Nnut of Amenta. These two Nnuts meet at the horizon. Earth is a connecting link between two heavens, thus half of Earth sees one heaven and the other half sees another heaven. We know this by the difference in the Southern and Northern Constellations. (BB 452-3/464-5)

Ser is a most ancient and universal root for the rock. Ser or Sire, means the chief, arranger, placer, disposer.
The Tser is the rock of the horizon. Thus Tser is the soul of life in spirit energy of resurrection. Some variations are: Sir; Sar (Assyrian); Sur, Sure, Djer, Djoser. See Djindja. (BB 214/226; 422/434)

“Tser,” is the sanctuary, temple, palace, seat or throne of the rock of the horizon that sits in the waters. Tser is the mountain upon which the ark rests. Ts in the form of St means to stand, sit or stay which is imaged by the rock or stone representing fixity as types of the soul of life in the spirit energy of darkness (dark energy) and in the soul of life in matter (dark matter).

To consolidate some of what is stated above:
1. Parent, as the ever-coming one, is born again at Ser-en-tep on Tep Hill at the location of the Winter Solstice during the time of Spring Equinox.
2. Child, as the ever-coming one, is born again at Kep-en-teriu on Tser Rock, the Hill of the Horizon at the place where the Sun moves above Earth's celestial equator (Earth's equator projected into space). This causes Annual Spring Equinox.
3. I can now see how the child resting for three days at Winter Solstice is resting in the womb of the Parent who is located at Winter Solstice.
4. I suspect the two mountains are the same mountain or mountain range with two to three peaks.
5. We extend these thoughts for later use: The parent, as first and oldest, is reborn at Au in Amenta. The child, as second and youngest, is reborn at An in Amenta. The parent is I am. The child is I an.

When we reach “ground zero” we have reached the origin, beginning with nowhere else to go.
When we hit rock bottom we have reached zero. We are still alive and in the perfect place for resurrection.

To match what we already knew had to be true, “Ser” means seed, zero, soul. It is now also understandable why we say “O my soul! We are calling the Soul of Souls by its primordial name of O (Zero). We are sending out an SOS to the SOS. (BB 114/126)

Sherau & Serau

Sherau or Serau indicate the Number 2 and the prepubescent child of dual sex. Sherau means the child is still neutral so as to experience life without the limiting lens of gender before understandings have matured enough to know how to function once gender specializes. The child is born as bi-as to inform the child as to bias.

Either spelling of Sherau or Serau takes little transformation to see how those words sound like Zero. They also mean the same thing as Zero. In addition to Sherau and Serau being the Child, they are also the Parent. Au means the primordial, the oldest of two, the oldest form. Au also means “was.” Thus we have the “was” scepter of power and Waset* in Kemet as the largest temple ever built. Every circle and every creation contains a temple because everything is born out of Zero and based on the same trueprint blueprint.

*Waset Temple contains Ipet-Isut temple, the Holy of Holies. This temple within a temple is known today as Luxor and Karnak.

No Ser, Yes Ser

One representation of two-in one (twins) was the double Anubis (two humans with dog or jackal heads), This represented the Watcher, Watch-Dog, thus the Announcer, especially when everyone was asleep or too busy to watch themselves. Some form of creation is always watching, always announcing.
Another form of the same twinship was Sut-Horus as two humans with bird heads. The twins work together. One keeps watch while the other sleeps. One is on duty; one is off duty. One is passive as no ser; one is active as yes ser.

The earliest representation of the watcher-announcer was the giraffe of Inner Africa's Utiopia. The giraffe is the Ser by name. Gir, Ger and Gher are clues to finding Ser in giraffe. The giraffe was used to represent the Feminine Parent and Male Child. The giraffe is an animal who can see both ways at once without turning its head or its eyes. It's vision is split and functions separately but in unity. This then is the perfect symbol of the fixed steadfast watcher who keeps everything under ser-veillance. Out of one eye the Ser can see sameness. Out of the other eye, the Ser can see difference.
The Ser is a measurer, calculator, regulator, arranger, disposer, organizer, renewer This is the ser-veyer. This is Zero. (NG1 486/504)

Giraffe contains Gher which leads to Kher. Briefly put, Kher is about reckoning, reckonizing, recognition, awareness, consciousness, knowledge... Kher is understanding what time it is, thus understanding proper orientation of self and all else, according to continuous cycles of continuously changing energies.

Duality exists as Twoness within One so that Preexistence within One can become Existence for Many.
In Zero, knowledge of self is optimal, thus no contradictions exist regarding sameness and difference because they are understood to be identical when combined with the cyclical. Therefore, in Zero, there is no problem, thus no solution needed.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

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