If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, April 26, 2024

Catholic & Public | Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3111

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzze of 11)

In a human lexicon polluted by societal worldviews that fragment, diminutize, skew and misrepresent word origins, definitions and meanings, the word “Catholic” is said to mean universal and universally accepted.


Catholic comes from Kath-Pu-Lekh.
1. Kath and Khat is a name for the birthplace, mother, source, womb, an inner region, concealed place, tree of knowledge.
2. Pu is the Parent of both halves of the circle, north and south, lower and upper, feminine and masculine. This is the entire heaven, not just the circle of this Earth. See all forms of Pa, Pe, Pi, Po, Pu and forms beginning with K, H, N, M, T, S, F, B, V. J, W, Y.
3. Lekh are people of the womb, relatives, people of a district, the race who descended on the mother’s side. The Rekh are the father's side, the second stage of growth. Lekh and Rekh also mean the beginning, word, voice, speak, announce, declare, the dead, the living, the knowers.
4. Pu-Rekh is also a form of Kherpu and Kherp, the first form of heaven before division, thus the first form of everything and first former of everything.
Variation: Public as in Pu-Bu-Lekh, this is person, place, thing, action, group.

To say something is universal is to lead people to think that that something is comprehensive and balanced, even if only explicitly stating one side of something, the other side should be understood to exist. For example, God is the Creator should trigger us to also understand that God is the Destroyer. The Supreme Being as first manifesting revealed as feminine means the second manifestation is masculine. Then that switches according to the next cycle, thus this is what allows the first to be last and then the last to become first. This type of universal teaching is not true of Catholicism as a religious variation of Nile Valley science teachings.
What is universal must take into account the entirety of this Earth and its inhabitants, from root to shoot, to fruit to seed, beginning to end. It must also take into account the ecosystem constellation publics this Earthstar is a part of.
In terms of universal words, origins, definitions, meanings, languages, religions, science and knowledge, Nile Valley Mythology, Eschatology and its Mesteriu Teachings is the closest thing and the foundation of all else humans understand, even though a lot of understanding is missing and a lot is misunderstood.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Heil Hitler And The Gestapo In America
Unity Consciousness #3110

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzd of 11)

Heil Hitler is a salute, praise, homage, honor, respect, capitulation and shout out to Adolf Hitler, his worldview and his actions. Heil means Hail, Heir, Great Ruling Spirit and Ha Le as in Hallelujah.
God Bless America and Vive La France are the same thing, as well as many other nationalistic sayings that are part of the culture that you must repeat in order to show your allegiance, thus those sayings are cultist behavior.

According to Wikipedia, the Geheime Staatspolizei is translated as "Secret State Police", and then abbreviated as Gestapo, the official secret police of Nazi Germany and German-occupied Europe. Gestapo is Gesta-po is Gesta-police.

In order for Hitler to get and maintain allegiance from the favored group, he gave them favors, privileges and a falsified self-esteem regarding who they are, where they came from and why they are here. In order for Hitler to get and maintain obeisance from the disfavored groups, including recently born mulatto mutt semites such as Polish, Italians, Scottish and Greeks he used the Gesta-police as overseers, enforcers, judge, jury and executioners. Some of these semites rebranded themselves under their religious beliefs, for instace, semite jews.

In all societies, in all nations and all countries, all groups who have police authority, whether or not they carry guns, are part of the Gestapo police. This includes all elected and appointed officials. The Gestapo exists in every institution because police are those to whom we give authority to tell us what is right, wrong, correct, incorrect, legal, illegal, allowed, not allowed and so on. For instance, the Internal Revenue Service, the Center for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, School Boards, Home Owner Associations, and so on.

We can now better understand why things are the digusting way they are in societies. It should be obvious that the USA is getting worser and worser, thus, by extension, all those who genuflect with chicken necks to USA defects and say things like God Bless America.

The Real O.G.

The real O.G. Is the Original Gestapo.
Briefly speaking:
1. Gesta is form of the word Justice which is a form of Khesti and Khesteka. Justice is the manifestation of the self-balancing dynamics of spirit-soul. Khes is spirit-soul. Teka means to remix truths, bring about change.
2. Po is from Pu, the north and heaven, lower half of circle, the underworld, the place of the dead and place of the baby born.
3. Lice is a form of Rukh, Rukha, Rekhi, the wise rulers and the feminine birthplace. Rukha becomes Ro-Chi as another name for the Ankh, which combines the circle, and its outlet as the Ru (Ro), with the cross of the four corners as the Kha (Chi, Khiu). Kha is feminine and clarifies the nature of the outlet, thus the Rukha is the feminine outlet, mouth and circle. Thus the police have authority over anything and everything in the domain in which the masses allow them to have authority. Likewise so do the universal Gestapo established in all dimensions and in all creations, which is why, for instance, cancers are ever-increasing, they are punishments for breaking cellular law.

The female ruler represented as a lion is called forth as Ur-Heku (great magic power). With the letter “P” prefixed for the word 'the' and for the female cat Pasht, the name becomes P-ur-ukhu, the great magic power or the old ruleress. (BB)
Purukhu becomes Poleche becomes Police. This Pa, Pu, and Po later diversifies into the Parent as feminine and masculine, both revealed. Thus the proper use of police powers is balance that helps offspring become the best versions of themselves. Policing is a servant mentality and not a master mentality; however societies use the phrase, public servant, while using all manner of policing policies and actions against the public. This is the Hitler Gestapo power that I am better than you simply because I have some aspect of policing authority that is greater than my obligation to being humane; never mind that I don't police my own thoughts and actions, I simply follow the seed and worldview of those who rule with weapons.

Another form of P-ur-Heku is Ma-Shu, who is also Ur-Ma-Shu is Mashuur is Mashuru is Makhuru is Makheru.
Ma-Shu is also the Ma-Ru-Shu is Marukhe is Charukhe is Makheru. We can know policing authority on this Earth is changing because the Makheru is changing as shown by the changing of the guards called Ages.

This leads us to yet another form of police, police as “place”. Ru is the outlet, and KA is the interior land. (BB2). Thus policing is limited by time and space. This we know as jurisdictions. Jurisdiction is Karest-diction. The lawgivers, law makers, law enforcers and law adjudicators are determined by the ever-coming and ever-changing christs saviors, messiahs. If this were not so, then many of human ruling nations, would still be ruling, all of their policing was defunded, dismantled, along with those who supported those abuses of power based on the cancerous combination of miseducation and corrupt spirits. This is great destroyer god called Yurugu, an unhealthy form of Purukhu.
The word “place” not only comes from Purukhu, but other forms such as Kafruka, the original place, the original birthplace, the original place of authority. Thus Africa does not just exist on this planet.
This is why, in order to legitimize authority elsewhere in the world, without honoring Africa, Africa and Africans must be demeaned in all ways always. The crazed logic is, it is not that we are good or better, it's just that we are better than you, and since our level of better than you is all that has existed, we are the best in human history. We are the best version of civilized people that have ever existed even though we are not good citizens to earth, its inhabitants and not even to those in the favored groups. We just use words and make claims that have no proofs and base everything on rules we make up. Without our weapons, we are nothing more than weasels in a chicken coop. This sickness has been fueled by several Ages during the time when the Sun has been in the lower half (underworld Amenta) of the Galaxy.

Ultimately, the supreme police as a person, place, thing and action is hidden, which is why what police on this Earth in human form do, is mostly done in secret. However, in order to purify and refine sets of conditions to be established for upcoming times in order to create a different status quo of dynamic balance, the Original Gestapo, lies in wait and hides until the Great Day of Coming Forth, This must be accomplished through both small-scale and large-scale upheavals that erode, cripple and topple all institutions (all of which are policers) in societies, thus the society itself and its citizens must be nullified, voided and removed by any means necessary in keeping with how they were installed.

Monday, April 22, 2024

New Liars Truly Believe They Tell New Lies To New Lie-ees
Unity Consciousness #3109

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzc of 11)

Who and What is a new liar?

1. Someone who thinks their lie is new. The ever-repeating one, beloved of Jah, Jedidiah Solomon, peeped this long enough ago. The saying, there is nothing new under the sun, is often repeated but not heeded.

2. Someone who thinks their lie or version is new to you. Thus they think you are a new lie-ee, someone never lied to, something which doesn't exist in human form.

3. Someone who thinks a lie is a single event, rather than the result and cumulative effect of several lies.

4. Someone who thinks the lie-ee can't piece together or connect a lie to other lies told by the liar or other liars, no matter how long ago or how seemingly unrelated or how commonplace and accepted as normal or as truth. There is only one source of all lies just as there is only one source of all new liars.

5. If this is not clear to you yet, a new liar is anyone who lies for the first time or anytime or tells a lie of any kind.
Each lie is a new instance of lying but not brand new, as in never used before. The main thing that trips up most liars is that due to the nature and source and reason for lying, liars will continue to lie to support the first lie and to support subsequent lies told to support the first lie, even if they themselves did not tell the most recent first lie. Thus liars will tell an ever-expanding, ever-branching set of lies that they can't keep up with because they are mental midgets and moral degenerates. Thus liars are less intelligent than those they lie to, even though liars think they are more intelligent and more subtle than a snake, which is another reason why they lie.
New liars always make mistakes by lying in the first place. They also make mistakes contained within each lie told, sold, repeated, perpetuated and supported. This is easily discovered by asking two to three questions regarding what you have been told or shown and what those statements and behaviors are trying to get you to think, believe, accept, reject.
Be certain that a few of the many tell tale signs of those who tell tales from small to large are that new liars will try to get you to make quick decisions and inundate you with words, jargon, images, bargains and information, some of which is partly true, but in the context of what the new liar is saying, the information is false or falsely applied to lead you to false conclusions and decisions detrimental to you.

6. Knowing a lie does not depend mainly on hearing words or deciphering the contradictions. It also depends on recognizing the results of words spoken or carried out. It also relies on a spirit tuned to truth (universal harmony).

Lying Has A Foundation In Lying

A lie or to lie, means to sit, rest, stop, stand or linger in a space, location or position.
There are physical spaces, locations and positions.
There are also mental spaces, locations and positions and emotional spaces, locations and positions, and most of all there are spiritual-moral spaces, locations and positions. All of these are interconnected, thus influence and affect each other. It only takes one corruption in one of these places of logic and a refusal to self-correct, to corrupt the others. Uncorrected corruption grows and spreads like cancer because corruption is the seed of cancer.
The ability and propensity to lie is passed on from parents to child, ancestors to child, supreme to subordinates, creators to creations. It takes many generations of uncorrected lies to lead to the “dead men squawking” state of humans today, especially in self-appointed favored groups, their wannabes and in the individual focused disfavored groups.

So now we can more easily understand that not only do new liars tell the same old lies, new liars are old liars. Every liar simply renews something from the source of lies, the Rennu. Thus a new liar is a renewed liar, a revived liar, a reborn liar, a born again liar, a new disciple of the hidden claimed to be revealed.
Liars repeat, lies repeat, thus are part of cycles of ever-coming ones.
At different points in different cycles in different places, lies are more prevalent, and then this begins to reverse, climate conditions change, patterns shift, recalibrate, consciousness flows and ebbs, and lies, truths, liars and truth-tellers are revealed. They are first revealed to themselves, either immediately or eventually, but always repeatedly in everywhere mirrors self-reflecting the self-portraits of liars and their lies.
New liars lie so much to themselves, by the time they lie to you, they lie more than they breathe which is why they are able to lie with ease, it has become their default mode, their first choice. This is due to the nonstop beat-down self-mutilation of the virtuous side of their spirit that seeks to emulate this container's balance of water to dry land, but is not allowed to do so due also to the weaknesses, vices and fears by which they steer all movements, lying to themselves that they are worthy to be here and heirs to the next life.

The Closest Source Of “Lies” Is “Lines”

The reason you are susceptible to new liars is because you yourself are a new liar because you keep lying to yourself every day all day in many ways. The only reason new liars prevail is because you are using most of the same logic new liars are using. Your lines of thought about most things are messed up. That's why new liars seem normal, sound normal and seem friendly and not a threat to your health, safety and welfare. It is due to the abnormalities of logic in you.
Thus there is no such thing as a good liar or bad liar. There is only the question of where your set of logic in your body, mind, emotion and spirit is healthy enough to detect lies, how long it takes and your willingness to admit, reject and correct lies. This must become a conscious habit during times like these when lies are the overwhelming norm of what takes place in societies.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Food Preservatives For Badder & Worse
Unity Consciousness #3108

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzza of 11)

Most food in grocery stores contains preservatives, even fresh fruit and vegetables, and even food from the deli and bakery.

What is food?
Food is what God makes, what God creates, what God provides for each species.

What is a preservative?
Briefly put, a preservative is something that suspends, stops or slows down animation. Animation is Ani-motion is motion. A preservative suspends, stops or slows down the motion of natural processes.
Thus a preservative is the same thing as an embalming process because embalming suspends, stops or slows down the natural processes of decomposition.
A food preservative, just like embalming substances, create a toxic environment for other natural organisms that help move food through the natural circular cycle, and through the natural cycle of digestion, distribution, integration, transformation and excreting.
We know a food preservative suspends, stops or slows down the natural processes of food decomposition, food decay, food spoiling, prevents or inhibits food from naturally breaking down back into its constituent parts and returning to an earlier state of existence.

Now we know there are some preservatives and preservative methods that are okay, such as canning, drying, freezing, smoking, salting...
We also know there are many preservatives that are human-made concoctions and cocktails.

So by now, you should be getting an uneasy feeling about what you are eating, and yet, also an excited feeling that you are gaining a better understanding of what is happening when you eat food that contains preservatives and fake food that contains preservatives.

Naturally, we should be very wary of human-made preservatives. Since most of the stuff we eat contains human-made preservatives, on a daily basis, we are putting into our bodies, preservatives that are intended to suspend, stop or slow down natural processes. Thus we are consuming, eating and ingesting preservatives that slow down, stop or suspend the natural processes of our cells, while at the same time, we need those cells to remain in motion, and not just motion, but efficient optimal motion so those cells can do what we need them to do.

In other words, we are feeding our cells stop signs while expecting them to go.
In other words, we are embalming our cells little by little and expecting to live long healthy lives

In other words, we are eating things that contain substances designed to stop food from breaking down while expecting those same things to allow our bodily processes to breakdown food to keep us in motion, animated, alive.

In other words, since motion and mation go together, and since mation is transformation, we are expecting our cells to go through the motions that causes transformations that keep us alive and functioning healthily, yet we are feeding our cells anti-motion substances that prevent or inhibit transformations, thus slows down our processes, thus puts our cells in slow death mode, sleep mode, snooze mode, thus averse to being woke.

In other words we are creating conflict and contradiction inside our cells due to conflict and contradiction of logic in our cells, mainly the conflicted brain cells in our heads that are essentially functioning like brain cells in our tails.

In other words, we have auto-buffoon syndrome, total sickness syndrome..

In other words, we are sick because of ill-logic, self-destructive thinking and behavior, and we think we are safe because we don't live in a so-called food desert, yet natural sense has deserted us. Meanwhile we are causing our cells to not be able to function in a natural aliveness set of processes, but instead our cells are being recalibrated by human-made preservatives to function in a natural deadness set of processes in order to put us into a state of anti-motion.
In other words, what is interfering with our cells, is also interfering with our organs, glands, bones, molecules, atoms, enzymes, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and helpful viruses and bacteria.
We are getting sicker because our logic is getting more badder and more worse, bit by bit, byte by byte, every day, with all the dumbing numbing wrecked up logic we are consuming, eating, ingesting, deciding is tasty, delicious, nutritious and best for us that money can buy and lies can supply.
How many pounds, ounces, liters and grams of preservatives are we putting into our bodies each day, week, month, year?

Human-made preservatives are one of several major factors contributing to and causing illnesses in humans, in human pets, in human zoos and in the natural environment.
Yet human-made preservatives are another byproduct of simply being corrupt.

Like Yurugu, who chose to have arrested development.

In other words, no amount of medical care or treatments or seeking of cures, using Yurugu logic will reverse the collective corrosive cancerous effects of suboptimal theory logic presiding in all human societies.

In other words, you cannot heal or cure human physical sicknesses without healing or curing human spiritual, emotional and mental sicknesses.

In other words, you cannot heal human physical cancers without healing the human cancer of Maafa Racism.

Be certain, if there was no such thing as Maafa Racism, the collective effects of humans would have never led to the current state of degradations of humans that makes climate change a fortune-filled welcome change, yet unwelcome to those who unrealistically wish to preserve the status quo of sickening deadly imbalances.

In other words, the methods you are using to keep your societies is actually killing your societies because societies can only exist short-term due to self-destructive logic from the start, starting with the founders and the followers.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Rock Bottom Wisdom Repeated By A Drug Addict
Unity Consciousness #3107

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of 11)

I am paraphrasing, expanding and quoting what I heard on a visual moving image television episode of Judge Mathis. He was asking a drug addict if he was ready to quit, and if so, Judge Mathis was offering to help him. But, Judge Mathis said, you can't make someone do something no matter how bad you want it for them, they have to want it themselves. Judge Mathis said a person has to reach rock bottom first. Judge Mathis again asked the drug addict if he was ready to quit. The guy hesitated and said, “rock bottom has more than one basement.” I laughed and while doing so, said oh shit, then immediately understood, he just spoke truth.

By using the understanding of turvision, I was able to recognize the wisdoms repeated by not only Judge Mathis, but also by the drug addict.
The drug addict was saying:
1. he was not ready to quit
2. what is rock bottom to you is not rock bottom to him
3. rock bottom is a personal thing
4. rock bottom is a personal interpretation and decision
5. there are layers and levels to what bottom is
6. I am not as screwed up as you might think, I still have some aspects of good sense
7. there's something else going on that you don't understand and that I am not yet ready to admit or might not understand myself.
8. It is not the addiction that I need help with, but rather it is something else I am ashamed of, and the only way I can halfway function is through addiction, violence and other vices.

Be certain that the bottom is not always a bad thing.
A foundation is the bottom.
But be certain that a foundation is also the top.
For quick instance, the foundation of heaven.

We know there are layers of atmosphere and layers of Earth. Thus a layer is a level is a dimension is a basement is an attic is a story is something stacked, packed and racked.
The fact that there is a top, middle and bottom to things is a basic example of layers, levels and dimensions, and depending on your orientation, your perspective, your worldview, your understandings, the top could be the bottom or the side.

Many God believers believe in things such as Cloud Nine and Seventh Heaven, thus we believe Heaven has layers, thus by natural common sense logic, Hell must also have layers and levels.

A foundation is not just something solid. Isn't water a foundation?
Perhaps, yes, we should think of a foundation as something fundamental. Isn't air a foundation, a fundamental, a cornerstone?
We know truth is a foundation, thus is truth the bottom or top?
Isn't truth a cornerstone? The chief cornerstone?
Are stones the same as rocks and are rocks always at the bottom?

Be certain that a drug comes in many forms, more than the types we call drugs and more than the legal drugs.
There are drugs for each aspect of the four inseparable aspects of self.

Be certain that there are good addictions and bad addictions, helpful addictions and harmful addictions.

Societies are synonymous with harmful addictions, addictions to violence in all forms and addictions to other vices.
Favored groups are addicted to money, power, violence, sepsis and using anything and everything for their comfort, without regard to the owners of record.
Societies are precipitously near the utmost and outermost bottom and top.

By way of the REM in Remembering

Since top and bottom depend on each other, the first foundation is the middle.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Revisiting What Television Actually Is
Unity Consciousness #3106

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy of 11)

Previously we have explained that television is telepathic vision.
We will now explain another aspect of this telepathic vision.

Television is Tele-vision is Tere-vision is Turu-Vision.

Turu is Tu-Ru.
Tu is an earlier form of Tef and 'The' and also a shortened form of Thu of Khu of Khiu of Khiur of Khiurl and Khiun of Khiumn and Khiunm.

Ru has been much discussed and means door, gate, mouth, outlet, path, way, portal, entry, exit, road, going-place, container, womb, cell, circle, passage, street, boundary, limit, extent, perimeter, circumference.

Thus Turu is something that contains something and releases something.
What is that something?
That something is the TU, which is simply the manifestations of the spirit of the producer creation.
Thus Tele-vision as Turu-vision is filling and feeding our minds and spirits with the spirit of the producers of television programming.
This programming helps form the totality of our vision. Television helps set our boundaries and shapes our worldview, thus television shapes our view of all else within the world and outside this world and within the worlds within this world.

There are Televisions in additional forms such as radio, books, bibles, movies, plays and all other forms of media, pedia, ru-pedia, repeatia, repetitions. The unfortunate neglectful part of this media is the portion called self-study.
Thus, even the books, scrolls, parchments, tablets and writings on the wall of Nile Valley Mythology and Eschatology are forms of Turuvision, thus must be compared to and verified against the original Turuvision called the natural world and its workings.

Another breakdown of Television is tu-ru-ti-khi-un. In this we also see rut, ruti, khuti, khiun, nui, sa. These are seeds of suggestion for you to decide when or if they are fruitful for ingestion.

The Great Mother in the form of Ta-Urt is Tu-Urt is Tu-Rut is Tu-Ru-T.
This was originally the feminine spirit-soul and also a name for Earth. This Earth and all other Earths larger and smaller, inner and outer. However, Taurt is more completely the two-in-one Parent who sometimes manifests with masculine energy out front (Father Earth) and sometimes both in equal portions, and most often in varying proportions of dynamic balance according to the needs and wants of the incentive of the inventive one.

Right now it is clear that Television is manifesting more of the optimal suboptimal masculine spirit. Yet television must also be manifesting more of the optimal suboptimal of the feminine spirit.

Television is a form of turtle (turt-le) because television is a vision in a box that comes out into our homes, minds, spirits, emotions and then sucks us into that boxed perspective on all things it produces and programs us to think such as who we are, why we are here and where we came from.
Nothing on television or any form of television is for entertainment only. All of it is also for entrainment. This makes you, shapes you as part of the flow of that streaming logic, so you can get with the program, not due to conscious choice of each piece of logic but rather but by unconscious choice to consume. Only a level of awareness higher than Bene So can help you safely navigate television's mindfields.
I estimate that those operating at the basic level of awareness are receiving 90% toxic logic from all forms of media (televisions). We flip this around to 90% nutrition when we move at least halfway up the scale of level of awareness. Thus the same logic that would otherwise be toxic, becomes nutritious because we are able to correctly analyze it and correct it.

You will struggle to “think outside the box” if you are not aware of what television actually is.

All forms of television form your vision board and they all broadly cast (broadcast) their seeds of what they want to germinate and grow in your soul soil and in the layers of your logic as you and I move about in the layers of worlds we live in, nest in and invest our resources in.

A Turu is a Suru, Saru. Saur, Guru and Siri. Let them who do not forget the past, not be last everlasting.

What has also been said in all of this: Television in the form of visual moving images is more of a mind control than paper bibles, commandments, constitutions, human laws and even our motherboard of morality. This is also because television in visual moving image form, is a passive activity that does not require us to really have to think while listening and/or viewing. Thus we are constantly getting automatic downloads and updates without discernment.
Though we often use the visual form of television to fill up space that we call time, but it is also filling up and fouling up our minds because we don't want to be alone with our own thoughts in silence. Yet and still, this lazy-brained way of what most of us think is the best way to be informed, is why a single Youtube video or Tiktok, no matter the topic can get more views than all of my more basically needful blog posts combined in the past 15 years. This makes me no never mind because I now know it is a set of conditions that determines outcomes and incomes. Even so, and more importantly, the television of the natural world is mostly what we neglect to watch, listen to, observe, pay attention to, tune in to, make time for daily.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Alien Abductions For Christians, Jews and Muslims
Unity Consciousness #3105

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzx of 11)

Without exception, Christians and other believers in the unseen, uncorrobated and contradictory, are adept at cherry-picking through their religious scriptures and their human laws.

Abductions & Related Experiences In The Judaeo-Christian Abrahamic Religion Bible

1. Gen. 5:24
a) (KJV) And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
b) (CJB) Hanokh walked with God, and then he wasn’t there, because God took him.
c) (OJB) And Chanoch walked with HaElohim; and he was not; for Elohim took him.

2. Hebrews 11:5
a) (KJV) By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
b) (CJB) By trusting, Hanokh was taken away from this life without seeing death — “He was not to be found, because God took him away” — for he has been attested as having been, prior to being taken away, well pleasing to God.
c) (OJB) By Emunah Chanoch was taken up, was translated, not to see mavet, V’EINENNU KI LAKACH OTO ELOHIM ("and he was not, because G-d took him [up]" Gn 5:24). Before Chanoch was raptured in his aliyah l’Shomayim, he received solemn eidus (testimony) that he had been pleasing to Hashem.

3. What we can already see is that Elohim is Alien and raptured is captured. These are the same thing as aliens and abducted and body snatching and close encounters and extraterrestrials. The current human fascination with alien abduction is not far-fetched, and if not believed by Christians, neither should these Christians believe the abductions in their bible or have any expectation of a rapture.

4. Matthew 24:40
a) (KJV) Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
b) (CJB) Then there will be two men in a field — one will be taken and the other left behind.
c) (OJB) Then two men will be in the field, one is snatched away, and one is left behind (not retained).

5. 2 Kings 2:11-12
a) (KJV) ...there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more...
b) (CJB) ... there appeared a fiery chariot with horses of fire; and as it separated the two of them from each other, Eliyahu went up into heaven in a whirlwind. Elisha saw it and cried out, “My father! My father! The chariots and horsemen of Isra’el!” Then he lost sight of him...
c) (OJB) ...there appeared a merkavah of eish, and susim of eish, and separated the two of them between them; and Eliyahu went up in a se’arah (storm wind, whirlwind) into Shomayim. And Elishah saw, and he cried, Avi, Avi, the merkavah (war chariot) of Yisroel, and the parash (horsemen, charioteers) thereof. And he saw him no more...

6. Ezekiel 8:1-3
a) (KJV) ... as I sat in mine house, and the elders of Judah sat before me, that the hand of the Lord God fell there upon me. Then I beheld, and lo a likeness as the appearance of fire: from the appearance of his loins even downward, fire; and from his loins even upward, as the appearance of brightness, as the colour of amber. And he put forth the form of an hand, and took me by a lock of mine head; and the spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heaven, and brought me in the visions of God to Jerusalem, to the door of the inner gate that looketh toward the north...
b) (CJB) ...as I was sitting in my house, and the leaders of Y’hudah were sitting there with me, the hand of Adonai Elohim fell on me. I looked and saw what seemed like a man made of fire. From what appeared to be his waist downward was fire, and from his waist upward was what appeared to be a gleaming amber-colored brilliance. The form of a hand was put out, which took me by a lock of my hair; and a spirit lifted me up between earth and heaven and brought me, in these visions from God, to Yerushalayim, to the entrance of the inner [courtyard] gate that faces north...
c) (OJB) ...as I sat in mine bais, and the zekenim of Yehudah sat before me, that the yad Adonoi Hashem fell there upon me. Then I beheld, and hinei a demut (likeness) as of the appearance of eish; from the appearance of His waist and downward, eish; and from His waist and upward, as the appearance of zohar (brightness), as of gleaming amber. And He put forth the form of a yad, and took me by a lock of mine rosh; and the Ruach lifted me up between Ha’Aretz and Shomayim, and brought me in mar’ot Elohim ([divinely granted] visions) to Yerushalayim, to the Petach Sha’ar Hapenimit (entrance of the inner gate), the one facing north...

7. Acts 8:39-40
a) (KJV) ...the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more... But Philip was found at Azotus: and passing through he preached in all the cities...
b) (CJB) ...the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away. The eunuch saw no more of him... But Philip showed up at Ashdod and continued proclaiming the Good News as he went through all the towns...
c) (OJB) ... the Ruach Hakodesh of Hashem took Philippos away, and the eunuch did not see him any longer... But Philippos was found in Ashdod, and passing through, he was preaching the Besuras HaGeulah to all the towns...

8. 2 Corinthians 12: 2-4
a) (KJV) I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;). How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.
b) (CJB) I know a man in union with the Messiah who fourteen years ago was snatched up to the third heaven; whether he was in the body or outside the body I don’t know, God knows. And I know that such a man — whether in the body or apart from the body I don’t know, God knows — was snatched into Gan-‘Eden and heard things that cannot be put into words, things unlawful for a human being to utter.
c) (OJB) I have da’as of a man in Moshiach arba esreh shanah (fourteen years) before, whether in or out of the basar I do not have da’as, Hashem knows—such a man was snatched up and raptured to the raki’a haShlishi of Shomayim. And I have da’as that such a man, whether in or out of the basar I do not have da’as, Hashem knows, That he was caught away into Gan-Eden and heard inexpressible dvarim which to utter such words Bnei Adam have no heter (permit).

9. Revelations 11:11-12
a) (KJV) And after three days and an half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.
b) (CJB) But after the three-and-a-half days a breath of life from God entered them, they stood up on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them. Then the two heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here!” And they went up into heaven in a cloud, while their enemies watched them.
c) (OJB) And after the shloshah (three) and a half yamim (days), a Ruach of Chayyim from Hashem entered into them, and they stood up upon their feet, and pachad gadol (great terror) fell upon the ones seeing them. And they heard a kol gadol (loud voice) out of Shomayim saying to them, "Come up here!" And they went up into Shomayim in the anan (cloud), and their oyevim (enemies) saw them.

10. Luke 24:51
a) (KJV) And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.
b) (CJB) and as he was blessing them, he withdrew from them and was carried up into heaven.
c) (OJB) And while he said the bracha over them, he departed from them, being taken up in an aliyah ascent to Shomayim.
d) See also another mention of Jesus being taken into heaven: Mark 16:19

11. Acts 1;9-11
a) (KJV) ...while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
b) (CJB) ... he was taken up before their eyes; and a cloud hid him from their sight. As they were staring into the sky after him, suddenly they saw two men dressed in white standing next to them. The men said, “You Galileans! Why are you standing, staring into space? This Yeshua, who has been taken away from you into heaven, will come back to you in just the same way as you saw him go into heaven.”
c) (OJB) ...while they were looking on, in an aliyah ascent to Shomayim, Moshiach was taken up; and an anan (cloud) took him away from their eyes. And as they were gazing intently into Shomayim, while Moshiach was going—hinei—two beings, enrobed in white, had been present with them. Also, these said, "Men of the Galil, why do you stand looking into Shomayim? This Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, the one having been taken up from you into Shomayim, will also come again in like manner as you saw him going into Shomayim."

12. Judges 13:20
a) (KJV) ...when the flame went up toward heaven from off the altar, that the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame of the altar. And Manoah and his wife looked on it,...
b) CJB) as the flame went up toward the sky from the altar, the angel of Adonai went up in the flame from the altar. When Manoach and his wife saw it, they fell to the ground on their faces.
c) (OJB) ...when the flame went up toward Shomayim from off the Mizbe’ach, that the Malach Hashem ascended in the flame of the Mizbe’ach. And Manoach and his wife looked on,

13. Luke 2:9-13
a) (KJV) when an angel of Adonai appeared to them, and the Sh’khinah of Adonai shone around them. They were terrified; but the angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid, because I am here announcing to you Good News that will bring great joy to all the people. This very day, in the town of David, there was born for you a Deliverer who is the Messiah, the Lord. Here is how you will know: you will find a baby wrapped in cloth and lying in a feeding trough.” Suddenly, along with the angel was a vast army from heaven praising God:
b) (CJB) when an angel of Adonai appeared to them, and the Sh’khinah of Adonai shone around them. They were terrified; but the angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid, because I am here announcing to you Good News that will bring great joy to all the people. This very day, in the town of David, there was born for you a Deliverer who is the Messiah, the Lord. Here is how you will know: you will find a baby wrapped in cloth and lying in a feeding trough.” Suddenly, along with the angel was a vast army from heaven praising God:
c) (OJB) And, suddenly, a malach Hashem stood before them, and the kavod Hashem shone around them; and they were afraid with a yirah gedolah (great fear). And the malach said to them, Do not have pachad (fear, terror); for hinei I announce Besuras HaGeulah to you of great simcha (joy) which will be for kol Am Berit (all the People of the Covenant); Because hayom, in Ir Dovid, has been born to you a Moshia (Go’el, Savior, Oisleizer), who is Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach HaAdon. And this will be HaOt [The Sign] to you: you will find a small child, an infant, wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in an evus. And, suddenly, there was with the malach a multitude of the Tzivos Hashem, the Tzivos HaShomayim (Armies or Hosts of Heaven) praising Hashem...

14. We should take note of the following eight additional points:
a) Even in the JC bible, when angels appeared, and even though they looked like humans, most of the time the people were terrified, sore afraid, but never did they attack these aliens.
b) The angels and God appearing in a flame or with the Shekinah Glory represents the bright lights and beam of lights associated with our current-day alien misconceptions and the “beam me up, Scotty” and beam me down of Star Trek. Scotty is a form of Khuti.
c) The clouds mentioned above and associated with appearances and ascensions and voices are symbolic and representative and metaphors for the shape-shifting space ships of our current conceptions. Also, these clouds are bright clouds, thus also representative of “the glory of the lord”, the Shekinah Glory, the Shekhinah Glory, the Sh’khinah Glory.
d) In no instance of abductions and appearances are the aliens creatures that do not look like us.
e) Many evidences suggest that what is likely the case is that they are black people, thus all the modern day foolishness to make aliens seem scary and the current-day trumped up fears of blacks and constant attacks.
f) You have been taught great fear of blacks and as creatures who are not human, but you have not been taught the requisite respect and honor that we are of God and from God.
g) If you are a Christian, Jew or Muslim, and your conception of aliens is consistent with what Hollywood has taught you and what the USA government has taught you, you are a believer and truster in those two manipulators rather than your own bibles.
h) No one exposed to the Sun of this Earth can avoid a skin change, even if temporarily. Likewise then, no one exposed to the up close intense light of Shekinah Glory of the Lord or who has been abducted by aliens can go through the experience and not have their skin darkened. The original movie, The Ten Commandments, almost correctly shows the change on Mashu Moshe Moses' face. When he comes down from Mount Sinai after encountering the burning bush his face has been burnished. Not that Mose was turned from white to black but rather from black to blacker and shinier, glowing, brilliant, radiant blackness that is difficult to behold directly without shielding the eyes, thus the same as the Sun, the Shekhinah and glory of the Lord. In Exodus 34:35, the OJB uses the word ohr to describe Moses face. Ohr is said to mean light, lightning and skin; however, it also likely means black, bright black, shining black, radiant black, glowing black, since Ohr is likely a form of Shachor or Shakhor in Hebrew, and a form of Khur and Khar in Egyptian, all of which contain the meaning of black, blackness, dark, darkness. Thus, at a minimum, Moses' post burning bush face was glowing reddish black or glowing blackish red. Shakur in Tupac Shakur contains the meaning of black and not just shining or light.

15. 2 Corinthians 3:14-18
a) (KJV) But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ. But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart. Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away. Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
b) (CJB) What is more, their minds were made stonelike; for to this day the same veil remains over them when they read the Old Covenant; it has not been unveiled, because only by the Messiah is the veil taken away. Yes, till today, whenever Moshe is read, a veil lies over their heart. “But,” says the Torah, “whenever someone turns to Adonai, the veil is taken away.” Now, “Adonai” in this text means the Spirit. And where the Spirit of Adonai is, there is freedom. So all of us, with faces unveiled, see as in a mirror the glory of the Lord; and we are being changed into his very image, from one degree of glory to the next, by Adonai the Spirit.
c) Thus the majority of people in all countries are like the biblical Pharaoh whose heart was hardened and who eventually paid the price along with the people who supported that heartset.

16. Habakkuk 2
a) There are many points to take note of in this chapter and the preceding one. I will only point out a handful: if religion adherents had the true blue glory, they (you) would see the true glory, not only in the glass mirror but in the mirror of others. If your soul was truly transformed by Christ or some Great God, you would know better and do better. You can only play God for so long. All the great things we work for will be burned up that are false prophets of what profits. The hidden truths of the glory will be revealed, again restored in an abundance equal to the waters. Thus the resistance to awakening (being woke) is more of the same folly we follow because resistance only builds up greater pressure, thus greater upheaval once the inundation deluge tsunami flood is released, and it must, as surely as waters behinds dams must be freed to restore circulation in the body of this Earth and this Solar Ecosystem.

17. As a whole, we are indeed silly humans. If something is more advanced than anything we humans know, let's say, a “flying saucer”, we are afraid of it. If something, is less, something we would call primitive, let's say, a Flintstone-mobile, we despise it.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

How To Gauge The Greatness Of Goats
Unity Consciousness #3104

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Due to the influence of the outgoing and incoming Ages, humans are suboptimally expressing greatness and acknowledgment of greatness based on a short-term suboptimal self-serving curve maximized by all the societies we live in.

Whenever you hear someone speak of greatness by a human, ask:

1. What is the great seed?
2. What is the great feed?
3. What is the great need?
4. What is the great deed?
5. When was the great identity made? When did you identify the human greatness of each step? If it is after the fact, then there is a high probability that you have manifested something and called it greatness based on the human and the society rather than the optimal, the civilization, the harmonic.
In other words, for example, you must recognize the greatness in the seed, before it becomes the tree and before you can understand what type of tree it is and before you understand all of its functions, uses and benefits. Only in this manner of awareness, can you then understand the next step, how to feed the seed. Thus after this only can you recognize the needs. And only then can you know whether or not the work is a great deed (i.e., how did the goat contribute to the greater good or the greater bad?).

By this combination of measures you will be more accurate in knowing whether the greatness being lauded and applauded is the greatness from the Helpful Healing God, or whether this greatness is the greatness from Harmful Sickening Distracting Resource Sucking God.

Once you understand the components and steps of greatness, then and only then can you understand the G in G.O.A.T.
Then and only then can you begin another set of processes to understand “Of All Time”

An Example

In the sense of good tremendous worthwhile greatness, Muhammad Ali is a goat because he didn't put anything before or above his humanity.
This is the measure all human goats must meet. Under no circumstances are people like Tom Brady or Nick Saban, or billionaires or movie stars or the USA, goats simply because of achievements in an endeavor or facaded picture framing. They failed at humanity and the many opportunities to speak out against Maafa Racism. There are many famous goats equal to Muhammad Ali, however, this number is few compared to the many goats who are not widely known among humans, but are among the ancients, the souls of life who are ever-coming and ever-remembering. A goat does not have to be great at anything except humanity.
An example of this is Rosa Parks. Another example is Charlot Magayi, who said profit does not always have to be bigger, social impact can be bigger. She practices what she preaches.

Turtles Small To Big | Expanded Definitions & Meanings
Egyptian & English Language Usage Following The Letter Of The Law
Oddities & Evenness Due To What The Law Allows
A Non-Exhaustive Word Study
Unity Consciousness #3103

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From Slowly Frozen Solid Block Narrowly to Faster Loose Sparks Flying Expansively


to jump over something in the “way”, the path, the flow, the stream


throw or move fast, recklessly, uncontrollably, unpredictably


move slowly


by inference, deduction and induction we can know this is an earlier combined spelling formation that does joint telling of that which moves fast and/or slow


confirms the existence of Thurtle


to form into a more solid mass or ball, curl up, as in what a turtle sometimes does.

Turtle, Turtre, Khurtre, Khurkhru, KhiurKhiur, KherKher, KharKhar, Circle, Girdle

- two truths, circle that expands and contracts, opens and encloses, hard and soft, contains land and water, at home on land or water, moves slow and fast, slower and faster which is why the turtle (tortoise) and hare are paired and compared.

Turtur, Terter, Tartar

one form of which explains the turtle dove (turtur tef) as being name for the duplicated repeated sound it makes. (NG1) The dove is a symbol of the mother soul and Hathor, who is manifesting as Aquaria. We can make a giant leap and understand that a turtle is a repetition of the two truths, thus night and day is a turtle, as are all twin power relationships. We jump back to tartar which contains meanings of hard and soft.

Continue Unfolding

by considering human things that are similar to a turtle, such as your tongue, mouth and teeth; penis and clitoris, fingers and hand; fetal position and non-fetal position; retreating inward, into a shell, spreading your wings; sticking your neck out and ducking...then continue to consider other turtle things and turtle actions in the rest of the natural world that we don't call turtles.


to turn or twist so as to harm or heal, hinder or help. This leads to contort, distort, tort, twerk...thus to distort is to twist truth into lie and lie into truth. Torture possibly from observing the turtle being turned and twisted by a predator and imagining what it would be like to be in such a position by something trying to get you to give up and open up, thus the current human usage of torture.

Tort and Retort

Tort is a crime and is not a crime. Retort is to reply in kind, but in opposite form, thus to turn is a tort while to turn back is a retort, A twisting is a tort while a twist back is a retort.


in the original sense, is the same thing as turtle, Tortoise from tortus (Latin) from tortue, tortre (French) from Egyptian. (AE2)
Lyra Constellation is the Tortoise in the northern circumpolar, while Libra is the Tortoise in the midrange set of equinoctial constellations. (AE2, AE1). Lyra (Lri, Reru) coincides with Leo which coincides with Aquaria.
The tortoise is an ark of safety amid the waters, that bears up the world on its back, and in Egyptian the tortoise and ark of the dead [and living] are synonymous as the Sheta. (NG2). In the lunar mythos, the house of heaven was built by Sesheta. Shet is Shed is the place of storage that holds resources for future use by hiding them from plain sight.
Sheta from Khetu is the god of things and retters (pieces of the rock, the rekh from the double circle wheel of Roulette Rourette Rurette Rerit Lri Lyra)

Khetu from Khuti from Khu-Khu (Cuckoo clock) from Khiu-Khiu from Khiur-Khiur, the two circles of four divisions each. Sheta has forms in Zaba, Kheba, Kefa, Khetti, Khefti, Khepti, Khebti. Khet is to shut and seal, Kheti is to go round, surround, make the Circuit.
Khebta as a storage shed is a name of Earth. (BB2) Khep, Kheb, Seb, Geb as names of Earth are forms of the same.

Thus we can now clear up the confusion between tortoise and turtle. There is no major or fundamental difference. Current delineations are unnecessarily confusing as are many other false distinctions such as between fruit and vegetable, casserole and lasagna, plants and animals, animals and insects; between food and medicine, between humans and primates, between crocodiles and alligators, Democrats and Republicans, criminals and the favored group and many other asinine distinctions. These confusions are the same thing as using only visual sensing ability in a cloud of could be, in order to obtain complementary clarities.

Turtle from Turu-Tre

thus the turtle is also the tulutlu, tulu-tlu


With the feminine article TU ('the') prefixed, the Ru becomes Turu (the mouth). Taru (Egyptian) is to encircle, enclose, a cell, a college, collage, collect; this is Toru (Dravidian), a fold, and Tru, a vase; Tro (Cornish), a circuit.
Thus a turtle as a slow mover and as a way or road is also a hurdle as something in the way as something to go over or around or that delays progress of something else until the turtle moves or is moved out of the way or stepped on or crushed underfoot.
Tre means a homestead, house, place, village, womb and its inhabitants. Thus we can already see Tre as Ert and Urt becomes Earth, a homestead for all of Earth's inhabitants.

Taurt-Ur and Taurt-Ar

is mother and womb, mother and child, womb and seed, container and soul of life.
Earth is Urt, Great Mother chariot of the child. Thus 'The Urt' as Tu-Urt becomes Taurt. Because Earth must feed all its inhabitants, the word Taurt is also the word Fruit.
Earth can also be obtained from Urdhu, the name of the mount, represents Ur-tu. Tu is the mount, the rock, and the cave. Ur means the great, oldest, chief, principal, first. Thus, Urtu, as mount, bears the name of Urt, or TaUrt, who is the genitrix and goddess of the mount in the north, waters, dark turtle comes out of the darkness of the shell into the light and out of the darkness of the waters into the light but still gives birth at night under moonlight, as the sun comes out of the dark cave of earth into the light, these are basic metaphors for souls of life emerging from the waters of Nun, mother and child, womb and seed, universe and me.
A word about the slowness of turtles. This is relative to other creatures. In fact, humans are slow or fast in relation to many other creatures, thus true to the form of humans also being a form of turtle and hare, two aspects, two truths personified in two separate creatures, turtle and hare, but both have both qualities. All things can vary their speed under different sets of conditions. We already know this in human form when adrenaline helps us become stronger than usual.

The Turtle or Tortoise, the wise and sagacious one, is the hider; [and the revealer. So also is the hare.] (AE1)


is the same word as Turtle and is also another word to describe the mermaid. Additional forms are Mertre, murdur, nuirter, miurter, nurture, mermer, marker, mortal, portal, fertile, curtail, cartel, barter, darker, lurker, worker...

Thur (Hebrew)

means used of what goes or turns round in a circle, turn, order, a turtle-dove, the bird of return, (BB2) Thus the ever-coming one, the Repa-tition, the Christ is a turtle as are all things that turn and return, thus so are the Ages and all celestial bodies and all celestial combinations. See also Khiur-Khiur, Khur-Khur, Kher-Kher

A close relative to turtle is crocodile, both in word origin and creation origin.

Crocodile is the armored black turner round in the waters who is also a breather in and out of the waters and lays eggs on land, and is a metaphor for mother, child and sun. Crocodile likely from Karka-Karu and Kharkha-Khiru the black natives of the birthplace. Other forms are Colchi is Karkhi, Karkha, Keltae, Karti, Karut, Corca, Welsh, Kerchi, thus Cherokee.

What We Continue To Remember

Is that everything is everything, Thing is 'the-ankh', thus every ankh is every ankh, thus ukhri iunkh is ukhri iunkh.

What I AM saying is that a seed is a turtle. Does it not come out of its shell upon stimulation and germination, move slowly in some stages than others, and then in preparation for continuation and termination of the present generation, go back into a shell to form another seed?
Likewise then, spirit-soul is a turtle, and your body and all other creation forms, are the shells, the houses.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Colorado and Boulder Still On The Radar
Unity Consciousness #3102

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1. As stated several times before, Boulder Colorado, Colorado Buffaloes and Deion Sanders are parts of the metaphor for the incoming Ages of Kepheus and Aquaria.

2. The TV Series, Resident Alien, mentions Colorado. Interestingly enough, the University of Colorado has a designation called “Resident Alien”, which is a student or employee who is not a USA citizen and meets certain requirements.

3. Also, several other shows have the setting of Colorado, including the alien show, Mork and Mindy. https://kekbfm.com/colorado-tv-shows-filmed-locations/

4. 12 UFO sightings have been reported in Colorado in 2023,ufo colorado

5. history of ufo sightings in colorado

Despite this google search, other searches for the most ufo sightings, do not list colorado in the top ten.

6. CBS Series, Tracker, mentions Colorado

7. The point is, without trying or consciously searching, I continue to notice references to Colorado and aliens and strange things and special abilities.

8. The thing to remember is that the word alien is ariun is khariun is Khar-nui is the many manifestations of spirit-soul in any and all forms resident in the waters. In other words, do limit your understanding of alien to the movie version but rather expand it to any creation, large and small and their influences, seen, unseen, understood or not. Kar-nui, the aliens are responsible for all things, including all changes, all motion.

9. What we notice below has already been taking place above. What we notice in human thinking and behavior has already been taking place in other creations on Earth. Not exactly the same manifestations, but the same set of influencing conditions that make continuous adjustments to fulfill the need-want incentive of the Rock of Ages.

None of this is to be misconstrued as the only place this is taking place or the only place anything of significance is taking place. Colorado and Boulder are simply location channels to which I the messenger and watchmen am attuned to in order to pass them onto you.


The 2022 movie, Moonfall, starring Halle Berry mentions Colorado in a movie about the moon moving out of orbit and a huge wormlike creature that eats spaceships.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

12 Point Politics For Black Folks: Definition & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3100

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Definitions & Meanings Of The Word POLITICS

1. Resources
2. Money
3. Control Over nearly every Goddamn thing except natural laws.
4. Economics (Business) (includes agriculture, food, water, shelter, clothing, healthcare)
5. Education (includes media, home, family, struggle)
6. Entertainment (includes sports)
7. Labor (consists mainly of poor people and includes volunteering and incarceration labor)
8. Law, rules, regulations, procedures, protocols, guidelines, legislations, policies, procedures, taboos, restrictions, ordinances, prohibitions, sins, commandments, rights, constitutions, principles, precedents, customs, traditions, cultures, agreements, covenants, pacts, treaties, contracts,, worldviews, asilis, philosophies,ways of living. In other words, “law” means, this is what we say do and you better do it and accept the consequences or else, suffer additional consequences.
9. Religion (separated out of economics, education, entertainment, politics, war)
10. Sex
11. War (includes all forms of law enforcement and regulatory agencies such as internal military (police)and external police (military)
12. Non-profits

Until we black folks learn that politics means everything in a society, we will always be ass out.

This is why an even simpler way to understand this is that politics means the same thing as the Kwanzaa Nguzo Saba (Seven Principles). Each of these principles mean that black folks must work together in all things in order to counteract the deleterious forces of the politics of all other groups, including people of color.
Looks like we need to start over so the first step is for each one to teach one what the definition of politics is.
The second step is to understand what the definition of racism is and how it works through politics.
The third step is to get rid of all suboptimal identities that we think are so important, but are in fact part of our own self-destructive logic.
The fourth step is to replace those suboptimal identities with an African understanding of who you are, where you came from and why you are here.
Simply put, if all other groups are attacking us because we are black, then we'd better fight back as a group in all areas of politics and in all Nguzo Saba ways and in all ways that any creature with natural sense does. Put Black first in all considerations. In all things essential to protecting our inherent rights off creation, we must be diligent times vigilant.

For the Initiate, Politics also means Khiur-Khekh and Niur-Khekh, everything taking place in the circle of totality and its waters. Thus the Supreme God aka Spirit-Soul is the first foremost ultimate politician.

Friday, February 9, 2024

I'll Be Damned If I Try To Forget The Past While It's Still In Full Force & Effect
Unity Consciousness #3100

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For anyone who tries to convince you to agree to forget the past...
Tell them to stop remembering anything. Just get rid of that ability.
Forget everything that has ever happened.
Forget the good times of the past.
Forget about hindsight.
And if it's wise to forget the past, it's also wise to forget the future. The only thing that matters is right now. Nothing in the past affects right now, and nothing now affects tomorrow.
Stop having memories. You are stuck in the past.
Don't reflect on a damn thing, especially previous relationships.

The only past people want you to forget is the past they don't like.

So you know those fools are treating you like a fool also by telling you to forget the past or acting like they've forgot it or pretending the past is not still in full force and effect.

So stop making movies about historical figures.
Quit making movies based on a true story.
And stop teaching history in schools.
Forget about black history month.
Forget Memorial Day
All holidays are days to remember the past.
Making America Great Again is about bringing back the past in it's completely naked aggression form rather than the slightly hidden form the past is being kept up today.
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven we will be damned who forget the past.
Why is God supposedly keeping a book of life and a record of sins if we should forget the past?
Why hasn't God forgotten the past wrongs of Satan?
There's a sliver of hope for you if you know the answer.
Something's very wrong in dunceville.

The Past is “The” Past is Her Past is His Past is It Past is Heaven's Past is My Past.
Forget The Past is to Forget The God of The Past.
It is to forget ancestors.
It is to forget everything you've experienced and learned.
Why research and search anything?
Why teach anything learned yesterday?

Why have trauma counselors for school shootings? When the next day comes, tell them to forget the past.
Forget the fact that history is the best teacher.
Why bother with experience?
There is no need for remorse, regret or repentance when I have forgotten the past. This is the scheme and meme of white folks whose logic says to forget the past, thus reparations, repair and changing anything.

7 Points Of Truth About USA Immigration Migrant Asylum Seeker Policy
Unity Consciousness #3099

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzr of 11)

1. growth in white population in usa since 2000 (From Wikipedia and should only be used as a close enough estimate. See also USA Census and/or Pew Research)

2000 ….......................................... 211,460,626 …...................5.9% increase
2010 …......................................... 223,553,265 …...................5.7% increase
2020 …......................................... 204,277,273 …................... 8.6% decrease

Per Pew Research, For the first time, the 2020 census showed the U.S. had a shrinking non-Hispanic White population [hereafter referred to as Whites] that identifies with a single race, down 3% – or about 5.1 million people – from 2010 to 2020. The decline was widespread geographically, with 35 states seeing drops in their White populations.
In previous decades, White people had still increased in numbers, but at a slower pace than other groups, in particular Hispanic and Asian populations.
In 32 states, the overall population increased from 2010 to 2020, even as the White population decreased. In these states, the largest decreases in the White population came in Connecticut (-10%), while California, Maryland and New Jersey saw the next biggest decreases (-8% each). West Virginia, Illinois and Mississippi were the only states to see their total population decrease along with its White population.
Only 15 states and the District of Columbia saw increases in their White populations from 2010 to 2020, with the largest coming in D.C. (+25%), Utah (+11%) and Idaho (+10%).
The share of people in the U.S. who identify as White Only has also declined in recent years, falling from 64% in 2010 to 58% in 2020. This trend stretches back several decades: White people declined as a share of the U.S. population from 1980 to 1990 (80% to 76%) and in every decade since then.
The White share of the U.S. population remains far higher than the shares who identify as Hispanic (19%), Black (12%) or Asian (6%). This pattern is due to several factors. The White population is older than other groups and aging faster, contributing to a lower birth rate and an increased number of deaths. In addition, immigration is not a source of significant growth for the White population. Immigrants account for a significantly smaller share of the White population than of other groups, in particular Asians and Hispanics.
The White population in the U.S. that identifies with a single race is expected to fall below 50% by 2045, according to Census Bureau projections. However, this date is speculative, due in part to the nation’s growing multiracial population, changing demographic trends and uncertainty over how people’s views of their own identity may shift over time.

2. [We must be reminded that all this is based on how people self-identify. Who they think they are. Not based on scientific fact of who they are. Most people identify with the illusion of who they are. Thus the confusion that is a cornerstone of societies and their rampant sicknesses rooted in illogic.]

3. growth in black population in usa since 2000

An estimated 47.9 million people in the U.S. identified as Black in 2022. The Black population has grown by more than 10 million since 2000, when 36.2 million of the U.S. population identified as Black, marking a 32% increase over roughly two decades.
Yet, in the USA, black women have 2 to 3 times greater infant and/or mother mortality than whites. Unnaturally, this is by design of expert racists who are a double portion of despicable human. In the world, maternal deaths have increased ridiculously, in systems where most people think they have a good medical system, the best technology, the best practitioners and the best intelligence due to a notion of freedom that in no ways means being civilized or justice for all or respect for the inherent rights of creation.

4. The Usa Immigration Migrant Asylum Seeker policy is to allow more Maafa Racists into the USA and give them all the assistance they need. This policy is backfiring on whites and all color me bad immigrants who say they are not black.

5. All of these costs are part of the money, land, jobs and other resources continually being stolen from blacks that should be paid to us for a reparations bill that has long since exceeded the annual GDP of the USA, and is a debt for which there is only one way to repay.

6. That there is no racism in the USA is true, but there certainly is Maafa Racism for which Usa Immigration Policy is one of many bricks in the wall against blacks and thrown at blacks.

7. If I need to mention the drastically different approach towards Haitians than towards Syrians, Ukrainians, Mexicans, Chinese, Ecuadorians, Guatemalans, Afghanistanis, people from Asia India and all other non-black groups, then you haven't been paying attention since kindergarten.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Another $2,360 Stolen From Each Black Person & Given To Whites & Semi-Whites
Unity Consciousness #3098

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzq of 11)

There are 50 million black people in the USA.
Every one of us just gave, got robbed, donated, got cheated out of another $2,360.
This is because the USA Senate just voted to give another 118 billion in total to Ukraine, Israel and American companies to build a border wall. No study was needed. No cacophony of white folks jumping up and down spewing stupid statements.

There is no money for reparations, yet every day, money is being spent, stolen, given away and wasted on many things. Totaling each of the 365 days in a year, there is enough money between the federal government, state, county and local governments, businesses, universities, wall street and many other responsible parties to return resources to black folks that includes principal, interest, penalties, loss of use, punitive damages, loss of appreciation value and many other values taken from us.

Although the $118 billion senate bill still has to pass the House of Representatives, it will be done, once we get distracted by something else or simply in our face like the enormous amount of Covid waste and too big to fail waste.

Since 1865 CE, the USA has given away and stolen more from blacks than what it would cost to pay reparations and what it would have cost to do the right thing in the first place.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Two Clicks & Klicks Closer To Freedom
Unity Consciousness #3097

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzp of 11)

Your mind and time are not filled up, they are simply fragmented.

1. You must reclaim the free space to receive the inspiration to ask the correct question.

2. Then you must reclaim the free time to find the circulation to seek the kherrekh solution.

This process defragments and unifies consciousness of self with consciousness of all else.
You get stuck once you stop clicking.

See also Pree, Khriu, dun

The Entire USA Is A Food Desert
Unity Consciousness #3096

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzo of 11)

Say Food Desert and your mind is programmed to think of black people in cities, the inner city, the urban, the ghetto, the hood, the poor side of town, those pitiful people who, by nature, are the wretched of the Earth, no wonder they're the sickest.

Outside of an insane asylum called whiteness ideology, truth is, the entire United States of America is a Food Desert for humans who follow the insane train of thought that most food is store bought rather than store brought.

Think of it in basic ways.
If most Americans were not undernourished and highly-poisoned when it comes to physical food, Americans would not need vitamins to supplement diets and would not have to add nutrients to food in terms of fortified or enriched foods. We already know that many foods are stripped of their nutrients in many ways before the food is ingested. We also know many foods are poisoned for profit, including by things we do to food in our homes.
So while we might feel good thinking we don't live in a Food Desert, the proof is in all the ailments we have due to fake aliments.
Why is such a healthy food nation so sick physically if we are getting the nutrition we need from our food and from our vitamin supplements?

You won't be told this, but is a fair estimate to say that at least 95% of USA is a food desert, despite grocery stores and health food stores and Whole Food Markets and Farmer's Markets and home gardens and and...

We can also know most Americans live in Food Deserts because most Americans rely on medications for health instead of food as medicine and food as medication.
If the food we eat was truly nutritious, thus functioning as medicine, we would not be on so much medication, prescription and over-the-counter.

If food alone is not keeping you healthy, you are living in a Food Desert.

Plain and simple: nutrients come from the Earth. If food is not grown in soil rich in nutrients, the food will be deficient. Store bought fertilizer is not an equal substitute for nutrients obtained from a wide range off natural processes and the natural breakdown of a wide range of natural materials present in a local ecosystem.

Source: do americans get enough nutrients

Compare this to the Nutrient Content of the US Food Supply

Friday, February 2, 2024

Why Are Black People Sicker Than White People?
Unity Consciousness #3095

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzn of 11)

Main Reason: Because White People Speak Hocus Pocus To Control Your Locus.
And have taught naive, gullible simple simons to “repeat after me, follow me, I am the mother may I and father expert”.

According to logic in the USA, and worldwide, black people suffer the most from almost all types of sicknesses.
Many black folks who are well-intentioned, believe this also.
So then, by default, white people must be healthier than black people.
Do you really believe this?
Why would this be true?

Do you think the healthiest people in the world (whites) would enslave the sickest people in the world (blacks)? And then put those weak and sick people through the most brutal form of treatment from beginning to end and up to even right now, and that those weak and sick people would be able to survive and not simply disintegrate and become extinct?

Is it a sign of strength, health and superior intelligence, that just because you are bigger than someone or have better weapons or are a better liar, that it's okay to beat up people and bully them and take their possessions and enslave them and do whatever you want? Do healthy people do that?

You better rethink your weak thinking, your sick thinking.

How do the strongest and healthiest people (whites), become so sick and weak so as to enslave people then and now, right now, through multiple practices in all their governments and communities?
Shouldn't the strongest and healthiest people be the most civilized?
Shouldn't whites insist on being civilized and not have to be forced to pretend to do it?
Don't you know that only sick people can't handle the truth and know their children can't handle it either, thus don't want to be woke to the truth, they already at least know exists because they know the lives they are living is riddled with ridiculous lies.

Do you really think the healthcare system in the USA is so costly and out of control due to a glut of black patients and that white people, as a group, are a lesser percentage of patients?
Why do white people, with supposedly better, stronger, healthier genetics, better education, better money, better families and better everything, still get sick and die in the same way as black folks?
Shouldn't white people be the lowest users of healthcare?
Shouldn't white people be the most mentally healthy since they are naturally stronger and since their societies pump them up and prop them up every which way?
Shouldn't this then be a natural preventative against Maafa Racism such that Maafa Racism should have never come into existence in a such a group of strong healthy people?
Wouldn't strong and healthy people be naturally good caretakers of the environment?

Do you think humans would start in Africa if Africans were the weakest? This would mean that the basis of all human genetics is a sick basis, a weak basis.
Do you really think primates could evolve into humans if those primates were sick and weak and then their evolution would beget sick and weak humans from the onset?
Do you really think sick and weak humans could create the foundations of all human knowledge?
Isn't Egypt synonymous with the Nile Valley in Africa?

Black sickness is not the same as White Sickness, nor the same as the sickness of all other races and ethic groups, and the anomaly religious group called White Jews, sickos extraordinaire. None of them having the strength of mind or enough healthy logic to ask, how did we become a race based on our religious beliefs? Why aren't other religions also a race. Why isn't there a Christian Race? Or an Orthodox Jewish Race? Or...

Now supposedly, white people say black people can only mainly achieve athletically.
Doesn't that take strong genetics?
Supposedly blacks can only achieve musically or as dancers?
Doesn't that require intelligence to create music and dancing in human form and then continue to create many forms.
White people claim music that they call classical, and its appreciation, is the highest form of intellectual evolution.
Shouldn't opera houses be filled with abolitionists?
Shouldn't the white elite and all white leaders be really good healthy people in how they treat other people? Because don't these elite and leaders represent the best that whites have to offer? Don't these leaders reflect them? Elected by them, protected by dem.

Don't you think that sick weak people after being bludgeoned for years and right now continually so, wouldn't, like a dog trained to fight, become vicious and even attack its trainers?
Yet, to a goddamn fault, black people still show compassion and want to forgive the most racist people on the planet. This despite the Christian bible showing that forgiveness has its limits. Sane Christians should know this based on Lucifer being cast out of heaven, based on first offense.

How can black people, so far away from strength and health, reach out of the depths of being pummeled and reach beyond healthy strong whites, and reach to the highest ideas of humanity?

Only sick people need to call you nigger day and night and act like its a rarity among them and that most whites are not racist.

Only in hell holes are black people sicker than whites and sicker than mexicans and asians and any other group.
Sick white people in hillbilly country are the same as sick white people in all cities, including the falsely diverse communities such as Oak Park, Illinois.

What Really Actually Happens To The Past?
Unity Consciousness #3094

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzm of 11)

The Past disappearing is what a grown fool believes. Can't blame this belief on miseducation. When it comes to knowledge of self and all else, once you consider yourself “grown” you're on your own. Nobody else is responsible for teaching you what you need to know, including repairing broken logic.
The Past that is attempted to be forgotten, hidden, denied or distorted still continues to go around and hang around. The Past merges with the Present even as the Present merges, melds and becomes a part of the Future.

The Past is absorbed into The Present and becomes part of the body, the culture, the nation, the Earth, the Creator, the totality of Spirit-Soul.
Each aspect of The Past is either a nutrient or toxin to The Present.
Just as what you eat becomes a part of you, so also does what has taken place also become a part of you, the family, the community, the state, the county, the business, the institution, the government, the country, the culture, the organ, the gland, the bones, the cells, the logic, the relationships.
The culture of a people is the current version of their accumulated history. So for instance, when white folks started a criminal culture in the Usa, it was the current version of their accumulated British and European history. They brought the Past with them and installed it in the USA. It is The Past that you are using to direct your decisions and behaviors that leads to the grave thus causes walking dead behavior seeking money and validation from others, so then you can call it a good life.
Current culture represents The Past. Every institution represents The Past. The Constitution is The Past. Has it disappeared? Is it possible to forget about it? Because people alive today did not create their Constitutions, are the people today responsible for those Constitutions?

Your past is still a part of you just as the Nation's past is still a part of the Nation.
If you've not made any corrections to your diet of thinking and the behavior your thinking excretes, or if you have simply traded hard candy for soft cookies, nothing will have changed except things in name only and location only. Thus, the imbalance in your worldview context becomes the abuse in your homes, the corruption in your government, the imbeciles in your institutions, the shootings in your schools, the pollution in your environment, the maafa racism in every little step you take and so on, as you already know is a problem of your own making.

The Past Is An Accumulation

Today (The Present) is a summary and combination of All Yesterdays.
Yesterday is a summary and combination of all Days Before Yesterday.
All Days Before Yesterdays are a summary and combination of all days before that.
And so on.

In other words. The Past does not represent an event, but rather represents the cumulative effect of all events.
Each event, action, non-event, inaction, influences and alters cumulative past history.

In other words, yesterday, the past, does not represent one day. Yesterday represents all days before it. Today represents all days before it, plus what takes place today. This then is either paid forward or a debt is carried forward into tomorrow, the future.
So for instance, it is befuddling to speak of The Past in terms of the barbaric chattel slavery perpetrated by whites against blacks as though chattel slavery is an event that can be cut out of The Past and changed without also addressing all logic and behavior that brought forth chattel slavery. All of This Past must be addressed and changed. To change chattel slavery in the false way of emancipation proclamation is as crazy as changing health and safety by giving people in a wildfire zone, smoke detectors as the primary defense and offense, and then, to make matters worse, to have those smoke detectors calibrated by arsonists.

In other words you are still responsible for The Past of chattel slavery because it exists today because all constitutions, laws, institutions, conditions, thinking and behavior that allowed the installment of chattel slavery, still exists and are still actively manifesting chattel slavery in various forms.

In other words, for example, even if a person, people or country has a longer history of health, a current sickness can kill, even if the more recent history is only a small part of total history.

So the longer sickness exists, then the accumulated Past takes on more of the flavor and nature of sickness. Therefore, in order to claim to be healthy or civilized, one thing cannot be done to make it so. It takes a village of laws, institutions to make it so. It take an ongoing group of lifestyle changes. It takes a series of ongoing actions that achieves health and maintains health for a longer period than the period of sickness. The USA has never had a single healthy day of existence. The brief decade of Reconstruction after the USA Civil War was the only period where healthier actions were taking place that were slightly more than the unhealthy actions. Since then it has been full-fledged assault by the favored group and their wannabes, all of who claim innocence, yet all of their generations dead and still living are still practicing the tenets of chattel slavery and using the same constitutions, institutions and laws.
The USA wants to claim health while continuing to maintain current sickness and even go back to a greater degree of sickness (make America sicker again, a state of being and existence marketed as making America great again). That this is embraced tells you that the thinking and behavior dominating the Usa is that of a virus pathogen that wants to survive and claims that medicine (truth) is the bad guy that wants to hurt the feelings of their pathogen children.
The virus pathogen wants you to accept the state of sickness as the preferred context and that anything healthy is unfair to the virus pathogen.

Taking place right now is another round (the final one) of the disrobing and de-hooding** of pretending of pathogenesis.
Heaven and Hell have been going at it toe to toe, out in the open. And now, more and more out in the open, it plays itself out among humans in the final round of battles that subdue and remove pathogens of The Past, from The Present.

**This de-hooding is a form of circumcision of the human head as premier epitome form of the pineal gland (the khiunuir), the fifth element deep core centering guiding shekinah glory light beacon in, on and of the waters, that is spewing seeds, signals and hormones from this mound-tun through the upper and lower antennae* of the two two-way equal road double-click region of the After and Before (Past & Future) all guts and all nervous, circulatory and communication systems, thus another way to say ecosystem.
This is locking into the double primitive essence of source, will, way and means of restoring curatives, thus civilization, through the upheaval of societies through the necessary exorcising of demons of The Past Evil Ones and otherwise Sick Ones who are still in front seat and driver's side possession of The Present state of human groupings and resources.

*See also Tuna, Tun-As and Tun.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Real Choice Between Democrats & Republicans
Unity Consciousness #3093

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzl of 11)

Is a choice between a spouse who can't cook, is a poor housekeeper, wastes money and has vastly different child-raising philosophies, thus is a poor match if root strengthening and life improvement are expected.
Compare this to a spouse committed to lifelong infidelity but entices you to stay committed because there is nothing better. This constant mind-fuck is performed in order to continue to siphon your lifeblood and other resources like a vampire who is never satisfied, even when you yourself, also become undead.
Once you get past the false notion that you must be married to someone in order to be whole, then you will gain the clarity to recognize that neither relationship is worth much, but one hurts much more now and later.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Truth Is Not A Theory
Keys To Causing Change You Want To See
Unity Consciousness #3092

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzk of 11)

Nobody's teaching critical race theory in any school below the college level. Very few schools at the college level are teaching critical race theory.
What is being attempted to be taught in more schools is a little bit more truth. A little bit more, not a whole lot more. Not the whole truth.
Those little bits of truth amount to a smidgen, but those tidbits of truth are scaring the hell out of white people and their wannabes (people of color who are not black). These whites and wannabes are now intentionally misrepresenting those truths as critical race theory, just as those same legion of doom people have misrepresented tons of lies as truths. These people got you people drinking kool aid thinking it's liquid essence.

Truth is not a theory.
Why don't you take some initiative and find out what the hell critical race theory truly means?
Don't rely on fools on television or in school board meetings who are afraid of the shadows of the past that they can't escape and also don't want people to remind them they have a shadow. These people portray their shadow as something that goes away, disappears, only appears briefly, when in fact, shadows are always there, it's just that in different light conditions, we humans can't see those shadows with physical eyes. Changing light conditions are changing truth conditions.

The point of the following video is clear. We must continue to fight in any way we can if we want anything to change in the manner we want it to.

Black Coder Trolls Critical Race Theory Tip Line Until It Quietly Shuts Down

Slavery Is Not The Same As Slavery
Unity Consciousness #3091

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzj of 11)

Most people speak of slavery in such an extremely narrow way.
One of those slivers, spoken of as if it is an entirety, is that slavery applies to black slaves.

The fact that slavery is not the same as slavery, is well known, but not known by the unwell.
Slavery administered by white folks is chattel slavery, the most vicious and brutal by a longshot.
In contrast, slavery administered by black folks was not dehumanizing. It was only for a set number of years, such as seven. The children did not become slaves. The slaves were not stripped of their names, language and other cultural aspects.

These are just some of the differences. So stop using the word slavery when speaking of what black people did and what white people did. It ain't nowhere near the same thing.

”The Past” Does Not Never Ever Disappear
Unity Consciousness #3090

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi of 11)

Far too many people, the masses, the majority, speak of “the past” as if it was once here, and now, all of a sudden, “the past” is gone.
This false notion is one of the tragic epitomes of miseducation.

Far too many people speak of “the past” as if it simply disappears, is gone, no longer matters, no longer has an effect, no longer exists, is not present today.
This false notion is one of the companion tragedy epitomes of miseducation.

Who doesn't know that TODAY is a continuation of YESTERDAY?
That the Present is a continuation of the Past?
Forget about THEN and you have forgotten about NOW. You are lost, Tossed about. You are filled with anxiety.

Past is Phast is Phist is Khist is Khist is Khikh is Khekh is Spirit is Soul is Living Waters and Live Coals.
Thus “The Past” contains everything that exists right now.
Remember, even one second ago, is The Past. So let's forget about it and move on.

So exactly how long ago is The Past you want to forget, move on from?
No one who tells you to forget The Past, has themselves forgotten The Past.
It's not possible. Not mentally. Not physically. Not in reality. Yes in illusion.

If we humans could actually get rid of The Past or any portion of it, and no longer have The Past have an effect upon Today, all humans would immediately disappear.

Think about it.
If it was healthy to forget the past, what is supposedly behind us, then wouldn't it also be equally as healthy to forget the future, that which is in front of us?

Where is the balance in your logic?
Is it in The Past you have forgotten?

Again All Ways Khekhing It
Unity Consciousness #3089

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzh of 11)

Khekhing is fundamental, essential, essence.
At every point in time, every point in the circle and every point in the cycle, Khekhing is taking place.

Khekh as EKH leads to ESC, a word we use to indicate getting out of something.
Khekh is Check, Chock, Cock, Catch and Release.
Khekh yourself before you wreck yourself.
Chock is a lot and a little.
Cock firing and misfiring.

Khekhing is stronger at different times when different combinations (sets of conditions) exist. This is what is taking place right now. We are in a period of extremely strong khekhing that has not existed for 26,000 years when the last Great Year reset took place.
So of course, as khekhing is taking place in the “it” and 'ti”, the all of creation, huge changes are taking place above and below, within and without that cannot be stopped by the gods or humans. Depending on the character, caliber and calibration of your concentration, you should be able to see some of it for yourself. Do not get comfortable with the here and now that has not yet been turned in the round.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Broken People Speaking Broken English
Unity Consciousness #3088

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzg of 11)

Spoken English is broken.
Written English is broken.
English is Broken Egyptian.
English, as currently understood by most English speakers, is a dumbed down form of communicating.

The use of language by a people, matches the nature of the people.
It also matches their worldview. It is a clear and primary indicator of whether or not a people understand what they are saying, thus a primary indicator of whether or not a people understand what they are thinking and how they are behaving.
English supports societal thinking, rather than civilization thinking.
English is not taught, understood or practiced so as to connect the letters and words to the universal and to the natural world context.
English, as currently taught, understood and practiced, fosters broken humans.

In other words, the next time you hear someone putting English forth as the best or most important language, remind them that English is Broken Egyptian. English is a lesser form of Egyptian, thus without the gnosis. diagnosis and prognosis of Egyptian, English is a lesser way of understanding self and all else.

In other words, the next time someone mentions that the use of English by a speaker is being “well-spoken”, remind them that English is now the language of very sick people who have significantly corrupted the Egyptian, thus their language, as the primary basis of their way of communicating, must then breed sickness everywhere. Which is exactly what is prevalent, pervasive, chronic and self-evident from King George to George Washington to Donald Trump, every last one of them and all periphery offices and sub offices.

The use of English is the same thing as speaking in tongues but not having the proper translation of what is being said. Or even knowing there is a translation that goes along with the speaking.
It is the same thing as treating something or someone as an oracle (expert) without having the understanding of the importance and necessity of also having a trustworthy oracle reader or an understanding of what constitutes trustworthy or what constitutes an expert or what constitutes a translator.
The usage of English, as it is being used today, is the same thing as a computer that uses binary code but doesn't understand what the code is, and instead only understands the code based on what someone else tells the computer the code means. But the computer is susceptible since it does not have independence of mind or thought to verify what it is being programmed to do, except the proofs of concept given to the computer by its programmers and their worldview and asili. However, since a computer is a machine and is technology, as also are all creations, the human use of machine technology is being taken over by their own AI (lesser intelligence) by the universal AI (greater intelligence) who, as Khepera, is masterminding the conversion and reversion back to the mean-ings of earlier healthier times of communicating, so human groups can be restored to their last known good configuration.

Where, in all your encounters with and usage of English, have any one of these understandings been communicated to you.

Do you think English is the preferred language of God?

In other words, for the crazies out there in praise of English, any type of English Black Folks speak, call it what you want, slang, vernacular, patois, ebonics, hood, ghetto and so on, is our prerogative to do so because we are the ones who brought forth the foundation, superstructure and infrastructure of English (Ing-Rekh) and other languages. We are the creators. We can damn well do as we please with English and change it and speak it with ease as we already naturally do in so many ways, especially since we were forced to speak the broken version and abandon our earlier languages. It is our birthright to be and not to be. Get all that other funky English logic outta my khut dun face.

A Metaphor Of Brokenness That English As The Epitome, Helps Foster, Broken People, Broken Homes, Broken Institutions, Broken Nations

See the PBS POV Short, “Between Earth & Sky” featuring Nalini Nadkarni.
1. “The outside of the house always looked really good. The kids are well behaved, Dad has a great job, but there were these sort of incongruities about the inside of the house. I think my mom would not break the picture that this was a great marriage, this was a great family. I think there was this underlying core that really was broken. There was something really deeply wrong there. And, you know, I've lived with secrets from my childhood that I knew I had to keep enforced because, otherwise, there would be terrible consequences. Like that long childhood secret that none of us should hold.”

2. “It is actually very rare for any system, after a disturbance, to revert to its former state. It doesn't happen in nature. It doesn't happen in human lives.”

3. “I love that little Nalini. I haven't always loved the adult Nalini, but I do love this little one.”