If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Synonym Homonym, Homosexual, Essence
Word Origins, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3007

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzd of 11)

At least halfway through this safari in the spiritsphere, we re-cognized our societal-based education as an artificially flavored facade gilded with globs of self-aggrandizement filigree the size of giants non-complaint with the healthy sense of Amen sense below and above.

Synonym from Shennu-Nem.
Shennu is the womb circle of heaven and earth.
Nem (Num) is the twin-total.

Shennu-Nem from Khennu-Num from Khennu-Nm from Khnniunm

Furthermore we know KH is spirit-soul. EN (UN, AN, ON, IN) means by, of, to be, being, condition of being. Ennu (Unnu, Annu) is the entrance-outrance of the womb birthplace. Nu is Nun is waters is liquid essence and solid essence, the type, image, figure, likeness, portrait, statue.
Thus Khennu-Nem, i.e., Synonym, is spirit-soul formed of waters and born of waters, each creation, each being, formed of one or more pairs, strands of truths that are the same, have the same meaning, but spelled differently and whose truths are oriented differently in some way, even if only in our respective perspective level of awareness regarding knowledge of self and all else.

From Khennu-Nem we can see Khnem, earlier Khnum.
Lord, God & Savior Khnum is the combination of the motion and the thing, the standing, staying and flowing of water, blood, breath, fire and all other souls of life, the first ten of which, in ten stages, form the As-senses (Essences, Meskhen-Ankhs).**

Another path to Synonym is Sunu-Nem.
Sunu is to be made, to become, the child of either sex, the male child. Sunu becomes Sun becomes Sen, Sem and Son.


Homo means both sexes born of the parent principle, mother first revealed, father second revealed. Homo is a gender neutral term but is often limited to the species we are and sometimes limited further to the male gender. Homo is made profane in the word homosexual meaning same sex, but the term should actually mean two things: (1) “both sexes” thus two different sexes; (2) “neither sex” during prepubescence, then specialization into one sex at puberty. Specialization based on the maturation of the reproductive parts necessary to ensure species continuation because the universe and eternal life are based on repetition, reproduction.

Homo comes from Khem (Khemu) which means to be born twin, born of two truths, two sexes and two specific formulations of spirit-soul. (NG1)
Khemu means master, prevail, potency, authority, shrine, habitation of the child, womb.
Do not be self-deceived. Humans are created in the same manner as all other creations, from two parents whose seeds combine. The only way for a human to be born with the “wrong” sex organs is for the culturalization socialization education portion of their development to be mismatched with their sex organs. This only occurs in societies. Civilizations are abundantly redundant in keeping humans in harmony with knowledge of self and all else, thus also understanding their spirit-soul self, their mental self, their emotional self and their physical self as these relate to all else and how these four inseparable aspects function in other creations in order to keep an ecosystem properly functioning.
Societies teach people they have a choice of gender separate from how the gods in the heavenly womb created them. As if the four parts of humans were combined on the mount of disfiguration rather than the mount of transfiguration. That gods are in the habit of creating misfits. Misfits are human creations. Imagine if other creations did the same and electrons decided to be protons, or if oxygen decided not to be a good match with hydrogen, or if land plants decided they were not going to mate with earth, sunlight, nitrogen or carbon dioxide, and instead decided to be water plants, or simply if pollen decided it was not supposed to pollinate, that somehow the plant gods got it wrong somewhere in the soil of their birth? What if bee drones decided to get with each other instead of with queens, or if worker bees decided they wanted to be drones? The colony would collapse, which tells us that societies are in a state of collapse when certain logic prevails. We already knew this based on Maafa Racism and many other imbalances. We are not born Homosexual, we are born Homonyms and Synonyms, terms which societies, abuse and confuse in their justifications of Homosexuality, using part of the meanings but not using those words or understanding their fuller meanings. Thank God no other creation thinks the way humans do. Come on now! What other human body part are we born with that is not supposed to be that body part? I mean if our gender can be wrong, perhaps our skin color is wrong, or we are supposed to be fish. Imagine if our spirit-soul, now encased in our bodies, because when it was free from us it could fly, decided, while in us, it still should be able to, thus did all it could to reconfigure our bodies to fly or simply kept trying to fly?
Creations, including humans, as homonyms and synonyms means one sex out front that dominates and one sex behind and recessive that does not override or overrule the dominant revealed sexual organs of that creation.
Lastly, what makes you think your society is going to properly educate you about your gender when they intentionally miseducate you about your race? That somehow gender based self-respect and sexual preference self-respect are separate from respect for others in their quest to simply be based on the skin they were born in.

Khemu-Nem becomes Homonym and, as the definition correctly states, are two words that sound alike in pronunciation and/or are spelled alike, but have different meanings, for instance, male, mail and mell. Homonym and Synonym apply to all creations. All creations are Homonyms and Synonyms with several other creations. We are spirit-soul beings like all other creations, and, like all other creations our spirits are encased in different forms, and based on that form, we are supposed to function.

Even the words Synonym and Homonym are Synonyms and Homonyms to each other. They are a two truth pair.
The Shennu of Syn and Khemu of Homo lead to Shen and Khem that are both Shen-Shen and Khem-Khem. The letter of the law makes it easy to see that K and S interchange, as well as N and M.

We have already sufficiently covered metaphor and metaform, two words that also describe synonym and homonym and speak to their fundamental basis being Sen-Sen and Sem-Sem and Ken-Ken and Khem-Khem and many more forms, formulations, transformations, variations from the same pools of creation of many generations of words, creatures, species, beings, souls of life and death, spirit-soul.

Essen (Hessen, Hesshen, Keshen, Khu-Shen), the circle of two truths and four corners, quarters. Khu is the four corners, quarters. Shen the circle.
Variant: Goshen the upper and luminous half of the circle, is identical with the upper position of the children of light in the Amenti. (BB2) See Primate of the Essences

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Anatomy Of Atum, Adam, Men & Man
Word Origins, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3006

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzc of 11)

The words man, men, Atum and Adam do not initially and primarily pertain to humans and neither does the word human. These words apply to creations in general; but were later applied to humans as part of the same man-ifestations of Mutha (Atum, Mary) and Makha (Adam, Martha).
Hu is from Shu from Khu. Hu is a name of the Sphinx and a name of the Sun. Huma means Sea and two truths of water. N is water.
Men applies to many creations. Men is a name of heaven, the waters. For instance, baby fish are named minnows and manna comes from heaven (mani-festation, mani-feast-ki-am). So is manna the body of humans or are humans a form of manna and minnows, thus fish and loaves?
This is another way of knowing the Judaeo-Christian story of Jesus feeding the multitudes was not about a god in human form feeding humans. It is about a god in spirit form feeding a multitude of other gods so they can go and do the work of reproducing the works of God, thus creating creations, forming each into an anatomy, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Amen to that!
So do we say Amen because we are talking about humans? If Nile Valley Africans intended Man and Men to apply to humans only, why did they name one of their most ubiquitous gods, Amen?
Who ever heard of people eating fish and loaves without any water to drink? The multitude drank ichor, sounds like liquor, rekh-ar from aaru, spirit water, spirit-souls need water too, one of the well khept secrets of sacred gardens (wheel, khar, kh-eel, kh-ere, khriu), (Khebt, Kheft, Khekht).

Men means to create a measure of heaven in a fixed form. An anatomy is a fixed form of creation. And this is why Men also means 10 (ten) because ten is one form of completion, plus an anatomy is a completed measure out of the waters of Nun in a fixed form.
Absent a deep far wide dive into the hieroglyphic genetic archives, we can still know the word Anatomy (English) comes mostly from words in Egyptian form:

1. An-Atum-Iu as Anatumiu. An means repeat, renew, the fish, stone. IU is the ever-coming two truths. Atum is the Creator-Destroyer. Tum is a total of measure, cut, strike, announce. Tum (Atum, Adam) denotes the created race of human beings, mankind, as the created people. Tema is to make both true and just, complete, perfect, perfected, to satisfy.

2. An-Ar-temis. Artemis the Great Mother. Tem (Tma) means to cut, divide, make separate, and relates to division of land, fort, watch tower, criminal, distribute justice, make truth visible, satisfy, announce, pronounce, a total, the completed and perfected whole, negation, to terrify, swoop, subdue, shut up, mouthless, dumb, tongueless, languageless clickers, race of created people. Tam means to renew, make over again, the second time, bad luck. Temu, the people, created persons, mankind. (BB)

3. Anit-Am-Iu. Anit is the earliest form of the mother church. Anit is the weaver and bobber aspect of the first Great Mother, thus the first manifestation of Khepera and Khekher. Am is heaven, mother, god. (BB)

4. Anat-Am-Iu. Anat is the stone-circle of heaven. An-at is the heavenly circle of repetition.

5. Anata-Mu. Goddess Anata is another form of Anat, Anahita, Neith, Anit. (BB)

6. Manati-Mi or Menati-Mi (NG2). Names of the great mother in lunar form.

7. Manat-Temi. Temi (Team) is the Inundation that brings forth the precious thing(s).

8. Manat-Tema. Tema is to swoop down, cut in two, announce, ticket.

9. Ani-Temi. The created who were red as born of blood and who were black as flesh. Fish out of water. (BB2)

10. An-Atun. Tun, to complete, fill up, unity, total, rise up, revolt, divide, turn away or separate, terminate, determine, extend, spread, or lengthen out. Tun is the throne room of the Great Mother. Tun becomes Down (English) for the elevated seat, the high place, the burial-place, thus down means below because tun, tomb, den is in the lower circle sometimes called the underworld. Tun became town and used as names of enclosures for the living and a land area occupied by the living. So all humans today who refer to their communities as towns are subconsciously recognizing the underworld, the tun, tomb, womb, cocoon of souls of life from the very beginning of creation, the first and second, atuns, atems, atums, adams, atoms, all of which existed before the first human even if by other names. (BB)

11. Annait-tuna. Annait is commonly connected with sacred places, thus heaven as a womb where anatomies are created. Annait becomes Annoit (Irish) and likely Anoint. Annoit is the feminine parent church or monastery made of stone which is presided over by the patron saint. Nat means an offering, to present tribute. Annt (Egyptian) is tribute; Anne (English) means to give. Annet signifies firstfruits. Anit (Egyptian) also means anoint and incense. Annait is probably identical with the Druid Circle of Anoeth (Stonehenge, StoneAnkh). (BB)

12. Iu-niut-unmi. IU the first becomes A the first. Unmi is an expansion of Uni as in universe as in waters in motion.

13. Anuti-nmiu. Anu (Anuti, Ani, Anut) is a name of the ancient inhabitants of the Nile Valley who were returners, voyagers, sailors. Annu is the typical birth-place. An (from Han from Hanit, Hanti from Khan from Khanit, Khanti from Khenit, Khenti) means to go to and fro, especially on the water.
As explained below, we are reminded that Tuna is a type-word for water along with Nu, Na and N. Thus anatomy is based on water. We know heaven is waters and we know humans are mostly liquid essence waters.

14. Khan-Mati-Mi

Atum, the word, before Adam, the word

Because anatomy forming began in the Universe, long before humans, the First and Second Atum (now called Preexistence & Existence), are a Double-Vased Double-Phased Container. I surmise earlier names to be Priestence and Expriestence (Per-Ast-Ankhs). Per is Rep, the reappearing spirit-soul who manifests through circle cycles also known as tombs, wombs, cocoons, containers. Ast means great, noble, a statue, sign of rule, an image of the ruler seated. “AS” is the womb, the vase which holds the creative Ur-Heka magic waters of Nun. Ankh is all things related to death, life and being.**

First Atum duplicated itself.
Second Atum then created souls of life, elements, fundamental forces, primordials, stars, plants and all other creations long before the first human was created. All these prior creations were created by, and were forms of, First and Second Atums (Adams).

To not understand this is to be in significant deficit as to sense of self and all else.
All souls of life in the process of demarcation separation (dimensionization) must journey out, must Exit, in order to Exist in Existence, the outer state, time, space and place. This process can be summarized as dormancy, being put to sleep, going to sleep or death or sacrifice or crucifixion of spirit-soul as it enters into the tomb, womb, cocoon operating room to be reborn, rekarn, recarned, recorned, reformed into another seed anatomy, reincarnated. Stop talking about you don't believe in reincarnation especially since you yourself are the reincarnation of egg and sperm. Stop the mental illness madness. Learn the language, get rid of the strangeness and estrangement.

Heaven, is another womb as the First Atum. The Second Atum is Mother as Earth. Heaven and Earth, two wombs formed many anatomies before humans were formed. These anatomies were men and manifestations. (BB2)
First Atum as heaven is blue. Second Atum as Earth is green. These form united states in blue-green waters.

First and Second Atum are shown by a long list of names of Mother and Son such as Shadai and El-Shadai; Mary and Jesus; Khebma and Kheb; Hadama and Dama; Mu and At-Mu; Typhon and Sut... (BB2)
We accept the note from Atum-Iu as Hadama and Dama. The Dama as Adam, Atum and Atem, are the No people, creations born out of the waters of Nun and those born of the mother.
Dama in Namaqua Hottentot means not. Tem in Egyptian means no, not. (those born on the darkside in the lower north waters of the mother only) (BB)
Dama-qhup in Namaqua Hottentot means Damaraland. Tama in Egyptian means created persons and Khep means birthplace. Thus Damaraland is equal to Tama-Khep, Tama-ta and Tamaraland.

Another pathway is Tum from Atum from Rutem for men and Rema for the natives and Ruti for Red; from Rotuma (Polynesian), the primordial race from the Maori language which contains Timata, to begin (later Tiamat) and Tama as the eldest son. (BB2)

More recognizable Egyptologist advertised forms of Atum-Iu are Sut as First Adam and Horus as Second Adam as the sun below and sun above.
The lower north part of the circle is the black land; the middle west-east twinlight twilight zone of the horizon equator is the red land; the upper south part is the white land. All of these pertaining to the water-horse, dog, polestar, moon and sun.

As explained several times elsewhere, the Judaeo-Christian bible and other bibles offer fruits of many truths when properly picked and examined. Proselyte Paul’s doctrine of the first and second Adam, speaks the truth that the:
First Atum was the making of a living soul (a soul of life made from the whole spirit). The whole spirit being the Holy Spirit, the Wholly Spirit, the Wholeness Spirit, Spirit-Soul, Khekh, the Supreme Being, God by any name.
Second Atum was made a quickening spirit, a spirit made a mummy that was then clothed in the flesh of tangible matter.
These two truths are properly deduced from what proselytizing Paul said. Paul's words were distorted and misreported. His words skip to the human and ignores all prior creation. The First Atum (Adam) was not human and neither was the Second. Humans are part of a cycle of Adams, Atums, Repas, Repetitions of Soul, Spirit, Matter. We can call these Evolutions of Ra.
The first part, the first Atum-Adam, requires a clothing of spirit in tangible matter through death of the spirit so it can be reborn in an anatomical form (put on a uniform, which is why we are greatly influenced by uniforms). Then the second part, the second Atum-Adam, requires a return to the heavenly form through death of the physical and release rebirth resurrection of the spirit-soul. This is why physical death of humans is described as “giving up the ghost.” It would be tragic if only human spirits returned to heaven. Not only do all dogs go to heaven, but also do the spirits of all creations. Corrupt humans, their logic, distortions and destruction constructions might be the only exceptions separated and quarantined.

Apostle Paul equates first Adam (Atum) to humans as the exclusive and epitome of man; and equates second Adam (Atum) to Jesus Christ as a god in human form who came to save humans too stupid to save themselves despite knowing better and not doing better. Truth is all first and second Atums (Adams) originate, thus emanate from heaven above, no matter how many degrees and cycles and dimensions of separation, just as what is produced at the tip top of a tree is still an origination and emanation from the roots below. No creation in Existence can be born or fed without energy flowing from Preexistence the First Adam of all Adams. The First Eve, First Ife, First Ife-Form, First Lifeform. And once Existence existed, Preexistence depends on the return energy to complete the cycle, circle and circuit.
Yes, it is true that in the Judaeo-Christian version of Egyptian Adam, all die physically because Adam is merely the second part of a double two part cycle. (1-1) First Adam above becomes (1-2) Second Atum below, then (2-1) Second Adam below, now called First Adam becomes (2-2) Second Atum above. Thus we have the 1, 2, 1, 2 which is perhaps why these words are used as part of a sound check, a soundness of logic khekh to see if everything is in working order and properly connected, tuned, calibrated, oriented. The word “sound” can easily become the word “count”. I suppose this is because sound is the result of a number of vibration waves.

More evidence that Tem, Tum, Atum and Adam pertain to other creations is the fact that Khepr-Tum and Tum-Har-Khuti (Har-Makhu, Michael) is the name of the sun of the double horizon and equinox. Nefer-Tum is the Springtime Sun, the good god almighty, the newly breathed resuscitated soul of life in fire. Let it be here said that Egyptians did not have a white Jesus in human form. They had a black Jesus. The only white form would have been to demonstrate the heavenly glorified form that lives amongst the stars who are guiding lights and representative of pure white silver shining energy, something viewed as visibly most powerful, whereas the black energy, black matter, waters, darkness, night, new moon was already represented in human black Jesus, and more importantly in themselves, even as Gods and themselves were represented in other colors such as green, red, blue because these were also the colors of Atum Jesus Horus, the soul of life in different forms of creation that were saviors repeating sacrifices, crucifixions and resurrections, thus are christs, who karast over (crossed over) from one stage of life to the next stage of life in the eternal life cycle of One Atum-Adam who is Many Atum-Iu (Us). (BB)

Even more evidence that Tem, Tum, Atum and Adam pertain to other creations is:
1. Tum is in the name of the Python from Pithom from Pa-Tum.
2. Tum as the name of sun becomes Aten
3. Tum is a name of the Eel who crawls its way through the mud and dark waters as the night sun did. Tune (Maori) is the eel. Eel is identical to El and Ar, the Af-Sun, or Atun. Atun becomes Tuna as another name of the Sun and Eel, thus the Eel is a Tuna Fish before the word Tuna was applied to the Tuna Fish of today. Tuna is a type-word for water along with Nu, Na and N. (BB2)
Thus Atun comes before Atum. Adun before Adam
4. Tum-Meska is the cradle, and Tum-Sakh the shrine, of Tum. Thus Tum is a name of the mother and feminine principle of the Supremeness of Beingness. I wonder if Tum-Meska leads to Tummy, even if Tummy also is a form of Tomb. (BB2)

Through The All-Seeing Master Teacher Eye Of Sun Maiden In The Mer

Khekh leads to Khu to Khu-ten to Khutn to Hutn to Huten, the giant solar circle of revolution that takes 25,920 years. This is the Great Ring, Great Circle, Great Year of Time. The Sun is called the Giant Hu.
Khu is spirit, breathing, power, glorious actions, a ceremony, a representation, paint, go with whip sign, make go, quick. rise up, elongate, spread with great rapidity, rapid waters, birth, be born, govern, beat with the whip, benefit, protection, reproduction, painted white.
Ten is the division, seat of the Rekh, the royal seat, elevated seat, cabinet, royal chamber, throne-room, any room fit for a king, tent, fill up and complete the total. To ten (ten-t) is to take account, reckon, each and every. Ten is the Tun, the enclosed place of consecration, sacrifice, offering, libation in the circle of the dead (BB). Thus the solar circle, like all circles are places of death and birth, tombs and wombs.
Aten (Uten) is another name of the Sun as soul child of the Milky Way Mother.

All this is to say that we must understand the anatomy of the universe, the ecosystem, souls of life, spirit-soul, elements, stars (including Earth), plants and all other creations, before we can properly understand what anatomy means so we can understand our own anatomy (makeup, construction, formation, transformation, components).
Disciple Paul gets it mostly right when he says: “And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.” Truth is, we already bear the image of both the earthly and heavenly. The heavenly form will always exist; however the earthly form will not. Your anatomy, the anatomy of self, as well as the anatomy of all else is the result of the expansion of the One who cut self into pieces and recombined them in many forms. Human anatomy is one of many forms which is why human anatomy has the same components as many other creations.

Great Mother, sun-bird, mirror, comb, serpent, and hall of the double disk, all denote the resurrection or reproduction of the sun-god and the soul of life in fire in the hole. The Sun God is our Sun of our Solar System. The Sun is the centerpiece of our ecosystem even as the waters of Milky Way and its many star constellations are a much larger piece.
We've been given a way of understanding through the Ages of the Great Year. The Age of Pisces Constellation, which is outgoing, and the Age of Aquaria Constellation, which is incoming, are two such star groupings that help us track the Sun's position in the Galaxy, thus helping us know what season the Solar System is in (physical season, thus climate season; mental season; emotional season; spiritual season). We understand seasons a little bit on a smaller scale of the annual year based on Earth's position in the Solar System. It is critical for us to understand more about how Earth's Ecosystem and Seasons are affected by the Sun's Ecosystem and Seasons. The Galaxy is our Solar System's Solar System. We like to talk about solar winds and coronal mass ejections from the sun but neglect galactic winds and galactic mass ejections from the black hole and from other stars in the galaxy.
I'm talking about understanding more about what anatomy really means and how it affects our anatomy and the anatomy of Earth. Perhaps then we can use what we know about how our bodies, spirits, minds and emotions change when Earth's seasons change, and apply that to understand how Earth's body changes when the Sun's seasons change. Hint: Our bodies get warmer and colder as Earth's seasons change, thus Earth's body gets warmer and colder as Sun seasons change. Thus the globe warms at some point during the Sun's seasons. This is the essence and driver of climate change, Sun seasons moving into its Solar System Spring Season. Go to the Sun and push it back down below the galactic horizon and then humans can stop climate change on all levels and stop global warming. Global warming is Solar System warming. Cold outer space is warming up and melting and releasing souls of life frozen in dark matter and dark energy.


Aquaria Star Constellation is rising at the eastern side of the galactic equinox because the Sun and Solar System are rising in the same place. We know that at the eastern equinox is where and when Springtime occurs which is Birthtime which causes waters to break, heavier breathing, sweating, dilation, pushing, pressure and bloodletting. In other words environmental warming, greater amounts of rainfall and stronger winds in the global quarter that is rising along with other changes tantamount to opening of tombs, cocoons, wombs and societal changes. In the USA, warming occurs steadily until reaching maximum in July and August. This means Global Warming caused by Solar System Spring will continue during the Ages of Aquaria, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra and Virgo – that's a total of 12,960 years. Calling out all experts and converts, the challenge is repeated. Show me for one Earth year that humans can stop it from warming or reduce the amount of warming that takes place from Spring to Fall, and I will kinda sorta believe that humans can stop Global Warming on a longer term basis. Let me make it easy. The only way humans can stop Earth from warming each year is to block sunlight from reaching Earth or stop Earth from revolving. Do we understand anything at all. No, because most sheeple are again about to fall for the Covid okie doke because these same folks believe reducing fossil fuel usage, thus carbon emissions will reduce global warming when in fact it will have the opposite effect because reduced fossil fuel usage will clean up the air and allow more sunlight to reach Earth.

I would like to blame a long time coming for us losing our minds but that doesn't add up because we forget things within a few days, weeks or months.
A great big deal is made regarding the visible monuments in Egypt such that for hundreds of years, white folks and arabs have been digging around in Egypt to find more monuments and treasured secrets, physical treasures and magic power they contain. Though the intent of robbers is always despicable, their actions speak to a two truth pair. First, that which is visible above, speaks to greater things below, thus the incessant excavations and satellite scanning. Secondly, that which is visible below, speaks to greater things above, that the incessant insistence of powers to be to make known all things necessary to heave up hoes and fulfill Solar System Spring (Great Year Spring). Let him that have any sense, gather it all into one pile, like an anatomy and see if that moves us from the Green Mile to the Blue Mile.

What can be said for certain is that the anatomy of all humans began in Africa as did the anatomy of human language which earlier began in the heavens in the waters from all the components in the waters. All things anatomy-wise and otherwise are the result of the Spirit-Soul of the Universe that divided itself and reconstructed those divisions into many anatomies of creation, language, words and all else. And this is why human anatomy evolved out of other animals, and why human language evolved out of the language of other animals, including animals no longer called animals.

First Atum is First Truth. Second Atum is Second Truth.
First Atum is First Truth revealed, Second Truth hidden. Second Adam is Second Truth revealed, First Truth hidden. Revealed and hidden pertain to plain sight only at the Giri So level of awareness.

**Another way to derive and arrive at Preexistence and Existence.
Preexistence from P-Rekht-Enti. P-Rekht is the thing fulled, filled, whitened, purified, blanched, Lord, Chief, reign, rule, pure, wise, Magi as in Magus, knower, intelligent one. See Rekh, Rekhi, Rex, Prekh.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Hyphen, Typhon, Heaven
Word Origin, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3005

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzb of 11)

Cyve (English) is the Sieve. Sieve is Khi (Egyptian).
Cypher means to make two edges in place of one (English). Thus the Cypher uses Cyve, the Sieve, the equator and the motion of crossing back and forth over this equal road. The Egyptian word for Cyphering is Kabbing (Khabbing) which means doubling. Thus the Cypher forms the sieve, the equator to divide the circle into two parts and provide an opening for transportation, giving birth and taking life. Each equator is a large scale hyphen that separates one into two and connects two things.

The Cypher or Cipher (English) is Kheper, Khepr, Khepera, Khepra (Egyptian).
Kheper the Khabber is the transformer and former of the circle who is symbolized memorably by the dung beetle, the scarab. Kheper forms a ball to enclose the precious thing, eggs, mummies.
Khepr rearranges itself into Kherp, the Repa a form of Khepera as Khe-Repa, the child of repetition, the child of Great Mother Repit who always produces one more, another, her child, the Repa.
Khpr-iu is the transformation of one into two. This is Cyfriu (British Druid formerly Egyptian Druid) that becomes Cypher (English).
Kheper also rearranges into kphere, the sphere called many things such as circle, container, holder, cocoon, placenta.
Khepr becomes Khep becomes Khab becomes Kab, Kap, Kep, Keb, all of which mean, that which is born of a place that is hidden, concealed, secret, capable of screening (sieving, sifting, separating). (BB)

Kab in the reduplicated form of Kab-Kab (Kabt, Kabti) means encircle, enclose, surround, protect all round (BB2). Doing this forms a KAB (Cab) for Another Repa, thus Kab-an (Kabn) is a Cabin in the midst of the waters (N).
Kab is the principle of weaving with a shuttle, turning round and round while crossing over, forming loops and tying knots, doubling, turning the corner, returning, redoubling. The mummy, the precious thing, the soul of life, the seed, the egg, the baby, the child, is wrapped in a woven (weaved) container, for instance baby Jesus wrapped in strips of cloth to weave a cocoon and the basket of woven reeds carrying baby Moses (Ma-Shu).
Kab as just described is the fundamental motion always taking place; however Kab is more. Kab is making two into one, making one into any number and keeping that number functioning as a harmonious one. This has been collectively stated as one into many and many into one.
Lastly, as a named entity aspect of Spirit-Soul, Kheper is not the only Kabber, Babber, Bobber, Boxer, Weaver, Knitter, Sewer, Cypherer. Kheper has the reputation of being the main representation of the repa-iu of mutations, adaptations and variations, thus rep-u-tation.

”AN”, the place of commencement, exists at all four corners of the circle cycle. Here is a Well of Source as a Pool of the Two Truths, a Tableland resting, feasting and refreshments place and a Mount, thus the birthplace and pool as well as the death place and pool. This was the well of Neith or Anit, goddess of the bow and arrow, the needle and thread and the knitter, weaver. Anit is Hathor, goddess of the equinoxes. Thus Neith is a sign of the times in the twilight tekhish takhish water zone right before the crossover into the upper southern half of the circle, thus the southeast quarter opposite to the lower northwest.

TEN (Tent, ten-ten) is the royal seat, elevated seat, cabinet, royal chamber, throne-room, any room fit for a king, tent, fill up and complete the total. To ten (ten-t) is to take account, reckon, each and every. This is likely the source of tend and attention. (BB)
This might create another path for Cabin from Kab-ten. Kabten in the form of Kapten leads to Captain since the cabin is part of a water vessel ship and is a ship itself, both of which are Bobbers bobbing in the waters. We can be certain this is also taking place in the womb of mothers. We oughta know all celestial bodies are Bobbers bobbing in the waters, foolishly called empty space by those who look in mirrors all day long and never recognize their own face all over the place, nor recognize any other aspect of self in time or space except that which presupposes superior race.
Captain is Uau (Egyptian).
Auau (Maori) is to lift or raise up, has an earlier form in Hapai, to lift up, raise, carry, begin.
Khapat (Egyptian) is Khept, the hinder thigh of the Great Mother who must be the first captain of the ship since she is the ship. (BB2). Thus if we consider Khap, Hapai and Ten, we reach Captain. Another path is Khept-ten or Khepti-ten or Khep-tenti.

Cabin from Kobin from Kibno from Kabni from Kafn, Kafen, Khafen (oven) from Khab. Kabni (Egyptian), a vessel, ship, boat, ark, womb, cauldron and divine sanctuary of birth and re-birth. (BB). Also the Cafn, Cefn, Chevin, Haven, Heaven, Yafun (BB2). Each of these from various names of the Great Mother, the first parent to manifest outwardly, as noticeable to humans.
Naturally, Great Hippopotamus Water-Horse Thigh Uterus Constellation, Ursa Major is the Khafen Cabin of Typhon, the first Great Mother of the Waters. (BB)

When humans first built boats, doing so in Africa, the names given to boats were derived from the Great Mother. The Ubo in Ibu, and Evu in Adampe, is a canoe; the Kpero, African Kiambo, a canoe; Cayvar, English, a kind of ship ; Keffer, German, light boat. From Keb comes Teb comes the Teba or Ark, and Tub, an English name for an old ship. So every time we step into a tub or foot tub or use a pail to carry water, we are reenacting heavenly things. As Above, Sometimes Sorta So & Close Enough Below. We are Kheps off the Old Khat, Sparks off the Old Khakh.

We Can Now Go Back And Fix Broken Logic

I have rewritten the etymonline.com explanation of hyphen to bring clarity. This explains the “Upo” in https://www.etymonline.com/word/hyphen
Hyphen is a short dash used to connect two words or separate one and is from the 1620s CE from hyphen (Late Latin, Greek) meaning "together, in one," (from PIE root UPO "over and under").
HEN from PIE root sem meaning " as one, together."

Thus Upo speaks to two parts, as does the explanation of Sem.
Upo is likely from Ubo meaning canoe, thus a water vessel, boat, ark, cabin in two parts that carries both the dead and soon to be reborn litter of souls of life, is the meaning of hyphen.
We can see that the equator is a means of transporting souls of life from one side of the circle to the other. This then is true for the meridian, all lines of latitude, longitude and all angles of light.

The Hyphen is the mother ship connection.
Hyphen leads to the Female Parent as T-hyphen, Typhon, the spherical kabin divided into two parts by the center dividing line, the equator, the hyphen.
Since H implies KH, Typhon could be formed from the H in Hyphen becoming T, thus Typhen becomes Typhon.

Finally Hyphen can be derived from any of these words: Khafen, Cyphering, Haven, Heaven, Khabbing, Khabin, Khab-an, Kheper-an, Khab-ten, Typhon (Phon-Ty, Phen-ti, Khenti, Khen-Khen, Khen-Phen, Khenphen, Khephen, Kepheus, Khyphen, Hyphen). This is the nature of Khepera the transformed to go back and forth, form and reform, shape and reshape...
Khepr is first the former of the dead who are alive and the alive who are dead and the alive who are alive.

In later times, Typhon became known by many other names such as Makha and Maat, Great Mother of Two Truths, Two Divisions of the Circle. All of these are the Hyphen.

A related revelation (elevation) is that Khen-Khen as Bhen-Bhen as Ben-Ben as a symbol of resurrection and renewal, a phoenix rising out of the fire matches the Hyphen, Ursa Major, Khekh, Dry Land, Mount and the Most High.

09.08.23 Update

Ty from Hy from Hu from Khu from Khui from KH and/or IU from Khiu.
Typhon from Iukhun or Khunui or Iukhiun or Khiunui. Both Typhon and Hyphen mean two because of IU. They also mean four since Ty, Ph, Hy resolve into IU or KH thus both words are Iuiunui or Khkhnui, four spirits, four waters, four quarters, four corner, four heads, four primordial elemental souls of life, two sets of two, two hyphens form the cross in the circle, then this becomes the basis of Typhon.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Why People Say Way More
Reasons Are Way More Than I Thought
Phrase Origin, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3004

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzza of 11)

I started to title this, “Why Black Folks Say Way More” then “some thing kept telling me” that way more than black folks use this phrase.

First Use Of Way: path, direction, road, course, process, steps, habits, personality, personality, character, style, philosophy, mindset...

Second Use Of Way: a lot, a whole lot more, plenty, abundance, too much...

Deep within us, ancestors are still putting in work, communicating within us and with themselves outside of us. They are still sending and receiving transmissions.

Third Use Of Way: Way is Wau is Kau is Khau is Khiu is Khekhiu is Universal Spirit-Soul Of One in Many Forms (Khepera and Ankh in Egyptian). Kau is cow is the female of any species who breeds many and feeds many.

So now we substitute each of the words in the first list with one of the words in the second list.
Do the same using the third list to replace the first and second list.
We are trying to work back and forth to loosen seized dried minds to free ourselves.
Quite possibly “Way More” is “Kau Mare”.
Way More as Kau Ma-ur is part of Rigamarole.

By The Way

The closest word found that matches “WAY in all three uses, senses and spellings above is the word “KHEN” which means:
1. boat, oar, paddle, ark, vessel, feminine abode of the waters, carry on the water
2. navigate, transport, convey by water.
3. within, inner abode, interior, carry the child, image, likeness. One kind of child is the mes, the soil carried by the waters.
4. hall, passage, way, road, corridor, womb at the summit (thus room at the top), lady of the summit of the water.
5. alight, rest, reveal, settle and settler as ark and child did at the summit in the waters
6. sanctuary, womb, cocoon, tomb, shrine, house, cell, grave, breathing place to resuscitate and catch one's breath.
7. The dog is called Khen as a symbol of the Great Mother. The dog makes the sound Wau Wau. And obviously we say humans who cry also make the same sound as Wah Wah which also is Water.
8. Since the child is as the parent, the child is Kau and Ken and calf (Khauf, Gauff) and dog. The ape is an added form for humans. Parent and Child as Kau are Aquaria and Kepheus Star Power Constellations using words, giving acceptance speeches, making presentations. We are being Taught by Taht-Aan another dog of the Equinoctial Moon. The Moonstar is always full at Vernal Spring Equinox, thus at temporary full star power through the mother who is about to give birth to the prepubescent child (Aan) who, along with Shu-Anhur, aids in the transformation caused by the pubescent Sun that stands above the horizon. Likewise then, the Moonstar is always new at Autumn Fall Equinox, thus at temporary starting power of the mother who is being impregnated by the pubescent child (Taht) who, along with Anhur-Shu, aids in the transformation caused by the prepubescent Sun that sits below the horizon. This is why the Moon and Pole Stars rule during the day's night while the Sun rules during the day's brighter light.
Keep in mind that Anhur-Shu is air, breath, wind that aids souls of life, and helps fan the flames, sparks, heat and warmth of stars such as Earth, Moon, Polestars and Sun. Thus wind power is increasing because Shu-Anhur is increasing in Kepheus Constellation, thus wind as tornado, typhoon, hurricane (mehurricane, mahurricane), shear and the fanning of flames and fires in general and in specific ways is increasing, gaining momentum and occurring in more pronounced combinations and frequencies. At the eastern Mount of Resurrection there is an increasing fire, wildfire of Ra being fanned by Shu, while the opposite occurs on the Western Mount of Resurrection.
Autumn Equinox, New Moon and Pubescent Moon Child were symbols and times of renewal through reproduction. Spring Equinox, Full Moon and Prepubescent Moon Child were symbols and times of renewal through resurrection.
At the exact instant of the monthly conjunction of earth, moon and sun at New Moon, when the moon fades to full black, then the male Cynocephalus neither sees, nor eats, but is bowed down to the earth and howls. The female, unable to see, menstruates. When the moon's light begins to rejuvenate the Cynocephalus stands upright and raises its hands to heaven.
Technically, all planets orbiting Suns are Moons of that Sun. Thus Earth is a Moon and our Sun is a Galactic Moon. This is Taht holding night school and saying I am way more than you think. Wepwawet is yet another dog, wolf, fox, jackal. Variations: Wepwauwet, Wepwauet, Waset, Waret
9. as in rekh-khen (reckon) as in process of using sensing abilities to understand. Thus Wauken is Waken. Combined with the above meanings is why we Waken Up and Settle Down.
10. Waukegan. For some reason I keep seeing this word.
a) WauKhen is Wau-Khen-Khen.
b) Waukugan from Kugan is the transforming spirit of ever-coming renewal, thus Khepr, Khepera. Kugan comes from Khu, spirit, while Khen is to alight, rest, reveal.
11. Way can be derived from Khen as Nkhiu or Khuinm or simply Kehn

Related is the phrase, don't have a cow, meaning don't make this way more than it is or much bigger or don't overreact.

Variations: Ken, Khent, Kent, Khenti, Khenit, Khennu, Khentu, Khenta, Kente

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Lionel Messi, Announcer Of Things Present & Future
And Reminder Of Rugby Name Origin, Meaning
Unity Consciousness #3003


(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of 11)

What Lionel Messi has done in his fútbol career matches his double name of El-Lion and Messi as Messiah. We should not sleep on the significance of Lionel Messi coming to play in USA and in Miami. The Messiu of the Ages are stars also, Aquaria and Kepheus, both containing a vast number of souls of life creating climate environmental changes. The fundamental forces of nature in their ordinary and ultra-ordinary forms will continue to manifest until that upon which all societies are predicated is eradicated.
Lionel is the Messi, the lion king kicking a ball with his Shu into a net representing the four corners of heaven and earth.
Aided by the Khekhings of Change, Solar System and Earth are moving across the double lion guarded goal line of the galactic equinox and into the back of the net of wet nurse Neith of the twinlight twilight zone who is also weaving, knitting and knotting a new network of ankhs (life changers).
As said elsewhere, net also means the bottom line and that which remains after all that must be removed, has been.
Lionel Messi is in plain sight and so is his name, thus he is another announcer of plain sight things now and coming soon. It is an example of how one thing can help the last become first in a hurry and not a damn thing can humans or superhumans do to stop it.
Miami should be very afraid of Mami Wata and Obatala, even as many other climate environmental societal changers are changing the games being played.

The Prepubescent Lion Came 22 Years Ago

In 1999, a baby lion came to Miami Florida. It was Elian Gonzales. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/elian/etc/eliancron.html

By The Way There's No Way In Our Coming Of Age, Teachers Are Allowing Me Learn A Little When Abundance Is Available

1. Rugby Football became Rugger became Rugby.

2. Fútbol from Football from Association Football that becomes Association that becomes Assoc that becomes Assoccer that becomes Soccer and pronounced So-ser, then pronounced Sock-er

3. Football in the Usa by Englanders in the USA is a combination of Association Football and Rugby Football.

4. Starting with last first, USA style Football (Gridiron Football), Football (Fútbol, Soccer, Association Football) and Rugby have the same roots.

5. I have yet to find a Rugby School that plainly states where they got the word Rugby. Despite this glaring omission from the Academy's own websites, other websites claim: Ruby is the name of a town whose name originates in the Anglo Saxon term “Hrōca burh”. The first element is either the man’s name Hroca or the Old English hroc (“rook”) while “burh” is Old English for “fortified settlement”. (This remains as -bury in place names such as Canterbury and also presages the word “borough”). In the 13th century, under the influence of Danish settlers, burh was replaced with the Old Norse “-by” (“village”).

The only way this origin has a chance is if Hroca is Rocha at some point. To say that rugby means rook fortress, provides the final clue to what I'm about to remember us of.

6. Most likely, the word rugby is a form of rut, ruti, rekhi (rookie, rook), Kafruti. Never forget that England is Ankhland inhabited by Egyptians and many other earlier named Africans over thousands of years. Europe, the rest of Asia and entire world was inhabited by black people first. By inference from all other origins, including the African origin of all languages, we can be certain that games, ball games and football games did not originate in the Common Era and did not originate with white folks (Flok in Danish; Vulgi in Latin; Varga in Sanskrit; Pelg in Hebrew; Flock in English). Thus white sheep in the current sense and whose impact is only significant in recent times, not ancient. Even if the game of rugby did originate at Rugby School in England, the word rugby definitely did not as a name of white rootage and white fruitage. (BB)

7. In regards to Thomas Arnold, a headmaster of Rugby School, Gerald Massey, though of the white flock, his spirit is of the truthtelling stock. He says: “Arnold of Rugby gave utterance to a false cry in English literature on the subject of Kelt and Saxon; he was unwearying in his glorification of the Saxon and depreciation of the Kelt. This cry was lustily echoed by his followers, and has often been re-echoed by the present writer in the most frequently demanded of all his lectures, one on the Old Sea-Kings. That cry has been a common bond even between the historians Froude and Freeman. Nevertheless we have been falsely infected with a shallow enthusiasm respecting the Saxon element, and were almost entirely ignorant of what might be signified by the words “Keltic” and “Kymric”.” (BB)

8. Massey settles, what the rek in I sep-skeptic (suspected) as a corrective to what the culturized recognized and accepted. In his first “Book of Beginnings,” Massey states: “In the name of Rugby we probably have the Bi (Egyptian), a place of the Rekh, the learned. Leighton-Buzzard is a town near Ashridge. Leigh-ton denotes the “ten” division, seat of the Rekh”.

9. Thus Rugby from Rugh-By from Rukh-Bi from Rekh-Bi

10. And again, this is why such a prestigious school as Ruby School, won't explain its own name, and instead, other collusionists reach into their grab bag of language and pull out illusions of reality to claim Rugby is an Anglo Saxon name, without even explaining where the word “Anglo Saxon” came from. Thus allowing current miseducation of what Anglo-Saxon means, to prevail and assail common sense, causing logic to fail from head to tail.

11. Anglo-Saxon from Angles and Saxons, Anglo from Ankla from Ankhland. Saxon from Sax-an from Sakh-aan. Thus Anglo-Saxons are Ankhland Saxons which means they are the merger of at least two groups of knowers from Africa. This paved the way for England and Europe to become a birthplace of knowledge. Same is true of other locations worldwide that were planted, seeded, nurtured, harvested and shared worldwide among humans who were and still are Africans with various combinations and mutations of spirit, mind, body and emotions. (BB)

12. Without further investigation, rek in I sep-skeptic (suspect) the words rugged, ragged and rough are related to these Kam-coated Kem-loaded ancient knowers of much and perhaps to those considered not to know such and such. A clue is that, among many skills, the Rekhi (Ruti) were also workers in stone, masons, polishers, carvers, inscribers, architects, builders, metallurgists, refiners, time-keepers, teachers of various arts and sciences.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Alphabets, Natural Worlds & Great Gods Of Retters, Things & Everything
Unity Consciousness #3003

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of 11)


Alphabets are another stage and form of language that, like all forms of language, continue to add spirit motion vibration energy to circles and cycles of life and existence.
The word alphabet comes from Alpha + Beta, the first two Greek letters from Aleph + Beth, the first two Hebrew letters from Mdw Ntr hieroglyphs of the Nile Valley that preceded all languages that use letters (characters, symbols, signs) in any form.
There are approximately 1,000 Ideographic signs used in the Egyptian version of Mdw Ntr hieroglyphics. These were reduced to 26 letters which became the Egyptian alphabet then the Ankhland alphabet then the English alphabet.

Letters are reduced forms of hieroglyphs. Hieroglyphs are reduced forms of ideas. Ideas are reduced forms of pictures. Pictures are reduced one dimensional stagnant forms of three dimensional fluid things. Every creation is a language and so also are the movements, transformations and activities of each creation. Then as each creation and their motions are combined with other creations and their spirit motions, language becomes layered and expands linearly in shorter terms and distances, while also expanding circularly in longer terms and distances. These shapes, forms, fashions, and facts about self and all else are communicated to self and others, and detected, transferred, translated and interpreted by one or more sensing abilities that number way more than five or six.
Language is not primarily for the purpose of groups of humans communicating with each other or for lions, tigers, bears, apes, hippos or crocodiles. All language is a form of spirit-soul language, thus is primarily for the purpose of the Supreme Being as One to have conversations with self as Many and the other way around.

As quoted elsewhere and now paraphrased, thought is primarily a mental mode of representing three dimensional fluid things. Without the true images of these things, there is no trustworthy process of thought using words. Words formed of letters whose images are detached or severely limited, cannot produce accurate thought processes, thinking, understandings, behaviors. For example, A is for Apple, as in a tree fruit, though part of what A means, is an extreme reduction of what A means.

Yes words can be attached to images, but the matching of the word with the fullness of the image and set of images from which the letters came, most often does not exist in human languages currently in use. In other words, words, terms, phrases, sentences and paragraphs are severely stunted and retarded reductions of thought because many images and their meanings inherent in each letter and letter combination are ignored and unknown, while the users of those words are under the impression they have sufficient clarity of understanding, but in fact do not. This is type of suboptimal condition that misleads people about the most important and most fundamental aspects of life and existence, thus leads them into organizing themselves into societies, while believing it is a civilization. In other words, instead of current human groupings representing civilizations with a few problems here and there, current human groupings are societies with a few aspects of civilization here and there. (AE1)

Next Section Is Pending Digestion Of The Introduction