If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, April 30, 2021

Teotl, Tamoanchan, Teotihuacan | Name Origin
Unity Consciousness #2433


(9avo of 11)

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. II, Pub. 1875.

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. III, Pub. 1875.

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. IV, Pub. 1875.

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. V, Pub. 1876.


Teotes (teteo) means gods. (v3). Likely Teotl is teot-el, god in the highest.
In Mexico, the sun god is called Teotl, Ipalnemoani (He by whom we live), Tloque-Nahuaque (He that is all things in himself), Tonacateotle (God, Lord of All, Creator of the World), Governor of all, Tloque, Nauaq, Tlalticpaque, TeotlalaleMatlava-Tepeva. (V3)
We can see that Tonacateotle, the sun (son), is a form of Yohuallatonac, the mother. This again connects the Totonacs to Teotihuacan.


Tamoanchan was the first capital of Anáhuae Country. Tamoanchan is just west of the Yucatan peninsula in the Gulf of Mexico. From Tamoanchan certain families went to settle the provinces called Olmeca Vixtoti. (V5)

Egyptian Sun-god Tum, the Father in heaven, may be recognized as God Tamoi of the Guaranis of Paraguay and Daurai Caribs Also as the deity of the Caribs named Tamu or Itamoulou. Also as Tomaoteot (the god Toma) who was adored by the Nicaraguans, whose son, Teotbilche, was sent down to save mankind.

Atum-Ra, son of Ptah, is “Lord of Peten,” the heaven that is related to the number nine; the heaven or zodiac of nine dry signs and the wet quarter. Peten or Putten is from Pet or (earlier) Put. The heaven of the Put circle is so ancient that it reappears by name in the sacred Lake Peten in Central America. In this there was an island, and its chief temple formed a kind of pyramid having nine steps or tiers. It was on this island that existed twenty-one stone temples with stone roofs belonging to the Itzas. The images were so numerous there, that it took over a hundred Spanish conquerors a whole day to destroy them.[And we wonder why we must use multiple ways of knowing and that we can't simply rely on the absence of information as reported by invaders. Lots of stuff was destroyed, lots was stolen and lots is hidden]

Pyramid Lake in Nevada also contains nine islands. Nine islands standing out of the water would offer another figure of the Egyptian nine dry months, or the Put circle of the nine gods: and if the astronomical mythology of Kam was carried into Nevada, we shall be sure to hear of the great serpent lurking in the waters of Lake Pyramid; one with the Apophis of the north and dragon of the deep.

Accordingly we find the Piutes [a name white folks in old westerns use a lot in reference to indians] believing that the Apophis, their devil-snake, lies in wait under the lake just as the lurking devourer does in the Egyptian Ritual. [See also Pah Utes. (v1)]

Dr. de Plongeon the Mexican savant and explorer of the ruins of Uxmal asserts that he has exhumed antiquities which bear the most striking resemblance to those found at Heliopolis in Egypt. This was the place of the great temple of Atum the “Lord of Peten.” Peten, the heaven of the nine divisions and of Atum the father-god, is also the possible original of the Assyrian Pitan, a name of Telassar mentioned as a city inhabited by the children of Eden. (NG2)


Teoti + huacan
Teoti is gods. Huacas is tombs, thus wombs, cocoons and birthplaces symbolized by mountains and pyramids. (v4)

Teotihuacan (or Teotl) is called a Tamoanchan Nahuan town.
Not quite two miles north-east from the little village of San Juan, and about twenty-five miles in the same direction from Mexico, on the road to Otumba, are the ruins of Teotihuacan, also called (Veitioacan, ‘city of signals,’ and Toltecat). (v4)
Teotihuacan is a name I hear most often when speaking of “ancient” settlements with pyramids. The two great pyramids of Teotihuacan, dedicated to the sun and moon, are surrounded by several hundreds of small pyramids that were tombs of princes who were buried there and made gods alter death, and were thought not to have died but to have waked from a sleep. (v5)

Teotihuacan, built by the earlier Totonacs, marks the beginning of the solar mythology in Central America. It is said that there was no sun until God Nanahuatzin cast himself into the fire and rose as the eastern sun.
If there is any doubt as to who the builders of Teotihuacan are, the Rosetta-stone provided the key to deciphering the tablets of Babylon, Ninevah, and the pyramids of Palenque, Copan and Teotihuacan. The Rosetta-stone allowed the hieroglyphic writing, which is the same as that in Egypt and the rest of the Nile Valley to be understood. Thus then it is less important as to which migrants from Africa built Teotihuacan, because they all used close to the same cultures, at least for periods of time. Thus there's no use in present day inhabitants of Central America to claim their ancestors built the ancient cities of Central America and they were of the very lighter color as those today, unless current inhabitants acknowledge Africans as their ancestors all the way back to the darkest and shortest among us. (V4)

Police Racism Can't Be Diluted With Sugar, But...
Unity Consciousness #2432


(9avn of 11)

...Minds, Emotions & Spirit-souls can be polluted.
We have been told many times that the military, police, law and legal system, every aspect are part of the main institutions that institute and uphold racism. There's no getting around this.

We add to the power of racism when we sweet talk the police by ignoring the blue wall of silence and the pathological lying of the police union.
We add to the power of racism when we keep talking about good cops when there ain't enough of them to make a damn difference, not even with the daily, non-lethal racisms carried out by police.
Have we not learned yet that just because police give commands and follow procedures, protocols and training, doesn't mean they acted without racist intent. In fact, by giving commands and following procedures, protocols and training, they are ensured to carry out their portion of the racist agenda.

The job of the police is to maintain racism.
When we sweet talk police and act like its just a few bad apples, all it does is enable cops as killers.

Think about the normalcy of hypocrisy, contradiction and doublespeak.
When people in the USA speak of China, it's China this and China that, but never once have I heard anyone say, not all Chinese are bad, there are some good Chinese or repeat any of the platitudes given to police as if police are a sacred honorable angel group when instead they are simply humans with the same vices and virtues as the general population, which consists a racist population on one hand and those willing to be slaves on the other hand.

Clearly always mentioning the rare exceptions to the rule (good cops) hasn't diluted racism one bit.
Good cops are the exception, not the rule so there's no good use in mentioning the exception every time when discretion, a big part of policing nearly always ends up in racist thinking and behavior.

Police have at least eight barriers to overcome before they can even begin to be called good in the sense that they do not participate in racism actively or passively.
1. basic human weakness
2. suboptimal context of their society
3. racist context of whiteness
4. racist agenda of police as an instrument of racism
5. power in the hands of a miseducated person
6. mental illness
7. self-hatred
8. encouraged and undeterred power against Africans

Each time someone tries to dilute police racism with “good cop” sweet talk it's like adding a ten pound bag of sugar to a five gallon bucket of shit.

Shit is useful for good when decomposed, so also must the police and their racist counterpart institutions be decomposed by tiny organisms and microbes.

Tonacs, Totonacs, Yohuallatonac | Name Origin
Unity Consciousness #2431


(9avm of 11)

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. II, Pub. 1875.

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. IV, Pub. 1875.

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. V, Pub. 1876.

Yohuallatonac is the name of a god as an earlier form of Quetzalcoatl in parent form. Of course then, humans would have also called themselves Yohuallatonac as kings and rarely as high-priests.
Possibly a shortened form of Yohuallatonac would yield yo-tonac, latonac, totonac, tonac.

Nana permutes with Mama and later with Papa. Kaka and Nana are from “Nga-Nag.” These simply mean No. 1, which is Yoho, in Isuwu. We compare Yoho to Yohu in Yohuallatonac to get a sense of what the word might mean. (NG1)
The Aztec god of earth was dedicated to Tevacayohua and symbolized by the rabbit. (NG1)

The word TOTONAC comes from:
1. tototl and nacatl, 'bird-flesh'
2. tona, 'to be warm'
3. toto, 'three,' and naco, 'heart,' (v2)

Thus far everything indicates Yohuallatonac was the Mother as Earth and the Mother of Flesh which is what Af means in Africa.

The coast region east of Tlascala, comprising the northern half of the state of Vera Cruz, was the home of the Totonacs, whose capital was the famous Cempoala (Cempoalla, Cempoallan, Zempoala). (v2), (v4)

King Totepeuh Nonohualcatl (Camaxtli, 2nd King at Culhuacan. had been 2nd king at Tollan}
Also called Nonhualca and Nonohualcatl and Mixcohuatl (actually Mixohuatl II)
Deified as Mixcohua but his father, Iztac Mixcohuatl, was the first Mixcohua
Mixcohua I (Iztac Micohuatl) was a person and based on him, Mixcohuas was the name given to an amalgamation of Chichimecs. Mixcohua II, son of Mixcohua I was the second king of the Mixcohuas. [The labels of I and II are my designations]
Called King Totepeuh Nonohualcatl at Culhuacan, he was succeeded by Yohuallatonac, 3rd king at Culhuacan who had been 3rd at Tollan
Here is a possible contradiction. The Totonacs said they left Chicomoztoc before the Chichimecs, yet Nonohuatl was succeeded by Yohuallatonac. This could mean the Chichimecs came with Nononhuatl from the Chicomoztoc motherland and then began to follow what had already been established in the new world by the Totonacs, the Yohuallatonacs.
At the same time Ihuitimal took Yohuallatonac's place in Tollan to become 4th King at Tollan
Yohuallatonac also called Huetzin which is likely same as Huemae and Nanahuetzin.
Yohuallatonac succeeded in Culhuacan by 4th rulers Quetzallacxoyatl and Huemae. Thus the names of the deities changed from Yohuallatonac to Quetzallacoatl and also from Huetzin to Huemae. (v5)

All this is to say that the Tonacs and Totonacs were the same as those called Toltecs, Mixcohuas and Chichimec Culhuas. However it is likely that the Toltecs are a subset of Mixcohuas who are a subset of Chichimec Culhuas who are a subset of Chicomoztocs who gave also birth to Totonacs (Tonacs), all of whom worshiped a family of gods whose most recently famous members were Nanahuatzin and Quetzalcoatl, who both had many different earlier and later names.

We take another step to recognize that under the Chicomoztocs we will find the Olmecs, Quiché, Mayans, Quinames, Nahuas, Nahuatl, Anáhuae, Nonohualca and most certainly in upcoming messages, we will find the Toltecs, Aztecs and Mexicans which have already been established as a by-product of other inquiries. Because a group has not been mentioned doesn't mean they are not included, for instance, Hondurans, Costa Ricans, Belizians and so on in the vicinity.

The Totonacs said they were a Nahua tribe contemporaneous with the Olmecs and of the same institutions. They lived long near the banks of Lake Tezcuco where they built the two great pyramids at Teotihuacan. They said when they left Chicomoztoc, the Chichimecs had not yet left. All this will be sifted, sorted and summarized in outline form at the end of this series. Meanwhile we already have better understandings of who people are. (v5)

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Hurakhan Hurricane | Name Origin
Unity Consciousness #2430


(9avl of 11)

The Quiché four ancestors, are four forms of the spirit of breath as males, who were created by Hurakan, the air in motion. This is Quetzalcoatl.

The Element of Air was considered as potential death before it was recognized as the breath of life. The burning blast, the simoom or typhoon, first made itself felt and acknowledged, in such forms as the Kamsin, which stirs the desert to its depths, sets its surface moving in a vast suffocating, overwhelming storm of sand, and mixes up the elements of wlnd and water, fire and dust, in a chaos of confusion that blots out heaven for the time being and seems to blind the sun. This was the air in motion, personated by Hurakan, the Quiché deity. All this describes Ma-Shu as Kepheus. (NG1)

Hurakan (Hurricane) is the name of the Quiché primordial power. Hurakan in Quiché means a stream of water that pours straight down. In the hieroglyphics of Egypt, Hura is Heaven, over, above. Khan is the Typhonian Tempest with the determinative of water pouring straight down from Heaven, and Khan is water. All this describes Aquaria-Aquarius.
Typhon and Typhoon are identical.
Hushtoli, the Storm-wind, was the original Choctaw word for Deity.
“Mixcohuatl” the “Cloud Serpent,” a chief of the Mexican gods, bears the name of the tropical whirlwind. Such representation was primal and the later God of Air and Breath was a modification of the demon in his first fierce phase of the terrible tornado.

Lightning, with its crooked fires, world-shaking voice, and dart of death, made its first appeal to fear. Cukulcan (a form of Quetzalcoatl) most likely comes from the Quiché word for lightning. Cak-ul-ka, regrouped as Ca-kul-ka.
Lightning is fire coming from water, thus lightning is the spark of the sparkholder as water. In other words lightning is rebirth of spirit energy that comes to life through light, the dark that comes to light, comes forth through light, the ark that comes to light through life.
Cukulcan is the serpent of both fire (father Votan Vulcan) and water (Huemae Kartek). (NG1)

Guatemalan Quiché Mayans | Name Origin
Unity Consciousness #2429


(9avk of 11)

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. V, Pub. 1876.

It was in their second Tulan (dwelling-place birthplace) that the Mayan-Quiché learned the division of the four quarters, in which the west is the left-hand side. (NG2), (BB2)

Quiché are described as being members of the old dark race. Both the Quiché and Yucatee (Mayans) say they came from the far east.

Quiché means men of the woods who first inhabited Guatemala just below the Yucatan. In Egypt, the dwellers in woods were associated with Sekhet.
Quiché is not the original name of the people in Central America. Possible name sources are:
1. Iximché, another name for Tecpan Guatemala also called Patanamit.
2. Tukuches, a division of the Cakehiquels that took place at Iximché.
3. Queh Chiyoc from Chiyoc Queh, a ruler who succeeded in uniting most of the Cakchiquel (Kachiquel) tribes.
4. Xius at Chiapas or Xius at Chichen
5. Chichen
6. Palenque Chiapas
7. Xibalba could yield Qui
8. KhiKhi – ChiChi, Quichi, Quiché. Khi (Khe) is the child, spirit-soul, fan, extend, expand, elongate and run with great rapidity (quick). KhiKhi means go quick, make go quick. This describes the outflow inundation from the source, Chicomoztoc. This provides insight into Chichimec as the quick mix and KhiKhiMakh.
9. Quichi – from quick, quickie, KhiKhi.
10. KheKhe from Khebekh the son, shortened to Khe, the child. Plus Kheb, the mother.

The Quiché and Cakchiquel (Cakehiquel) came out of the same seven cave Tulan creation. We find the term Quiché-Cakehiquel used often, especially in relation to Guatemala (Quauhtemalan). It appears that the original group of these people arrived in Guatemala, ended up more northerly then went back to Vera Paz in Guatemala.

The Quiché worshiped Quetzalcoatl under the name of Gueumatz. They also had four gods named Tohil (Yolcuat Quitzalcuat), Avilix, Haeavitz, and Nicahtagah [possibly leads to Nicaragua].

The Quiché multiplied greatly in Africa before migrating to Central America and dividing into three groups:
1. one towards the mountains of Guatemala
2. one towards Mexico, these were the Yaqui called Nahuatl, Nahuas and Mexicans.
3. the third toward the east by way of Tepeu and Oliman (Oloman) on the boundary of Peten and Yucatan

It is safer to suppose that the Quichés, and other nations of Guatemala, Chiapas, and Honduras, descended directly from the Maya builders of Palenque, and are now a more recent mixture of people.

The Tutul Xius and Quichés are a branch of the ancient Maya, or Xibalban people, which had in Chiapas been subjected to Nahua influences and adopted aspects of Nahua culture.
The Tutul Xius are later Nahua arrivals from the East and brothers to the Quiché.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

History Lesson | How Time Is Abused To Confuse Views
Unity Consciousness #2428


(9avj of 11)

Let's just say all people live to be 100 years old. Nobody discusses or recounts their lives day by day or year by year, not even when they write an autobiography. They recount the story of their lives according to some combination of what they think is important, what they want you know and what you need to know. Yet they don't tell you everything and nobody wants to hear everything. Neither the speaker or listener or writer or reader has time for that.
100 years of personal living is 36,500 days. It sounds like a lot, but isn't in terms of the age of everything else and in terms of time itself.

So now we move from individual considerations of time and move to how we view time when thinking of families and other collectives such as “races” and nations. Nobody recounts this history day by day or year by year or decade by decade, no not even for infant countries such as the USA.
So why would we think we are going to find information that tells us the history of any human group and all the places they've been, all the names they've used and all the major events that answer all the questions we have?
Yet, what I continue to find, even in the more reliable historical accounts, is the notion that if humans can't find it or verify it, then it didn't happen or conclusions are unreliable. This logic is especially used when there are gaps in the historical record, which there always are, to answer a question about humans, their origins, names, locations, culture, events, family mixture and so on.

Because we humans don't have something in our hands, doesn't mean it didn't happen. That's like saying if we don't see it, it didn't happen. Yet we've failed to use other senses. We also fail to use other “ways of knowing.” It's like saying there's no fire because we can't see it, yet we are ignoring the smell.
We already know how much better off we are when we simultaneously use sight, sound, smell and that sixth sense of spiritual intuition. Yet we go around each day of life using one way of knowing.

To say something didn't happen in history because we can't verify it is like saying a tree fell in the forest and no human that we know of was around, and we can't find anything written down to explain what happened, so it's speculative to say the tree made a sound. This is what far too many recounters of history state when they've reached the limitations of one way of knowing.

Current humans have been around at least 400,000 years. That's 146 million days, 40,000 decades, 4,000 centuries, 400 millennia and 16 great years. Try telling that story. And we're not talking about one human, but millions of human families and all their transformations and reconfigurations.
Try understanding all that based the last humans to arrive to the party to tell you about the party from start to finish and the best they can do is try to gather the story long after the party's over and memories are blurred and witnesses can't be found.
Plus, for the most part, we have been relying on lying white wash hogwash humans and miseducated humans running around with artifacts and bones and carbon dating and wild estimations, that when compiled across all disciplines show wild contradictions regarding their understandings of life and existence.

Do we really need to know step by step how humans happened to be this or that or end up here or there or get such and such a name in order to know basic truths and basic truths about something else and basic truths about self? Hell, we still don't even understand our own bodies that we each have had second by second experience with. We gotta go ask somebody else what's going on. Yet we know how to take care of ourselves.
Come on now. Quit allowing yourself to use and abuse time in such a way that keeps you confined in spirit, soul, body, emotion and mind.
When all else fails, you are the historical record. Know yourself and then you will know all else. The more you know yourself, the more you will know all else.
Think about it. Even if we tried to summarize the history of one human branch using 16 great years as the basis for sixteen chapters, do you know how difficult that would be? A sufficient summary would require each chapter to be told in hundreds of books just to summarize what took place during a 25,920 year period.
So consider the context of the information you've been taught all your life and that you are still encountering that presents itself as the topmost authority on a subject. Don't fall for that abuse of space, time and mind.
Stop thinking the length of time and the supposed absence of evidence are adequate reasons, explanations and excuses for believing whatever the hell you want to or is sufficient for not knowing something you want to know, need to know, should know and must know in order to grow.
If the reasons in the previous sentence were valid then there's no way to know much about earth and definitely then there is no way to know any god or know the history of anything.

Tell me one thing where the historical record is complete and in the form we are satisfied with? Hell even the history of a 300 to 500 year old USA is so varied that you'd be hard pressed to find and connect all the dots. Yet, because we are living much closer to the existence of the USA, we believe more of its historical accounts even though a lot of it is unreliable. We accept this history more than we do earlier histories, even though we fail to verify the history of the USA and simply accept what someone has said.

One way of knowing history is through the use of cycles and patterns of human behavior of spirit motion.

Length of time and absence of known or shown physical evidence, doesn't give us a time out to not use the rest of our sensing abilities and multiple ways of knowing.

Think about all the days of your life. How many times and when was the last time you've heard or thought about “multiple ways of knowing?” You're not taught that for the same reason a car salesman doesn't talk about cars they don't sell. You are not taught about multiple ways of knowing because your society wants you to buy what they are selling.
Multiple ways of knowing is what the true definition of science is about.
Multiple ways of knowing is the basis of imagination and wonder.
No wonder we're confused. We blunder because we don't use enough wonder. Thus we don't use enough ways of knowing to know what is contained in the collective composite historical record. This is what happens when we rely too much on being educated and not enough on being self-educated.

Transcending Birthplaces That Hold & Mold Us
Unity Consciousness #2427


(9avi of 11)

Rubin "Hurricane" Carter's statement, “It's very important to transcend the places that hold us,” has been used more than once on this weblog. We now re-expand these “places” to birthplaces. We do so because “places” is too generic and might mislead us to think of separate places not connected to each other, or cause us to only consider one or two places or things we need to transcend; however, a fuller understanding of birthplaces, helps us connect the places in our lives in a more optimal logical way that help us reckon and reconcile understandings about self, anything else, everything else.

Which Way Do I Go Depends...

...on which way I am going and which way I came from. Which way do I go also depends on which way is the way to go (which way do I reckon is the way based on what I suppose and my position, orientation, perspective, point of view, vantage point, reference points, context, definitions and meanings).
Directional Confusion as to which way to go has a lot to do with which way I came from because I am not properly oriented in time and space.
If I am standing in the USA on the context of the USA, I came from the east in the USA by way of the south in the USA.
If I transcend space as a traveler and become as time (spirit motion), a traveler, while using Earth as my context and Africa as the place of beginning, although I am still standing in the USA, I can now more fully say I came from the east (Africa). I came also from:
1. the near east (Atlantic Islands, Caribbean)
2. the far east (Eastern Africa)
3. the south (Central and South America)
4. all over Africa because I came from the birthplace in east Africa because I've been all over Africa
5. all over the world because I came from Africa because I've been all around the world
6. all over the moon, solar system and galaxy because I am elemental and all motions are interactions and exchanges of I am.

7. the center (of the Galaxy, the black hole, the outlet between large layers of dimensions). This provides a key. Except for circular, there is no direction when using a purely Galaxy context except for the radial, because the solar system is always moving around the center of galaxy. As Earthlings we are able to keep our sense of place and time as Solarites because we know Earth is always moving around the sun. We do not forget this. However, on Earth, we lose our sense of connection to the birthplace on Earth because we misuse direction because space and time have changed. Although we have moved around we use those places as our basis instead of remaining aware that all humans still revolve around Africa, for their needs, thus all humans are still connected to the African center like spokes on a wheel. A better example is like segments in one of those elaborate spider webs. This metaphor works because the distribution of lands on Earth is simply Earth after the Pangaea and after rises and falls of land and water.
No matter the sun's position we remember we are always still from the Milky Way. No matter Earth's position, we are still Solarites. No matter where we are on Earth we are still Earthlings. And this is also why we are all still Africans no matter the space or time and no matter human corroboration of the transformations that nature has already confirmed.

8. the waters of Nun-Nnu

Birthplaces hold us, each one connecting us in many ways to many things.
Birthplaces can hold us in a liberating way or debilitating way.

I can't know which directions to follow and which way to go until I transcend my birthplace no matter how they hold me. Then I can seek to understand how these birthplaces mold me. Then I can go to the next level of the Hurricane's statement: “It's very important to transcend the places that mold us.” As these processes take place over a period of time in different places in my life, then I become less splintered and more centered, a state from which it is much easier to know which way to go.

Surviving, Thriving & Flourishing
Unity Consciousness #2426


(9avh of 11)

How can you thrive if you don't know how to survive?
If your means of survival creates a disconnect from grace by debasing the rights of creation of any race (specie), it is not possible to thrive.
This is true for any individual, any collective, any country, any nation.

In order to survive, we must honor the duality of the ser in survive.
Ser is res is rek, ark, kar.

In order to thrive, we must harmonize the trinity of the thri in thrive.
Thri is third, tri, trinity, ter, rek, ark, kar.

In order to flourish, we must balance the quad of the four in flour-ish.
Four is faur, baur, maur, kaur, star daur, taur[taurt].
Lish is rish rikh, rekh, rakh, arkh, Khar, resh, ser, sher, ster, star.
Without the 2, 3 and 4, any 1 who attempts to build without this foundation, must build that which is structurally unsound, dangerous to live in and easily destroyed.
And this is exactly what is happening during this pandemic where all that “better life” living we've been building was taken away by government decree and citizen acquiescence leaving us fighting for toilet paper and waiting in long lines for the government to feed us, pay our rent, delay payment of debts, pay us enticing unemployment and stimulus checks. They play with money like they play with us. All this despite having money in bank and a job that we've built lives on. Up to the point of the pandemic most of us would have said we were surviving, thriving or flourishing, yet, most of the way we were going about it was not in our control since it was too dependent on the human and not enough on the superhuman.

In A Country Like This | The USA
Unity Consciousness #2425


(9avg of 11)

Someone said, “I'll be glad when we no longer have to wear masks.”
I said, “Pretty soon, children will be born with masks.”
[Laughter, that then fades into the uneasy fear of what my statement means as far as long term implications and no relief in sight.]
That same someone said, “I never thought this would happen in a country like this.”
I just looked at him.

In a country like this?
Do you mean a country so healthy and intelligent that a pandemic is not possible and also not even a plandemic?
By a country like this, do you mean a place that is the best place to live and the greatest ever known?
By a country like this, do you mean a European country ran by the best white folks in all major institutions such that we are “cooking with gas” while others, especially places like Africa are dead last and cooking with wood and charcoal?

By a country like this, do you mean a place where cancer is rampant under the name of cancer and hidden under the names of other diseases?
Do you mean a place where kidney dialysis centers are all over the place?
Do you mean a place where the medical industry is the biggest industry?
Do you mean a place where mental illness is the pandemic?

What does “a country like this,” fully mean when talking about the USA?

Do you mean a country based on race, whiteness ideology and Maafa Racism?

Does it mean a country so full of itself that people think that smearing their shit de souffle logic all over the world is the best educated way of doing things such that it is a sufficient shield of protection against all inner country, inner collective and inner personal ills?

Knowing How To Do Educated Things
Unity Consciousness #2424


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Most people will claim they are educated.
They are correct.
However by saying they are educated, most people are saying they know all they need to know to know what they're doing.
They are correct.
As long as “what they are doing” simply means “what they are doing.”

Knowing how to do educated things is the easiest and surest way of doing things, yet not always the best way.

Burialplaces & Birthplaces | Tulan, Tollan & Seven Caves
Unity Consciousness #2423


(9ave of 11)

Each piece of understanding I am we able to achieve is a piece that someone else of us needs. Each creation, each person, having come from a birthplace, is a form of Tulan the birthplace, no matter how many degrees of nesting or standard deviations of iterations and transformations.

Tula (Turu) in Egyptian means a whole people, a community. This is the same as universe, heaven, womb, birthplace, nest, hut, home (cave). (BB)
In Africa, Tulan and Atalan are the left hand and the place on the left hand.

Tulan has many forms, some of which are Turan, Astulan, Atulan, Atalan, Atlan, Aztalan, Aztlan, Tollan, Tolon, Tulapan, Tulancingo (Tulantzinco and Tollantzinco), Aquilasco, Lower Egypt, Karua, Amenta
Some of the many additional names in Central America are Tulan-Zuiva, Culhuacan, Chicomoztoc, Cholula, Teotihuacan. These are offspring, children and grandchildren of the seven caves.
Utilizing another angle from the vantage point, all of the above refer to Africa and to Galaxy and its celestial poles and celestial equators, to name a few.

Most people who first inhabited the Americas or know their descent, say they came from Tulan and the Seven Caves. The notion of Seven Caves was formulated during the Sabean Typhonian period in Aethiopia. This is why the people of Central America say they journeyed from the land of darkness when there was no sun. This means before the solar portion of Nile Valley Mythology & Eschatology. This was at least 36,840 years ago.

In the beginning, Tulan was one place with seven caves, then when the four quarters were recognized, Tulan became four places, one at each corner, each with seven caves. (NG1)
Of these four Tulans, two are in the native land of Africa on Earth. One is in the Americas on Earth. One is at the Western Corner of the Heaven of Eternity (this is the entrance to the Earth of Eternity called Amenta. This Western Corner is at the galactic equator on the left hand side of the Great Year Circle formed by the revolution of the sun around the center of the galaxy. Our solar system crossed beneath this corner almost 13,000 years ago.

Note: Each time I mention the celestial equator or galactic equator, I suspect a suspect reaction takes place. I know it does because it took me a while to apprehend and comprehend. Earth, in its revolution around the sun, must pass by, cross over and under the sun's physical midway point, the sun's equator, the solar equator. This is what gives us annual equinoxes. Likewise then, the Sun, in its revolution around the galaxy, must pass by, cross over and under the galaxy's physical midway point, the galactic equator, the celestial equator. This is what gives us Great Year equinoxes. Each time the sun's revolution moves it into alignment with the vibrations of a different star constellation of the Zodiac, as viewed from Earth, this is what causes Ages to change. Each Galactic Age is known by the alpha star of that Age rising before the sun rises at the spring vernal equinox.

Now to add to the confusion of passers by, but not for Initiates. In actuality, the sun's equator is also a celestial equator, thus it could be called the solar celestial equator. Furthermore when you look up “celestial equator” you will get some definitions that to me, really don't help much, and this is why I had to rework the definition and explanation to connect what we already know about Earth and extend that, making logical use of metaphor, to the solar system and to the galaxy. This then revealed that the Sun's revolution must be equal to the number of years in the Great Year. This must be so if the Earth's revolution is equal to the number of days in the Annual Year. Now, as mentioned several times, when you look up the “sun's revolution” you are going to get an incredible number of years that contradicts many other things we know regarding cycles.

One last thing. The sun is the center of the solar system. Thus the sun, in its revolution, must revolve around the center of something. It does. The center of the galaxy. The sun does not revolve around the entire galaxy just as the earth does not revolve around the entire solar system. We know these things by virtue of Nile Valley Mythology. Those more Adept at this mythology make reference to the annual year of approximately 365 days as the Lesser Year. Since the Lesser Year is based on earth's revolution, then the Greater Year must be based on the sun's revolution. This then was an additional clue that led to questions and further investigation that helped rework miseducation understandings into a wholeness perspective that holds true no matter the size of the metaphor.


Atlantic means “water on the left, left hand, inner hand.” Atlantic is named from Atalan in the Timne language on the west coast of Africa. Tulan is the dwelling-place, so named from the left-hand side on which the sun went down, the west. We already know the west is the burial place, the place of entombment, of going back into the womb, now a cocoon.
Thus then, the west is the burial place for the overworld, the upper half of the circle. The west is also the birthplace for the underworld, the lower half of the cycle. Likewise then, the east is the burial place for the lower half of the great year. The east is also the birthplace for the 12,960 years of the upper half of the great year. The lower half of the circle we've been living in since Aires are the Dark Ages. The Golden Ages won't begin until the Age of Maat.
Recognize then that this is why what is going on right now on Earth has been about death and destruction. The destroyers must also die along with their weapons of mass destruction.

These understandings allow us to know then, when native traditions say they came from Tulan or one of its synonyms, they are saying their beginning is from the western corner on the left hand side of the Great Year Circle. The last date of this beginning was 10920 BCE. When we add other things we know, we then know that the first people to arrive in the Americas took place at an earlier date when the sun crossed below its autumn equinox.

The proper named birthplaces in this message are from an African context and Central American orientation.

Mamahuatzin Africa, Mami Wata Sirene Oshun and Ma-Shu are calling you out of your dry places in the tomb and imploring you to nurture the four inseparable aspects of self so that metamorphosis and rebirth can take place.

More On The Atlantic

As Egyptian, the word atr = atl and has several meanings in relation to water. Atru is the water, the waterflood, the water-boundary, limit, measure, frontier, embankment. Egyptian in the early stages had no sign of l. But by substitution of the later letter l for r, the word atr becomes atl, the root of such names as Atlantis, Atlantic and Atlanta. With this change of letter the Atarantes of Africa become the Atalantes. The word antu or anti signifies a division of land. Thus Atlanti, whence Atlantis, as a compound of two Egyptian words, denotes the land divided by the waters or canals of water.
Now the earliest nuit or nomes of Egypt were seven in number, and these were seven territories marked out, limited, and bounded by the atlu (atru) as river, canal, conduit, or water-boundaries. In the valley of the Nile, the land was bounded first by water as the natural boundary, and seven nomes would be enclosed by seven atlu, long before the land limit was marked out by the boundary-stones or stelæ. Atl-antu, we suggest, is the original for the names of Atlantis and the Atlantic Ocean.
It is noticeable that in the Nahuatl vocabulary, atl is also the water name and that atlan denotes the border or boundary of the water. Atlan thus becomes a name for the mound, island, or tesh that was placed as a limit to the water in Egypt. This then provides another meaning of the name, Nahua; in addition to already coming from Nanahuatzin. Thus a fuller meaning of Nanahuatzin and Quetzalcoatl and others is water-serpent. (BB2)

Monday, April 26, 2021

Wixipecocha, Wicked In Deed Indeed
Unity Consciousness #2422


(9avd of 11)

That white skinned long robe wearing symbol of Quetzalcoatl has another befitting name, Wixipecocha (Wixepecocha) who paved the way in the Americas for white Jesus of Christianity. Just like Wikipedia, it paved the way for further delay of growth, until it resulted in decay and led to things such as Manifest Destiny and Whiteness and Maafa racism and Plausible Deniability and Democracy and Capitalism and “America, despite racism, is a better place than Africa” and much more.

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. II, Pub. 1875.

Wixipecocha sounds like there may have been a human running game who fit the description and knew enough history and symbolism to get himself anointed as the Wiyatao, pontiff as the sole and supreme ruler, spiritual and secular.
The Wiyatao in small town Zapotecapan then made his temporal power felt throughout the whole kingdom.
The people went from revering superhuman Wixipecocha as a form of Quetzalcoatl and then in straggles a human who fit the description so he was made the Wiyatao as Wixipecoha incarnate who came out of nowhere like Melchizedek. The way the story is told it seems that superhuman Wixipecocha and human Wiyatao became one and the same and either name was used. This is likely based on the following description of his philosophy.
Wixipecocha taught his disciples to deny themselves the vanities of this world, to mortify the flesh with penance and fasting, and to abstain from all sensual pleasures. Adding example to precept, he utterly abjured female society, and suffered no woman to approach him except in the act of auricular confession, which formed part of his doctrine. For these things he was respected and for choosing celibacy. Nevertheless, he was frequently persecuted by those whose vices and superstitions he attacked. Same story as Jesus pretty much.

It is impossible to overstate the reverence in which the Wiyatao was held. He was looked upon as a god, whom the earth was not worthy to hold, nor the sun to shine upon. This kind of thinking spread into North America. The Wiyatao profaned his own sanctity if he so much as touched the ground with his foot. The officers who carried him on their shoulders were members of royal families. They did not look upon him. He never appeared in public, except with the most extraordinary pomp. All who met him fell with their faces to the ground, fearing death would overtake them were they to look upon the face of the holy Wiyatao. The most powerful lords never entered his presence except with eyes lowered and in bare feet. Zapotec princes of the blood royal had to occupy a seat before him lower than his own. Continence was strictly imposed upon the Zapotec priests, and especially was it incumbent upon the pontiff of Yopaa, from the eminence of his position, to be a shining light of chastity for the guidance of those who looked up to him; This is where Catholicism gets their stuff from or the same type found closer in space to Europe and earlier in time. As you can see the thinking and behavior of Wixipecocha and of the people was way out of control yet it all seemed normal because they allowed it to go on and on. Sounds like today's societies in general. Wicked Wiki Wixi indeed!

Safe Thinking Ain't Necessarily Clear Thinking
Unity Consciousness #2421


(9avc of 11)

Someone who has had two covid shots told me, that in order for them to be safe, they need me to wear a mask around them. No I have not had any shots, but supposedly they are better off for getting the shots, yet they can't stop wearing a mask and nobody else can. Yet we're on our way back to normal, which must mean routine abnormal thinking and behavior.

Then another person told me on this same day today, that their nephew has been in the hospital for six months with covid “fighting for their life.” Doesn't that just seem out the box crazy? This person then said they've had both their shots and will get a third when offered. The way they said it sounded like they would get as many shots as they are told.

We all know that the longer you stay in the hospital, after the initial treatment and days, your chances start to decline. Hell, if modern medication and treatments can't knock a virus out of your system in two weeks, then it's time to move on back home, and go completely natural.
The worst thing we can do to stay healthy is follow self-care advice that is not grounded in common sense approaches that rely on food as medicine and not on the medical industry to make us better once we ignore common sense. The medical industry is not in the business of common sense. They are not in the business of loving you or caring whether you live or die. They are not in the business of treating you as their main priority. They are in the business of doing billable things to sick people. They are in the business of following routine protocols and not patient-centered individualized care. The medical industry needs you to be sick for as long as possible, especially black lab rat guinea pigs. They will keep you there and keep you coming back for follow-ups as long as you are being a good little sheep not making a peep and your insurance is paying. Only then will they tell you the good news that there's nothing more they can do and the best news that you're better off at home.
Meanwhile we are feeling safe but are sorrier for it.

Toltec & Aztec Quetzalcoatl & White Hoodie Christianity
Unity Consciousness #2420


(9avb of 11)

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. V, Pub. 1876.

Quetzalcoatl is the deity of the Toltec Culhuas at Culhuacan and other locations. Also the deity of the Aztecs and others.

Toltec Version Of Quetzalcoatl

Toltec Quetzalcoatl (Quetzallacxoyatl, Quetzal, Cezalcouati) is the same as Egyptian Anhar and Hebrew Joshua.
Quetzalcoatl is second in command to Toltec Huemac who is the same as Egyptian Shu and Hebrew Moses. To say he is second in command is to say he is the second stage, second form, second twin, second half. The two are one. Quetzalacoatl is the same as Shu-Anhar and Moses-Joshua and Huemae-Quetzalcoatl.
Some accounts describe Quetzalcoatl and Huemae as enemies. This is the same as describing Sut as the enemy of Horus, when instead they are twin soul brothers in tension-pressure contention fighting for position in the circle of spirit motion.
Quetzalcoatl, when presented in human form, was shown wearing a long robe marked with crosses, something still practiced by many religious officials. The cross sign identifies Quetza as the one who crosses. According to a native Toltec, Quetzalcoatl introduced the cult of the cross. (NG1), (BB2)
As years passed, Quetzalcoatl became the deity out front at Culhuacan instead of Huemae. It might have been this way at the establishment of Culhuacan on Earth, which explains why Kings of Culhuacan did not call themselves Huemae, yet Kings of Tollan called themselves Quetzalcoatl. Tollan was second in command (actually third) to Culhuacan.

Aztec Version Of Quetzalcoatl

The Aztecs had four chief ideographic signs which were symbols of the four elements.
1. Tochtli the rabbit dedicated to Tevacayohua, god of earth (Seb, Tseb, Sut, Tuamuft who presides over the soul).
2. Calli the house dedicated to Xiuteudi, god of fire (Hawk Horus, Kabhsenuf who presides over the mummy).
3. Tecpatl the flint (or arrow) dedicated to Quetzalcoatl, the god of air (Ape Shu, Hapi who presides over the heart).
4. Acatl the cane dedicated to Tlaloc, god of water (Uati who carries the papyrus sceptre for water, Amset who presides over the Ka-image, the perfected glorified self)

Cholula Of The Toltecs

Cholula (Cholultee, Cholultec) is a Nahua city in Anáhuae in Central America. As the natives tell the story, Cholula is one of the places the Quinames lived and attempted to build an artificial mountain but failed. Then the Quinames were defeated and the pyramid of Cholula was erected in the third age under the direction of an Olmec and Toltec chief named Xelhua. This pyramid was destroyed by earthquake which ushered in the fourth age of fire.
Cholula had been the Olmec capital, a flourishing city celebrated for its pyramid and temple built in honor of Quetzalcoatl. Any difference between the Olmec and Toltec Quetzas is due to humans used that name. At a minimum Olmecs and Toltecs are the same people as Chichimec Culhuas.
The pyramid at Cholula was finally built and dedicated to Quetzal, god of the air. This agrees with the shrine of the seven cubits assigned to the giant Shu, god of air in Egypt.

Quetzalcoatl Expanded Using Red Bull's Wings

Quetzalcoatl is usually recognized as a sun-god, but like Osiris, he must have had a lunar character as a trinity identical with the woman of the full moon Sefekh who gives birth to Taht of dark lunation and Aan of light lunation. Thus the serpent-symbol of transformation. (NG2)
Quetzalcoatl is a feathered serpent, a winged serpent who represents the two truths of Maat. He was worshiped by all American tribes. They gave him different names according to his many attributes. He was Zoroaster and Chavero. He was Cukulcan in Yucatan as the head of a dragon, whose neck is framed with coils, palms, or feathers.
The plumed serpent of Quetzalcoatl was common to the Toltecs, Aztecs, and Mayas. He was shown as a serpent biting his tail. (The Ancient Cities Of The New World Being Travels And Explorations In Mexico And Central America, From 1857-1882, DÉSIRÉ CHARNAY, pub. 1887)
When shown in human form, although bearing various names and appearing in different countries, the American culture-heroes (deities) all present the same general characteristics. They are all described as white skinned bearded men in long robes appearing mysteriously. These heroes taught useful skills, laws, brotherly love and other Christian virtues described as a milder better form of religion. Having accomplished their mission, these white people or white spirits disappeared and were deified and held in great reverence. In this manner did Quetzalcoatl appear in Cholula and as Votan in Chiapas, Wixepecocha in Oajaca, Zamná, and Cukulcan with his nineteen disciples in Yucatan, Gueumatz in Guatemala, Viracocha in Peru, Sumé and Paye-Tome in Brazil and more.
Because we are miseducated, it seems like everybody is worshiping different gods, especially when we focus on the human form the god is presented in.
God can be shown in human form with white skin but that doesn't make God a white human, then, now or always from the beginning. The skin color is a way of showing the two truths of darkness and lightness, night and day, lower and upper, elder and younger and so on.
Unfortunately for the world, in very recent times, white folks on a mission as missionaries came with trinkets and trinket religion and taught the exact opposite. This has only served to help white people justify doing whatever the hellion in them wants.

Quetzalcoatl in the form of a bearded white man who is fair-minded, holy and leads by example was a notion taught in all Nahua cities. This was before the notion of whiteness and the supremacy of white people. Quetzalcoatl's teachings had much in common with those of Christ in the Old World. Of course they did, Christianity is based on Nile Valley Mythology and Egyptian Christianity. Thus, many trusting natives worldwide readily accepted the white man's version of Christianity and did not suspect the okie doke sleeping pill it contained.
Then white skinned humans of various gradations came along, and still being prepubescent, not yet once being pubescent, fucked up the color verse, making everything worse because they were and still are the deepest haters of self, because they chose easy street to achieve what took their darker family members, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of years to achieve. This is one of the main roots of the pandemic of mental illness and spiritual illness. They cannot see, think or function equally harmoniously in different colors.
There was a “golden race of men” who were celestial beings, elemental souls of life. They were the glorious ones, the never-setting star constellations who were born immortals in the everlasting “golden-hued primal paradise above at the celestial pole of the galaxy. (AE1)

Quetzalcoatl is the ever-coming one repa, messiah, christ. If his fullness was shown in human form, he would be shown as black, red, yellow, white, golden, all in one being or as brothers who are quintuplets. This might have something to do with the name QUINames. Perhaps it's five children and two parents that make up the seven. Thus the serpent has multiple feathers, two of which are most prominent. Thus the meaning of “plumed serpent” for Quetzalcoatl doesn't tell us much, except that it is a snake with feathers.
Quetzalcoatl is the phoenix rising as the composite soul of life of all the elementals necessary to establish a new world order. The god and the solar system are coming up out of Earth below and the lake of fire and into fresh air and nurturing fire, this favors the disciples, the initiates. There were humans named Quetzalcoatl who were usually kings.

Quetzalcoatl was virgin born. (Ancient Cities)
It is possible that Huemae is the mother and guide of ways to Zamná, the elder twin, Quetzalcoatl, the younger twin and Votan as Vulcan (Khepr-Ptah, Hephaestus, Hephaistos, Haphaestus), the father and miner of the depths. Thus we should expect more Vulcanic activity. (BB2)

The first teacher of the Adult was Terror, and the earliest pupil was Fear. This teacher became Kak the God of Darkness, born of the Dark and named from it; the Black Fetish, known to various languages by this name. Kuku or Ocucu is the Black Spirit of many African tribes. Kakk in Maya. I suspect KuKu or Ocucu + Vulcan to give us Cukulcan. (NG1)
Cukulcan most likely comes from the Quiché word for lightning, Cak-ul-ka, regrouped as Ca-kul-ka. Lightning is fire coming from water, thus lightning is the spark of the sparkholder as water. In other words lightning is rebirth of spirit energy that comes to life through light, the dark that comes to light, comes forth through light, the ark that comes to light through life. Cukulcan is the serpent of both fire (father Votan Vulcan) and water (Huemae Kartek). (NG1)

A continuous role of deities is to teach.
In the early 1900's it was stated: “Aborigines do not mistake the facts of nature as we have mistaken the primitive method of representing them. It is we, not they, who are the most deluded victims of false belief. Christian capacity for believing the impossible in nature is unparalleled in any time past amongst any race of men. [Abundant evidence shows, beyond even the shadow of unreasonable doubt, the pandemic still exists.] Christian readers denounce the primitive realities of the mythical representation as puerile indeed, and yet their own realities, alleged to be eternal, from the fall of Adam to the redemption by means of a crucified Jew, are little or nothing more than the shadows of these primitive simplicities of an earlier time. It will yet be seen that the culmination of credulity, the meanest emasculation of mental manhood, the densest obscuration of the inward light of nature, the completest imbecility of shut-eyed belief, the nearest approach to a total and eternal eclipse of common sense have been attained beyond all chance of competition by the victims of the Christian creeds. The genesis of delusive superstitions is late, not early [but has poisoned the waters of the world where European colonization flowed. Other religions are in the same boat]. It is not the direct work of nature herself. Nature was not the mother who began her work of development by nursing her child in all sorts of illusions concerning things in general. She did not place her hands upon his eyes and bid him to interpret the world subjectively. Primitive man was not a metaphysician, but a man of common sense. And if limited as a limpet, he clung hard and fast to the rock of reality as the sole ground he had to go upon. The realities without and around were too pressing for the senses to allow him to play the fool with delusive idealities; the intellectual and sentimental luxuries of later hylo-idealists. Modern ignorance of the mythical mode of representation has led to the ascribing of innumerable false beliefs not only to primitive men and present-day savages, but also to the most learned, enlightened, and highly civilized people of antiquity, the Egyptian; for had these natural impossibilities been believed the Egyptians must have shared the same mental confusion, the same manifest [destiny of] delusion concerning nature, the same incapacity for distinguishing one thing from another...” (AE1)

We continuously swallow poison and never get it out of our system thus clear thinking is a rarity, and I hear, couched in all logic, people speaking as if their understandings of god comes slowly from human teachers or quickly through a lightning rod. This leaves little to no room to obtain understandings from natural experiences with nature, each other and self.

Beware of the handshake that hides the snake while telling you anything that doesn't come from their hands is fake.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

War Is The Law That Means War
Unity Consciousness #2419


(9ava of 11)

Much has been said about law, laws, war and wars. Search war law.

law is raw is rakh is rekh
law is wal is war is khar is kar

law is alw is ark is har
The ark of the covenant is also the law of the covenant is also the war of the covenant.

Toltec Deity Huemae Of The Culhuas At Culhuacan
Unity Consciousness #2418


(9auz of 11)

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. V, Pub. 1876.

Culhuacan, Deity and Capital City

Culhuacan is one of the seven caves birthplaces of the seven elemental souls of life and of human families. Culhuas are serpents. In Africa, one of the names of the birthplace is Kharua, Karua, two words which can lead to the words Culhua and Xelhua.

Culhuacan Above is the celestial pole with the Akhemu Seku never-setting circumpolar constellations and also Ursa Major by itself or Ursa Minor. Thus at all major birthplaces, above and below, you will find mountains and/or pyramids numbering two or more. Mount Culhuacan has the same basic meaning as a place of new beginnings as other mountains such as Annu, Ararat, Nizir, or Meru to name a few.

In Central America, Culhuacan in Anáhuae worshiped by the Culhuas is a later form of Nachan in Xibalba worshiped by the Mayans as the serpents N'chustan, Votan and Ytzamná.

Capital cities listed in order of spiritual, political, governmental importance are Culhuacan, Otompan, Tollan, Teotihuacan, Cholula and Tezcuco; however Tollan began to rival Culhuacan, first in the magnificence of its buildings, and then, because the people were enamored with the display, this allowed Tollan to claim greater spiritual authority.

Toltecs are Toltec Culhua Chichimec............Mayans.....Cushites, Kushites......[see upcoming message]

Before Huemae was worshiped at Culhuacan, we find Votan and Zamna then Huemae then Quetzalcoatl.


Toltec Huemac is the same as Egyptian Shu and Hebrew Moses, who both lead souls out of bondage in the Lower Egypt of the Amenta Underworld.
Note: Huemae (Huemac, this spelling might be a typeset error or pdf reader error)

Huemae comes from Anáhuae from Nanahuetzin (Nanahuatzin). Huemae is the mother.

Tezcatlipoca is another name of a deity used at the same time as Huemae. Tezcatlipoca is the same as Jehovah. None of this should be confusing or overwhelming since even in the USA we use the words President, POTUS, Commander-in-Chief.


Although Huemae was worshiped at Culhuacan, the title was not used by those kings. Instead it was used by some of the kings at Tollan (Tulan).
Huemae II was the first to use the title of Quetzalcoatl (Quetzallacxoyatl) as high-priest of Culhuacan in addition to Huemae as King of Tollan.
On rare occasions, the high-priest would use one of the royal titles. This sounds like a power struggle.
As in Egypt, the King (Pharaoh) was also high-priest and heir-apparent to the deity because the King was the son of the deity, thus giving him the basis to claim authority as ruler on Earth.

Hue and Que are forms of same word, huemae might be maehue, maahue, ma-shu, makhu as son or mother, makhua
Some additional forms are: Wue, Khue, Kue, Chue, Cue, Tue, Due, Gue, Fue, Vue and more.
Think of what we are saying when we say Deja vu. One meaning is I remember you two too, the two truths deo, jah and two points of view.

Human Huemae Presented Another Way

1. Huemae I
a) Huemae and Tezcatlipoca are titles that apply to Kings of Tollan because the titles are deities. Although Huemae the deity's main home was Culhuacan, Kings of Culhuacan didn't use the title. Kings of Tollan used the title, as I suspect, to try to rise to the importance of Kings of Culhuacan.
b) Common name of this king is Texcatlipocatl (son/brother of Iztac Mixcohuatl, Totepeuh I) (brother of Camaxtli, Totepeuh II) [I have renumbered the Totepeuh's]

2. Huemae II
a) Common name of this king is Tecpanealtzin (son of Ceacatl, Totepeuh III)
Reigned at Tollan and also used title of Tezcatlipoca
Used title of Quetzalcoatl as high-priest of Culhuacan
Made Cholula the capital of what may almost be termed a new Toltec monarchy. This indicates a dispute as to who was heir-apparent to the throne in Culhuacan. It was actually Huemae I but the people chose Nauhyotl II, the second son of Camxtli to rule at Culhuacan after his grandfather, Mixcohuatl (the first) died
Also reigned at Tollan
went back to Cholula after fighting with Huemae I.

3. Huemae III
a) Common name of this king is Matlacxochitl (possibly son of Aexitl, but unclear)

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Mayan Origin, Part 2 & Intro To Votan & Zamná
Unity Consciousness #2417


(9auy of 11)

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. V, Pub. 1876.

The Serpent's home is tepht (depth), the abyss of source, the place of transformation, which was personified as Tep or Typhon, the mother. Votan is the son of Typhon the Snake. The Initiates of Egypt were called Hivim when they went through the passage and same transformation growth process of the shedding mother snake, the Hefa (Khefa, Kefa), (Jefe in Spanish). (NG1) Hefer, Heffer, hefa, heffa is also used as profanity against a female. It is the same as bitch.
Hivim are Chivim, Gevim, Kheftim, Gutim as the first to cross the waters and rivers of understanding.

Votan was a founder of the Maya civilization. Instead of son of the mother, Votan says he is son of the father as a descendant of Noah (Khnum, Num, Nnu, Nu, Nub, Nem) of the inundation and Noah as Nef (Khnef) is the lord of breath and sailing. Thus Votan is the masculine Nun as the soul of life in water and air. As a Kamite solar god he is the soul of life in the night sun. Votan resembles Zamná and Quetzalcoatl.

Num is serpent-crowned in Kamite Egypt. Votan says he assisted building the Tower of Babel. After the confusion of tongues he led a portion of the dispersed people to America. There he established the kingdom of Xibalba and built the city of Palenque. We are reminded that the Tower of Babel is in Shinar, both of which were founded by Nimrod of Cush of Ham of Noah. Thus then we have another angle of light insight to know who the original Mayans were, especially since Votan says he is of the race of Chan (Khan, Kham). Kamit for Egypt, Neb, Num, Nebrod and Nimrod. (BB)

The god of the eschatological third region, the abyss of the waters, was the Af-Ra, in Egypt; Yav (Tzav, Tzva, Tzva'ot) or Hea in Assyria; Javeh or Jah in Israel. Num was likewise a form of this solar god as mother-elder-younger with father out front. He says he is the third Votaus. (NG1), (NG2)

Follower Of Votan

Chanes (Khamite, Khamit, Kemet, Egypt, Culhuas, Xelhua, Serpents), is a name given to the subjects of Votan and his successors, is the equivalent of Culhuas and Culhuacan.[because it refers to the birthplace of the seven caves.]
(Kharua becomes Carhua becomes Culhua becomes Xelhua).

Cocomes in Yucatan signifies in the Nahua tongue ‘ serpents,’ like the name Chanes, although in the Maya tongue Cocome means ‘listener. Cocomes is the oldest royal family, the most ancient people, the oldest line of kings and nobles in Yucatan. They are the descendants of this first ruler, Votan, They were also followers of Cukulcan (Cocolcan) and Quetzalacoatl.

Cocomes must relate to Kak and Kaka (Coc, Coco), thus darkness and boat.
Mes is a diadem (headdress) and signifies the anointed or to anoint.
Mes means mass, cake, child, chaos, the product of the waters gathered, engendered, massed, the primeval land, the pure land periodically produced from the waters, the land of Mesr.
Mes for generation, birth, mixing is the equivalent of mest, and mes-ru the outlet of birth of mestru, thus Mestrea, Mestraean. (BB), (BB2)

Tzequiles is another name applied to Votan’s followers by the aborigines, - or rather, it would seem, bv the first to the second division of the Serpents (Culebras). Tzequiles, in the Tzendal language, means “men with petticoats.” Ococingo (an earlier Copan) with Tulan as it's capital, Maya with Mayapan as its capital in Yucatan, the territory with Chiquimula (a later Copan) as its capital in Honduras, were allied with and subordinate to the original empire in Xibalba whose capital was Nachan (Palenque), built and ruled by Votan and his descendants.
Note: Ococingo brings to mind Ocho Cinco which means eighty-five.

Khent means hinder part in the south and going back from the north. South as the quarter of the summer solstice was the solar point of turning back and going down. This was the Egyptian beginning of another year. Sut-Typhon, the crocodile and Great Bear, with long tail erect, was an early type of the Turner back in the South, where Polaris South (Sothis, Sut) rose to announce the returning back ot the Inundation at the turning-point of the year. Another type is the animal’s skin with the tail attached. Another type of Khent (Kant) is the Cynocephalus with its long tail. Khant or Kant lead to Chanes. Thus we have the Khant, Kant, Khan, Kan, Kham, Kam, Khamit, Kamit, Khemi as words indicating who the Chanes are. All these words also tell us who humans are because Khemi is Khem is Homo (Latin). Therefore, stop saying humans originated in Asia or anywhere outside of Africa. (BB)
Understand a little more of what this fundamentally means and how that applies to climate change.
Latin homo is a modified form of Khemu. Khemu, to prevail, be master, have potency, authority. the typical seat, abode, the shrine, the habitation of the child, the womb. Menti (Amenta) is the region of the dead in the lower half of the circle which we have been living in. Amenta is the “re-foundry,” where the image is regenerated in the likeness of the generator, Men-(K)amen (Homo-Sapien).


Zamná, son of Votan, was the inventor of Mayan hieroglyphics. Zamná is also called Ytzamná and Kinich Kakmo.
Mystic water of feminine source is SEN, blood; Sen is ZEM. (BB)
Na reads of, from, to, by, black, red, water, blood.
Ytz is Ftz is Mtz

The snake Tet is an earlier Tset (Set, Sut and Tet, Taht), thus Ytz includes the meanings of snake and duality, thus the double-headed snake, also 9 and 90, thus Ptah, the dual parent.
Tsa is the ankh, the soul of the mummy of reproduction.
Mitzar is the star of the Mes (t) in the Great Bear birthplace.
Tz and Ts is the human version of the prehuman click.

Zamná is close enough to Votan to be Votan. Zamná is likely the older form being practiced in the Yucatee, Tzendal, Quiché and Toltec traditions before Votan arrived.
Zamna is said to have come from the west.

Sem (Khema, Shema, Tzema) is the representative sign, the likeness, the mummy-type, the Mamit or spirit.
Zema (Zemi) is a departed spirit and the representative image in death (BB2). The old Caribs worshiped an inferior kind of deity imaged as a Zemi.
Maya lesser gods were called Zemes, family spirits of humans.

After Zamná's rule, we find three brothers collectively called, the Itzaob or Itzas, reigning at Chichen over a people called Itzas in a city called Chichen Itza. The Itzabob,like Zamná, came from the west. Itza is an abbreviation that comes from Ytza from Ytzamná.

Mayan & Votanic Empire

Mayans are Egyptians, Kamites, those from the Nile Valley. Mayapan in the Yucatan was one of the allied capitals with Palenque, Tulan, and Copan, that constituted the Xibalban, or Votanic empire.
The Quichés, and people of Guatemala, Chiapas, and Honduras descended directly from the Maya of Palenque,
The Americas were certainly peopled before the Votanic era per the basis given in the first four recent “origin” messages. Another way of knowing is told to us by Votan himself. He calls his followers Chanes. Chan is from Nachan and Nachash from N'chushtan who is Nanahuatzin [Nanahuetzin]. In this we see Chush which is Khush and Kush and Kham and Kam. So Votan tells us he is a later form of what already existed in Central America. The Mayans came from and/or through Lower Egypt.
The Maya tribe of the Zapotees was considered primitive and one of the first tribes “known” to be in the area. This is in conjunction with the Miztecs, Olmecs and Xicalaneas.

Once we make it back to the Nile Valley, its mythology contains all we need to derive the word “Maya.”
Also we find Suka or Sukat as the south and Sekhet. Sekhet also means field and forest.
Sukat is Yucat + an is Yucatan. So we have Mother Maya who gives us Mayan and Mother Sukat who gives us Yucatan.
”An” of course is a birthplace, rebirthplace.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Evil Incarnate Nicholas Reardon Is A Murderer
Unity Consciousness #2416


(9aux of 11)

Ma'Khia Bryant is dead because of Maafa Racism. Nicholas Reardon is another copout murderer who hides behind police authority to justify the hatred for Africans.


1. Stop calling white people with guns to come and help you and save you. If you don't get a white person with a gun, you're going to get a black person with white logic with a gun.
2. You mean to tell me that the people there couldn't get some brooms or two ends of a sheet and subdue that girl. It's not as if she was a ninja, an expert with a knife.
3. Why didn't those black people leave or go in the house and leave Ma'khia outside by herself? Why were there black people still in a position to be pinned against a car? Pure fucking craziness and no calm minds.
4. The mistake was made because Africans are running around thinking they are Black people and Americans and all other sorts of suboptimal identifiers.
5. Stop calling 911. Get that shit out of your head. Why would you call the Klan?
6. Black people are running around, discussing silly shit like how many times I cut my grass.
7. Black people are running around thinking that caring for an elderly person 365/24/7 is all grits and gravy, and anything you don't do outside of that, makes you lazy. Fuck 'em.
8. I guarantee you those same silly asses don't sit around and critically discuss anything.
9. Black people, you better do everything you can to deescalate a situation on your own. Do not call the police.
10. The police are trained to view you as lesser and to devalue your life. You are a stupid ass if you don't know this.
11. Stop calling the slave patrol overseers of the masters to come handle a situation fairly. It ain't gonna happen except one in a million.
12. Black Lives Matter is suboptimal if it is not teaching you how to critically think and to stop calling the police.


Most black people go to church but don't understand how evil works. Evil is more determined than ever and so are its human demons.
Look up psychopath.
Look up sociopath.
Goddamnit look up the correct definition of racism.
Stop choosing to be confused. There is nothing confusing about what has taken place, what is going on and what needs to happen.

Regarding The Specific Incident and it's white person logic.

Talk to the person in a deescalation tone of voice.
Use a taser, use a night stick, use pepper spray.
There's no need to use a gun.
You can't blame it on the person having a knife or lunging at people or ignoring officer commands. The officers at the US Capitol building used restraint when faced with a mob of gun toting, knife toting, bear spray toting white folks who where beating up other officers. All experiences tell us that white people will treat you differently in all situations compared to how they treat a white person, or a person of color or a brown person that stupidized blacks like to continue to try to be all-inclusive with.
There's no question the racist apostle nicholas reardon murdered Ma'khia Bryant. Black people will allow the discussion to go all kind of ways, instead of mainly having it with self and amongst themselves as to what's wrong with our logic and behavior that needs to change. That's the first part and most important part.
Meanwhile, even Forrest Gump knows that evil is what evil does.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Quinames, The Giants | Name Origin
Unity Consciousness #2415


(9auw of 11)

Quinames As Superhuman Giants

Quinames are said to be giants of the worst kind, the original possessors of Central America. Any talk of giants is likely talking about superhuman souls of life and not humans.

They are described as follows:
“A powerful people who were survivors of the great destruction which closed the second age of the world. They were more like brutes than rational beings; their food was raw meat of birds and beasts which they hunted indiscriminately, fruits and wild herbs, since they cultivated nothing-; but they knew how to make pulque with which to make themselves drunk; going entirely naked with disheveled hair. They were cruel and proud, yet they received the strangers kindly."

Since these giants are few in number, there are likely seven in keeping with the seven constellations at the northern celestial pole and called Cyclops, Titans, Knemmu and more. Secondly, since the giants are notoriously evil, they represent the three and a half ages that rule during the lower half of the circle. This is one-half Herakles, Ursa Major, Draconis and Ursa Minor. This then places the timeframe for the Quinames beginning to be either 10920 BCE or 36840 BCE or 62760 BCE or 88680 BCE or possibly earlier based on this pattern. We must look for clues elsewhere and look to our estimates for other groups who were said to exist at the same time as the Quinames.

Quinames As Human Giants

There are human giants. Consider today how us shorter people see seven footers as giants. Now consider how the short-statured negroes would have perceived the later taller humans.
1. It is likely that the Quinames are the Quiché who are Mayans. Quiché say they came from Tulan and the seven caves before the creation of the sun, thus they are at least lunar mythology followers.
2. There was a great Maya empire of Xibalba in Central America, several centuries before the CE (AD) Era. At that time the Mayas in that location were called Quinames.
3. These Quinames were probably of the same race as the Toltecs.
4. Some say Quinames descended from the Chichimecs (Mexicans, Culhuas, Tepanecs, Olmecs, Xicalancas, Tarasces).

It is said that an earthquake swallowed up all the giant Quinames who lived in the coastal regions. Also consumed were many Toltecs and Chichimecs. This sounds more like a real event that also likely involved a tsunami.

Quinames A Third Way

Another possibility, at least for the word “Quinames” is followers of the Sabean Aethiopian son of the mother as Sut-Anubis (Beli, Baal, Har-Makhu). Sut-Anubis was God of each Polestar and Mercury. His number was seven. He was superseded by Taht, the moon, whose number was eight.

Mexicans spoke of four suns that existed previously to the present one, which were destroyed together with the race of beings that belonged to each. The first was the sun, or Age, of Earth, called Tlaltonatiuh, and the end was caused by earthquake, and marked by famine. (NG2)
Earthquakes take place in conjunction with the constellation at the western corner of the great year circle; Typhoons (hurricanes) are driven by the constellation at the eastern equinox; fire by the southern constellation and flood by the northern constellation. (NG1). Since the constellations moving into these positions right now are cornerstones, I suspect all four climate changing events to continue to take place to bring about the new world, new age, changing of the guard and reversals of fortune that brings down brutish giants.
What we must keep in mind is the people we currently listen to as the knowers, have a severed memory whose current portion is not even 6 ages long (12,960 years). They have not yet lived in an optimal fully awakened state. Thus these people do not have the collective memory experiences to understand climate change environmental change.

Note: The combined first and second accounts of the Quinames in this message indicate the earthquake took place at the end of the third age. The last account in this message indicates this took place at the end of the first age.
I suspect four ages and four winds relate to the four divisions of the great year.

Quinames A Fourth Way

Khu + Nam
Khu is simplified as spirit.
Nam is from Khnam which also yields, Kam, Ham, Sam. This is enough to tell you who the first Quinames were in human form. The UI can be written UI, U, I and is a form of AU as the first. (BB)

Quinames A Fifth Way

Khu + Nam + Mes
Khu is simplified as spirit.
Nam is name, eat, repeat, secondary form, renew, worship, a jug of water, a title, parental function (BB).
Nam is the word, speech, tongue, utterance, the voice of periodicity, again-coming, repeat, see, perceive, guide, direct, the retreat, womb, gestator.
Na reads of, from, to, by, black, red, water, blood.
Mes is a diadem (headdress) and signifies the anointed or to anoint.
Mes means mass, cake, child, chaos, the product of the waters gathered, engendered, massed, the primeval land, the pure land periodically produced from the waters, the land of Mesr.
Mes for generation, birth, mixing is the equivalent of mest, and mes-ru the outlet of birth of mestru, thus Mestrea, Mestraean. (BB), (BB2)

Olmec, Part Two | Name Origin
Unity Consciousness #2414


(9auv of 11)

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. V, Pub. 1876.

Olmecs, Miztecs, Xicalaneas and Huastees belong to the Nahua group of nations, users of serpent symbolism, who preceded the Toltecs in Mexico. Some others who preceded the Toltecs in Mexico were the Quinames, Totonacs, Zapotecs, and Otomi's. The Nahuas settled in Anáhuae long before the establishment of the Toltec Empire at Tollan. The Nahuas and Toltecs disappeared from Mexico before the Spanish Conquest. Their descendants under new names and combinations still lived in Puebla, southern Vera Cruz, and Tabasco.
It is certain that Nahua, Anáhuae and Nonohualcas are forms of Nanahuatzin [Nanahuetzin].
Note: (Spelling Anáhuae as Anáhuac might be a typeset error)

The Mexican version of Nanahuatzin is the serpent as the soul of life in the sun or moon that committed suicide and then re-arose as the Sun. This appears to be a lunar to solar transition. This places activity in the Gulf of Mexico at least taking place by 62,760 BCE.
The name in the JC bible is Nehushtan, N'chushtan, Nehusta, Nachash (father), Nahash. The name in the Nile Valley is Nakhakh, Akhakh, Khakh, Akhikh, Khikh, Akhukh, Khukh, Akhokh, Khokh, Akhekh, Khekh. The Jewish Kabalists identified this Messiah with the serpent Nachash. (NG2)
The father of David is Jesse who is Nahash, the serpent as mother.

Olmecs, Mexicans, Culhuas, Tepanecs, Xicalancas, Tarasces and Chichimecs were all of the same race and language. Olmecs are among the oldest. These Olmec flourished until the rise of the Toltecs.
Caves, seven in number, are mentioned as a starting-place or station in most if not all migrations into the Americas. These caves are the ancient Nahua dwelling-place under various names such as Aztlan, Culhuacan (Teo Culhuacan), Aquilasco, to name a few.

As we reach a point of enormous deja vu, what is glaring true is that we've allowed family, tribe, village, group, city, county, province, prefect, state and national names to confuse us as to fundamental family tree relationships. We foolishly think different names mean different people, different race, different ethic group, and sometimes different species. We have enough evidence from our immediate families and the name changes of other families to know none of this is true. With the little bit of history we know, there is sufficient evidence to show us the pattern of human evolution regarding human names, locations, physical appearance and culture.
I have no desire to go through all the major group names to show how they relate back to Africa. This present quest is only to show the relationship of one “Native American” name to Africa. Of course the teacher would not allow me to get away with this without expanding my understandings, thus this quest has grown from one message to potentially two dozen before I reach the message I began with, but could not complete because I had to look up another word, and then another, and so on. Plus, life is never about self without also being about all else. Thus whatever understandings I can retrieve, contribute to the restoration of the spirit web to which all are connected and part of as content creators.
I will continue this current path of inquiry because it will reveal additional tidbits, nuggets, morsels and tools of understandings; however, these inquiries into different names origins and locations do not change what has already been proven, thus my attempts to connect names origins of people and locations are merely secondary self-checking details of what has always prevailed – the universalness of the origins of species with species, between species and among species. To say this another way, just because we are not exposed to, privy to or aware of all angles of light, does not limit the core truth of the suns emanations and their radial connection to the sun and web-like connections to each other.
This is the same thing we've found over and over in Africa, Western Asia, Middle Asia and Eastern Asia and are now finding in South America, Central America and North America. This holds true for the other larger continents (islands) and islands (smaller continents).
These understandings can help us in an overall way not be so dependent on knowing every link in the chain and every transformation it took, in order to know who we are and where we came from and our relationship to other people and other creations. This will also help us revive our critical thinking ability and question our DNA Testing results and other things taking place in our lives, our homes and in our society.

Lastly, as likely stated elsewhere, consider just one thousand years from now and there is an absence of accurate teaching. When those people of the future encounter words such as America, USA, United States, United States of America, Alabama and the other 49 states, New Englanders, Whites, Blacks, Asians, Europeans, Africans and many other group and location names, how confused, and thus easily misled, do you think they'll be about who's who then and now, especially when even the names one thousand years from now have also changed several times? This is the ball of confusion and ball of collusion that facilities divide and conquer.

04.25.21 Update

What quickly comes to mind regarding serpent symbolism is how it is still used today by people who think it's pagan satanic when black folks use serpent symbolism. The serpent is in the Judaeo-Christian Bible. The serpent is used as a symbol of medicine. This “Rod of Asclepius” is based on Black African Egyptian Imhotep. Thus we see the serpent representing the two truths of evil (killing, destroying) and good (healing, restoring). There is a lot more usage of serpent symbolism in most cultures, including usage as metaphors. The serpent on the pole who khekhs up and down is a pole dancer.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Inca Of Peru, Another African Avenue | Name Origin
Unity Consciousness #2413


(9auu of 11)

Inca agrees with Ank (Ankh, Ying), the king, the ever-living. This is according to the typology said to have been formulated in Egypt, but most likely, like all things Egyptian, had an assist from other places in the Nile Valley. (AE1), (NG1)
Inca is Ankha, but we find no additional clues using Ankha.
Inca is Ank is Nka. Nka becomes Nca and Nga.
Nca leads to Inca.
Nga has been much discussed and leads to Nga, Nga-Nga, Ngape, Naga, Nigga, Nigger.

The Egyptian Ank is Anoch in Coptic. Ank is Inga in Limbu (thus we can more easily see how Inca came about).
The root of ANK is expressed by the sound of Nk or Ng. This still exists in some African dialects as a nasal sound followed by a k-click, “UN-KA,” (Unka) is a nasal click that is one of the earliest attempts to utter by means of the nose and throat with breath and click the compound sound kh, nk or ng.
This nk sound, combined with “Ka” as a prefix, leads to words such as Kong, King, Pankh, Punk and Punch. Thus Ank is an ode to and connection to the first humans, the clickers.

Based on what we can easily determine about the Inca, their name is a variation of the Ank.
Though there are many texts offering information about the Inca, I don't see any further “reliable” sources that are not awash in the hogwash of the European context and its self-contradictions and self-okie dokes that wants us to continue to believe that although humans are hundreds of thousands of years old that nothing much happened until about 5000 BCE in Egypt and then things really got cranking around 332 BCE when the Romans and Greeks, now turned white, invaded Egypt. From that point we are misled to believe that it was then that things rapidly progressed into turbo drive for humans in the Common Era (AD Era) when Europeans (now viewed as meaning white folks) blessed the world with their superior intelligence. Thus then we are deceived to continue to believe that worldwide all earlier people prior to 5000 BCE either didn't exist or were composed of savages. We are sold the narrative that civilizations found elsewhere after 5000 BCE were few and far between in terms of achievements and pale in comparison to the tons of evidence of European settlements across the globe that all seem to start when some European made a discovery of the land where people already existed and then those late arrivals set the world on fire with their knowledge. This is true if we think of fire in the venereal sense.
Think of the psychopathic sociopathic logic involved. White people want us to think that all other people on the planet were clueless as to their own existence until white people came along and discovered them so that their history could begin out of a primitive prehistoric state and everything about the people would be put in the worldview of white folks. This is the kind of history we've been taught, and still are for the most part, including on the god awful history channel.

Even without additional corroboration to satisfy European programmed minds that require mating with carbon dating, we can reasonably estimate that the Inca must have first come to Peru prior to 10920 BCE for reasons discussed in the previous two messages. This arrival would have been by water or by land from tribes already in the Americas.

If you can imagine a continent by continent timeline from 400,000 BCE to 2021 CE, what you should see is that every year is accounted for with plenty of overlap by multiple groups in multiple locations. However what you also find is that no timeline outside of Africa begins at 400,000 BCE, but rather begins later, starting with the arrival of an African.
In other words, the African Continent timeline would begin with humans, but the timeline of all other continents would begin with Africans. This is true from north to south and east to west in those continents. Human history must begin as an Earth-based history that explains the birth and evolution of its species. This must run simultaneous with the spirit-souls of life that are not Earth-based but which do have a base on Earth.
According to the level of detail in those timelines, some of what you will find is many transitions of the people, their names, the geographic range of the country and the transition from the people having black complexions to having other complexions.
What you will also find as you compose those timelines are contradictions that always seem to favor Europeans. You will also find constant statements from them regarding what “just can't be figured out.” They will portray history as consisting of gaping holes, when instead what exists is merely unpaved roads covered in overgrowth.

Peru is a form of Meru. Meru is a form of Muru, Meroe, Merowe, an island in Aethiopia. Meru is a secondary birthplace, not the original birthplace. This indicates that the Peruvians and their Inca name are offshoots of people and concepts that came from Meroe along the Nile. This then places the migration to Peru prior to the migration to the Egypt defined as north of the cataract at Aswan or at least close to simultaneous with the Age of Egypt which began at least in 73,000 BCE commensurate with the Stone Age and the much earlier building of the Great Pyramid based on Mythological evidence.

Peru is also a form of Naru, the nostrils and keen scent of the vulture, the bearing and nursing Mother.

Maya, Mayas, Mayans | Name Origin & Definition
Unity Consciousness #2412


(9aut of 11)

Maya, Mayas or Mayan is a religious group, not an ethnic group. They are Africans who worshiped a different version of the Great Mother as Maya, a lunar deity. Most of us know human origins are in Africa; therefore when we connect any group of people to their origin, we'd better end up in Africa. Even if we don't have intermediate evidence to connect dots closely together, acceptance of our African foundation should not require a suspension of belief, only an extension to truth, a process which perfects belief into knowledge of self and all else. Think of it this way. If you don't have any “hard” evidence or some kind of “expert” corroboration of your family tree, does that mean you are not related to those ancestors to whom their piece of the chain is missing? Over and over I continue to encounter the same denial and resistance and an insistence to cling to contradictions.

Ridiculously, it is said that Hernandez de Cordoba discovered the Yucatan in 1517 CE,. This is just about 500 years ago, long after Africans had discovered the same place. The real name of the country is said to be Maya. (Names and Their Histories) I also suspect Yucatan is also a simultaneous name or was used at some point.


An earlier version of Yu-ca-tan is Khu-Kha-Khan. We can see uca, uka and ukha in both words.
Ukha is Huka is Heka, as in power, magic, science, creative power, Great Mother Heaven, Earth, Sun and Moon called Taurt-Rerit-Hathor-Nut-Sekhet.
Heka is Huka is KhuKha is the Black Kha or Ka spirit of elder Horus and White Khu or Hu spirit of Younger Horus. Ukha is the solar bark, low, night, water.
Ukha is Khau is the scholar, the Kaf ape, the Cynocephalus, the first Great Mother of humans and the son as the first child of this transformation. Thus as is continually being said, the first inhabitants of the Yucatan must have been the short negro nahsi dwarf people also called Kafruti.

We know KH is spirit and we know An is the birthplace.


In the previous message we learned that the Olmec and Mayans are essentially the same people. The Olmec and Maya names both come from Makha, Maka, Macha which leads to Mak, Mac, Mec, Meh, Mehi, Maya, May and Mary.
Meh is a form of Hathor (Athor, Menkha, Menka, Mensa, Menkat, Mena), the womb habitat of the child and wet-nurse.
Another form of Makha is Menka, the wet-nurse with the vase and/or more than two mammae. (BB)
Menkat is the potteress and shaper of earth. The name of Menkat gives us the words Menat, Maat, Makat, Maka, Maya and Ma. Maya was the name used in Greek, Sanskrit and Hindu. (BB2) Buddha is the son and sexual partner of Mother Maya. (NG2)

As Maya, the Great Mother is the moon, the womb of the ever-coming one, who, as the soul of life in the sun is both the dark child and the light child. Maya the moon is the cocoon into which the dark child enters and transforms into the light child.
The children's game, “Mother May I”, is based on Mother Maya (Mati, Maat).
Preliminarily, the most recent timeframe for the worship of the Great Mother as Maya would have had to be initiated somewhere between 6600 BCE to 2280 BCE. This range is in the upper west quarter of the great year. This time range spans some of the polar ages of Ursa Major and Draconis and all of the equatorial ages of Gemini and Taurus.

Because the lower half of the circle is his domain, Maya as the moon is foremost the mother of the dark child, the night sun, the elder christ-savior-healer-teacher, the little black Bambino of Italy and Rome, the “Kriss Kringle” of Germany, the black Christ of India, the black Krishna, Kak, Osiris, Au, Iu, Ausu, Iusu, Iu-em-hetep, Set, Sut, Sut-Nahsi, Satan, Santa Claus. (NG1) This is the black Jesus of Egypt. As recently as 1881 CE, this black Jesus was a well-known form of the child-Christ worshiped throughout the Old World (Africa) and elsewhere. How quickly we forget. (BB2)

This blackamoor Jesus did not retain the black complexion in the Judaeo-Christian Bible even though that bible is based on the Egyptian Gospels, Eschatology and Mythology; however the black complexion is retained in the Church of Rome and in many places in the world, many of which do so on the “down low” or low key sort of way. (AE2)
Both characters of the Christ survived in the cult of Rome. The dark one of the twins, who was the black Sut in Egypt; and Krishna in India, the one who was always a child, is the babe of Mary, the black bambino; and the grown-up Christ is the pubescent Horus (or Balarama), the anointed son of the father. The first Messiah was the Son of the Woman, the child of the mother alone, called the virgin. This Son of the Woman was followed and superseded by the Son of Man.
In the Book of Enoch, one form of the Messiah is the “Son of Woman;” this was Enoch, Enosh or Enos, the Egyptian Sut-Anush. Thus Enoch is the little black bambino, which is why he was taken up to heaven and did not die because he was perfected in his half role as a type of black caterpillar who becomes a red bull with wings that rises as a white, yellow, golden sun. The soul of life as the black bambino and Enoch was taken up into the cocoon heaven of mother moon within the larger heaven of Hathor-Nut, to be transformed into his younger, renewed, reborn rising resurrecting self as the Son of Man. (NG2)

Kepheus is the black bambino which is another form of black sambo. Aquaria is Maya as Mami Wata Yemaya.

Enoch was born of Jared, whose name is a form of Karut. Karut signifies natives, inhabitants, aborigines, masons, workers in stone, the Karti, Karuti, Kafruti, Keltae of Africa. (BB)

I'm beginning to wonder if the lineages given in Judaeo-Christian bible offer clues to the ancestral tree of human groups.
Lamech (Olmec) of Metushelach/Methuselah of Hanokh/(Enoch, Henoch) of Yered/Jared (Karut) of Mahalal’el/(Mahalaleel, Maleleel) of (Kenan/Keinan)/Cainan of Enosh/Enos of Shet/(Seth. Sheth)
Jared/Yered's children are Enoch, L'ei'ad, 'Anaq, Sabkhe, Yeter, and daughters, Zezekho, Lezekh Jared/Yered's siblings are Teqa, Maya, Nekhar, Meli, Aesh, Uriel, Luriutin, and daughters, 'Adah, No'ah, Yebal, Ma'adah, Sillah. (Chronicles of Jerahmeel)

From this we can see how Mayans and Noah were born relatively close together. Using the Judaeo-Christian version we can see how the Mayans came before Lamech and Noah as follows: (Shem, Ham, Japheth) of Noah of Lemech of Methuselah of Enoch of (Yered who had a sibling named MAYA) of Mahalalel of Qeinan of Enosh of Cain of (Adam & Eve) of God.
Also in the JC Bible we find Noah as the great great great granddaughter of Manesseh of Joseph (& Asenath, daughter of Potipherah, priest of On) of Jacob Israel (& Rachel) of Isaac (& Rebekah) of Abraham (& Sarah) of Terah of Nahor of Serug of Reu of Peleg of Eber of Salah of Arphaxad of Shem (Khem) of Noah of Lamech of Methuselah of Enoch of Jared of Mahalaleel of Cainan of Enos of Seth of Adam (& Eve) of The Creator.

Reasonably reckoning using a rough estimation, we must date the Mayan arrival in the Gulf of Mexico during the lunar mythology and the lower half of the circle. This is so because the name Maya is based on a stage of mythology, thus is tied to celestial cycles. We must go back past the eschatology, the solar and into the lunar. The current lower half of the circle began 2160 BCE so we must add at least two to three great years to give us a range of 79920 BCE to 54000 BCE. This won't seem so incredible when you realize the Age of Egypt was at least this old also, thus the Age of earlier settlements in Africa all the way back up the Nile are much older. We must not be limited by the midget matrix of the suboptimal context and its grand achievers as self-deceivers. We must use the cycles of great years combined with Nile Valley Mythology and Eschatology to assist us with estimating stages of human events.
Think of it this way. Current humans evolved at least as early as 400,000 BCE. Thus there must be human settlements that old and a traceable chain of settlements all over the world, that as a total, fill in the spaces of those 400,000 years. Life did not begin when white Europeans went pathogen.
Where is the list of settlements spanning all those years? It certainly won't ever be found in the name of white people, yellow people, red people or brown people, except as the most recent and most minority portion of that black list that has been black listed from history as taught by self-haters in many countries. Is there any national website or history program that teaches they are Africans?

We are again reminded that our main purpose of these “origin messages” is to refresh our mummery and confirm what we already know, that the first people on any land on this here Earth were Africans. Every additional detail or understanding should be considered extra gravy, thus your acceptance or denial matters not to the meat of the matter already established beyond all human doubters. May the lords of lords add extra blessings to the heeders of his words being reheated and served.