If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Avoidable Consequences Of Chains Of Events
Unity Consciousness #1967


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I am very interested in the initial stories and the final report on what happened that caused a plane to crash. I watch the video reenactments in order to try to understand what went wrong, when and how and what could have happened to avoid the crash.
I've watched plenty of videos online and there are one to five common factors in plane crashes. These also apply to many other types of catastrophes, not only related to moving vehicles, but also to many other types of events in life, large and small, such as the FIU bridge collapse and the last Space Shuttle explosion, and may other crashes, accidents and tragedies. Most are avoidable.
Look back at any crash, accident, tragedy, catastrophe or “act of God” and you will most certainly find the common pattern that if a single decision in the chain of events had been different, the consequences could have been avoided or greatly minimized.

1. Mechanical failure by design and/or upgrade. This involves a whole lot of people.

2. Maintenance failure.

3. Procedural failure by anyone involved in the plane's manufacture, approval, maintenance, preparation, flight, air traffic control, training, baggage check, loading of the plane.

4. Weather. Though one of top five common factors, it is the only one that is not controllable, yet is the main factor that is overlooked or ignored because someone made the procedural decision that factors 1, 2, 3 or 5 can compensate for and overcome the weather. Procedurally, weather should be a factor, that by itself, overrules all other considerations.

What I'm saying is, if any one of the other four common factors were known in advance to be a problem or unsafe or potentially suspect or potentially unreliable, then, in almost all instances, different decisions would have been made to delay or cancel the flight. However, we tend to think we can overcome the weather with our technology and training. We still haven't learned. Our hindsight is not 20/20.

5. Pilot error. Common causes are impairment due to tiredness or drugs. Lack of untested ability to function in stressful or unique situations. Also a decision to proceed due to being in a hurry, often for pride or monetary reasons. Under-confidence and lack of ability to speak up. Also overconfidence in one's ability that makes the pilot think he can overcome all unfavorable conditions, especially weather. Also being distracted at any point during pre-flight through when the craft is safely landed and at a full stop. This last point is important because crashes have occurred simply because the pilot did not apply reverse thrust upon landing. The most common errors are due to airspeed, altitude, plane's orientation, pilot's orientation.

As you can see, all of these five fall into more than one category and have an impact on at least one other category. These five can be summed up as human error. Human error is the cause of all accidents, even if intentionally caused by attack.

All we have to do is look back at the two recent crashes of the Boeing 737 Max Airplanes (Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines). 1, 2, 3 and 5 were the chain of events that caused those avoidable crashes. Briefly speaking, Boeing knew the planes were unsafe. Pilots were not trained. Pilots consented to fly the planes without training, even after earlier incidents. This is pilot error.

I repeat: We can also apply the same five chain of events to many other types of “accidents” or catastrophes. Most crashes are accidents that are avoidable.

Here's what can be concluded thus far, based on what we know about the helicopter crash that killed Kobe Bryant and 8 others.
1. Mechanical failure by upgrade was involved. The helicopter did not have a ground warning system which seems like a reasonable device for the area the helicopter was operating in. If operated in a place with no mountains, then maybe not.
2. Maintenance failure – none.
3. Procedural failure – A ground warning system was not required, though recommended by the NTSB back in 2004 for all such passenger-carrying helicopters. Kobe appeared to be a cautious person regarding helicopters. However, that process did not lead to installing a ground warning system. Failure by the tower to clearly instruct the pilot to climb due to the area he was in. Doesn't matter if it was not their responsibility. It is your responsibility if you know better.
4. Weather. The decision to fly in low visibility is also a procedural error by Kobe, by the pilot, by the tower who gave them clearance to take off. Too many people made decisions because of the pilot's experience and because it was Kobe as a passenger who needed to get to something “important.” So important, that logical shortcuts were taken that added up to a dangerous chain of events.

5. Pilot error. Clearly the pilot was disoriented and distracted. He requested flight following, but yet was not high enough for flight following to work. Plus the tower told him he was flying too low, yet he did not climb soon enough and did not seem aware of the need to climb, not only for flight following but because he was in a mountainous region and seemed to have slowly unnoticeably drifted lower by at least 1200 feet as he was in a holding pattern at a lower rate of speed. The pilot was over-confident and was likely distracted by the talk in the helicopter and distracted by being in a holding pattern and feeling time pressure to get his special consideration passengers to their destination. This seems to be corroborated by the pilot accelerating out of the holding pattern at 152 MPH while at low level and before climbing. So as soon as he got clearance to proceed, he gunned the engine and took off trying to “make up” time. Then as he was driving too fast for conditions in low visibility, he realized he needed to climb, then wasted precious seconds notifying the tower instead of simply climbing and slowing down and even trying to go in reverse or hover until he could see clearly. His statement saying he was climbing due to cloud cover seems like a cover-up he made to hide the fact from his passengers that he was nervous because he couldn't see. He already knew he was in cloud cover, because he was in fog. He was trying to multi-task multiple contradictory goals. Use visually flight rules, request flight tracking, get there as soon as possible, speed up, climb, appear calm, not make the decision to abort the flight, show how experienced he was.

Let us be certain to understand the other adults on the helicopter also made an error by not using their instincts regarding the flying conditions. It is always every person's responsibility to speak up even if the only one to do so. The other adults also made a form of pilot error because they were each in charge of their own lives. It is important for us to speak up.

Once again, we must remain aware that in our daily lives, there are many things that can be avoided if just one decision in a chain of events is different. We can be certain that we have already avoided many accidents because one decision we made or one decision someone else made helped us out.
I think about another recent example of three teens killed due to a chain of events they initiated through a game of dare. And another example of a death due to deciding to drink alcohol and take other drugs.

What I also want to make clear, is that many decisions related to the five common factors above, are decisions we've made in advance long ago and we rush past the decision because our brain is on automatic. Basic decisions such as this have caused much harm such as I got to get to work, got to get there on time, etc. And so we make a decision that ends up causing partial or fatal harm.

I have used the examples of plane crashes and other accidents but the main point is about the many everyday all day avoidable consequences that take place not because of one decision but because of a chain of decisions. We can look back through our own lives and see how many things could have gone differently for better or worse if one decision had been different by ourselves or by someone else.

We are all connected and all of our decisions affect someone else. The effects don't necessarily show up immediately.

The main chain of events is made of logic which is information used to make decisions.
A decision is a decision to do something.
A decision is a decision to not do something.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Africans Going From First To Last
Advantages & Disadvantages
Unity Consciousness #1966


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This is a brief list just to get us started thinking about this topic.


1. We have seen both sides several times through the cycle.
2. We've come up the hard way. Thus we are rough and tough.
3. We've come up the best way. Thus we have depth and refinement.
4. Each time we've come up, we've done it in a way never done before.
5. Everywhere we've gone, everything we've experienced and everything we've done, we've been the first.


1. The Afrikan Amnesia of recent memory.
2. Worldview is based on slivers, snippets, fragments and corrupted information.
3. Present memory has us believing more in the limitations of the last, rather than believing in the limitlessness of what we've shown to be true in the future past.
4. Present memory overshadows the abundance of collective memory. In other words, the short-term has overridden the long-term. The temporal has overridden the eternal. The status quo has overridden the ever-coming.

Ultimately, when you think about it, the headings of these two lists could be switched and the points made would still apply to the new heading and still be true.

Africans, we have always simultaneously, in different ways, been last, first, last, first, last, first, and so on.

First and last exist in all creations and are always crossing and exchanging paths, transforming into each other.

Now We Go Back to a more surface understanding of recent history.
Easily noticeable evolution of the last and de-evolution of the first, occurs during the end of cycles. The period in the world known as European Terrorism Murderization Colonization, and particularly their manifestation as the USA, is a period that represents the end of a cycle. Enslavement in the USA is a sign of the last days for these European Pirate Murderers and Wannabes. Therefore then, it must also be the sign of the first days of something else.
The mother of inventory and inventions, Necessity, has never failed the first nor the last. Necessity is transformed by the Pendulum Scale Carousel as to what prevails.

Failing are more adhesive notions and falling are more obstruction constructions.

Do not be deceived by the false positive secure feeling of the heinous haves based on what they have constructed that makes them think they are in control of the world.
Their daily living is a nigger noise unto the Lord because it drowns out the need to respect the rights of creation.
Be encouraged by the poise of the superhuman, even as it unleashes upheavals upon those who uphold evil.
Afra's Ka is moving from last to first and we will too, but only after first, at last, we also begin whooping some ass.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

CoronaVirus, Corona & Cornea |Refocused Definitions
Unity Consciousness #1965


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Definitions Of Corona

1. the gas surrounding the sun and other stars.
2. crown
3. the upper portion of something

Definition Of Cornea

Outermost layer of the eye. Primarily responsible for focusing light entering the eye. The cornea has 5 layers. The outer layer shields and filters.

Quick Summary Of What We Can Ascertain Thus Far
1. Earth and other planets also have a corona, since atmosphere is a gas.
2. Earth's atmosphere consists of 5 layers and so does the cornea; thus, Earth's atmosphere is a cornea.
3. Earth's ozone layer is in the stratosphere (third layer). The ozone layer is not in the outermost layer, the exosphere. Thus, all this hype about the ozone layer is false and amounts to fearmongering. However, the exosphere may have transformed itself to allow different types of particles and radiating light to come through. This then activates changes in Earth and organisms within Earth.
4. A corona and a cornea are the same thing.
5. Earth's atmosphere focuses sunlight, moonlight and other light.


Possibilities For The Origin Of The Corona Virus (Coronavirus)

A. China's meat markets. If so, this virus should also be another “accident,” mutation and perfect alignment of several coincidents waiting to happen in the USA and other places were meat is grown, processed, stored and sold in breeding grounds for viruses.

B. The USA bred the virus and planted it in China. The USA is responsible for AIDS, Ebola, West Nile, Swine Flu, Bird Flu and several other viruses blamed on Africa. It is not a stretch to consider the USA as attacking China in this manner.

C. One or both of the two "crown" constellations, Corona Borealis and Corona Australis. These constellations are almost in 100% position to rule the next two Star Ages from the poles. These crown constellations are light emitters (radiation), element factories and formulations of chemicals, elementals.

In a broader sense, we have seen locusts, increased outward display of racism, weather events and many other “outbreaks” of different types. All this is most certainly part of the upheaval and fulfillment as we move through the twinlight zone.

D. All of the above.

A corona virus is a virus of the outer layer of society that exposes the sickness of the inner layers of society. Perhaps this virus is working its way from the core or working its way to the core. The core. The core-nea, the core-na, the drna and rna, the nucleus.
A corona virus is a type of SARS virus. (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome).
SARS and Coronavirus are the same thing. One is faster spreading.
A corona virus exposes the society to all manner of additional destabilizers.
A corona virus is a crown virus. It is a virus that dethrones on one hand, and enthrones on another.
A corona virus is an Eye virus, a Sun virus, a Moon Virus and an Earth virus. These are STARS (SARS).

Vir is part of Environmental change.
A complete virus particle is called a virion.
“Vir” is the Virgin and the Virile Male. These are the ever-coming one who is ever-transforming to fulfill the need incentive.

White Jesus, The Biggest White Liar
Unity Consciousness #1964


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The Gospel Of Colonization Didn't Allow Me To See Myself in My Creator – FreeQuency

Consider this. If you are still consuming christianity. white jesus soupy logic or other religions, what makes you think you are a good judge of a good cook?

Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Cooks Who Sit By The Door
Unity Consciousness #1963


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By now, we Africans should be able to recognize the okie doke.
Call the okie doke by whatever name you choose such as: double cross, backstab, sneak attack, smiling face and grin of the evil that lurks within, trick, doublespeak, triple speak, hoodwink, switcheroo, bait and switch, sike (psych), fake out, psych out, betray, traitor, sellout, coonin', religious, scam, flim flam, ulterior motive, liar, fodder for fools, snake oil,, pull the wool over our eyes, and so on.
All of this is the okie doke.
All of this means: presenting something as mostly one thing; while knowing full well that that thing is actually mostly something else. Simply put: presenting something as mostly helpful, while knowing it is mostly harmful.

This Is What The Cook Does

The cook takes ingredients and prepares them for your consumption knowing full well that the shit is laced with sweet tasting hidden concealed cloaked poison.

Okie dokers are cooks.
Okie doke cooks plan and plot in advance how to get you to willingly consume your own doom by fork, glass, cup and spoon.

Understand clearly, that an okie doker is a forward thinker, a planner, a calculator. They have worked through several scenarios and methods of how to get you right where they want you. Meanwhile, you the consumer, are not a forward thinker. All you think about is “I'm hungry, what's there to eat?”

The cook knows this, so the cook says, here is something I've prepared, you can have it. And we, being grateful, consume it by the mouthful, the eyeful, the earful, the noseful. Since we are purposefully ignorant, naive and gullible, we never stop to think before or after consuming. “Why did the cook prepare this, when, how did the cook know I'd like it, why is the cook giving it to me,” and so on do we never ask any basic questions while in the midst of all-out war.

By now we should be able to recognize cooks and the creative concoctions they cook up. We should be able to recognize all okie doke cooks who are not African. We should NOT still be consuming their okie dokes as if we don't know what we're consuming is harming us.

By now we should be able to recognize cooks who are African (by any name on the Continent and in the Diaspora).

Cooks Are Popular But For The Wrong Reasons

I am now focusing only on African cooks because these are the ones on the Continent and in the Diaspora who are fooling the African people by feeding the African people good tasting succotash.
In most instances of okie doke, recognizing that “we've been had,” is usually a delayed reaction of awareness that takes place after the harm has been done and is deeply embedded.

Talking about a good cook is unpopular. I know it. However, I am not seeking popularity, so I am going to mention just a few of the currently popular good cooks who okied doked Africans and/or are still okie doking Africans. This is based on understanding the nature of a seed (asili). When you see a seed, you can know what it will become and what effects it will have. You can know this long before the seed matures and manifests the full range of its development.
Many seeds have been mixed into the good tasting succotash we are being fed. We are being slowly poisoned in subservience and succumbing to the numbing of the dumbing of our thought processes.
History past, present and future will continue to bear out that Barack Obama, although a necessary part of the process, was a cook who sat by the door. Looking back with retrospective hindsight 20/20 vision, we are now able to see more clearly how the seeds of deception were sown and how they manifested and how we keep thinking and trusting and hoping the seeds would become something else.
Some other popular cooks, just to name a few, are Paul Kagame of Rwanda; Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana and Jesse Jackson, Sr. of the USA. Look at the seed mix. In a sense of what these cooks are serving us, wheat is being added to grass and sown for our feel good admiration, faithful fertilization, happy harvest and national yum-yum consumption. Looking more closely is something we should have had sense enough to do with Barack Obama. We allowed media filled with false positives to feed us appetizers for the main discourse.

I already know most of you who travel through here don't agree**, but I'm telling you that the okie doke is always transforming itself into whatever formulation it needs to keep you consuming.
The okie doke cook says, “okay, so you caught on to the sugar high rise, fall and crash landing effet of candy, so now I'm going to put the okie doke poison into “organic” food. The oke doke cook will switch up and make something look and taste as good as ever, in order to get us to consume the hidden ingredients. A lot of what is presented as “organic” food sounds good, but it's not; looks good, but it's not; tastes good but it's not. Search it for yourself. All you have to do is look no further than the rules and regulations regarding what is allowed in “organic” labeled products.

Why Do I Keep Saying “By The Door?”

All of the people above are the reason why, but I'll use one last example. Jay-Z and main co-conspirator. Their motions are another long-range strategic planning form of okie doke that does some good in advance while setting us up for a larger harm. A clear example of Jay-Z okie doke is the complete backstabbing of the justice Colin Kaepernick is trying to accomplish. No need to go into details. The evidence is clear, and if not, the effects of what Jay-Z is feeding us will continue to manifest harm overall to Africans. Thankfully more and more of us are waking up and admitting we got took by what we mistook about the rhetoric and motions of Obama.

The cook who sits by the door is the one who gets an invitation to the feast or dinner table that Malcolm X talks about, and instead of the cook being a diner, the cook is a cook for the elite or those the cook considers to be elite.

Now this cook, though a cook, does not perceive self to be a cook, but rather believes self to be a diner at the feast because the cook gets to eat in the kitchen while serving the others in the dining room. The cook gains importance by being the head cook in charge of the kitchen and in charge of others in the kitchen. This importance is felt even though the cook is an employee and does not own the kitchen. Even so, the cook is closer than he/she has even been to “eliteness”, but in effect the cook is only able to sit by the kitchen door and gaze out into the dining room of inner workings of global gobble-ism.

This is the same thing taking place with many of our African leaders and their staff. They are cooks for the elite (our enemies), yet the cooks are good cooks, presentation-wise, that's why they've been chosen, to serve the elite goulash and to feed us succotash rehashed without meet. (“Meet” in this metaphor is a play on words and is actually “meet” and “mete.” That which meets and measures up to Pan-Africanism, the African Utamawazo, Optimal Theory)

Way back as recently as 1963, we were warned about the okie doke path, but we went along with misleadership and against Kwame Nkrumah and others.

Answer me this, are any of the popular cooks mentioned above or that you admire, reminiscent of Nkrumah and company?

Would you say they are exemplifying Pan-Africanism?

Understand clearly that the best lie contains the most truth, yet is the most harmful, despite its truths.
Likewise when a person poisons you, they don't need to poison everything, just one thing. Thus do not be deceived by that which is not poisoned, but instead understand the poisoned hands and minds that have touched what you are consuming.

Fluctuating Between Hopeful and Hopeless

There is hope overall, yet some things sometimes seem hopeless.
Here's an example. Despite the definition of the okie doke given above, far too many of us still do not recognize the okie doke of medication sold to us. The medication makers themselves tell us all the harmful toxic dangerous deadly debilitating side effects of those medications, yet we still consume those medications because we think the medication is mostly helpful and because the okie doke of education has trained us to trust our enemies despite all evidence of their untrustworthiness.
Meanwhile we ignore Earth's ground advice: food is medicine is food.

One of our next questions should be: “What is food?”
Once we begin to ask basic questions like this, then we can quickly move to asking, “what makes a good cook?”

So with this in mind, I resubmit to you what you already know. Our greatest enemy comes from within. Our next greatest enemy comes from family and friends. After that, our next greatest enemy comes from among those we allow to lead us in any aspect of life. After that, our next greatest enemy comes from those who are most easily recognized to be working against us (the racist collective).
In this example, the fourth enemy (the racist collective) feeds okie doke to the third enemy (those we trust to lead us) who feeds okie doke to family and friends who feed okie doke to us. Then we feed okie doke to ourselves which then feeds okie doke to us and the cycle continues in reverse.

So then in a reversal of this message, there is another type of cook who sits by the door. This is the good cook who is trying to feed us the antidote to the okie doke. We have shut this cook out of the building blocks of our logic. This must be the reason we are still lacking good reasoning skills that allow us to discern and detect the okie doke a lot faster than after disaster.

**Note: as discussed elsewhere, when we agree or disagree with something, we are not agreeing or disagreeing with a person, instead we are agreeing or disagreeing with the information (logic). Focus on the information.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Deification & Religion | Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1962


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Additional Title: Religion & The Culture Club Deification Schism Decision That Leads To Schizophrenia Of Me (manifest essence)


Deification is the process of remembering understandings of self that lead towards total uniting of consciousness into and with Supreme Beingness.

Thus, deification is the process of becoming one again.

Deification is self reunion into Supreme Beingness.


Religion is the deification of a culture.
The culture is the Supreme Being.
This is not necessarily bad within itself; however, if the culture is primarily based on a human contextual framework, and that context has not yet been replaced by a mostly eco-sensible worldview, then the process of education will edify and deify self in a drastically diminishing way, thus simultaneously devalue the rights of creation.

Religion is the immature prepubescent stage. It moves from lesser to greater to lesser degrees of unbecoming.
Spirituality is the mature pubescent stage. It moves from greater to lesser to greater degrees of becoming.

Ra-installing And Re-pairing And Reckoning Where We Are

Based on the two definitions above, we can understand how religion and its culture, are both used as clubs to deepen the perceptual divide among the four inseparable aspects of self. This multi-faceted schism, since it is perceptual and not actual, is manifested and evidenced by the rampant contradictions supported by contradictions upon which collectives construct their society for how things are supposed to interact.

This human layer of the world is filled with schizophrenia cultures deified by schizophrenia religions, which, keep producing mostly schizophrenia citizens. That's the human matrix.
Meanwhile, the superhuman layer of the world is reconfiguring with defragmenting logic that are reworking themselves back towards eco-sensible thought processes and behaviors.

Thus the two dynamics are the moving away from the deification of religion and suboptimal cultures and the moving towards of the deification of spirituality and optimal cultures. This is another way to summarize another phase of environmental change. Environmental change caused the deification of culture called religion and environmental change is causing the deification of culture called spirituality.

The inseparable aspects of self are rectifying, reconciling and deifying each other. This then must work itself out in the larger collective. And it is, despite the last rush of pus from the sores of societies.

Etiology Morphology Psychology | Roots & Branches
Unity Consciousness #1961


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A basic beautiful ugly mind trick is being played on humans worldwide. Scientists and doctors and people who have studied anything in the medical field that requires them to understand diagnoses, all of them are complicit, at worse, or negligent, at best. They hold themselves up to be experts and trustworthy and we treat them that way but do not get what we expect; however we do get what we should because we do not allow ourselves to be free thinkers enough to double-check logic.

Many medical problems caused by the same root cause are named, described and given definitions based on how the cause manifests.
Thus, sickness-illness-disease are described based on manifestation (effect) rather than origination (cause).
This creates the illusion that sicknesses with different names have different causes, thus require different treatments.

I'm certain in almost all instances of describing how to deal with a certain type of sickness, that nutrition is never mentioned as the first main primary option line of offense and defense.

If nutrition is mentioned, it is mentioned in a “fine print,” “by the way,” “this is not critical” manner.

Etiology & Morphology

a) Etiology: the cause of a sickness.
b) Morphology: the effects of the sickness. The form it takes. How and/or where it manifests.

Example Of The Psychology

One person dies of head trauma.
One person dies of brain injury.
One person dies of cranial rupture.
One person dies of sudden force trauma.
One person dies of brain hemorrhage.
One person dies of loss of blood-brain barrier integrity.
One person dies of instantaneous system shutdown.
One person dies of sudden rhythm shockwave syndrome.
Although all of these deaths seem different, they have one thing in common.
A common cause.
Gun shot.

Therefore, this is the type of psychology being played on us when sicknesses are given different names, yet those sicknesses have the same cause.

This same trickery of psychology is being used to describe different forms of hemoglobin disorders, different forms of cancer, different forms of memory disruption and different forms of many other health problems, all of which boil down to cellular imbalance that causes unresolved cellular malfunction.

Cellular malfunction is much closer to the root cause of ALL sicknesses.
Starting from this more interrelated interconnected understanding, we can then proceed to seek more fundamental solutions to many health problems.
I AM suggesting the fundamental solution is to increase nutrition and reduce toxins.

It is counterproductive to ignore nutrition and then increase toxins by using treatments and medications that have one or more negative toxic direct effects (psychologically called side effects).

Understand clearly. No person gets sick when one cell is out of balance, thus malfunctions. Sickness comes when multiple cells malfunction and that malfunction is unresolved (not brought back into balance).

The longer the malfunction persists, then we are psyched out with the terms sickness, disease,cancer, defect, disorder, ailment, affliction or some other name that seems like we need a bunch of experts to save us with their magic potions and misguided notions of heath, care, life, nature, science.

If we simply understood that our sickness is:
1. rooted in our cells
2. there is an imbalance

Then we'd be better able to ask the questions to help us find our more about:
1. what our cells are
2. what kind of balance they need

We'd be more down in the dirt digging up the archaeological archetypes of what we're made of.

We'd be less psyched out by hype and more synced in to root cause and branching effects.

Good Ole FDA In The No Good USA
Unity Consciousness #1960


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For the short version of better understanding, all you have to do is search FDA on this blog and you will not be surprised by what the following article states.

FDA and NIH let clinical trial sponsors keep results secret and break the law

Too bad all your trusted news sources don't have this topic trending or going viral.
I wonder why?
Too bad too many of us still trust the damnation gooberment and businesses and institutions operated by the defective collective of mass destruction and paper mache history reconstruction.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Prime Example Of What The Watcher Is Talking About
Unity Consciousness #1959


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This is just today's example. It is the first news story I came across today.

African Tech Startup Industry Unfairly Tilted Towards Foreigners - My African Story

This has already happened to us in Africa long ago. This has already happened in the Diaspora millions of times. All our knowledge and inventions have been stolen. This is what the link below talks about. We should know better, but we don't warn each other and hold the government accountable also for ensuring Africans are not being fleeced.

Watcher Watchman Announcer At The Vantage Point, Unity Consciousness #1958

And then I ran into this: OH NO! 1st Ever UK-Africa Summit Starts Today! 20+ African Presidents To Attend

Watcher Watchman Announcer At The Vantage Point
Unity Consciousness #1958


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I am the watcher watchman announcer, the eye in the sky above and the giraffe on the ground below.

From either position I am towering above the rest, keeping everything under surveillance near and far, especially when everyone is asleep, celebrating or too busy to notice.

Multiple iterations of historical patterns have shown us the future.
History has shown us over and over again what is going to happen when certain events are taking place combined with preexisting conditions.
It is plain to see the okie doke being set up and perpetrated on African countries.
Africans in the USA have seen it many times and have been there and done that many times making the same mistakes while keeping false hope alive.
Because we want to feel good and trust in belief rather than what we know.
We keep falling for false positive feelings of talking ourselves into ignoring warning signs.

Over and over again we've seen what happens when we follow the mass optimistic consensus behind mis-educated leaders or uneducated leaders or immoral leaders. We saw it with Dr. King and we saw it with Obama, just to name a few. Oh yeah we saw it with the Monrovia Group in 1963.

I am again sounding the alarm about what is developing, that on one hand appears to be all the signs of success taking place in Africa, while yet on the other hand, leaders are doing things that are undermining success. This positions Africa in a bad position ecologically, militarily, educationally and economically, just to name a few.

We cannot allow our cheerleading tendencies to cause us to overlook keeping a watchful eye on inspecting the foundation of everything that exists and everything taking place.

Though we know this, we are still operating as if we've forgotten to be extra careful when our enemies are speaking well of us or want to be our partner, or say they come in peace or say they come to help.
We are still allowing an enormous amount of imbalanced relationships to exist such that we are allowing our enemies to do things in our countries that we are not allowed to do in their countries. Plus they are doing things to us in their countries that we don't do to them in our countries.
I am the watcher watchman in the tower looking towards the horizon as locusts are getting closer and closer.
“Don't worry.” the people say, “you don't know if they're headed this way.”
The locusts catch every government and landowner off guard despite these locusts having been born months ago, despite already devouring vegetation elsewhere and despite coming periodically and despite never changing their behavior no matter what color they are and no matter whether functioning singularly, in small groups or in large groups
When the locusts arrive, it is always too late to stop them from doing what locusts do.
Locusts must be stopped where they are born and where they breed, not when they descend.

Our enemies are the locusts who come with solutions to help. “Let us show you how to harvest; they say, “we are uniquely equipped in doing so.” “We know, we show, you follow.”
So we do as told. Through acts of commission and omission we allow enemy babies, larvae and young locusts to come among us and nest, breed, and own things as they await the signal and season for swarming to inundate us from all regions and sectors.
Listen! Locusts are not just external. They also look like us. They are also internal pieces of logic.

We are still pursuing integration, assimilation, globalization, democracy and many other things that are all conceived in the utamawazo worldview context of our enemies. Simply put, we are using racist ideology to try to overcome racism.

We are following all the bad practices of our enemies, in establishing governments, laws and institutions, despite all our enemy societies failing and dependent on us, not just for physical resources, but also for intelligence, brainpower, thinking.

Short & Simple

No African in Africa has the luxury to be non-political. We must be involved in politics. Not just during elections, but every day in everything taking place.
Our cities, our countries, our Africa has many gates that must all be watched from all directions. All eyes on deck, on point.

Diasporans in the USA have been through a form of neocolonialism for a longer period of time that Africans in Africa have not. We've been played so much that being played is played out.

Right now, in African countries, Africans are making the same mistake of allowing surface sounding successes to blind them to what is taking place underneath and behind the scenes to undermine them, us.
We Africans in the USA already know what works and what doesn't in terms of political, government and institutional ideologies. There is no need to listen to and try out all these other things in Africa that have not benefited Africans anywhere else.
Anything that is not foundationally Pan-African must be thrown into the trashcan.

Africans in Africa are falling for the same tricks and okie doke rhetoric of people and politicians that the Diaspora in the USA have been waylayed by, sidetracked, suckered into and delayed by, for 150 years.

Another Way To Know

In most African countries there is only a small minority of haves, while the vast majority are have nots.

We've lost the outcry for justice to help each other according to need. For the most part we have an individual to each his own focus and a small group focus. This is being steadily molded in the wrong direction.

While we were enslaved under colonialism, we Africans primarily fought against the colonial enemy.
However, after our supposed independence and supposed freedom and supposed sovereignty, we Africans began to fight each other. We did this in the Diaspora, in Africa and between the Diaspora and Africa. Am I lying?
I'm telling you what I can still see from the vantage point.

Why did we fight the enemy?
Because they controlled all the resources (including us as the main resource).

Why did we begin to fight each other?
Because our enemies still control almost all the resources, including those in Africa and including the minds of Africans at home and abroad. Plus, in Africa, we are not sharing the country's resources fairly.
Can't you see what the problem is?
So why then do we keep cosigning on and fooling with the logic of our enemies?

Why do we keep falling for the same logic tricks just because it's being played on us by Africans?

Of a truth, Africa is headed towards greater and greater resource imbalance. And this is why there is great turmoil in Africa. The greatest form of that turmoil is upheaval in the lives of hundreds of millions who are suffering and struggling unnecessarily and fighting for the Rights of Creation. This is a different form of fighting. Meanwhile our enemies are freely taking resources and buying them on the cheap.

How can we begin to praise any government that has built up its cities while the majority of the population doesn't have adequate access to water, food, electricity, shelter, healthcare, education? We should also at least state the country's and government's deficiencies so as to not forget through repetition of omission, thus neglect to keep check on and correct these things.
Why are we praising governments when children are not being taught knowledge of self? Yet those African countries are teaching the curriculum of our enemies.

Since when is a colonial form of government with its parliamentary nonsense, a good thing?

How can Africa rise if we are destroying the environment through all manner of pollution, faulty development and agricultural practices that have been proven to destroy, deplete and poison everything while continuously creating new forms of biological hazards?

How can Africa rise when we allow the military of our enemies to set up shop? What the hell?
What kind of African thinks the USA, UK, France, Germany, Russia, Israel, China, Japan and others, mistreat Africans in their countries but then come to Africa to make fair agreements with African countries as if showing respect? No. The only agreements they make are those that favor their interests. Yet we let them bring their spies, agents, religions, and other fakery and poisons. All of it they say, is to help us. We open up for treats but get mostly tricks.

How can we sleep with the enemy by allowing them into our countries in various disguises and give them free range to collect information and sow seeds of disruption in numerous ways?

All of these are warning signs already here, near, midrange and far.

I am the Only One who is watching, the ever-coming one in many forms. I am the Watcher on duty at the vantage point. I am Anubis, Osiris, Horus, Sadalsuud (Beta Aquarii), Cor Leonis (Heart of the Lion, Regulus), Alderamin (Alpha Cephei), Corona Borealis (Northern Crown), Pavo Constellation, Southern Crown (Corona Australis).

At Least Remember One Thing

Whatever you are aware of right now, it did not begin right now.
Earlier processes led up to everything present.
For example, before God said let there be light, a whole bunch of other stuff had already taken place.

In the most fundamental ways, we know better how to read the signs of history, but right now we are being careless.
How many times have we seen seeds germinate that, for various reasons, never make it to maturity?
We are sleeping, slacking and congratulating ourselves as therapy for PTSD, even though we have not yet been very careful this time to protect the seeds already planted. So then long before the locusts show up, also disrupting progress are crows, squirrels, evaporation and lack of nutrition, things we know about, but have neglected to eliminate or minimize.

The same thing is taking place in Africa, that has long since taken place in the Diaspora. Africa's local and national governments are setting us up for long-term failure and we are complicit by losing focus and not listening to the Watcher already warning us from above, below, within, without, past, present.

Watch and listen to the signs, rhetoric and behavior of people and of politics that are trying to undercut our march towards the total liberation of Africans Everywhere. We've seen ill-logic before, so let's keep calling it out by name, stop it in its tracks, undo the damage, and strengthen our proactive preventive measures.

By the Way, we must also work on growing up emotionally.
Just because someone keeps reminding you the roof is leaking doesn't mean the entire structure is bad.
However, even a tiny leak, long ignored, will destroy the entire structure.

Don't we know that small defects in building a plane or in the process of takeoff, landing or in-flight or in maintenance have brought down many high flying planes?
So how much more then should we absolutely understand the urgency of addressing the bigger defects, including defective leaders?
Just because a pilot and an engine (governmental ideologies) got us airborne and relaxed doesn't mean either are sufficient for the intended purpose.

There's a reason why many current African leaders have not been killed and their governments are not attacked.
There's a reason why Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe was vilified for taking back stolen land from the colonizers. There's a reason why Libya's Muammar al-Gaddafi was killed for wanting to unite Africa and have one African currency backed by Libya's gold.

The only thing you really need to watch is the behavior of other countries towards an African country. This will tell you how much trouble that country is really in.

Remember why Arikana Chihombori-Quao was fired.
What African country is doing what she is talking about? There are no Pan-Africanist governments in power in Africa.
So then what type of government are they and what path are we really on?

There's a reason why governments outside of Africa treat African leaders like slaves and boys.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

LGBTQ & Religion | Two Of A Kind That Unbind
Unity Consciousness #1957


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There's yet another trick to LGBTQ and Religion that makes them two of a kind.

Coming out of the closet is a way to get you to demand some rights and respect and forget and disconnect from who you primarily are: African.

Same game already been played and ran on us with religion and many other identities. For example, being Christian hasn't given us any better rights. African Christians are treated the same as African Atheists, African Muslims, etc. But yet, we still love to wear our religious identity and declare it to the world. We allow religion to separate us from other Africans.

Don't think for a minute that you can pledge your allegiance to an LGTBQ identity and that is going to put you in a better category than being African. The White LGBTQ are still viewed as better than you.

How often do the LGBTQ and Religion-minded go around declaring they are African?

Come out of the closet Black People and Be African First!

Stop falling for the tricks of the enemy and okie doke.
Religious freedom and sexual orientation freedom is all good for whoever; however, when it interferes with focusing on being African First & Foremost, it is best to keep all other identities quiet and practice them at home, at least until we achieve the unity we need and have strengthened ourselves.

We already have enough problems trying to get past and over political identities, country identities and the basic male and female gender identities. These are just a few of several more identities we allow to come between us. This is why we need to put all of them back on the down low and quit wearing them out front and proclaiming them as who we are. We are African. End of Story.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

21 Double Standards Legal & Illegal
Unity Consciousness #1956


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Legal and illegal are a set of definitions often discussed. This a reminder because we often slip back into repeating the narrative of our enemies and forgetting who the real criminals are.
In all groups, many of the same things are taking place; however, for one group it's legal while for the other group it's illegal.
I'll keep using the USA as a prime example of how the favored group, the racist collective, commits the same crimes that they fine, arrest and imprison other groups for doing. Several of these crimes, are not even being committed by the disfavored group.

Here is the short list of legal crimes committed by the racist collective mainly by gooberment, businesses and other institutions. This is closely followed by members of racist collective who commit many of these crimes as a matter of daily behavior.

1. Terrorism
2. Murder
3. Manufacturing Drugs
4. Distributing Drugs
5. Selling Drugs
6. Using Drugs
7. Giving Drugs To Minors
8. Theft, Burglary, Robbery, Pick-pocketing
9. Possession of Stolen Property
10. Extortion
11. Assault
12. Harassment
13. Libel
14. Slander
15. Fraud
16. Kidnapping
17. Public Intoxication
18. Disorderly Conduct
19. Hate Crimes
20. Violations of Constitution
21. Racism. Only possible by the favored group and groups the favored group favors.

Every time you hear the racist collective claiming someone outside of their group committed a crime, take a moment to think about the ways they are committing the same crime or worse, legally.

Racists & Serial Killers Have Another Thing in Common
Unity Consciousness #1955


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In response to a European saying I'm not racist, I have black friends, I heard the following logic: Serial killers have friends they have not killed. So just because a serial killer has friends they have not killed, does not prove they are not a serial killer. (Min 3:22)

Here are some other messages that talk about racists in the same light.

1. Repairing African Logic About Racists & Cops

2. In 2016, Who Thinks "Not All White People Are Racists?"

3. 21 Ways To Know I'm Not A Racist

I'm still going with what Dr. John Henrik Clarke said about Africans having no friends.
Simultaneously the challenge remains open to any other group, as a collective, to prove me wrong.

Organic Lies, Inorganic Lives
Unity Consciousness #1954


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Why do we love lies so much, that we lie to ourselves and call it intelligence?

Is it to feed our inorganic lives?

On one hand we equate price with quality.
We say, “you get what you pay for.” “I'd rather spend more now upfront than pay for it later or have to keep replacing this item after it tears up, breaks down, stops functioning.”

We justify paying higher prices for things that give us status, self-esteem and makes us feel good, so we can show the world we are somebody.
We will take extra effort to research, go and find and purchase the expensive things we want. Rarely do we need it.

Yet and still, on the other hand, we make the primary claim and excuse against buying organic, eating organic and growing organic food, that it costs too much and too expensive and takes too much time.

Therefore then, it's not about the food at all or about the price of the food.
It's about us loving expensive things we can show off and talk about.
Because how much self-esteem is there from bragging about eating organic food?

It Is Finished But I Am Not Finished
Unity Consciousness #1953


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Wake up child and listen. I am not finished saying what I needed to say in My Ancestors Built This Country | Fact & Fallacy, Unity Consciousness #1949 In this message I said, “when you leave this Earth and the slum “developed” countries you love, you're going to go to the next country your ancestors built in the next life.”

If you believe in a Higher Power that created Creation, then you must believe in spirit and/or soul and/or spirit-soul and/or ME (manifest essence).
You must also believe in the Spirit World.
Therefore with these two thoughts, you must believe the Higher Power is your Ancestor and that the Spirit World is where you are from, your home away from home.

So, since the Higher Power created Earth, then everywhere on Earth was built by your Ancestor who is the Higher Power.
Not only that, the Spirit World was also created and built by your Ancestor; therefore not only are Heaven and Hell built by your Ancestor, so also are all planets, suns, moons, stars and spaces in between.

So to lay claim to a geographic location on Earth based on “I'm not leaving because my ancestors built this country” is an extremely tiny claim of where you are from. Your birthright and inheritance on Earth and in the Universe far exceeds your present location you claim based on your ancestors.

In other words, if you are going to use ancestors as primary evidence to justify your reasoning, at least understand what an ancestor is, who your ancestors are.

If you are going to use what your ancestors built as secondary evidence, understand everything your ancestors built.

If you are going to use “this country” as the third basis of your logic reasoning, understand what a country is and what it consists of.

Never leave ME out of any thought.
To do so is to come to a conclusion and make a decision based on an unfinished thought process.

I am finished, yet I am not.

All this is to say, we can put together pieces of logic based on partial and superficial understandings of the words used in that logic. This will result in superficial rightness.
Now is the time we go back and fetch more complete original understandings of the words we are using in our logic. Break it down and go back and fetch understandings piece by piece, byte by bit. This will result in more foundational leftness and rightness.

This will begin the process of upkeep of our reckonings (thought motions and behavior motions), to help us begin moving in greater sync, rhythm and dynamic balance with the thinking and behavior of the Pendulum Scale Carousel.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Arranged Marriage In Heaven Below, Perfected In Heaven Above
Unity Consciousness #1952


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Africans and the Diaspora are the perfect match, especially Africa and the Diaspora in the USA.
They are an arranged marriage made in heaven below and then consummated and perfected in heaven above. I'll just list a few reasons why and only explain them partially.

Diasporans in the USA who are Africans moving back home can assist by bringing the flavor of working through government processes to demand accountability, get services and other resources and organize the community for political power to ensure equitable distribution.

Africans in Africa can help Diasporans remember what it means to work together as a communal group, a collective, in all areas of life, not just temporarily to march or protest.

Diasporans in the USA are quick to call each other out for not being on point doing the right thing. This can help in Africa by not being afraid and thus putting up with mis-leadership as if the only recourse is the next election.

Africans in Africa can help Diasporans get back in touch with more African culture.

Of course Africans in Africa know how to protest and participate and due to more schools, libraries and internet, Diasporans seem to know certain aspects of history unknown on the Continent. Thus both groups can merge their understandings into an optimal framework.

Then we need to work on uniting with other large populations such as in Brazil, India and Haiti, if they are desirous of returning home at least in spirit-mind-emotion and helping restore home to the throne.

The Blackest Truth
Unity Consciousness #1951


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The Afrikan Superstar X The Blackest Truth "The attack against our community is real"

The video above coordinates, coincides and speaks directly to: African Unity | Cart Before the Horse
Unity Consciousness #1950
which also speaks about how our toxic logic interferes with the healthy behavior of uniting with each other.

And also to: Ghana In General & China's Role, Unity Consciousness #1943 which also speaks about the need to identify and root out those of our own who are working against us, poking holes in the bucket as we are filling it up.

Of course there are a lot more connections that perhaps you'll also investigate.

Interestingly enough, The Blackest Truth is the Antidote Anti-Thesis to the Whitest Truth Okie Doke.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

African Unity | Cart Before the Horse
Unity Consciousness #1950


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For those who do not have an African First & Foremost mindset, it's unreasonable to expect African Unity from them considering their present state of mind.

We should expect great amounts of inconsistent thinking and behavior regarding putting Africans first and foremost. This is why, as crazy as it is, many still continue to not “buy black{ and instead continue to spend money with those who have absolutely shown great disrespect towards Africans.

Knowing this, then it is putting the cart before the horse if we expect these Africans to make a different choice regarding themselves being African and towards Africans.

It's like that and that's the way it is.
It is not possible to unite sustainably with each other, as long we still have in our individual minds, disunited fragment logic. In other words, the logic we are connected to individually, disconnects us collectively.
An earlier part of the problem of not displaying more African unity is that we individuals are not united within self.
Therefore, how can we unite with somebody else?
This is why I keep on repeating that we must place logic in our minds that keeps repeating to us that we are African First and Foremost and all other identifiers of self will never override that.
Africans Must Unite around being African in name and African in Utamawazo and African in Geography and African in Spirit and African in Ancestors.
By now we should know that DNA Testing Results are merely a third or later way of knowing we are African.
DNA Testing Results are a third or later way because they do not tell us we are 100% African. And this is part of the okie doke to keep us separated from our Primary Earthly Identity.

The enemy understands this and has a long list and big bag of tricks to keep you and me constantly putting other identifiers of self before our topmost African self.

Even within Africa, in the same country, we still choose identities that cause disunity of thought, thus disunity of behavior.

In order to be saved, we must go back and remember the African Savior is the ever-coming ONE.
One Africa. One People. One Voice. One Name.

In order to get to this point, each individual will require a slightly different path of going back and fetching thousands of pieces of logic and understandings to restore wholeness to consciousness. This is exactly what the African Safari In The Spiritsphere is about.

I am African, Africa, Afra, Af-ra. Ra.

01.17.20 Update

This is for those who only follow what non-Africans are doing.
Here's a quote I came across:
"When Israeli citizens define themselves as Jews - instead of Israelis - they weaken their link to the country and bar national identity from flourishing."
Therefore Africans anywhere, when you identity yourself as anything other than African, you are weakening your connection to Africa and weakening Africa.

For everybody else, their identity is based on country first.
For Africans, it must be continent first, foremost, always and forever.

My Ancestors Built This Country | Fact & Fallacy
Unity Consciousness #1949


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“I'm not leaving America [the USA], my ancestors built this country.!”

How many times have we heard this?

Let's start with “my ancestors built this country.”

But who are your ancestors?
Africans no doubt, no matter how you try to slice up DNA Test Results.

But who was here before the Atlantic Slave Trade?
Indians? You might say this.
But who are the Indians?
Africans. Already proven thousands of times over.

Be certain that in the USA, there were more Africans here long ago who were not called Indians or Native Americans or First Nation. They were Africans using a bunch of other names.

The fact that my ancestors, your ancestors, our ancestors built this country called the USA is not unique.
Our ancestors were the first to be anywhere worldwide. We were the first to establish communities wherever people are today. (All of our enemies are extremely extremely corrupted logic lost Africans)

Long before Eurasians and other Asians came around, Africans built countries that were not called countries that had very different borders. Our ancestors laid the foundation for all societies. Not just in buildings, but also in knowledge.

Therefore, to use “my ancestors built this country,” as some type of unique fact, is faulty at best and is an excuse at worst.

An excuse to not have to break your logic free from mental enslavement and Stockholm's Syndrome to remain with your captors. You justify staying based on your ancestors being brought here to build the USA for European Asians.

I know it's an excuse because if it wasn't you'd say, I'm not leaving because my ancestors were here first and had already built this country for the type of civilization they wanted. It's our land by right of first discovery and first development.

Let's end with “I'm not leaving,”

This statement is followed up and justified by “my ancestors built this country.”
I'm not leaving is a decision supported by both fact and fallacy.

If the person was being more thorough, they'd understand that many places on this planet, especially Africa, was built by our ancestors and built to such a high degree, that those places would make the rest of the current world look like slums.

To say I'm not leaving the USA because my ancestors built it, is to deny your right to any and everyplace on this planet and to ignore the greatness of what was built in Africa and still pours out of Africa.

As Malcolm X said, “why you left your mind in Africa.”

If you're going to stay anywhere else on this planet, then at least go back to Africa and get your mind, (the knowledge of self you left behind).

This is a spirit-mind-emotion process that is not only necessary for the Diaspora, but also for Africans in Africa.


Allow “my ancestors” to rebuild Africa in your mind.

Then you'll be able to understand that if your ancestors built the USA with intentions for you to stay, your ancestors would have built a significantly different country.
And this is why, if we are going to stay anywhere on this planet, including in Africa, and call it home, we should reshape those places in the image of a healthy home first figured out and created and developed and established and evolved in Africa.

Revolutionize your country Africans!

Because when you leave this Earth and the slum "developed" countries you love, you're going to go to the next country your ancestors built in the next life.
And you won't know how to act.
Why not?
Because you have not yet remembered how to think.

Master Identity | No Servant Can Serve Two Masters
Unity Consciousness #1948


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Until it happens, I'll keep saying it.
The Universe and human history and our own personal history has shown us that power comes from unity and unity comes only through the organized masses.

Africans we must unite.

If not, we should just accept our plight, and not fight, for anything.

No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. (Luke 16:13)

This is why we should only identify as African.
Leave all other identifiers alone and keep them private.

Those who continue to identify themselves as things other than the word African, are separating themselves psychologically from the totality that is the African Utamawazo which unites us worldwide. Stop using other identifiers as your primary identity. Stop doing it and don't do it. If you keep identifying yourself by all these things your culture has you associating with, and you put those things before being African, you are serving more than one master, and as always will frequently and ultimately have to make a choice between the two. Truth is, you already are.

Being African is #3 on the list of optimal identifiers. For now we must leave all other identifiers alone.

Are you trying to serve a religious identity, a gender identity, a non-African identity, a political identity, a vocational identity.....?
You will always be less than optimal and always conflicted and contradictory unless you pick one and make that identity your main one that always guides your thinking and behavior.

Make Africa and African your master identity. Speak truth to power! Ours. Hours. Horus.

It's time y'all!
It's time for us to master our first and foremost identity rather than allowing our current fragmented identities to master us.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Simply Presidential
Unity Consciousness #1947


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1. SOB Trump represents the filthy rich Elite. The Elite wants Trump. This is why they keep lying about how good the economy is doing, yet there are constant reports of imminent recession. To try to help Trump out of his impeachment troubles and warmongering troubles, the media and American Cancer Society decided to lie about cancer deaths being reduced.

2. Biden represents the filthy rich who are not Elite. The Elite have hedged their bet by catapulting Biden to the top of the Democratic field. Biden would be a more silent form of Trump. Biden will do whatever he is told because he is thirsty for power and self-worth and wants to get out of the shadow of sorta black man Obama.

3. Sanders represents the rest of the racist collective. Sander's socialism would mainly benefit the racist collective. He will most certainly maintain and add to the heinous practices against Africans worldwide. The filthy rich do not want Sanders to be generous to the rest of the racist collective.

One exception: Sanders would not represent the working class (poor whites) because they themselves are stupider than the average stupidity. These po' whites will never leave Trump's side. The acceptance of abuse and lies makes this evident.

Let us be clear to understand that members of the racist collective who support Trump or Biden, might as well flip a coin.

4. Notice that this is nowhere near and never has been about Republicans, Democrats, the Tea Party or the Green Party.

5. For Africans, it is clear, that despite as gruesome as Sanders is, he is the lesser of three evils, but not by much. Sanders is yet another ignorant nasty ass who is only a better choice because he is being graded on a deeper disturbing curve formed by the two other candidates. All three candidates are poison for Africans, it's just that with Sanders Africans might gain a few more minutes to try to save ourselves. I said might.

Look! The best Africans in the USA can do is get the heck outta Dodge or put forth our own candidate or vote for the one the filthy rich and the waste of white flesh are against.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Women First On The Pendulum Scale Carousel
Unity Consciousness #1946


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We are quite familiar with the Scales of Justice, but not consciously aware of the Pendulum Of Justice.

The scales have been balanced on a series of Ages that have allowed massive imbalances to exist.
These scales are actually part of a larger technology mechanism, that for now I'll call the Pendulum.

As always, the Pendulum swings back and forth - - always continuously eternally.
However, since the Pendulum is large (Jah-normous), we on Earth rarely, barely or notice not the continuous Pendulum motions unless it is pointed out.

During the past 6,480 years imbalances have been moving away from one side and crossing the midpoint and moving towards the extremes of the other side.
One of those imbalances has been in regards to gender.
Quite clearly women have been moving on the Pendulum towards greater amounts of balance for themselves.
However, as it is with all Pendulum motions that are moving away from one side, the return motion always crosses the centerline where balance exists. The Pendulum motion moves towards imbalance in the other direction.
For instance, women have found greater amounts of power as a collective when demanding justice for discrimination and crimes against them. Most notably long ago sexual crimes.
However, the influx of power into the hands of women has predictably resulted in misuse of that power.

We can see the same things taking place in human logic where more and more males and females are asserting that women are smarter and stronger than men. This is, of course, imbalanced logic.

This is a natural response to logic that is moving away from considering women as the lesser. However, the male has now been moved towards being considered the lesser in terms of intelligence and strength.
Women are on the Pendulum and so are all other imbalances.

Revisiting The Nature Of The Pendulum

There is no way for a pendulum to swing from one side to the next and stop smack dab in the middle the first time it moves back in the other direction, unless there is a strong electromagnetic force that grabs it and holds it there.

In the case of humans, that electromagnetic force is only possible when there is a significant number of humans on both sides of the imbalance that unite at the midpoint centerline balance point.
In other words, there must be a significant number of males and females who are united for the equality of gender. This is necessary to prevent or minimize the natural amount of imbalance that takes place when momentum moves in favor of females.
Since this has not significantly taken place, this is why movements such as #Metoo have exercised power in an imbalanced unjust way. It is a natural response to the injustices exacted upon females in general.
As already stated, this always happens but does not have to happen nearly as dramatically or for nearly as long, if enough people united around justice.

Justice is the continuous dynamic balance of the two truths.

However, sometimes, at smaller scales, such as the human scale, humans can, will and do often take efforts to move the scales into an imbalanced position and keep the scales stagnant in that imbalanced manner. However, neither can those humans nor the entire human collective ever impede all motions optimally or impede the motion of the larger Pendulum.
All human energy used to place and keep scales imbalanced, becomes energy that is transformed from kinetic to potential. Thus that energy becomes stored and builds up pressure tension. Then when the Pendulum releases the energy of the scale, large scale motions, movements and events visit human societies.
Even though I've talked about scales on a smaller level and the Pendulum on a larger level, the Scales and Pendulum are one and the same.
The Pendulum Scale moves up and down, back and forth, side to side, round and round.
Thus the fuller description of this technology is the Pendulum Scale Carousel.

We have used Women on the Pendulum Scale Carousel as a primary example of how to understand what is taking place among humans and in the rest of the natural world.

There are numerous motions taking place on the Pendulum Scale Carousel. These motions are moving in various degrees and directions. Only a tiny amount can humans significantly alter in the matrix and moment for which we are calibrated.

Re-education is needed at the most fundamental level, starting with context, worldview, utamawazo.
This has been taking place slowly, but now it's time for it to take place in leaps and bounds.

Remember! Humans are at the end of the flow of motion. We can predict what the overall changes in conditions for humans will be by looking at changes in the non-human world. Look at what is happening to other lifeforms, to the environment, to Earth, to the solar and galactic systems.

Perhaps in an even simpler sense, look at what is happening in terms of the primitive ones: what changes are we noticing in terms of water, earth, wind, fire?

The Pendulum Scale Carousel is re-balancing these things through, as always, a series of processes.
This then tells us, as does the supreme scientific method, that large scale changes are coming into the illusionary world of humans in order to re-balance logic.

As you can see, if it takes burning down an entire continent such as Australia or thawing Antarctica, then there is no limit to the any means necessary that will continue to manifest. This must be so because all motions, all actions, all behaviors are still circulating on the Pendulum Scale Carousel and must be re-balanced.

So to the degree we have jacked up the ecosystem's balance through tons of imbalanced logic we use, is the degree then that we more drastically experience the ecosystem's natural re-balancing. We are out of sync. Thus it is not the ecosystem that is making drastic moves, but rather our thinking responses and behavioral responses. Not just now, but every step along the human way. It all adds up and subtracts down. The environment is making calculated strategic moves it always makes and announces well in advance because all we have to do is compare what is now to the trueprint blueprint.

So then, in terms of human affairs, women are on the move in the opposite direction; however, gender is merely one aspect of who we are; therefore, if we don't get our other aspects together in a united way towards balance, then so also will humans in all categories of identity, suffer unnecessarily, even unto death, the motions of the Pendulum Scale Carousel.

Let's be perfectly clear.
What kind of Higher Power transforms self into the Many and then sacrifices stars to create other entities, sacrifices multiple lifeforms through various forms of diminution and extinction, sacrifices through lightning strikes, trees, other vegetation and life, sacrifices through volcanoes and earthquakes many creations, but yet will somehow take a different route when it comes to humans because we have prayed? We are not unique in regards to being exempt from anything. We are aspects of God. If God, through any natural act, will sacrifice any creation, then surely, God will continue to include humans in this ritual. If God, through any unnatural act, let's say, by virtue of humans, allow other lifeforms to be sacrificed, then certainly this spiritual will continue to sing true. If God allows things to happen to the most vulnerable of any species, then what kind of God is it that would turn around and protect the most powerful, especially if they have been instruments to harm the most vulnerable? Do you not understand that God did not even protect the woman? God did not even protect the lifeform vessel through which creation was recreated through the bearing of burden. Who else then gets a free pass? No creation that came before humans and no creation that came before the male human and no creation that came before the coloration of races has ever escaped taking their turn under the feet of imbalance.

And here's the obvious kicker being revealed from its hidden places.
If God through any life form transformation of self, carries out or allows the sacrifice of another aspect of self, then most certainly God has a lifeform that will carry out the sacrifice of as many humans as necessary to re-balance human logic and re-balance the effects of what human logic has wrought.

Then this simply means, there is no human thought or human technology that is unbeatable because all that is human is subject to any single motion, any combination of motions and all other motions.

Step back and take a good look at the Pendulum Scale Carousel.

Then come back and understand the prediction of history.
If God merely uses water, earth, wind, fire (so-called climate change) to reset human numbers, thinking and behavior, then humans will become almost extinct on this planet.
However I sense God is not finished with us yet.
I suspect God is going to use another lifeform that is clearly superior to humans so that humans will eventually have to recognize, acknowledge, accept and follow more supreme manifestations of God's totality.
This then will be an appropriate continuation of what has already taken place when we humans evolved onto the scene.
We as humans have come along and exacted our influence in any manner of our choosing mainly because we have deemed ourselves superior and deserving. We lived in varying degrees of harmony and disharmony over many Great Year cycles.

Knowing this then and knowing we are deep into disharmony, it is in our best interests to swiftly move towards all manner of balance; otherwise we are storing up a Jah-normous amount of corrective measures that the “new” lifeform will have to use in regards to us.
The arena is moving from global to solar and galactic.
This is all part of God's unity consciousness process and learning how to live with different aspects of self on different scales different pendulums and different carousels.

Humans evolved in isolation over a long enough period of time to create a sustainable population before rejoining the larger ecosystem. I suspect the same has taken place where humans have existed in isolation on this planet or in this solar system who have evolved and are coming back to rejoin us and to take over the place. Perhaps in harmony, perhaps not. Likely both.

For what species of creation, did our human presence, make it better for that lifeform?

Did we as humans, use our “superior” intelligence to improve the life of any aspect of creation?

Did we help our Parent live a better life? Did we help Mother Father Earth?

Did we help our Grandmother Grandfather Celestial Bodies?

Those answers are predictors of what we have done for our siblings.

So then, we are now at the mercy of another evolution of Being who may or may not put optimal theory into practice.

01.15.20 Update

This pops up less than 24 hours after posting this message: Virginia Ratifies The Equal Rights Amendment, Decades After The Deadline

Now this amendment, the ERA, is intended to be mainly about extending equal rights to women, but we know it's about white women and people who have changed their gender.
All this is about continuing to try to shift power into the hands of white women mainly because of the inevitable decline of power in the hand of white males. This started long ago, at least as early as women getting the right to vote and white women being included in the Civil Rights Act. This and more are signs of women moving on the Pendulum Scale Carousel. And whatever happens in terms of white women and/or women, must also affect white males and/or males. As already shown, this does not necessarily have to be bad thing if it leads to the proper re-balancing overall in all areas of people activity. What has been proven thus far is that what benefits white women will not benefit all women and will not move the society towards being more just. Therefore then we are again reminded that much more than this is in motion and taking place on the Pendulum Scale Carousel to offset and minimize the shenanigans of the racist collective.
Search 2020 this blog and you'll gain more understanding.

01.16.20 Update

And then there's this: WNBA Makes Landmark Announcement

Women Outnumber Men in the US Workforce--What Does it Mean?

And then there's the fastest boxer to hold titles in three weight classes: Claressa Shields Who Runs the World which goes along with Laila Ali Shares Wisdom From Father Muhammad Ali, Responds to Claressa Shields + Talks New Show

Hey Favored Groups, You're Next!
Unity Consciousness #1945


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It's disingenuous when people in countries protest against war and animals being killed by wildfires but those same people tolerate internal wars and people being killed outright and slowly in various ways.

This contradictory behavior is most prevalent among members of favored privileged groups who have plenty of time to scream about climate change but not about changes for the rights of creation, for economic justice, for social justice, for reparations.

We tolerate injustice until finally the war and the environmental decimation comes right up to our faces and says, "you're next."

You know who I'm talking about, you members of racist collectives worldwide.

Also, Africans are not immune because many of us are also in a favored group, relatively speaking regarding creations whose rights we also run roughshod over. This includes other Africans.

Wars Of Words & Worlds
Unity Consciousness #1944


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War, war and more war has been a frequent topic that has been broadly discussed on this spirit-web-log so as to show war's connections and many forms.

The Following Is Quoted From Nationalism Prostitution

When citizens begin to come to their senses and become restless and protest for social change and/or economic change and equal rights, what does a country need to do and what does the country usually do?

The country finds a way to get you to focus on nationalism.

How is this accomplished?
By claiming a national cause, a national threat (terrorists, war on drugs, illegal immigrants).
By claiming a national enemy, a national WAR.

War is for the purpose of getting you to stop focusing on internal group problems and start focusing on supposedly external problems that are greater than any internal concerns. Secondly, of course, war is for the eventual stealing of resources through sickly justified murder.

In other words, WAR is a intentional distraction from truth. In other words, WAR is a way to get you to renew your commitment to being a nationalism prostitute by re-enlisting in a national cause that in no way achieves local, internal, group or individual freedom.
Let us be clear.
You can always tell who is at fault in war.
It is the one who kills first and frequently based on some made up threat. It is the one who cries foul when those they are attacking, attack back.

The Problem With Africa's Borders. Listen to this video and you'll understand why we humans are largely conflicted. In all societies there is a scarcity of resources caused by unequal distribution. These resources cover all four inseparable aspects of self.

Ghana In General & China's Role
Unity Consciousness #1943


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This is a stream of consciousness concerning Ghana as a promised land example for all African nations. This message is also about our enemies who are giants in the promised land. China is one example.
Despite all the love, fanfare and hoopla about Ghana, we must not overlook very serious concerns that could derail the party-like festive atmosphere that is serving as a veneer to keep citizens from being clear about what is fundamentally taking place.

Without digging into the deepest parts of all things, here are a few things discovered:
1. China built Jubilee House. (China also built and bugged the AU headquarters).
2. China built one of the main highways
3. China is being allowed to scoop up gobs of fish out of Ghana's waters.
4. china's role in ghana

5. Ghana's President is proposing French as a mandatory language, yet no African language is mandatory.
6. Allowing a US Military Base
7. Willingly adopting the ECO
8. Cacao Industry is being raped
9. Child Slavery, Lake Volta
10. Ignoring needs of rural areas. This is one of my biggest dislikes along with the next item.
11. Allowing environment to be degraded
12. France is also in Ghana. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ5rfcSsNSM
13. There is too much Christianity in whiteface in Ghana. This will please a lot of Diasporans.

Listen to a Diasporan who has been living in Ghana for ten years and teaching at the University.

Ghana is still a better place to live than the USA.

As it is in all countries, citizens need to get involved in holding government to task to make sure the country is being managed correctly.
If not, all signs point to African countries eventually becoming and behaving just like the USA by using USA logic to craft the culture towards that which benefits everybody but Africans.

In April 2018, "Ghana president says he will never oversee same-sex legalization." This is good. Neither should there be demonization.
It is good for Ghana to grant citizenship to Diasporans, to welcome people home, to give people a pathway to begin healing.
Now it's up to the Ghanaian people to stand up and take the reigns of their government and really fashion it into the Pan-Africanism idea of Kwame Nkrumah and others.

Bottom line, if the leadership of Ghana had a heart of Pan-Africanism, even if they were honestly ignorantly making mistakes, the first instance of being aware of this would have caused them to self-study and bring in those with more knowledge in order to advise the government in all areas so it could self-correct and course correct the country. After reviewing multiple pieces of evidence, this is clearly not taking place in Ghana. Therefore we must conclude there is a willingness to betray Pan-Africanism under the facade of caring about all Africans via “The Year Of Return,”a reboot of the Joseph Project from 2007 under different leadership.
I pray the Angel of Death sweeps across the planet and takes millions of such lives.

I repeat, there is plenty of goodness and good people in Ghana and most of Africa. All the people must get involved in shaping and guiding their countries. Search Ghana this blog.

I'll also repeat that Ghana is not unique in its good and bad qualities. Many African countries are this way. Each person should investigate several countries and be spirit led and/or rebel in logic in the places we already are so as to take hold of more self-determination. Otherwise to not kick back against racist governments outside of Africa is a worse situation to be in than not kicking back against corrupt governments in Africa. All societies have corrupt governments, but at least Africa is absent almost all racism against Africans.

Dr. Obadele Kambon: Repatriation Interview

Most African countries are fine to move to right now. Just don't go there and bury your head in the sand and expect things to stay the same or get better without your involvement in what is taking place to create the environment you want. Understand that all countries outside of Africa need Africa and does not want Africa to function in the best interests of Africans. We can fight this from inside Africa. Otherwise if Africans at home do not, then in 10 to 20 years, the diseased logic of the world will have completely taken over.
There are plenty of health benefits to Africa for body, mind, emotions and spirit. Go to Africa and help transform it the rest of the way for the betterment of Africans.

This is message is not about Ghana, China, USA, France, etc. It is an example of things taking place in Africa that are dangerous. We can't just be cheerleaders for Africa, it's countries and its leaderships because that's the same foolishness taking place worldwide when citizens allow their nationalism to turn then into prostitutes for the wrongs taking place in their countries. Uncorrected, this always brings the country down.

Dr. Ọbádélé Kambon: #gandhiHasFallen Afrikan=Black Dignity has Risen - Joy News

The Problem With Africa's Borders. Listen to this video and you'll understand why we humans are largely conflicted. In all societies there is a scarcity of resources caused by unequal distribution. These resources cover all four inseparable aspects of self.

Part of the solution is what Paul Kagame of Rwanda is talking about.

Nationalism Prostitution
Unity Consciousness #1942


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Country, Citizen, Nation, Nationalism, Patriotism, Prostitution

Prostitute, Prostitutes, Prostitution have been discussed.
So have patriot, patriotic, patriotism.

Understand clearly and just admit you are a prostitute for nationalism.

Because you care about the country ten times more than the people running the country and who are in charge in various institutions and businesses.

You care about the nation more than the people who are benefiting the most.

By now you should know that almost all of those people don't give a damn about the country in the way that you LOVE the country.
Why do you love your country when your country's government, institutions and businesses clearly don't love the country or you?

Why? Because you are a nationalism prostitute.
You have pledged your allegiance to notions, ideologies, flags, anthems and geography but not love itself. Not love for civilization. Not love for the rights of creation.
You have sold your Rights of Creation just so you can say and feel like you belong somewhere you call home.
You stay in love even though a whole hell of a lot is wrong while you just go along instead of rebelling against the johns who are pimping you.

Now that you understand you are in love, you need to also understand how that love is further used against you.
When citizens begin to come to their senses and become restless and protest for social change and/or economic change and equal rights, what does a country need to do and what does the country usually do?

The country finds a way to get you to focus on nationalism.

How is this accomplished?
By claiming a national cause, a national threat (terrorists, war on drugs, illegal immigrants).
By claiming a national enemy, a national WAR.

War is for the purpose of getting you to stop focusing on internal group problems and start focusing on supposedly external problems that are greater than any internal concerns. Secondly, of course, war is for the eventual stealing of resources through sickly justified murder.

In other words, WAR is a intentional distraction from truth. In other words, WAR is a way to get you to renew your commitment to being a nationalism prostitute by re-enlisting in a national cause that in no way achieves local, internal, group or individual freedom.
Let us be clear.
You can always tell who is at fault in war.
It is the one who kills first and frequently based on some made up threat. It is the one who cries foul when those they are attacking, attack back.

You and your emotions are being played with.
If you continue in the relationship, you are agreeing to prostitution and being played for what you love but does not love you back with healthy love.

So quit being all high and mighty when you think of prostitutes based on having sex.
You yourself are selling your body also and your mind, hopes, dreams, spirit-soul.

So all your national dream esteem depends on how good of a national prostitute you are.

I know, of course you don't think this applies to you.
See if it doesn't by reviewing, how a john convinces prostitutes to unite with him.

All you have to do is change a few words to fit what you are doing and you will admit it and quit it, or continue lying to yourself, then immediately seek out more drugs to justify your love with feel good logic that is not real good

That is the nature of prostitution, justification for money, no choice, no way out, no feeling of deserving better, loving the power of being wanted, no matter how sick the basis of the want is.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Cancer Death Is On The Decline Bullshit
Unity Consciousness #1941


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Straight up outright lies continue.

Cancer deaths in the US are falling faster than ever

There is no reduction in cancer. Cancer is not a virus or bacteria. Cancer is cellular malfunction due to imbalance of nutrition and toxins. In order for cancer to reverse course in the overall population, there must be an increase in nutrition and a reduction in toxins. For the majority this has not occurred. Even if it were true, what would happen first is a slow down, then no increase, then a slow decrease.

There is no cure for cancer than comes in a pill or a medical treatment.

Cancer has supposedly fallen in the USA since the 90's but a search of cancer rise or cancer increase reveals otherwise. There is no way the USA is healthier than the rest of the world. If so, then why the health crisis and healthcare crisis and children with cancer and so on?

Cancer cannot be cured or abated by human medication or treatments. Only a change in lifestyle that restores cellular balance. I doubt if any change in Black health is enough to move the needle as much as is being claimed cancer has declined. Food sources must be vastly improved and toxins everywhere must also be significantly reduced. This has not happened largely.

Increased Death Rate

We can continue to list reasons why cancer IS NOT on the decline and neither is the number of deaths. IF there was some medicine or treatment that was slowing down the death rate, they'd be preaching it 24/7 to get you to purchase it.
When you add in the GMO toxins, we have further reason to doubt any remission in the overall cancer rates when society is still inundated with the conditions for cancer to thrive.U.S. Corn Crop Is Now 92% Genetically Modified

The Need For Knowledge Of Self & Unity Is Clear
Unity Consciousness #1940


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The need to unite is clear.
The need for knowledge of self is clear.

Listen to the following three messages mainly as they speak to our logic concerning our unity and concerning our need to educate ourselves collectively, be self-taught individually, know who we are, stop listening to our enemies.

Dr. Ọbádélé Kambon - Why are we Poor? Race First is the Solution! 3FM Interview

Malcolm X Message To The Grassroots | House Negro/Field Negro

Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan (1992) | University of Pennsylvania Lecture | Dr. Ben

Over and over history has taught us the importance of these things as being foundational to building success.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

At The Root Of Wickedpedia's Wickedness
Unity Consciousness #1939


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Wickedpedia Wikipedia, History & Scientific Method Applied, Unity Consciousness #1718

01.12.20 Update

Per Wikipedia, “Wikipedia does not publish original thought. All material in Wikipedia must be attributable to a reliable, published source. Articles may not contain any new analysis or synthesis of published material that serves to reach or imply a conclusion not clearly stated by the sources themselves.

Outside of Wikipedia, original research is a key part of scholarly work. However, Wikipedia editors must not base their contributions on their own original research. Wikipedia editors must base their contributions on reliable, published sources.

Wikipedia articles must not contain original research. The phrase "original research" (OR) is used on Wikipedia to refer to material—such as facts, allegations, and ideas—for which no reliable, published sources exist. This includes any analysis or synthesis of published material that serves to reach or imply a conclusion not stated by the sources. To demonstrate that you are not adding OR, you must be able to cite reliable, published sources that are directly related to the topic of the article, and directly support the material being presented.”

Thus I say, based on my own original research, if you simply want a repeat of what other white folks have said, Wickedpedia is the place for you; however if you want any other viewpoint, oh well. I'll repeat that Wickedpedia is useful for some facts sometimes.

Let's be perfectly clear. The problem is not that Wickedpedia does not publish original thought. The problem is by what criteria does Wickedpedia determine a source is reliable?
This then takes us back to who gets to set the standard?
Who gets to say what is truth?
Who gets to establish the context, worldview, utamawazo?

Thus in the deep recess logic of our thought processes, we are misled to believe:
1. Wikipedia is an encyclopedia, thus objective, fact-based, thus reliable.
2. Wikipedia is the most up-to-date accurate source of information.

Both of these notions, for reasons in this message and the message linked above, must at least be questioned, and ultimately concluded to be false overall, and only partially true on a case by case critically analyzed basis.

Then then leads back to the first paragraph. Wickedpedia not only wants us to rely on what they consider reliable, Wickedpedia also wants us to conclude what those sources conclude. No article on Wickedpedia is able to draw an alternate conclusion, even if that thought process can be clearly delineated. You can't even draw an alternate conclusion even if all the points you are making come from reliable published sources that Wikipedia accepts as reliable published sources.
In other words, you cannot think for yourself and have that thought be considered reliable. This is wickedness in a world that supposedly values innovation, free thinking, thinking outside the box and all such other phrases.

The whole notion of disregarding original thought is counter to evolution. Without evolution, civilization cannot be achieved or maintained. This is wickedness and why I call Wikipedia, Wickedpedia.

And this is why revolution of thought is taking place because at the root of wickedness is the lack of original thought caused by miseducation worldwide as the mark of exhibited beasts.

01.17.20 Update

Wikipedia's unreliable article on a doctor who found out some vaccines contain toxins and no antigens.