If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, December 29, 2023

Women Have A Greater Responsibility For Continued Injustice
Unity Consciousness #3075

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt of 11)

This message in no way absolves males and the masculine principle.

Sishta comes from the same root as Sas which means train, instruct, teach.
Sishta signifies to be tamed and trained, disciplined, orderly, well-regulated, law-abiding, correct in manners, virtuous, educated, learned, wise. Every element of civilization, culture, rule, and refinement are to be found under the word Sishta. This is because the initial point of all civilization, culture, rule and refinement was the observance of the feminine period. This first taught primate beast animals in human form, how to distinguish seasons (repeating changes based on repeating periods of time), by which they began to further separate themselves from and further evolve along a different path, from their primate monkey menstruating ancestors and other menstruating beast animals. (NG2)

In other words, a primary reason societies exist instead of civilizations, is because women have decided to allow men to be in charge, despite their penchant for barbarianism. Then when women seek equality, they do so only so they can continue inequalities.

And this is why generation after generation continue the same behavior due to what they are taught by the women.

In other words, females do not understand who they are, why they are here and where they come from. They are disconnected from pure living waters, fresh air, cleansing shekinah glory and flesh earth.

They operate mainly on the ignorance turned stupidity of their societies despite the harm it does to self. As a collective the feminine principle is defective.

In the previous message, it has been explained that the favored group has a greater responsibility; however the disfavored group can't wait around, hope, pray, beg and plead for the favored group to snap out of their psychosis. The disfavored group, especially the women, must remember and embrace civilizing behavior, practice civilizing behavior and then teach civilizing behavior to their children.

Lastly, as discussed elsewhere, women in disfavored groups must not join or align themselves with women in favored groups who are unwilling to fight for rights that are solely for the disfavored group. Ain't no use in going to church with 'em. That is uncivilized behavior.

Happy Holidays To Civilizations & Societies
Unity Consciousness #3074

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs of 11)

The difference between a civilization and a society has been discussed many times. Here's a summary view by which we can easily know what we're dealing with and where we stand in the mix.

Civilization operates based on:
To each, according to need
From each, according to ability

Society operates based on:
To each, according to greed**
From each, according to servility

**Yes, yes y'all, if you are a member of one or more favored groups, you people are absolutely receiving many privileges now, throughout the course of your life and from your branch ancestors. This is absolutely true whether you admit it or not. Also, you are absolutely aware that you are supporting all the institutions that help you maintain those privileges and you are supporting them for the sole purpose of maintaining those freebies, those handouts, those warfare benefits. Thus, since at least one of the conditions just stated is absolutely true about you, you are a greedy motherfucker for accepting privileges and not giving back to the greater good in a magnitude commensurate with the benefits and advantages of those privileges. To not be greedy, selfish and to be a decent human and a good person and a good citizen of Earth, you must give back way more than those who are not in the favored group and who ain't tryna be a wannabe to your defective collectives determined to be vermin.

Now we bring in the assistant clowns. If you are not a member of one or more favored groups, but are receiving privileges from them, then you already know you are also a despicable person because the only way to get privileges and not be “privileged” in their wicked way, is to do whatever the favored group collective wants you to do to help them maintain their favored group statuses.

This explanation alone explains current human thinking and behavior, thus explains why there are so many long-standing easily solvable problems in your families, homes, villages, towns, communities, counties, regions, states, provinces, prefectures, districts, countries, islands, continents, nations and worlds. The overwhelming majority is corrupt.
God knows and is resetting conditions to the last known good configuration. This means going back to the beginning of the cycle, which is why older Aps (apps) are being installed and newer Aps (applications) are no longer functioning because they are out of sync with the motherboard and upgraded operating system of Earth, Solar System and Galaxy.

This is another free message from the Ap Store through the tun decreer, both of whom are less expensive than any consultant you are consulting and paying the price for their shabby logic.

In other words, stop running around referring to any of the locations you live, work and play as a civilization when the conditions don't match your definition. To do so is like claiming you're free just because you have yard access and more perks compared to those confined to their blocks or cells.
You're not free, not in charge and lost control a long time ago.

Khepti Khuritius!

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Losing & Winning Formulas Based On Expectations
Unity Consciousness #3073

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzr of 11)

If you set expectations low, you will underachieve, even lower than your capabilities and you will become an adversity and obstacle. This is because your preparation and execution will contain a greater degree of flaw. However, if you set expectations high, you will overachieve, even higher than your capabilities, adversities and obstacles. This is because your preparation and execution will be closer to perfection, meaning closer to what is required to succeed.
We know this is true in sports, but most of us are unwilling to apply this test to ourselves in anything and everything we do.
Most certainly this reveals itself in favored groups who rely on privilege rather than proper preparation, which is the same as any sports competitor relying on cheating or the assistance of officials, judges and referees. These competitors will always fall short of their potential even as they attempt to redefine success to match their weak approach.
As an example that I recently explained in greater detail, there is nothing inherently better about so-called Power 5 schools and their athletics. Change the narrative even slightly that changes what schools athletes choose, and the power dynamic shifts and the lies are exposed with floodlights.
This is exactly what is taking place through the Colorado Buffaloes and Deion Sanders. This has been exposed across the sports landscape via Tiger Woods, Venus & Serena, Walter Payton, and of course, many others, especially the many earlier greats who have proven that a superiority complex and context is an inferiority complex and context that breeds inferiority among the masses, especially favored groups.
Thus, there is nothing inherently better about favored groups or about about another “race” or ethnic group. Change the narrative that causes people to not buy into and participate in Maafa Racism and you quickly see the rapidity of the shift, that has already been shown even under the suffocating multi-colored cloak.
We, the Earthlings, are now in the stage where the greater gods who are the officials, referees, judges and commissioners are leveling the playing field. This is why those with low expectations of themselves based on supplemented personal merit are always screaming foul, unfair and trying to change the rules while those with high expectations are always changing the game.
This then is the basis of losing and winning formulas.
In the shorter-term, rule changers are able to succeed with their low expectations; however, in the longer-term, game changers always prevail. This is based on natural world examples for Ages. Expectations, and the means used to achieve them, alters genetics for worse and for better. This Age old proven process of regenesis, changes climates, which changes cultures in favor of those who are game changers who then become rule changers with even higher expectations.

Certainly, whatever gods there may be or whatever fundamental forces of nature, they all go through cycles ranging from supreme extreme lows to supreme extreme highs. A universal fundamental force conjoined with all fundamental forces is the khekh-khekh effect, the ebb and flow, up and down, alternation and circulation motion of truths that influences losing and winning.
Everything has its moment, including during the transition between major stages that are summarized by one or two Ages, but are more fully defined by a large set of apposing and opposing conditions.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Perpetual New Year's Resolution For The Masses
Unity Consciousness #3072

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzq of 11)

Every day, seek at least one way I can be a little bit better person. On the days I don't, look in the mirror and explain what was more important.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Woke Up View Of It's A Wonderful Life
Unity Consciousness #3071

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzp of 11)

It's A Wonderful Life, For Whites, Yeah, But Not Quite Because Their Spirit Knows No Respite unless life and existence is numbed down to feeling found achieving crowns in the lost parts of their surrounds. Water, food, shelter, safety and medical care are still major problems.

In keeping with their skewed worldview, the movie “It's A Wonderful Life” is the 1946 CE reconfirmation of what white folks consider a wonderful life prior to 1863 CE when supposedly they allowed black folks to be free, but they themselves were not emancipated from self-hate inculcated.
This worldview is pushed across their telepathic vision programmer (tv) to show the joy of white folks and their lives are the epitome of what Have A Merry Christmas means. This is evidently a world of whites and only two black people who are servant slaves of whites, a maid and a train porter.

The movie takes place in New York USA of the supposed abolitionist we will fight for your civil rights North where we are nothing like the dirty South.
The movie is about rich, or at least middle class, whites who can support a family of four on one income from a barely profitable business, yet afford a maid; but their basic human problems are magnified despite these people never having to deal with wholesale institutional discrimination against them from another group or the realities of deeply racist 1946 USA, that supposedly you are to believe that small town Bedford Falls has nothing to do with.
The Bailey's and dem are privileged indeed. Both of the sons, Harry and George are given jobs.
It is not to be missed that George's wife is named Mary and their house is on Sycamore Street. George is a form of the Repa who is currently Kepheus, Lord of the White Cloth.
Potter, who is trying to own the town is the spirit of white people and the male and female Ptah trying to own and run everything in the world.
The movie juxtaposes one main evil person and a few ass kissers, against a town full of good-hearted people.
Despite the vision of a wonderful life and using any means necessary to achieve it, none of them have a wonderful life who rely on the privileges of Maafa Racism to make up for their deficiencies. Miss me on white people who fall apart at the slightest problem that in no way approaches the hard knock life experienced everyday by black folks as the result of white folks who decide to allow their vices to ride high in the saddle. As they realize that is not enough, they kill themselves some more, along with their children and everything else they touch and get angrier at the people they can't hold down so instead they kill them some more to. Always scheming to do evil, like Potter.
If we are to believe the premise and supposition that White people need guardian angels to overcome regular human problems, so how much more are there constellations of guardian angels for humans who must overcome the abnormal problems of all collectives colluding and conspiring in Maafa Racism? Celestial bodies are big time long-term friends who are best friends because truth is the only friend you need.
What a wasted life to spend it on avarice and spite.
Superiority needs no advantage. And in fact, proves itself by giving advantages to others in order for superiority to continue to rise to new heights. That would be a wonderful life.

$8K Potter Kept Is The Misuse Of The Souls Of Life That Are Now Being Replaced With A Greater Amount, Call It Reparations From The Bank Of Everything

“Oh, I had another tussle with Potter today.
I thought when we put him on the board of Directors, he'd ease up on us a little bit.
Oh, what's eating that old money-grubbing buzzard anyway?
Oh, he's a sick man.
Frustrated and sick.
And his mind's sick in his soul, if he has one. He hates everybody that has anything that he can't have.
He hates us mostly, I guess.”
A people who cut themselves off from their roots will slowly wither, weaken, get sick and die. This is natural fact self-evident worldwide. So it is also with any person or people who cut themselves off from truths.
They will end of handicapped from birth as was Potter who hated himself all the more, thus needed money and the control and obeisance of others to feel whole, but could never fill the holes in his soul that kept eating at itself.
These are the kind of people who won't do a damn thing about guns that kill their own children because they need easy gun availability to kill black people as a home extension of their worldwide murdering and warmongering. For them there is no such thing as peace on earth and goodwill. White people should not wish a black person a Merry Christmas no more than they should lipservice thank soldiers for their service while participating in, ignoring and denying the crimes against soldiers by its neglectful laws, culture, traditions.

Shekinah Glory Illuminates Dinosaurs
Word Origins, Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3070

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzo o- 11)

Dinosaurs Galore!

Earth's north to south flow of waters is primarily a bottom to top flow that coincides with the Galactic west to east flow (back to front). Thus the Galaxy's four corner orientation is one quarter turn of 90 degrees different from Earth's. In other words, the seams of the circles are staggered. Thus the Sun's orientation must also be different from Earth and Galaxy, as the middle building block, possibly about 28 degrees different.**
Thus, the reverse is the Galaxy's east to west flow is Earth's south to north flow. Thus the Celestial Nile must flow East to West because the terrestrial Earth Nile flows south to north.

When the Sun, rises above the galactic equator in the East, it is Great Year Spring for our Solar Ecosystem. This occurs every 25,920 years during the Age of Aquaria-Aquarius. Great Year Spring exposes the Solar System to the warming effects of the Galactic Sun Constellation. Annual seasonal changes cause climates to change and are a small example of the types of changes that occur during Great Year Seasonal changes. Every 365 days on this Earth, climates change noticeably several times. Temperatures fluctuate and water changes states matter of factly, water freezes, water melts. During Great Year Seasons, a lot more water freezes and becomes glaciers, then in Great Year Spring, glaciers melt. This cycle involves conception, gestation, birth (resurrection, becoming woke up in life), development, death (going down into a sleep state of life).
Right now, but for about sixteen years to make it absolutely official, this is already the Age of Mami Wata (Miami Water, Mama Mia Waters in surprising forms and amounts, Me Oh My, My Oh My). This Age is Aquaria-Sekhet the Heated Waterwoman and Aquarius, the assisting Waterman. As worlds turn, this Equatorial Equinoctial Age marks the shift to intensifying and diversifying of the Inundation of the Solar System, thus the rise of waters from Umami (the savory “savior”, the land or country of Mami Constellation of Star Powers), thus the ever-increasing ever-coming awakening and we coming to life in at least the half of the Solar System that includes us. The ever-coming ones are drowning darkness, ignorance, drought, death, disease and tiredness that has been at terminal velocity for an Equatorial Age of 2,160 years and Polar Age of 3,703 years, long enough to be the lead dog of barbarianism capitalism, democracy and religiosity.
All this is backstory to help us understand why Eridanus Constellation is a river monster, a donster, a dunaster, a river of stars that form a giant division of the galaxy which is an even bigger dinosaur-sized circle than the circle made by our Sunstar, one of our menasters.
The Eridanus Celestial River divides the living and the dead, as do all equators of all natural cycles and their circles. As above, so below tells us that if on this Earth there was and are giant beings called dinosaurs, there must be some type of dinosaurs above outside this Earth.

By The Way, the reason Egyptians were able to be in the South and detect the rising of star Achenar in Eridanus Constellation is because Earth's South is aligned with Galactic East. Also Earth's East is aligned with Galactic South.
Thus southeast is birthplace below on this Earth and northwest is the rebirthplace.

**23.5 degree Earth Tilt compared to 7.25 degree Sun Tilt is 3.25 times. 90 degrees divided by 3.25 is 27.692307 degrees, which is 1/13th of 360. The offset might be 30 degrees or 1/12th of 360

Hot Girl, Fine As Shenae, The Sun

Shenae is Shi-ne is Shine is Shinu is Shennu is Sennu is Kennu is Khennu above, the region that all angles of light from each Sun is able to reach. Shennu is also the birthplace in the black hole center of the galaxy.
Shenae is Shena (Khena, Khenu) is also the circle and point of turning returning birth rebirth in the orbit of the solar course where and when elemental souls of life are dispersed and distributed in greater and lesser amounts. This essentially and fundamentally switches things up, causes shifts. Each center and four corners of Earth, Earth's orbit and the Sun's orbit is a Shena. The polar center and corners are corners of stability, stabilizing the playing field; while the equatorial center and corners are corners of balance, leveling the playing field. Shena is a name of the elemental souls of life, a word equal to Khuti and others. Shena are woven together in strands and fibers to form tombs, cocoons, wombs and genetic codes to bring about changes in creations no matter their dimension or state of being. Since all celestial bodies are stars are element factories, all celestial bodies in the vicinity contribute elemental souls of life to the waters, rivers and flow.
Shi-ne (Shine) the corner birthplace, is the same as Sinai, the mountain where Moses received the law. Moses is Moshe is Mashu is Kepheus Constellation at the northern pole. Also at the southern pole by another name. The words Moshe and Mashu are the same as Shine, thus Shena and Sinai.

Oh Glory!

Never is enough explored until your reach the core and final set of ruur and hear the roar to implore you to seek more of what you're funkin' for (looking, thinking, hunting, feenin', working, aching, craving).
The main Sheena is in the middle of the circle exactly or offset to some degree but definitely near the centerline equator. This centerspot feeds the four corners.

The Shekinah is the main power source engine of the Ma-Shena machine. Engine is en-kina.

Shekinah Glory can be divided and shortened into Shekinah, then She-Ki-Nah or She-nah or Shenae
Shekinah is also divided as She-Ki-Nah or She-nah or Shena or Shane or Shine.
Take note of Sheena Easton (Ton-As).
Shena is also Xena. “Xena, a mighty Warrior Princess with a dark past, sets out to redeem herself. She is joined by small town bard, Gabrielle. Together they journey the ancient world and fight for the greater good against ruthless Warlords and Gods.” This is more in keeping with Kefnut, Sekhet and Aquaria.
There are many more feminine forms such as Sana (Very Much), Shania, Shaina, Shauna, Shanna, Madonna, Shoshone, Chochone, Chichimec, Keesemboh, Fine...

Shekinah Glory is Kinah-Glory is Dina-Sruri
Shekinah also becomes Khoina, a bright shining (in general)
Shekinah Glory is Khoina Glo-ri, Hru-ra, Hurrah or Hooray, thus Khoina-Ra, a bright shining of the sun, is the Mangaian name equal to Pharaoh, the bright shining of the son who deserves honor and respect for guiding and providing for the people. Thus the Shekinah Glory, the Sun and the Pharaoh are all Repas and Dinosaurs, who at different stages, gender-wise, are neither, both, either.

We must mention Hru-ra as Hurricane discussed elsewhere. Cane is Tena and Kan, two of which are the Sun and Kepheus Constellation, both rising out of Mami Wata Miami Waters as Aquaria and as Hathor-Nut. Thus a hurricane is a manifestation of Shekinah Glory, especially the heat aspect that fuels Hurakhans, especially when the Ages combine as they are now with Aquaria, waters and heat; along with Shu-Ma, wind and heat. These lion kings are on the prowl and panting Ha as they release pent up energy upon the unrepentant.

Hru-ru, Hruru, Khru-ru, Khuri (Khuir) are additional forms of Glory that encompass the sun, the mother, the circle, the birthplace of souls, the holy of holies, of which there are many.

Reru or Ruru (abbreviated Ru) is the door, circle, gate, mouth, outlet, entrance, uterus, birthplace, heaven, home, cave, hut, ark, egg, cell, seed, source, container, womb, tomb, cocoon, boundary, high way, mark, division, horizon, companions, steps, the outlet for water and its contents. Thus Ruru is mother, child, children, language, discourse, utterance. Ru is the place of creation, origination, emanation, the gestating womb that encircles and turns round symbolized by water creatures most notably the hippopotamus and reptiles such as crocodiles, dragons and serpents.
Ruru is a pool of water or a mere drop and is the name of a region in the great lakes area of Africa.
Ruru is the horizon with two mouths and the place of the two lions. The horizon has one mouth in front and one behind, like the lioness.
Ru is a mouth, and the Peh (kha) is a rump but also a mouth. Ruka (Rukha, Rekhi) is the double mouth of Earth, Sun and Galaxy that, as each enters the twinlight zone at the horizon (Kheru zone, equator**) of the celestial body it revolves around, they receive and feed on a fuller meal of souls of life from that celestial body and at least the next highest circle. Earth must be fed in order to feed, thus transforms souls of life and releases them to feed self and those in her body (Earth's inhabitants).Through the Ruka comes Repa, repetition. The lion of the hinder part is Shu-Anhar whose mouth, Lu, receives from constellations in the west and north. The lioness is the fore part is Tefnut whose mouth, Ru, receives from constellations in the east and south. This now male and female lion combination agrees with the change in the name of the Rock of the Water from TSER, (two female lions) in the time of Miriam, to Sila (female lion and male lion). Sila is Selah, the time of Mashu, the Age of Kepheus Constellation. Moses was female and male because he was a soul of life, not a human. The soul of life as Moses struck the rock at both ends of the horizon to release waters, thus the Judaeo-Christian account has Moses striking a rock on two separate occasions.

Additional Spellings: Kina related to Khen, Khennu, Kana and Kenau, Thkivnah, the inner place, womb, divine dwelling-place.

**An equator is a sieve that separates, divides, connects and provides a path and opening for transportation, for giving life and for taking life.

Where Shekinah Glory Dwells

The word Saur or Saurus in Dinosaur means Soul. We can easily and quickly move a lot closer to understanding what a dinosaur is by recognizing Dino leads to Kina and Kinah, as in Shekinah and Shine. Thus a dinosaur is soul shine, shekinah soul. This has already been proven above and in the previous message.
Shekinah Glory dwells in the Shekinah Glory, the core, nucleus, holy of holies, black hole, womb, eye, gift box...
Look for it not in one place but in many places. It is not possible for a human to light up your life or be the light of your life, if the light of Shekinah Glory is not present in each person in some form and some degree of optimal to suboptimal.

Shekinah is Khekh-inah, Khekhina, Khe-Khe-An

1. Ekh from Akh (from Khekh) is fire, spark, red.
2. Ina from luma (Egyptian), the sea whose tidal motion (goes out, comes in) expressed by lU, to come and go; and by Ma, the water.
3. Ina [possibly more fully as Koina or khoina or] is a form of the great mother in Mangaian mythology who lives in the underworld as the blind grandmother of Maui (Shu). Ina is the spark-holder Kar-tek, whose other name of Khep means blind and seeing. Khep is Khept. (BB2)

More Dinosaurs Knocking, Wanting Back Out And Into Current Memory

Related to Shekinah Glory are additional names:

1. Skhen, Skhem, Sekhen, Sekhem, Khenen
a) Skhen (Egyptian) is to cause to alight, be manifested, give breath or being to, to charm by magic, evoke the spirits of the dead.

b) Hes is Hathor is Shaat (Sha-At) from Khat or Khet is the combined cow and sow both of who supply food to beings above in heaven, below in heaven in all spaces between the extremes. The Great Mothers of Heaven provides sustenance for spirit-souls in the form of pure energy and those otherwise dressed for success. We just learned one name of sustenance is Fas (Fast) from the Vase (Vat). Other names are Hesmen, Semen, Ka-mai and Ichor. Yet another name of sustenance is Sa, Sha, Shaa, SHÂÂ, Shfafa, khfafa, khfati and possibly khaft, khafti. All these mean the substance born of. All of these are part of the waters of Nun. (AE1) All of these denote all commencement of forms (anatomies), births, becomings, fertility, inundation, outflow. (BB2) By the way we easily see how Shat as outflow becomes Shit. Also how in the same sense, Hes becomes Pes, Pis, Piss. Thus when we void, excrete, expel, exhale, release, secrete, we are recreating another form of the actions of the heavens, of the Great Mother.

c) Sekha (Tekha, Tekhi, Khekhi, Khe-Khe, Usekh), to memorize and remember.

d) Skul from Skail from Sekaru, Sekari, Sekha-ru. Skail comes from Skul which denotes seat (throne) of learning, writing, instruction, counsel, design, picturing, and planning, to cut, incise in order to memorize and remember, especially circles and cycles (space and time). “Sekh” or “Uskh” means to cut out, incise, engrave, memorize, remember, remind. Sak is to bind, direct, order, execute. This involves sectioning by Sekhet who is both Aquaria and part of Kepheus. (BB)

2. Meskhen (“Am”, Goshen)
a) The Meskhen (Mes-Khen, Meska, Meskah), or place of new birth for the sun in heaven, furnished the type of burial, transformation and rebirth below, thus the crematory and creatory. Meskhen is the birthplace and re-birthplace of spirit-souls of life. Meskhen is symbolized by the Great Bear constellation, Cassiopeia constellation and the Galactic center called the Black Hole. Cassiopeia is celestial Aethiopia, is the place of bringing forth by the cow of heaven (Hathor-Nut), whose “thigh” (Cassiopeia Constellation) is the emblem of great magical power, the Ut, thus the most high, utmost, utmest, messed up.
When the sun is annually reborn in the Bull, the Bull city of Memphis is built as the representative place of resurrection. This cannot be talking about a physical city on Earth being built each year under the same or similar name. Annual refers to the annual revolution of the sun when the sun entered the Bull one each revolution. This is when the city of Memphis was last built in Egypt, approximately 4440 BCE. (BB)

b) In addition to being named Tun, the first possession of land was by the dead and called the Mis Tor. Mes denotes the birth or re-birth of the dead in the Mes-Tor or Meskhen. A form of this is the Kes-Tor, Kestor, Kester or Yes-Tor which is now used to mean time past, time buried in a place called Yesterday. Likewise Yesterday becomes Hes-Tor Day which is History. All of this is mystery and mesteriu.
Kes Tor is burial, embalmment, the natural mound. Ter is the end of one stage and beginning of another, mourner, grieve, tomb. Ter, Teru, T-erp (and Dole:English) is all the people dwelling together, the whole community. Kestor becomes Castra, and Kestler, Kistler becomes castle, the sanctuary and defense of the dead that also became a fort of defense and offense for the living. See also sequester. (BB)

c) Mes-Toru from Ru, the door, gate, mouth, outlet, path, way, portal, entry, exit, road, and going-place. With the feminine article TU (the) prefixed (or earlier TEF), the Ru becomes Turu (the mouth) which becomes Door (English). Taru (Egyptian) is to encircle, enclose, a cell, a college; this is Toru (Dravidian), a fold, and Tru, a vase; Tro (Cornish), a circuit; Tor A (Irish), boundary, border.
The reason why the Ru is a door, circle, passage, street, cell, fold, or boundary, is due to Ru being the broader mythological mouth above, actual and metaphorically, thus synonymously Her or She. Ru, with the feminine terminal T yields Rut, the progeny, the race, the route, road, rota, and all the rest. Thus Roots are the progeny of the cell, the offshoots, the offspringing extensions as different forms of the same.
Rut permutes with Urt, the chariot. Rota (Latin). Thus the Earth is a Root (tuber, bulb) of the waters above or another celestial body, constellation or galaxy. Earth is the Great Mother as Urt or Rut being the chariot of the child, the bearer and bringer forth by the Ru. Thus Urt-Ta, Urt-th, Taurt, Tu-urt, Tef-urt, Effort, Urt-Tu, Urt-Tef. Thus Earth means the chariot of the dead and living. (BB)

d) Kheru (Kherf, Kherv, Curve), a first form, the model figure, or type of the Kher, denotes the chief, excelling, surpassing, sacred. The Egyptian Kar is a hole underground, and with the terminal F for “ it,” we may obtain the grave as the equivalent of Kherf, a first form, a model figure. In Kar-en-khe-ster (Cirencester) two forms are united to denote the enclosure of the Chester or protected place of the buried dead. Chester can also be from Kas, burial, and Tar, the circle or to encircle, interrogate, question, sift, distill, indicate. (BB)

3. Sekhen, (Shechem)
a) Sekhen means to support, sustain, give rest. Sekhent is the prop on which the heavens and double crown are established. Osiris is this prop as the Skhen, the Sustainer. Thus the word skin as a covering. Also the word Skein around which the serpent wraps and around which yarn, wool, thread, strand, fiber is wrapped.

So simply put, the Shekinah Glory comes from the mouth, opening, uterus, womb creation station of the Universe, the Vagina of the Supreme Being.

The H , Ha and Ah in Shekinah

In the Mdw Ntr one H or Ha-sign is the fore-part of a Lion, signifying that which is first, foremost, beginning, essence, chief, ruler or Lord, seek and find something lost, stolen, or strayed. This, along with all else we've learned, gives us the most likely spelling as Khekinah.
HA is the sound the panting lion makes when expelling the breath from the front.
AH is the sound the lion makes when expelling from the rear.
Both Ha and Ah means to call, cry, say, speak, utter, announce, make known, bring forth, spark, and are signs of renewal and transformation of dinosaurs waiting their turn to return.
Ah is the house of (BB2)

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Excavating & Explicating Dinosaurs, Grave To Cradle
Word Origin, Definition & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3069

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzn of 11)

Foundation Pieces For What A Dinosaur Is

Tun, Ton, Tan, Ten, Tem, Den, Dan, Dane, Dom, Dem, Sun, Hun, Kun, Kan, Kon, Gan, Dun, Down, Town, downtown, Tyn, Dyn, tomb, womb, tumulus, tumorous, tem-ar-as, tum-ar-ast, Cyn, Cymri, Kymry are some of the variations.
The Tun existed before there was any sense of possession in land that could be enclosed. Tun (Egyptian) is a region, an elevated seat, a throne that also represents the underworld, where the dead go down at whatever height it opens. The Tun, as the enclosure of the dead and as land rights called property, is the first use of the word Tun and comes from the Nile Valley in Africa. The tun, ton, or town, as the enclosure of the living and as land rights called property, is the last and current form, not the first; the Roman and English.
Dynas (Egyptian English) from Tun-As (Egyptian Druid), the lofty seat of the gods.
Dynas (Egyptian Cornish) from Tun-As, fort. Dyn is the high seat, and “As” (Egyptian) is the house, chamber, tomb, the secreting place.
Dynasta (Latin is Egyptian Ruten) from Ten-Ast, the prince, the ruler, thus Dynasty (English).

Duna (Kaffir) was a title of the Repa, the Egyptian heir-apparent to the throne of the Divine Father.
Thus Duna is the masculine form of Dunas, Dynas, Tun-As.

TEN (Tun) is land, region, place, seat of the Rekh. Rekh transforms into Sart (Sert, Sort) and signifies to sow seed, and sow seeds of knowledge. Ten, Tena, Tana or Tna also means to separate, divide in two halves as rivers naturally divided lands, thus variations of Ten such as Tna, Tana, Dan are part of the name of many rivers as boundaries.
The first Tun as an enclosure of land is the tomb. Tun in this sense means to be cut off, separated.

TEN (Tent, ten-ten) is the division, seat of the Rekh (Rekhi, Repa) royal seat, elevated seat, cabinet, royal chamber, throne-room, tent, fill up and complete the total. To ten (ten-t, tend) is to take account, reckon, keep track and pay attention to each and every, cover everything, properly discern, distinguish and understand and divide truths. The Sert does this in the Ten, thus, by default becomes Sert-Ten (Certain). Sert-tent leads to Sargent. These last two paragraphs explain why Dan Tanna is the name of a detective.
Rekh (Sart) are pure wise spirits and supreme knowers, a term applied to the dead, symbolized by the mummy; and to the living, symbolized by the Phoenix of renewed life, the bennu from kennu that rennu's form and name. Rekh in the Ten leads to Reckon and Recognize (English).
Ten is also the enclosed place of consecration, sacrifice, offering, libation in the circle of the dead (BB).

The solar circle, like all celestial circle cycles, are places of death in tombs, transformation in cocoons and birth in wombs.
A name of the Sun is Hu (Khu). Just as the circle made by the Earth is a year, the circle made by the revolution of the sun is the Great Year called the Hu-ten (Huten, Khu-ten to Khutn to Hutn).
The Sun is an ever-living one and ever-coming one who is Lord of the circle it makes.

By the way, our previous discussions of Suntan is expanded to include Tun-Tan is to seek to darken and symbolize the darkness of the dead the living, the birthplace, the womb and restore matter to factory setting.
Here we must expand to understand the word Sun has many other forms such as Tun, Hun and Kun, Tum, Tuna, Aten, Uten, Atun, Horus, Korus, Ra, Heru, Kebekh, Kheper, Har-Makhu, Makhu-el, Bun, San, Sen, Sin, Son, Khem, words ending in M and words beginning with K KH, H, TS, ST, SH, TH, and double vowels such as Siun, Suin, Sinu, Suni...

Tanist The Repa, Reping The Stone Mother

Ten-ast (Egyptian) is Tanist (Kelt) is in both instances, the Repa, the heir-apparent to the throne of the Divine Mother.
In the post titled, “King Charles III & The Coronation Stone, UC#2939", the significance of the coronation stone was explained in general terms. We now know the coronation stone in an earlier form was a monolith (giant stone) erected for the crowning of a king. The coronation stone was called the Tanist. The Tan (Tun) is the throne or elevated seat of the Divine Mother, Ast (Hes, Hest, Hesit, Aset, Auset, Asset). Ast means great, noble, a statue, sign of rule, an image of the ruler seated. Thus in Britain (Brit-tena), Wales is the lower Tun (the dead waiting to be in power) to Britain the upper Tun (the living, currently in power).
This is because in the earlier Wales and Britain (of the Karti), now France & Spain & Portugal, Druids ruled before ruling in the land now called Britain. Tem (Egyptian) also means to announce and pronounce. The Tem is the seat of the singer, the Bards who were Druids, Asi, Hesi who made the announcements of the law that came from the Seat that contained Karnak, the inner Wales, Cornwall, Kar-nu-wale,

By The Way, it is possible that Tanist or Tent-ast leads to Dentist, as one who tends to, and is a worker in, stone, bone, ivory, teeth, as forms of a hard durable long-lasting substance indicating permanence. Druids were Rekhs thus stone masons.

Dinosaurs R Us

Thus there is the living, breathing, deep sleep; and the living, breathing, sleep; and the living, awakening, being woke; and finally the living, wakers, wide awake. Nothing is insignificant taking place among humans or elsewhere in the natural world. Everything below is a manifestation of what is taking place above and within.
Ati (Uti) is a word used by the Maori in the names of tribes or clans, for the offspring and descendants. Aati or Aat(Egyptian) is the child whose descent is from the virgin mother Maat (Hesi, Isis (As-As, At-At, Ati, At, As, Sa, Sa-Sa-Ar, Sa-Va-Ar, Savior).
Ati the child, in the temple and city of Memphis in Egypt is later called Osiris (As-Ar, Asar, Lazarus, El-As-Ar-Us.
In keeping with the first becomes last becomes first, the Aati of the later version of Egypt were the outcasts of Egypt because they were the children of the mother only, and the times above had changed to father only set of climate changing conditions. (BB2)
Humans are dinosaurs in another form, in every sense of the word and in every component and in each of the four inseparable aspects of self. Form and function change each other, but neither changes foundation.

As-Ur becomes many other words such as Asher, Assher, Ashur, Asshur, Asar, Osiris, Asar-ia, Asyria, Assyria, Syria

Some Of The Ways The Word Dinosaur Was Formed

1. Tun-As-Ur becomes Dyn-As-Ar becomes Dynasar becomes Dinosaur.

2. Tena-Sart is Sart-tena is Buau-Sart is the same as Ten-as-ar-t as Dinosaur.
a) Duna-Sart

3. Khi-ur is Soul is Sour is Saul is Saur is Sa-Ur is As-Ur and As-Ar
a) Additional forms of Soul as Saur are Meru, Nairu, Taru, Core, More, Store, Karu, Heru, Khiur, Repa, Ruka, Gala, Gaul, Kara, Kiri, Kere, Kili and more
b) Thus Mount Kilimanjaro as the earlier Kala-Na-N'kara is N'kara-Na-Kala (N'karanasaur). We already begin to see tyrannasaur.
c) Again we see in an earlier name of Mount Kenya as Doenyo Ngeri which can become Doenyonsaur as an earlier stage of transformation leading to Dinosaur.
d) We go back to add the word Sore. One familiar use is “sore afraid” meaning completely, deeply and very afraid, afraid to the core, the soul. Very is Meri.
e) Of note is N'karu that leads to nigger and niger and nisaur to khiser, caesar, tser, teaser, taser.

4. Saur is Ursa as in Ursa Major, thus Tun-ursa.

5. Taurt is Saurt is Ast-ur is As-Urt and Earth as Urt, thus Tun-As-Urt.

6. Caer is Saer is Saur.
a) Tun is Tomb is Womb is Caer is a cave, abode or house for the living or dead.

7. Domicile is Domi-cile is Dini-sire is Dino-saru is Tun-As-Aru

8. Kivan-stauros is Divan-sauros, Dino-saur, Dinosaur. (BB2)
a) Stauros is a cross or pole around which a serpent is wrapped as a symbol of the serpent-goddess Rennut, Kivan, Kun, Taurt.

9. Din-Apt-Ari is Din-At-Ar is Din-As-Ar or Din-Ap-Tari
a) In one account, the Great Beth Din (Tun) is the court of justice in the height of 'Araboth Raqia' [heaven at the northern galactic pole]. Beth means Both, Twin, Two, child, abode, boat, ark, house, house of soul, tent, tabernacle, temple, (BB), (BB2), (NG1), (NG2)
This is the den of thieves because the lord giveth and taketh. All elemental souls of life do the same.
a) Sieve, the separator, is Khif is Thief in the night and light. Sieve sifts gifts.
b) The first children are the seven nature powers, elemental souls of life. These giants, the mighty ones, are the Ari, Ali, Kab-ari, Khus and Khuti, glorious ones who assist the great judge in the Maat Hall at the pole on judgment day. They are wise masters of arts and sciences as children of Apt, thus Apt-titude is optimally based on understanding how to use the seven elemental souls of life, the dinosaurs in the Great Beth Din of Saurs. (AE1).

10. Eridanus is Danus-Eri is Dino-sari
a) The Iarutana (Eridanus), the celestial Nile, is the epitome type of river of the division.

11. Kharu-tana is Tana-Kharu is Dana-Saru is Dino-Saur
a) The Iaru-tana is the Kharu-tana is Jharutana is Jordan (Hebrew).

12. Khennu-Karu is Dhennu-Saru is Denusaur is the southern birthplaces below and above.

13. The As-Ar-Us, Thesaurus, to be reborn in many forms of Her, She, It, feminine principle

14. Saurus is Waulus is Waurus, thus a walrus is a dinosaur, even by today's suboptimal definition.

15. Using many words above, we can see the word star is also a saur is a dinosaur, even if for the simple reason that a star is a tomb, cocoon and womb. This is another way of knowing all celestial bodies are dinosaurs.

Lots Of Dinosaurs

1. Giant animals that lived on Earth.
2. Anything considered unusable for present purposes and should be considered old, outdated, obsolete, extinct.
3. Anything (anyone) placed into or born out of a tomb, cocoon, womb.
4. A tumor is a dead dinosaur awakened and occupying the same space and using the same resources as a living dinosaur.
5. All kinds of places. Planets, mountains, rocks, boulders, rivers, oceans, wombs, solar system, galaxy, universe the natural world, heaven the land of the dinosaurs...
6. Dimensions
7. A period of rule. Cycles, Circles. The Savior is a Sasaur (saucer, a flying disk, one of which is the sun). The first saurs were sisters, saurs is sarus is soros leads to sa-rer and sorority. Many words can potentially lead to soro such as koro, turu, guru, sara..., but are unlikely to be the parent or sibling unless they have a mother, sister, daughter, aunt, wet-nurse, surrogate, girl, woman, female, feminine meaning.
8. Souls of life
9. Elemental souls of life
10. Supreme Being. Yes, there are dinosaurs in heaven and hell.
11. Anyone (Anything) that rightly or wrongly divides words of truth or manifestations of truth.
12. Tena, Tema, Tuna and other words become Atom as a tomb, cocoon, womb. Thus we have Atoms as souls of life, thus Atomsaur as a rough compound to remind us atoms are dinosaurs from way back that have never been extinct. We can then reverse atom to meta to get metasaur and metaphor and megasaur.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Teuton, Teutonic, Tuns, Tons, Towns, Downs, Dutch, Danes
Word Origin, Definition & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3068

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzm of 11)

Most of these words have been sufficiently explained elsewhere. See: Teuton, Germany

“Ton,” is a Teutonic word, although in 1881 CE it did not exist in Germany. Some writers claim the word Ton can be used to determine which areas became [invaded, occupied and] settled by Anglo-Saxons. In the European isles there are thousands of place names based on tons, tuns, and duns, with over 600 in Ireland alone. In England and Wales, names ending in “Ton” formed nearly one-fourth of the whole, being 2,545 in number.

Truth is, the Tun, Ton, Tem, Den and Dom, to name a handful, are words from a stage earlier than current-day Germans, Angles, Saxons, Anglo-Saxons or Romans. These newcomers were not familiar with these words, therefore could not have used them so profusely in Europe. Egyptian will tell us what the Tun was.
The Tun existed before there was any sense of possession in land that could be enclosed. In Egyptian the Tun is a region, an elevated seat, a throne. This exists in our Downs (English), the high and still most unenclosed of places. In the so-called “Danes’ Graves” found on the Yorkshire wolds [high open land], where many tumuli (burial mounds) are to be seen, the word Danes is a form of Tuns. The Downs (Tuns) were the judgment seats of the Druids (Truits), like the Tynwald Hill of the Manxmen. The Tun as high place is found on the Downs, as are the two Gaddesdens. Although the Downs were the high places, “down’’ came to mean “below” because the tun, den, or tomb, represented the underworld, where the dead went down at whatever height it opened. The tun, ton, or town, as the enclosure of the living and of property in land, is the final form, not the first; the Roman, not the Egyptian or Druidic. Tun or ton is far older than town, hence the reversionary tendency to the older formation in pronouncing the word town. The ton did not denote a town when it was the Cornish name of a farmyard.
Tyntagel is the Tun or elevated seat on a rock. Dynas Emrys was a Druidicial Tun-As in Snowdon, the lofty seat of the gods. The Zulu Donga (Tun-ka) is a division or cutting in the land, but with no necessary sense of enclosing a property. One of the most primitive forms of the Tun was the Cornish Dynas or fort, a simple entrenchment with stones piled twelve feet high. The Dyn is the high seat, and “As” (Egyptian) is the house, chamber, tomb, the secreting place. The barrows and burial-places of the dead are found near these forts, as if the first places of defense were built to protect the dead. To all appearance the first property claimed in land and right of enclosure was on behalf of the dead.
The first Tun as an enclosure of land is the tomb. One hieroglyphic Tun is the determinative of a tomb, and Tun in this sense means to be cut off, separated. The Teen (Chinese) is a grave; Than (Chinese) is a shroud; Tuna (Zulu Kaffir) a grave; Tanu (New Zealand) to bury; Dun (French Romance) a sepulcher ; Den (English) grave.

In English, Scotch, Welsh, Irish, Gaelic, Manx, French Romance, Biscayan, Lusatian, Old Persian, Chinese, Coptic, Tonquinese, Phrygian, and other languages, the Dun or Tun is the hill, the summit found in the Egyptian TUN, the elevated seat. Irish philologists understand the Ton (or Thone) to signify the same as the Latin Podex, but the seat is primarily feminine and mystical, the Mons Veneris, the Hes of Isis, the Khep of Khept or Ked, extant in the Irish Ceide or Ready, for the hill as the burial place.
Ten and Tem permute; the Tem (dumb, negative) are the dead, and the temple is also the house of the dead. So with us the Tun and Tom are interchangeable as names of the burial-ground. The Tom (Gaelic), is a grave; Tom (Welsh), a tumulus; Tuaim (Irish) a grave; Toma (Maori) a place where the dead are laid. The Tema (Egyptian) was also a fort, a place of defense. Grave mounds in England were natural forts called Temau. The word Tem (Egyptian) also means to announce and pronounce. The Tem as the seat of the singer agrees with the plural Temau (Egyptian) for choirs.
Druid Bards, as the Asi or Hesi, made the announcements of the law that came from the Seat. [These ton decreers were early forms of the town crier] The As, the seat of rule and sovereignty was also a mote or mound (which was the seat of justice) and the resting-place of the dead. [thus justice comes through the dead also, not just the living]

Thus the Tom is the tumulus and the tomb, the seat of sanctity, defended as a Tem or fort or watch tower, used also as a mount of justice or a mote.. The Hem sign, which is also the Han, is the symbol of the seat or home on the water, and denotes a water-frontier. The Hemu (Khemu) are the watermen, sailors, and fishers. The Hun (Hunt, Khunt, Cunt) is the matrix, womb, birthplace, mouth, opening, outrance, entrance. This permutes with the Hem or Ham, the Kheft, Khem, or Skhem. All have one origin in the earliest place of birth, and were applied to the abodes of the living and the tomb of the dead, as a place of re-birth. How near to nature is the Ham as the seat is manifest in the name of the thighs. The Khem or Ham might be illustrated by a score of types, and each one can be traced to the female, and her type of types, the womb, Khem, Hem, or Ama, the primeval house and home; the KWAM (Khaling) denotes the mouth or uterus; the Quim, Din, or Khebma, who is the most ancient genitrix of Egypt and the black land. By the way, as shown throughout this weblog, A child of Ham is a darn good thing! Constant attacks against Blacks, are essentially (spiritually) surface denigrations causing more insistent elevations of principalities, rising to the occasion.
Khem is the feminine shrine, a name of Hathor (currently manifesting as the AS, the Age of Aquaria constellation, the Tun-As woke from the Tomb-As to fight the Dumb Ass), the habitation KlMA (Arabic) house, home; Kam, or KlM (Dumi), the home; Chem (Tibetan) house; Khema (Swahili) a tent; Koma (Persian) straw hut. The Kam (Nupe, Susu, Basa, Doai, Ngodsin, and other African languages), is a farm; Gama (Singhalese), a village. It is here we shall find the true meaning of the Combe, the place between the thighs of hills. The Combe answers to Khebma (Khambe, Khembe, Kembe) and the Khem (Egyptian), the secret shrine, the Shut-place of Horus, the child, in which he transformed into Horus born again. Khem may be the place of the living (awake) ever-coming child (Khem), or of the dead (asleep) ever-coming child (Khema). (BB)
Thus there is the living that is living and breathing, and then there's the living that is living and awakening, being woke. Nothing is insignificant taking place among humans or elsewhere in the natural world. Everything below is a manifestation of what is taking place above and within.

So-Called European Languages

Most European languages are derived from the Gothic or the Latin.
To the Latin origin belong Italian, French, and Spanish; to the Gothic, the German, Dutch, Flemish, Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian.
The original language of Norway was that which is called the Icelandic, the purest dialect of the Teutonic or Gothic. The inhabitants now generally speak an intermediate dialect of the Teutonic, between the Danish and Swedish. The gentry (middle class) and inhabitants (lower class) of the principal towns, however, speak a purer Danish, than is usual even in Denmark.
The language of Sweden is a dialect of the Gothic, being a sister of the Danish, Norwegian, and Icelandic. The two grand divisions of the Gothic are German and Scandinavian dialects. There are many words in the Swedish which are also in the English.
The languages spoken in the Danish dominions are all sister dialects of the Gothic. (Morse: American Universal Geography, Vol II, 7th Ed)

Monday, December 18, 2023

Rome Word Origin, Definition & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3067

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzl of 11)

White Romans Are New To The Game

The first people by any name outside of Africa were Africans. Duh!
All people by any name outside of Africa are Africans. Makes me no never mind anymore if you never claim it. Ain't no love lost. The only genetics are African genetics, the only genes in the human game. Game is gane is gene is genome is game on.
New to the game of human existence are Black Folks under the names of Roman and Greek. Even newer are denatured demelanized Black Folks (White Folks) under the names of Roman and Greek.

The foundation of Black Rome, is only as old (young) as 753 BCE. (Cory: Ancient Fragments). There is no such thing as ancient Rome. 753 BCE is not ancient. To be ancient, you must be at least one Great Year Old, One Sun Cycle.
723 years later in 30 BCE, Rome defeated Greece and took over Egypt.** Rome did not pop up as a bunch of whites, semites and blacks and grow into a powerful nation due to its own internal intelligence and then take over Egypt. No! Rome is a child of Africa. So the reason why Rome was built at all, is because the parents from Africa were the Romans who built Rome and who were helped by their parents from Africa, not just with physical labor, but with all the knowledge needed. Same goes for the USA and all other countries and nations that have ever existed.

**Egyptians (Nile Valley Africans mainly, as wells as those from the African expansion inside and outside of Africa).


Remn is the extent, extending to, up to, thus far. From this comes the word Rome, a land area and jurisdiction of rule.
Rome comes from the Egyptian Rom, Rem, Orm, Erm, Rum, Urm, the measure of land extending to, as far as, the border or limit determined, that is, the Rim, margin, the space or Room Thus Rome is a generic word, that applies to all areas designated by borders and rule. Just as Room is a generic word. Your Room is Rome.

To REM (Egyptian) is to weep; F or P represent article “ the” or a pronoun. Prem and Frome mean “The Rem” and is further defined as “the river that was wept” [from being well kept] drop by drop, drip by drip and that reaccumulates like memory, remembering, reminding
URM is a name of the Inundation in any and all forms and states of maater. (BB)

It is probable that the name of Rome was derived from Rem, Rum or Rome which are Egyptian names for the fish. Roma was the fish goddess. The fish man and fish woman rule in Rome. The ring with which the Pope is invested, his seal-ring, has on it the sign of the fish. Ichthon the Saviour was brought on in Rome as Ichthus the fish, absurdly personified as the “historical Jesus” in human flesh. (AE2)
Thus Rome was named during the Age of Aries, the ram, lamb, but was given the symbol of Pisces, which could be why Rome couldn't come into Power until the Age of Pisces in 120 BCE and after Pisces ended co-rule with Aries in 60 BCE. Clearly only an African familiar with Nile Valley Mythology could have named Rome in accordance with the incoming Age and its symbols, thus gaining an advantage over other Romes named Rome or not, and likely that did not incorporate the symbolism, and if so, were out of sync with the times. This is why the USA, as one example, has used many African Mythology knowledge pieces in Washington DC and on its money and in many other places and ways throughout the country.

Back to earlier Rome and its modern day continuation. The petticoated Pope is a figure of the ancient fish-woman; she who sat upon the waters and on the seven hills of the celestial Heptanomis as a water-cow, who brought forth from the mystical mouth of the fish. [which is why, in the remix of Egyptian mythology & eschatology, Jesus told his disciples to take money out of the mouth of a fish to pay to Caesar what is his] The Pope is dressed in the likeness of both sexes. The “os tincoe” of the papal mitre,*** equally with the star Fomalhaut in Piscis Australis of the planisphere, and the mouthpiece of the divine Word, is still the same antique as when the ancient Wisdom was first figured as the female fish, the crocodile, and the male fish was a likeness of the Savior who came by water in the Inundation before Horus could come by boat, or float on the papyrus plant in human form; so long has the fish been a zoötype of emaning source in the Egyptian eschatology. The Pope impersonates the mouthpiece, the fish’s mouthpiece of the Word, and, as the imagery shows, the Word, or Logos, is the same that was uttered of old as a fish by the ancient mother-fish with the os tincoe (mouth of utterance) from which a child is born; so that the mother-church in Rome, as represented by the Pope, is still the living likeness of the fish-mother, who brought forth Horus of the Inundation as her fish in the Zodiac at least some 12,000 or 13,000 years ago, and had never ceased to do so annually up to the time of rebirth in the sign of the fishes, when Papal Rome took up the parable but suppressed or omitted the explanation concerning the Christ now apothesized as Ichthus the fish.[here is another umpteenth easy to access pieces of information that tells us, Egypt in no way began in 5,000 BCE]
***The papal mitre is the hat or headdress of the pope and bishops, the top of which is an opening that symbolizes the fishes mouth through which the word is issued.
The proper date for the commencement of Christianity or equinoctial Christianity is somewhere about 255 BCE [just before the Age of Pisces the fish, equinoctial Christianity claims at least a 4,440 BCE origin and is now actually Christendom]. (AE2)

The Church in Rome was founded on Egypto-gnostic gnosis taught by the the mystery-teachers whom we term Egyptognostics, and whose Jesus was absolutely non-historical. Jesus is celestial phenomena and cycles and earthly phenomena and cycles. This is the Savior. One of the most important of all the written gnostic remains is the Pistis Sophia that continues the Jesus-legend from the Egyptian source. (AE2).
Before the name of Jesus, the savior was named many names such as Horus who was the fish in Pisces, the lamb in Aries, the calf in Taurus, the twins in Gemini, the scarab beetle in Khepera, the lion in Leo and so on all the way around the zodiac signs of star constellations that demarcate the Great Year of the Sun, great because it is a sun revolution as opposed to our Year which is an Earth revolution, thus a Lesser Year by which to reckon the times and the signs. (AE2)
The Roman Church was the mother and the Emperor and Caesar was the Son. There is a clear reason why the ruling body of the Roman Church is called the Vatican. It is the holy of holies. Further explanation coming relatively soon, Lords willing according to their reordering and rearranging. It has already been explained why and how the government, military (all forms of police and policers by any name) and religion must work hand-in-hand to control the people.

The African Origin Of Rome Can Be Shown Through Religion

...primitive Christianity borrowed from the cult of Isis in Rome, even in the structure of its processions. “Egypt is the country from which contemplative devotion penetrated into Europe.” (Diop: Precolonial Black Africa)

From 753 BCE to 378 CE) Rome followed Nile Valley Mythology & Eschatology (called Mysteries). This is 1,132 years, 409 of which were spent sucking (information) lotus nectar and eating lotus petals as rulers of the Egypt blossom. After 378 CE Roman Emperors, Theodosius in the 4th century CE and Justinian in the 6th century CE, abolished the Mysteries of the African Continent, which by the way is the ancient culture system of the entire world. Please note that the African Mysteries were abolished only in a de jure manner (by law); however, they continued everywhere defacto (in practice), only slightly hidden and obscured by government and religious leaders using different words for the same African things and sometime changing the representations and meanings intentionally or not. (James: Stolen Legacy)

Africa is the holy land of the world. Nile Valley Mythology and Eschatology was and is the oldest holy universal (catholic) religion, whose power was supreme. This lofty culture system of the Black people filled Rome with envy, and consequently she legalized Christianity which she had persecuted for five long centuries, and set it up as a state religion and as a rival of Mysteries, its own mother. This is why the Mysteries have been despised; this is why other ancient religions of the Black people are despised (most often Vodoun called Voodoo); because they are all offsprings of the African Mysteries, which have never been clearly understood by white Europeans, and consequently have provoked their prejudice and condemnation. In keeping with the plan of Emperors Theodosius and Justinian to exterminate and forever suppress the culture system of the African continents the Christian church established its missionary enterprise to fight against the Mysteries which it called paganism, even though all religions today are based on this so-called paganism. Consequently missionaries and educators have gone to the mission field with a superiority complex, born of miseducation and disrespect: (James: Stolen Legacy)

Egypt Includes Ethiopia

Ethiopia was the source of all that Egypt knew and transmitted to Greece and Rome. We are accustomed to think of Ethiopia as a restricted country in Africa but this was not true. The study of ancient maps and the descriptions of the geographers of old, reveals that the ancient Land of Cush was a very widespread and powerful empire. Hebrew scholars called Cush, all the countries of the torrid zone (tropics). It was the race that Huxley saw akin to the Dravidians of India, stretching in an empire from India to Spain. The Greeks described Ethiopia as the country around the Indus and Ganges.[These are not in Africa as we call it today. These are in the Africa of yesterday and are in the Africa of always.] (Houston: Wonderful Ethiopians)
Egypt is a word that extends all the way down the Nile Valley and went by many subdivision names such as Aethiopia, Nubia, Kush, Taseti, Meroe, Kartoom, Monomotapa and more.

Thotmes III, Amenophis III and Amenophis IV were in appearance unmixed Negro types. Darwin was struck by the extremely Ethiopian characteristics of the statute of Amenophis III. We will pause here to glance at a son of Amenophis who in our day has aroused universal interest. Tut-ankh-amen, [King Tut] was born 1350 BCE, long before the days of Athens and Rome [were a gleam in their African parents eyes and thighs]. Jupiter of Rome was the Zeus of the Greeks and Zeus-Ammon or Amen-Ra of Egypt. (Houston). So we can now see how current portrayals in books, shows and movies of Jupiter, and especially Zeus, are affirmations of Amen-Ra, intended or not.

The Name “ROME” Further Defined

Per (Taylor: Names & Their Histories), Rome is the French name of the city called ROMA in Latin and Italian. Among the various guesses as to the meaning of the name, the most probable refers it to the word gmma or groma, a technical name given to the point in a city or camp where the cardo crossed the decumainis, the two cross roads spreading themselves at their junction into a sort of forum. [As you can see, Taylor is far afield and off course on this one]
Taylor goes on to say, the imperial name of Rome has been absurdly given to more than twenty insignificant places in the United States. [Taylor calls absurd what is entirely appropriate, because we already know the word Rome is a generic term and not an exclusive imperial name.]

[We are not confused when Taylor says Rome is a French word from Latin and Italian. We've already shown the French, Latin and Italian origins and connections to Africa; however, just for the hell of it, we will list Taylor's explanation of the word France, and in a separate message, explain France and French.]
Per Taylor, France (from the German word Frankreich) and FRANCONIA (from the German word Franken) are names derived from the great confederation of Teutonic tribes [see Kelt, Celt, Gaul, Kerman] who called themselves Franks, which probably means ' freemen,' or possibly those armed with a light javelin called framea, believed to be a copyist's error for/ranea. Francia, the Latinised form from which we get the name France, signified originally the Terra Francorum, or ' land of the Franci, while Franken, from which the Latinised form Franconia has been constructed, is the dative plural of the name of the Ripuarian Franks who settled on the Main. In 488 Hlodowig (Clovis), chief of the Salian Franks, founded in Northern Gaul the kingdom which has developed into France. Europeans in the Levant are called FRANKS, owing to the fact that the leading crusaders and the first King of Jerusalem were Frenchmen. [There are far too many misstatements in this definition of France, so in a separate post, I will only provide a more clarifying explanation of origin and meanings of the word France and French, unless clarifying other misstatements are necessary to this task. All other misstatements Taylor makes, may have already been addressed. Even on the surface of initial encounter with his statements, it should raise questions and open investigations.]

Rebuilding ROME Piece By Piece Using Multiple Ways Of Knowing

Rome from Remi from Rema. Rema is a combination of Ru (Ruru, Reru) that contains the waters and the waters called Na or Ma, thus Runa and Ruma. These two words represent an amount of water that extends to the limit of something (the ENT, END, NT). This leads to Rema and Rena or written as REM and REN. Rem + It (heaven, two) is Remit is Limit.
Remi is the limitless one original source with the genetic kinetic potential capable of rising, coming forth drop by drop, drip by drip and pouring out into other sources and filling them to their limit. Interestingly enough, the word “Af” includes the meaning of, wring out drop by drop. This is because Af is a later form of Kak, Kek, Khekh, Khiukh, Khi-ukh.

Per (Massey: Ancient Egypt, Vol I, published 1907 CE)
1. Sa, Ka, Sau, Kau, the God of Touch in the Nile Valley is still in use in the Church of Rome, as well as his amulets and charms, the cross, the rosary, and other fetish figures that are yet worn for protection, and are touched in time of need, to establish the physical link with the invisible Power with which it may be thought desirable to keep in touch.

2. The ritual of “opening the mouth” is still performed in Rome.

3. Carrying the ka image round the festive board was just a Kamite prototype of the elevation and carrying round of the host for adoration in the Church of Rome. Indeed, the total paraphernalia of the Christian mysteries had been made use of in Egyptian temples.

4. Osiris in the monstrance [vessel for carrying Eucharist bread] should of itself suffice to show that the Egyptian Karast (Krst) is the original Christ, and that the Egyptian mysteries were continued by the gnostics and Christianized in Rome.

5. In Rome, the altar or communion-table was the coffin lid. The earliest Christian altar was a coffin, a hollow chest, on the lid or mensa [flat top of the altar] of which the Eucharist was celebrated. This, as Egyptian, was the coffin of Osiris that constituted the altar on which the provisions were laid in Sekhem for the eucharistic meal. Hence the resurrection is described as “dawn upon the coffin of Osiris.

6. The zodiac was founded on the inundation. The mother of water figured in the southern fish, as the womb of source itself, was afterwards repeated on the ecliptic, as the wateress (later Aquaria and Aquarius) with all her myriad mammæ streaming from the fount of liquid life, in the abyss, the Tepht, or Tuat, that was localized in the recesses of the south from whence the inundation came, and from which it was perennially renewed [on an annual Earth Year scale of 365 days; and on an annual Sun Year scale of 25,920 years]. When the zodiac was established, she who had been the mother of water in the south would naturally be given a foremost place. The waterer was now repeated as the multi-mammalian wet-nurse in the sign of Aquarius; the same in character, whether as the southern fish, the water-cow, or the suckler divinized. However represented, earth as the giver of water was the type, and in Egypt, the water was the inundation.

7. The first two children of the great mother came into existence as the twin brothers, who contended with each other in the opposite elements of drought and water, or darkness and light, night and day, and in other phenomena. These twin powers were constellated in the sign of Gemini, the Twins. These star constellation twins have been described in various ways using many names such as Sut and Horus. Each time Gemini was at the equinox, the twin powers built a city above, containing equal darkness and light. One of these sets of twins were Romulus and Remus (Rome, Remi, Rema). These twins are believed to be humans who built The Rome on this Earth that became the seat of the Roman Empire. No such humans existed by the names of Romulus and Remus. These twins were Gemini Constellation, thus the Rome on this Earth that became the seat of the Roman Empire was likely founded during the latter stages of the Age of Aries when Gemini was almost at the northern pole. Thus then, when Rome was founded the twin powers of darkness and light were the furthest apart at the poles and not in balance. Thus the nature of Rome from the get-go. Same for the USA and other land areas and jurisdictions founded during the Age of Pisces, i.e., USA, Israel and so on.
When Gemini is aligned with the Sun's equator, so also is Sagittarius, another set of twins as Shu & Tefnut (Kefnut). (AE1)
Thus there is likely to be no balanced countries until the Age of Capricorn and Khepera in another 2,160 years under the twins Sut-Anup, then the Age of Sagittarius and Gemini, then possibly during Scorpio and Taurus and most likely during Maat (Libra, Scales) and Aries. The other possibility is for the Age of Kepheus to restore balance via the twins Ma-Shu or Shu-Tefnut. Kepheus Constellation, along with Aquaria might help balance things out, especially since these two are starting points of the Great Year and are joined by the other four original cornerstone constellations for a total of six in form. Aquaria and Leo currently almost fully occupying the eastern and western corners are double cornerstones anchoring both Great Year circles, thus eight in number. Another possibility is for balanced countries to only exist on one side of earth and/or in one hemisphere.

8. The fish, as a type of sacrifice eaten in the totemic or mortuary meal is still partaken of on Good Friday as the image of Ichthus; the same in Rome at present as in Heliopolis or Annu in the past. The type was changed from sign to sign, from age to age in the course of precession. [This will likely not be changed by current religions because they know not] The commemorative customs light us back as far at least as the sign of the Gemini, when twin turtle-doves, two goats, or twin children were sacrificed. (AE2) Thus the two- turtle-doves match the second day of Christmas.

9. The partridge in the pear tree of Christmas is the bird of heart & soul in the sycamore-fig tree of Life & Death, Womb & Tomb on the Western Mountain of dusk of Nut of Heaven who conceives and rebirths souls. Hathor is the green emerald sycamore-fig tree of knowledge on the Eastern Mountain of dawn and life of Earth who births flesh. [These two truths represent above and below.] (AE1)
Bata (Obatala, Kepheus) the young solar god issued in the morning or spring from the typical tree of dawn. This why the Age of Kepheus is born shortly after the Age of Aquaria (Hathor-Nut). This is the Great Year Scale and brings about large scale Great Year Spring Climate Change, thus the increase in water, wind, warmth and the submerging and emerging of land and other things from the waters and from other wombs, tombs, cocoons. This is a counter collective corrective inundation that cannot be stopped by the fiendish of fiends such as the Maafa Racism collective.
The trees are in the Heaven Amenta Underworld and can be apple, olive, tamarisk, persea, olive, or some other kind of fruit familiar to the followers of the mysteries or the religion. (AE2)

10. Iusāas, the mother of Iusa (Iusu), the Egyptian Jesus, was a form of Hathor-Meri (Mehru), and was brought on in the cult of Rome as Mary. Atum, the father, was the holy spirit in the eschatology of Annu; the first who ever did attain that status. His consort was Iusāas, who, in the character of Hathor, was the female holy spirit, as the dove. Their child was Iusa. (AE2) Kepheus is the big dog, the dog faced ape, the “Coming Son” who is Shu-Ma and a form of Deion Sanders as elsewhere explained and to be explained further in 2024. Kepheus is the first descent of spirit and first advent. In the second descent and second advent, Kepheus becomes perfected beginning approximately 8500 CE in the last 25% of Cygnus, the swan holy spirit of the father, with the help of Scorpio, Taurus and the southern circumpolar constellation. (AE2)

For mythical reasons the child-Christ remained a starrily-bejewelled blackamoor as the typical healer in Rome. Jesus, the divine healer, does not retain the black complexion of Iu-em-hetep in the canonical Gospels, but he does in the Church of Rome when represented by the little black bambino. A jewelled image of the child-Christ as a blackamoor is sacredly preserved at the headquarters of the Franciscan order, and true to its typical character as a symbolical likeness of Iusa the healer, the little black figure is still taken out in state, with its regalia on, to visit the sick, and demonstrate the supposed healing power of this Egyptian AEsculapius thus Christianized. The virgin mother, who was also black, survived in Italy as in Egypt. At Oropa, near Bietta, the Madonna and her child-Christ are not white but black, as they so often were in Italy of old, and as the child is yet conditioned in the little black Jesus of the eternal city. According to local tradition the image of the black bambino was carved at Jerusalem out of the root of a tree from the mount of Olives. This supplies another illustration of Egyptian origin. (AE2)

Ancient, Annual, Perennial, Renewal, Entity
Word Origins, Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3066

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzk of 11)

1. Ancient is An-Ci-Ent
a) AN is the celestial birthplace and terrestrial birthplace.
b) CI is Khiu is the four corners of the circle and spirit-soul in five forms (original, water, fire, wind, earth)
c) NT (Ent) is the limit, boundary, border, perimeter, circumference, total. Ent from Nut from Nuti from Nu-Nu, the double heaven, the two circles in one and two circles as one. Nuti is Unti is Enti.
d) Thus An-Ci-Ent is An-Khiu-Nt is Ankhiunt is Anchiunt is Anciunt is Ancient

2. Ancient is Anci-ent
a) Ankhu becomes Anci from Anti from Enti from Unti from Nuti from Nu-Nu. From this comes Uni (inhabitants) as in Universe (Khiun-Khiun), the double circles, double waters, double truths, double motions, double clicks.

3. Ancient from Khentiu (Khnt, Khenti, Khentu, Khemet, Kemet, Khamit, Kamite, Khent, Kent, Kenite)
a) Khentiu is the Khen-Khen, the elevated place and abyss of source of resurrection, rebirth, renewal at the equator when khekhing is strongest and more frequent.
b) Add NT to get Kentiu-Nt which is the southern land, the farthest south, the inner land, interior, the feminine abode, the birthplace, concealed, to contain, to supply, joy, delight, the lake country, womb, matrix, something within, inward, secretly intimated, in the front, the beginning, towards the place at the tip, point, extremity and limit. (NG1) (BB)

4. Ancient is Ankhiu-Nt is Ankhu-Nt
a) Ent (Egyptian) means out of, the relegated heaven, the lower of two, the bottom half.
b) Akhu (Egyptian) is the elevated heaven, the upper of two, the top half. (BB2) We must be certain to remember that upper and lower change positions, as do all sets of truths.
c) Ankhu (Egyptian) is the same word as Konga (Maori) that means a live coal. Another form is Ankh, which means live, living, head, dead, dying, foot.
d) P-Ankhu is god in the masculine form of Atum (Atum-Iu) at the temple of “On” (An, Annu). Atum is the Annu-Ar and Annu-Ur, both which become Annual which means one cycle of any duration. We have limited annual to mean one Earth revolution cycle. At a minimum we should understand annual to mean one Earth cycle around the Sun and also one Sun cycle around the center of the galaxy. This is another fundamental key to understanding each Annual Sun Cycle includes at least two to four periods (seasons) of noticeable climate change. Annual is the same as perennial as made even more clearer below.
e) We can now add the birthplace to Annual to get Ru-annual and Ruan, both of which indicate the birthplace, gate, mouth, outlet from source. Ru-annual can become renewal.
f) Another way is through the name of the birthplace personified as the Great Mother called Rennut, the Rennut-al and Rennut-ur which become Renewal.
g) Ran (Ren) is to enclose, encapsulate and encompass something, name it, heal it, renew it. This is why Rennut and renewal is symbolized by the serpent.
h) Renn (Ren) is both parent and child, source and output, circle and contents, nurse and nursling, old and young, tree and branch, root and shoot, namer and named, the caller forth and the called forth, the encircler and encircled, the raiser and raised, nuturer and nurtured. i) To Runu is to use the heavens within (nu) to restore the likeness without (un). UN becomes EN (Egyptian) to be, condition of being, by, of the, of, from, born of, out of, into, increase, decrease. UN become EN becomes IN, AN, ON becomes N, I, U, E, O, A [update EN in all docs from letter of law to this message]
j) En becomes Na and No which means from the female first, the Mother, the Water, the Negation, the Darkness (NG1)
k) Indi from Indu from Endu meaning “of two”. (BB)

5. Indi, as in Individual, is an earlier form of Enti (Egyptian), as in Entity, which means a being of primal existence based on (NG1):
a) two truths, Entity is Ent-ity is Enti-Ati is Khenti-Khatti (Khen-ti-ti, Ti-Khenti, Ti-Enti, Enti). Ati is Mati is Maat is Two Truths. Entity (English) from the Egyptian Ti-enti, dual existence. Henti (Hen-ti, Hen-Hen) is existence. Hen from Hent from Khent from Khenti from Khen-Khen, the womb birthplace of ruling powers where souls of life are put together, formed, combined into anatomies (entitimies, unitimies, uniting of two truths, mest meshed as opposed to mishmash, mishmosh and mismatch). (BB)
b) four truths, the four cornerstones of the circle, the four primordials of water, heat, air, earth, that is liquid matter, radiant matter, gas vapor matter, solid matter. Entity is four because En (An) is the birthplace, Ti is two. Ti again is the double of two, thus two times two, or four. Thus we have spirit, mind, emotion, body.
c) Four feet of the quadruped, the beast as the hippopotamus, the Hippa-pauti-mus, the Khepha-Khiu-Khiu-Miukh. Hippa, the mare, is a European form of Khefa, Kefa, Khefah, Jhefah, Jehovah, Buddha, Hava, Ava, Ifa, Ife, Eve)
d) eight principles and characteristics of everything and eight elemental souls of life contained in Khiunti, two circles consisting of 4 divisions each. We now repeat that the Enti of An is the Indian and Indigenous.
e) five and ten (five and dime, nickel and dime), Indi connects to Id, which is also a reduced form of Khept (Khepti) a sign of maternity, thus parentage, thus identity. Khept is five, one foot or hand; ten as one hand and foot. Khepti is ten as two feet or two hands; twenty as two feet and two hands or four feet.

Ancient is that which existed before the beginning of our human race beginning.
In one sense, ancient is that which reflects the above and below. Thus everything is ancient.
In another sense, a chronological sense, ancient is that which is earliest from the birthplace, thus has existed for many more cycles. Therefore, there is no such thing as ancient as it applies to other races or ethnicities, because all are relatively recent chronological-wise compared to black people all over the planet when only black people existed. It's not close. Thus the need to use words like prehistoric and try to limit Egypt to 5000 BCE and use many other word spells to distract the mind from the true timeline of accomplishments. In other words, there is nothing ancient any other race can claim whose race is not synonymous with Black or African Black. The only way any other race can claim anything ancient is to acknowledge their ancestors are the Ancient Blacks, the Ancient Africans, both of which wherever found on any dry land mass. Even to call Egypt of 5000 BCE ancient is still a misuse of the word relative to how much older Egypt is. That's why, in some instances, I've used the term “Ancient Ancient” instead of Ancient, for the same reason Maafa Racism is used instead of Racism.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Why Nobody Likes Calling Customer Service
More Free Feedback To All Companies
Unity Consciousness #3065

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzj of 11)

This is another installment of Customer Service. a Public Disservice.

Nobody looks forward to calling customer service.
Nobody calls customer service just to chitchat and report a wonderful experience.
Everybody who calls customer service does so because they have a problem with the product or service or they have a problem finding information and completing a task online or the information provided on paper or online is so poorly written and expertly hidden in maze-like web construction and equally non-applicable website search results, no one wants to take the time to make a study project out of getting assistance or finding a simple answer.

These are some of the reasons why nobody likes calling customer service.

Companies deceive themselves if they believe company success and reputation is all about the product or service or the owners or spokespersons or their marketing.

Critical to company reputation and success is customer interaction with all aspects of the company.

The reason most people stop using products or services is because the people who caused the problem are not the first or second level people tasked with solving the problem.
Then the people tasked with solving the problem are not given the power or training to do so, thus are merely note takers and passers on.
Without a doubt, customer disservice workers are the lowest paid but have the second greatest impact on customer experience after all the untouchables and unreachables such as the IT Department, Finance, Accounting, Administration.

To make matters worse, the supervisors and managers of customer service, are obviously either lazy or overwhelmed by the number of calls routed to them due to poor internal company structuring, thus they are often of more disservice than customer disservice, but these “I know what I'm taking about” managers and supervisors are usually more indignant and arrogant because you are frustrated and upset, thus indicating you are the problem for notifying them you are not able to experience a product or service without problems or not being to resolve them sensibly and expediently.

Because customer disservice is a dead end communication street that doesn't inform the rest of the company what is going on, customer service is overwhelmed with high call volumes, because a problem is never resolved fundamentally so as to drastically reduce future calls regarding the same problem. Yet, something which also frustrates me to no end, is that companies will ask you for feedback, when I always say, the customer service call is my feedback. Use the call to make improvements. Asking me to rate shit, is an asinine approach. Stop sending me multiple emails asking for feedback. The feedback is, I've already wasted enough time dealing with you and am not about to go through your boilerplate survey questions. How the hell these companies stay in business only has one answer. We have accepted low standards from them and for ourselves. One way we can fight back is, when receiving online feedback surveys, copy and paste portions or all of this and earlier messages or their URLs. Let 'em know that if they are unwilling to use basic feedback to fix global widespread problems, then feedback specific to your experience is definitely a waste of your time to report a second time. The first time being the customer service call itself.

Companies invest more money into automated customer call routing systems and automatic callbacks, rather than in solving the issues that generate customer service calls. Any company that has a high number of calls to customer service, is a problematic company, for instance, utility companies or any government office whose job is supposedly to help you. A high volume of customer service calls also means your website is not doing the work it should be doing. Your website is underutilized and poorly organized and not communicated to customers properly. Logins should only be required when absolutely necessary. We live during a time when most people have several dozen logins that must be frequently changed and used, or else, canceled, that then have to be reapplied for. Stop it already. Make login issues a priority to resolve so customers can do more self-service. Trust me, a great number of customers who call customer service would rather be able to do so online, but not through the equally mind-numbing back and forth live chat function. Live Chat is customer disservice doubled down and dumbed down.

In a well-ran healthy company able to withstand multiple climate changes of logic, any employee who has been there for six to twelve months should be able to handle any phone call or at least know exactly who to transfer you to. This information should be compiled and constantly updated to stop making customer, vendor and supplier experiences calling your company or dealing with your website the last thing they want to do after a freaking root canal. Yes it's that painful.

Customer Service should be ambassadors not assemblers. Due to their importance to company success, reputation, customer retention and customer referrals, customer service employees should be higher paid, better trained in problem resolution and given the power to do so, thus the necessary computer access. Because customer service is not higher paid, turnover is high, thus long-term experienced customer service employees do not exist. If the company is properly ran, they can afford to pay customer service more because they would need fewer of them if my recommendations, my free feedback is seriously considered.
Thus, out of all the people in the company, Customer Service should understand all the departments and contributing components of problems and how to resolve them in order to restore good faith in the minds and good taste in the mouths of customers.

In the absence of a capitalistic corporate paradigm shift, At Least:
1. The people who caused the problem should be the first ones taking the calls.

2. Divide customer service into routers, note takers and problem solvers. These should be the only three options on an automated voice system.

r 3. Have customer service people be able to clearly speak the language of the caller.

The sad truth is, I can use three hours to write, edit and post this message and it is still quicker than I can get through most customer service calls or get my problem resolved. What day of the week or time or day does anyone have to devote to customer disservice. This time abyss of no return, is an additional problem and reason why nobody likes calling customer service.
The basic reason nobody like calling customer service is because nobody desires or enjoys wasting several hours of their life in this manner. I'd rather watch paint dry or listen to Trump on his stump. This then, is why we are close to approximating Bizzaro World where everything is a dysfunction.
By The Way All You Companies, how about making more use of fillable, savable and updateable pdf forms? We are in the Age of the Internet of Things aren't we? Customer Service will never make anyone's list of Favorite Things no matter how long the list.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Misuse Of Rome Wasn't Built In A Day And...
Underuse Of Egypt Wasn't Built In 5,000 Years
Unity Consciousness #3064

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi of 11)

Leave it to beavers building dams to stop the flow of knowledge so they can live the way they want to. The phrase “Rome wasn't built in a day” is abused to represent something great that took a long time to build, yet Rome was nowhere near as great as Egypt.
A more appropriate phrase is “Egypt wasn't built in 5,000 years” (as information beavers would like you to keep on believing).
All that Egypt accomplished could in no ways be accomplished from start to finish in 5,000 years. That is less than one-fourth of a Great Year, less than three equinoctial Ages (zodiacal Ages).

The main reason Egypt could not be built in 5,000 years is that Egypt is in no way fully represented by the land area between present day Sudan and the Mediterranean. That area called Egypt, is the lotus blossom. The rest of Egypt is up the Nile and beyond to the southern tip of Africa, speaking vertically or longitudinally only.
The second main reason is that the lotus blossom could only come into existence, open, flourish, produce seeds and disperse seeds, after all the foundational work was done by the stem, leaves and roots. This process took hundreds of thousands of years, thus at least 16 Great Year cycles (16 Sun Years, 16 Sun Revolutions around the center of the galaxy).

Hell, you cannot get through the totemic period, the elemental period, the stellar period, the lunar period, the solar period, the eschatological period and all the periods before and in between, in 5,000 years. It requires watching repetitions of star cycles and star constellations cycles,

So is the lotus the flower or the entire plant?

Is Egypt that small area or the entire area that gave birth to that small area in northeast Africa?

May the Lord add a blessing to the heeding of his words and may he rectify it by what we stop and start. Amen Amenet

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Who Will? (The Storyteller) | Poem
Unity Consciousness #3063

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzh of 11)

Who Will? (The Storyteller)

by Khiu & Khiumn (Deo & Them)

Who will give praise
When the storyteller is ancient of days
Newly born with a narrative formed
From milk of waters and meat of corn

Who will applaud each stage of the play
As the potter's wheel spins words into clay
That accumulate into chapters
As actress duplicates and varies into actors

Who will consider gives and takes
Through twists and turns to navigate
The many decisions and branching paths
You can and must do the math

Who will slow down their busy lives
To notice when the storyteller slides
And memories begin to fade
Mixed up in a marriage with age

Who will avoid the storyteller who forgets
How to make consonants and vowels connect
Dots T's and crosses I's
Cellular processes estranged inside

Taking longer and longer to tie and bond
The necessary pieces to respond
Two or three agreed now in dissension
Syndrome effects from sets of conditions

Who will provide ample assistance
As needs and wants claim insistence
Who will pour life into another
Payback paid forward of father and mother

Who will wait way too late
To listen minutely at a higher rate
Then use tears from hidden cries
To cleanse guilt when storyteller dies

Who will when eyes are closed
Never find closure
In the story told by film exposed
To low lights alibied as clothes

Who will marvel as spirit-soul flies
Restless over rivers spanning 'standing divides
Harbinger of the preface to another story
Greeted by choruses of hallelujah glory
Who will regain dimension in mountain fields
The storyteller will

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Agnostics Have Always Believed In God
Unity Consciousness #3062

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzg of 11)

Current thinking is that agnostic means to not believe in God.
If that is true, then Gnostic means to believe in God.
Current Christians, since about 2,000 years ago, seeking world domination, are the Agnostics who were against the Gnostics.
Gnostics believed in God and Gods but simply had some understandings that recent version Christians disagreed with. Then those Christians decided to repeat lies in order to reprogram teach mislead people that their version of God was first, only, infallible and divine by holy white men. Then, using transference, they took the term that applied to them, Agnostics (A-Gnostic), and fanned it back on the Gnostics and called them the Agnostics, so as to get people to presuppose God was their (recent Christian) superior intelligence psuedo-monotheistic idea that rose above paganism worship of animals and Suns and such. Pagan being another intentionally confused abused term. By now we should recognize the pattern of their psychopathology and sociopathology.

Before there was a current-day Christianity Jesus of Nazareth in white face and frail statureness, there was an Equinoctial Christolatry Jesus, before that an Agnostic Jesus, before that a Nazarene Jesus, before that a Chaldean, Phoenician, Arabic, Greek, Latin, Roman Savior, before that a Valentinian Gnostic Jesus, before that a Gnostic Jesus, before that an Egyptian-Gnostic Jesus, before that an Egyptian Jesus, before that a Nile Valley Eschatology Christ, before that a Nile Valley Mythology Ever-Coming One as some of the much earlier forms of Jesus.

How I Know What I Know

Gnosis simply means knowledge and understanding. Gnosis leads back to Knosis which eventually connects us to “ know”.
Gnostic from Khiun-stek which means to investigate and understand what is hidden and revealed in the circle, the system, the ses-tem, thus the Khiun-ses becomes Gnosis.
Khiun-ses becomes Khinu-ses becomes Ghenu-sis becomes “Genesis” and “Genius” and “Genie” and “Khen” and “Khem” and “Kin” and “Keen” and “Time” and “Tion”...
Khiun-stek becomes Khinu-teks becomes Ghinu-tics becomes Genetics and Kinetic (see Tion as in motion and time and Khiun and circle, system).

Monday, December 4, 2023

Maafa Racism, Never A Single Incident,
Always Violent, Always Hate Crime
Unity Consciousness #3061

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzf of 11)

Black People Under Hell's Spells
Unity Consciousness #3060

Be not deceived, Crime does not just mean incident by unrelated incident, each with it's own motive and lone wolf sole actor. There is a type of crime committed by a collective of people that is ongoing, pervasive, pernicious, vicious. That crime is Maafa Racism. The crime of Maafa Racism is part of the worldview context utamawazo and asili of the global population who estrangely do not consider themselves Black, African Black or African American or in no ways fundamentally African or in no ways genetically African with variations. I'm okay with that except the fact of how it causes them to act out of their natural minds and act according to the flaws of denatured attraction.

Through The Twilight Zone Lens

Much discussed is that right now we are living during the time period framed as the twilight (twin light) zone of the Sun's Chemical Formula called Solar System. The Sun is crossing over the galactic equator equalizer, after passing 6,480 years earlier, to the right of the lower northern end of the galactic polar stabilizer (Solar System Christmas). This means Sun and Earth are moving into Great Year Spring (Solar System Easter), which is a large scale climate change compared to the annual Spring when Earth crosses over the Sun's equator. Every time a season changes, climate changes, and does so significantly enough for us to notice and to have to change how and when we do things. The same is necessary when the Climate Changes each Great Year at least four times, but more likely at least twenty-nine times every 25,920 years in keeping with the Ages and their four corner primordial alignments which act as modulators (boosters and reducers).

An episode of the television show called Twilight Zone, explains the crisis of racism is a crisis within racists. It is unavoidable, but it is not unstoppable if we confront them and their thinking (lies) and behaviors. See the episode titled “Replay” starring Sanaa Latham and Damson Idris. Regardless of what this episode's human creators intended, this episode is a microcosm chunk of the essence of Maafa Racism.

Make No Mistake About It, Maafa Racism Is A Special Brand Of Stupidity

Maafa Racism in all forms and degrees are acts of violence which are only possible in a total comprehensive collective system of violence that is only possible if one collective is in favor of violence as part of their primary identity that affords them the means to get whatever they consider to be life's comforts.
In brief, the “Replay” episode is another reminder that we must fundamentally confront, challenge and boycott Maafa Racism inherent in current worldviews, their asilis, their definitions, their meanings, their institutions, their cultures, their traditions, their ways of living.

Maafa Racism is a form of boycott because it stops people, blocks people, slows them down in all areas of people activity. So does evil discrimination So does prejudice. So does injustice. So do the laws and adjudication of laws in societies by their favored groups and butt lick wannabes clamoring to be chief ass kissers and dictation specialists. Maafa Racism is a collective's continuous choosing to stop what is right and do what is wrong. Maafa Racism boycott's it's own ancestral trunk and roots, and then expects to thrive and survive as a miraculous floating family tree.

Past time to Boycott Maafa Racism and all other Infringements of the Rights Of Creation.
See Boycott Definitions, Origins, Meanings & Necessities - #1

Dr Anthony Browder The African Relationship To Christmas And Winter

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Black People Under Hell's Spells
Unity Consciousness #3060

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You are under cold as hell's spells if you go along with the notion that everything in human societies is not about race, when two or more races are involved. Racism means everything is about race. An ism is a syndrome, widespread and ongoing. So, if everything is not about race, then racism does not exist, and only prejudice and generic run of the mill discrimination exists, nothing collective or collusional involved This last sentence, if believed is delusional.

You are a lobotomized fool for agreeing to be a grotesque escapegoat for Maafa Racism.

There cannot be a single incident of racism unless racism is in full force and effect in all institutions and all intentions of the favored group and their suckabe wannabes never gonnabes.

If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

Using the concept of Asili, we can understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

As long as you can control the institutions, you can control the [thinking, thus] behavior of people. - Dr. Bobby E. Wright
This early childhood onset mind control is why, when black people, date, marry, befriend, become teammates and work with people of other races, most of the time those black people lose their blackness (benefit of the doubt, self-respect, self-determination, self-preservation and right to be who they uniquely are, the right to be comfortable in their own skin, the right to call out Maafa Racism).
On the other hand, never do the people of other races find their ancestral blackness or genetic blackness or humanity or develop a non-racist (non-attack mode) worldview and asili, as a result of interacting with black people, no matter how objectively, fairly, decently and non-judgmentally black people treat them.

In summary words, when black people succumb to hell's spells, we being the root, we unwittingly contribute to the continued loss and degradation of humanity as enablers of sick logic used collectively against us. If black people fail, humans will fail, the evidence of which is in every society. And as black people have risen, humans have risen, the evidence of which is in every society.

Another crazy aspect is that black people are following the flawed logic that humans can save the planet, thus save humans; however this saving of humans does not in any way have the intention of saving all humans or saving, healing, repairing and restoring humanity, thus eliminating Maafa Racism and making full reparations in all forms, starting with truths.
On the other hand, if black people focus solely on saving themselves, they will simultaneously save humanity and humans. Earth will save itself from pathogen humans, no matter what we do. Resilience is not primarily a human thing. Very little is.

Perfect example of the need to be woke, 11.25.23, Manager Calls Police On Black Couple Shopping For Christmas Tree, Bigoted Cop Exposed
Comment on above video by @UsikuA: It's called a wake up call to all black people who don't understand Maafa Racism and better learn exactly what it is and stop running around being confused saying I've never been targeted.

Anthony Browder Survival Strategies for Africans in America – 13 Steps To Freedom