If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Right Naturally, When Not Healthy, It's Difficult To Be Happy
Unity Consciousness #3055

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of 11)

I just heard a commercial say, “when you're not healthy, it's difficult to be happy.”

This is another way to understand the behavior of people who use hate as the basis of their happiness, namely Maafa Racists and other favored groups and their wannabes who are favored due to the hate they give in all forms using all institutions of their society. They are Les Misérables Salauds Et Salopes, which explains their true condition, their two condition, their teru condition, which explains the unhealthiness of their loves and their lives, the optimal optimal Karma Love of their suboptimal suboptimal Makheru Love..

This also reminds me of people in general who, not being healthy, do not have the inner and overall sense of beingness well-being that is happiness. Therefore, as a replacement and substitute, they seek “having fun” to replace “having happiness” which is “having health.” This “having fun” mentality is almost always seeking engaging in some sort of activity outside of self that is not connected to an optimal optimal destinypurpose, but rather is just something to temporarily do, to create a good satisfying feeling of existence. Thus we see the outward focus of having fun to replace the inner focus of happiness and health. We seek to be entertained rather than seeking to inner attain the reasons we came here in the first place.

Thus, another version of the statement is: it is difficult to be healthy when not being happy due to not being engaged in the manifesting of optimal optimal destinypurposes, but instead are engaged in the pursuit of things just to have a few basic needs and engaged in optimal suboptimal destintypurposes, suboptimal suboptimal destinypurposes, and suboptimal optimal destinypurposes that the society has programmed us to think are acceptable uses of the genetic potential of self and the genetic potential of other natural world creations.
These energy resource expenditures distract from optimal optimal destinypurposes, makes understandings of “what happiness is,” out of order and out of whack, knocks lives and loves off track, all because our genetic potential usage fundamentally saps what strengthens and creates the harmonic conditions of health among the four inseparable aspects of self.

Thus not only is it “difficult to be happy when you're not healthy, it's impossible.”

And this is why, many people who have the things we seek, are still unhappy and still unhealthy, including those we praise as great achievers and goats. This is because, anything short of optimal optimal knowledge of self and all else, always leaves us with a sense of something's missing, a feeling which we rapidly seek to replace and fill in with the quickest and easiest things available. This then makes it easy to be unhealthy and unhappy, which is why societies are filled with unhealthy people in all four inseparable aspects of self, which is why societies, due to their very nature are like dynamite at the end of a lit fuse, that the members of the society, by the contributory nature of their thinking and behavior, keeps lit by aiding and abetting, in hopes this will improve their societal lives and extend the life of the society. Again, this is impossible, unless you consider the growth and spread of cancer as an improvement and extension of cellular life. The only way for a society to be formed is for the people to be deformed by seeking disparate rights rather than inherent rights. Thus they live disparate lives filled with disparate loves, which is the same as desperate rights, lives and loves, thus leaving little to no room for healthy productions of happiness, thus the reduction to having fun.
The only way for a society to continue to exist is for the supermajority of humans to continue to gladly contribute to the sickness and death end of the abyss while squeezing out bits of superficial artificial happiness.

Briefly put, the wants we seek to make life presupposedly sweet and not boring, far outweigh the needs we seek to make this life realistically complete and enduring.

What is your society seeking?
What does your society want?
What does your society need?
Guarantee you your society, based on what it seeks, is unhealthy and unhappy; therefore, so also will you be if you are patriotic and matriotic to what your society manifests through the supermajority of citizens carrying out societal thinking and behavior rather than rights of creation natural world thinking and behavior. This is the only way to be right naturally healthy, right naturally happy, right naturally living, right naturally loving and right naturally freed through energy applied towards optimal optimal destinies.
Guarantee you your optimal optimal destinypurposes are not the same thing as what the society needs you to capitulate to in order to fuel feudalism rebranded as capitalism with the slogan, get your democracy and freedom here, health and happiness elsewhere.
These truths are self-evident prevalent proofs.
Happy people, healthy nation, called civilization.
Unhealthy nation, sick people everywhere with happiness replaced by healthcare because resources are not shared, called society.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Two Loves Of My Life In The 2nd Degree
Unity Consciousness #3054

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy of 11)

1. Makheru Love is love given, the true voice, the two voice, the balanced voice of Existence that expresses itself mostly in proportions other than 50-50 in this mostly fixed-shape container, thus manifests in dynamic balance, which means it automatically adjusts to sets of conditions. The balanced voice of Priestence expresses itself mostly in 50-50 proportion where all things are in harmony in this mostly shape-shifting container.
The Existence half of Makheru Love is the original optimal version of conditional love. The subopitmal version is a human manifestation that loves only if, and only when, certain conditions exist that fulfill my wants and needs. The optimal version varies love to each according to need. There is no variation in conditional love in the Priestence half of Makheru Love because there is only one condition, balanced harmony.
a) True means the teru voice that exists in, and expresses itself to, the limit of the waters-based substance (the universe, the nuiverse).
Teru (Teriu) is the same word for Number Two (2) and Number Three (3).
b) Thus true means that which expresses the totality, the entirety, the complete picture, each side.
c) Ma-Shu is also Ur-Ma-Shu is Mashuur is Mashuru is Makhuru is Makheru.
d) Ma-Shu is also the Ma-Ru-Shu is Marukhe is Charukhe is Cherokee is Makheru.
e) Urma and Maur become Ursa, Urta, Taurt, Earth, Ertha, Heart, Court, Khart, Cart, Creator, Forth, Fourth, Birth, Neter, Root, Rut, Mayor, More, Alma, Elmo and so on.
f) Makheru Love is primarily the natural world that gives love to itself. This is the first half of the iunsurance policy that, like the second half, ensures continuous variations forming sets of conditions coexisting in dynamic balance as coincidences. Just remember:
humans are part of the natural world
the healthiest definitions and meanings of life and love are almost entirely the result of all things non-human
the basic human task is to properly match these rhythms of love, rhythms of life.

2. Karma Love is re-expanded and reoriented to Karuma is Kharmau is Kheruma is Makheru, love returned to sender, love received that is a payback forward. Karma Love is rarely equal to love given and rarely equal to love in the two extremes. Love (life) exists mostly between the solstices and equinoxes and only briefly in the middle. Karma Love only sometimes comes directly back and only sometimes comes immediately back.
a) Karma Love is primarily the natural world that receives love from itself. This is the second half of the nuinsurance policy that, like the first half, spreads love, spreads life continuously, with no lapses in coverage.

3. By The Way, both Makheru Love and Kharma Love are subject to the same responses.
a) When accepted and taken per granted, love is respected.
b) When accepted and taken for granted, love is neglected.
c) When rejected and taken per granted, love is misshapen.
d) When rejected and taken for granted, love is forsaken.

Quick review: As shown in an earlier message, the Three Loves Of My Life In The 3rd Degree, love is currently and primarily understood as something only humans do and only humans are capable of. Thus human expressions of love are mostly devoid of natural sense, thus manifestations of life, are also severely skewed (b - d above). Love in the 2nd degree is primarily a much needed non-human nutrient-rich infusion into our toxic confusion. Love in the 3rd Degree is Life in the 3rd Degree. This is why we are living lesser lives than natural love intends. We move a step closer acting out Love and Life in the 2nd Degree and acting in Love and Life in the 2nd Degree.

Humans In Societies Are Problematic Problem Addicts

Conceiving love from a mostly and primarily human perspective is problematic because humans are 100% natural world creations with a variation that creates humans. This is why knowledge of self must include knowledge of all else. Knowledge of self is Karma Knowledge, while knowledge of all else is Makheru Knowledge. Because humans insist on being human, as if that is a major separation from the rest of the natural world and a superior identification, this causes humans to be problematic and problem addicts because we can't stop ourselves from thinking we are something different in the sense of not being the same, thus we are mostly estranged from the rest of the natural world, thus think and behave in mostly strange ways in relation to the rest of the natural world, thus in relation to each other, because our love of self is abusive to self because our knowledge of self is abusive to the natural world, which is us 100%. We are addicted to the logic that afflicts us. This explanation is a corroboration of the main point intentionally obscured and confused by DNA Testing Results, and to some extent, the Human Genome Project itself. The Human Genome is the Natural World Genome In Human Form and the Human Variation of the Natural World Genome. If you are 100% human, then you are 100% African with 100% Black Ancestors in the trunk and root of your family tree and you are 100% Primate, 100% Mammal, 100% Animal and 100% Natural World, thus by extension and expansion, you are 100% superhuman, but this has been suppressed by the excessive intrusive ecosystem abusive human orientation, which is why human expressions of love in societies is mostly abusive love to self and all else. We HARM ourselves because our KAU has not matured (has been reborn deformed, de-formed of its true form, its two form, de-informed).

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Psyche Analysis Psychoanalysis Of Coach Prime's Dress Rehearsal
Unity Consciousness #3053

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzx of 11)

Deion, We Not Gon' Let You Fail, But First We Must Tell A Tale
Humans, We Not Gon' Let You Fail, But First We Must Re-tell the Tale
Earth, We Not Gon' Let You Fail, But First We Must Reset the Scale

This is not the first message relating to Deion Sanders, and as usual, this is far less about Deion Sanders and the Colorado Buffaloes and more about bigger things such as the human population, the Earth System population, the Solar System population and the Galaxy System population. These can be monitored to help us compare small to the large, below to above, and inside to outside, in order to continue to refine our reckonings of time, what's going on and what we need to do, must do, most do, mest do, best do. This is my primary and main interest in Coach Prime in Boulder Colorado because human behavior is one of many types of harbingers of superhuman behavior, and the other way around.

Summary: Essentially, what's taking place right now, for Deion, is a dress rehearsal, a season of spring games, live skirmishes external and internal with various types of opponents external and internal. Next season is the official beginning of show time in the “Big Time”. This is why deep scrutiny is needed now before next season arrives.

Coach Prime says the Offensive Line will be replaced! | #ThePrimeDebate

Per https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugiYciv3H9w
On 11.11.23, I posted this comment:
“Overall I love Coach Prime to life. It is counterproductive for us to give him a pass on this season's performance by measuring against the lowest level of performance of 1-11 last year. Thank you guys for not being the same clouded judgment commentators as all those channels that have direct access to the Buffaloes and are essentially rah-rah marketers first and football analysts and interviewers last, yet attempt to present the opposite illusion like Wizards of Oz. Fans, like me who say what you are saying on this video, but say it on other channels are branded as not knowing what they are talking about and essentially belittled, even though the fundamentals of trying something different are not being applied significantly enough and hurriedly enough by Coach Prime. How about putting defensive linemen and linebackers in to pass block? Put those on special teams in there because they should be hungry to play and not afraid to hit someone.”

Flat Out Ridiculous

Too bad college and professional sports try to make the game seem more complicated than it is. Due to having dozens more coaches, coordinators, assistants, analysts, scouts, trainers, managers and support staff, they assume their process is automatically made better, instead of being equally susceptible to being unwieldy (fragmented with broken or inefficient links), unnecessarily complicated, susceptible to group think sink, slow to react and representative of convolution to be figured out rather than evolution to be followed out.

Here is what does not guarantee clarity or a sufficient thought process: being on the inside, having a front row seat, being a fly on the wall, being an elephant in the room, having your ear to the horse's mouth or being a firsthand witness.
Closeness can produce clarity but it can also cause blindness, or at least, blind spots, loss of perspective. Closeness must be paired with a distant view, nearsightedness with farsightedness.

Coach Prime and his media mouthpieces use their inside access to discount information from outside sources. This is a common fundamental flaw that fails due to the faulty notion that there is only one way of knowing and that inside access is the best way of knowing, yet this presupposition about inside access fails to account for logic weaknesses that can nullify or decrease the benefits of inside access. In other words, inside access can be made less effective due to faulty components of the process. It only takes one fault. Remember the small faults of logic that caused two space shuttles to explode.

To treat inside access as the automatic epitome of understanding invalidates anyone being able to tell or teach anyone anything because no person lives in the skin, life, mind, spirit and emotions of another, therefore do not have inside access, therefore only the individual can know what's best for themselves. Nobody else can know what they are talking about in regards to someone else.

Press Conferences Reveal A Lot Of Thought

Today, 11.11.23, in the post game press conference after the 34 to 31 loss to Arizona, Deion again got snippy snappy, short and curt with reporters. He said they were second guessing his decisions. He is upset that people are deeply into what's going on, yet he has decided to put a lot of what's going on in the street. He said the reason they didn't run the ball on third and one in the fourth quarter [at about 9:30 left to play] is because they didn't have a running game for this situation as determined by practice, yet he decided to run the ball on second and two and several other times prior. His explanation doesn't match. Where is the jumbo package? Where is the tush push? Where is the quick screen to Xavier or Travis? Where is the end around to Xavier?
If there is no change in the speed of adjustments, losses could continue this year and get worse next year, even with more better players. Just as parenting is always part of the problems children display, so also coaching is always responsible. Deion must not overlook the fact that his coaches must be dawgs and leaders, and so also must every other member of the staff, including the cooks, the grounds crew, the equipment managers and so on.

Based on close game losses, Coach Prime is not making enough immediate adjustments to make up for lack of skill and execution to fit the set of conditions at that exact moment.

You can be honest about a person's shortcomings and still love them. There are enough people who refuse to tell Coach Prime like it is, and/or, Coach Prime ain't trying to hear it. Of course we see all the good but it is a disservice to not point out the mistakes and make suggestions about adjustments that many other coaches make in football and other sports to minimize their weaknesses and maximize their strengths. Too many people, especially insiders, are giving Coach Prime too much tender love and not enough tough love. Coach Prime gives both to his players, staff and children. Coach Prime should welcome being held to the highest standard so that he can understand that he also must be better at managing everyone and better at managing each moment, because the task is a great task. The task is not to win with better players, this is too easy, but rather the great task is to be better and help players be better in order to win at life, just as he says. This requires continuous self-improvement as a person, coach, father, friend, etc. Perhaps he needs a copilot head coach who can monitor the pulse of the game and suggest adjustments from that perspective, in the same way that Moses had Joshua.

Deion is okay with asking players what did they see, but has become increasing intolerant of media asking him what did he see, what was he thinking.
I will continue to pull for Deion, even if his five years at Colorado are average. If Deion wants to help people in untold ways, he must admit he also struggles. This will open the door to receive what is necessary to overcome and help his family, staff, players and fans. He is not ashamed to mention his divorces and attempted suicide, getting beat on pass plays and embarrassed by Bo Jackson at least once. Now he must admit, that in the football arena where he has accomplished much, there are personal challenges for him to overcome, much to learn as a head coach. Most people don't know how to overcome, and this is another important benefit of Coach Prime owning up to decisions before, during and after games. Right now, based on his responses to media, his hindsight assessment seems to be deactivated and he is saying he did the best he could do in that situation because there was only one option and he used it.

Because Deion recently made it a point to restate that he did not get rid of a lot of players and that most of them chose to leave, perhaps he has allowed, the weight of scrutiny about roster turnover to cause him to be too slow about continuing to make necessary rapid changes before, during and after each game, and has been hoping to get by with teensy weensy changes.
It is a false notion that just because you have more parts, faster parts, stronger parts, that there is a different or new set of fundamentals that apply. Football is Football. Sports are another form of the game of life. Same fundamentals apply. Life is life. The same basic needs apply.

Proverbs 10:17 - He is in the way of life that keepeth instruction: but he that refuseth reproof erreth.
Proverbs 12:1 - Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.
Proverbs 15:10 - Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die.
Proverbs 15:32 - He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul: but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding.
Proverbs 17:10 - A reproof entereth more into a wise man than an hundred stripes into a fool.

The most reliable source of reproof is self-reproof that comes from one's own spirit, if you will listen to it and follow it. In the absence of this, the road is treacherous and deceiving regarding who to listen to and follow.

In his post Arizona press conference at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCzOSfHmGLI Deion says they don't know how to win yet. He has said this before. Yet in this most recent press conference he says everyone is doing a phenomenal job. He says he doesn't need a pat on the back [minute 13] yet he asks reporters to start with praise before questioning his decisions. Yet he preaches accountability. Yet he seems overwhelmed or annoyed by scrutiny, questions, criticisms and shuts people down in press conferences, but doesn't do the same when media lavishes praise upon him. This is dangerous because it indicates a limited sphere in relation to the situation, circumstances, conditions and task. This can reduce or prevent self-inspection (evaluative thinking), thus self-correction (appropriate behavioral change), thus self-improvement, thus team improvement. Overconfidence is always dangerous. Many have perished due to overconfidence that ignores warning signs of faults somewhere in the process, especially in the logic being used every step of the way.
When asked about game management, Deion said “I'm not perfect” but then essentially said (paraphrased) if you knew all the inside conversations taking place during games, you'd have a different perspective about what was going on. His frequent narrative seems to be more on the players falling short than always also on the coaches falling short. I believe a player or team can fall short once and it not be a coaching mistake; however, if it happens again, it is definitely a coaching mistake to not make the necessary changes, or at least not putting the same players in the same situations or the team in the same situation when other things around you are changing and the other team is changing faster and more frequently than you.
Once Deion removes imperfections of self-perception from his repertoire of go to tried and true logic, there is no stopping him in this endeavor. He says losing and quit are not in him and he promises we're going to get there. I say the biggest danger is losing sight of self-awareness and self-appraisal. He says we have to be a lot more disciplined and stand up to the task on every darn play. Again, I suspect this is aimed almost entirely at players and their focus and execution, rather than himself, all other coaches, coordinators, analysts and what have yous who are or should be involved in every second of game management.
In the Arizona press conference his leaning forward arms closed posture means he is closed and guarded and less animated and more agitated by questions. He did this some in the Oregon State press conference, but in the Arizona press conference it seemed tighter and held longer and not released and got tighter when asked about the last two games and making it to a bowl game [minute10].
This player accountability focus was repeated as recently as 11.15.23 in the Colorado Football Coaches Show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBWZYyYNK9k . At 56:50 in this show, he says he won't lie to us. I say this might be the intent but the execution depends on not lying to self in those private conversations and thoughts.

I will be surprised and disappointed if significant coaching and coaching philosophy adjustments are not made going into the 2024 spring game because I hope what we are hearing and not hearing is due to having to walk a fine line about what you say when you are the coach and when you have captivated and invited the world to watch more of your moves than any other coach.
I see a parallel in the Serena Williams allegory, who, I strongly suspect, if she had admitted to being nervous the first or second time asked, she would have won several more championships. She did not seem to fully grasp that it was less about her and more about the additional good she could inspire in others despite already having achieved much.

Deion says he makes decisions based on knowledge, facts and tremendous wisdom. He says his staff is not at odds, he doesn't play that; however, there are indicators that say his self-perception is at odds with reality, that he must not allow to be his Achille's heel or the chink in his armour or the weakest link.. This is common among all humans due to misinformation and weakness that inhibits change. Only better information, strengthening and a fuller range of essential nutrients can overcome these things. This includes getting enough sleep (waking up naturally without an alarm clock) and a nap if necessary. A crammed schedule everyday is not good for anyone. There must be free time and free space. Otherwise, something(s) will suffer, be less efficient, such as nightly mind defragmentation.
The task before Deion is the same task for all of us, including also for the greater gods. The task is continuous improvement in knowledge of self in macro ways and micro ways, macro areas and micro areas. Deion is close, but one of his pitot tubes is blocked, causing false readings. A pitot tube is a little thing but it can cause big problems. All individuals and collectives must find and remove each fly in the ointment resulting in disappointment. In piloting a plane, once airborne, the first four fundamentals are aviate, attitude, altitude, airspeed. Despite this truth, it is forgotten far too often which results in disaster.
In other words, Deion must continue to work out the bugs in his programming, especially the Elmer Fudd and Wile Coyote Bug that is too slow to change in relation to the task at hand, thus came close but might as well have been far away.
In life, as well as sports, definitely one of the fundamentals is “adjust.” Other basics are likely attitude, consistency, adjust, seek alternatives, improvise, implement/operate, prepare.
Coach Prime preaches consistency, but by now we know that the type of consistency needed is not practice that makes perfect, but consistent improvements in practice that makes perfect. Be certain to understand that practice is everything the entire team does collectively and individually before, during and after each game. Also, each play in a game is essentially a practice play that must be used to inform the next play.

Deion Luwynn Sanders at Boulder Colorado Buffaloes is a metaphor for Khiun Ma-Shu-Kepheus at the poles who has also been developing in perceived darkness. What is it going to take for these star constellations as the big dog-faced ape to bring about small, medium and large changes and align them to bring about climate change among humans consistent with climate change taking place in the rest of the natural world?
Human thinking and behavior is a delayed reaction to what the superhuman has already experienced and figured out. So as long as Deion remains in touch with the resonance and reasonings of well-rooted spirit guidance, he will follow the right course of corrective actions and understand this as continuous and dynamic, rather than only sometimes and static.
The greater gods go through the same things as their creation because they are their creations. Those who have been asleep in christ (Karest) have been moving slowly, but upon awakening, must remember the need to and how to increase their momentum through the stages of scoot, crawl, walk, run. The greater gods have also been denigrated, called out their name and placed last after being first of all. The incoming Ages represent significant shifts, and so do Deion Sanders and the Buffaloes. Because the Gods of the Ages use any and every means necessary, they will succeed in changing climates, but it up to Deion to lead the way in Colorado, as his sports heroes have done. Either way, the Ages will continue to use many others because reality is a shared responsibility.

12.01.23 Update

On 11.16.23, after saying they can't run the ball to get one yard versus Arizona, this week vs Washington State, Coach says he's committed to the run. I say hopefully this is one of several changes that Coach will make this week. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1GdnDa5Rbc

Update 11.21.23 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGkdYihPlkQ Deion said, when he makes a move he doesn't look back on it, he has made similar statements, this to me skirts the dangerous zone of not having self-reflection, hindsight and review, even though most decisions are non-linear and branching, thus causing choosing the right path to be an imperfect art of trial and error and rewind, that can be improved through reflection, correction, perfection.
Deion said, the gift that I have is knowing people and getting the best out of people and knowing what they're capable of and what they're not capable of and trying to put them in the proper positions to excel and exceed all expectations and just pushing them to the point that they are that person they desire to be ...
I hope that applies even more fully to himself and that his self-assessment is thorough. One way of knowing is the first half of next year's season. Another way is for Deion to simply say something to the effect of, I made some mistakes on the field and off the field, I've figured out where I went wrong and made the necessary corrections.

In reference to the Washington State loss, Coach Prime said, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7j3CsclrA8 we practiced hard this week and prepared like no other and to display a performance like that is not indicative of who we are, what we are and how we are.
I say Colorado's performance is indicative of not being able to play complementary football in none of the games, yet were still able to win four of them. Coach Prime continues to say he has not seen his team quit. I say, of course you haven't seen them quit because you have to start to fight in order to quit fighting. You can't just show up, get in the ring and expect to go through the motions against an opponent. During each game, at least two of the three phases have sat back and taken the day off in cruise control, which is lose control. Coach Prime said [after 11 games mind you], I'm still trying to figure out our identity, trying to figure out who we are in turbulent times, and I still don't know after all these weeks. I say Coach Prime should apply all that he says about the team, to himself and see if it fits and makes sense. Something is wrong at the core, the fundamentals and at the head.

But wait a minute! On 11.21.23 Coach Prime said [as early as the fourth game versus Oregon], he knew who they were, their shortcomings and needs. I say, earlier this week I described this season as a disaster. I will be more specific to say it was more of a coaching disaster than a player performance disaster and lack of skill disaster. Coaches should at least be able to optimize what they have and not keep doing the same things on and off the field and using the same combinations of personnel. AS a coach, leader, business owner, parent, god, you must take the least amount of credit and the greatest amount of blame. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56qeWTWeaG4

Coach Prime has said we've come close in many games, we are right there. I say it's one thing to be close and progressing, but an entirely different thing to be close simply due to hanging on for dear life, and as each moment passes, weakening, slipping, falling, never gaining ground and pulling yourself up as if your life depended on it.

After the third practice of Fall Camp on August 4, 2023 for the Colorado Buffaloes football team https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Os71rA5CqaU (min 5:30) Deion said he doesn't change. I say, even though this statement was in response to a specific question, after now the 11th game of the season, that his “I don't change” response likely applies to a large set of his logic, including not changing and adjusting his coaching logic, preparation logic and game logic.
[min 18:50] Deion said, “...I've been him, a difference maker, a game changer, I've been that guy, so what would change now that I'm coaching, now a darn thing.”

After the fourth game, which was a loss to Oregon, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-ypXwFu6-0, Deion said the truth shall set you free. He said other things about accountability and the running game that seems to have been abandoned as the season continued. Even in the post Oregon presser, he contradicts himself by saying we have to run the ball and then says, we have to be able to run the ball in order to commit to it. I say, I guess we have to run the ball is not the same as committing to running.

Update 11.25.23 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Klt6xjn_BE8 [min 15:30] Deion said he could not grow if he did not go through what we went through this season and that he could not prosper if he didn't glean from what transpired this season. He said he could not be who he is if he did not have these tasks at hand. He said I'm truly thankful, this is not the first challenge he's had life and he knows how he finishes and how this is going to end. [min 16:15] he said everyone would be evaluated, including himself. This is the main thing I'm looking for in the off-season, spring season and next season to see how plainly Coach Prime publicly places the blame upon himself and do the things necessary to self-improve.

Update 12.23.23

An interview with Deion “Coach Prime” Sanders, Minute 8, Coach Prime basically said the things he could have done differently were (1) the process and selection of those he allows around him and in the locker room, including staff, (2) making sure he is more hands on with everything, every decision, from the uniforms to what transpires on the field, thus, “I could have been a little more hands on.” [the qualifier “little” is interesting, but hopefully not telling about the degree of adjustments that must be made.] (3) have the right people in place to listen to and talk to the kids and put them first so they can say whatever they need to say and be unapoligetically who they are and become professionals off and on the field. I suspect this has something to do with the pressures of schoolwork and managing self in a disciplined way away from mom and dad. [obviously this interview was a carefully orchestrated pre-rehearsed infomercial to the players and fanbase who are invested as much as fans can be.] This interview helps position them for the second portal window. It also addresses the most crucial need: self-reflection, self-analysis and acceptance of responsibility. What I'm looking for at least two more times is a short and simple plainly stated acceptance of the blame [like Mike Tomlin does] for anything that falls short of “expectations.”

Majors FLIPS & Signees for the CLASS OF 2024 | #NightShift, Minute -2.32.25, A caller and Coach Hayes acknowledges the importance of Deion recognizing that he needs to be more hands on with players, coaches, play calling, scheming, adjustments.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Three Loves Of My Life In The 3rd Degree
Unity Consciousness #3052

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzw of 11)

1. Love
2. Tender Love
3. Tough Love