If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Neter-Kars, Waters, Ovens & Jars Transform Elementals
Unity Consciousness #1530


(Part 9ph of 11)

As discussed in UC#1482, Karua or Kalua is a lake, or some other water-source. Later branching forms are: Aur, Aru, Aul, Alu as describing the river. (BB 31-3/42-4, 188/200, 375/387)

To go along with water, we also have the oven and the jar.

Layers Of Language

Khan is a name of water and other liquids. Kara-Khan is a water-jar used for cooking, (BB 494/506)
Karr, Krrat is an oven ; Akh is fire, and Khan, the carrier. (BB 495/507)
Karr-akh would be a fire-oven, and with the KH modified into H, this would be the Karh, or Karau, Egyptian names for the jar, with the sign of cooking by fire, or of distilling. (BB 494/506)
Karhu is a later version of the Khan, Karkh, Kara-Khan
Neter-Kar as the underworld can be viewed as oven, water and jar where the nighttime sun bakes and transforms elementals. Conversely, the other part of double earth is where we are which can be viewed as the stovetop where the daytime sun cooks and transforms elementals.
One of the main understandings of Kar is that it is the source of water whether from the underworld below or the overworld above. Humans perceived the water from below as the source of life, all elements, all forces (spirits and souls as powers 2B). The Nun becomes Kar became Akhar became Neter-Kar became Tanan or Tanen* becomes Amenta. The Great Sphinxes guard this secret. (AE1 399/409, 412/422, 458/468), (AE2 636/100)

We know all waters are part of Kar, the Circle. Waters fill most of the circle and waters divide the circle. The earliest divisions are divisions by water.
Tanen or Tanan or Tann are additional names for the underworld.
Tana means to divide. The epitome type of river of the division is the celestial Nile, the Iarutana (Eridanus). The Iaru-tana is the Karu-tana. The Hebrew version is River Jordan (Kartan). (NG2 164/172, 449/457)

As said many times, for the past 13,000 years, Earth has been traveling through the underworld of the Dark Ages of Amenta of the Great Year. We have crossed the lower Kar celestial Nile waters. Many waters and many rivers we have crossed and many baptisms and transformations have taken place on Earth, in Earth, in the solar system and in the creations in these Kars. (BB 192/204), (NG1 549/567)

It was time for our descension and renewal. Now it is time for our ascension through the twinlight twilight zone and above the great year horizon, the equinox. Earth and Solar System are phoenixes rising. Many awakenings are taking place in the evolution of elemental genetic potential in all things. Places we know little about have been hidden and are now being revealed such as the underworlds of water, subterranean, celestial bodies, Antarctica, Sahara and other deserts. And that is only the macro. This then indicates a transformation of places that are not deserts, becoming deserts by heat, cold or being submerged. Trading places is the norm. Likely some lands will rise above the waters. We should expect a new mix of elementals, thus a new set of conditions, thus renewed understandings in most species, but not in every member. Thus as usual, in with the old, out with the new. (NG1 293/303)

Not only does “tana,” water and the change of elementals facilitate division, they also facilitate revolt-solutions (revolutions) that burst forth, overflow and break free from containments.

Tan leads to Tank, no matter how shaped or where located.
The divisions of waters above and below merge in the Nile as Lake Tana and Atbara merge with that which is poured forth by Tanganyika and Ukerewe. Lake Tan, Tana or Tanu is short for Ta-nuter or Ta-neter, the land of the gods. Tana has a connection to the crowning of a king and Kepheus is the Ethiopian King. In other words, the King of the Gods, the Holy Spirit Ra. With each ascension comes another dynasty.
We should not discount the role of any body or form of liquid essence on Earth, in Earth, in heaven or inside us or inside any creation. This time around also includes all forms of air along with the flipsides of both primordials as secondary manifestations. (BB 212/224)

More Name Calling

Tanen or Tanan or Tann not only apply to the underworld, they are also names for the goddess and god of the underworld.
The feminine of Tanan is Danan or Hathor of the Moon.
The masculine of Tanan is Ptah-Tanan or Dis Pater, who is an earlier form of Osiris.
The solar race of elemental souls of life were begotten from pater as father Ptah-Tanan.
By inference the lunar race were born of Hathor-Tanan and the stellar race born of the Great Bear and the elemental race born of the abyss waters of Nun or Typhon or nowadays called Aquaria. (Churchward: Origin 433), (NG2 635-6/99-100)

*Thus we can tentatively infer that Mdw Ntr existed prior to Amenta, This makes this form of writing at least a couple of great years old. Yet a fool believes writing didn't exist that long ago. (Churchward: Origin 315)

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Churchward, Albert, "The Origin & Evolution Of Religion," George Allen & Unwin Ltd., (London:1924)

Differences Between Gravitation & Gravity Then & Now
Unity Consciousness #1529


(Part 9pg of 11)

There's something seriously wrong with Isaac Newton's and Albert Einstein's Laws Relating To Gravitation & Gravity.

This message tries to avoid as much scientific jargon as possible and does not claim to have studied the topic to the Nth degree; however, most introductory explanations on the subject just don't add up. This is enough to know something is wrong.

Here's What The Current Collective “Science” Community Says

1. Every particle attracts every other particle in the universe with a force directly proportional to the product of their masses.
2. Gravity is a force of attraction that exists between any two objects.

My Understanding Based On What The Ancients Say

If there is an attractive force, there must also be a force of repulsion. We already know this in terms of positive and negative charges within atoms, thus wherever attraction is a force, so also must be its opposite. To say this another way, if gravity is totally defined as the force of attraction, then the complementary yang, repulsive force should be called anti-gravity. There is no way to properly understand something without understanding its complement, its reciprocal. If there is pull, there must be push.
It doesn't take extensive study to recognize gravity is part of a tug of war of forces.

As often said, once we understand one metaphor fundamentally, then we have the basis for understanding other metaphors.
As the metaphor grows to three parts, or four parts or more, we still have to maintain the metaphor, by adding more parts to the mix of oneness.
In this manner, when we are on the right track, the metaphor will apply to anything and everything.
First there was one circle and all things had to maintain balance in order to maintain integrity of the circle. Gravity was present
Because everything is in motion and everything occupies space, then there must be a way to maintain motion and spacing when needed, and then to also allow objects to come together and occupy the same space or displace each other. This is true whether the object is moving due to its own energy or the energy of something else. This is also true when objects are moving at varying rates of motion, even up to point of relatively standing still.

The proper definition of gravity will apply to all things in all circles. The purpose of gravitation and gravity must be for the entire circle. Same must be true for all smaller circles, including atoms, cells, Earths, etc. Same must be true for all objects, because all objects are circles, no matter how shaped.

We are told gravity causes us fall to earth because of Earth's attractive force.
Yet neither Earth nor us, nor Mercury are pulled into the Sun, despite the Sun's enormity and attractive force.
Moons are not pulled into planets or suns.
Binary stars are not pulled one, into the other, even when one is clearly larger.

The Solar System is a circle that functions same as other circles. Are orbits roads, grooves, ruts, channels? How do planets stay in the same orbit* that changes distance from each other while each planet is moving at different speeds and while the solar system is moving around the galaxy?
We talk about being sucked into black holes, but it is more likely Earth and us and spaceships will be sucked into the sun or into other planets or moons or even other stars before being sucked into the center of the galaxy. Everything has an event horizon and an escape velocity, even atoms and even your cells, and even your body when you lift your feet to walk or jump. Air has an escape velocity called a dew point.. There is an event horizon called a frost line, and a boiling point, a melting point, a freezing point, breaking points and many more that go by different sounding names but fundamentally mean the same thing.

Once an object enters into the gravitational attractive force of Earth it will fall to Earth until it meets a substance that can support its weight without that object being in motion or being lifted or made buoyant by another energy. One or more conditions must be able to offset the attractive force.

Gravitation, gravity, density, mass, volume, weight, space, time, pressure, tension, resistance, attraction, repulsion strong force, weak force, electromagnetism and more, all must agree. As used in current science, they do not.

And this is why we have not yet figured out how enormous stones and monuments were moved and lifted and balanced. Brute force is the hardest way. We are still using brute force today, but we hide it behind machines. In essence, we are fighting against gravity, rather than understanding how to make adjustments for different objects in different substances.

What we know overall, continues to hold true. These are suboptimal times. Most of the understandings we have today are not optimal. There are absolutely better, more efficient ways.

Everything goes back to the beginning, the origin and must tie into it, and does.
Gravity is Kravity is Karvity. Gravity must be based on Kar, Khar, Kal & Khal, Ar & Al.

*Vibration frequency of the gridlines of latitute and longitude of the Galactic Circle.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Symbolism Of Rams & Patriots, Superbowl LIII
Unity Consciousness #1528


(Part 9pf of 11)

As always, we are seeking to connect more parts of truth in order to form a more complete picture of understanding how everything is related.

It took intervention, beyond human players and human referees, in order for the Rams and Patriots to be in the superbowl. Otherwise it really should have been Saints and Chiefs.


“Patriot” comes from pater, which means father. For most of the past several hundred years, “patriot” has an unfavorable meaning; however, in the most recent of times, patriot has been used as doublespeak to get people to feel favorable about nations which hold their citizens in disfavor (as pawns who will do anything to serve and protect the monarchy). Recent use of patriot is subtle ridicule of someone who pledges allegiance to one-sidedness, the pater, the father, the masculine. Think of patriot as pater + idiot, except the id is absent.

“PA” is breath, wind, soul that protects, supports, nourishes, bears, carries and pregnancy. Based on this, we know the first Pa was Ma, the mother. Later on, Pa became male and father. In the recent thousands of years, at the societal level, Pa as masculine, has not done a good job of protecting, supporting and nourishing the society. Due to a superiority complex over any other truth, Pa's human manifestation of logic has inflicted harm on anything and everything across all inner lands and hinterlands. (BB 240-2/252-4), (NG1 548/566)


Ra is holy spirit, the sum of all parts of all elementals. Ra is Ar. This mirror image combo is mother and child. Ar is Star. Star is Kar.
M , in this instance, is the mother out front. (NG!195/213)
The it gets deeper when we realize M for (Mam) and B for (Bab and Babe) are signs of first and second, one and two. (NG1198-9/216-17)
Ram or Lion represent male pubescence. One of the names of the Ram is Ba, which relates to Baba and Bata, both of which are the pubescent male child who was the first father as the bull of the mother. This is Kepheus who is Aethiopian King Obatala, Shu-Tefnut, Wind & Water primarily, Heat & Earth secondarily. (NG1 45/63, 102/120, 252-3/270-1), (NG2 200/208, 218/226)

Other Rams

1. Ram -headed crocodile, dragon, serpent or hippopotamus of Sebek-Ra, child of the mother. Sebek-Ra and Amen-Ra are the twins who are a later form of Osiris, the father being renewed and transformed in Amenta into the prepubescent, then the pubescent. Osiris was likely Draconis, then Sebek-Ra was Jackal, the prepubescent. Now the ram-headed bull, Amen-Ra, is Kepheus, the pubescent. (BB 33/46, 43-5/55-7), (NG2 334/342), (AE1 302/312)

Ra is the soul of life in the sun. Both Sebek-Ra and Amen-Ra are two phases of the nocturnal sun in the hidden underworld. This time around, this form of the sun is more representative of child and mother. (AE2 565-6/29-30, 579/43), (BB 45/57,130/142), (Churchward: Origin 290/510)

2. Ram is one of the symbols of the Khiser, the rising ruler. Forms of the word are Kheser, Seser, User, Ser, Tsar, Caesar, Kaiser, Tzer, Af-ra. (BB 214-15/226-7)

3. During the most recent Age of Aries and Age of Jackal, both were symbols of the Ram. Multiple events took place that changed human logic, especially regarding, the ever-coming one, prince of peace, karest, karu, heru, hero, savior, caveat, cave-at, cave+uat, cave-iot, khi-ot, griot. Kepheus, the Dog-Faced Ape, is now at hand as the pubescent form of Jackal (Dog), who got this partly started. (NG2 333-44/341-2)


The word combatant comes from the same root as compatriot.
The Universe, Galaxy, Solar System and Earth are forms of a Super Bowl where “Fights Of All Types, Everywhere For All Times Continue.”
The Patriots represent the father in the form of father only who is maximizing suboptimal logic.
The Rams represent the father in the form of the pubescent male child of the mother. This first form of the father is more in balance with the two truths of self. (BB 115/127)

There are four basic outcomes for the Superbowl and three subplots.
1. Patriots trounce Rams
2. Patriots barely win
3. Rams barely win
4. Rams trounce Patriots
5. Referees (elementals) give an extra assist to the Patriots
6. Referees (elementals) assist Rams
7. Referees judge evenly and allow the outcome to be viewed as caused solely by the current form of the combatants themselves.

Except for 1 and 5*, all of the above bode well for humanity, superhumanity and 2019 as the beginning of another phase of revolutionizing logic, thus thinking, thus behavior, thus the unhealthy conditions pus-aiding and pulsating through societies.
All signs I'm aware of point to Rams winning, Patriots losing.
The only name that jumps out on the Rams team is Micah Kiser, who appears to not be a starter, but by name is Makha Khiser. We shall see.

*This translates into a 25% to 33% chance of an unfavorable outcome with the average at 29%.

This matchup of Rams & Patriots follows the super blood wolf moon and the red Christmas tree symbolism that both indicate the beginning of a new cycle. This comes when the extended period of arrogance of human patriots keeps pushing limits in all areas of life causing rising levels of injuries to the body of christ. The American state of the union has been delayed in words, but not in deeds.

As discussed elsewhere Barack Obama was another sign of the coming Celestial Ethiopian King Kepheus. Obama was an early stage version. Now it's been about 11 years later. The Ram symbol fits perfectly with Kepheus and with Aquarius, both of which are exerting stronger and stronger influences as pressures and tensions reach new breaking points causing something to give.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Churchward, Albert, "The Origin & Evolution Of Religion," George Allen & Unwin Ltd., (London:1924)

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Drastically Reducing Sports Injuries & The Greater Injury
Unity Consciousness #1527


(Part 9pe of 11)

Because human logic is out of balance, and has been for thousands of years, it permeates all thinking in all areas of life.
The prevalence of a large amount of sports injuries is proof enough.
Each sport has a set of particular injuries that always seem to occur at high rates.
Our response is to claim we are using sports science, sports medicine, sports techniques, sports trainers, sports surgeries and sports whatever.
All of this is for the purpose of keeping athletes in the game or back to the game as soon as possible, without addressing the causes of the injury.

Because this topic has been addressed in “The Insult of Sports Injury, Maximizing & Sharecropping, Unity Consciousness #967,” I will only list some of the most obvious reasons briefly.
1. Unrealistic goals of players, coaches, fans.
2. Seeking maximum performance instead of optimal.
3. Ignoring the body and trying to fight through the pain, tough it out, etc.
4. Ignoring the individual such that at all times, things are not adjusted and customized for a particular individual's makeup.
5. Treating athletes like singers. There's so many who want to be an athlete, so let's just use them up quickly and move on to the next. Sports is a business first and foremost at all level of sports.
6. Way too much emphasis on constant training and practice. Too much training and practice.
7. Too much emphasis on trying to turn every athlete into some sort of muscular titan.
8. Ignoring the simple fact that repetitive use, will produce injury when there is insufficient rest.
As usual, all problems in the adult world, make their way down to the child world. Injuries, repeat injuries and career-altering injuries among young athletes are occurring when they should not. This is the greater injury that insults the notion of being a humane society. Furthermore, many sports injuries are assaults. In what other profession are we required to just keep going. No instead, we take time off, personal days and call in sick, and it's okay. However, our failure to heed the signs of injury is the same thinking and behavior that is the same as Colony Collapse Disorder.

Girlfriends & Boyfriends
Unity Consciousness #1526


(Part 9pd of 11)

It's a natural desire for humans to pair up, triple up and get together in groups.
Secondarily, it's a natural desire for humans to pair up for procreation of the species.
First priority is procreation. Secondary is love. That is, “love,” in the way most humans define love in an I-love-you, you-love-me, let's-get-together-and-be-happy, sort of way.

Procreation itself is superhuman love.
Love has been discussed in numerous ways. This message does not repeat those messages.

We've Fallen Heels Over Heads With The Love Potion Notion Of Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Wife, Husband

We've fallen too much in love using a suboptimal approach.
Briefly put, we continue to seek the boy or the girl first, and then the friend later, hoping we can merge the two ends, when they never had a chance to fit (the person and the friend), based on how we begin the process.

Simply put, we've forgotten how to meet people as people, treat people as people and interact with people as people, absent the front and center concentration on gender, physical appeal and potential as girlfriend or boyfriend.
As a result, when this happens, we don't have real conversations, we have “feel” good discussions.

Again, simply put, in the best of times, every person should have multiple males and females who are friends. This then will teach us, through experiences, how to then finally hone in on the traits in the person who will be the one to procreate with. And then, the way humans approach life, agree with that the person to become girlfriend/boyfriend, fiancé/fiancée, wife/husband, and often confusing “lover” and “soulmate” designations. Confusing because,all friends we should love, thus they are lovers. Plus all friends should be soulmates.

So when we start out interacting with another person based on girlfriend/boyfriend spark potential, we've already skewed the process towards an imbalanced analysis of compatibility.
Simply put, interacting with people as people should be first. Then, if that develops into friendship, cool. Then, if that develops into a procreative relationship that includes pre-discussed dedication to work together to raise the child to fullness whether together or not, then cool beans.

We all know that most short-term interactions with people do not have the stamina endurance to develop into friendship or girlfriend or boyfriend. And that's okay. Unfortunately we still sometimes place too much trust in limited experience, when we “like” the person on another level. This causes us to jump ahead of seeing how we interact with that person under a variety of circumstances, conversations, seasons and cycles of life.

Very rarely are we really ourselves and say and do what we naturally think, until after taking the girlfriend-boyfriend misstep, after sex, after babies, after marriage or after wanting to get married and after all of this has led to a bunch more experience and information that we wish we'd had before or recognized before.
All this likely begins when we go out “on dates” instead of it being clearly identified as simply “hanging out” no other intentions attached. Without a doubt, this will cause at least one person to misread enjoying someone's company without sizing them up as a girlfriend or boyfriend.

Delayed Reaction Newsflash: Going out on dates or having sex does not automatically make that person your girlfriend or boyfriend. That requires mutual agreement and those titles clearly stated and definitions clearly discussed and expectations clearly discussed. No hinting around. I like you and you like me and spending time together does not equate to being boyfriend and girlfriend.

There are many signs that tell us what type of relationship is possible with each person, thus how far the relationship can go.
Likewise, once we begin moving in the direction towards girlfriend or boyfriend, IF that form of relationship requires either person to not have close friends who are of the opposite sex, then that newly formed relationship is doomed from the start. This is one of the more obvious signs we learn as we continue to grow up.

Why Good & Evil Exist & How To Get Rid Of Both
Unity Consciousness #1525


(Part 9pc of 11)

First of all, there is no such thing as good and evil in the superhuman world of logic. Helium ain't mad at hydrogen. Earth doesn't consider fire as the axis of evil and the Sun as the benevolent one.
Second of all, the only way to get rid of evil is to get rid of good.

Evil and good are illusion confusions of the human mind.
Humans are the ones who turned superhuman logic into good and evil.
Human understanding is to blame.

Humans must continue to work at reclaiming memory of how to judge things from the full circle perspective where there is only one truth in many forms or two truths in many forms.

Birth is good and bad. Death is good and bad.
Both composition and decomposition are good and bad.
Nothing is inherently one thing or the other. “It is,” what, “it is.”

All forms of good and evil represent each other at different points in the cycle

As humans again climb the evolutionary ladder, back to the level achieved earlier, then we will again reckon things based on multiple cycles.
We will go beyond the few cycles of time we currently use and also incorporate smaller and larger cycles.
We will also incorporate a recalibration and expansion of context, definitions and meanings.
We will also incorporate cycles for all things in all domains physical, mental, spiritual and emotional.
This then will help us put the fights we fight in more complete priority order, a more perfect union, all things being considered.

Although we habitually label darkness as bad, we know it's just as good as lightness, yet neither is good as a sole permanent condition. We know rain is good, but not always.
The superhuman does what it does when it wants to and/or needs to, without respect of persons, but in full respect of the need incentive.
As a result, the superhuman is neither good nor bad. There was no such thing as good and evil until humans came along as humans-come-lately to the universal party and universal song.

Universal functioning does not conform to human reckoning.
This is why humans must get back to, reckoning more cycles so we will understand if things taking place are happening in season or out of season based on these different, but integrated scales. Also, human reckonings must be the result of processing logic without respect of persons, but with respect of the need incentive.

Keeping this in mind, then what makes things good and evil is the immature human mind.
Growing up is our greatest challenge.

Reviewing Two Of Many Things Said

First we go back to the previous message to something said many times. Sports are an extension of life. Sports reflect the core of life. This is why most sports are male-dominated, male-delineated and male-elevated. It is ridiculous to expect, when we are in “sports mode” for us to forget about “life mode.” Same is true for all aspects of life. “Work mode” is not a substitute for “life mode.” We should carry this example through to all areas of life (human activity and superhuman activity). For instance, “human mode” is not an excuse to run roughshod over “superhuman mode.” To do so is the same as shooting ourselves in the foot, head and vital organs.

Life mode means all areas of life 360/365/24/7.
Confusion with the definition of what life is and what life means, requires us to stop right now and search far and wide, close and narrow, high and low for better understandings regarding life itself in all its forms, including, but not limited to physical forms.

This is what breeds millions of new crimes every day and allows millions of others to continue such as an adult driving a bus who has no concern for another human's safety, especially that of a child and especially of a child that turns to you for assistance and especially a child who begs you for help and the best you can do is yell at the child to get off the bus and then you watch the child get beat up.
What are we standing by, allowing to happen?

Secondly, we focus on another message also often repeated. We already knew growing up is our greatest challenge. So much so, a song was made about it.
Don't take my mind away from me
Don't leave my heart without memory
If it goes then I'll be confused
'Cause growing up is hard to do

Remember when darkness held light
And they holy kissed and didn't fight
Think of what we've forgotten is true
And growing up is hard to do

”They say that growing up, is, hard to do,
It shows again by what current humans do.”
a. Think about the state of things where you are, in your family, community, state, country, region, world. Humans are clearly in an immature phase. Look again at the preponderance of problems in this world and you know they are caused by immature adults. Point proven. Case closed.

b. So now open your mind again and consider the notion that most humans have, that this is the best of times, best of intelligence and the best of modern living and the best form of civilization humans have ever achieved.

Clearly a + b = c.
“C,” as in, “contradiction.”

The only thing that fixes what contradict is humans growing up, maturing in understandings of self and all else. Know yourself, grow yourself, re-solve conflicts, live in a world where there is no evil or good.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Fights Of All Types, Everywhere For All Times Continue
Unity Consciousness #1524


(Part 9pb of 11)

As discussed elsewhere, pressure and tension are continuous necessary components of the proper functioning of all circles, cycles, kars, worlds, beings and logic. In human terms this is often described as fighting, struggling, battling, warring or some other word that indicates contention between two or more. In the human mind this indicates winner is supposed to take all. We now remember the two truths are the basis for all things. We know there must be evil in the world, at least for a season, if there is to be good. There can never be one without the other existing, at least in potential.

So now we state the same thing in a different format.

Dr. Marin Luther King, Jr. Reminded Us Of An Old Truth

Who doesn't know injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere? Because the fight is continuous, sooner or later, each one will prevail.

Who doesn't know sickness anywhere is a threat to health everywhere?
Or racism anywhere is a threat to civilization everywhere?
Or genderism anywhere is a threat to sexual healing everywhere?

So now we restate the same thing one more time, just so we get the point from multiple perspective angles.
Justice anywhere is a threat to injustice everywhere. The more we implement justice, the more we reduce and weaken injustice.
Health anywhere is a threat to sickness everywhere. The more we implement a healthy practice, the more we reduce sickness.
Civil behavior anywhere is a threat to racism everywhere. The more we...

Based on all our interactions with government agencies, we can be certain there is a significant amount of wrongdoing taking place in most governments. This wrongdoing infringes on the rights of others, including, as always, the superhuman.
Right now we are seeing, an extremely obvious example of what appears to be injustice against government workers in the USA and the recipients of their services. These workers are part of the larger system of injustice, and through the collective job they perform, most of them do not fight against injustice from the inside position they are in, as opposed to the general public being on the outside in more ways than one, yet standing by not using our individual and collective power.
As always, a multitude of logic, choices, decisions, conclusions, thinking and behavior, all accumulate to create the current climate set of conditions.
Where in our logic as individuals and collectives have we allowed the conditions to persist that allow the current set of national conditions to exist?
It really is that simple. Some things never change.
The continuous fight between two or more is taking place in our minds, spirits, emotions and bodies

The Circle is Not Broken, Just Rerouted

If what we encounter in this life is unfair, unequal, imbalanced, unjust, unpleasant, etc., then we can be certain we have allowed enough of it to exist somewhere else for too long unabated, unchallenged uncorrected, such that sooner or later, the preponderance of logic that works against what we want, will make its way around to us.
Everyone has continuous multiple opportunities to contribute to the greater good. Likewise then, so do we also always have opportunities to contribute to the greater bad (the lesser good).
Sometimes the greater of the two is the optimal choice. Sometimes the lesser of the two is the optimal choice. This can only be understood through the universal lens that places all things in the same circular boat, circular space, circular time and circular set of changing circulating circumstances and circulating conditions. (Circumstances are the places where we and all else stand (stance) on the the circum-ference of the circle. Our references to these things determine our understandings and reactions to circumstances of self and all else.)
It really is that simple.
The sum of things never changes.

The fight, the struggle is continuous. So must be the pressure and tension we apply in the desired direction.
Comfort is always temporary, and even moreso when it is not understood as primarily circulatory and binary.
The notion of something in the world or universe “not having anything to do with us,” is a false notion and a fatal flaw of the logic of individuals 1 and 2 of the previous message and collectives 1 and 2.
Seriously, how can things outside of Earth have something do with us, and yet, things on Earth not?
Seriously, if “non-human” things have something to do with us, then how can human things not have something to do with us?

In all areas of life, the fight is taking place at all times, superhuman and human. In all spaces at all times, public, private, work, play, professional, etc., the fight is taking place. We are all in the fight and playing parts in the fight. In the human interacting with human domain, the moment we ignore, allow, or “let up” in the push to affect the systemic sources causing the greatest amount of imbalance, then the fight will be continuously brought back to us. And we will continue to give in and allow, or we will push back against anything and everything we know ain't right, even when it is seemingly far removed from us. Every person has the power to do so every day, in multiple areas of life.

Maga Is Becoming Makha

We are all already fighting and struggling and contending and dealing with pressure and tension continuously. Superhuman titans fight on both sides of the fight.
Each human must fight on the side we know is right. Knowing right is not difficult or mystery. There is no getting of good for self without fighting for the good of others. If so, the good we get will be extremely short-lived, and even in the best of times, no matter how that good is defined, it will produce multiple aberrations of logic, that themselves will fight against the perversion of good and also fight against freedom confined.
No better example exists than during the days from the inception of the USA to today. Make America Great Again is like asking for a terminal illness to sustain a chemotherapy-based fountain of youth. Fortunately for us, MAGA is a form of Makha which a form of the twilight zone, horizon, equinox, scales and balance. Fortunately for us, America, by another name, existed before European infiltration. Fortunately for us, the superhumans are working to “Make America Makha Again.” (See also NAGA). As said elsewhere, human level of awareness does not change all the other pieces of logic functioning in all dimensions. A classic example is the level of awareness of Brer Fox did not change the fact regarding how things functioned between Brer Rabbit and the briar patch. Likewise, neither does the the sheep's clothing change the wolf and neither does the covering of names we give things, change the inherent nature and functioning of the things we name. The land and climate of the land now called America, is changing regardless of what some humans call it or try to make it. Another example: Egypt is one of last names given to the land that must have started out being called Karua, AEthiopia, Mestrea, Khemet and many other names first. None of these names and the things the people did was able to prevent the current spiritual desert that occupies the land. Instead, everything they did beyond balance, exacerbated, aided, abetted and sped up the process. Thus we can see clearly America will die before age three. America is the Western version of the last stage of Egypt, but in a greatly stunted sense. When Egypt finally woke up to the inevitability of the end of their reign, they pretty much surrendered. America is unlikely to do so, thus, greater forces will continue to create the conditions to facilitate America's role reversal from lead tyrant. Immediately, due to lack of bank roll, Israel (Little America) will fold and change hands. All other wannabes then must follow like dominoes under seismic shifts.

Furthermore, the deeper symbolism of MAGA is female. Not primarily the human female, but rather the superhuman feminine energy to bring things back into balance, through her energy and the energy of her children, the elemental souls of life who are also calibrated to offset imbalances. All of this relates to Aquaria and Kepheus. Maga please, yes indeed!

There is a certain truth that has not yet sank into most human thought processes imprisoned in modern societies. We already know this truth as “what goes around comes around” and by similar type universal karma statements. All empires and all ruling groups and all of the most modern societies have been made examples of, of what not to do when our time comes to be supervisors and what will happen to us when our time comes to be removed. All things in the circle are universal, which is what metaphor means. All things in the cycle are always moving towards turning the corner and towards reversal. This also is what mirror image means, which is metaphor. No matter the metaphor for the continuous pressure and tension that exists between forms of logic, each form of logic, large or small, collective or individual, can only persist and prevail for a season, no matter how intensely it manifests. Through the illusion of modern, we have confused what high society means. Not only have we lost focus, we are also losing the fight of our present comfort on easy street, achieved through the relative discomfort of others. Everything is changing towards the other end of the spectrum. The beauty of it all is that it happens from within, not from the foe, but from the friend. Not from that which is considered stupid, but rather from what we consider wisdom. This causes us to fervently implement the logic of our own undoing. This causes us to wield tools and build safe places and homes made of weapons because the difference becomes unclear as to what type of logic gives us confidence to be brave and what type gives us the confidence to fear. Once again, this is largely due to us not understanding how the overall set of conditions change how things function causing what used to function one way, to now function another way.

Another Clear Example

For the enormous amount of people upset and speaking out about the unfair refereeing in one or both of the NFL Conference Championship games, where are all those voices when people are being murdered by police? Football fans can tolerate ignore injustice for lives and now want justice for a football game. Greater injustice (justice) is on its way for societies that fight against people who protest against murderous cops by kneeling at football games. America's National Anthem and Make America Great Again go hand in hand as curse words. Football fans are as inherently racist as Catholicism, its schools, its students and its priesthood.

Most countries have their beloved sports. When people in those countries care more about the sports than the general conditions of the country that affect many people every day, then there is already so much woe in the people, it will continue manifesting in mutant forms until those humans change, cleanse and recalibrate their logic or until the superhuman does it for them in a dinosaur extinction of logic sort of way.

By The Way: Doesn't Trump make Bush look like a civil rights leader?
No! Trump's America is Bush's America Uncloaked Full Frontal and Washington's America still terminal and determined to remain that way, no matter what they do or say that makes you think it ain't.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Three Types of Thought Process, Conclusions, People
Unity Consciousness #1523


(Part 9pa of 11)

We've already shown how there are at least two sides to every story and many angles. Now we summarize the most common types of people and the type of conclusions they reach.

1. The person who always stays in the middle, waffles, vacillates and considers all things as a toss-up, as “could go either way.” Nothing is ever one way or another, therefore this person never really makes a decision one way or another. This person misuses and abuses the middle. The middle is not used as a vantage point turning point that allows motion out to the perimeter and back and then around and across various angles. Personal growth in the four inseparable aspects of self, is suboptimal.

2. The person whose conclusions tend to one side and end up one-sided, lop-sided, stuck, stagnant, showing no growth in none of the four inseparable aspects of self. Immature conclusions persist from childhood, yet the purity of childhood reasoning does not. All else must conform to self which causes most logic scripts to be skewed in place.

3. The person whose thought processes evolve and continue to incorporate more of the full circle. Thought processes move from side to middle to side, before finally concluding temporarily, adjusting permanently, continuously improving in knowledge of self, all else, thinking, behavior. Since this person is the current human anomaly, most thinking and behavior runs afoul of the other two types of people who comprise the status quo masses.

Every person's choice, decision and conclusion process involves one or more of the above three types of people. All information currently in our possession has been processed through one or more of the above categories. Whenever we encounter new information, it too, goes through the same process, which is usually one of the above that we use most often. Force of habit causes our thought processes to become so automatic, that we don't even think about the process we are using, therefore are generally aware of what type of person the majority of our choices, decisions and conclusions reflect. I'm talking about the majority of our logic. Since each of the above processes are necessary parts of the whole, all of us have some logic that falls into each category. And this is why, the universe continuously goes around and around over the same circles of logic and makes adjustments until it can find the optimal combination that brings about evolution and de-evolution as necessary, and also bring about harmony and disharmony as necessary, first and last as necessary, and so on for all truths.
As a result, each of the three general types of thought processes, conclusions and people are appropriate at some point during each complete cycle of thought. All logic, including the superhuman, goes through a range of processes. We have simply summarized the human process of logic into the three most common. A little more awareness that such a thing exists, can help us understand cycles in the lifetime of an ideology, a human, a year, a nation or some other life cycle.

faces come as a base pair.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Rethinking Basketball's Technical Fouls & Ejections
Unity Consciousness #1522


(Part 9oz of 11)

It's time to rethink technical fouls in basketball, and also ejections in both basketball and baseball.

Regardless of the sport, or whether it's ejection or a technical foul, the reasoning is the same.
Why does a player or manger get ejected in baseball?
The main reason is for arguing with, or simply disagreeing with, the home plate umpire.
Athletes spend most of their lives training.
Referees, I'm certain, spend far less time learning the rules or training in all aspects to be the best referee they can be.
Players have more invested and at stake, yet a significant portion of their game outcomes is tied to and controlled by those who have no skin in the game. Yet, on the other hand, those with no skin in the game have too much power over the game and too much leeway and forgiveness to abuse that power. That leeway and abuse culminates in the power to penalize players, coaches and teams, not based on an infraction against another player, but for hurting the feelings of the referee.
If referees consistently applied the rules and consistently did not apply the rules, then players could adjust and know what is what. However, game in and game out, and often within the same game, various referees judge things differently. Good grief, of course this is frustrating! Of course they disagree.
To make matters worse, referees get all the escape routes for being inconsistent and making mistakes. We are told referees are only human, yet players get no such consideration, not even from the supposedly human referees. Referees want to be treated as humans, yet, far too many of them, treat players and coaches as robots, thus giving them no leeway, especially at critical moments in games to be emotionally human. Not all referees are this way, but too many of them are prone to eject people or give them technical fouls for simply disagreeing with the referees.
It really shouldn't matter how animated or boisterous the outburst is from players or coaches. Give them 15 seconds to voice their opinion as long as there is no physical contact and ad-hominem name-calling is not involved. No harm should result in no foul. A referee not liking a player or coach response, is not a reasonable basis for a penalty.

It is unreasonable for players, who have the most invested, to just suck it up, keep their mouths shut and contain their emotions in all their body parts so that they can't even make any arm, leg or other body movement. That has got to be unhealthy.
Consider this unreasonable expectation placed on players, then consider how referees, are supposed to be neutral and even keeled. Yet referees can go from neutral to offended in a second and then immediately eject players and coaches or give them technical fouls.

All of this is simply the owners of these sports continuing to say, through the referees, we control the game and you will not show your disagreement or speak about it to the media, because we'll take back your money and your ability to win.
We all know referees are the unaccounted for factor and the unadmitted cause of losing and winning in far too many games, especially when competitors are closely matched and/or contests go down to the wire.

Referees, as a collective, should be invisible by being consistent from game to game. It shouldn't matter who the referees are in any contest. The administration of the rules should be the same. Sports announcers are partly to blame because they notice how referees change how closely they abide by the rules during certain contests, I.e,, the playoffs. This is not okay. It's confusing, unfair, and only sets the stage for inconsistencies to rear its head in critical moments.

Of course, tennis is another sport where referees have far too much leeway to influence the game, when they too, should simply, let disagreements roll of their backs, and stand down from issuing penalties just because the rules say they can. The rules do not say they must penalize. The rules say it's their discretion. Clearly, far too many referees, in far too many sports, have the discretion and control of a two-year old, and it is the referees themselves who need anger management and thought process counseling.

I'm also certain that players or coaches who disagree with referees are not disagreeing with the person, but rather with the administration of the rule. Most players are not making it personal, yet, most referees, who issue penalties because of disagreements, those refs are taking it personal and making it personal, not just against those specific players, but against the whole team and even against the sensibilities of humanity. This goes against making the world a better place by making sports a place where player-team performance matters more than allowing that to be interfered with simply because someone voices disagreement with the “sport's authorities.”

To repeat: The only time disagreement occurs is when players are expected to deal with multiple different applications of the same rule, and that variance works against them. Sports announcers advocate, “let them play,” as their way of asking or acknowledging referees staying out of the way, except for the most obvious of infractions. Announcers acknowledge referees don't call “pitty-pat” fouls sometimes. Announcers should also speak up more when referees, who wear their self-esteem on their shoulders, get personally upset, when someone questions their all-powerful authority and persona.

Bottom Line: No job or salary can make us a better person or worse person. And neither can a job make us right by default, i.e., police officers.
But every job can, and does, expose what type of person we are. Not the type of job, but how we carry out the functions of that job. Do we do hide behind job rules, laws, policies and procedures, or do we infuse the person we are, into the job?

All of us infuse the person we are into the job.

No person performs a job objectively, such that all instances, encounters and persons are given consideration in accordance with need.
Instead, we all make subjective judgments constantly and allowances for certain people or under certain circumstances. We all make judgment calls, first based on who we are and then secondly based on who we think the other person is.
1. If we judge ourselves better, we will give others, less consideration.
2. If we judge ourselves less, we will give others, too much consideration.
3. If we judge ourselves as equals, we will give others equal consideration.

Most of us hide behind jobs as justification for doing jobs that do not give each other equal consideration.
Referees, like employees, are proxy agent representatives for their employers.
We can all do our jobs to the letter of the law or we can allow for some leeway, flexibility, overlooking of some things and make adjustments within our range of job power and within our range of human power.

To repeat: Athletes spend most of their lives training to be the best.
It is unfair for their best to be impacted by non-players. Athletes deserve better, Humans deserve better. Humans deserve better consideration from other humans.
The same one-sided leeway given to referees, is symptomatic of leeway given to other “authorities” throughout society.

Until sports rules are changed or the performance of referees improve, then at least referees in all sports should call timeout and give at least two warnings to each team before ejecting or otherwise penalizing players for simply disagreeing with a refereeing decision or non-decision. Referees, and those who empower them, should check themselves and stop themselves from adding to the delay of humans self-correcting their humanity. All of this imbalance circulates, accumulates and manifests in other ways in those sports and in other ways in life. The normalization and acceptance of imbalance is technically foul and needs to be ejected from human logic.

Case In Point: “This verdict challenges not only No More Deaths volunteers, but people of conscience throughout the country. If giving water to someone dying of thirst is illegal, what humanity is left in the law of this country?”

Who are the people involved in creating these types of idiotic laws, carrying out these laws, adjudicating these laws, supporting these laws, remaining silent about these laws, doing jobs that facilitate these laws, doing jobs that carry out these laws....? Clearly these people are deeply flawed in their humanity. Thus, so also is their knowledge of self and knowledge of all else. These people are severely limited in cognition, emotion, spirit and body. Thus their worldview context is based on limiting others from being their optimal best. They are indeed the walking dead filled with death logic that dominates their disgusting thinking and disgusting behavior. Who are these people? Same ones who create unconscionable rules in companies, business, governments, schools, sports.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Kar & Kal, Person, Thing & Action
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1521


(Part 9oy of 11)

We've mostly been speaking about Kar, Khar, Kal & Khal in terms of place, generally and specifically. Now we continue to understand Kar & Kal not only represent place, but also person, thing and action.


Kar means native inhabitant of the circle or enclosure. (BB 217/229, 482/494)
Ka means the type of person or function or a religious minister, priest. (BB 222/234, 487/499)
Karka (Corca) was the name given to people in Egypt who were of the original breed of human. These people were the native inhabitants of Egypt (North Karua) and of the South Karuan birthplace. (BB 482/494)
Kar is also the cultivator of the soil, the Kar tender, Gar tender, Gardener.


Kar or Ka is earth, soil, food, corn, crop, seed. This leads us to carbon, carbon hydrate (carbohydrate), calories. This is why calories is energy, as we were reminded in the previous message. (BB 148/160 , 482/494, 494/506)
Kar is stone or rock. One form of the stone is the teste, the Kar-iu (plural as Karti or Kars). (BB 155/167, 398/410)
Kar is a circular thing that also indicates something under or with, a circle under or with, a hole under or with, a sphere under or with, a zone under or with. (BB 115/127, 399/411, 493/505)
The circle is a well that comes from kher, the birthplace. The well is a wheel that whirls. Kar and Whir interchange. This leads to whorl and world. Worlds are wells and spinning wheels. This we know based on the continuous circular motions of all celestial bodies. (BB 269/281)

Kar is a circular thing, a round, a go round, circuit, course, the sun’s course, the sun's daily round. The sun's course makes a circle, is under the circle, is a circle under and it is also made with a circle. Over and over a kar is circle within circles making circular motions. This aptly summarizes the universe and all the circle of life cycles it contains. The universe is the kar in all forms of place, person, thing and action. A Kar is a ball, even when oblong shaped or any shape. Even a straight line is a Kar because it consists of a perimeter that is a circle. (BB 231/243)

As completer of the solar course, the sun is a repa who performs repa-titions. This repa is named Kars then Kals, then, in England became “Gales” then “Wales” then “the Shires.” The Repa is the Prince of Kals, otherwise stated as the Prince of Gales, the Prince of Wales. This Prince, this Repa, this Kals, this Wales, is also the Kart. (BB 102/114)

Furthermore, Kar is a boundary that encircles water or contains water. (BB 143/155, 265/277)
Kar is a Jar. Again we see Kar holds inhabitants, soil and water. Kar is all things in all forms and contains all things in all forms. (BB 486/498)
Kha is a book-place, an Altar. (BB 399/411)

Logical Actions (Verbs, Vibrations, Vibes)

Ka means create.
Kar represents magic as the Ut-ter, the utter-ur, utterer, speaker, sayer of the Word. (BB 222/234)
Kar means cultivate. (BB 482/494)
Karka means to prepare. (BB 482/494)

Kar is the act of encircling going round, containing, possessing, imprisoning, embedding. (BB 231/243)
Kar means stoop down, bear, carry and be under.
Khuti is to make the circuit, go round in a circle. This Kar + Khuti is Har-Khuti as the sun of the double horizon and of the double sphinxes. This tells us the Great Sphinxes are fundamental representations of place, person, thing and action. How long would it take between the time this was understood to the time it was symbolized in stone monument sculptures? Are we to think minds that can conceive these ideas and all that goes with it, cannot then also conceive how to represent it or possess the understanding to construct it because they wee supposedly limited to crude hand tools as the best things they could figure out? Uhnt-un. (BB 334/346)

All of this and more, forms the syns, sens, sems and the tenses that form the sentences, the logical statements we process and in other languages, what other creations process.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Friday, January 18, 2019

Earth's Magnetic Pole Flip, It's Electric! Also
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1520


(Part 9ox of 11)

Everything is composed of atoms and contains electrons and protons.
Everything composed of electrons and protons has the potential, does and will, produce electricity.
Electricity is caused by an imbalance (a difference, which is sometimes called a concentration gradient). This difference causes the universe to seek to re-balance itself. This causes a flow from one point or side to another point or side. This flow is fundamentally caused by the law of diffusion, which is the law of dynamic balance.
Everything that produces electricity, also has the potential, does and will, produce magnetism.
Therefore everything has an electromagnetic field. Electric and magnetic are two truths, such as inhale and exhale. Can't have one without the other. Cannot have the sister without the brother, and so on.

All of this is par for the course and normal.
Earth's magnetic pole is an electromagnetic pole or electromagnetic field.
Of recent interest is the magnetic pole or magnetic field of Earth shifting, as it has a pre-tendency to do, periodically.
I take this moment to laugh through the tears of miseducated years, because one official authoritative website said Earth's magnetic pole flips 4 or 5 times every million years, but this is not periodic and can't be predicted.
Say what?
Evidently knowing something happens every so often has nothing to do with “periodic” and has nothing to do with something that is reasonably “predictable,” even though “4 or 5 times every million years” sure sounds periodic and predictable to me.
Our goal today is to get used to normal on a larger scale.

We can do this by understanding normal on a smaller scale.
We've already shown that you, me and every creation has an electromagnetic field.
Obviously as we move around and interact, our electromagnetic field changes. We are electrons and protons in motion.
Same is true for Earth.
Each day, Earth's rotation on its axis causes changes in Earth's electromagnetic field.
Every day as Earth moves in revolution around the Sun, Earth's electromagnetic field changes.
We have limited our discussion to Earth, but it applies to all things. Also when a change occurs in any creation, there is a ripple effect in other creations.

We know everything is made of atoms and that atoms are simply a form of the genetic material (matter) of the universe. Genetic material functions based on instructions. This is logic. Therefore, changes of any sort in any form is a change in logic.
All creations, all atoms, all electricity, all magnetism, all magnetic pole shifts and flips are the result of changes in the logic of the universe.
Co-journeyers already know I'm about to say Earth's electromagnetic pole shift or flip represents a change in logic. The logic of natural law. The logic of spiritual, emotional, physical, mental, superhuman, human and everything else.

Earth's electromagnetic field changes daily, monthly, yearly and every Great Year and on many other scales smaller and larger.
We know Earth's changes are related to it's movement, it's flow, it genetic potential in motion, it's logic being processed.
We also know Earth is not an island, despite the fantasy phantasms of current humans.
Periodically, Earth's electromagnetic field changes, coincide with other magnetic field changes aligned and moving in the same direction. This causes a greater shift and flip or tilt that lasts for a period of time equal to one-half of some sort of cycle.
We are told Earth's magnetic pole only shifts some enormous number of years ranging from 200,000 to 780,000. We've also been given the same such astronomical numbers regarding the Sun's orbit, while at the same time being give nominal numbers for the Age of Egypt. All these estimates are misleading in light of phenomena.

Simply put, if Earth's electromagnetic field is tied to it's orbit around the Sun, then by default, it is also tied to the Sun's orbital cycle around the center of the galaxy which can be called (a Sun Year or Great Year or approx 25,920 years).

Everything that is anything creates a concentration gradient because everything and everything is in a continuous state of change, however slow sometimes or stagnant, inactive, inert, asleep or other form considered motionless. Everything is an electromagnetic field and everything affects electromagnetic fields. We can call it vibration, rhythm, energy, movement, thought, feeling, wave, strand, string...

All this is to say, there is small scale electricity and magnetism, and then there's larger and larger scales. Electromagnetic fields are constantly shifting and flipping. The time has come for Earth to flip again even as we've seem humans, overall, literally logically, flipping out. This goes with the twinlight twilight zone we are also in.

We can expect these larger scale changes every half-cycle, some of which are:
Every 13,000 years (times 2 = 26,000 years or approximately 1 Great Year)
Every 26,000 years (times 2 = 52,000 years or approximately 2 Great Years
Every 52,000 years (times 2 = 104,000 years or approximately 4 Great Years)
Every 78,000 years (times 2 = 156,000 years or approximately 6 Great Years)
Every 104,000 years (times 2 = 208,000 years or approximately 8 Great Years)
Every 156,000 years (times 2 = 312,000 years or approximately 12 Great Years)
Every 208,000 years (times 2 = 416,000 years or approximately 16 Great Years)
Every 390,000 years (times 2 = 208,000 years or approximately 30 Great Years)
every 780,000 years (times 2 = 1,560,000 years or approximately 60 Great Years)

And now it's easier to see, we are being given estimates of Earth's electromagnetic pole flip as if it's a “one off” type thing. 60 is a significant number that has many implications and manifestations as shown through mythology and phenomena. However, Earth's electromagnetic field also shifts and flips during cycles smaller than 780,000 years.

Between the flips, things shift and tilt, just as all things do that move in a circle, especially when orientation remains fixed.

The logical use of metaphor tells us electromagnetic fields are based on genetic potential which is based on genetic material which humans can understand as RNA and DNA (rNA and drNA). Everything that exists, even spirit or soul, is composed of rNA and/or drNA). Not necessarily in the same formulation as we know it. “rNA and drNA” are simply combinations of genetic material. An atom is a form of rNA/drNA. We, as humans, are a multifaceted conglomerate of rNA/drNA. Each of us can be viewed as a strand of genetic material. This is why when we interact, we attract or repel and affect each other's electromagnetic field or why when we connect or disconnect or embrace or work together we function as double strands or multi-strands of genetic material. Think about this then, in terms of how we, and all else affect Earth's energy. Then consider how everything outside of Earth, affects Earth's energy flow. This is why it is important for us to always integrate into our thought processes, the above, below, micro, macro, day, year, Great Year. Think about yourself the individual and all the smaller individuals you are composed of, that are functioning in different groups to form the final collective, which is you, the individual. As these smaller creations, beings, energies, interact and change, so also does your energy, thus your electromagnetic field.

Extra consideration: another website, a book, said human memory is often erased during major changes in the magnetic field of Earth. This makes sense in light of what we know about how a magnet can be used to erase information on a computer or storage device. We are computers and storage devices, and so is Earth, and so is our drNA and rNA, and all forms of genetic material.

We can be certain that the evil ones have, are, or will also attempt to use electromagnetism to also affect, influence, direct, upload, download and erase our memory also. It's part of their flipped out nature, and ours also that makes us susceptible on the same wavelength (vibration frequency). Even so, different levels and layers of melanin are being reactivated as vibrations in the galaxy are changing. This, of course, is the natural antidote to the okie doke of dem other folks who wanna control people with flipped out logic such as telling us what size house is legal and that collecting rainwater is illegal. But the main thing to focus on is, if memory can be erased with magnetism, it can be restored with different and several forms of electricity,

Another consideration is that the discrepancy between our brain's potential capacity and our low usage of our brain's capacity is directly coordinated with changes in Earth's electromagnetic field. Of course this is not the only factor.

Another takeaway is that all forms of nutrition possess electromagnetic energy that we take into our bodies and being, thus so also does all forms of toxins and toxic interactions, have the potential to alter the course of our day, our lives.

Last of all we take our logic back to the beginnings to understand that electricity, magnetism, and Earth's pole shifting and flipping are fundamentally telling us that spirit-soul is changing, thus whatever spirit-soul needs to change in any form to accomplish a shift or flip in logic, then spirit-soul will do so by any means necessary to fulfill the need incentive. This includes removing/disabling human-made devices that interfere with the natural flow of electromagnetic energy. Therefore, when these things begin to fail on a large scale, then we will know the final portion of the shift-flip is imminent and everything is the imminent domain of the preeminent.

History is shaped by visible and invisible energies. When that history remains out of balance for too long, then we should already know, the universe has been diffusing energy, using a multitude of latitudes and longitudes to bring history back into balance.
There are no coincidences, only co-incidents.

Great Sphinxes & Ghizeh More Specifically
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1519


(Part 9ow of 11)

This is a continuation of Two Orientations Is Normal For Circles With Two Halves, Monumental Age Of Egypt, Unity Consciousness #1517


Variations: Gizeh, Giza, Gizah, Djiza (Volney: Travels Through Syria, Vol I, 41/63)

We are facing north and looking at Egypt. On the west side of the Nile, there is Ghizeh Egypt consisting of Saharan valley watered by the Nile inundation, a rise which accommodates the Great Pyramid and other structures, then the Libyan Hills (Mountains), After that is the Sahara unwatered by the inundation.
On the east side of the Nile there is Babylon Egypt (Old Cairo) consisting of Saharan valley watered by the Nile inundation, the usual rise towards the mountains, then the Mokattam Hills (Mountains). After that is more unwatered Sahara that reaches the Red Sea.
The width of the valley varies between 12 to 30 miles. Beyond the western range stretches a vast desert of sand, which is the eastern skirt of Sahara and Barca. This is also intersected by chains of barren bills, and roads leading to the two Oases, the greater and the lesser, which are considered part of Egypt. (BB 13/520), (Morse: American 733)

Just described is the recent geographic condition of Egypt. Prior to that, Egypt and a large portion of the Nile Valley was in a gradually declining rainforest climate. Lower Egypt was still forming through the Nile inundation depositing mes mass. Lower Egypt would have to be a slowing-receding landscape of varying degrees of marsh, swamp, everglades, wetlands and other such mild to mostly wet areas. Likewise it is certain the vegetation area on either side of the Nile was more expansive and lusher. Egypt, the Nile Valley and the area of Sahara were not always as they are now with desert as the dominant feature.

Another Look At The Great Sphinxes

The Great Sphinxes symbolize creation from the south when the observers were at the equator looking south. This places Old Cairo in the west from a southern hemisphere orientation. (See “south facing orientation” in the previous message). Thus the Great Sphinx at Ghizeh is on east side of the Nile from a southern hemisphere orientation. What we are discussing in terms of orientation amounts to a 13,000 year difference. This difference is small compared to other factors that have already helped us determine the Great Sphinxes are older than one Great Year ago. (AE1 302-3/312-13)

Ghizeh and Old Cairo appear to be the geographic dividing line transition zone between:
Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt
South Karua and North Karua
Great Mother and Great Father
South facing orientation and north and east facing orientations
Two becoming one, and then, One becoming two

A Lot Of Great Things Are Connected

We are told the Great Pyramid of Ghizeh was founded by Pharaoh Khufu when Ghizeh was in area called the nome** of the “haunch,” the seat of the Great Mother. The symbol of haunch is expressly feminine, southern birthplace and milch (milk) cow as the birthplace of waters from heaven above, then later on as rebirthplace of souls in heaven above. These two forms of the celestial birthplace exist as a lake called Khar-aba, the Lake of the Thigh or Haunch. This is in the constellation called Cassiopeia, Lady In The Chair, Haunch or Meskhen located at the northern pole, yet this is a southern symbol of “Nyanja ya Tanganyika.”*** It is extremely unlikely that 2600 BCE in Egypt, when the Great Pyramid was supposedly constructed, was a time when the Great Mother was being honored out front revealed with a marquis monument by ring leader Pharaoh, even though other locations in Egypt may have been faithful to the Great Mother. No. Instead, the latest period of time for the Great Mother in the central position would be prior to the Solar Age, prior to Ptah as Great Father and prior to Amenta. This then places the Great Pyramid at Ghizeh, the Great Sphinx at Ghizeh and the Great Sphinx at Old Cairo in the same time frame of construction, with perhaps a one-fourth Great Year difference. (AE1 260/270, 287/297, 302-3/312-13, 310/320)

**A nome is a division on Earth that is based on an astronome, a division in heaven. (BB 303/313)
***Cassiopeia is near Kepheus Constellation. What we can ascertain from the “haunch” is that it relates to the milk cow, movement and transformation out of the water of the water-cow onto land into the milk cow of the lunar mythology and points of transition as described above. This places us somewhere between the transition from stellar and the transition into solar. The location of the haunch as Cassiopeia near Kepheus is another indication of a point in time that is halfway through the Polar Great Year. This because half of the Polar Age of Kepheus takes place during the first half of the Great Year while the second half of the Polar Age of Kepheus takes place during the second half of the Great Year. (See also End Note) (BB 311/321)

Great Year of 25,920 divided by 2 = 12,960 years.

Each Polar Age is 25,920 divided by 7 = 3,703 years.
So how many Polar Ages does it take to reach the halfway point of 12,960 years?
12,960 divided by 3,703 = 3.5 polar ages.

The Polar Ages, in order, are the Hippopotamus, Draconis, Ursa Minor, Kepheus, Cygnus, Lyra, Herakles.

The location of the Great Pyramid at Ghizeh and the Great Sphinx of Ghizeh in the Nome of the Haunch indicates motherbirth halfway through the Great Year. The horizon is a halfway point and so is the moon and so is the lunar mythology and so is the mother and so is Ghizeh located at the center, the middle, Likewise, so is Old Cairo as we broaden the horizon. Likewise then, both the Great Pyramid at Ghizeh and Great Sphinx at Ghizeh also connect the south and north, feminine and masculine, stellar and solar. All of this accomplished through the lunar, just as moonstar is the representative of and connector of both polestar and sunstar.
In additional words, Upper Egypt is part of that double lunation moon transition zone between South Karua and North Karua (Lower Egypt in this case). If this is true what we should see is Lower Egypt becoming more and more masculine and becoming more of the seat of power and claiming the middle geographic zone of Ghizeh and Old Cairo as its southern boundary.

All of this is natural process. It goes wrong among humans due to lack of understandings. The basic corrupt scenario is when humans who are born second or come into a geographic location second, come as friends until they can get the upper hand to backstab those who were first. This is still taking place in hundreds of ways and humans are still defending and befriending the backstabbing hands of those who grin while “doing them in.” This includes their ideological duplications of earlier originations. Duplications which are variation bastardizations when processed through human filtration absent four-cornered circulation, thus only able to produce aberrations of self-identification.

Nilometer Nuts & Bolts For The Toolkit

Egyptians kept track of the changing water level of the Nile by using what we today call a nilometer. There are different types of nilometers but it is enough for now to understand they were simply a stone well, tube, cone or stair steps that allowed observers to detect changes in water level. One nilometer was at Old Cairo on Rhoda (Roda) Island. This island in the Nile lies between Old Cairo and Ghizeh. (NG1 429/447), (NG2 197/205)
There was also a nilometer on Elephantine Island which is south of Rhoda Island.
Another was located at Semneh (Semna) just south of the second cataract. (Brugsch-Bey:History of Egypt 232)

Although the inundation began in the abyss and with the rains, the waters did not begin to inundate the land (overflow the banks of Nile) until the Blue and White Nile converged at Khartoom. (BB 378/390)

End Note
1. If half of Kepheus is in the first half of the Great Year, then half of Kepheus should take place during the Age of Pisces and the other half during the Age of Aquaria. However, this is only true if both Great Years start at the same time.

2. We know there is at least a one-quarter difference between the poles and the equinoxes. This more than likely translates into the same difference or perhaps one-half or even a three-fourths difference in Great Year cycles. In other words, the Polar Great Year completes its cycle 6,480 years or 19,440 years before the Equinoctial Great Year.

3. If the time delay is 6,480 years, then the first Equinoctial Age would start when the second Polar Age only has 926 years remaining. (6480-3703-3703=926). 926= one-fourth of a Polar Age (3703/4=925.75)

4. If the time delay is 12,960 years, then the first Equinoctial Age would start when the fourth Polar Age has 1851 years remaining. (12,960-3703-3703-3703=1851) 1851 is half of a polar age. This number and its counterpart of 1852 are twice the difference of (925 to 926) given in the other two scenarios.

5. If the time delay is 19,440 years, then the first Equinoctial Age would start when the sixth Polar Age has only used 925 years (19440-3703-3703-3703-3703-3703=925)

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Brugsch-Bey, Henry, A History Of Egypt Under The Pharaohs Derived Entirely From The Monuments, Vol I, Second Edition, (London: 1881), Translated & Edited From German by Smith, Phillip

Morse, Jedidiah, The American Universal Geography; or A View Of The Present State Of All The Kingdoms, State And Colonies In The Known World , Vol II, The Eastern Continent Embracing Europe, Asia, Africa with their adjacent islands, Seventh Edition, (Boston: 1819)

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Egyptian Lovers, Khartum Discovers
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1518


(Part 9ov of 11)

It was 3:18 a.m. as far as I could tell through the fog. For at least an hour earlier, I was half-asleep with the sense that something large was watching me. I didn't move for an hour. Finally I heard it.

How long you gonna act like you're asleep?

(My ears pop open, then my eyes) What? (I say this honestly but it comes off as pretentious because I'm trying to figure out why the presence I had been feeling felt larger than one person. As my thoughts are rambling around scrambling to unscramble, she gets right to the point, she has been holding onto for the past hour)

What's my name?

(There are times in life that define us more than other times, clearly this was now) Egip, I mumble (I'm already falling back to half-asleep.)

What!? Say it again!

(Every wise person knows, there are times to simply do as you're told, live, and fight another day another way) Egypt!! I yell, pushing through the stuff in my throat and into covers half-wrapped around my head.

What makes you think my last name is my entire name?

That's the name you told me.

That's the question you asked.

(I'm slowly trying to come up with the perfect response and turn the tables. In the meantime, she continues)

How long have we been together?

(Me, being stupid) Forever. Oomph!

(Just before “oomph” she punched me. So I defend myself) It feels like forever I foolishly say, as I cover my head and brace for impact. (She hits me on my butt and pushes me towards the edge).

We've been together long enough, but waking up, going through the same motions and going to sleep is not enough for you to understand me better.

(She pauses long enough for me to scream, but I am not completely stupid. Luckily silence is on the side of the unwise who follow the second greatest rule: do not allow a loss for words to be overruled simply to prove you've got the nerves)

I have many other names. Egypt is my begotten name on a forgotten chain. Not the name I was born with and not the name I claim when I came into my own after I left home.

(At this point my sensing abilities are reactivated, recalibrated to the flow anticipated to be inundated that causes seeds to be germinated. I am recaptivated as the day we met, anxious to know more of the mystery I forgot to keep seeking. I finally sit up and reach to turn the light on. She stops me)

I am darkness and light, me and you.

(I've now learned the secret. Shut up, listen, speak when spoken to and only when asked a direct question, answer slowly, briefly. Most times I don't need to speak because she reads body language and spirit vibrations very well.)

All my life I've been waiting for you and now it feels like the little bit you know about me, is enough....It's not.

(I need to go pee, but I hang in there cause I'm a soldier....who doesn't like to be a sucker, punched. We used to talk like this all the time until we, perhaps I, succumbed to the routine of things and she and I became another one of those things to do after other things are done) (Because I am still a fool, I speak before being asked to) So tell me one of your other names.

If I gave you a list you still wouldn't understand.

(Moonlight through the closer skylight, highlights her lengthy sinuous Nile Valley style as she lays there on one side with her hand supporting her head. Statuesque and at ease, I suspect she could hold this pose, longer than I can stay out of trouble.)

You must seek me eagerly. as you did before. Find where I bloom and follow it to its cocoon until you understand I am my parent's child who started in Khartum.

(Because she knows I am sometimes slow to catch on, her love for me helps me to the point of focus)

I am Egypt, the one who begins in Khartum. I was not born yesterday, so to speak, as those uninitiated into my private places, might think. I have gone through many transformations while remaining unchanged. I am the last of the Golden Ages and first of the Silver Ages.

(That's just like her. Wanting me to know, experience and have everything she is, but needing me to treat it as something still worthwhile pursuing. Not as in an elusive pretentious chase, but as in taking conducive steps towards each other) (It's now only about 4 a.m. and the usual chorus of birds begin chattering. I listen for I don't know how long. Dynamic forces cause me to slowly slide until I am laying beside her face-to-face and all I can see in twilight is the other side of me.) (She is asleep, so I dust off the journal of my journey and write...) Lover Discovers, Lovers Discovers (Each step of the way I am sure and unsure. I'm in love with a long lost friend I barely understand.)

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Two Orientations Is Normal For Circles With Two Halves
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1517


(Part 9ou of 11)

This is a continuation of Two Great Sphinxes: Ghizeh & Babylon Egypt (Old Cairo), Monumental Age Of Egypt, Unity Consciousness #1516

Current North facing orientation
Alignment of Great Sphinx at Old Cairo is in the east and on the east side of the Nile as the exit.
Therefore Great Sphinx at Old Cairo must have been aligned with Aquarius at Vernal Equinox. (because we already know the Great Sphinx at Ghizeh is aligned with Leo.)
Therefore the Great Sphinx at Ghizeh is in the west and on the west side of the Nile as the entrance.
If the Great Sphinxes were constructed 10920 BCE, then the exit must take place during the current Age of Aquaria we are in right now approximately 2040 CE. This must be so because the entrance must come before the exit. However, other information regarding the Great Sphinxes indicate construction must have been earlier. Even so, this does not interfere with understandings we need regarding the rebirth of the seven elementals right now during the Age of Aquaria. Nor does it prevent the rebirth during any Age. It does appear Aquaria is a more significant Age for the rebirth of the elementals in all forms in all kars. We've already seen “K” or “KH” become “W”, “G”, “J” and now “Q”. Aqua is Akhua and is close enough to link our sensing abilities to Abyss, Waters, Aqua, Akar, Akaria, Aquaria.

We can know these things for ourselves. Pick a time frame – 200 years, 20 years, 10 years, 5 years, 4 years, 3 years, 2 years, 1 year, 6 months, 2 months. Have we seen the rebirth of spirit or soul in any shape, form or fashion? Have we seen the rebirth of water in any form of liquid essence? Have we seen the rebirth of darkness, and of light? Have we seen the rebirth of earth and Earth?

Former South facing orientation
Alignment of Great Sphinx at Ghizeh is in the east as the exit and is aligned with Leo at Vernal Equinox.
So where's the entrance?
In order for the exit to be in Leo at 10920 BCE, then the entrance must be in Aquarius at 23880 BCE as marked by the Great Sphinx at Old Cairo in the west.

A basic two-part truth of duality is:
1. Whatever is one thing, is actually two things that are opposites.
2. Whatever is two things, is actually one and the same thing, differently oriented and formulated.

The birthplace exit and death place entrance are two sides of the same location. In this instance, Kher is the birthplace crib, but with the “P” suffixed, it forms Kherp, the death place, tomb, grave. (BB 447/459), (NG1 403/421)

The Masters of Kher in the East in one hemisphere, become the Masters of Kherp in the west of the other hemisphere.
From a southern hemisphere perspective, Old Cairo is the entrance. It is also the exit from a northern hemisphere perspective.
From a southern hemisphere perspective, Ghizeh is the exit. It is also the entrance from a northern hemisphere perspective.
As said many times before, at the same time the Sun is setting in one hemisphere, it is also rising in the other hemisphere in the same location. In simple human terms, this means that as the fortunes of the celestial south falls, the fortunes of the celestial north rises. These effects are sometimes aided and abetted by shifts in the magnetic poles, which causes changes to be supersized. We are also right now in the midst of a magnetic pole shift. So now we have several factors coming together right now. A few of those are the magnetic pole shift, polar age shift, equinoctial age shift, shift of two cornerstones of Aquaria and Leo, shift of the midway point of the Great Year, shift of the twins towards the brother who is a lover first but a fighter nonetheless, shift of the Parent towards the Great Mother, the universe and/or galaxy is expanding/dilating, celestial bodies are converging and aligning, the moon is changing, the Han water cycle and multiple other phoenix cycles per UC#1476 are changing, and more.

Starting from the time when the Great Sphinxes were first constructed, an orientation change began taking place in this solar system. Orientation continuously moves around the circle, but it seems slow and permanent at the Great Year Scale, especially when we don't include the Great Year and its effects in our reckonings of anything and everything on Earth.
First it was south upper and north lower.
Then it was east upper and west lower.
Then it was north upper and south lower
Then it was west upper and east lower.
This is based on Earth's position in relation to the Solar System and the Galaxy. It appears this might also involve a shift in the center of energy that radiates across lines of longitude and latitude. The center of Earth's mass is in Ghizeh, not at the intersection of meridian and equator. I suspect both the celestial pole of the Galaxy and the celestial equator of the galaxy are only fixed temporarily. The orientation and position of Earth and other bodies to the pole and equator of the galaxy determines the intensity and types of energies that flow to each celestial body. Imagine yourself on one of those ladders on wheels that we sometimes see in libraries. The library is the galaxy and you are Earth. You can move up and down the ladder and be fixed for a while, as well as move around the room of the galaxy and be fixed for a while. This could be what is taking place universally and seems to coincide with language in the mythology that talks about celestial bodies being tethered to the pole. It also stands to reason that if the analogy is that of a ship on water, then the water level can rise or fall. Earth is moving up and down in relation to the celestial pole and is moving around the celestial pole. A changing tide affects all ships. Changes in galactic energy affects all celestial bodies. And this is why we see what is taking place right now in outer space, inner of Earth. Outer space of humans and inner space of each individual. We are celestial bodies riding inside the Car (Kar) of Earth. Inertia in a car on Earth is the same as inertia in a Kar moving through the galaxy. The roads we travel change position in relation to the horizon and the pole and change elevation. Same is true for Earth and other big ballers.

To repeat: what is considered south and north on Earth or the center line of the equator is not necessarily the same as south and north of the Galaxy which is called celestial south and celestial north. And neither is it necessarily the same as the center line equator of the galaxy, called the celestial equator.

Celestial versus Terrestrial Redefinition

In previous messages, the term “celestial equator” has been used to describe Earth's equator projected into space. This definition now seems to be less than desirable because it does not match the definition of celestial north or celestial pole. What is “celestial” should be based on the celestial circle, the galaxy. Perhaps Earth's equator and pole that extend outside Earth are better termed “Earth's extended equator” and “Earth's extended pole.” These are terrestrial-based lines based on the circle of Earth. The celestial circle is the domain of the Galactic Circle. Thus I will begin to define Earth's extended equator as Earth's terrestrial equator projected into space. The concept of projecting and extending earth's pole and equator are not make-believe, imaginary or meaningless. Earth's equator and pole exist on grid lines of latitude and longitude that the entire galaxy shares. These are power lines, energy lines, roads. This is what comes into play with Equinoxes and Solstices. Earth's revolution is causing the Sun to cross Earth's extended equator and Earth's extended pole.

Another way to make a point regarding this is that Earth's extended equator and pole are real, not imaginary. They exist on lines that are shared by other celestial bodies, at least temporarily. Likewise, Earth's changing position in the Galaxy causes it to exist along different celestial lines of energy. Therefore, right now and at all times, Earth's equator and pole are actually celestial lines, but we use the term terrestrial to help us locate and specify what portion of these celestial lines are being referred to.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Brugsch-Bey, Henry, A History Of Egypt Under The Pharaohs Derived Entirely From The Monuments, Vol I, Second Edition, (London: 1881), Translated & Edited From German by Smith, Phillip

Two Great Sphinxes: Ghizeh & Babylon Egypt (Old Cairo)
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1516


(Part 9ot of 11)

Each Kar is a circle unto itself and is also part of larger and smaller circles.
Kar is the circle, orbit, enclosure; “Ter” (or der) is all people who dwell in the Kar. (BB 217/229)
Most likely the word “world” is a form of the enclosure as karrt. We already know a star is a kar and planets are kars and stars are worlds.
We can almost see this better when we consider “der”as all the people. Un-der-world, o-ver-world, uni-ver-se. Same three worlds presented differently.
Akar the underworld is a world that contains inhabitants who live lives.
There is also a Kar that is the overworld we call heaven. This is also a world where citizens live lives.
The first inhabitants of all Kars are the elemental souls of life. In order for these souls of life to live full lives, they must travel full circle continuously. As shown in the previous message, one of the ways this was symbolized was through the Great Sphinx.

Kar Is Babylon

Kar is Kir is Qir. Qir is that which embraces and encloses such as a wall or a circle. This agrees with “Bab,” Bab also means the circle, enclosure, and to go round. In general, all forms of Kar are also forms of Bab. (BB 483/495)
Qir as Kher is also an ancient name of the city in Egypt formerly called Babylon and now called Old Cairo.
This is the location of one of two Great Sphinxes.

Great Sphinx at Babylon Egypt

Old Cairo is the southern portion of what is today called Cairo. Old Cairo is a form of Kar, kari, karo, karu, khar, kharu which goes back to the days of the mother and the masters of Kher. These are the seven elementals, the masters of the abyss of many waters manifesting as Kars, Khars, Akars, Neter-Kars.
See also, (Pinch: Handbook 14) for map of Egypt with a southern facing orientation.

Old Cairo was part of the gateway pathway of the gods (khuti, beauti). Old Cairo on the east side of the Nile was the place of exit* for the seven elemental powers who issued from the underworld. This leaves the Great Sphinx at Ghizeh on the west side of the Nile as the place of entrance into the underworld. (AE1 337/347)

The ancient road from Ghizeh to Old Cairo was considered sacred. The two Great Sphinxes were a miniature version of the two Great Equinoxes of the Great Year. They marked the western and eastern sides of the Great Year Kar Circle of the Sun's Revolution Around The Center of the Galaxy. (Brugsch-Bey: History of Egypt 514)

Kherkhau is another name given for Old Cairo (Babylon in Egypt). (Brugsch-Bey: History of Egypt, 201)

*Notes: In one instance, Massey states the gate of exit was in the eastern mount. This is Old Cairo on the east side of the Nile. In another instance, Massey states the gate of exit was in Leo (thus the Age of Leo at Vernal Equinox). This is Ghizeh on the west side of the Nile where the second of two Great Sphinxes, remains standing. These two instances are opposite orientations. Exiting in Old Cairo as east is a north facing orientation. Exiting in Ghizeh as east is a south facing orientation. (AE1 339/349)

Kar as an underground hole is called the Kil. Kil becomes cell becomes shrine becomes Kher. Kher is the Kha-Ru, or uterine outlet. Kha-ru seems close enough to Cairo. Therefore Cairo as the uterine outlet indicates birth and exit,

The Great Sphinxes are fundamental symbols of the seven elementals. Pretty much the entire mythology is based on these seven and the two truths and the one as parent. Do we really insist on thinking that after mythology was fully developed and after the seven elementals were held sacred for tens of thousands of years, it was not until recently that large symbols were constructed? If so we must also think those Africans also only recently acquired all the knowledge to create what they did. On an evolutionary scale and Great Year scale, 10920 BCE is recent. Do we really want to think a group of people went from the nothingness of prehistory to just cranking out monuments, creating paper, writing, hammers and chisels, math, agriculture, astronomy, clothing, housing and tons of other knowledge – everything all at once – and do so to perfection immediately? So let's build a Great Sphinx? What's a Sphinx? I don't know. Have you ever built one of those things you don't what they are? Nope, but I know how and I'm pretty sure with the help of everyone else who have never done this before, we can get it just right the first time. Where do we start? Let start at the end and work our way backwards. So does that mean we should wait? Yes, let's just wait until we get our first dynasty until we start working on building anything. So what do we do now? Crawl on all fours back into that hole and up that tree, I guess. (Pause and silence). You sleep yet! What do you want? When we get around to it, why don't we build two of them sphinx things? Why? I don't know, seems like two are better than one. Good idea. You got any extra bananas? What's that? Stop monkeying around, and toss me a bunch of them things we be always eating. All this sudden thinking's got me hungry. At least I think it's thinking. Can't be sure until those on the continent next door confirm it. I predict after we build those things, we's gon' finally become human. Oh yeah? Well I predict whenever dem cousins of yours find out, they gon' wanna be friends until they get what they want. Time will tell.

Another Clue Something's Very Wrong With The Date Assigned To The Great Sphinx At Ghizeh

Not only is something wrong with the date, but something is still very wrong with how inconsistent the information and claims made by other countries are that claim earlier time frames and originations that are clearly Africa's and African.
Quote from an Israeli newspaper: ”Despite its association with ancient Egypt, the sphinx imagery may have originated in prehistoric southern Turkey, going back to the dawn of modern civilization. The earliest sphinx statue, crude but sort of recognizable, was reported from the archaeological dig at Nevali Cori, and has been roughly dated to around 9,500 years of age [7482 BCE]. Nevali Cori is near Gobekli Tepe, the site famed the "earliest temple in the world".”
Not surprised by the Oh so many lies that still survive!
1. Prehistoric people in Turkey can originate and build a sphinx, but nowhere in prehistoric Africa, including prehistoric Egypt can people accomplish anything worth noting.
2. The date given to this sphinx, if accurate, only lends greater credence to the earlier antiquity of the Great Sphinxes in Africa.
3. Turkey as the site of the earlier temple in the world, is simply another ridiculous assertion.
4. The “dawn of modern civilization” would have to take place approximately 11,000 BCE coincident with the Great Year. In full disclosure of truth, this dawning does not and did not equate “modern” with new, improved, or better, but simply equates it to "different." Not different as in “completely.” but as in “the most recent variation of an accumulation of earlier manifestations.” The term “civilization” associated with the time frame of the past 11,000 years can only be loosely attributed, and then only in a constantly deteriorating sort of way. Due to our current level of understandings, the best synonym for “modern” is “current.”
5. Supposedly Turkey was so far ahead of Egypt Africa that it built the earliest sphinx and temple, yet did so without originating, language, the mythology of the sphinx or the astronomy, mathematics and other subject matter necessary to bring those things into existence. What the fooled believes is that fresh air comes from the Febreze, Renuzit, Lysol and Glade equivalents of artificial Asia-based histories.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Brugsch-Bey, Henry, A History Of Egypt Under The Pharaohs Derived Entirely From The Monuments, Vol I, Second Edition, (London: 1881), Translated & Edited From German by Smith, Phillip