If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, September 21, 2020

Racist Rhetoric Continues To Deny Racist Gang Murders
Unity Consciousness #2236


( 9aoa of 11)

As stated before, all racist actions are group actions, collective actions.
There is no such thing as an individual racist act.
Likewise then, there is no such thing as one institution that is racist or more racist than the others. The police are not THE problem.
All murders by the police institution are committed by all the racists institutions that cover the ten areas of people activity, this includes the entire racist collective, all of them are in on it. No the police do not kill anyone without the full consent and cooperation of the culture, the communities, the members of the favored group, the society that wants the status quo thinking and behavior to remain just as it is. All of these individuals and groups are thugs, gangbangers and terrorists based on the behavior and results of the world they have created that they call democracy and freedom. They exhibit the worst form of mental illness that exists.

The revolution is not being televised in plain sight.
Only lies are being televised couched in insincere acknowledgment of the weakest form of evil discrimination of Maafa Racism – social injustice and insincere fingerpointing at police instead of at every person who classifies themselves as members of the favored group and as citizens of racist societies.

Racist rhetoric is relentless. It attacks thousands of times per day. If we are not careful, we will forget we are in a war, forget to protect ourselves and forget to attack back by arming ourselves with knowledge and other forms of nutrition.

The Banality Of Police Brutality
Unity Consciousness #2235


( 9anz of 11)

To term harassment, abuse, disparate adjudication and murder as police brutality is to be far removed from the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Maafa Racism is much more than police brutality.
If you are talking about and focusing on police brutality and you are not identifying academia, the education system as an aider and abettor of police brutality, then you don't even know what racism is, let alone Maafa Racism. All you are doing is pissing in the wind, hoping to fill a bucket of justice at the other end, as one of many buckets in the brigade to douse the unrelenting unrepenting rage of Maafa Racism, of which, police brutality is a smoldering ember. The source of all the evil carried out by police is elsewhere and this source keeps enabling the brutality that too many want to focus on.

If you are talking about one aspect and institution of Maafa Racism without implicating and pointing out the complicity of all the other major institutions, then you are participating in banality.
The institution called “business” is as brutal a business as the police because the police are the enforcers of business interests. Also, Maafa Racism is the biggest business enterprise on the planet. Capitalism is a sub-business of Maafa Racism.

For those who've been paying attention, we must mention each of the ten areas of people activity as brutal barbarians alongside the police arm of the Maafa Racism Beast.
We must also understand that non-profits are also big business partners to the institution of business that cloaks its racism in charity, altruism and benevolence.

You are being banal-minded if you speak of police brutality without also recognizing it is merely a manifestation of the spirit of religion.
Police brutality is a by-product of religion's morality.
It's up to you to connect the other major institutions of people activity to understand that where there's one institution, there also are all the others gathered and in agreement. They are in league as the legion of doom against the dom of free to keep them as minions under dominion.

But let me just add yet another comment about continued stupidity that is making me mad. Since politics is part of the racist collective weapon,
you cannot vote Maafa Racism out of existence or get any significant substantial change to any institution.
Name me one institution that has changed in an anti-racism way since 1863?

Sure as hell not the institution of education.

Thus police brutality ain't going nowhere except towards worse if the counteracting counteraction counterpoint is voting versus police brutality or defunding the goddamned police. All logic along these lines is as brutal as the police institution.
And this is why the Maafa Racism media makes all these things seem like good ideas. Whatever the status quo media reports, you can pretty much know that the opposite is true and the opposite approach is what's best for Africans to waylay the Maafa.

The Classroom Transcended, But Not Many Students
Unity Consciousness #2234


( 9any of 11)

I had a vision of the love of learning and teaching occurring at the same time as the lack of appreciation for the same. It was an inner vision of the same double vision taking place all the time.
There was an African woman who worked a job most diligently. She was so good at it, she was promoted from a minimum wage position to CEO of the billion-dollar company. She went from barely having enough money to having too much. She went from worrying about money in one way to worrying about money in another way. Somewhere along the way in her quick transition from “rags to riches,” she forgot she was still the same person and that the world was still the same place despite her supposed rise from disgrace.

All this back story about the woman I found out in the classroom. I was in class in a room outside of Earth in the space between Earth and Moon and Sun. I was there along with many other students and two to three supervising instructors, ancestor-like in demeanor. The classroom was vast and curved around the outside of Earth, yet all of us in attendance could see and hear each other as if the classroom was very small, smaller than a university lecture hall. We were all Africans (Black by another name). The classroom had transcended.

The young African woman mentioned in the opening paragraph was in this classroom. She was telling the story of how she went to the bank with a paycheck for a lot of money and the bank gave her a hard time because they didn't think it was her money. She was mad and confused about how they could disrespect her as the CEO of a billion-dollar company who supposedly “pulled herself up by her bootstrings” and supposedly “did it all by herself.”

Me being me, I quickly recognized the fallacy in her folly of faulty logic. She somehow thought her new position and massive money changed her and the world. She thought she now had no worries and would have respect and had somehow escaped the problems of Maafa Racism. All these thoughts I was having at the speed of light in my head.

Meanwhile, not only had the classroom transcended, but also the way class was being conducted and lessons were being taught. Lessons were being taught by students sharing experiences (life lessons).
I rose up and addressed questions to the class. The acoustics were fabulous. “Why did she think she was going to be treated differently at the bank? What was the major thing she forgot about who she was and who the world is?” I asked these questions loudly so no one with the ability could claim to not be able to hear. Teachers smiled.
To my dismay, most of the students were not listening, but instead were chitter-chattering among themselves. They were uninterested in the lessons of this day. Most of the students were Africans from America, modern-day progress Negroes. All of them were Africans who had gone to college. They now superimposedly knew things that were elevating their lives because these assimilation integration status quo Africans were in pursuit of degrees and a better quality of life via a better paying job via a “good”education.
Because the lesson being shared and importance of the moment was so basic, it was clear that many students had not transcended. Their overall level of awareness was still trapped, capped and strapped inside multiple midget matrices that represent the real world if each matrix of logic is all there is and that matrix of logic has accounted for all spirit motion inside the matrix.
It was also clear that when the classroom of fuller perspective is ready, many students will be present, but will drop out in some way. To them, knowledge of self and all else is an elective, not a required course of action. These students, dedicated to the lesser way that pays, will remain unaware even after being in the same room where clarifying instruction is given.
The classroom is being most effectively utilized by those seeking unity consciousness to optimize and become more adept and less inept.

Though disappointed, I was satisfied I am doing one of my jobs. The classroom continued to expand. It transcended again to another level and I moved on with it like an electron freed from the grasp of one neutron and being attracted towards many others.

Partial Recap: Yes, when the student is ready the teacher will appear. This is because the teacher is always already there and it's just that the student becomes aware of the ever-presence of the teacher.
But also and primarily, long before the student is ready, the classroom and the teacher are ready in advance of need. This is how it always is. Nyame is faithful in advance. Search the word “cave” to find out some of the forms in which the classroom appears. Hopefully you will not also miss the point of the cave drawings, writings and paintings that were the blackboards. It is these writings on the wall that preceded the writings on the walls in the Nile Valley and most notably in Egypt. However all classrooms contain the word, preserved and presented in different forms.

By The Way, what is also being communicated is that the classroom above has descended. Heaven above has descended to Earth below. A new heaven has descended to create a new Earth. The vision was a macroview of what is taking place on Earth. New Earth instruction is taking place among Africans who know they are Africans first. As we should know by now, New Earth Reconstruction will not come from the naysayers and haters of who they are. The absence of passing this lesson limits the foundational ability to pass other requisites.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

If You're Lucky Your Luck Will Change
Unity Consciousness #2233


( 9anx of 11)

Luck is a revolutionary resource that comes and goes, comes around, goes around, appears and disappears like the Abra Cadaver, the Abracadabra, The Adro Adroa. If you are moving in “synchronicity” with the lucky ones emerging at the highest and widest corners of the Galaxy, you too will begin maturing in understandings in many areas such as...

1. Understanding relationships between and among humans and superhumans.

2. Your safari will allow you to be a sojourner near and narrowly, far and widely, all for the priceless cost of being held captive to freedoms of space and time, a great set of responsibilities (response abilities).

3. You'll remember the major purposes of being here and there.

4. You will have enough time and presence of mind to redo some things differently and some things more of the same.

5. When you awaken in the tomb of the cocoon and emerge from the womb, you will not be rock-a-bye-babied back to sleep and be limited in hope and scope of further transformations. Instead you will remain connected to that which sparks interests and develops into wildfires.

6. You will develop the witsdom to not seek to apprehend truths for personal possession, but rather to comprehend more strands of connections for group expression.

7. Early on, you'll remember how to access and utilize lifelong memories, including from previous lives.

Lucky is luci is lucid. You are lucky and your luck is changing for the better if you have become an initiate of learning. You are lucky because you are being retooled and refueled by star constellations where luck is reformed and performed through revolutions in the Corona Zones of chromosomes. Your vision perceptions and visual acuity are improving due to recalibrations of the ones and twos, the primary binary code that is everything and changes everything. Yes, yes y'all, the truth is changing which is why luck is changing because truth and luck are each other and are trading places of orientation. Luck is a form of Ruck, reck, rekh, kher, reckonings.

Since changes in understandings, overstandings and innerstandings are what causes luck and truth to change, you will become more aware that luck has everything to do with understanding the truths of mirror images. These revealings are mirror oracles, mirroracles, miracles. Slow down now. Read, reflect and absorb this paragraph before moving on.

Briefly speaking, miracles are seen and better understood the more we understand more pairs and groupings of truths. Mirror images are oracles. Thus then, since we are a mirror image, we are an oracle in many ways and contain many oracles. We just need to remember how to read them, hear them, see them. We need to improve as oracle readers, which means we need to improve our understandings of truths. These truths we possess due to smart luck of superhumans not the dumb luck of humans.
We have discussed the Ma-Kheru or Makheru and that Kher is truth and true. I submit that the word “acle” is a form of the word “Makheru” since acle becomes akhle, akhre, akher. Miracles are mir-akhers, truths from the mer.
Miracles are oracles from the Makheru.
Ma is Maat, Ma is Am. Ma is part of Shu-ma, Ma-Shu who is the Lucy, the Lucky as Obatala Kepheus, one of two main composite collective teachers of the New Ages. Maat is lady luck and lady truth who will change anything using any means necessary to bring about the change that establishes the logic and set of conditions for the new reigns to reign supreme.

I am lucky, able to see my reflection in the mirror of water and recognize the waters is seeing its reflection in me, remembering itself as I am remembering myself. One of us seeing where it has gone, the other beginning to see through to where it came from.

A miracle is most easily noticed when truth/luck changes form one from to another and we did not expect some aspect of that change was possible, thus we explain it with miracle and luck. Though we are correct, we are not kherrekh because we fail to understand that miracle is truth and luck and takes place all the time everywhere in everything, thus miracles, truth and luck are the rule of spirit motion, not the exception.
This is the basis and basically why your luck is changing for better or worse because the overall course of ever-coming, ever-changing, everlasting events is changing into a new “STAGE” of the “TER”, which combines into a change in “strategy” each time A Starage changes miracles, luck, truth and the fates of mates.

Additional Notes: Akher is also what forms Maker. The Maker is the Ma-Kher, Makheru and the Ma and the Kher.
Aker also forms occur. Thus what occurs is truth. All occurrences are forms of truth, even when that occurrence is manufactured by humans, such as a Covid-19 pandemic resulting from the overall human pandemic.
Lastly we note that “ence” is a form of ankh. Thus the ubiquity of the ankh in Egypt before Egypt Minor and Egypt Major became places of spirit-mind-emotion-body paraplegics and quadriplegics. Ankh is a form of nkha, nga, naga and the denigrated form of nigger.
If we are lucky, anyone who blasphemes the Nga, the Ankh by uttering the word nigger with the intent of harm, will lose their voice and their appetite. Their body will reject all nutrition. This is a complement to the rejection of nutrition by their spirit-mind-emotion. Thus they will starve to death because they have been starved to death. All this is in keeping with the mark of exhibited beasts. Heka Hiao Ashe Amenet Makheru Nganga Great Mother Great Father, Great Sister, Great Brother. It is written. Let it be done.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Simple Truth | All Vision Is Viewed Through A Mirror
Unity Consciousness #2232


( 9anw of 11)

All vision uses mirrors.
Nothing can be seen without looking into a mirror.
Since nothing can be seen without a mirror, then nothing can be perceived.
Since nothing can be perceived without using a mirror, then nothing can be understood without using a mirror or mirrors. There can only be misunderstandings due to one-sidedness that lacks the fullness of wholeness.

Perceiving is vision.
Vision is seeing.
Thus vision is not limited to physical eyes.
Vision is the ability to know what something is using a sensing ability.
Vision applies to all sensing abilities, out of which current humans have been mistaught to recognize only a few, such as sight, sound, taste, touch, hearing and extra sensory perception ( intuition, instincts). ESP is a catch-all category for shit we don't understand.
All sensing ability is seeing ability. A sensing ability converts or transforms information in one form into another form as a re-presentation, a re-flection, reflex of motion. It is this cycle of motion in a feedback loop that creates awareness of the mirror image. By looking into a mirror, we are able to see, sense, visualize a different perspective. We can then use this additional perspective to assess self, estimate self, inspect self and re(in)spect self. This is a continuous process because mirrors never stop reflecting and sensing abilities are always sensing.
Optimal vision is the ability to divide and unite the two halves of the mirror image known as the two truths of duality, the mirror image twins.
These twin powers are also shown in the form of A and B, the beginning of Ability. AB is also “AB” the firstborn and the oldest, the aborginal, aborigine, the mother, father, parent, child, the pupil of the eye that forms and creates the image to allow sensing, perceiving and knowing self. (See Unity Consciousness #1246 and Khab). Ability transforms into Akherity, acuity..

Every sense of ours is for the purpose of helping us detect and understand something based on its complete truth, its other side, its other truth(s). Each truth is a mirror image reflection of the other. A more optimal understanding of sensing abilities is an essential context that will go a long ways towards improving our vision.

See Sensing, Touching & Smelling Myself, Unity Consciousness #1354

See also The Parent Who Makes Ends Meet, Unity Consciousness #2123

Search mirror image, mirror images

See also Becoming More Literate In Multiple Ways Of Reading, Unity Consciousness #668

See also Abba, Baba, Aba

The visual is the vidual (this is the individual who is presented simultaneously from both sides as shown by the clue of the “divid” of divide, included in individual. This then is another mirror and shows the unity of the dividing and the uniting. This helps the individual develop the vision of invisual. The invision is the envision, the inner vision of self and the other side of self, the collective of all else, a huge mirror containing mirrors.

By The Way: What has been said about respect is why there is no way in hell, respect can ever come from racist collectives towards Africans. Never will it happen until the racist collective stops being a racist collective. The racist collective and disrespect are mirror images of each other. They see their disrespect but call it thousands of other justifications of logic. This is how they can look at their ugliness in the mirror staring back at them and still sleep at night despite the grotesque monster in bed with them and that never leaves their side of logic.

Back To The Beginning Focus For More Vision Examination & Checkup Per What Has Been Scheduled By The Ever-coming Upcoming Overcoming Ages.

I digressed along another angle of light, but now come back to the main point. It is not possible to begin to understand the other side of something without a mirror.

1. Take for instance the back of our heads or our backs. We can't see them without a mirror. That mirror can be someone else's description, or us looking at the back of someone else and making a general inference about our own back, or someone drawing a picture, or someone taking a picture. All of these are mirrors and are sensing abilities, which are different ways of knowing by using and communicating information between and among genetic material.
In most instances, it takes more than one mirror to even begin to understand something. For instance, in order to see the back of our heads, we must stand with our backs to a mirror and then hold another mirror in front of us. Thus it takes more than one pair of two truths to understand something. Thus if your major pair of two truths is that I'm white and you're black. You don't even understand that. You are without adequate vision, thus perception of things.

2. No you can't even understand the back of your own hand by simply turning it over and looking at it. You need other references, more context, more mirrors, more logic to even understand that it's a hand and to understand all the information necessary to understand that single composite thing.

3. You cannot properly, healthily or kherrekhly understand female and male by simply using the mirrors of female and male. There are many layers and levels and angles of mirrors (angles of light) needed to understand self and anything else and all else, thus function optimally in that which you pretend (PERform a TENDency to know).

4. Consider how limited your understandings of numerical reckonings would be if your understandings of numbers was limited to 0 and 1 or 1 and 2 or 0, 1, 2. Even these three mirrors are not enough, yet they are fundamentally required as a foundation to the rest. Mirrors are fundamental and so is vision, sensing abilities, genetic material and understandings. All of this is knowledge of self.

5. The two-way mirror is mirrorly the beginning and end of wisdom. All that comes in between is necessary to fill in the picture, the depicture, the depiction of what the projector is transmitting so we can have the highest intellivision, the fullest picture of the circlemaker amself by using the greatest number of pixelations to provide the purest, sharpest, most clarifying definitions of whatever we sense and seek to understand. (Circle Maker, Circle-Maker, Circle Makheru, the heru, hero)

6. I am lingering as memories are pinging rehydrated strands. It takes three things to basically create good understanding – the sender, the transmitter and the receiver. (a) The source of information is the entire universe, there's nothing wrong overall with this first step.
(b) The transmitter is smaller packets of genetic material, lines of communication that record, analyze, store, retrieve, edit, use and share information. There is something wrong here when it comes to humans that causes understandings to be lost in the transmission between and among humans.
(c) The receiver is us who have been calibrated to mostly sense and be comfortable with poor picture quality, weak corrupt information and understandings of that information. Thus we do not even properly translate transmissions directly from non-human sources because we are still using much damaged lines and receivers.
Information is for the purpose of informing about the formation of creation, it's motions, animations, manifestations and formulations from the informer, the informant, the universal sender source.
Be certain to understand that the universe is repairing transmission lines that supersede human methods of transmitting information and understanding. The information is being transmitted to the deeper receivers within us in our genetic library. The universe is performing deep invasive laser-focused vision surgery restoration in many areas in the Galaxy. Understand what 2020 Visions have revealed to those whose free will is amenable to being healed.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Simple Truth, Poison Water & Healthy Logic
Unity Consciousness #2231


( 9anv of 11)

The simple truth is, poison water doesn't come from healthy logic.
There is no poison water on Earth except that which is poisoned by humans.

As we are continuously confronted with all that ails us, I remind myself of some of the main physical culprits causing sicknesses of all sorts. These areas have been poisoned and have created widespread pandemics of sickness that we have normalized under many names to dilute and pollute our awareness that the source of these sicknesses is the same, or at least are due to a narrow range of causes.

On a daily basis we are poisoned through:

1. Water

2. Food

3. Personal Care products. (includes medications of all types)

4. Other consumer products

5. Environment (earth, wind, fire, water and all organisms that rely on these primordial four)

These have been discussed elsewhere and though fairly comprehensive, they are still first level areas where poison is administered unto us the faithful who continuously sell and buy poisons from each other.
The five areas listed above are simply manifestations of loss of healthy knowledge of self. The root cause of why we would poison ourselves is because we lack healthy understandings of self and all else. This then causes the fundamental poisoning of logic upon which all other motion and use of our genetic potential is based. Thus then, this is why we create and ingest lots of spiritual poison, mental poison and emotional poison in addition to the main physical poisons.

Only in a society filled with the poison of denial can any person understand the importance of water, and then recognize that water is being poisoned, even that which comes from the tap, and then that person conclude the society is healthy. Our behavior towards water is proof enough to understand the simple truth of the health status of the logic of our culture.

Another way to say this is that if any one of the five areas above in your society is jacked the fuck up, then you do not live in a society that has healthy fundamental logic. You already know this through many other evidences.

Another way to say all this is that physical health can be improved through more attention to the health of the five areas above that we interact with. This must be supported by knowledge in these areas as it relates to self and knowledge about self in all other fundamental areas starting with who you are. All this will trickle down to the root level of logic that branches out and feeds all other logic.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Fundamental-less Fundamentalists NBA Basketball Rant
Unity Consciousness #2230


( 9anu of 11)

The definition of Maafa Racism means there is no racism free zone in the society or in the world.

Racism is on display always everywhere at various levels of obviousness and degrees of separation based on your level of awareness.

Sports is one of the main institutions of a racist society whereby racism is carried out. As often said, writing about all incidences and repetitions of racism in different forms cannot be accomplished thoroughly enough because there are billions of continuous instances daily.
On a regular basis certain forms of Maafa Racism continue to pop up in front of me begging for attention. I mostly ignore them until I sense that this repetition of racism might not be noticed by those who need to still think Maafa Racism is intermittent, part-time, limited in scope and limited as to the number of participants in racist collectives.

The impetus of this message is to let the Maafa Racist Spirit know that I see you. I see your shenanigans in terms of the continued re-whitewashing of NBA basketball team performance and calling out who's to blame and who's responsible as much as it would be for African coaches who are on a much shorter leash and narrower range of leeway.
As usual, playoff teams display despicable performance as if it's their first time playing the game. Their overall flaw is an overabundance of lack of good fundamentals.
This is easily evident with the Milwaukee Bucks, Toronto Raptors and Houston Rockets, yet not one of the talking head sports commentators is calling or questioning the coaching of those teams.
To me, the only way a team or a player repeatedly abandons good fundamentals is due to how they practice and due to the coaching philosophy of the entire staff. This was the main problem of the Cleveland Cavaliers when Lebron played for them. Were it not for the abandonment of good fundamentals, Cleveland could have won two to three more championships.

I hate the way NBA teams play by repeatedly running ISOs and acting like they have no muscle memory as to good fundamentals. All the white coaches of the three teams mentioned above need to be fired but nobody's making it a public question as to how embarrassing it is to see professional sports players repeatedly display fundamentalist behavior of being fundamental-less.

It seems to me the coaches are relying on the players to overcome average or below average coaching. Their reliance on individual player ability seems to get in the way of proper adjustments as to substitutions or recognizing when certain matchups aren't working or it just isn't that player's night. How can the same five players be the best group to start a game when each opponent has a different starting five? Coaches seem unable to put first things first, the good fundamentals. A lot of wasted team chemistry is the result which causes teams to underachieve embarrassingly.

Now be certain to understand that a key reason Miami, Boston and the Lakers are achieving this year is due to individual players and a better grade on the curve of good fundamentals than their opponents. Even so, the abandonment of good fundamentals is always on obvious display by all NBA teams during the regular season and playoffs. It's as if the philosophy is to allow individual talent to be the driving factor of what the NBA is all about on the court.

This does not remove responsibility from Front Office management to continuously monitor and evaluate coaches, be in communication and work on getting the personnel necessary to met all demands a team will face, especially in terms of injuries and opponent matchups. What is obvious to me regarding the losing playoff teams mentioned above is their lack of ball movement, player movement, stupid fouls, poor rebounding, lack of team offense and team defense, no wantingness (tenacity), players who can break people down off the dribble, missing layups and free throw percentages less than 75%. All of these teams have missing fundamental parts in the style of basketball played. Some lack three-point shooting, some midrange, some lack post play, some lack team defense and so on. This is all basic basketball. These flaws always expose the teams who are lackadaisical about good fundamentals.

Too much reliance on numbers, statistics and basketball science and no reliance on having a feel for the game or for the human aspect. Oh yeah, Portland is included in the fundamental-less basketball mishaps above. There was one game where Carmelo Anthony was on fire and then he was taken out of the game and never caught back on fire that game. He should have been left in the game until his performance started to decline. It is fundamentally stupid to have five people on the court but the responsibilities are so narrowly assigned. It is equally a bad idea to have eight players on the bench and most of them rarely see any playing time when the game is still on the line. This is fundamental-less player development. I suggest that as soon as a team gets twenty points ahead, put in several bench players. Their energy should help prevent a team from relaxing and collapsing. This will also prevent bench players from developing the bad habit of coming into the game and firing three pointers.

And by the way, Frank Vogel is not any kind of exceptional coach. He has been positioned to benefit from good players the way Phil Jackson and Pat Riley were. Due to Maafa Racism in the Lakers organization,they hired white Vogel over black Tyron Lue because Lue did not want to be a house nigger and was given restrictions that I'm certain were not placed on Vogel, even though Jason Kidd as assistant coach might make it seem so.
It doesn't take an exceptional coach, staff, front office, organization or players to win an NBA championship.. All it takes is the consistent application of good fundamentals.

Truth is, nobody wants to see a bunch of star players dominate the game with good plays. This was proven with the distaste with how All-star games are played in recent times. Instead people want to see good fundamental basketball at a high consistent level that can only be enhanced by superstar play, but not superseded by superstar play.

I would love to see Tyron Lue, Mark Jackson, Dwane Casey and Jeff Van Gundy as the coaching crew for a team.

The NBA is littered with lopsided boring games. It's usually better to just wait for the highlights or only tune in during the second quarter and then check-in for the fourth quarter. To watch an entire NBA game is to usually be disappointed and witness a bunch of back and froth lapses of good fundamentals on and off the court by players, coaches and referees.
Fundamental-less behavior also applies to the ridiculousness of inconsistent rule application which has proven to be how societal rules in general are applied - more discretionary and subjective than automatic and objective. As mentioned elsewhere, some rules are plain stupid such as an offensive charge when the defense has established position, but allowing a defensive player who has established position outside the restricted area to be bumped into, backed down, bulldozed, knocked around and moved by an offensive player who has “posted up.” So you can't clear out a defensive player with your arm but you can bang into them with your butt, body and shoulders. But wait a minute, lowering the shoulder in some instances is not allowed. But wait, a player going to the basket and becoming airborne on a layup can clear space by initiating contact with the defender but a defender can't even brush up against a jump shooter. But wait, a player can't reach in on a offensive player with the ball and touch them, but an offensive player can throw their arms into an defensive player who has their arms out. All this goofiness has led to NBA players being allowed to get away with bad habits of traveling with the ball, double dribbling and palming the ball.
In The September 13th Nuggets-Clippers game, Jeff Van Gundy did mention the fact that there is a great deal of discrepancy and dichotomy of what's allowed in the NBA.

Are there any good fundamental NBA teams? If watching a team play one game isn't good enough to reveal the truth of their habits, then just wait until one or more of their best players gets injured or fouls out. Does the team's fortunes turn for better or for worse? If the team is able to improve their performance, then that team had previously been held back by the logic associated with that star player. If that team declines in performance, then that team was built on star play rather than good fundamentals.

Most of these fundamental flaws are indicative of the suboptimal theory context worldwide utamawazo that continues to maintain Maafa Racism at its highest level. Suboptimal theory does not get optimal performance out of anything or anyone. Why doesn't Tyron Lue, Dwane Casey and Mark Jackson have head coaching jobs? Already Mike D'Antoni is being promoted for another head coaching job when he did not get the best out of Houston. Tyron Lue won an NBA championship, D'Antoni has not and has had several teams to get it done but has not. He, like many coaches, rely on star players to make them look like good coaches.

Give me a team/organization built on good fundamentals and It will win out more times over teams with more superstars or more dominant superstars. This has been proven many times. The best way to fight fire is not with fire, but rather with that which gives birth to fire – water. In other words, the best ways to overcome a superstar or superstars and “so-called great” coaches is to counter with a broad range of good fundamentals on and off the court.

Thank God there are slogans on the back of jerseys.

NFL Addendum 09/14/20

Tom Brady and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are being given leeway as to how soon they perform at a high level and win; however no such consideration is being given to Cam Newton and the New England Patriots. Same old racism narrative being spouted by sports media. What we are going to see is that Tom Brady's supposed individual greatness was due to team greatness and adherence to good fundamentals, sprinkled with some individual superstar play. Likewise, if the New England organization maintains the same level of fundamental adherence achieved during the Brady years, we should also expect Cam Newton and the Patriots to continue to be at the top of the league.
Isn't genetic ability mostly plug and play and substituteable. We know this when it comes to many other roles, jobs and professions. Why not also in sports? It is that way in sports also. The main difference is the degree and mix of suboptimal and optimal logic being used.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Basic One Ingredient African Soup Mistook & Recooked
Unity Consciousness #2229


( 9ant of 11)

Why should watchers continue to sound alarms when every day, sheep are being killed?
Isn't that alarming enough for fundamental change?
Is a cry wolf more effective in advance or when signs are abundant or when the wolf pack is tearing you to pieces?

Notwithstanding the general confusion, sickness and weakness among humans, there's additional confusion and weakness of logic among Africans who don't even understand the simplest of things such as the basics of what soup is.

Soup is a mixture of ingredients. This can be hot, cold, lukewarm, room temperature, however blended, boiled, baked, fried, refried, liquefied, pulverized or simply eaten as is, one macro composite ingredient at a time.

Soup begins with and is based on a single thought. That thought is either love or hate. The completion of that thought is hate or love. This is the basis of all soup and is the one ingredient common to everything consumed.

There's not enough space or time in these confines to repeat or continue to pull examples from the hundreds of millions of examples to choose from, any one of which clearly tells the basic story of soup - the mixture of ingredients.

Every single thing is a mixture of things.
This is a summary and repetition of one of the main things we've learned along the way.

Every time you think, eat or prepare soup of any type, what goes into that soup is always a mixture. That mixture always includes both sides of what you love and hate, what you put in and what you don't, what you think goes together and what you have available.

What I'm saying in an expository way is, that despite the enormous amount of information available, everything still all boils down to one thing – two truths.
We Africans, Africans in waiting, Africans in hiding and Africans in deep sleep, remain confused by the extra ingredients added to the basic culture soup of societies.

To clear up confusion I suggest you watch the movie “Inglorious Bastards.” It will clearly explain the nature of the soup that Germans eat and think with, still to this very day. The nature of the soup Nazis eat and think with right now. The nature of the soup that white Jews eat and think with nonstop. The nature of the soup that Europeans eat and think with since their deformation transformation.

Despite the extreme disharmonious nature of the history of these people, including the history up to one second ago, Africans are still currently faithfully voraciously eating all types of soup from all these people (gobbling up the gobbledy goop). Africans have forgotten that all these soups are based on the same one single ingredient – love-hate, hate-love. As a result, Africans are confused by the extra ingredients and think that the soup game has changed such that if we change some of the extra ingredients, the soup will be different. Africans still think they can control the soup that others think, prepare, eat and offer to others. Instead of Africans refusing to eat that soup and eat their own damn soup, Africans would rather protest about the soup, vote to change the soup, wear slogans about the soup, trust the logic of public figures and celebrities and do all manner of weak-minded, slave mentality, already proven to fail, types of things.

There are many messages to remember and learn from in the movie Inglorious Bastards. I will only provide a clue to a few so hopefully you will pay closer attention to every word and every action. German-white Jew-Negro, culture-based humanity, unchangeableness of a misshapen basic nature, vengeful-revenge. If you are to be among the remnants, this then is another piece of preparation for your greater awakening to what is taking place right now and has been and always will, at the basic level.

Remember Esau played himself and his descendants as a sucka for a bowl of soup from his bloodsucka brother Jacob, a hero general of white Jews, Christians and demented folks in general.

Also remember that we have been homogenized into believing in chicken soup for the soul (if it sounds good and feels good, then it's all good, and that's good enough to heal what ails the soul).

Also remember, that everything in your society is an ingredient in the soup. This includes all information you have encountered from every source. Every piece of logic you are using.

You yourself are a soup. You are based on one ingredient – two truths- to which various forms of the two truths (ingredients) have been added.
You should not continue to immaturely think that a different form or flavor of the two truths makes those truths fundamentally different. And this is why Africans are still fucked up because we keep thinking we can change the form and flavor of logic in a society and end up with different soup suitable for everyone without changing the fundamental two truths upon which the soup is built.

Not a day goes by that the okie doke is not in full force and effect in so many ways that it is impossible for any African to avoid encountering several forms each day. My soul cries out to my Africans every day to not eat the soup of the day served many ways each day as an all you can eat buffet.

Meanwhile everybody knows you can't change people even if they want to change. The best you can do is help them a little and they must do almost all of it on their own, Africans still think we can get other people to change the cultural soup of logic they are using. This is our main strategy. We'll buy into anything rather than go back to the strategy that created this iteration of creation – that strategy comes from the Ancient Cookbook and also consists of one ingredient – evolution/revolution. That's what it always takes to flip the script.

There will be no celebratory victorious thanksgiving meal for Africans until we decide to only eat soup containing love-hate and revolution-evolution. This can't come from or be shared with those who are confusing the few handful of issues we need to be focused on to win this war that is essentially a life and death food fight with vermin.

Until Africans are certain that love, revolution, hate and evolution are the same thing, we will continue to be easily confused by what we choose to eat and feed each other, especially the youth who still don't know for sure which way to go and are looking for leaders instead of following the lead of their spirit-soul rather than the lead of their miseducated flawed mental which is still being comprised through the tools and weapons of war - malnutrition and poison sold as the best remedy for Maafa Racism. We are basically believing that our best plan of action is to continue to try to purify sewer water by appealing to the insensibilities of those who continue to pollute it and want it polluted because they are pathogens who thrive in pollution. This then is the basic broth of the soup Africans are consuming. We think we need enemies to purify the water for us and the air and the soil and trick us into blocking out sunlight. We somehow think the wolf's point of view as to life and existence is what should be followed.

Good soup for the wolf is not good soup for their prey.
What then about your point of commonality does your point of divergence not show you that you must eat and think differently, just as do all other species whose life depends on the death of another species. And you still wonder why predator people still consider Africans as their prey? They are perfect beasts and the epitome of imperfect humans. That's why. You think you can reason with them with words and through their systems? African are the perfect prey who continue to follow the logic of predators. This is why Africans crying for justice in various ways is met mostly with that's okay, because it serves to delay justice for another day. Good people self-correct immediately. Racist collectives are filled with those who want their societies and their favored groups to remain as is.
When it comes to the basics of the game, if you don't understand, innerstand and overstand, then yuh no ready fuh change, freedom, peace, justice, equality, reparations. All you are ready for is to continue getting played and served up as prey with African cooperation doing most of the trap work to keep us ending up on the wrong side of the pot, getting cooked and recooked along with the same ole basic soup that keeps killing us in many ways and at different speeds. And we keep turning around pleading with the nature of predators to change who they are. Clearly they can't change or don't want to. This has been clear for centuries so why keep trying to coexist using the same ways of thinking and behavior? Leave them to predatorily feed on themselves as they have always cannabalistically done. It is a historical and biological fact that they have ice in their veins which makes them and their wannabes cold-blooded, starting with, practiced and perfected through violence at home. What makes Africans think that racist collectives are going treat us better than their own family by feeding Africans healthy soup while feeding their family poison logic?
It ain't gonna happen?

Meanwhile we love to trust in, listen to and follow the every which way misleadings of the predator media into another psychological trap for another season and another round of mass killing and destruction as we wear and chant slogans in defense. We think Black Lives Matter and Say Her Name is a good idea. If it was something helpful for Africans, then the predator media would also be promoting Malcolm X logic and Black Panther logic and Marcus Garvey Logic and late stage MLK, Jr. logic and Nat Turner logic and Jeremiah Wright logic and Maroon logic and John Henrik Clarke logic, if the racist media was truly promoting what fundamentally helps Africans the most and quickest. Of a truth, Harriet Tubman would shoot most of us today because we want to stay on the plantation and change the mindset of oppressor societies whose entire way of life depends on oppression. Until we give that shit up, we have given up. Which is why we keep eating their soup hoping for a miracle makeover from the goodness of the heart of their offspring.

By the way, this includes the bullshit media put out by universities that they call “studies.” This also includes the bullshit coming out of the mouths of thousands of racist soldiers daily who have various media jobs, including in governments. Don't continue to be a fool and think the war is not taking place everywhere all day. Quit thinking you can make progress by dealing with individual issues and individual incidents. No, the only way to win is to take down all the main soup kitchens, all at once or in domino fashion.

You Africans must get it through your thick heads that both the most uninformed racist and the most informed racist, they still think the same when it comes to Africans. They still say the most ignorant, stupid, hateful, contradictory incongruent shit, regardless of how obvious it is to them that they are lying. They still lie because they are controlled by their pathology of psychopathy of sociopathy. These are the people you are trying to work out some type of equality and justice with. That's why you get beat up, jailed, shot and killed when you protest with signs, but white folks with guns can protest and nothing happens to them. What part of that alone don't you understand that Africans cannot appeal to the system to change itself and view Africans differently. It is not within the system's capabilities.

Africans need to focus on their own behavior and thinking while simultaneously understanding the behavior of our enemies. All we need to know is that the behavior of our enemies works against us. We don't need to understand why or whether or not it's intentional or miseducated or ignorance or whatever. All we need to do is change our behavior to counteract their behavior. No discussion necessary with attackers.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

History Majors In Double Proof, Double Truth
Fundamental Forces Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2228


( 9ans of 11)

We have identified thoughts and behaviors (functions, properties, characteristics, nature) as a fundamental force.
We've also been reminded that most of our thoughts and behaviors are in the past, in history, in our preexistence to this current existence.
Our life before, is vastly longer than our life now.

In the Universe of Existence-Preexistence, the positive and basic visual ability dominate at the basic level of awareness. Thus this becomes the starting point of the journey to remember knowledge of self in totality. We seek proof positive, that which is seen with physical eyes; but we must also incorporate proof negative of that which is seen with other eyes.

A one quarter turn of the positive sign and the known, reveals the negative sign and the unknown.
Just by simply turning our perspective slightly to either side, we can see more as we move away from strictly Giri So and towards the Bene So.

Here me now, hear me now.
You can't develop mature understandings of history until you begin accessing the Bolo So level of awareness.
We are also reminded, that “of all our studies, history [of anything] is best qualified to reward our research." This was restated by Malcolm X, the naga negative to the maga positive.

Thus to be positive of what's going on now, we must understand the thinking and (functions, properties, characteristics, nature) that have come and gone, have been negated, that seeming no longer are, but instead are just like preexistence. There has simply been change-exchange, and for the most part, what has always been, still is in the exact same form as always.

Claiming to understand history or the history of anything without also having a corresponding complementary wholeness to level of awareness is like trying to look back and see clearly now, without thinking back or understanding back beyond the Giri So evidences of history. To take such an approach will in no way enable proper logic connections among the then, the self, the all else, the now.

Everyone is a history major. Most of us are failing the “course.” We claim to properly understand what has happened in relation to what is happening. We think we are living in reality right now while having an illusionary view of history.

History's major purpose is not self-aggrandizement.

Hire me now, higher me now.
Lower me down, bring me around
Heir me, repair me understand me doubly crowned

This message incorporates a portion from the previous message and many others.

Understand this one point: Between the then and now you are and everything else is.
So then, which part of time and space do you and everything else belong to?

Let me make this country simple with a twist of eloquence. A large part of the problem today in thinking and behavior is that most people, the masses of sheeple, have an extremely truncated and warped sense of history. Lost in space and time. Adrift. Desperately seeking any sign of stability to belong to. Clinging to sinking islands full of active volcanoes. This is the basis of their security. If you weren't psychopathically mentally ill before arriving, you will be the longer you stay and call it home. Thus forgetting you are lost while never escaping the feeling. And this is why most people are easily bamboozled by 9-11's and pandemics and all other mass constructions the society puts forth as the way or not the way. The society needs as many people as possible to help make the island seem bigger and to add their lives to support the always eroding foundation.

And this is why to distract you from the truth of the mega-societal failure based on a slew of fundamental logic errors baked into institutional cakes, you are programmed to be extremely deficient of decency. This allows you to participate in Maafa Racism actively, passively, by co-mission and by omission. This is only possible if you have no clue as to the history of who you are, where you came from and why you are here. Thus nearly all you do is disharmonious. You excel in lying to yourself....something you learned at home.