If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Zero Sense | God Is The Universe And Being Afraid To Say So
Unity Consciousness #1654


(Part 9rz of 11)

Supposedly God is the Creator of Everything and everything that exists is supposed to be God, yet we are afraid to call God, “The Universe.”
But when things happen in nature, we don't hesitate to call them “Acts Of God.”
A lot of these “Acts” are taking place on Earth, yet, we are afraid to refer to “The Earth” as God. (But somehow in our confusion, we refer to Earth as Mother Earth or Father Earth, but are afraid to refer to God that way – Mother Universe, Father Universe.

Asking More About These “Acts”

How are these “Acts of God” getting to the Earth in order to take place on Earth?

Does God just take a spiritual laser beam from God Central somewhere out there in Heaven Above, and send it to Earth whenever God wants to perform an Act of God?

Or are Acts of God caused by the natural processes of Earth and Solar System and Galaxy and Universe?
Best we can tell, it's the natural world, through processes, that is the manifestor of “Acts of God.” (We are the witnesses. Thus we continuously go from “God is my witness” to being “witnesses of God, Acts of God.” Yet we only partially testify to the truth. We call the Acts “of God” but we do not call the manifestor, God.)

If natural processes are the actions that are the Acts of God, and these acts take place through Earth, then God must be the Earth performing the Actions called Acts of God.

Now we check on our progress.
If God is Earth, then most certainly God must also be Universe, since Universe is larger than Earth.

As Dr. Ben would somewhat say, I'm trying to keep this real simple for us and talk in whatever way is necessary to help us understand. Like Yosef, son of Jochannan, I'm talking real plain everyday conversation self street talk to help us keep it real with ourselves, instead of each side of our brain, kidding the other. - partly because we've been taught we are either left-brained or right-brained (another false notion already addressed, undressed and redressed).

Okay, some of us might continue on our “eat, drink and be merry” way, and say, it's the Spirit of God or the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost that performs or causes Acts of God. (we are still very afraid to call God, “The Earth” or “The Universe.”)

Since logic up to this point has not helped much, we have to change up a bit and continue our self-conversation from a different perspective and ask, “where does this Spirit of God live who causes Acts of God?” (We are asking because we must somehow think God is a separate being from Earth and separate from Universe. Earth is one thing, God is another. Universe is one thing, God is another. We don't bother to reconcile logic, we just compile it, and keep piling it up.)

So the question is, where does the Spirit of God live, the spirit that causes Acts of God?
Inside the Earth or outside the Earth?
Inside the Universe or outside the Universe?
If we say outside, then where is that?

If we say inside, then where is that?

And who created that place and space, wherever it is?

If you do not say God created it, you shouldn't be calling yourself a child of God and you shouldn't be thinking God is All This, That, The Other and Everything.

This reminds us of something, so we now take another turn to what has been discussed before.
By saying we are a child of God, we are essentially calling ourselves God.
How so?
Because a child must be of the same type as the parent. The same formulation.

Gods don't give birth to humans that are not gods.
Likewise then, since humans are creations, then Gods don't give birth to creations that are not gods.
Thus, since God created Heaven, Earth and Universe, then those three are also gods and God....and so are we.

Furthermore, immortals don't give birth to mortals unless those immortals are also mortals and unless those mortals have a way of again becoming immortal. Upon this rock of ages, the church is rebuilt.

Let's Get Serious

How can we continue to espouse logic talking about things “universal” and “spiritual,” yet we have not yet remembered that when we say those things we are talking about God.
Therefore if to speak of the spiritual is to speak of God, then God is Spirit. We know this and are not afraid to refer to God as Spirit or Ghost or something else similar.
However, we must keep the same logic by saying, if to speak of the universal is to speak of God, then God is the Universe.

God Is Afraid

Because God knows the power of genetic potential properly applied, it can create Creation and Universe.
Thus God is afraid of genetic potential improperly applied due to lack of understanding, because it can destroy Creation and Universe.
God is afraid of not knowing.

God is afraid of not knowing self and all else.
God is afraid of not knowing the dynamics of dynamic balance.
Because God is everything, thus God needs to understand self and everything else in order to make this thing work.

And this is why, if we are to grow back into our full potential from gods (prepubescent mortal) to Gods (pubescent immortal), we must do the same thing as God by going through the continuous process of becoming one again in our understandings of the many.

Using Love & Fear To See Things Clearer In These Mirrors

You can't have a God who talks about love, and then that God, not be the same as Love.
You can't have a God who talks about the fear of God or the fear of the Lord, and then that God not understand fear. Thus God would have had to experience fear. God is Fear.
This reasoning of the co-existence of two truths can be carried out to anything you can think of, and it will apply.

For now, we come back to say, you can't have a God who created the universe, and then that God not be the same as The Universe.
You can't have an Earth that is a Mother and Father who regenerates rebirth of life, and that Earth Mother and Earth Father, who is our Rebirth Parent, not be a form of God,The Birth Parent. Through Earth we are reborn as children of God, and through Earth, Acts of God are also reborn. Not just those of a large, miraculous or disastrous kind, but all actions of Earth and its contents (inhabitants) are Acts of God. There's more but we stop there, for now.

How Can It Be True That God IS NOT The Universe?

To say or think God is not the universe, is only true in the limited genocidal sense. two of the things that make the limited sense possible and plausible are lack of understanding and fear. These two are a volatile cocktail that continuously serves up mixed up think.

Even God Is Scared Of Self, And This Is Why We, The Lesser Knowers, Are Still Afraid, So Afraid

Based on our logic that is afraid to call God, Universe or Earth, we must also think, since God created Heaven and Earth, and God is not Earth, then God is also not Heaven.
Yet we do think God is the Word, and the Light.
What Word is God? The words we speak, the words in bibles?
If so, aren't these words smaller than the words that created Earth, Heaven and Universe?
If God is the word and God spoke using words to create Earth, Heaven and Universe, and God is the same as the Word, then isn't God also the same as Heaven, Earth and Universe?
Slightly rephrased, if Word created Earth, then Earth is Word. A thing is what creates it. Now since Word is God, then Earth must be God, since Earth is Word. And so must be Universe, Heaven and all else, since Word was used to create all things. All things must be God.
God is the Tree. Talk to the tree if it pleases you, but don't miss opportunities to have conversations with God because of fear of the form God is in.

Sufficient unto the day are the choices we make with logic and chances we take with logic that agrees more with the partial than the whole.

I'll retake my choices and remake my chances with that which agrees more with the whole than the partial.
The superhuman is a greater portion of the whole than the human.
A more self-serving context because it is more self-preserving because it makes zero sense to a fuller extent.

In Retrospect

This entire message is simply to repeat the essence of what was said in the three discussions of “Who Is The Creator?”
It is better to be connected to a name of God that keeps us consciously aware of the nature of God, self, each other and all else, rather than be connected to a name of God that only serves to connect us to human-delineated religions.
Logic flowing from the context of God as Universe is more apt to harmonize our thinking and behavior, rather than the separatist thinking and behavior that goes along with all these names of God claimed as an identifier of a specific human-made cock-eyed religion.
God is the Creator-Destroyer of the Universe. God is the Universe who creates and destroys. This is more holistic than God is Jesus, Allah or Jehovah or Buddha, because those names cause us to think God is different and we are different, when that has never been fundamentally true. Once again, if humans have everything in common with plants and other animals, then we most certainly are the same, no matter our human names and other “suboptimal identifiers of self.”
We have allowed surface differences of how we look, where we live and ways of living to become sources of deadly, maddening sickening pride because it doesn't even allow us to interact with the natural world properly. We need to start over and strip away all the human constructions by resetting to optimal theory, not the death-supplying American Dream, the leader of the unfree world.

Be certain to understand that all of our specific names for God, do indeed mean that God is the Universe, it's just that we have not been taught that. As a result, because we are not even starting out with an all-inclusive comprehensive understanding of God, then most of our ideologies in religion and elsewhere in life, suffer from endless debilitating forms of fragmentation disease, just like a computer that receives zero maintenance. The computer is always getting hung up on its own logic, and can't become more efficient without junk logic being removed, errors being corrected and being reset (rebooted, restarted). Same metaform is Different metaphor. Which is what God the Universe is yelling us. God is the Universe filled with everything different, yet God is the same, thus everything is the same, thus everything is everything.
”Miracle of the Maafa” (Introducing Dr. Chike Akua with Professor Kaba Hiawatha Kamene)