If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Still Sore Afraid To Know Who Your Daddy Is?
Unity Consciousness #2796

(9azzzzzzzzzzzi of 11)

This explains why, most articles on this weblog are avoided** that clearly state in their titles, that so and so, such and such and this and that is not your father or the father. And in fact, your father and mother is African-American, Black, Negro, Colored, Armorican, African.
You have been pathogen programmed to not want to hear it and you choose to continue to follow that programming.
**by the monolith masses and even the staunchest trolls (colorless people of no color, their wannabes and those afflicted with Stockholm Syndrome and their spirit-soul that knows, based on GP* alone, its end time is here as evidenced by vibrations of upheaval and fulfillment flooding, flushing, cleansing human settlements of dishelvement) For these people, not only is it difficult to “reframe everything,” it is difficult to reframe anything or reframe a single thing to which they cling.
*genetic principalities
And this is why, in a fragmented, miseducated matrix, nowadays called nation and country, the true daddy and true identity of the masses is the Republic for which it justifies and defends its actions, thus making it words, a foundation of turds for which it stands, sold to you as curds and whey, which is okay by you because you are accustomed to bullshit logic about your heritage.

I know who your daddy is because I know who I am is above and below.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Dakota Sioux Missouri Native American Indians
From Africa's Nile Valley Great Lakes Region
Unity Consciousness #2795

(9azzzzzzzzzzzh of 11)

When you say you are from Missouri, although you might be thinking geographically in the Usa, at deeper levels you are also saying you are from the Missouri tribe of Indians from Africa. This is true of all names. This becomes clear through name origins, name histories, name etymologies, name onomastics, name genealogies and name family trees.

Show me a branch of humans and their fruits whose relatively very recent existence is their main proof of what they produce and of their beginnings, and I will show you roots grown in make-believe as truth that will go poof!

The etymology I suspect is: Mesteriu, Mistori, Missori, Missouri

Per State of Missouri, Missouri gets its name from Sioux Indians called the Missouris. The word "Missouri" is said to mean "muddy water" but others say it means "town of the large canoes," "wooden canoe people" or "he of the big canoe." https://www.sos.mo.gov/archives/history/history

Per Online Etymology Dictionary, Missouri was originally a name for a group of native peoples among Chiwere (Siouan) tribes. Missouri comes from an Algonquian word recorded approximately 1700 CE and is said to mean "people of the big canoes." https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=missouri

Per KCUR 89.3, The tribe’s original Chiwere name was Nyutachi. But as a result of miscommunication among Native Americans and colonizers, over time it came to be known as Missouria. https://www.kcur.org/history/2021-04-25/a-native-american-tribe-gave-missouri-its-name-now-its-descendants-are-preserving-a-fading-language

Per University of Pittsburgh, The name Missouri derives from Bemessourit, an Algonquian term that refers to “people with canoes (made from logs),” and the popular mistranslation “muddy water” derives from Pekitanoui, an Algonquian name for the river. These terms were first used in 1673 CE by Marquette in his journal and on his map of the Mississippi River and it tributaries. Within a generation, French explorers and cartographers, using a variety of spellings and grammatical forms, had simplified the name to Missouri and applied it to the river as well as to the people, completely abandoning Pekitanoui. Those who lived on its banks—the Otos and Missouris—had other (Siouan) terms for the river. https://ans-names.pitt.edu/ans/article/view/1561

Per Names & Their Histories, Missouri is a French spelling of the native name Missuri, the ' great muddy river, as contrasted with the Mississippi, whose waters are clear.

Also from Names & Their Histories, Dakota takes its name from a confederation of seven tribes calling themselves Dahcota, which signifies 'friends,' 'allies,' or 'confederates.' The Dahcotas were called by their enemies Nadowe-ssi-wag, an Algonkin term which signifies 'the snake-like ones,' 'the enemies,' and a portion of this name, ssi-iuag or siwng, was corrupted by the French into Sioux. The term Sioux or Sioan is now used as a linguistic term, Dahcota being reserved in a narrower sense as an ethnic designation.
I suspect Dak + otos likely from Mak, family or clan that rules

The Main Point Is That the Missouri and Indians Anywhere In The World Are Africans And Were Black Under Different Names First In The Locations Currently Found Before Taking On Other Colorations, Features And Cultural Variations

There are many details above that could be discussed further, corrected and clarified. I am mainly focusing on the point that Chiwere is the same as Chewere, Cherewe, Kerewe, Ukerewe, Ucherewe, Ucherewa, Chichewa, Chewa, Ewa, Ewe (Ioway) Iowa and more. The Chewa people are also known as Nyanja - people of the great lake, great waters, sea - who speak Chinyanja - the language of the lake. This is the same language as Chichewa. In all this we can see connections to information from other sources about the Africans now named Missouri Indians.

As a second point, it is likely that many of the so-called Native American Indian tribes are also Algonquian/Algonquin/Algonkin, since this language is used in the naming of many tribes, people, places and things. Also simultaneously possible is that the Algonquian were so numerous, they were the first or most willing to work with Europeans, thus most gullible.

Algonquin is a corruption of Algomequin, which means ' those on the other side of the river, the St. Lawrence. (Names & Their Histories)

Also numerous are the Iroquois tribes who. Hewitt believes “Iroquios” is Algonkin, from their Mohegan (Mohican) tribal word “irinako,” with the French suffix -ois, meaning 'those who are true snakes.' The word “irin” or “ilin” is common to most Algonkin tongues, and is found in the name of the Linapi or Lenape tribe (Delawares), the 'real men' [par excellence] from api, 'men,” Hale, on the other hand, suggests, with greater probability, that Iroquois is from the verbal form 'ierokua,' meaning 'they who smoke.' 'Rokwa' is the theme of the noun 'garokwa' or 'karokwa,' a pipe. (Names & Their Histories)

Because it is a fundamental truth of roots, the main point of this message has been proven many times about humans, Africans, Indians and all people who go by any name.

To think this is untrue would also be to believe that all the group names of white people in Europe means they are different people with different origins and no one common source.
To think this is untrue would also be to believe that all the group names of dogs, wolves, foxes, jackals and canines means that are different animals with different origins and no one common source.

The word “Indian,” as in those in North America, is not synonymous with red, red people or red man, unless we are speaking of the mythological Indian in one phase of his expression.

Why Is October 8th to 14th Columbus Day?
Unity Consciousness #2794

(9azzzzzzzzzzzg of 11)

On Sankofa Road and its tributaries, I am continuing to encounter more information on Christopher Columbus. Some of this information has been added to the earlier article, “Honoring Truths, By Dishonoring Columbus Day Lies In Rabbit Hole USA,” UC#2789.

Columbus Day was originally observed every October 12, but was changed to the second Monday in October beginning in 1971 CE. https://www.history.com/topics/exploration/columbus-day

“On August 3, 1492 CE, he [Christopher Columbus] sailed with three small ships or caravels and a crew of ninety men from the port of Palos, Spain. For more than two months the little vessels pressed westward, nearly all of the sailors scared almost out of their senses, for they believed that by and by they would sail off the edge of the world or become the prey of horrible monsters that inhabited the unknown ocean toward which they were making their way. The crew were on the verge of mutiny more than once, and it required great tact, promises and threats on the part of Columbus to hold them to their work. He succeeded, and on the night of the 11th of October**, a flickering light was discerned through the darkness, which he knew must come from land. At the earliest dawn, all were thrilled by the sight of a small island. It was one of the group known as the Bahamas, generally supposed to be Watling**, though there is no certainty. Not doubting that it belonged to the East Indies, Columbus called the natives Indians, by which name they have been known ever since.”
(1906 CE New Werner Twentieth Century Edition Of The Encyclopedia Britannica. The English Ninth Edition In Twenty-Five Volumes With New American Supplement Complete In Thirty Volumes, Volume XXIII). The first twenty-four volumes of the New Werner Edition contain thirty-one new and later articles by American authors, replacing articles on similar subjects written by different authors for the original ninth English (Foreign) Edition

** Watling was first called San Salvador by Columbus on October 12, 1492 CE, then Watling by other Europeans, then back to San Salvador. The native name of the island was Guanahani. Columbus also gave the name of San Salvador to the first harbour he reached in Cuba (now called Puerto de Ñipe) in the belief that he had reached the coast of Japan; the natives telling him that in ten days he would reach the mainland [likely South Central America or South America], which he thought was China, San Salvador (now El Salvador] was also the name of one of the Central American Republics and is the name of its capital city. (Names & Their Histories by Isaac Taylor)

What we can be certain of is that Columbus did not call the natives “Indians” because it was a new name he just invented. Columbus was lost and clueless and never set out to find the Americas. Instead he set out to go to India. He thought he ended up in the East Indies (Philippines). However, he went west from Spain instead of south down past Africa and then east and then north up to India. This placed him in what is now called the Bahamas. By using “Indian,” Columbus was using a name already known to Europeans to describe the people based on their physical features. They were called Indians because they looked like people from India who looked like people from Africa who were dark or black and not red. These are people who still retained enough of their features and coloration from Africa to be called Indians. As shown elsewhere, Africa is the first India (Sindha), the first Ing (Ank, Nga) people.
Herodotus used the words India and Indian at least 1,000 years before Columbus was born. Herodotus wrote that both the Western Ethiopians, who lived in Africa, and the Eastern Ethiopians who dwelled in India, were black in complexion, but that the Africans had curly hair, while the Indians were straight-haired. It is a certainty Herodotus was not the first to use the words India and Indian.

By The Way: Christoper Columbus' name in Italian is Cristoforo Colombo. Columbo is appropriate since it matches the disheveled scatter-brained detective in the American TV show, Columbo. The difference is Columbo just seemed lost; however Columbus was so lost he didn't know what direction he was traveling. Likely they zigzagged all the way there.

It is said the TV show Columbo is based on a character in Dostoevsky's Crime & Punishment.
I say, for real life Christoper Columbus, his fate also has plenty shades of, the Charles Dickens statement, “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”
Christopher Columbus was able to turn the worst of times in being lost, into the best of times of being deposited in the Bahamas and finding treasures there to loot and take back to Spain, and then lying and saying he had found West India (West Indies) and then be credited with finding the Americas and America and be adopted by the British Englanders who came later to North Armorica and needed a colorless European to cut and paste into their fabricated history, similar to how semite mulatto Jews have patchwork quilted a history out of stolen pieces, turning magi trails into rabbi tales.

As likely corroborated elsewhere, in finding his way back to Spain in 1492 CE, Columbus used the forced or willing naive gullible assistance of the “Indians” he encountered on Watling Island, otherwise he certainly would not have been able to find his way back.

Columbus found America alright, in the sense that bumping into the coffee table while sleep walking in the middle of the night means you found the post office.

Notes: https://www.google.com/search?q=where+is+east+indies&oq=where+is+east+indies&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512l2j0i22i30l7.3542j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Notes: Bahamas, or Lucayas, are a group of islands extending south-east from Florida for 600 miles. One of them, probably Watling Island, was the first landfall of Columbus, who called the group Las Princesas, probably because they were the 'first' islands he discovered [for white Europeans to attack]. The name Lucayas is a corruption of the Spanish name Los Cayos, 'the keys,' cays' or 'reefs', which was given by early Spanish mariners. The meaning of the name Bahama is doubtful, but is most probably derived from a small group, still called Bimani, opposite Cape Florida, of which the Spaniards in Haiti heard tidings, and from the resemblance of the name identified it with a place in Asia called Palombe by Mandeville, where he asserted there was a miraculous fountain of youth, of which he had himself drunk. Palombe was an imaginary name, Mandeville having cribbed his account of the place and its fountain from a spurious letter purporting to have been written by Préster John. It was in search of Bimani that Juan Ponce de Leon discovered the Great Bahama [for white Europeans to attack] in 1513 CE, and rediscovered the 1498-1502 CE discovery of Florida by other Europeans. De Leon renamed the land, Florida [even though before 1498 CE, people were already living there]. In Herrera's map of 1601 CE Bahama is an island placed next to Bimani. (Names & Their Histories)

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Paternity Test Proves Socrates Not The Father Of Philosophy
Unity Consciousness #2793

(9azzzzzzzzzzzf of 11)

We've sufficiently shown philosophy as an African creation.
Now we'll do the same under Socrates' name.
“Most of the now renowned/revered Greeks (the world’s first Europeans) all studied at the Temple of Waset in ancient Kemet (Egypt) Africa. This Temple is the world’s first university. It is known as the "royal septer" and was built circa 1391 B.C. At its zenith, it educated 80,000 students. This Temple was re-named Thebes by the Greeks, and Luxor by the Arabs.” http://www.trinicenter.com/kwame/2022/2706.htm

”Plato studied at the Temple of Waset for 11 years; Aristotle for 11-13 years; Socrates was there for 15 years; Euclid studied there for 10-11 years; Pythagoras for 22 years; Hypocrates was there for 20 years; and the other Greeks who matriculated in Africa were Solon, Thales, Archimides and Euripides. Indeed, the Greek, St. Clement of Alexandria once stated that "if you were to write a book of 1,000 pages, you would not be able to put down the names of all the Greeks who went to Kemet (Africa) to be educated and even those who did not, surreptitiously claim they went because it was prestigious." [more than Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Vassar...] http://www.trinicenter.com/kwame/2022/2706.htm

“In his book titled, A Lost Tradition: African Philosophy in World History (1995), Dr. Theophile Obenga quotes the Greek philosopher Aristotle ranking ancient Kemet (Egypt) as "the most ancient archeological reserve in the world" and "that is how the Egyptians whom we (Greeks) considered the most ancient of the human race." According to Dr. Obenga "the ancient Greeks traced all human inventions to the Egyptians from Calculus, Geometry, Astronomy and to Writing….Since the time of Homer, Egyptian antiquity functioned strictly as a highly memoralized component of Greek history; Herodotus said it, Plato confirmed it and Aristotle never denied it." http://www.trinicenter.com/kwame/2022/2706.htm [In other words, early Greeks made sure to make sure their history acknowledged its African origins]

“There were mystery schools, or what we would commonly call lodges in Greece and other lands, outside of Egypt, whose work was carried on according to the Osiriaca, the Grand Lodge of Egypt. Such schools have frequently been referred to as private or philosophic mysteries, and their founders were Initiates of the Egyptian Mysteries; the Ionian temple at Didyma; the lodge of Euclid at Megara; the lodge of Pythagoras at Crotona; and the Orphic temple at Delphi, with the schools of Plato and Aristotle. Consequently we make a mistake when we suppose that the so-called Greek philosophers formulated new doctrines of their own; for their philosophy had been handed down by the great Egyptian Hierophants through the Mysteries. In addition to the control of the mysteries, the Grand Lodge permitted an exchange of visits between the various lodges, in order to ensure the progress of the brethren in the secret science.” UC#167

“The schools of philosophy, Chaldean, Greek and Persian, were part of the Ancient Mystery System of Egypt. They were conducted in secrecy according to the demands of the Osiriaca, whose teachings became common to all the schools.” UC#167

“Pythagoras, the oldest of the so-called Greek-thinkers, was a student in Egypt [Kemet] for several years. He was exiled from Greece when he started to teach what he had learned. Socrates was persecuted for teaching “foreign ideas.” Plato was sold into slavery. Aristotle was also exiled. Yet, current day white folks still like to make all of these students of Africa, their fathers of this, that and the other. (James, George G. M., "Stolen Legacy: Greek Philosophy is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy,")

Per Dr. Edwin Nichols, “Philosophy is the Mother science.
All other sciences fall under philosophy.” [This blends with Maat as the guiding philosophy.] UC#921

“Wheresoever the explorers dig deepest, in Akkad, Karchemish, Palestine, Greece, or Italy they discover Egypt. The universal parent of language, symbolism, early forms of law, art and science, is Egypt, and this fact is destined to be established along every line of research and every angle of light and every footstep that automatically knows that something uneven is under the rug, and likely being hidden on purpose, so as to deceive, so as to control, so as to get you to willingly give up your power.” UC#2373

It is self-deception if any of you go to a school and then claim to be the father or mother of something that school taught you. Yet, this is what you believe about your society, your country, your nation, your culture, founding things already found.

Paternity Tests Expressed

A paternity test, as used and understood in societies, is simply one way to know who the daddy is.
More broadly stated, a paternity test is simply a way to know a source of genetic information that contributes to the formation of another source of genetic information. It shows relationship(s). All information in any form is genetic information, not just physical information. Mental information is genetic information such as ideas, imagination, thoughts, beliefs, knowledge. Emotional information is genetic information, as is spiritual information. All these things show paternity and maternity, thus singularly or together in any combination, can be used to show connections. How that information fits into the fundamental truth of all other information, determines, helps us discern, whether or not the paternity/maternity test is accurate (contains the view of the two, truths).
Lastly, in order to believe white people, semites, chinese, asians, indians or any other group of people discovered anything fundamental or invented any fundamental knowledge before black Africans, is to believe black humans sat stagnant in a swamp of existence for over 500,000 years, and then in the past, let's say, 10,000 years**, gave birth to other races of children who began to wake up to agriculture and all other sciences of knowledge, but didn't really grasp anything until the whiteness of people came as a chip off a block of Ice Age to enlighten us all and become the fathers of everything laudable and applaudable.

**mostly last 2,000 years and mostly last 500 years. Thus making your faith in such a paternity and maternity test, proof positive that you are the descendants of pure idiots. Thus since you yourself are not an idiot, it must have been the delayed after effects of the same asteroid that killed the dinosaurs on land, air and sea while sparing trees and other creatures, then the shockwave bounced around for millions of years giving African humans a permanent savage concussion, then bounced into the north and freed Cro-Magnon from the Ice, in doing so, sparked a steady awakening that dipped in the European Middle Dark Ages, then, mutated into a supergenius effect that concentrated, thanks to a bunch of European explorers, in the USA, finally today revealing reason and healing the logic lesion in this season's humans.


African Enslavement Chattel Slavery By White Europeans Is A Smidgen Of History
Unity Consciousness #2792

(9azzzzzzzzzzze of 11)

On 7-13-22, I am responsible for translating the following sentiment:
“I'm sick and tired of colorless people of no color continuing to defame the name of black folks by always referring to us as the descendants of slaves.”
Read entire message at ”Descendants Of Diaper-Wearers & Ice-Age Albino Cannibals”

Unknown until now, this was written two weeks after the following quote:
“Years after the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2011 as "The International Year for People of African Descent", it must be realized that the European enslavement of African people or the "MAAFA" ("great disaster") only represents .01 per cent of the history of African people on this planet. Put another way, for the 99.9 per cent of their history, Africans were a free people.”

Read the entire article at ”Getting world history right: real African history,” by Dr Kwame Nantambu, June 27, 2022

Monday, August 22, 2022

Archimedes Not Father Of Mathematics
Unity Consciousness #2791

(9azzzzzzzzzzzd of 11)

Every day through the tell-a-lie as somebody else's vision, I hear and see plenty of lies. Every now and again, some of them, after so many gratings on my sensibilities, beg to be addressed.
Only in Hell can Archimedes be the father of mathematics.

Recent Lies Still Mathematically Applied

People of no color colorless people and their non-African acknowledging wannabe races and ethnic groups, think Ancient means about 500 BCE to 1500's CE.
They then use Ancient to refer to Egypt from about 5000 BCE.
However, Egypt of 5000 BCE is the old Age of Egypt. Egypt is tens of thousands of years older and Nile Valley civilizations before Egypt are tens of thousands of years older than the earliest Age of Egypt. This is what Ancient is, or if necessary, Ancient Ancient or Great Great Ancient.

In typical lying fashion from plastic bubble living low brain oxygen folks, comes the invention of math credited to Archimedes, and re-lied about and upon 2022 CE in an article titled, Archimedes by Fetti (by Domenico Fetti, Public Domain)

“Archimedes (l. 287-212 BCE) was a Greek engineer and inventor who is regarded as the greatest mathematician of antiquity and one the greatest of all time. He is credited with a number of inventions still in use today (such as the Archimedes screw) and is referred to as the father of mathematics and mathematical physics.”

[The article goes on and on. Obviously these people don't care about the Ahmes Mathematical Papyrus called the Rhind Papyrus. It is dated 1800 BCE, long before Archimedes was a sperm or an egg. This date is not when the information on the papyrus was figured out. Clearly tens of thousands of years of Stone Age construction proves the intricate knowledge and founding of mathematics took place in Africa by Black People as the Mothers & Fathers of Mathematics.]
In adherence to the whiteness-is-my-witness ideology core coded, whites love to throw their shade at the Ahmes Papyrus because they say it is not theoretical. Even so, the papyrus states: “Correct method of reckoning, for grasping the meaning of things and knowing everything that is, obscurities and all secrets.”
Another form of dismissing the contributions of Africans is to try to severely limit it in time and also in space, I.e, give credit to Babylonians, Sumerians, Phoenicians and others, all of whom are Africans by another name.

The article states Archimedes studied in Alexandria for an education. It ignores the fact that Alexandria was in Egypt and the library of Alexandria and its schools took information from Upper Egypt. We should not be surprised that the common denominator of so-called white fathers is that they studied in Egypt or studied Egyptian texts, or in the past 500 years, steal the ideas of black folks manifested in the past 500 years.

The articles does state, Alexandria, at that time, was developing as an intellectual center, rivaling Athens, under the Ptolemaic Dynasty (323-30 BCE). In Alexandria, he became friends with Eratosthenes of Cyrene and Conon of Samos, both leading intellectuals of the city.
Thus we are supposed to believe that the students were greater intellectuals than their black Egyptian teachers using a library full of knowledge on all subjects.

Alexandria is the name given to the well-established city of Rhakotis (Rakotis, Racotis, Ra-kedet) in Lower Egypt that contained an extensive library.
. “The Greek, St. Clement of Alexandria , stated that if you were to write a book of 1,000 pages, you could not put down the names of all the Greeks who went to the Nile Valley in Kemet/Egypt, Africa, to be educated and even those who did not go claim they went because it was prestigious.
Aristotle also confesses: "Thus, the mathematical sciences first originated in Egypt, the cradle of Mathematics--- that is, the country of origin for Greek mathematics."(pp.47-48). Moreover, after evaluating "the astronomical knowledge acquired by the Egyptians, Aristotle was compelled to conclude: "we owe many incontrovertible facts about each of the stars' to the Egyptians". (p.51). The fact of the matter is that these confessions are prima facie evidence that the original glory is not out of Greece. The original glory belongs to the Africans/Kemites of ancient Kemet/Egypt; "Herodotus said it, Plato confirmed it and Aristotle never denied it." (.9.45). In addition, all the other 'famous' Greeks received their education from the African Highpriests including Socrates, Euclid, Hypocrates, Diodorus, Solon, Archmides and Euripides.

In fact, the mathematical system that is the spinal cord of the computer in our A.D. era was invented by the Kemites in the B.C. era, that is, the Binary mathematical system. These facts, therefore, prove that we cannot have a world of today and even a Europe of today, if we did not have a Kemet (Egypt) of yesterday in Africa. Ergo, the salient question that must be asked is: since the Greeks themselves confess in their own Hellenic language that they derived/received their glory from the original Africans/Kemites, why Euro-centrism or the "Curriculum of Exclusion" still continues to deny Africa and African peoples any sense of originality? http://www.trinicenter.com/kwame/2004/2010.htm

Typical Liars Certifying Liars

At the bottom of the Archimedes article is the following statement: This article has been reviewed for accuracy, reliability and adherence to academic standards prior to publication. On the “About Us” page it states: Every submission to the encyclopedia is carefully reviewed by our editorial team, making sure only the highest quality content is published to our site. Our publication follows academic standards, but it is written in an easy-to-read manner with students and the general public in mind. As a result, our publication is recommended by many educational institutions including: Oxford University, Common Sense Education, School Library Journal, MERLOT, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
World History Encyclopedia has also received grants from cultural and research organizations in the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to transparency. Please feel free to review our annual reports to see how we invest our donations and membership revenue. [Thus they have a very different definition of what transparency means. It their definition was the same as yours, they would say, we intend to promote whiteness ideology above the truth.]
World History Encyclopedia was founded in 2009 by Jan van der Crabben. He realized that the internet was missing a reliable and comprehensive resource for ancient history, which is why the website was called Ancient History Encyclopedia until it changed its name to World History Encyclopedia in 2021. What was available online was either scattered across various websites, illegible due to poor presentations or tainted with a distinct nationalist agenda.

Timeline of Mathematics according to white folks only has math going back to 3000 BCE, then a long gap of 17,000 years where nothing happens back to the Ishango bone. Come on now!.

It ain't no joke that formal education is a joke on gullible folks whose cognitive buds are duds.

American Dream Scheme

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Lewis Latimer Invented Air Conditioning &
Co-Invented Light Bulb
Unity Consciousness #2790

(9azzzzzzzzzzzc of 11)

To say Henry Ford invented the automobile is a false statement. Henry Ford Invented a gasoline engine for the already invented automobile, car, motorized vehicle. Ford's car was the Model T version. We are programmed to think Henry Ford invented the car and the engine and tires and everything else about the car. Truth is told a little more completely by clicking here.

Likewise, Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the lightbulb but his light bulb was a dud, like a car with an engine that gets 100 feet to the gallon. Lewis Latimer invented a much more efficient engine for the light bulb.
Lewis Howard Latimer made a significant improvement to Edison's paper filament by creating the carbon filament. His new version, which could be made from either cotton thread or bamboo, lasted a lot longer and paved the way for the mass production of light bulbs.

Lewis Howard Latimer Life Story - Inventor and Innovator

Who Invented the Lightbulb?

Verbage Found In A Relatively Recent Patent Application

My Note: This information indicates someone else invented the light bulb before Edison – probably true. But it totally gets wrong Latimer's contribution. The entire paragraph below was likely copied from somewhere else, like a racist university of cookie cutter hard boilerplated history majors. This information comes from a 2009 – 2010 patent #US 20100245215 A1, titled, “Incandescent Light Source Display And Method For Making The Same”

“Various notable scientists and engineers have struggled to determine what solid material makes the best light source. In 1800, Humphry Davy invented the first electric light but it had a very short lifespan. Much later, physicist Joseph Swan developed a longer-lasting electric light with a carbon paper filament. Unfortunately, Swan's design also had a short lifespan. In 1879, Thomas Edison developed a filament made of carbon black coated over a piece of string. His early design lasted 40 hours in an oxygen-free bulb. Lewis Latimer, a member of Edison's research team, later patented a method for manufacturing carbon filaments in 1881. Carbon-coated filaments, however, were ultimately found to be inadequate because of their low reliability and low operating temperature. In 1910, William Coolidge used tungsten filaments. Tungsten filaments were found to have a longer lifespan than Edison's carbon-coated filaments and became widely applied in incandescent light sources.”

Additional Information:
Black Inventors of the 20th and 21st Century

Let us not get it twisted. Africans invented all the basic sciences and fields of study, including language, math, reading, writing and....
This message only covers a few recent inventions.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Honoring Truths
By Dishonoring Columbus Day Lies In Rabbit Hole USA
Unity Consciousness #2789

(9azzzzzzzzzzzb of 11)

1. 2022, October 10 – Columbus Day – This blatant pale face lie will be retold to trusting children who think they are getting a good education. It will also be resold to still gullible adults whose experience-driven innate natural immunity to deception is blunted and shunted. It will be believed as natural fact, as if pulling a rabbit out of a hat, is actually where rabbits come from or live, thus having no clue that Columbus Day is also sleight of hand misdirection cerebral miseducation. The illusion is not even elaborate. It's just part of the asili and worldview of the culture that all institutions choose to support and spread to the rest of the society that holds them up as experts, without discerning that the intent of their moral arc is hellbent.

2. Not only did Spaniard Christoper Columbus (Cristobal Colon), NOT DISCOVER America as the USA, he also did not discover the America's.
The justice league and people's court of elemental souls of life said, “Let us now climb out of Rabbit Hole Usa where truths are buried alive. In climbing out of Rabbit Hole Usa, heaps of information is now piled high on the surface., in order to be reframed into the perfect union of we the first people of the Old Country.”

3. Short Video: Africans discovered America Centuries Before Columbus Ever Left Europe

4. 1528 CE - Text: African American Men in the American West, 1528-1990 by Qunitard Taylor, Jr.

a) Video: Part 1: Antebellum Slavery and Freedom, 1528-1865, Race and Liberty

b) Mr. Taylor is not accurate by saying Africans entered the West in New Spain Mexico as a result of British colonization. He is not accurate in saying they entered the “American” West of North America beginning 1521 CE and were Spanish-speaking. Africans entered North America long before 1492 CE as sufficiently evidenced by their longstanding presence in what is now called Central and South America. (Minute 21)
c) Mr. Taylor's lecture suggests blacks entered New Spain (Mexico) as a result of being brought to North America by the influx of British in flux who now call themselves Americans.
d) Mr. Taylor separates Africans and Blacks from Native Americans; however, by now, it is known that Native Americans and any group of people no longer considered African, are merely later, lost and estranged Africans who were first black and first shorter people as the first inhabitants of all lands.
e) Mr. Taylor is accurate by alluding to the fact that not all slavery was initiated or carried out in the same heinous dehumanizing manner as that bred by Europeans, Arabs, Semites and Chinese. A notion still very much ingrained today and institutionalized in societies worldwide, i.e. Maafa Racism.

5. 1521 CE – was the beginning, Per Quintard Taylor, when 200,000 blacks were brought into the North American West, but this was in New Spain (Mexico) obviously before the term Central America. These blacks were brought into New Spain Mexico by European Spanish slaver body snatchers. Taylor says that from 1521 CE to 1821 CE 345,000 black slaves were brought into North America. This is inaccurate.

6. 1519 CE - Spaniard Hernándo Cortés and murderers romanticized as “conquistadors” invaded Mexico. Also spelled Cortez.

7. 1517 CE - Hernandez de Cordoba and murderer conquistadors invaded the Yucatan. Also referred to as Francisco Hernández de Córdoba and as Francisco Fernández de Córdoba An earlier version of Yu-ca-tan is Khu-Kha-Khan., thus Kukulcan and Cuculcan. The first inhabitants of the Yucatan must have been the short negro nahsi dwarf people also called Kafruti, Auruti and more.

8. 1514 CE - In the Pánuco region on the gulf coast of Central America, the city of Quetzalapan in Cuextlan was invaded by Aztecs.

9. 1493 CE to 1496 CE - “The navigational knowledge of the fifteenth-century [1400's Common Era] Spaniards was elementary indeed. Eight or nine pilots guided the Santa Cruz and the Nina, of Christopher Columbus. According to Columbus, they were like blind men: "Although there were eight or nine pilots on board the two vessels, yet none of them knew where they were. On another occasion, Columbus wrote in his journal, "Our ignorant pilots, when they have lost sight of land for several days know not where they are. They would not be able to find the countries again which I have discovered.” (They Came Before Columbus)
As you can see, for Columbus himself to claim he discovered something, he obviously didn't know where the place was he claimed to discover.

10. 1493 CE - Christoper Columbus' second voyage used to claim his discovery of the Americas. Plenty of evidence says Columbus never set foot in North America.
1492 CE - Christoper Columbus' first voyage used to claim his discovery of the Americas. Plenty of evidence says Columbus never set foot in the Americas. Notes of his second voyage betray the lie that Columbus had reached the America's on his first voyage and obviously not on his second voyage.

11. 1491 CE - 90 to 112 million lived in Americas per Dobyns. (Per Atlantic Magazine, Henry F. Dobyns published "Estimating Aboriginal American Population: An Appraisal of Techniques With a New Hemispheric Estimate," in the journal Current Anthropology)
1492 CE, Per John Henrik Clarke, is when the African Holocaust (the Maafa) Enslavement to the “New World” began in earnest, after 1,000 years of enslavement by Arabs which still goes on today.

1482 CE - Christoper Columbus was in a Portuguese expedition that began to kill Africans and build slave forts along the coast of West Africa. He did so for 23 years (until 1505 CE)
Ancestor John Henrik Clarke, Minute 2

1438 CE - Portuguese enslavement and slave trade of Africans began.

12. 1350 CE - Culhuas of Culhuacan took control of Mexico Tenochtitlan

13. 1325 CE - Tenochtitlan founded by Aztecs. (They Came Before Columbus) and (v2 of Bancroft)

14. 1311 CE - Abubakari the Second reached the Americas. (They Came Before Columbus)

15. 1310 CE to 1311 CE - Mandingo expeditions reached the Isthmus of Darien (now Panama) and the northeastern corner of South America. Some of them certainly entered Mexico. (They Came Before Columbus)

16. 500 CE to 1000 CE - Per Bancroft, “it seems probable that among the Nahua peoples that occupied Anáhuae, from the sixth to the eleventh centuries, a few of the leading powers appropriated to themselves the title Toltecs, which had been at first employed by the inhabitants of Tollan.

17. 999 CE to 1020 CE - Quetzalcoatl disappeared from the Toltec capital of Tula and reappeared as Kukulcan in the Yucatan. (They Came Before Columbus)

492 CE - approximately when Arab enslavement and slave trade of Africans began, Per John Henrik Clarke.

18. 400 CE to 500 CE - The height of the Mound-builders’ in North America, especially along the Mississippi, should not, without very positive external evidence, be placed at a later date than the fifth or sixth century of the common era.

19. 500 BCE to 700 BCE - Per Bancroft, “the most plausible conjecture respecting the origin of the Mound-Builders, is that which makes them a colony of the ancient Mayas, who settled in the north in the Mississippi Valley during the continuance of the great Maya empire of Xibalba in Central America, several centuries before the A.D. (Common) era.

500 BCE - Africans were already in the so-called New World. Africans preceded Indians. Indian culture is African culture, Thus, I say what has already been proven, Indians are Africans. It is likely that those being referred to as Africans are more recent travellers to the Americans while those called Indians are the result of Africans who have undergone thousands of years of mixture and changes. Per John Henrik Clarke at min 3:30, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PETEFY8oUPU 20. 800 BCE - The arrival of Olmec culture in Middle America (Mesoamerica, Central America). Olmecs are Negro-Africans. Negro means original Africans, black in color and short statured, the so-called dwarf or pygmy. Olmec culture had an Egyptian [Nile Valley] element.

21. 1200 BCE - Olmec culture began. This is 400 years before the dating of the colossal stone heads in Central America. Van Sertima agrees by essentially stating that although hard carbon datings of artifacts gives us an Olmec beginning of 800-700 BCE, the cultural complex known as Olmec has its beginnings in an earlier stratum of 1200-1100 BCE. (“Old World Origins of American Civilization” by Jairazbhoy)

As far as the African presence in the Americas goes, we must remember that we are only talking about the Olmecs and only about Central America. The Olmecs were not the first to the Americas. We must look to all the coastlines of the Americas, something which is outside the scope of this message. However, 1200 BCE is sufficient to show that Africans were in the Americas and in North America at least 2,700 years before Cristobal Colon Christopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci and the rest of dem bald faced liars.

22. 2000 BCE - “The tales of Sinbad the Sailor pictured the adventures of the Cushite Arabian sailors. The ships of these Ethiopians covered the ancient world. It was from this branch of the race, that the early race of India gained the knowledge that appears in Sanskrit books, that contain maps upon which we can trace the outlines of Western Europe and the British Isles. These books portray knowledge of ages prior to 2000 B. C. The Phoenicians in later times only followed courses that their Cushite cousins had pursued in earlier ages. They learned geography from their wide conquests and extended trade relations. The Portuguese found maps and charts in their possession when they first came in contact with them on the coasts of East Africa, which were original and authentic. Some showed routes extending to the new world long before the age of Columbus.” (Ancient History by Myers)

a) “M. de Bohn tells us in Early Cushite Navigation, that the Cushite Ethiopians in primitive ages were a commercial people. It was due to their conquest of the sea that they so early covered three continents with colonies. With their ships they had in ancient days circumnavigated the globe, bequeathing maps, charts, and nautical instruments to their cousins and successors the Phoenicians, who called themselves Ethiopians.

23. 6000 BCE to 8000 BCE - The American Indians, the Mayas of Yucatan and Central America , Egypt and Western Asia tell the same story. "In each case we have a standard or measuring-rod of authentic historical record," declares Samuel Laing, "and in each case we find ourselves in the presence of a civilization already ancient and far advanced. We find populous cities, celebrated temples, an organized priesthood, an advanced state of agriculture and of the industrial and fine arts; writing and books so long known that their origin is lost in myth; religions in which advanced philosophical and moral ideas are already developed; astronomical systems which imply a long course of accurate observations. How long this prehistoric age may have lasted, and how many centuries it may have taken to develop such a civilization, from the primitive beginnings of Neolithic and Paleolithic origins, is a matter of conjecture. All we can infer is, that it must have required an immense time, much longer than that embraced by the subsequent period of historical record." (The Story of the American Indian, p. 77, Garden City, 1937., by Professor Paul Radin) per (Human Origins, by Samuel Laing, p. 30, London, 1913.)

24. 8000 BCE - According to the Galla Gullah people of South Carolina, they have been there for at least 10,000 years.

a) 8000 BCE - White Europeans (Negro Grimaldi mutation into Albino Cro-Magnon) finally sufficiently thawed out with the abatement of the cold toward the end of the Ice Age.

b) 8000 BCE - Yellow and Semites appeared only around the Mesolithic Age (around 10,000 years ago)

25. 36840 BCE - The notion of Seven Caves was formulated during the Sabean Typhonian period in Aethiopia of the Nile Valley in Africa. This is why the people of Central America say they journeyed from the land of darkness “when there was no sun” (mythologically speaking before the Solar Mythology & Eschatology when the Sun became chief timekeeper. We mostly incorrectly and partially use the Sun for reckoning the times).
36840 BCE Europe was still steeped deep in the last Ice Age and Africans were doing their thing all over the world.

What We've Discovered By Remembering

It doesn't take a crystal ball to know that the only thing Cristobal Columbus discovered was what many humans before and after him, and even right now today, discover. How to lie. And how to ensure all those who believe, support and hide the lie are punished, now and in their generations until the lie is corrected.

Furthermore, no white European or any other race or ethnic group has ever discovered any land on this planet. All lands were previously inhabited by black Africans, including the now cold desert of Antarctica.
“All continents and islands were populated from Africa. These humans were black-skinned as a matter of natural fact.” (Civilization or Barbarism, by Cheik Anta Diop)

“The one sole race that can be traced among the aborigines (natives, indigenous, first inhabitants) all over the earth, above ground or below, is the dark race of a dwarf negrito type. (Ancient Egypt Volume 2 by Gerald Massey )
What Christoper Columbus did was rediscover what many humans have discovered. You can conquer and kill people with disease, especially diseased perverse pervasive invasive logic that becomes so normal a part of culture, people fight to keep the disease.
What Columbus and likeminded will never understand is that truthseekers can be healed and set free by the reverse of perverse logic.
Seek and you shall find.
Like millions of tons of dust that annual lifts from the Sahara in Africa and is windborne to South America, so also have the Americas been populated by humans for tens of thousands of years....long before the CE common era and long before Christopher Columbus and during times when humans were only black and dark-skinned. This is aided and abetted by typhoons originating from Africa and by ocean currents that naturally move between land masses.
Africa is the nucleus of dissemination and semination.

The Floodgates Of The Heavens Are Open

Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan & Dr. George Simmonds (1987) | African Origins
Ancestor Jochannan speaks to the fact that Columbus never reached the Americas.
George Simmonds speaks to the fact that Mound Builders in North America ranged from the Midwest to East coast

September 19, 1981 Issue of Science Digest, article titled, “Black Kings In Ancient America” by Boyce Rensberger. This information has been scrubbed from the internet and is only available behind protected walls, even on archive.org, a source that normally provides quick and easy full text or pdf downloads.

Where Did Columbus Really Land? By Boyce Rensberger, October 9, 1986

Let's keep it simple. The fact that there is such a thing as “Native Americans” means they were here before Christopher Columbus and the white Eurasians of England, Britain, Spain and France.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Yes It's Difficult to Reframe Everything
Unity Consciousness #2788

(9azzzzzzzzzzza of 11)

In a self-image built of wall to wall pictures as substitutes for thousands of words, it is difficult to take down everything, take them apart, discard some, add some, make different collages and mosaics, reframe everything, rehang only some of them and leave a lot unfinished, waiting for more inspiration from life experiences and focused investigation before affixing them to a wall of written images we see as true representations.

In societies, what anyone tells you about yourself and what you tell yourself about yourself, between the two, neither are entirely true or mostly true, the truth is usually a self-discovery recipe of the two.

Reaching in and out to this truth, takes more than merely adding and subtracting information. It takes a process of breaking images down to fundamental truths* of self and all else, then carefully inspecting each piece of possessed logic before understanding where it fits in.
This is a lot of hard work!
Three things make it harder: (1) how old we are when we begin reframing; (2) how many generations of delusions have been inherited (3) and how much we already know is out of whack but have kept up the illusion. The greater this third exacerbator, the greater the likelihood reframing won't begin, thus all efforts are directed at being protective of what is distorted.

Even after several rounds of ins and outs, the composite truth reached, is not the whole truth.

In the manner of the Supreme's journey, the fullness of self and beingness is discovered through a continuous self-study revision process.**
This is what seems to be taking place within Jennette McCurdy, who wrote the book, “I'm Glad My Mom Died.”
Based on an interview she gave about the book, her journey is certain to be helpful to a whole lot of miseducated and parental abused folks who have images and pictures of self and many other things that are a mix of true, untrue, partly true and misoriented. Reframing is difficult, but possible.
Meanwhile fear-ridden anti-woke folks still prefer their lie-ridden anti-critical thinking distorted cubist images of self and all else.

**Orienting logic to one or more fundamental truths properly, healthily and optimally connects us to fundamental forces (the powers that be the powers to be).

*A fundamental truth is something, not established by humans or constrained by human understandings, but is in multiple creations, as evidenced through at least two ways of knowing. “Multiple creations” refers to primary creations and their manifestations, except for their manifestation as humans. Humans do contain and exhibit fundamental truths; however, since humans have confused the issue, it is best to exclude humans from the initial process of reestablishing a fundamental truth, until that truth has been confirmed to exist before humans existed.

More On The House Of Mirrors (Images) We Guard

All the images on all the walls in our big house form a self portrait that we then use as context worldview to see everyone and everything else in the Universe.
All the images on all the walls in our big house are spread out in separate rooms – the spirit-soul room, the emotion room, the mind room and the physical room. These four rooms are stacked on each other as four levels. The bottom level is spirit-soul. The top level is physical, Most of us spend the most time in the penthouse and enter in and out using an external set of stairs, as an escape route, just so we don't have to be bothered with entering and exiting at the spirit-soul level. Probably because the first two levels are below the waters and the next two levels are above on dry ground. This is why we consider the mind room of images as the main level whereby we enter and exit to see the rest of the world in a solid certain way, unless it is more convenient to use the escape route. Some of us have buried the mind room and call it a basement. We are in deeper trouble, that a flooded basement is trying to get us out of. For those in ranch dwellings, the physical room, where we are most private and exposed, is always on both sides of the mind living/mind eating room where most of our “awake” time is spent – in mind-centeredness beingness. And this is why those images in the mind room of our current caves, huts and hovels, are most prominent and dominant. And most distorted and dangerous, because they are without the sem-sem frames of reference provided by the preexisting foundations of spirit-soul and emotion that help the mind understand the physical framing of itself. Without the sem-simma similarities, there is little to no clarity of images, even though the waters are starlight clear. And this is why the eyes as glasses see information darkly and why the mind as vision is murkier than water it muddies by stirring without self-study or settling contradictions.

More On The House Of Mirrors (Images) In Charge Of Our Thinking & Behavior

All the images on all the walls in our big house form a self portrait that we then use as utamawazo and asili to view, approach and interact with everyone and everything else on Earth.
All the images on all the walls in our big house are divided into separate rooms – the spirit-soul room, the emotion room, the mind room and the physical room. These four rooms are joined in a circle where each one is also part of the center form, before there was need for extension with spokes to maintain separation and connection. These four aspects of self are supposed to move fluently and fluidly through the waters, by each room moving in and out of the waters like a water-wheel that can vary when it stops, starts, speeds up and slows down, but mostly maintaining rhythm of waters and winds. Most of us spend too much time with our wheel stuck and stopped with the mind room on top and the spirit-soul room submerged. This allows us to exit and enter using what we know now and not have to be bothered with remembering what we knew then. This is why we use the most recent “modernized” mind room of images as the main section whereby we enter and exit to see the rest of the world in a solid ground certain way. We overuse, thus abuse the mind section as the solid ground zero basis of understanding life and existence. However, since the spirit-soul section is submerged, we try, but fail to drown out the solid and liquid essence of the waters zero basis of preexistence and existence.
With the mind on top, life is seized up under siege in mind-centeredness being a mess. The emotion section and physical section on either side are not as high but left almost completely as dry, were it not for diffusion to slowly but surely irrigate fields of confusion. And this is why those images in the mind room of our current houses, are most prominent and dominant. And most distorted and dry powder dangerous, because they are without the circular sem-sem frames of reference provided by being continuously dipped, soaked and baptized in the waters. This process lubricates thinking and behavior to help us come full circle in understanding each piece or set of information and logic. This then helps spirit-soul, emotion, mind and physical, understand the framing of itself, by and in each of the three other musketeers dedicated to live for the Queen Mother. Without the sem-simma similarities, there is little to no clarity of images, even though the waters are starlight insight. And this is why physical eyes, as glasses, see information darkly, and why the mind, as total vision, is murkier than water it muddies by stirring a lot without the settling effects of self-study of maat that settles contradictions.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Disaster Chronicles | Chronic Disease Of Disparities
Unity Consciousness #2787

(9azzzzzzzzzzz of 11)

Everybody Wants Help In Times Of Disaster, and they always get sustained sufficient help pretty damn quickly; however, The Disfavored Are Rejected no matter the disaster.

Everybody wants help, even when there's no plain sight obvious disaster; but only those spreading the chronic disease of disparity, actually get financial assistance. The need to spread the chronic disease of disparity is a need to hide and justify reliance on human vices and weaknesses.

1. We are again reminded of what we and others have already pointed out with laser pointers.
When some people experience what they call “disaster” or some sort of need, the first thing these people do, through their governments as their extended self, is self-certify and momentarily narrowly define disaster. The second thing they do is declare an official disaster so as to take “common” and stolen resources without having to make up other lies, so as, somehow in their minds, remain guilt free of criminality.

2. Meanwhile, like media players on nonstop repeat, these people always always, despite many disparities among them, immediately and continuously spread halitosis laced claims that their community is the best, kindest, most loving, helpful, working together, family-oriented microcosm epitome of a community there ever was. Sick folks always always even neglect to mention all the disparities among and within the favored group that they themselves cling to like fungi to the dead and decaying...like psychopaths refusing to get off a burning life raft on dry land.

3. If the favored group was anywhere near sane, it wouldn't make sense to them for any of its members to be financially poor or have significantly less than the rest in the favored group. Yet these people wait and cry out when slow-moving “sudden” disasters reach maturity, while ignoring the greater, longer-term systemic disasters they themselves perpetuate on themselves and on the disfavored group.

4. Truth is, in all societies, only a small percentage in the favored group are reaping the lion's share of rewards of disparities that the entire favored group works constantly to ensure exists. They are filled with mental ills to the gills. Healthy logic kills them. And this is why it is avoided and why the largest percentage of the favored group is punked by the favored group, so these punkees act out their frustrations as frequently as possible upon the disfavored group because it is part of their ongoing gang initiation.

5. Only when “obvious to them” “disaster” strikes, do those favored group members asking for hand-outs and welfare from government agencies, and those doing the handing out, come closest in thinking and behavior that they are all equal to each other and have the same rights.

6. When the favored group cries disaster, they expect to be helped to the degree of their need to restore them to whole and better. This is true from land grants, to “too big to fail” and many other fairy tale logic already discussed.

7. When people help people, even through their collective self (their governments and other institutions), those people are functioning under the principle of socialism.

8. Yet at all other times, socialism is a dirty word. Restoring what has been lost and repairing damage is hated, even rejected, when the appeal for regular and lump-sum disaster assistance comes from the disfavored group. These requests are rejected despite many ongoing disasters overseen by all ten major institutions that don't want to declare Maafa Racism as an immediate disaster or provide any assistance.

9. As the most recent public example, those people in Kentucky's flooded zones, are the same racist people who reject reparations for black folks and repeat real idiotic false logic about depending on welfare, handouts and so on.

10. At no other time when disaster occurs do other groups ask for assistance because disaster victims are getting assistance. That is, no other time except when black folks ask for disaster assistance to help them deal with the chronic disease of disparities. This rejection is just the continuation of bemoaning anything black folks get through their own merits or the help that amounts to a smidgen of what the favored group is taking from the people-generated resources of the government.

11. In societies, truth is always contrary to favored group logic.
Those who perpetuate Maafa Racism and other disparity causing chronic diseases, as always always, consume and waste more good than they put into the world. Since their country's origin there is no separation generation after generation of pathogen thinking and behavior.

12. The favored group should get, free unlimited lifetime mental health services as a top priority disaster assistance need and climate change mitigation measure, that would be much more effective than any attempts at reducing carbon emissions.

13. By the way, the USA is a country willing to spend $4.5 trillion on a phantom pandemic wealth redistribution scheme, but only 290 billion to fight climate change, that is supposedly an urgent problem, while spending about 25% of that amount ($80 billion) to beef up the IRS whose sole job is force more money out of the least wealthy so the government can continue to steal trillions worldwide while giving away hundreds of billions worldwide annually, much more than the Inflation Reduction Act/Build Back Better, that as usual is legislation packed with a lot of other fat for many special interests. This is why the definition of a society is based on disparity, thus also why disparity is a chronic disease led and spread by the weapon wielding leader of the diseased world.

14. As usual, in compiling this message, numerous examples easily come to mind that show how disasters are tolerated and sustained by the favored group, even those that clearly negatively impact the favored group. Numerous related contradictions should easily come to mind if the reader digests this message one sentence at a time. For example, why not spend 300 billion to eliminate homelessness? It wouldn't take nearly that much if there are about 500,000 homeless in the USA and $100,000 (a very high estimate) is spent on small homes (land, construction and furnishings), then it would only cost 50 billion and would save lots yearly in dealing with homelessness. Give that $80 billion to people so they won't be homeless. Homelessness is disaster viewed as a personal fault while people who choose to live in tornado, flood, hurricane, volcano, landslide, earthquake zones are not blamed for the disasters that befall them.
Evil is as liars live.

15. If a country of people wanted to, they could eliminate all of their basic problems in 5 to 10 years, at most. Since it has not happened anywhere, for centuries, this is another way to know we do not live in civilizations. We are not healthy. Duh! We are compiling histories adding to disaster chronicles.
Once again this truth is contrary to the technology based quality of life value system societies push at you to get you to agree you live in a good place....physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

Earth Experiencing Multiple Ages & Principalities
Unity Consciousness #2786

(9azzzzzzzzzzy of 11)

It is not and never has been about one or two Ages. It has always been about a set of Ages, a group or combination of Ages ruling from on high and altering sets of conditions large and small.

Begin Notes

1. Ephesians 3:10: To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God”
principality and “principalities”

2. One breakdown of Principality is prin + cip + al + ity, pren-kep-al, a branch of spiritual, physical, mental, emotional genetic information that rules.
”ity” is “the state or condition of or existence of”. The principal principality is the Supreme Being, El, Al, Ar, Ra, Ru, Ur in the highest.

We already know there are different time zones, climate zones, times when the sun rises and many other differences depending on geographic location and proximity to the equator and poles. If there is a difference in amount of sunlight and when days begin, there is a difference, or at least a delayed reaction of energies and a delayed reaction to energies, in years and Ages.
Currently for a large swath of the world, Ages are reckoned by earth's northern hemisphere position at vernal equinox when earth's physical equator moves above the plane of the sun's extended equator (the sun's celestial equator). This is a one-day early morning snapshot.
We already know Earth simultaneously experiences Circumpolar Ages and Zodiac Ages and Moon effects and Planetary effects. In recent years, we've repeatedly stated how many other Ages (a period of star constellation alignment) are involved. This message adds additional details to help us understand that many more Ages and portions of Ages are affecting Earth, including the Ages affecting the Galaxy System and the Sun's Solar System. In both Groups below, Earth simultaneously experiences all Ages within each Group, plus there is overlap between groups.
All Ages in each group exert influence but not equally on all parts of Earth, Sun and Galaxy. Ages rule by latitudinal and longitudinal zones just as there are many other zones such as tropic, southwest...
As you can see in the groupings below, there is plenty of overlap in timing and location. Plus, there are also continuous additional movements of flipping and reversing taking place in magnetic fields, polarities and electromagnetic forces, all of which affect the energies transmitted by the grid lines of Ages producing multiple effects in combinations and opposites in the same and different locations. Galaxy forces are more powerful than Sun forces are more powerful than Earth forces. Earth experiences these forces on a time delay, thus displays delayed reactions to what has already taken place in the heavens; however, Earth's own direct effects are experienced sooner. As explained elsewhere, humans are the last to know in the flow, that is, humans who are estranged (severely titled away) from healthy knowledge of self and all else. Earth is a principality but Sun, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy System, its black hole and outer space of dark energies and matter that fills in the blanks, are greater principalities whose mirror images are pixelated by everything within Earth created. All these forces are helping moderate and modulate each other because changes in one must be accounted for and adjusted for throughout each system on all levels, layers and dimensions.
On this earth, we must also account for Southern circumpolar constellations and a southern hemisphere perspective along with zodiac constellations at the western horizon and both solstices (the other three corners) along with the other three corners of the circumpolar enclosure which are 1.75 Ages apart (25,920/7x1.75=6480 years) which is same as the corners of the zodiac circle which are 3 Ages apart (25,920/12x3=6,480 years)

Any single Age or aspect of nature is enough to call forth from the tomb womb cocoon, the legion of bloom, boom and doom, powers of the glory to cause all minor and major changes necessary to change the status quo and reveal everything hidden. These energies are coming for the first, the last and those in between, the first world's and third world's, the first place and last place, the top of the heap and bottom of the heap, outside the gate and behind the gate, and so on anywhere rankings exist and any which way they are stated. Societal constructions, collusions and conspiracies are not the greater certainties sane humans rely on for surviving because they've not been reliable for thriving. Our technology, education, experts, governments and supremacy notions and love-the-leper anesthesia potions causing thinking dyskinesia, are no match, and neither are racist collectives hyper-vigilant non-stop viper sniper behaviors poisoning everywhere these leeches are sucking up and polluting air, making them fair game for much needed change. Even greater major change is coming from the heavens, along with hell's lower waters and heaven's higher waters to flush out pathogen presence with liquid essence.

Group 1 – Beginning 1540 CE - Zodiac Constellations

1. Earth moved from the third quarter of Pisces which began in 1000 CE into fourth quarter of Pisces. Co-rule with Aquaria began 1860 CE. Note the significance of this date in USA and the continued subsequent struggles for rights to be master, ruler, co-ruler and lord. We also note 1540 CE is after the hoax of Columbus and that 1540 CE is within close range of the 500 year phoenix cycle and one-fourth zodiac age and one-seventh polar age, all of these forces coming together to help sickness colonize the world. The USA is 40 degrees north of equator, thus in the northern quarter of Earth, thus experiencing the Ages only a quarter difference from what the Sun is experiencing rather than the one-half difference at the equator. Since life began at the equator, this makes sense for the equatorial zone to be ahead of the rest of Earth in receiving and manifesting changing energies. We also note “north” is actually the lower half and the Usa and many other countries, are in the bottom quarter of earth.

2. Sun moved from the first quarter of Pisces which began 1000 CE into the second quarter of Pisces.

3. Galaxy moved from the fourth quarter of Aries which began 1000 CE into the first quarter of Pisces. Aries co-ruled from 1360 CE to 1720 CE.

Group 1 – Beginning 1540 CE – Northern Circumpolar Constellations

1. Earth moved from 6/7ths of Wepwawet into the last 7th of Wepwawet. Co-rule with Kepheus began 1522 CE.

2. Sun moved from 4/7ths of Wepwawet into 6/7ths of Wepwawet. Behind Wepwawet is Herakles

3. Galaxy moved from 3/7ths of Wepwawet into 4/7ths of Wepwawet. Behind Wepwawet is the last portion of Lyra.

Group 2 – Now 2022 – Zodiac Constellations

1. Earth is moving from fourth quarter of Pisces which began 1500 CE into the first quarter of Aquaria beginning 2040 CE. Pisces and Aquaria co-rule from 1860 CE to 2220 CE.

2. Sun is moving from the second quarter of Pisces which began 1500 CE into the third quarter of Pisces beginning 2040 CE.

3. Galaxy is moving from the first quarter of Pisces which began 1500 CE into the second quarter of Pisces beginning 2040 CE. Aries co-ruled until 1680 CE.

Group 2 – Now 2022 - Northern Circumpolar Constellations

1. Earth is moving from the last 7th of Wepwawet which began 1522 CE into the first 7th of Kepheus beginning 2051 CE. Wepwawet and Kepheus co-rule 1522 CE to 2580 CE. Behind Wepwawet, the first half of Herakles is ending in 2050 CE and moving into the second half of Herakles behind Kepheus in 2051 CE.

2. Sun moved from 5/7ths of Wepwawet which began 442 CE into 6/7ths of Wepwawet which began 971 CE. Behind Wepwawet, the first 26% of Herakles is ended 971 CE and moved into the last 74% of Herakles in 972 CE.

3. Galaxy moved from 4/7ths of Wepwawet which began 98 BCE into 5/7ths of Wepwawet which began 971 CE. Behind Wepwawet, the first 6% of Herakles ended 431CE and moved into the last 94% of Herakles in 432 CE

End Notes:

1. Since the Earth is tilted approximately 23.5 degrees in relation to the galactic equator, this is about one-sixteenth of the zodiac circle of star constellations or three-fourths Age (1,620 years) or 1,080 years for two-fourths and 540 years for one-fourth. Interestingly enough is that the estimated offset of the Zodiac Ages boils down to 540 years for each one-fourth of a Zodiac Age, which comes close to the estimated half co-rule of the northern circumpolar Ages of 529 years, the difference being 11 which is a number we are familiar with as the difference between when the Age of Aquaria starts in 2040 and Kepheus in 2051.

2. Zodiac Co-rule is last 1/12 of an Age and first 1/12th of an Age. This is 180 years on either side for a total co-rule of 360 years/

3. Northern Circumpolar Co-rule is last 1/7th of an Age and first 1/7th of an Age. This is 529 years on either side for a total co-rule of 1,058 years.

4. There is much more to be said regarding God as gods as star constellations, their effects and their location alignments summarized as Ages in conjunction with Sun Revolutions called Great Years.

”And no matter how far we've come, it feels like we've only just begun.” - - the ever-coming one.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Sun's Revolution Mainly Causes Precession Of The Equinoxes
Unity Consciousness #2785

(9azzzzzzzzzzx of 11)

Deniers can keep on being fly byers, but as for truthseekers (initiates of learning) who have rededicated and been rebaptized, this message consolidates and solidifies what is remembered in UC#2783, How Long Is The Sun's Revolution?

The Order Of Things

1. Starting with an earth northern hemisphere eastern horizon vernal equinox perspective and suboptimal worldview meant to depress me and you so we will be impressed by those with fragments of clues:

2. Monthly Zodiac beginning January: Capricorn, Aquaria, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer (Khepera), Leo, Virgo, Libra (Maat), Scorpio, Sagittarius
a) This should be called the Procession, but it is not.
b) Dates are off by 7 to 10 days which is one week based on a Moon month of 4x7 or 3x10.

3. Sun Ages experienced by Earth. Determined by when the Age was at Earth's equator: Aries, Pisces, Aquaria, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Maat (Libra), Virgo, Leo, Khepera (Cancer), Gemini, Taurus (Taurt)
a) This is called the Precession but it should be called the Recession or Regression or Receding. It is also called the Precession of the Equinoxes, but it could just as well be called the Precession of the Equinoxes & Solstices. It should at least be called the Precession through the Zodiac Signs (Star Constellations), or my favorite, Earth's Regression through the Zodiac Signs of the Sun Ages as viewed from Earth's northern hemisphere eastern horizon vernal equinox perspective.

4. Sun Ages experienced by Sun. Determined by when the Age was at Earth's equator and adjusted for 23.5 degree tilt of Earth and 7.25 degree tilt of Sun and 0 degree tilt of Galaxy: 2nd half of Maat (Libra), Virgo, Leo, Khepera (Cancer), Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquaria, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, 1st half of Maat (Libra)

5. Sun Ages experienced by Galaxy. Determined by when the Age was at Earth's equator and adjusted for 23.5 degree tilt of Earth and 7.25 degree tilt of Sun and 0 degree tilt of Galaxy: Three-fourths of Maat (Libra), Virgo, Leo, Khepera (Cancer), Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquaria, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, one-fourth of Maat (Libra).

6. Northern Polar Ages as experienced by Earth: 17% remaining in Draconis, Ursa Minor, Kepheus, Cygnus, Lyra, Herakles, Ursa Major, 1st 83% of Draconis. The partial beginning of Draconis can be known using several basic calculations since Kepehus begins only 11 years after Aquarius and Aries is the beginning of the Great Year in the East since Maat is the beginning in the West.

7. Northern Polar Ages as experienced by the Sun. Determined by when the Age was at Earth's northern pole and adjusted for 23.5 degree tilt of Earth and 7.25 degree tilt of Sun and 0 degree tilt of Galaxy: 46% remaining in Draconis, Ursa Minor, Kepheus, Cygnus, Lyra, Herakles, Ursa Major, the first 54% of Draconis

8. Polar Ages as experienced by the Galaxy. Determined by when the Age was at Earth's northern pole and adjusted for 23.5 degree tilt of Earth and 7.25 degree tilt of Sun and 0 degree tilt of Galaxy: 61% remaining in Draconis, Ursa Minor, Kepheus, Cygnus, Lyra, Herakles, Ursa Major, the first 39% of Draconis

Earth's Regression through the Zodiac Signs of the Sun Ages

9. Earth's Regression through the Zodiac Signs of the Sun Ages is not caused by Earth's rotation, revolution, bulge at the equator or wobbling at the poles. Regression is caused by the Sun's clockwise motion of revolution through the Zodiac Signs while Earth's motion of revolution and rotation is counterclockwise In other words, Earth is rotating and revolving in one direction while the Sun is rotating and revolving in the opposite direction. Because the Sun is the larger force to which Earth is tethered, the Sun slowly pulls Earth with it clockwise, thus backwards to Earth's counterclockwise motions. Thus Earth's annual equinoxes are determined by a counterclockwise motion, but Earth's Ages are determined by a clockwise motion.

a) The status quo explanation given by many “experts” is an elaborate hoax. Why? Because it depends on them and us believing that while the earth is rotating counterclockwise and revolving counterclockwise it is moving forward through the zodiac signs once per year. Then at the same time Earth is changing direction at the poles and equator and moving backwards through the same zodiac signs. This backwards motion, called precession, takes 25,920 years.
b) Here are three examples of “experts” explaining earth's backward motion:
(1) “the gravitational influence of the Sun and the Moon acting on Earth's equatorial bulge. To a much lesser extent, the planets exert influence as well.”
(2) “ the equatorial bulge of the Earth, caused by the centrifugal force of the Earth's rotation. That rotation changes the Earth from a perfect sphere to a slightly flattened one, thicker across the equator. The attraction of the moon and sun on the bulge is then the "nudge" which makes the Earth precess."
(3) As experience would have it, the worst explanation comes from NASA because it also includes additional intentional falsehoods, i.e., deceptions.

c) The gravitational and electro-magnetic (attraction-detraction, pull-push) forces of Sun and Moon are the strings attached that help cause Earth's north pole tilt to the right (clockwise). These vibration frequency resonance strings are fixed and flexible, thus they allow for a tethering, yet wobbling in the waters as multiple motions are affecting Earth.
d) Earth, Sun and Moon are “joined at the hip” in a circular three-legged gallop. The stronger of the three pulls the other two with it. While Earth is rotating and revolving counterclockwise, the Sun is revolving clockwise around the galactic center, thus around the galactic equator and galactic pole (ecliptic), thus the sun is pulling the Earth with it clockwise (backwards to earth's counterclockwise motion). This pulling back of Earth is moving Earth backwards, position-wise, in relation to the zodiac constellations.
e) The Sun is the driver, the main force of this three-legged motion. This is also why the Sun's motions, Earth's motions and the Moon's motions are multiples and factors of each other and all three must agree symbiotically, harmonically and mathematically in number reckonings because all three agree in space and time.
f) Since the Sun's revolution causes Earth to precess/recess, then the period or cycle of precession is equal to the Sun's revolution.
g) Neither the precession around the ecliptic at the poles, nor the precession of the equinoxes at the equator can start over, unless the forces causing it also reset and start over. This means the Sun starts a new cycle, a new year, a new revolution.
h) For a brief explanation, see “Great Year Precession | Equinox, Ecliptic, Zodiac Re-Definition, Unity Consciousness #1476”
i) Mathematical integration of celestial bodies keeps all those systems working intricately and smoothly while constantly moving and changing. It is a malleable set of AI algorithms (AI is the first one and only revealed ).
Earth's circle of revolution based on moon cycles is 360 degrees. The sun's circle is 72 times that or 25,920 degrees.
If Earth moves backwards through the zodiac by one degree every 72 years, then we get 72x360=25,920. This could be stated as Earth moving backwards 72 degrees every year, thus 72 degrees for 360 years is 25,920 degrees. If a day can be a degree, then a year can also be a degree.

10. Fatal Flaws:
a) Because we reckon Sun Ages based on the Earth's northern hemisphere eastern horizon vernal equinox tilted position, we falsely attribute the primary cause of the Ages as being due to Earth's motions and/or secondarily to other forces on Earth's motion. The primary cause of Sun Ages is the Sun's Revolution. Earth's precession at the poles and the Equator is a more frequent way to know and double-check what Sun Age (Sun Month) exists in the Sun Year (the Great Year). In other words Earth's backwards motion through the polar and equatorial constellations is a way of “backing into knowing” the Sun's forward motion through the same signs. In other words what is backwards motion for Earth is forward motion for the Sun. If we followed the Sun clockwise in its revolution and then used the Sun's equinox to reckon what Sun Age/Month existed, we'd have a long time to wait between equinoxes that are 12,960 years apart. Plus we'd have to be standing on the Sun.
b) Another fatal flaw is in the fancy smancy confused name “Precession Of The Equinoxes.”
c) The third and greatest flaw is in the Asili and Utamawazo Worldview Context that trips us into believing we are discovering things, when instead we should be more humble and realize we are simply rediscovering, remembering and reassembling puzzle pieces of what has been fragmented, scattered, lost and forgotten. Thus we need to make sure our rediscoveries are in harmonious logic with the workings of the natural world picture above and below, and not some grand concoction of what we humans have figured out due to our superior intelligence used for personal gain, flickering fame and fickle self-esteem. How inane is such a life saith the Lord!? It is a life of malnutrition that must fill itself on the junk soul food of various forms of avarice.
d) Truth is, the Ancients, in a time much longer than 4,000 years ago, thought intelligently because they thought simply (fundamentally). They didn't try to concoct elaborate explanations unless they were misguided by fear, like 'experts” in all ten major institutions are today.
e) It is called a Great Year because it is a year and cycle of greater length than an Earth Year, and because it is a Sun year, the Sun being greater than Earth. A Year for any celestial body is equal to one revolution. Do we still believe a Sun Year takes over 225 millions years?

11. By the way, since a Great Year is a Sun Year, it is also a Light Year. A Light Year is 25,920. Earth and Sun are one light year away from the center of the galaxy. There have been many statements of how many light years something is. These statements are likely overstated by a factor of 25,920, thus should be divided by that number to get closer to the truth. Per NASA, “A light-year is the distance light travels in one Earth year. One light-year is about 6 trillion miles (9 trillion km).” Thus NASA describes a light year based on distance but a Great Year describes a light year based on time. You will find experts using a number close to 26,000 connected to a light year but not connecting that number with the Sun Year, the Great Year or the Precession.

12. Earth itself is revolving around the Sun's pole and Sun's equator, thus pulling the Moon with it. It is a certainty that calculations can be made using the Moon's motions, cycles, directions and tilts to figure out one or more Earth cycles and Sun cycles.
13. Now to repeat the main point of this message: It is the Sun's direction of revolution around the center of galaxy that is tethered to Earth's tilt, rotation and revolution around the Sun that mainly causes Earth to “wobble” and move backwards through the Zodiac and Polar Constellations. This is only true when the perspective used is Earth's northern hemisphere eastern horizon vernal equinox, western horizon autumnal equinox or northern pole summer solstice.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Take Heed Of All Premonition Intuitions
Unity Consciousness #2784

(9azzzzzzzzzzw of 11)

It was another “I told you so” moment when spirit talks to soul, neither in total control of the inseparables.
I told you to separate yourself from certain congregations, each said to the other.

The massive country cathedral was crumbling like a grandiose sand castle with the first inevitable incoming wave. Chicken Little's declaration was a prophecy coming true. The sky was falling rock by meteor drop. Earth was shaking. The sacred building was breaking back into its constituent pieces. Out of panic habit, the capacity crowd was rushing helter-skelter out of shelter for cover.

I saw these events minutes earlier but ignored the preview because everything wrong was nothing new.
In the mad gushing flow of fools, I was getting crushed in the same vestibule of logic rules my premonition predicted was a death trap.
I was flung against the back wall carpeted with many dead, dying and crying as the building gave in and earth came in like goo-gobs of icing on a cake. As the building was sinking, all I was thinking was being surprised to still be alive.

The entry into this exit room had become blocked, which kept the room from filling up with random stuff. There was still an air pocket layer. Bodies kept banging into this temple entrance. Grotesque heads were forced between spaces in a broken tangle of arms, legs and other jammed parts. There was just enough room for me to push those dead heads back out to plug cracks and hold the incoming earth back.
Much effort, hope, prayer and insurance were not enough to stem the reaper's harvest of carnage.
The building, tons of debris and me began falling into an ever-widening hole. Soil flowed in like sand in a wide-neck hourglass. Every now and then the debris, me and many bodies would get stuck on a ledge or wedge and stop falling, temporarily. This is when wailing and weeping became loudest and seemed to shroud us. It was not the sound of flesh people but of stressed souls and echoes that know the promise of potholes of woes at the end of the road to sheol. This start and stop plunge prolonged the agony of self-pity for a fool like me. This party was interrupted by the next crash.

We fell until we reached, what I knew and didn't have to assume, was a temple room containing a judgment seat and altar. As each mash of matter reached the space above the altar, it was consumed by fire and smelted into totems of various shapes which fell into piles miles high. Assistants picked up large handfuls and poured these souls onto the altar.
Those accepted rang with the resonance of enough fullness. The numerical running total increased rapidly as the souls vanished in the den's dank air.
If rejected, the soul clanged with the resonance of emptiness and was cast into a chamber pot with quickly opening and closing hungry jaws with upward reaching teeth like claws.
I was ever-coming and saw all of this on my way down.

Though I put myself in the blender to be caught in the mix, I was snatched out of the fire by the lord of the altar. I was sent back the way I came so I could give the previous dimension another try. Seven spirits accompanied me through a labyrinth of valleys of villains to overcome and white-tipped mountains of tests to crest. We had to run for and fight for our lives using superlative genetic advance information that manifests as premonition intuition undeterred without definition.

As we rose in four pairs like freshly preserved smoke soaked air, nakedness exposed, we changed into different clothes, any newborn sahu would have chosen hoping to grow from black concentrate to expansive golden.
We combined past pass codes to get through double doors and were immediately propelled up and out onto a pile of cushy succulent sparkling soil drenched in enhanced moonlight. It was a large plateau garden bed freshly prepared for transplants and seeds with wants and needs. Those accompanying me wanted to climb down and separate, but I remembered this was the company I needed to keep and touch with. I took full responsibility for us to stay together and relearn to trust what we see all ways. All we need to do is fully repeat complete cycles of deep sound sleep that re-syncs beats and coordinates with the highly informative harmonious explorative of what a being awake encapsulates.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

How Long Is The Sun's Revolution?
Unity Consciousness #2783

(9azzzzzzzzzzv of 11)

The sun's revolution has been mentioned several times, each message contains food for thought. Using an earth northern hemisphere perspective:

1. A Year (YY) is an Earth Year (EY) – the time it takes for this earth to make one revolution counterclockwise around the center of the solar system. The center of the solar system is the sun. The Earth Year is the Lesser Year. It is outrageously wrong or unnecessarily confusing to call an Earth year a (tropical year, solar year, astronomical year or equinoctial year).

A Great Year (GY) is a Sun Year (SY) - the time it takes for our sun to make one revolution clockwise around the center of our galaxy. The center of the galaxy is the black hole root ball engine womb that powers the galaxy. The “center of the galaxy” is the “cog” that turns the galactic wheel of heaven. A Great Year is a Sun Year, Solar Year, Light Year, Solar System Year.

a) Using an earth northern hemisphere perspective:
when Earth moves above the plane of the Sun's equator at the eastern horizon, it is Vernal Equinox for the Earth year. This equinox does double duty by also telling us what Sun Age exists.
Using Earth's equinox to determine what Age the Sun is in, is easier, because the Sun only has an equinox once every 12,960 years. Plus, if we didn't use Earth's equinox, we have to be standing on the Sun to determine the Age.
when Sun moves above the plane of the galactic equator at the eastern horizon, it is Vernal Equinox for the Sun Year, the Great Year. It is likely this equinox also does double duty by also telling us what Age it is for the Galaxy.

2. Two ways we can know how long an Earth year (revolution) is:
a) by repetition of seasons
b) based on astronomy, astrology and Nile Valley Mythology. The position of stars and other celestial bodies help us understand annual seasons, equinoxes, solstices, moon cycles, conjunctions, alignments and eclipses. Astronomy and Astrology also help us understand the comings and goings of star constellation zodiac signs that repeat with each Earth revolution. Mythology teaches a lot that humans at times forget they've forgot in lands of the lost. Mythology helps us remain in a mode of harmonious reconciliation of contradictions, coordinates and coincidents.
The difference in the direction of Earth's and Sun's revolution is what causes annual months to move through zodiac signs in one direction while Ages move through the zodiac signs in another direction. This is because Earth's annual revolution and Sun's revolution are moving past these star constellations in opposite directions.

3. Two of the ways we can know how long a Sun year (revolution) is:
a) by repetition of larger seasons.
b) based on astronomy and astrology and Nile Valley Mythology. The position of stars and other celestial bodies help us understand solar system seasons, equinoxes, solstices, moon cycles, conjunctions, alignments and eclipses. Astronomy and Astrology also help us understand the comings and goings of star constellation zodiac signs that repeat with each Sun revolution. based on astronomy, astrology and Nile Valley Mythology. The position of stars and other celestial bodies help us understand annual seasons, equinoxes, solstices, moon cycles, conjunctions, alignments and eclipses. Astronomy and Astrology also help us understand the comings and goings of star constellation zodiac signs that repeat with each Earth revolution. Mythology teaches a lot that humans at times forget they've forgot in lands of the the lost. Mythology helps us remain in a mode of harmonious reconciliation of contradictions, coordinates and coincidents. The length of time a zodiac sign is in a certain relative position is called an Age or Great Year Month or Sun Month or Solar Month. Zodiac Constellations also revolve around the center of the galaxy but in a wider circle than the Sun.

You know you're in the Dum Dum Zone when experts and other scientists tell/sell you things like a meteor impact killed the dinosaurs, the sun's revolution is over 225 million years and earth's tilt was caused by being hit, and randomly so, by an object a billion years ago.* And you swallow without chewing, without digesting, without excreting and without asking why swallow in the first place. Been there, done that. I AM HERE from the glass darkly underworld to help pull you out of the muck and mire, but you have to reach also. I am here to at least help you snap the fuck out of not realizing you are in the muck of the dirty playing dozens for keeps for the sake of keeping sheep sleep. (See stupid nigga).

If the Sun's orbit took 225 million years, then no human or generations of humans could have ever counted the length. If it took millions of years, then no repeating pattern could be observed to verify the time period of the sun's revolution. If the sun's revolution took over 225 millions years, the Great Year could not be established because the Sun would not have ever moved past the same constellations for humans to see. Earth moves past these constellations once every 365 days.
How many Ages are there and what are their star constellations?
Humans have not existed for 225 million years. If the sun took that long for one revolution, humans could not know how long an Age is because humans would also have had to observe at least three sun revolutions which would take 675 million years to verify a pattern exists.

*Tilts of Earth, Sun and other bodies are by design. The Universe uses strings attached for that, along with anchors and other tethers. These tilt-a-whirls oscillate in degree of tilt the way anything else sways in ocean waves, weaving and bobbing (wobbling) in the dark energy dark matter waters of nun.

Min 2 of “The Coming of Age of the Cosmic Ethiopian King” by Dr. Charles S. Finch, plainly explains that 26,000 years is the time it takes the solar system to revolve around the center of the galaxy. Thus, by extension, if the solar system revolves around the center of the galaxy approximately every 26,000 years, AND, everything in the solar system is tethered to the sun primarily or secondarily, then in order for these items in the solar system to revolve on a 25,920 year cycle, then the sun must also revolve on a 25,920 year cycle. Isn't the solar system the same thing as the sun system, or is everything but the sun revolving on a 26,000 year cycle, but the sun itself is revolving on some incredible tangent of a 225 million year cycle, a number which varies depending on which expert is selling the lie? So the sun is somehow swinging everything around on a 26,000 year carousel while the sun itself is tick tocking at a ten times slower pace? Even though the sun is the center of the solar system.

Friday, August 5, 2022

When Kymry Became British, Scottish & Irish
Plus Mindframe Timeframes For Overall Things
Unity Consciousness #2782

(9azzzzzzzzzzu of 11)

This message is an expansion of, “African Meaning & Origin Of Scot-Free, Picts & Scots
Unity Consciousness #2779”

Since the Kymry British movement away from acknowledging kinship with the Kymry Scots is a movement away from acknowledging feminine principle Sekhet, we can estimate when this took place based on who Sekhet represents during six sets of Ages.

1. 5355 BCE when Draco Draconis as father earth gives rebirth to the sun/son and who also, as father of the heavenly waters of Nun, is the masculine Kar-tek, the fire breathing dragon soul of life, who spiritually begets the invigorating fire into the sun/son which allows the sun/son to become pubescent and masculine in the third degree on the way to adulthood as the fourth degree and then become the crucified at the crossroad in the south, then become the resurrected perfected glorified ascendant sher spirit as the fifth degree, fifth dimension.
Draconis as father earth replaced Sekhet as Ursa Major as mother earth and fire-breather Kartek. Draconis co-ruled with Gemini (the twins, the two suns, two moons, sun and moon)

Even the ever-coming one in recent representation as ...Jesus..., is born of the mother impregnated by the Mother Holy Spirit and made pubescent by the Mother Holy Spirit. This hidden version of Jesus came to reaffirm the seat of the mother first, then establish the seat of the father second, then establish the kingdom as the mother's son and replace the father alone mentality and reality.

2. 10920 BCE when Leo the son replaced Sekhet as Virgo as mother and Leo co-ruled with Herakles as father.

3. 15240 BCE when Maat (Libra) replaced Sekhet as Scorpio and Maat co-ruled with Lyra (Great Mother). Maat, the two truths is the uniter of two lands). This is when Narmer Mena defeats Scorpion. [Thus Egyptologists claiming Mena reigned about 5500 BCE are off by approximately one-half Great Year. This is intentional.]

4. 21720 BCE when Capricorn replaced Sekhet as Aquaria and co-ruled with Kepheus. During this reiteration of Kepheus, deities in Egypt were An, Aan, Kan or Khan as Anup or Sut-Anubis, God of the Dog-star and Cynocephalus, while in Britain, this was called Baal.

5. 20166 BCE when Cygnus replaced Sekhet as the fire-breathing dragon component of Kepheus. Cygnus co-ruled with Sagittarius (the twins and archer).

6. 23879 BCE when Aquarius replaced Pisces and co-ruled with Kepheus. This would have been the same time, between 23879 BCE and 21719 BCE, when the Great Per-neter Pyramid was built.

The first timeframe is most likely since it intersects with the spiritual move from matriarchy into patriarchy and other information below about the British Kymry (formerly Gauls, Wales, Celts and other names) and the known continual decline and fragmentation in Egypt, Nile Valley, Africa and Asia).

1. The Great Mother of the British Druids/Egyptian Truits/Kherits/Karuts is Keridwen (Ked)

2. Mikael (Makha-El, Har-Makhu, Makhu. MakhuEL) of the seventh heaven. The name Michael came into existence through the Egyptian Rekhi to the Ankhland Rekhi in Inchland, Ingland, England, Britain. Michael replaced Egyptian Tum, the judge of the dead and Lord of the Scales and child of Mut the mut-ur, mother in the lower north underworld.

3. Before the spiritual separation initiated by the British Kymry from the Scottish-Irish Kymry, the Kymry of Wales/Gales/Gaul/Kelts called the area now known as the United Kingdom) their Ankh-land called Inis-Prydhain (Isle of Prydhain) before it was called Britain.*
These three names were adopted by the Ankhland Kymry who were in Armorica, their earlier home, for the second time due to fleeing from the Saxons.**
Prydhain, the sun, (whose mother is Prydwen) was the first deity ever-coming one prince of Wales. Prydhain is the same as the Horus (Hu) of the Egyptian Bards whose mother is Hes (Isis, mother earth).***
At this time, some of the deities respected were Khuten, Huten, Aten, Atum, Tum. Prydhain eventually becomes Prit-tena becomes Brittene becomes Britain. Prit-tena and Brittene is the land that was separated into two parts, to divide, break off, separate, divide into fragments. This is Britain, England, Angle-land and Ankhland, the land of the dead and of life for spirits. This was the lower north land to France, Spain & Portugal (Armorica, Wales, Gales, Gauls, Brittany, the Upper South Land of the Kymry)
The Kymry we are talking about are the third migration from Africa who followed the Solar Mythology of the son Hu who became Father and gave birth to Prydhain, his son. This migration was encountered in Wales by the Kymry from Ankland. When they returned to Ankland they separated themselves from the Kymry Scots and Picts who must have been Lunarites or Sabean-Solarites and who did not go back to the Wales homeland and learn the newest mythology that replaced the Mother revealed. All branches and versions of Mythology fed off the continuous African flow which fed off the continuous flow from the source up the Nile in South Karua (Upper Mestrea). Solar mythology began with the advent of the Elemental Age of Blood and Herakles as Human. This at least must have been 38683 BCE with the mother. 34978 BCE is when Ursa Major as father replaced Herakles as Mother and Leo is almost over but moves to the southern pole as the adult in 30658 BCE. 24178 BCE (Lunar) is when Prydhain would have been reconceived as the son of the Hu father. 10920 BCE (Solar) is when Prydhain would have been reborn pubescent (begotten of the Father spirit masculine principle soul of life).

* The United Kingdom is a reuniting of the earlier kingdom, however it is only partial because it is not reunited with France, Spain & Portugal and likely Italy Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemborg, Austria and islands to the south. The UK reunion is also partial due to separation by race. Pryhain must have led to Brydhain, Brydhan, Brythan, Brython, Brithon, Briton. All these names existed first in Armorica.
The United Kingdom is a precursor and form of NATO, the European Union, UN, Security Council, World Court and other conspiring groups of white folks claiming global authority.
**This is how the term Anglo-Saxon came about due to the mixing of Angles and Saxons.
***The Hesi in Egypt became the Barddas and Bards in Europe. They were also called Truits in Egypt which became Druids in Europe.

Har-Khuti is the British Hu. When speaking of the British ancestral connections to Egypt and cultural reflections of Egypt, these references pertain to British when they were black people and not white people. White British are recent and came after Black British. This is the true for all groups of people on this planet. Whatever group name, race, ethnicity, region or country name you use, that name applies to and were black people first before it applies to you now who claim not to be black people.
Har-Khuti is the Lord of (the Khuti, the seven elementals, the Gods, the Gentiles, the Jews, Hu-manes, Humanes, Humans). Humans were spirits formed of Hu in the underworld before Humans became flesh on Earth. So then what does it mean to be humane?? Human??
Har-Khuti was named hundreds of thousands of years ago in the Sabean birthplace of Aethiopia when humans were called the Khut, Coti, Ketti or Hut as names based on celestial Khuti.

We must also remember that even if you have problems with African Gods and Goddesses as pagan, however, you refer to your God as the Most High or Highest or God Above, you are still referring to moons, planets, stars. And may the Lord add a blessing to the remembering of words and may they be sanctified in our hearts. Amenet.

At Least Three Separations Took Place

a) Upper Brittany (now called France, Spain, Portugal) from Lower Brittany (New Brittany. Lower Brittany, North Brittany, now called (Great Britain, Scotland, Wales, England, Northern Ireland and Ireland). Wales as currently geographically defined is a joke compared to the land area it used to represent. This is a way for Lower Brittany to hold onto the Parent in a hidden manner.

Pryhain and Pritena were names for both Upper Brittany (Brittene) and Lower Brittany (Brittene). In Lower Brittany, the word Brittene (Brittany) led to the word Britain. This did not take place in Upper Brittany.

b) South and East Britain (Scotland, Great Britain England and Wales) from North and West Britain (Scotland and Ireland, which later separated into Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland. Southern Ireland became independent as Ireland).

c) Somewhere between the 15th and 19th centuries CE, Britain and England as the head honchos of their island, continued to want to establish a name for themselves and likely pushed against France, Spain, Mauretania, Egypt and elsewhere in Africa as being the source of knowledge since this area of the Gauls was a source of knowledge since the Moors brought them out of another Dark Age. One method of intellectual distancing and dissonance (selective memory, thus defective memory, thus a truth enemy) was to use a phrase meant to be demeaning such as “you have the Gaul.” (From UC#2780)

By The Way: Take note of how Europeans (now turned completely white) have miseducated the world overall. One way is by claiming the Great monuments, thousands of papyri, tablets and other achievements in Egypt took place after 5500 BCE. They then claim Europe was in the Dark Ages in the CE period called the Middle or Medieval Ages, thus not in the Dark Ages prior or after. So somehow the enlightened white folks of Herodotus, Sophocles, Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Pythagoras, Hippocrates, Romulus and Remus in human form (Beavis and Butthead), the Romans and Greeks and many more, were enlightened during the BCE period and when European invaded Africa and studied in Africa and then fell into the Dark Ages. Truth is, Europe was in the Dark Ages before 5500 BCE, and from 5500 BCE to 0 BCE/CE and up to now, especially relative to places on the globe still uninvaded by lost Africans called Europeans, Arabs, Chinese, Spaniards, Australians, Canadians and so on. And this is why current Europeans, in the reincarnation as “British”, “English” and “Americans”, are so desperately intent to brand themselves as the most enlightened humans ever, a claim that leaks like a sieve, no matter how many times dipped in the Nile, ferried off to England and shipped to the USA. It still comes up empty despite all the holes covered with lies. So Africans, “as primitive as can be” (defined as pathetically savagely ignorant, according to Whites), were in the Dark Ages for hundreds of thousands of years, woke wide up in a rush in Egypt for a few thousand years and then went habitually back into deep ignorance ever since and at some point, post Middle Age whiteys saved black folks by invading every land they occupied. As evidenced everywhere, right now is still the Dark Ages for most of the World. There are only small scattered pockets that are not. All countries and societies are in the Dark Ages, thus almost all their citizens as evidenced by lack of optimizing of genetic potential. Yet, only Europeans of the past 500 years finally broke out of their temporary stupor to recapture their non-existent BCE glory. Stupor has always been permanent to all other people, especially Africans, the most explored continent, the most sought for physical, mental and spiritual resources. This is why Africans and Blacks are the most studied, watched, mimicked and stole from, even as we take the next breath. It is a certainty, that without the intellectual inventions and contributions of Africans since the white tsunami takeover of the USA, the USA would be in an even deeper Dark Age.



Back Down Memory Name

Many truths can be ascertained by simply studying the origins of names of people especially, of places especially and of things especially. It doesn't take long or much research to discover the obviousness of the names and their connections to origins whose roads lead back to Africa. This overall truth was surmised by Massey, a product of the European worldview who, upon deciding to remain a truthseeker, overcame that limitation to become one of the most enlightened Europeans of their post-Middle Age Dark Age Common Era.