If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Baptizing Adult Viewpoints Into A Baby's Worldview
Third Creation – Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1428


(Part 9lm of 11)

Closing One Chapter, Opening Another

Baptism, as practiced by humans, is supposed to do the same thing as baptisms taking place throughout the other 99.999999% of nature. The human practice of baptism is supposed to restore logic like a fountain of youth. It is supposed to make logic young again like a baby who has no preconceived notions that favor one truth over the other. The baby doesn't give a shit about your suboptimal identifiers as long as you are healthy in spirit, thus logic. Baptism is supposed to renew our thirst for learning, questioning and analyzing everything we encounter so we can learn more about ourselves. This is what babies do which is a good approach that gets waylayed and kicked to the wayside by teachers in the child's life.

Despite the need for baptism to keep us childlike in our quest for understandings, baptism of a child is a misapplication of baptism, if a child being baptized is for the purpose of cleansing the child's soul from sin and ensuring the child makes it to heaven via church membership. This practice is doublespeak redundant in a bad way. It reinforces ignorance and makes us vulnerable to more malfunctions of logic, customs, traditions, and cultures that are runaway childs running wild, terrorizing souls.
A newborn child is brand new out of the waters of the mother. The souls of life in the child are rainbow fresh out of the Pool of Two Truths. The gift just arrived. The child's database is a new computer born with correct logic from heaven. There is no need for Karrekh-tion. or kherrekh-tion by putting the child through a baptism or christening ceremony. The soul just came out of the sacred holy of holies spirit world of heaven. What is more divine than deliverance?
For children, the only baptism and christening needed is continuous soul-nourishing instruction in the two truths to protect the soul of the child from core disruption (“corruption” from the well-intentioned miseducated).

When we humans say a child needs to be baptized, and then we also install corrupt logic into the child after an unnecessary baptism, we have adulterated the soul purpose of baptism twice. The second adulteration being the worse because it is ongoing, just like the second death.

More Don'ts and Dos

You don't have to die physically to be baptized in the Pool of Two Truths.
You do need continuous balanced nutrition so old logic can die and be reborn transformed.

You don't have to be physically circumcised.
You do have to cut away logic that has you in feel good bondage, but is not liberating your soul.

You don't have to be baptized by a human in order to be baptized in the Pool of Two Truths.
You do have to immerse your thinking in two truth logic.
“That's all folks,” says the rabbi.t.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Relearning Awareness Of Watching The Flow To Go With
Third Creation – Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1427


(Part 9ll of 11)

There you sit in your safe private place thinking nobody knows what you are thinking and doing. That notion is wrong in two dimensions.
1. To the degree humans can control logic, the human version of the All-Seeing Eye is currently being manifested in computer monitoring, internet monitoring, digital monitoring, phone conversation monitoring, email monitoring, IP address monitoring, browser monitoring, monitoring each other, google earth monitoring, debit/credit card monitoring, bank account monitoring, travel monitoring, investment account monitoring, onstar monitoring, siri/alexa monitoring, drones, cameras, smartphones, satellites, etc. Search any of these and you will also see.

Why do I always feel like I'm in the twilight zone?

2. All of this put together is nothing compared to what the superhuman all-seeing eye knows and sees.

Superhuman and human are changing changing, double changing doubly fast. Spirit and matter are remixing a whole bunch of stuff in plain sight. When that which is in plain sight blossoms and fruits, the roots are ready. It's time to stand your ground and fight for rights of creation. You don't have to change your mind, just keep on using the same thought process you've been using, “I might as well go with the flow.” The universal is heading in the same overall direction, but is changing the nature and balance of the flow. So must the nature and balance of our logic.

The people you listen to are beginning to listen more to the people you don't listen to.
Meanwhile, we keep listening to ourselves vocalizing the same logic expecting things to materially change.
Every time we draw from the well of logic in our cells, we retrieve better, worse or same logic depending on the nutrition of logic we consume 60/60/24/7/365. Even when asleep the subconscious feeds us the information it collected during the day when free will was ridin' shotgun, too busy bogartin' the senses to listen to anything but itself.
Despite the continuous inflow of information from all directions, we still have the ability to transform our logic from one form to another.

“Contributing to the common/universal good is an imperative that differentiates the healthy from the unhealthy and the functional from the dysfunctional; but, this ability must be nurtured.” “Cultivate the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. The development of our capacity for moral reasoning is critical for good health.”
“What is healthy and healthy cannot be determined based on human societies that are not error-checked and corrected against the universal society.

Human collective free will can only go so far, and it has gone far enough in one direction, and now, if human free will is insufficient to get humans to turn the corner sharply and quickly, then the All-Seeing Eye will apply its own free will to make it happen. Papa Aquaria, backed up by Mama Aquarius, will be handing out butt whoopings straightaway.
The All-Seeing Eye is in your cells baptizing logic right now. You might have your own human reasons for doing what you are doing right now, but the superhuman also has its reasons. Do you really think you the human are the only one and only power that leads you to where you are throughout each day? I doubt if that exists anywhere except in the oneness of the One. In fact we know this to be complete truth because even in the oneness of two, neither of the two have 100% anonymity or sovereignty. Under no circumstances does the tiny portion of the Many, called humans on this Planet, have the collective or individual wherewithal to stand in the way of the truth whose time has come. Upon this rock a new church is being built.

Whether you are aware of it or not, the healthier side of superhuman logic is trying to get you to switch your primary use of free will out of the flow of mass confusion logic that seems right based on broad acceptance. If we don't shift, then the healthier logic gaining strength in the universe, will hand us over to the unhealthy spirit losing strength. It will feel good because you will be gaining momentum, but you will be heading the way the standard operating procedures of status quo logic are heading. As the shell of logic called culture goes, so you go. As you go, so also goes ancestors, descendants and a piece of the collective. It is never all about U or I, but always about IU.

For these reasons and more, is why more comprehensive understandings of baptism, free will, logic, thought processes, genetic potential and so on, are needed.
As recently mentioned, learning is a baptism process. Likewise then, so is forgetting and remembering.
The actual physical genetic processes in our cells that bring about learning, forgetting and remembering, is the same process as baptism. We were continuously baptized out of our balanced minds and taught how to forget. For centuries now, the process has been taking place to renourish the roots to reverse spiritual forgetfulness, afrikan amnesia.
The same thing is taking place in multiple dimensions on different scales in different forms. This succinctly describes life, existence, self, all else, metaphor.

Of interest might be the article linked above that mentions citizens in the USA are considered a threat if they are “too aware.” In other words, unhealthy cultures say having your all-seeing eye open in public and in practice, is the intent to commit treason.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Baptize Free Will Daily For A Better World
Third Creation – Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1426


(Part 9lk of 11)

Free will needs to be continuously baptized because that ongoing process goes along with being the change you want to see in the world.

Many people want to see changes for a better humanity, but that desire runs smack dab into a chainlink of logic that represents a disconnected sense of genetic potential greatness within self. This causes us to purchase a sense of greatness that is disconnected from essence and destinypurpose. The results of this misguidance is an incomplete sense of satisfaction which is sometimes punctuated by sugar high satisfactions (rewards from the status quo).
After years of faithfully consuming miseducation, the use of genetic potential brings forth results such as money and accolades that are not deeply satisfying, lasting, strengthening, healing. We are still somehow confused that for hundreds of years now, very little of what we get in exchange for what we are giving, is chicken soup for the soul. Money, prestige and stuff are okay as long as healthy logic is not compromised or unhealthy logic is not glorified. In other words, as long as we are aware of how what we are doing is contributing to health or sickness, then all that's left is free will choice to continue the same logic or make adjustments. This awareness would make our daily choices easier to manage because we wouldn't get confused by confusion.

The soul of life within us is mega-powerful and is seeking to manifest itself as optimally as possible, but it struggles without proper context and nutrition. Until we reach the point of admitting using wrong way logic, our soul keeps seeking and searching for satisfaction in many ways, yet no matter what the soul finds, it will never be enough until context is corrected and associated logic is transformed. Until then, our soul of life, sent here to do dynamic duo things, continues to seek esteem by applying genetic potential in a “look at what I've accomplished” sort of way that goes along with “therefore, look at what I'm worth.” This false positive logic follows a path from within to without to home to school to places of religious worship to sports teams to other organizations to workplaces to customers to vendors to historical societies to homeowners associations to governments and their agencies and their employees to everywhere in society humans are trying to validate their use of power. Unabated it continues via chain reaction causes and effects to other countries to outer space to Moon to Mars. Ways of thinking and behaving don't evaporate, they accumulate. Jeopardy exists when we don't ask enough questions so all answers fit. All current logic is in jeopardy that is not being transformed to conform with the Ages of Aquaria and Kepheus. We should know by now the mighty and haughty Humpties we worship are showing cracks and are free falling by will and grace.

What is happening is what we should expect when we buy into logic that leads to insecure security forever eroding leading lives off cliffs to the Pool of Pant. This leaves messy logic behind for descendants to quickly follow into ruts, ditches and pits, because we've relayed the logic that it's okay to use free will in a way that adulterates genetic potential greatness for a piece of something that must be acquired again and again, thus so must the sin against balanced logic. For the most part we sell our souls to be on rolls.

At the human level of logic, cancerous deterioration of logic and unhealthy sense of soul is only able to happen when there isn't frequent inspection, correcting and nutrition. Humans are also superhuman souls of life, just in human form. Our free will gets a turn to manifest itself and decide how to use genetic potential and how to nourish itself. Self and all else are harmed and helped by free will by choice. Meanwhile, at the superhuman level of logic that functions without consulting humans, continuous baptism helps keep superhuman logic from crashing and burning completely, even when under assault by human free will driven logic. If annihilation is going to take place, it will take place via superhuman guidance, not human. Knowing which is which requires understanding cycles such as the wheel of heaven.

As a brief example, all physical sickness is cancer, humans just give sickness different names, due to misunderstandings and expert lying. Despite most people having some form of sickness due to human use of free will, this is not enough to wipe out the human species. It 's not time yet. Aquaria is a nourisher and healer. Shu-Kepheus is a rebalancer. Human thinking and behavior is a layer of logic on top of superhuman logic. As needed, the superhuman still has the ability to override what humans are doing. This does not necessarily take place on an individual basis, but it does on a collective basis as directed by the control center of the Cycle Maker. The superhuman will dissolve the human species or resurrect the human species as needed for the universal plan. This takes place via baptisms. For instance, at the macro level, construction and destruction of the world by water or fire is a form of baptism. Construction and destruction of the world by explosions of chemical reactions, words or waters, are also forms of baptism transforming things into and out of existence. Deluges currently taking place are bringing about much needed changing of the guardian souls of life. Human logic is not sitting idly by and is also creating good and bad deluges.

As a second example, just as the character Satan was given some leeway, humans are simply another character in the Universal Play. Humans are allowed to rule partially and temporarily so they can act out their version of logic.
Angels and demons are troubling the waters as many baptisms are taking place during these last 22 to 33 years of transition from two Great Year Logics to two different Great Year Logics.

Things we covet and protect should be the things we more and more reject because they are clearly having the opposite effect on what is decent, just like a feel good drug, that is authentic in some respects, yet counterfeit.

Now we go back to the top of this message and readdress a major influence on the human use of free will.
When we emerge out of the baptismal waters of our parents, nothing we acquire during this lifetime is greater than what we came into the world with. Nothing. Not even knowledge of self. Knowledge of self is the pursuit of remembering who you already are.

In other words, it is not worth it to use free will in pursuit of what life in human form offers if the price is soul sacrifice.

Likewise at the collective level of all humans, the Double Law is greater than human legal laws. Double law leads to the greater good, not human legal laws.

If you will, you are free to follow Double Law anytime you choose.
Your soul of life is above human law, workplace rules and public opinion.
Following the greater law is the change that's needed.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Third Creation – Multiple Baptisms Expanded
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1425


(Part 9lj of 11)

We've shown there are multiple baptisms, baptisteries, locations and times. All creations are continuously going through many of these baptisms. For us humans, we must be certain to begin to understand these baptisms are taking place within us and we are part of these baptisms taking place outside of us. For instance, Planet Earth is being baptized right now and we call it climate change. We are part of that baptism, thus we are also being baptized and our logic is being checked. If we think climate can change and our logic not change, we have another thing coming.
Even “deceased” souls in transition in Amenta, go through numerous baptisms as part of the process of being verified for resurrection or for second death. There appears to be one baptism, baptistery, location and time for each of the elemental souls of life and their composites. This could equate to the divisions of heaven and the stages of a process.

The process of baptism involves the soul being error-checked and regenerated one soul of life at a time in order to carefully verify what's going on with that soul. Program and data stored in the soul are being checked against the template in the operating system Khaos waters.
The final baptism recently discussed is that of Holy Spirit (the totality of all souls of life). Another way to look at this is: we come into this existence by being born and compiled through multiple stages of genetic logic, multiple dimensions. We are then reborn the same way. These transitions take place in different forms of the waters. (AE2 794/258), (AE2 835/299), (AE1 235/245), (NG2 795/295)

Multiple Baptizers

An elemental soul of life presides over each baptism. This is significant since the particular formulation of genetics represented by that soul of life is the part of logic that it checks, kherrekhs or rejects in those who are being baptized. As Earth is being baptized, it is being purified and renewed in celestial waters.

We are frequently told Anup, the Pole Star, the soul of life in darkness, is a baptizer. This also tells us there is a Pool of Two Truths at each pole. (AE2 795/259)
Another way of knowing the same thing is that there is a Pool of Two Truths at either end of the Equinox. Since Solstice is the same thing in a different orientation, then we know there must also be Pools at the Poles. (NG2 240/248)

Multiple Feedings Of Logic

The fish mentioned in UC#1420 and the bread mentioned in UC#1424 is where the fish and loaves comes from in the recent Christian story.
Jesus, in the form of the baptized resurrected Christ, fed the multitude on the elemental souls of life who were in two truth form as bread and fish. JC nourished the souls in human form on souls in superhuman form. JC fed the multitude two truth logic. The original story is actually about souls traveling through Amenta who are being fed along the way as they are being led by Shu-Anhur-Tefnut.
In the JC story, there was plenty left over because in the original story the basic seven elementals are ever-coming ones who duplicate themselves into many forms according to what is needed.
Two represents many other things such as Mother and Father; Parent and Child; and so on. (NG2 421-2/429-30)

In an extended sense, the seven loaves and few fishes are a universal representation of what takes place in heaven above and below. The five loaves and two fish are Planet Earth centered and Amenta centered. The universal is a nourishment of spirit, the earthly is a nourishment of matter, Amenta is a nourishment of soul. (AE2 811-2/275-6), (AE1 420/430)

We continue to go back. We now see that bread and cake and loaves are the same thing. Thus two truths as complementary opposites can be imaged as dark angel's food cake and light devil's food cake. In modern terms, these represent good logic and bad logic we are nourished on; however, in a balanced sense, these two kinds of bread show us how the same ingredients are used to make the same cake look and taste different.
Each one of the two truths gets a turn to rule logic that formulates the elementals to feed creations when it is that truth's turn to manifest. In that way, the ruling truth is able, for the most part, to get creations to do what that truth needs done. This allows that truth to be fully manifested. I say, “for the most part” because the other truth is still there and manifesting in the background but still has influence.

We now have enough information to understand what kind of logic Jesus the Christ fed the huddled masses.

Not the multitudes in the story. The multitude of today who still believe the JC story happened for real among actual humans. It's easy to fall into that logic trap and it's also easy to check this out.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Third Creation – Baptism, More Definition & Meanings
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1424


(Part 9li of 11)

We are reminded each philosophy is composed of many smaller philosophies, definitions and meanings. We must continue to dissect, inspect, introspect and double-check until we get down to the nitty-gritty root of every word and its meaning so we can better understand why we think the way we do about a particular topic. Deep in the bowels of the layered logic belief system of many religions, is the concept of baptism.

Baptism Makes Earth Cakes

In the waters of Nun, primordial matter is fermented baked into a cake called land and earth. The first land and earth is not the small Planetstar Earth we are on, rather it is the Earth of the Universe, the entire Universe is the Earth. Universe-Earth is divided in half and then into quarters, until finally created are sub-earths, like the one we live on. All this is to say, whatever is taking place on this sub-earth is a microcosm, a subset of what is already taking place in the Universe. This is why it is said, as without, so within, as below, so above. (AE2 583/47)

We continue to see the symmetry as we remember Earth as matter is reborn out of the Waters. Earth as Universe is also reborn transformed out of the Waters. Earth as Planet is also reborn out of celestial waters.
Earth called Matter, Universe and Planet Earth are all symbolized as a cake. A word for cake is BAP. We can begin to see the connection to baptism. (BB 140/152), (NG1 259,277), (BB 243/255)
The Maker, the Breadmaker, the Baker, the Bapper is the inspirer, the infuser of soul. Soul is breath that causes bread to rise with the airiness of soul or spirit. (BB 243/255), (NG2 190/198)

Baptism Expanded Definition

Baptism is not a modern religious thing. The form of the word might be but the essence of the word is not. Baptism is not an Egyptian Kemetic Ethiopian thing, nor is it solely or primarily a human thing. Baptism is a universal thing. All of creation has been baptized many times and is still being baptized. This includes humans. Baptism can, has and does take place by water, blood, oil, fire, spirit and other means. (AE1 131/141), (AE2 794/258), (AE2 795/259), (AE1 226/236), (AE2 807/271)

Baptism of the body of matter in some form of liquid essence is a spiritual to symbolize the need for continuous baptism of the entire self by immersion in the birthplace womb of two truths, by going back like Jack and Jill who went up Tser Hill to fetch two pails of water from the welling womb of two truths. (AE1 236/246)

Baptism is for the purpose of dedicating the use of genetic potential for harmonic use of logic based on two truths. That which is righteous gives much respect to rights of creation. (NG1 112/138)

One of the main purposes of baptism is for cleansing and purifying logic. After baptism there is supposed to be ongoing baptism in the word of God (the two truths). This is supposed to be continuous nourishment and reminding of the two truths. Communion of wafers and wine symbolizes the ongoing nourishment part of baptism. By consuming the body and blood we are consuming the souls of life who are soul teachers of logic. We are consuming nutrients of healthy logic. (NG1 160/178)

Baptism is regeneration, renovation, renewal, revivification, restoration, resurrection, rebirth of spirit-soul. It is the renewal of the essential essence, the essential goodness* of that which is ever-coming as the savior of the world. That savior is two truth logic. The world is saved every time by two truth logic being restored as it passes from one truth to the next. This is the almighty lord, the two-fisted sem-sem. Likewise, all creations are saved the same way. Without two truth logic, two cannot become one. They can only become a fraction and façade. Without two truth logic, many cannot become one. This is clearly proven in families, in clubs, organizations, religious places, workplaces, sports, communities, societies, countries and nations. Though the people in these groupings say they are one and temporarily act as one, they lack the fundamental logic of oneness. (NG1 168-9/186-7)
From the double lawgiver, the double logic that saves continuously comes, which is why baptism is continuous because logic is installed and uninstalled via baptism. This continuous process is needed as ongoing maintenance of logic in the universe as creations are engaged in a continuous infinite number of interactions without and within.

At the end of a cycle and half-cycle, a final composite set of saving logic and baptism takes place. This means logic is compiled and completed and packaged so it can be transformed before going into the next phase of the cycle. Simply put, large scale changes take place every half-cycle. The transition of the Great Year Ages we are in, is the completion of a half-cycle We are moving through the twilight zone of logic where logic gets worse, less worse, less better and better.
*The essential goodness is the two truths of the most concentrated and expansive forms of energy as symbolized by the black light sun and white light sun. In addition to these two examples, the Moon is a composite of the two and serves as an epitome example of the two truths.

Closing The Page

Baptism is a continuous process requiring continuous nourishment.

Baptism is about way more than just saving your individual soul so you can live forever somewhere else in rest, peace and happiness. That is mentally-ill logic. We are all taught this logic with a loving smile, hug and kiss.

In the fuller sense, baptism is part of the education process, the socialization process, the becoming process, the beingness process. Since we know these four things are ongoing, then so is baptism.

Straight out the box we are born with balanced logic. Then we are supposed to be nurtured on balanced logic that nourishes the five inseparable aspects of self (spirit, mind, emotion, body. The fifth is the extension of each individually and collectively, which equates to the extended self).

Once we begin again to be nourished in a healthy fashion, then that will lead to balanced understandings of self in relation to all else. It will help us understand humans as nature in relation to nature as everything in relation to humans as everything. As this process is continuously taking place in a feedback loop, we will become a better partner in relationship to the whole of self and the whole of all else. We will get better and better at receiving instruction from nature via different ways of knowing. Nature can and will teach us in the manner we need to be taught in order to receive the next understanding to take the next step. This process, when boiled down, teaches us what culture is and what the components of culture are and how these components are supposed to interact.

During recent Ages, we humans have turned this process into a one-sided, one direction process, thus it's a jacked-up process. Our process currently involves learning a bunch of disconnected, fragmented stuff that teaches us bits and bytes of nature. The learning is disconnected from the context of the vantage point. There is no overall cohesive context, no return flow for nature to teach us about Total Self and no refining of the process that allows logic to continuously be re-baptized and refined until it matches Only One Law expressed as Two Truths in many forms.

All of this discombobulation is the perfect setup for self-deception.
Even if you go into baptism with good intentions of becoming a better person in relation to all else, that baptism wears off if you don't renew it. It wears off as surely as each day, hour, minute and second wears off and must be renewed by repeating the process that creates the motion called time.
As an added example, even if you have good nutrition, that nutrition wears off if you don't renew it. Baptism is one nutritious spiritual meal that must be followed daily by nutritious meals that nurture healthier thinking and behavior. If not, the five inseparable aspects of self will suffer under one truth logic continuously manifesting in your society.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Third Creation – Baptism Purpose & Redoubling Logic
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1423


(Part 9lh of 11)

Since the beginning we have been in the baptism series of messages. We have talked about baptism in many ways but have not used the word. We have touched upon the word “baptism, baptist, baptize” here and there. Now, as in recent messages, we continue to hone in and home in on baptism using that specific form of the word.

Purpose, Location and Process Of Completion Of Redoubling Logic

A Pool of Two Truths is located at the top of each Hill of the Horizon. The top of the Hill is a relatively flat, expansive area, a plateau. This is the place of final baptism in the Lake of Propitiation and of Equipoise where souls are purified “in the most high degree.” Although this is said to take place in the east, this must also take place in the west and at the other two corners for different types of cycles.
Equipoise is equal poise, equally poised, balanced. Equipoise is balanced logic. Baptism is supposed to restore balanced logic of the Two Truths that adjusts continuously in ever-changing cycles. This balance involves the Two Truths both ways and in four directions. The level of the equinox is balanced on the level of the solstice. All four sides and all four corners must be in balance. This a form of double-checking* the two truths by double erecting the two truths using solstice and equinox to balance each other. The circle is checked against the square using the triangle. This is triplespeak redundant in a good way. Redundancy is built into the ecosystem. *Double-checking is double-khekhing self against self, spirit against soul, sem against sem. God-dess continuously checks self before totally wrecking self. Baptism is an error-correction process that allows life (cycles of birth and death) to remain everlasting. (AE1 375/385), (AE1 326/336)

Propitiation is something offered and given in hopes of receiving something else.

The final baptism at each corner, takes the logic we use to justify this, that and the other, and repairs it to its last known good configuration so single one-sided logic again becomes double two-sided logic. This is a process that takes place using installation programs (vibration strands) in the startup waters we came out of when our genetic coding was completed and we were installed into existence, into the matrix.
To help us transition from bondage of fear-driven logic, remember, the waters vibrated at the Pool of Two Truths called Bethesda in John 5 of the Christian Bible. An angel is an Ankh-EL, an elemental soul of life in the troubled waters. Furthermore, inside the waters in our cells are vibration strands called strands of rNA and drNA. (NG1 168-9/186-7), (UC#1084, UC#1242)

At any rate, when reborn, we are supposed to become a Christ (Karast, Karest). We're supposed to be like a caterpillar in a mummy cocoon who is transformed in the waters of baptism and reborn anew in souls made perfect again in logic. When we emerge from baptism, thinking and behavior should be balanced, or at least continuously moving towards that goal. We are supposed to be transformed into a more harmonic being. We are not supposed to be made doubly worse by sinking deeper into slanted suboptimal doctrine. The recent Jesus as a Christ told us he supersedes religious dogma. If we followed the fundamental message of the Christian Jesus, not the disciples, then we'd understand baptism is symbolic of restoring behavior that benefits the greater good and not the lesser good of specific religions and the countries who use them as justification for evil discrimination and to program us to consider other beings as lesser humanity and lesser creations.
It is a certainty most humans consider rocks to be “dumb,” yet Jesus built his church on a rock and scattered throughout the scriptures are stones, grains, salt, mountains and other forms of rock. Time to rethink the genetic atomic vibratory living soul potential of rocks, starting with rocks as minerals which are stimulating cellular processes within you.
Continuously helping you stay alive makes rocks smarter than your phone.

These are the times for breaking free of the sedative practice of going into baptism as a caterpillar and coming out as a wet caterpillar, who dries off stunted wings and goes on living with the same perspective as before – except now the crazy lazy critical-analysis-less logic has been certified sanctified holy divine correct. And we, because it's natural to want to reach the plateau, shift that logic into high gear.
When spirit-soul changes as the guide for new thinking, then there should be a corresponding change in behavior for the better. Time for the captives to emancipate themselves by closing the book and just walking out of buildings and back into the broader holy book called nature, as the teacher of truths.

Matthew 18 and Mark 9 contain the paraphrased truth: if your religion offends two truth logic, pluck it before it gets you plucked.

We must continuously double-check for contradictions in our logic and work them out, so as to work out salvation with confidence and excitement as we mature in knowledge of self in relation to all else. No tithing to humans required. (Philippians 2:12)

To repeat: Baptism is a process. It does not begin or end when entering the waters or exiting the waters. Baptism does not take place in one day or as a single event. Baptism is a continuous process.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Third Creation – Pool Of Pant, Lake Of Fire
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1422


(Part 9lg of 11)

The Pool of Pant is the Celestial Red Sea and Lake of Primordial Matter. It is the place of dissolution for those who are decomposed deconstructed (destruction) back into their pre-elemental form via the second death. It is the soul of life in matter that is decomposed in the Pool of Pant. The physical body is recycled in matter until Planet Earth itself is recycled. All Souls rising and falling are baptized in the Pool of Two Truths. (AE1 364/374), (BB 195-6/207-8), (BB 294/306), (BB 91/103)

The Pool of Pant is one form of the Pool of Two Truths. It is said to be the home of the devourer of souls called Typhon, Devil, Dragon, Apophis, Apap, Abaddon, Baba and many other names. (BB 233/245), (AE2 714/178)

The Pool of Pant is the Pool of Fire, Red Lake, Pool of the damned, the fiery pit of the “recess.” Under the name of the pool of fire, Pool of Putrata and Lake of Darkness, the Pool of Pant is said to be in the west, but we know it must also exist in the east. Furthermore, there must also be a Pool in the south and north. (BB 335/347), (NG1 165/183), (AE2 714/178), (AE2 768/232)

We have long since remembered that the same place is womb, tomb and cocoon. We can use this fundamental key to see how stories come to be. The Red Sea is the Lake of Fire that gives death and birth. The story of people walking through the Red Sea on dry land is telling us about souls that are being transformed into another form of freedom on the other side. Freedom from bondage of corruption and death. At the same time, the Red Sea becomes the tomb for the souls that are seeking to devour the Hebrews. At the same time, both the Egyptian and Hebrew consciousness are being transformed by the cocoon of experience at the Red Sea. (NG1 183/201)

The Sun and Moon rise out of the Pool of Two Truths in the east and west. They rise out of the Waters of Life and set into the Waters of Death. Both of these Waters are Waters of Life and Death. They are the same waters divided by the Khekh line of balance called the equinox. These waters construct or deconstruct depending on the direction of energy flowing through them. They read the vibrations. (NG2 433/443)

Secondly we know the Pool of Pant is the Lake of Fire is the Lake of Sa-Fire. When souls are decomposed back into their elemental primordial matter, at the same time, another soul is formed and the energy is transferred between them as they pass each other going in different directions. Souls are born in the fiery furnace, die in the furnace and are reborn in the furnace and replenished with nourishment energy in the fiery furnace. (AE2 795/259)

Each half of the Pool of Two Truths represents innumerable things, The Lake of Fire is also the Lake of Hesmen which represents purifying and nourishing blood. Therefore, the fire, the blood and natron are three reasons why it is associated with the color red. (NG1 167-8/185-6)

Pants Legs & Blood Red

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Third Creation – Creation Of Legal & Double Laws
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1421


(Part 9lf of 11)

Legal laws:
1. Echo what is obvious under a culture of mentally healthy logic. Laws will be few.

2. Echo what is not obvious under a culture of mentally unhealthy logic. Laws will be many.

3. Override rights of creation, thus what is naturally right and wrong. Laws will be many. I.E., forced vaccinations, illegal plants, stand your ground and so on.

So now you have a broader context to understand what it means to be “a nation of laws.”

A bunch of laws are what's needed when most morals are depleted and the two truths are unheeded.

Double Law

While reflecting on Numbers 4 and 26 of the previous message, the following awareness emerged: TI or TU means to double. Since Mati is another way to say Mama, and Mati is the two truths, then in order for Mama to be the two truths, she must be feminine and masculine, mother and father. Likewise Papa must be Pati, Patty or Papi. So even when we think we are saying one thing, we are still always saying two things. Conversely, even when we think we are saying two separate things we are saying one thing that has two parts. The law of the Language of Two Truths makes it so.

Shu-Tefnut are the double law as the Age of Kepheus. The double law is also the Age of Aquaria and Kepheus. The double is always doubled. We are in a less frequent position to witness the quadruple doubling of the law as it transforms its logic through genetic potential.

Body Double

The only way One could become two was to first transform self into two. The Body of the Creator had to be doubled within before it could be doubled without. This process is duplicated throughout creations that go through stages of prepubescence immaturity and pubescent maturity.

I am now skipping details to quickly say, creation is based on the Double Law and the Body Double because the Creator is based on the same thing and we are nothing more and nothing less than the Creator. See Kar and Kar-tek.

Creation is Crea-tion, the Creator in motion.
Creation is Crea-ti-on, the Creator doubled in on position.
Creation is dual energies interacting.
The Creator had to transform One Energy into Dual Double Energies in order to interact with self in order to duplicate self into what is called creation. Self interacted with Self, Sem with Sem.

Even if we try to dismiss the logic of being the double of the Creator, how can we deny we are a creation?
The word “creation” still contains the knowledge of the two truths.
Every creation is double in body and double in law.

Each of us is a body of law.
No need to be impressed or suppressed by a human collective calling itself a nation of law.

As the Creator sings: “We are living in a crazy lazy world”

So also are we are living in post traumatic cultures. The trauma is the assault and poisoning of knowledge of self. The suppressors, aggressors, attackers, oppressors, discriminators, manipulators and victims have been explained. Suffice it to say, if the culture is post-traumatic then who is excluded from anything taking place and happening to anyone?
Everything is happening to everyone in different forms, and even moreso when unaware. Everyone takes on both sides of thinking and behavior in confused catastrophic ways that creates an ongoing state of post-traumaticness.

The law of superhuman and human is sufficiently corrupt, and now we are nearing the two lakes where the corrupt descending will give way to the incorruptible ascending. Therefore, this can only mean the revival of spirit-soul energies that will nourish spirits and souls towards the fullness of life in a more perfect union. This has long since been in the making and is being accomplished via revolution of logic that uses genetic potential on an as needed basis to reestablish homeostasis.

The Nation is Na-tion, Nana on as Aquaria-Aquarius is rebirthing a new, one nation to replace the umpteen inhumane nations on this planet. Double up and down in season on law rather than double up or down out of season.

Double is duo-ble. The duo that flows. The two truths that flow in continuous cycles. There is only one law in two parts in many forms.

A second metaphor for nation is empire. This is Humpty Dumpty. All the king's horses and men is everyone who works for or supports the empire, along with all their technology, information, laws and whatever. None of it sufficient to prevent the fall or make Humpty great again. If fact the pursuit of holding on to the logic that brought current governments into power speeds up the dissolution of the governments.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Third Creation – Pool of Two Truths
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1420


(Part 9le of 11)

We've crossed many rivers and rivulets of understandings, waded in waters and are now in waters in the form of the pool where one becomes two, and then becomes one. One entity is born-surrected, and then reborn-resurrected.
Surrected means “su erected” and “sur erected.” Su is the Parent in the form of the Child-Word-Logic as the totality of the genetic potential of the One, divided into souls of life. Sur is Ser which is the two truths.

We've spoken of the Waters of Nun, the Abyss, the Double Source and other origins and sources in relation to waters. All of these are the same waters in different forms in different places. All of them come from the One Circle and so does the Pool of Two Truths. This pool now exists in many places in many dimensions in many forms in order to carry out the work of cycles of birth and death of the elemental souls of life.

A Pool Of Two Truths is a double pool, lake, sea, tank, river. The Pool can be referred to as one pool or two pools. The Pool of Two Truths is one waters with two manifestations. Out of these two sem-sem (same-same) manifestations, all forms of Dif are created (duality, difference). The Pool of Two Truths is the place of beginnings and endings, births and rebirths, transformations.

One of the places the Pool of Two Truths is located is in the Valley of Mat. A few other locations are the atom and the cell. (NG1 167/185), (BB 323/335), (BB 184-5/196-7)
Other names for Mat are (Mati, Maat, An, Ann, Ano, Anu, Annu, Tattu, Han, Heliopolis, Khekh-uka-an, Cockaigne). (BB 198/210), (BB 184-5/196-7)

On this Planet Earth, waters of the Pool of Two Truths come from heaven above as liquid of life in dew and rain. Waters also rise from heaven below from the fount of source in the abyss. The waters are also said to come from Tser Hills, the Mounts of the Horizon. As we cross-check the circle of balanced logic, we realize waters must also come from the Mounts of the Polar Regions. In other words, waters come from all four corners because there is a Pool of Two Truths at all four corners. We were prepared for this when we realized next ones are reborn on every corner and that there are at least four resurrections and that equinox and solstice are the same. (AE1 450/460), (NG1 168/186)

The Valley of Mat is located in Amenta. It is the proverbial “valley of shadow of death” and birth. There are at least two mountains in this valley, one at each end-corner of the valley. These mountains are located in the waters. They are called Hills of the Horizon, Tser Hills.

A Selection Of Other Names For The Pool of Two Truths

1. The Divine Pool, Well, Lake or Tank. (NG1 398/416)
2. Well of Two Truths. (BB 197/209)
3. Piscina (Pisces of the Zodiac and Piscis Austrinus). The name “Ann,” as the location of the Pool of Two Truths, also means fish. Thus this whole valley represents the fish which is identified by two constellations in one, the Piscis Constellations ranging from equinox to southern solstice. As Pisces of the Zodiac it was the outlet from the northern quarter and the Waters of the Abyss. (BB 44/56), (NG1 166-8/184-6), (BB 283/295)
4. Apt. Apt is also the most ancient form of the Parent who first brought forth from the waters while manifesting out front as feminine. Because the masculine is present, but hidden, from this we can infer Apti is another name for the Pool of Two Truths. One step further we see apti-tude. Aptitude is the logic of understanding the two truths, especially the hidden and revealed nature and the cyclical nature. Likewise, “attitude” is derived from AT, the birthplace and ATI, the one birthplace that is two-in-one that became one-in-two (one circle became two circle, thus one pool became two pools). One waters called AT, became two waters called ATI.
We now come back around to Apt, the Double Parent. Tutu is the Child. Thus Apt-tutu is the double truth as Parent and Child and also as Mother and Father. Apt-tutu is the same as Apti-tu. (BB 44/56), (NG2 397/405), (NG1 201/225)
5. Abtu is the name of a double place of beginnings (double in number, double in type of expression). Abtu is also the fish. (BB 44/56), (BB 44/56)
6. Shuma (Shuna). (BB 183/195)
7. Well or Pool of Persea. (BB 184-5/196-7), (BB 324/336)
8. Double Stream of Waterman-Wateress. (BB 184-5/196-7), (NG1 168/186)
9. Pool of Pant. (BB 195-6/207-8)
10. Red Sea. (BB 195-6/207-8)
11. Erythræan Sea (Pool of Pant). (NG2 390/398)
12. Pool or Lake of Primordial Matter. (BB 195-6/207-8), (BB 294/306)
13. Pool of Two Waters. (NG1 170/188)
14. Pool of Two Trees. (NG1 170/188), (NG1 394/412), (AE2 800/264 )
15. Pool of Apophis or Apap. (NG1 170/188)
16. Pool of Maat. (BB 324/336)
17. Lake or Pool of Fire. (BB 335/347)
18. Well of Anne or St. Anne. (BB 197/209)
19. Pool of An. (BB 197/209)
20. Pizein Well (Pi-shin is the circuit and the twin-total). (BB 285/297)
21. Cauldron of Keridwen, Cauldron of Prydhain and Cauldron of Awn. (BB 350/362)
22. Twin Pools. (NG1 167-8/185-6)
23. Bezatha (Piscina Probatica). (NG1 167-8/185-6)
24. Waters of Life & Death. (NG1 167-8/185-6), (NG1 147/165)
25. ShuMa, Shu-Ma, MaShu, Ma-Shu, Nu-Shu. (NG1 169/187)
26. Madern Well. Madern comes from Mat-REN which means “the name of Mat. Mat is Mati or Maat, the two truths. From this we can sense Mat-ren led to Madern leads to “modern.” Thus, modern means the most recent, youngest form of the truths, manifesting through genetic potential. Modern is not “better” by default of being modern. As an added note, REN also means renewal and making young. (BB 198/210)
27. Well of Healing. (BB 198/210)
28. Pool of Natron (purifying) and Pool of Salt (vivifying, reviving, refreshing). (NG1 162/180)
29. Waters of light and shade. (NG1 165/183) 30. Generator of Years. (NG1 165/183), (NG1 394-5/412-13)
31. Renewing Pool. (NG1 394-5/412-13)
32. Well of the Seven Stars. (NG1 165/183)
33. Beer-Shebâ or Be’er-Sheva. (NG1 165/183)
34. Pool of Sun and Moon. (NG1 165/183)
35. Pool of Siloam, Shiloam or Salem. (NG2 419/427 ), (John 9:7)
36. Pool of Peace. (NG2 419/427)
37. Milky Way Galaxy, the Great Stream. (AE1 236/246)
38. Nyanja ya Tanganyika.
39. Pool of Djindja.
40. Lake of Propitiation and of Equipoise (at the equinoxes). (AE1 236/246)
41. Lake of Fixity and of Equipoise (at the solstices). (AE2 583/47)
42. Pool of Purification and Healing (Pool of Righteousness). (AE1 236/246)
43. Pool of Bethesda. (AE1 236/246), (NG1 168/186)
44. Bab or Bahu meaning whirlpool as a welling source of waters. (AE1 277/287)
45. Hesmen and Semen (Pool of Smen, the Pool of All Souls). (BB 184-5/196-7), (NG1 162/180)
46. Pool or Well of Zem-Zem or Sem-Sem. (NG1 168/186), (NG1 168-9/186-7)
47. Well of the South and North. (NG1 168/186)
48. Nile River, Hapi-Mu or Hapi. (NG1 168/186)
49. Blue Nile above and the Red Nile below. (NG1 168/186)
50. Sea or Pool of Annihilation & Dissolution. (NG1 174/192)
51. The Pool of Process and Motion
52. The Pool of Duplication, Repetition, Transformation, Baptism, Transition.
53. Pool of Khekh (Spirit-Soul, Balance).
54. Pool of Rule & Law.
55. Gene Pool.
56. Pool of Uat or Uati

Additional Samples Of Two Truths In Liquid Essence Form

An (Han) is both celestial waters above and well-waters below. (BB 182/194)
Waters of Life that makes flesh and waters of Life that makes spirit. (BB 182/194)
Ebb and Flow. (BB 184-5/196-7)
Fresh water and salt (nitre) water. (BB 184-5/196-7)
Milk and blood. (BB 184-5/196-7)
White waters and red waters. (NG1 168/186)

Hall Of Justice

The Great Hall of the Two Truths is located at the line of equinox that divides the one waters into two, thus properly dividing words of truth and forces of nature. This is the place of judgment, justice, karma, har-ma. This is the twilight zone where “strange” things are reset in motion. (NG1 167/185)


Re-emerging is awareness of the Pool of Two Truths as the fountain of youth above, below, within and without. (NG1 394-5/412-13)

The Pool of Two Truths is less about an abstract understanding of waters and more about the concreteness of the duality of logic and genetic potential of the One who transforms into any form using the formula of Sem-Sem.
Iu becomes I and U, and then when these two interact in the Hu-man, then slowly, I am no longer U. Finally, Us is no longer We and We are no longer hu-mane. When it comes to humane, we've silenced the “e” the Essence & Essential. We've gotten so caught up trapped by specific names we call the Ultimate Authority, we miss the whole point, that by any name, the One is still an ENTITY. We've forgotten who we are, who we came from and what we are here for.
If everything came from One, then we are the One. We are spirit-soul, stars, planets, plants, animals, dung beetles, the fly we swat and the rock that contains logic but no thought (according to us). We are everything because we descended from the same 8 principles and characteristics of everything. Therefore, self is composed of what all else is composed of. We are a so-called “higher” evolution of those things. We contain the same primordial things in a different formulation of the same thing. All out of the same Gene Pool of Two Truth Logic.
Optimal desintypurposes will be elusive without these understandings. This is what the Great Collective Consciousness is So Dayi aware of.

KHU, IU, SU, SHU and TEFNU to the rescue. This portion of the universe has now moved into the Pool of Two Truths of the Great Year Ages (Aquarian & Kephean). These are the Pool of the Equinox and the Solstice. This is what is having the greater impact on the transformation of logic of humans and superhumans. Logic will be resolved or dissolved – along with the spirit-soul cosigning the logic. One-half of truth must increase out of the pool; the other half of truth must decrease into the pool. This is like two arks of the coveted, passing in twilight. In doing so, each will become more like the other in different ways. All this taking place in plain sight as hidden and revealed switch places.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

How Come Jesus Has No Mommy In Heaven?
Third Creation – Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1419


(Part 9ld of 11)

Sometimes I laugh and cry over how silly my logic has been. I went along for the ride with Father, Son, Holy Ghost programming. I questioned not because I believed a lot - - of faith.

Somehow God the Father created a Son and a Holy Ghost who were all three in one.
Then these three created a whole bunch of stuff, creating male and female in many places.
And then when this trio got around to making humans, they decided to do so in their image. So they make a male and a female. Fiction is stranger than Fact because supposedly there were no females hanging around in heaven to ask for input.

Then somehow, all of life must be recreated through the female.
So then the female is made the “fall guy” for whatever ails humans.
There, that oughta fix it.
Then, the logic is so deeply contorted, that many females still hate the idea of God being a female. It scares them silly.

Let's see. Three males in heaven self-created themselves out of spirit or something. Then they made a male human out of dust. Then, one of those males decided to come on down to earth. So they brainstormed and decided they needed a human female to create themselves in human form. They could not figure out how to create themselves in the flesh without a female of flesh. Hmmn! I guess the rib bone idea had gotten old.

To make matters worse, blasphemous Jesus gets to Earth, turns around and tells believers: Honor thy mother and thy father so that....
'Nough Said. This Jesus' days are numbered.

Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus at the North Pole and a Mrs. Claus.
Yes Virginia there is a Devil in Hell who is hellraiser so much that every time there is thunder and lightening, it is a sign the Devil is beating his Wife and that they both must exist.

No Virginia, there is no mommy or any other kind of female in heaven. Sorry little girl, there is no way to be divine except through the male. That's just how it has always been. The Man Upstairs still loves everyone, that should make you feel good. Don't cry and maybe Santa will bring you a special gift this year. Okay?

And so Virginia puts on a happy face and goes to bed that night restless in spirit. She calms herself into a deep sleep by repeatedly singing,
”Jesus loves me! This I know,
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong;
They are weak, but He is strong
He will wash away my sin,
Let His little child come in.
There are no females in heaven but
It is a place where love is just
Yes, Jesus loves me!
For the Bible tells me so.

She emphasizes the italicized words to make them sound more believable. She will soon grow out of allowing others to deceive her of the fullness of divinity

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Third Creation – Orientation's Fundamental Keychain
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1418


(Part 9lc of 11)

We keep Sankofa-ing the importance of orientation. We also call orientation by the name of context, utamawazo, worldview, reckoning, definition, meanings, fundamental keys and many more names.

Unknown to most of us, we are well-rehearsed in northern hemisphere logic. However, when we use an orientation in the southern hemisphere, we remember the same fundamental things going on in the north, also take place in the south, just reversed in time and space.
Our northern hemisphere orientation has made it difficult for most of us to see and understand the reverse. We talk about shoe on the other foot, walking a mile in someone's shoes, sympathy, empathy, love your neighbor as yourself, do unto others and so on. Yet we really don't understand the fundamental nature of the reverse perspective of logic, the other side of duality.

Every spirit, soul, God, Devil, creation, principle, law, piece of logic and genetic potential, gets its turn to be expressed in multiple forms. Each of these rise and fall. All along the way, they transform and mix and merge and do all sorts of things. During this process, countless others are doing the same things. They are doing it in a slightly different form because they are in a slightly different form. This is a simple explanation of the dynamics of this life, existence and universe.

If our thinking is based on one piece of logic or one set of logic being in any form or position forever, we will always be in surprise, crisis, strange things are happening unexpectedly mode.

By way of example, sunrise in the one part of the world means sunset is taking place in another part of the world.
Since this is true, then if we consider the dark side beneath the earth where the sun goes down, to be the underworld, then the topside above earth where the sun comes up, must be the overworld. If there is an under, there must be an over. Once we refresh this logic then we remember both parts of the world must be the overworld and the underworld simultaneously. All we have to do is think in terms of one part of the world and then think in terms of the other.
Consider this: No matter if it is daytime or nighttime where we are, we are still in the underworld of the other part of the world. Our bottom perspective becomes someone else's top.
This is a concept we already understand but fail to apply completely enough to all things and to all levels and all scales. Everything has a flipside, a twin opposite, an “in other words,” “the other way around,” “vice versa,” and so on. In this existence there is always at least two parts. If you can only find one, then the two parts are included in the one. This then will help you go back and find the other part that exists separately, but not independently.

All this is to say, whatever it takes to bring something into or out of existence must be able to reverse itself, repeatedly, no matter the circumstances, no matter the size, the power or how complex or integrated or well established it is.

On these truths I bet my birth and death.

Once we realize the basis of something is two, then there is no need to always speak of them both. By speaking of one, we are automatically speaking of the other. By manifesting one, we are automatically manifesting the other, even if only in the background, out of our own awareness. If there is a front, there must be a back. If not, then we know the front and the back are included in one single thing. Once we move around to the back, then the back becomes the front. There is no need to always say dark and light. Either one is sufficient when using an optimal context of expression that encompasses the whole circle of logic, cycle, and whole of creation.
Once we understand an aspect of darkness, there is no need to explain it in terms of lightness because all we have to do is reverse the logic ourselves. Once we understand there is an up and a down, then we know when someone speaks of anything going up or being up, there is no need to say it was down or is going to go down. We know it had to have happened and will happen again. Once we realize the basis of being born requires a mother and father, then even if we only know of a Father, then we should still realize there must be a Mother somewhere.

Once we understand the basis of a day, even if it's only the light and dark aspect of a day, then we can apply that to the year and then to the Great Year so we know a year and a Great Year also have times when light is greater and when light is lesser.
It's up to us to continuously practice this in our logic so we won't become fixated and stagnated, rigid but not flexible.
We then take this basis of two and we apply it to other things in the universe. We continue and we take the basis of two and apply it backwards and forwards to the basis of one. Then we keep going and apply it as a basis when two becomes three becomes four and so on. We can start with any basis and begin to apply it to other things without and within to see how it applies. If it does not unify, then we know we need to reorient.

All of this is for the purpose of leading us back to remembering duality as also existing in the form of at least two orientations, two truths and a Pool of Two Truths, that is itself, two pools in one.
Begin to reckonwise why we love to be in or near water, bathtubs, hot tubs, swimming pools, lakes, oceans, rivers, streams. The water is one truth and we are another form of the truth. We, the elemental souls in human form, need to merge with the other truth that feels like home. It satisfies deeply within our elemental souls to merge with the spirit energy of the soul of life in water.

We entered the pool many months ago on an annual and Great Year basis. Since we can't stay in one place or form forever, we shall see what will become of us as we are being exposed to the two truths again. Will we begin emerging towards second birth in our logic or begin submerging towards second death in our logic.

Many whose turn has come to emerge are choosing to stay the course of logic with those who are submerging.
The workplace is a treacherous place to navigate logic.

All messages are fundamental and keys. Some of them are more easily recognizable as fundamental keys than others. The chain keeps growing. Keys are all over the place and we are trying to unify them consciously so we can apply them more consciously. Duality is a master key, otherwise called Two Truth, Sem-Sem and so many other things. Circular orientation to duality is a basic need. Begin reviewing all messages containing orientation. As soon as you are shown the next step to reconnect an aspect of logic, take it. The two truths want to give rebirth to you, their third generation, third creation, reborn in spirit and in whole truth. (I Tim 2:4)

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Third Creation – Holy Words, Spirit & Men Of God
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1417


(Part 9lb of 11)

One of the greatest confusions of these times is the notion of Holy men of God and Holy Words of God.
For the moment we can say “men” and “words” are not what is causing confusion. It's the “holy” part.

What Is Holy?

Divine? Sacred?
Some say Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one. Thus they are the same thing in three forms. Therefore, by understanding any one of the three, we can understand the other two. So let's briefly use the Son.

Why use the Son?
Because the Christian New Testament says God has made his will [word] known by summing up in Christ, everything in heaven and earth. (Ephesians 1:9-10), (NG2 371/379)
Therefore, the Son represents the Holy Word of God and all Holy Words of God. Plus since the Son represents everything in heaven and earth, then all words are Words of God and all words are Holy Words.

Therefore, the notion of only some words in religious books being “Holy, Sacred & Divine” is false, unless those books contain everything in heaven and earth. If so, there is no need for any other book on any subject. Everything needed to understand life and existence and to carry out destinies and purposes must be in those religious books. There is no need to go to any other school. Why go to those places if they do not contain things God wants you to know? Why listen to anything outside of your religious books if everything outside your “bible” is unholy by default of not being holy? Secondly, all books must be unholy if not written by those same holy men of God who wrote religious books.

If the above is not enough to also clear up confusion about “Holy” Men, then we'll explore a few more routes.
If all words are holy and Jesus as human was the word made truth, then humans must also be the word made truth for at least two reasons:
1. We are the children of God, the Creator, even if prodigal.
2. Jesus represents everything, and Jesus is the Word and the Holy Word and we are part of the Word Jesus represents.

Clarity of logic reveals everything is holy. All humans are holy. Everything and all humans are Holy Words of God. Yes, even the Words and things we don't like. Duality explains this. God is Creator Words and Destroyer Words. If this were not so, then God would only create and not destroy as God has proven the unforgiving willingness to do, even promising to end the world.

Holy Is That Which Represents Two Truths

Everything is holy fundamentally by nature, genetics and birth.
Unholy is that which only manifests one truth. Unholiness is limited to the human dimension.

Human logic is unholy when it says God the father while denying God the mother.
Holy men are unholy without also having holy women on equal footing.

Everyone is born holy in word, but becomes unholy in deed through socialized culturalized nationalized thinking and behavior. Therefore, humans can become holy again by transforming each piece of one truth logic, back into two truth logic. Despite epigenetics, when a person is reborn, they are born with balanced logic, favoring neither truth over the other. It is only when unholy logic is reinforced that the epigenetics of unholiness is reawakened and becomes stronger and worse than its previous incarnation in parents and earlier ancestors. The racist collective of today is worse. If this were not so, things would have gotten steadily better rather than steadily worse for the majority of people and other creations.

When the child conceives in their mind they are grown enough to unilaterally test logic on their own, it is the child's nurturing of self, that either continues the same path or alters the path of logic. Either way, holy logic or unholy, the universe, in both instances, will assist and resist, will push you deeper into your logic and try to pull you back.

On a related note, Florida is one of many places that is going to have more damnation to pay for their “stand your ground” atrocious logic. It's bad enough the copouts have carte blanche to kill at will. In a larger sense, Florida is heading underground via water, wind, earth, fire.

Because God has created everything, and continues to do so, the human form has been used to manifest unholy logic. Humans are the monkey wrench. This must be so because the law of two truths says, that which manifests one truth, also has the potential to manifest the flipside of that truth and must do so in some shape, form or fashion. Therefore, God is the God of Holy Words and Unholy Words, Holy Humans and Unholy Humans, Holy Spirit & Unholy Spirit. Although we like to attribute the unholy stuff to devils and other non-God monsters, all of them are still forms of the Only Supreme One who we worship.
Consider this. If God is not the Devil, then God has made a deal with the devil as Christ ianity tells us. Only those who have surrendered to evil make deals with devils unless they are devils themselves in some way.

So we must look to broader places and look within to understand what holy words are and what unholy words are. Not just in the form of words, but in all forms of creations and their expressions. Then we will be reading the Bigger Bible and Scriptures that explain the Words of Two Truths of God the Mother-Father.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Third Creation – Uplifter Of As, Heavens, Firmaments, Skies
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1416


(Part 9la of 11)

We are in the midst of winds and waters of change. I am coming out as large scale transformations in a relatively short period of time that have been a long time ever-coming. On what day of the 40 days and nights of rain did people realize they probably should have listened to a different logic? Momentum's rate of change is changing. It is rearranging its approaches. Under a multitude of changing sets of conditions, it is no longer appropriate to continue “As is” based on what momma and grandmomma and 'em did. Time to move to the next stage, to the “As You Were.”

1. Heaven of Two Divisions - Shu upraised the heaven of day while Anhur upraised the heaven of night. When Shu upraised the sky, it was equally divided between twin soul brothers, Sut and Horus, darkness and lightness. Each one was assigned half of everything. Everything is readjusted to some degree in order to achieve the transformation from one logic to the other. For instance, even the flocking masses are aware of changes in knowledge of self. Those exact words don't have to be used in order for people to be aware their understanding of who they are is changing. Some are resisting and denying while others doing the opposite. Look a bit deeper into everyday human behavior and you will see how thinking and behavior is changing for better and for worse due to knowledge of self, knowledge of country and knowledge of this, that and the other. All of this is being transformed into information we're not used to dealing with. So we turn to user defined defaults rather than restoring logic to the ecosystem's last known good configuration.
Shu-Tefnut is the adjuster of the balance of power. Primordials determine redistribution of wealth. These superhumans are in continuous preparations for reparations. Right now, you are being transformed into a greater friend or enemy, part of which might require the changeover from friend to enemy or enemy to friend. You are multifaceted, multidimensional, multilayered, like all things are. The transformation of logic within you is taking multiple forms simultaneously such that in some parts of you, you are becoming or remaining the friend to self, and in other areas you are becoming or remaining the enemy to self. All of this due to logic. All in you extends to all else, and this is how we also know then, that what is in all else extends to self, thus the changes in the superhuman world are affecting the human world. (AE1 262/272, 325-9/335-9,325/335)
2. As uplifter of the heaven of light and the heaven of darkness, this makes Shu a hell raiser, since heaven and hell are forms of each other. If this were not so, what makes us think we can have heaven on Earth?
3. Pressure tension exists between two truths when there is a difference in amount in any form. Shu, Taht, Anup and Ra are rebalancers of pressure tension, which during suboptimal times, is more noticeable when Great Year Ages change, though improperly understood, thus summarily miscategorized. (AE1 326-7/336-7)
4. Heaven of Three Divisions - Shu-Tefnut is a pillar of support to the firmament as founder of the two-sided equinox. Shu sustains the heaven with wind and liquid essence which are sembolized as a two-pronged stick, two arms or two lions. The rod/staff is also called the prop. In recent times humans spoke of “giving props.” This is because Shu-Tefnut are the props that are coming in forms of wind-water and as Kepheus-Aquaria. Nothing that takes place is isolated. It is all connected to superhuman goings on. The prop is imaged as a “Y” and also called a “Strut.” The two arms of the prop are also represented by the two law-giver stars of the solstices, Kepheus and Cor Leonis. (NG1 40/419), (AE1 325/335)
5. Constellation “Triangula,” is the figure of three divisions of heaven. (NG1 526/544), (AE2 715/179)
6. Heaven of Eight Divisions – Shu as Kepheus was the uplifter of the heaven of eight divisions called the Octonary or Am-Khemen or Heaven of the Eight Great Gods. This heaven existed under different leadership such as Anup (Sut), the soul of life in darkness and Taht, the soul of life in the Moon's lightness-darkness. (AE1 314/324, 321-2/331-2)
7. Anhur was the uplifter of the stellar heaven who pushes up heaven with a rod or staff. (AE2 683/147)
8. As Anhur in Kepheus constellation, Shu stands upon the mount of the eastern horizon to lift up heaven with the rod or staff. As Shu or Regulus in Leo constellation, Shu is the supporter and uplifter of the sun on the horizon as “the kneeler. Like many others in worldwide stories, Atlas was patterned after Shu-Anhur. (AE1 315/325, 352/362)
9. Heaven of Amenta - Anhur is the uplifter of the firmament in Amenta. This spiritual uplift allows the resurrected to leave the underworld tomb womb cocoon. At daybreak Anhur transforms into Shu, who lifts the sun at dawn. Shu-Anhur is called “the double abode of Ra.” This perhaps means Ra is reborn through two phases of Shu while in Amenta's underworld. Lifting the sun is also phrased as Shu bringing the eye of light to Ra. This is performed in the kneeling position. (AE1 314/324), (AE2 660/124, 683/147)
10. Anhur is called the elevator of heaven and the elevator of the cow because heaven as Nnut, the provider of celestial milk, was sembolized as a cow. Anhur is shown upon the mount using two hands to raise the cow of Nut or push up the heaven. Anhur was assisted by his support-gods, the other elementals. (AE1 314/324, 321/331)
11. As uplifter of heaven, Shu raises the roof. Shu does so standing at the gate of Tser Rock. In doing so Shu raises the tombstone covering the grave of the sleeping soul of the ever-coming one. Shu awakens quickens the soul with breath and moisture. (AE2 884/348)
12. Shu carries the rod that allows him to uplift heaven. If heaven is not uplifted, both sides are spoiled because the cycle is spoiled, thus the child is spoiled by sparing the rod that makes space and also adjusts the dynamic balance. (AE2 630/94)
13. Shu-Tefnut is also the attitude adjuster as the adjuster of logic that adjusts contexts, definitions and meanings. All of this adds up to transforming logic from one form to the other form. This means we are moving from a suboptimal age into an optional golden age. Current logic maxed out on suboptimalism and cannot achieve the thinking necessary to overcome behavior, thus logic must be changed by vibration waves of involuntary melanin functioning. (AE1 325-9/335-9)

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Third Creation – Shu-Tefnut, Names, Meanings, Definitions
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1415


(Part 9kz of 11)

Third Creation – Shu-Tefnut, Wind-Water, Breath-Moisture, Unity Consciousness #1414

Some Additional Names For Shu

1. Two Truths, Duality, Sem, Sem-Sem , Double Primitive Essence, Double Force, Double Source, Twin Powers
2. Horus.
3. Shu-Tefnut.
4. Ma. Ma is Maat, the feminine form of light, truth, law and justice.
5. Ma-Shu or Shu-Ma. Shu-Ma is one of the names for the Pool of Two Truths, the birthplace of souls. (NG1 147/165), (NG2 75/83)
6. Shu-Ma is equivalent to Shu-Tefnut. (NG1 176/194)
7. Ma-Shu is another name for Anhur or Anhar. (AE2 660/124)
8. The ostrich feather is black and white. Feathers are of equal length. It is the feather of Anhur, Ma-Shu and Light-Shade. The heart was weighed against this feather. The heart must be in balance with the two truths which is symbolized by the feather. A heart in balance is weightless compared to a feather which only has the smallest amount of weight. A heart in balance doesn't even have a little bit of weight. Weight exists when the heart is one-sided towards either truth, even a little bit one-sided. (AE2 661125 ), (NG1 146-7/164-5)
9. Shu-Anhur leads those resurrected out of Amenta (heaven below).
10. Shu-Si-RA, the son of RA.
11. Kepheus, the ape constellation in the northern circumpolar heaven of seven divisions. Kepheus contains star Alderamin, the Regulator Regulus law-giver at the northern pole. Kepheus is all forms of Shu. It is likely Kepheus and Shu were earlier names of Alderamin. (AE2 630/94), (AE1 315/325),(NG1 40/419)
12. Leo, the lion constellation of the zodiac equinox region of heaven above, contains star Cor Leonis, the Regulus at the southern pole. Cor Leonis is Tefnut as the heart of the Lion. (AE1 315/325,(NG1 40/419)
Kepheus and Leo constellations and their two alpha stars were two starry types of the god Shu. Shu was depicted both as the hunter and the shepherd of the flock of elemental souls of life. The Lord is my shepherd because the Lord is not only Shu-Tefnut, but also all elemental souls of life. The Lord comes, stays, exists, transforms and leaves continuously. As star Kepheus, the lord is lawgiver, hunter and guide in the North. As star Regulus, the lord is lawgiver, shepherd and guiding light in the South. (BB 345/357)
13. After one soul was transformed into the twin souls of darkness and lightness, they were pulled apart by the two Regulus stars at the poles. (NG1 166/184)

Meanings For Shu, Some Additional, Some Restated

1. Dark shade, dark of color, black, Ham, Kam, Kem, Khem... Shade is spirit-soul, both dark and light. (AE2 560/24)
2. Shu is Dark Shade and Night; Ma is Light Shade and Day. (Likewise, Sut is dark shade, Horus is light shade). Even when the name Shu is mentioned by itself, it still means both light shade and dark shade; therefore Shu also means the soul of life in darkness-lightness. Shu has multiple personalities, just like God, just like all humans, just like all creations. This is the nature of genetic potential, the potential to be. To be one and many simultaneously. (AE2 662/126)
3. Shu-Anhur, is the wind and also the breath of the soul of life in lightness-fire (the sun, the solar force, the spirit of RA). Shu-Anhur. Breath is in the sun and fire is in breath. “I am in you and you in me.” Thus, I am me. Am in me in I. (AE2 683/147)
4. The wind that propels the sails of the solar ship around the circle cycle.
5. Before sunrise there is a breeze. This breeze is regularly stronger at the equator. At sunrise the heat of RA consumes the breathing force by uniting with it. This means the soul of life in wind-water unites with the soul of life in light-fire. Breath, now inside fire, becomes a nutrient to fire. In other words, breath fans and increases light which ignites into flames from within and without. Liquid essence fuels and/or provides the substrate for chemical processes. When the soul of life in breath blends with the soul of life in fire, it sits in the eye of the sun as the child of RA. In this form, Shu is called Shu-si-Ra, (AE2 683/147)
Once the soul of life in wind became part of the soul of life in Sun RA's fires, the sun was given credit for the increase in winds in the twilight zone at sunset/moonrise and sunrise/moonset. The symbol of the lion force of the soul of life in wind was substituted by the lion force of the soul of life in fire. (AE2 683/147)
Each evening, the wind, blends with the other elementals and enters Amenta earth of eternity for renewal. Each morning the wind leaves with the resurrected souls. Each evening the wind blows out the light and each morning the wind blows in the light. (AE2 684/148)
It is a natural progression for that which comes second to assume the role and take credit for that which comes first. Water of Nun and female were first given credit for the source of soul and breathing force, then Shu, then RA, then the Holy Spirit. (AE1 130/140)

6. Shu-Anhur is the first leader of the resurrected. He takes them from the lowest part of the circle to the presence of the soul of life in fire on the mountain at the eastern horizon. Then Shu on board the solar ship, leads the resurrected to the promised land or upper heaven at the pole of the solstice. This is not a joy ride. It is a working trip where they put in work all along the way. (AE2 684/148)
7. The soul of life in wind at both horizons of the twilight zone is a foreshadowing of the coming of the change of logic from one truth to the other. Nothing takes place unless there is a transformation of logic. Climate change is logic change is culture change. (AE2 684/148)
8. Equinox. The dividing line and connecting link between the soul of life in darkness-lightness. (AE1 325/335)
9. Middleman. The horizon is the middle and so is Shu's role between darkness and lightness. I suspect Shu as the wind, equates to Wind's Day (Wednesday) which is said to be the middle of the week but the middle of a seven day week is the fourth day which is Thursday according to the lunar reckoning where Moon is the primary basis. We contradictory say Sunday is both the first day of week and part of the two day weekend. Or is it that Sunday is formally the first day of the week and Monday is the first day of the workweek?
To Anhur, Ra is revealed as the eternal. Anhur is middleman and medium of communication between the immortal god in spirit and the mortal souls in matter. Anhur's substance is blended with the substance of Ra as intermediate power and means to communicate between dimensions. As translator, Anhur makes divine law known. (AE2 682/146)
10. The opener of the stargates between dimensions on behalf of the souls of life being resurrected.
11. The jackal, seer in the dark. (BB 224/236)
12. The Messiah, Lord, Savior and Ever-Coming One. The ever-coming one is the combination of all fundamental elemental souls of life that are reborn as One and then sent out to again function individually and collectively by renewing their logic and energies in creations.

Meanings For Tefnut, Some Additional, Some Restated

1. Soul of life in the waters.
2. Water has many names such as Nnun, Nnu, Hapi, Uati, blood, nectar, milk... (AE1 122/132)
3. Liquid essence in all forms. (NG1 147/165)
4. Hapi or Kafi is the soul of life in water. The soul of life in water is paired with the second Horus and the soul of life in lightness. This is based on the first Horus (Sut) and the soul of life in darkness being paired with the soul of life in breath. (AE2 598/68), (NG1 57/75)
5. Hapi represents water and wind. (NG1 284/302)
6. Sometimes Hapi is a rebellious giant or Giant Ape, which is the same as Kapi, Shu or the Egyptian Nimrod (The Parent Primordial Force & Conqueror of All). In modern Judaism-Christianity, it is said Nimrod was born of Cush, yet for one who was so great, pretty much nothing is told. Cush is Khes is Spirit-Soul. Spirit-Soul as Two gave rebirth to itself as One, who was turned into a historical person. The two truths as one in one being is powerful and a conqueror, yet is unable to do so without going through cycles of also becoming two truths in two beings. (NG1 323/341)
7. Shu-Tefnut is Kafi, a name which later took the form of Hapi. This is the Giant Ape or Monkey-God also called the Kaf or Kant. (NG1 325/343), (BB 127/139)
8. Lioness as part of the twin lions. The twin lions were first represented by darkness-lightness. The lioness aspect as water is sometimes represented as the hind quarters of Kafi-Shu who is wind as lion and head quarters. (NG1 506/524), (NG1 56-7/74-5)
9. Twin lions were symbols of North-South gatekeepers. This my granny knew. Elsewhere it is said one of these lions was at the North Pole Solstice and the other at the South Pole Solstice. This must have been as lions of darkness-lightness.. At some point, since Shu-Tefnut, are the dividers and balancers, they would have also been positioned back to back at the equinox horizon, in their twinlight twinlion zone. This perhaps being their birthplace as conjoined twins. (NG1 144/162), (AE1 325/335)
10. The souls of life are builders, founders and establishers of the foundation of heaven. Darkness-lightness divided the heaven into two divisions. Wind-water created another division which makes a total of three. Darkness-lightness laid the foundation of the solstice while Wind-water laid the foundation of the equinox. All four of these were imaged as lions and apes. The soul of life in darkness-lightness is the primary power of north-south. The soul of life in wind-water is the primary power of the equinox. This continues to coincide with the Ages of Aquaria and Kepheus based on transformations we are seeing with wind and water and the other elementals, especially additionally earth and fire. (AE1 325/335)
This is a good place to reiterate that none of the stuff in these messages is for the purposes of just some history info to memorize or forget or accept or reject or treat with due diligence or duly neglect. All information has practical implications to our every day lives. Information expressed and suppressed are the things operating at deeper levels of existence as primary causation for what is being manifested. It tells of changes taking place dimensions in advance of their full-fledged arrival in all human dimensions. They are continuous emergences in advance of eventual emergencies.

11. Osiris is Horus is the resurrected totality of the elemental souls of life. On the day Osiris is resurrected, it is said, Shu gives him breath, Tefnut creates him. To be resurrected is to be re-su-rected which is re-erected, reconstructed, recombined in the form of the Su, the totality of the souls of life. Resurrected is also re-sur-rected. Sur is Ser which is the two truths. Thus, resurrected is also being reformed as the two truths. (NG2 188/196)
12. Tefnut signifies the dew of heaven which descended and became the water of earth. Additionally, because breath is warm, it contains heat. Heat is the second nature of Tefnut. Tefnut is the soul of life in moisture and the soul of life in heat-fire-spark-light-dark that comes from the other souls of life that are part of Shu & Tefnut. When one characteristic of a soul of life is in heat, it activates the corresponding character to also be in heat, so they can meet, greet and exchange genetics to make the process complete, step by step. Come on baby excite, ignite, light my fire, allways always. (AE1 297-8/307-8)12.
13. Also called the soul of life in matter since water is matter. (AE1 325-9/335-9)

There are occurrences of Tefnut spelled Tefnu. I wonder if Tefnut is water from the Circle of Nnut and Tefnu is waters from the Circle of Nnun??

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Third Creation – Shu-Tefnut, Wind-Water, Breath-Moisture
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1414


(Part 9ky of 11)

Shu, the third elemental born out of the waters, has been discussed many times as the star, co-star and as part of the supporting cast. (AE1 325/335)

Shu is one of the names for the soul of life in wind, air, breath, breathing force, breeze. Shu is only one-half of the soul. The other half is Tefnut, the soul of life in water, moisture, dew, the liquid essence. (AE1 402/412)
Just like the soul of life in lightness-darkness, Shu-Tefnut is a twin soul. Also similar is that this twin soul contains all seven elemental souls of life individually, collectively and in various combinations.

The name Shu is often used by itself, but Tefnut is always there. (NG1 147/165)

In most instances, the words “soul of life in wind, air or breath” will be substituted when Shu is mentioned. This will help remind us we are talking about elementals. We are not primarily or fundamentally talking about people or a god in a human form. Likewise the words “soul of life in darkness or lightness or in fire” will also be substituted sometimes instead of always using various names for the same elemental soul of life.

The soul of life in breath and moisture is born out of the Parent Waters of Nnun which represents both truths, spirit-soul, feminine-masculine, hesmen-semen, darkness-lightness, passive-active, negative-positive, off-on, and so on. Twin souls blend to become the transforming force guiding all processes, all events. Twin souls blend in dynamic balance. They do not always manifest in 50-50 proportion.

Wind & Breathing Force

Way way back in the day, the power of breathing force was first noticed audibly in the howling wind. The source of this superpower could not be seen so this roaring wind was given shape as the Lion who also roared, but could be seen. Waterfalls, storms and other forms of water also roared , thus water was also imaged as a Lion. The Great Ape is also a tremendous howler. The Kaf-Ape* became another symbol of the Breathing Force and water force. Kafi-Shu became the name of the soul of life that was called the God of Breath or Soul. (NG1 326/344), (AE1 2/12, 325/335)

In the stellar phase of mythology, the soul of life in breath was called the Red God and imaged as Mars, the Red Star. (AE1 122/132), (BB 346/358)

*Kaf means the oldest, the primordial, born of. The power in darkness, the unseen place was the soul of life in water-wind born of the oldest, great mother, Earth.

We can now see why characteristics of other creations that were seen, were used to symbolize the unseen force of the soul of life in wind-water. Some more of those symbols were ram, bull, scorpion, sun, moon... (NG2 200/208)

We can now also make connections to things we commonly hear. “The wind and the waves obey they will, peace be still” is a direct connection to the ever-coming one commanding the twin soul of life in wind-waves (breath-water). The Lord commands them because the Lord is the combination of all the elemental souls of life. In the recent Christian story, Jesus was functioning in the role of Shu-Tefnut because Jesus is not a person, in the original mythology. Either we are all saviors of the world or nothing is. Either we are all Gods or there are some of us that were not created by God as offspring in the genetic image of God. Don't we contain the seven elementals? That's God. This is why it is said we have seven souls. We are just manifesting different combinations of the souls of life and doing so in a physical form that makes us think we are not the same despite everything about us and all else being the Sem, which is the Sen, Syn, Synonym, Synonymous. Same thing in a different form of the Word. (BB 294/306)

Breath is also called anima.* It animates, brings to life. This is the same as what spirit-soul does, thus this is why breath is synonymous with spirit and soul. In other words, Spirit-soul in the form of breath, gave breath to the other seven elementals, thus each soul is a blend of all the souls. This is why each soul of life is imaged as a Giant of eight cubits** (seven individually, one collectively) (AE1 129/139, 321/331)

*An animal is a repetition of my breath, which is a transformation of spirit-soul.
**Khubits, Khabits, bits of logic.

We continue to make connections to things we hear nowadays. “...breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” is not just talking about physical breath, it is talking about infusing spirit-soul into matter so matter becomes animated, inflated, buoyant with wind, water and the other elementals that contain the two truths which allows for continuous cycles of motion, thus life.

Now we go back to add another layer to the origin of breath. Breath is the second form of water. Breath is a vapor, a mist which rises out of water. This takes place due to heat generated by the spark of the soul of life in darkness-lightness. Another way we know this is because Tefnut means wet and heat. The characteristic of heat in the water converts the water into vapor mist breath. Tefnut is the liquid essence, the waters, the Parent who gives birth to Shu; however Tefnut is taking a backseat because Tefnut already has the front seat as the Waters. Shu is also the Parent, who is out front in a different form.
The process of wet and heat transforming converting breath takes place when the Parent is gestating the child in the watery womb cave where souls of life have nonstop sex. God was in heat when God created the Universe, and since creation has never stopped during this Existence, God has been continuously in heat. Once you realize the Creator-Destroyer is more superhuman than human, there will be less cognitive dissonance. (NG1 148/166)

Before there was a twin soul of wind-water called Shu-Tefnut, the Parent contained that soul in the oneness of the waters. Before there was a twin soul of darkness-lightness called Sut-Horus, the Parent contained that soul in the oneness of the waters. There is no need for us to be confused by names and different forms of souls. Just know all of it is still a form of the One who became Many.
“...strange and uncertain” according to Obama, who, by the way, is a prepubescent precursor symbol of Shu in the form of the Cosmic Ethiopian King. We look for Tefnut and wonder if that is Oprah.*
As said recently, “strange” is getting used more frequently. Strange is change, literally. Strange is change we're not used to integrating into our database of logic, so we push it off into the “strange” category right alongside “out of nowhere.”
Although we are unaware, “strange” is a word being used to describe the transition between the two truths, especially when that transition happens during larger cycles such as between Great Year Ages.
Right now we are in an even more infrequent cycle where four Great Year Ages are in transition. so yes, a lot of strange change is taking place that we lazily sweep under the rug of reason and hide it from critical analysis.
Jackal-Pisces are Shu-Tefnut who are transitioning into their second form as Kepheus-Aquaria.
Shu-Tefnut are the rulers of the twinlight twilight zone. They are the rebalancers of the contention between the soul of life in darkness and soul of life in lightness.

*Let us be certain to remember that there is more than one symbol, one metaphor, one precursor for an event. There are multiple examples of Shu-Tefnut in human and superhuman form.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

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