If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, February 25, 2019

Using PI In Formulas For Squares, Rectangles, Triangles
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1547


(Part 9py of 11)

More Context

First there was one land of the Nile Valley, then it was divided into the birthplace of the Great Lakes and Mestrea. Then Mestrea was divided into Upper and Lower Mestrea. Then Lower Mestrea was divided into Upper and Lower Egypt. Thus one land became two became three. These three lands can be viewed as parent, prepubescent child, pubescent child. The third division of the land is inclusive of both sides of the cataract at Suan, Abu Island and Philae Island. This is just a partial way of describing the whole perimeter of Earth as it is separated into water and land and as the land has morphed from its dry land Pangeal state. We understand that a description of Earth must include smaller formations within Earth such as continents, oceans and rivers. To understand Earth is to understand the whole total and at least a fair amount of macro parts. Likewise, to understand PI as a means of determining the perimeter and area of the circle also necessitates understanding the components of PI and their relationship to the whole and to each other. This is what we've been able to accomplish so far. The circle and PI are representative of dots, lines, squares, rectangles, triangles and more. So another way of understanding PI as a measure of the circle is to understand the broader context of PI and then also understand the smaller context of PI as a measure of other shapes.
PI is not just about circles.

PI, More Identified

Continuing from our re-conceptualization of PI in the previous message, We learn PI, as word and concept comes from at least three places:
1. An abbreviation of PerImeter. PI-meter, PI-mater. Mater as in matter, maternity, mother, mature, nature .
2. PI is a form of BI, TI, DI. All of which mean two in one and one in two.
3. Pi comes from pi-shen-teriu or shenteriu or shenter or center. The perimeter begins at the center. Perimeter gives us the word Periem as in coming forth. Periem-hru is coming forth to day. The periem comes forth from the perimeter which begins at the center, both of which are forms of the whole total.


Shen is a circle, orbit, round, period, perimeter, a whole, Twin, and Two (NG1 144/162), (BB 183-4/195-6, 186-7/198-9, 200/212, 394/406)
The shen as the perimeter is described as a place of reaching the limit, turning and returning, ebbing and flowing like the banks of a river or a beach. This describes the circle of the waters that is the universe, out of which all things came forth.
Teriu is the two times, and the complete circumference of the round of the year and the cross. (BB 261/273, 297/309)
The Teriu, as the place of the two times, is where the two in one became three in one. Thus “Teriu” also represents three. Kep-en-terui is the corner of the circle where the concealed sanctuary of the two times exists. Kep-en-terui exists at all four corners of the circle. Through Teriu and Kep-en-terui, we can understand Mesteriu (mysteries). (BB 333/345, 424/436)

Pi-shin is the circuit, the twin-total of the Two Truths typified by the two waters or by the Pshent Crown and Apron. (BB 285/297)

PI is the circuit made by the circle and the circle formed by the circuit.
Sheni also means the common crowd, the multitude, to be, to go. (BB 228-9/240-1)
Pi or Pui means to fly. (NG2 519/527)

Using PI With Squares

PI is a constant number that allows us to estimate dimensions of circles. We are still on the path of questioning PI, while using the concept to learn more about the measuring of other shapes.

Three Versions of the Same Formula To Find Perimeter of A Square:
1. 4 (S) - Since the formula for the perimeter of a square is always 4S, then 4 is constant and 4 is the PI of a square.

2. Pi * (S) - This formula substitutes PI for 4.

3. Pi * (D) - Since each side of a square is also equal to the diameter of the square, we can substitute D for S. As you can see, this is the same formula as for the perimeter of a circle, except of course, the value of the constant, PI, is different because the shape being measured is different.

Three Versions Of The Same Formula to Find Area of Square:
1. W (width) * H (height).

2. S^2 - One side squared.

3. PI (R^2) - Since the diameter of a square is equal to one of its sides, the radius is equal to one-half of one side. As you can see, this is the same formula as for the area of a circle, except of course, the value of the constant, PI, is different because the shape being measured is different.

Using PI With Rectangles

Four Versions of the Same Formula To Find Perimeter of A Rectangle:
1. Add all sides -

2. 2H + 2W - Since the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle is always 2 L + 2 W, then 2 is constant and 2 is the PI of a rectangle.

3. Pi * (H + W) - This formula substitutes PI for 2.

4. Pi * (D1 + D2) - Since each side of a rectangle is also equal to a diameter of the rectangle, we can substitute D1 for H and D2 for W. As you can see, this is the same formula as for the perimeter of a circle, except of course, the value of the constant, PI, is different because the shape being measured is different.

Two Versions Of The Same Formula to Find Area of Rectangle:
1. H * W

2. PI (2 * (R1 * R2)) - Since a rectangle has two diameters equal to each of its different sides, a rectangle also has two radii equal to one-half of each diameter. As you can see, this is still the same formula as for the area of a circle, except of course, the value of the constant, PI, is different because the shape being measured is different.

Using PI With Right Triangles That Form Squares

...to be continued in this same space...

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Friday, February 22, 2019

PI Origin, History & Nile Valley Africa
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1546


(Part 9px of 11)

“PI” is a culmination and combination of multiple measurements. I suspect the Ancients measured squares, circles, triangles and rectangles on Earth and determined perimeters, areas and angles and the amount of time it takes to move from one point to another. This was then translated to the above. This process must have taken tens of thousands of years. Way more than 4,400 years BCE that we might think it took based on a misrepresentation of the Age and Awakening of Egypt.

PI cannot be determined until the dimensions of squares, rectangles and triangles are determined.
Neither can PI be determined outside of optimal theory and the african utamawazo.

The circle must be re-conceived in relation to zero.
The whole must be re-conceived in relation to its parts.

This message does not give a bunch of dates and individual names as to the origin and history of PI because it is redundant to do so in light of all other world history origins that came forth out of the Nile Valley of Africa that forms the basis of all cultures today, no matter how misused, abused and disfigured the foundation. Any book or article that suggests PI originated outside of the Nile Valley of Egypt, is operating in a contradictionless illusion. There is no basis of natural fact to support the origin and history of PI as beginning and being perfected outside the Nile Valley. None, except wishful thinking and flat out thievery and lying on paper that is fast becoming exposed as vapor.
It is not possible for one person to create anything. PI is a collaboration of many generations. And thus this is true of all things.
Understand the nature of help and helping.

Extremely Brief Review of Circle & Zero

Zero and Circle are the same things. When one is used, the other is always implied, whether we are aware of it or not. This provides a side by side perspective of the same thing. Zero is part of the binary pair that forms all calculations. This means zero must be the basis of all reckoning since a computer is a metaphor for brain, cell, circle, zero. The number “1” in the binary pair of 0 and 1 is the second form of zero. Zero duplicated into double zero. This was the first form of the binary pair. Zero is the wholeness ratio expressed as 0/0, which is the percent sign (%) which tells us 0/0 is the whole 100 percent. And this is why all numbers are based on 100% because it represents the wholeness ratio, thus zero, thus the circle, thus the universe, thus all circles, no matter what size. Even the number 360 is based on 100 because it is based on 10.

Now we can begin to understand the basis of what PI means and why it applies to all circles.

Recovering From The Numbness Of Numbers

A number is not an empty, lifeless thing. All numbers are another form of an already existing creation. Thus the creation and the number are one and the same, neither can exist or does exist without the other. Numbers existed before humans existed. Numbers are an inherent part of the universe. Numbers help provide additional information for perceiving, recognizing, identifying, knowing, calculating, ordering and so on.
A numbers is simply one of many ways of expressing and communicating the whole total. A number is the same thing as a word, symbol, metaphor. Thus numbers are used to understand the circle, and the circle is used to understand numbers.

A Few Definitions

We shall relate everything to some aspect of the circle or in terms of zero because it already is anyway.
So now we move on to geometry. Geometry is the study of earth measurements.
Geo is earth and the soul of life in Earth as Geb (Seb).
Me is Na.
Try is ter.
Thus we have earth-na-ture. We can call geometry, earth's nature symmetry (sem-metry).
Geometry is understanding the symmetry of earth's nature with universal nature. This symmetry exists in layers, just like Earth. One way of knowing is through measuring and quantifying symmetry based on Earth. That's geometry. But this is woefully insufficient by numbers alone without other meanings of the symmetry being measured. And this is the great fatal flaw of the current suboptimal context of today's societies that permeates thinking and behavior.

Zero represents 0.
Circle represents 1.
Diameter is simply a division of nature of the circle. Thus diameter represents one-half and two.
Radius is half of diameter. Thus radius represents one-fourth and four.
Perimeter is the distance around the circle. Also called circumference.
Area is the space inside the circle.
Perimeter and area are the same thing as time and space.
Perimeter and area define the time and space of the territory (ter-it-tory) Ter is Teriu. Tory is Troy. And from this we can easily get to story and stroy as in history and destroy.
Through the Ter of the IT, the story unfolds and is told. The ter of the it is also the truit. (BB 430-1/442-3)

We'll add a few more definitions later.

Points & Lines

A line is a segment from point A to B in one direction. This can be straight or curved, open or closed.
A point gives birth to, and is the beginning of a line.
The points and lines of the primary shape we perceive are not the only ones there.


Perimeter = 4S (S = one side).
Area (units squared) = W (width) * H (height).
“Units squared” means the number given or reached represents units in 4 directions to form a square. For example, 7 square inches means an Area that consists of 7 inches to the right, 7 inches down, 7 inches back to the left and 7 inches up. This forms a 7 square inch square. Square inches or inches square is the same thing. Furthermore the units are squared because two single direction or single plane units (inches) are multiplied with each other. These two units must be from two sides touching each other. One in one direction, the other in another direction. (Inches times inches equals square inches in the same way that a number multiplied by itself represents squaring the number. The same kind of units multiplied by the same kind of units equals units squared. Inches times feet does not equal square inches or square feet, it equals a mess. Convert one unit to the other unit before performing any calculation.
To say this another way, when multiplying two sides of a shape, this allows those two sides to represent all four sides. For instance, when multiplying the bottom with the left side, this allows the top side to be included because the top is connected to the left side and the length of the top side is included in the bottom, which is already being multiplied by the left side. Last of all the same applies to the right side because it is connected to the bottom side and the length of the right side is present in the left side. Also, this is why the Area of a triangle is one-half the area of a square or rectangle.

Because a circle can be divided by a diameter line running side to side and by another diameter line running top to bottom, this forms the cross or what is called meridian and equator or solstice and equinox. This divides the circle into four squares with portions of each square falling outside the circle. Each square takes up one-fourth of the circle, plus some overhang. This also turns the two sides of each square that are inside the circle, into a radius each.

Formulas for the one-fourth square using the dimensions of the whole circle:
A “one-fourth square” is a square that represents one-fourth of the circle.

Perimeter = 4R (radius).
Area (units squared) = R * R.


Perimeter = Add all sides
Area (units squared) = Width times Height.

A rectangle or two triangles or sometimes two squares, takes up one-half the circle with some overhang.
Formulas for the one-half rectangle using the dimensions of the whole circle:
A “one-half rectangle” is a rectangle that represents one-half of the circle.

Perimeter = 6R (radius) OR 3D (diameter) OR 2D + 2R
Area (units squared) = R * D

Right Triangles

Perimeter = Add three sides. See explanation below when one of the three sides is unknown.
Area (units squared) = (Width * Height) / 2. Width is Base. Width and Height are the two shortest sides. Do not use the side labeled C which is the hypotenuse diagonal(1) which is the longest side.
As found out under “Squares” above, we again have our answer to the question: “Why is the area of a triangle half base times height?” This question is asking why do we take only half?
Answer: The formula for the area of a triangle is based on the formula for the area of a square or rectangle. Two triangles, one turned in the opposite direction, and joined side by side or bottom to bottom, will form either a square or a rectangle. Therefore, half the area of a square or rectangle equals the area of a triangle.

(1) Hypotenuse of a right triangle is the longest side, the longest diagonal. By drawing a vertical line off one end of this diagonal and then a horizontal line off the other end, you will be able to connect the two lines you just drew, to form either a rectangle or square. The hypotenuse is the diagonal that divides a rectangle or square into two right triangles.

In diagrams of right triangles, the hypotenuse diagonal is often labeled C, and sometimes H, but can also be labeled HD.
When unknown, the Hypotenuse is found using a^2 + b^2 = c^2. C^2 is then reduced to its Square Root to reach the final answer of c. (a^2 means “a” to the exponent of 2, thus “a” squared. “^” means exponent.
The Pythagorean Theory was known in Africa long before Pythagoras was born and long before Pythagoras went to Egypt to study for several years. As stated elsewhere, I don't think this lie was told by Pythagoras, instead it was likely the work of Americans searching in the dark for a basis to substantiate fakeness.

The right angle is the 90 degree angle. 90 degrees is known because a small square can be formed in that corner by drawing a small horizontal line and a small vertical line to connect the two lines. The corner of this small square points to the hypotenuse diagonal. The hypotenuse diagonal is always opposite the corner with the right angle. If a square cannot be formed in a corner, then only a small or large curved line should be drawn to connect the two lines. This means the angle is less than or greater than 90 degrees.

In corners with angles less than or greater than 90 degrees, you can draw a vertical line and horizontal line to connect the two lines; however, the resulting shape formed by the four lines will not be a square. 90 degrees is based on the square, thus 90 degrees is based on the circle.

If the hypotenuse is known along with one other side, then use c^2 - a^2 = b^2. Then take the square root of b^2. (Either of the two shortest sides can be a or b. It doesn't matter. Use this formula to find either one.)

Formulas for the one-fourth right triangle using the dimensions of the whole circle:
A “one-fourth right triangle” is a right triangle, that when doubled, forms a square and represents one-fourth of the circle. (There is a one-half right triangle, that when doubled, forms a rectangle and represents one-half of the circle. See rectangles above. Therefore a one-fourth right triangle automatically means based on the square based on one-fourth of the circle. A one-half right triangle means based on the rectangle based on one-half of the circle.)

Perimeter Method 1: 2R + SQRT(R^2+R^2). This is two times radius plus [square root of (radius squared plus radius squared.)] This formula is the same as the Nile Valley Theorem of a^2 + b^2 = c^2, except for two things: R is the radius (one half of a side) AND the result of the formula gives us C, not C^2. Thus, this is also the same formula as a + b + c = perimeter.

Perimeter Method 2: 2R+(R*SQRT(2)). This formula multiplies two sides of the triangle, then calculates and adds the third side as the hypotenuse.

Area = (R * R)/2.

The next message will explore how to calculate perimeter and area of squares, rectangles and right triangles using PI.
After that, it will take at least one to two more messages to complete our current quest into rethinking PI in relation to the circle, zero, squares, rectangles and triangles.

Prostitution Is Already Legal
Unity Consciousness #1545


(Part 9pw of 11)

In order to change society, we must rethink our thinking and rethink our behavior.
We already know there are multiple forms of prostitution. Most societies tend to focus on one type of prostitution under very specific circumstances.
Sexual prostitution is only illegal if you go to a store to buy it.
This is yet another of thousands of idiotic laws, just as is the illegality of marijuana and the the legality of many harmful things. I am being brief because all these things have been discussed elsewhere in greater detail.

If a society was healthy, i.e., balanced, the society would focus on three things:
1. Severely punish those who force people to do things.
2. Help those who want out.
3. Examine itself to find out and correct what leads people into this situation of wanting to force people and becoming forced and those who feel this is the best choice to “make it” in this life. In other words, don't hate the players and the payers, take a good look at yourself America in all of your prostituting ways and in all the ways you are the pimp who forces people to prostitute.

If a society was mentally stable, instead of doing stupid “stings,” it would immediately shut down every location, when the first instance of “forced prostitution” takes place. Only silly adults care about adults paying for sex. All of us have done it and are still doing it. We all know, if you don't pay up, you won't be having much sex. Most sex taking place requires upfront payment or a huge down-payment, i.e., marriage, as in, “you can have the milk for free, if you pay for the cow,” I.e,, give me legitimacy and security.

In backwards societies, sexual prostitution is not illegal if pimp, ho, and john, actually date each other, get engaged, get married, work together, and so on in an enormous amount of legal prostitution scenarios.
Sexual prostitution is not illegal if you just go to strip clubs, or if you order “take out” sex by calling it a bachelor or bachelorette party or if you call it Playboy.
And the list goes on and on of things that are legally right, but ain't and things that are legally wrong, but ain't.

Meanwhile, we clearly speak out against the wrongness of so-called sexual prostitution and want to crack down on human sex trafficking, while being afraid to speak out against and do something about the constancy of racism.

The larger takeaway is that we must change our context, worldview, utamawazo if we are to truly change our thinking and behavior.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Lower Mestrea: Egypt & Philae, Palek, Biggeh & Abaton
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1545


(Part 9pw of 11)

Intro To Philae Island

Philae Island is located in the Nile River just north of the cataract at Souan (Aswan). Some maps and texts place Philae north of these rapids at Souan. Some texts equate Philae Island with Abu Island as being the exact same place. “Philae” is the Greek form of various words such as Philak, Pilak, Palek, Pa lek, Phalek, Paaleq, P-aalek, Ailak, Ma-n'-lak, “the frontier”; P-a-lek, “the Island of Lek”; Bilak. See also Lacks. (Wilkinson: Modern 304), (Budge: The Nile 494-495)
One of the meanings of these words is “the End” or “Remote Place.”

We again remind ourselves that for some time now we have been in the twilight zone as discussed elsewhere. It is sufficient to search that term along with momentum. We are further along into the twilight zone, thus in a period of increased momentum, thus motion, thus rapid transformation. Based on the continuing history of evolution of cycles and processes, what we will continue to experience as the Ages change, will continue to be called many things such as nature, mother nature, acts of god, miracles and many other words to explain what is explainable but not understood because the nature of evolution and cycles is not understood. This not only applies to the primordial four, but also to things other aspects of the superhuman that we will wonder where did thing come from, what's going on, how did this happen, what in the world, and so on. Lastly, for now, the terms miracle, miracles and magic should also be investigated. We can achieve further understanding from chromosomes, especially as they apply to Earth as an element factory and parent seed.

What Philae (Palek) represents is surfacing above and beyond the waters of Lake Nasser, its dams and the Karuan cataracts.
“Lak” and “Lek” relate to rekh, race and lineage, community, family, inhabitants of the “ter.” (NG2 270/278)
As sem-sems, thus interchangeable, Rekh, Rek, Lekh and Lek also mean the beginning, word, voice, speak, announce, declare, the dead. This relates to what we just learned in UC#1544.
Rekh can be said to be spirit-soul transforming into its tangible form and transforming its already existent tangible form, thus also the other way around. This also means some things are becoming revealed and some things hidden, some things are awakening into the light and some things going night-night. This reminds us everything revealed is hidden in plain sight, while everything hidden, is staring us in the face, no matter which way we turn, no matter our perspective, orientation, context, worldview, culture, belief, knowledge.
Rekh is the turning point crossing point in the cycle, thus rekh is the corner of the circle, a place of support and foundation. Rekh also means to purify and refine the precious thing. Lek or Rekh are also names for the “ark” which, in addition to womb-birthplace-nurturing place, means a tie, a bond, to bind, limit, fix, connection and symbol of reckoning. The ark-tie (ankh) as Lek or Rekh was carried by Khenb, Goddess of the Seven Stars, as the sign of the end of her period. This can be taken as the end of her cycle, and beginning of another, thus one revolution of the Great Year. This also means the end of her menstruation, her opening, the flowing and purification of, from and by her liquid essence, readied for reproduction and rebirth and to nurse. (NG2 344/352)

Philae (Palek), Upon Closer Inspection

...to be continued in this same space...

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Budge, E. A. Wallis, “The Nile, Notes For Travellers In Egypt,” (London) Thos Cook & Son, 1902.) Eighth Edition (download the ebook pdf)

Wilkinson, Sir Gardner, F.R.S., “Modern Egypt and Thebes: Being A Description Of Egypt; Including The Information Required For Travelers In That Country,” (London): John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1843.) Vol II

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Lower Mestrea: Egypt & Abu Island, Elephantine
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1544


(Part 9pv of 11)

Abu means the hard thing and renewal of fire from the spark. Abu is the name of the hippopotamus and rhinoceros as images of Typhon the mother first, then the male child second.
Absh is the tortoise which is a combination of Abu and “Sh” “Sh” means the water, pool or well of source.
Ab, Abu and/or Absh is also likely the name of the crocodile.
Abu is also a name of the dog. (NG2 13/21, 196/204, 212/220)

Abu is Egyptian name of the island called Elephantine by the Greeks. Abu (Elephantine) is located in Souan (Aswan) just north of the Aswan dammed cataract.
The area of Abu Island was called “the Door to the South.” This matches the Souan as the opening, Southern Gate and also matches Swen as the place of trade or conducting business. (Bunson: Encyclopedia 149-150)

Smaller forms of the two lakes or pool of two truths of the double source of Nile were localized on Abu Island. This is additional corroboration that Abu Island is part of the opening and rebirthplace from Upper Mestrea into Lower Mestrea. This also corroborates the area now submerged under Lake Nasser serves as the abyss (amenta) of Lower Mestrea. (AE1 259/269)

Abu as the hard thing, the renewal of spark, the water, the water creature and the announcer leads to and from the words sunsum and abusua as spirit and family or simply the two truths, which is to say, one, holy spirit, everything. Abusua might be Abusuan, the combination of Abu and Suan, the island and the surrounding land. It could also be Asuan + bu. “Bu” is the womb, birthplace and dual parent. Souan is the opening, two truths, foundation, flowing motion.
Abusua and sunsum are said to be of Akan or Ghanaian origin, but most certainly they are of Nile Valley origin. The Akan people, like all people, originated in the Nile Valley, no matter how many degrees of separation. Think about it. Many of us say we came from heaven, yet the degrees of separation that led to our creation is so numerous, we have no clue as to every step that led to us being here, yet we continue to balk at natural fact that points to the Nile Valley for all people.

Variations for Abu: Abw, Yebu, Elephantine, Gezeeret Asouan (Arabic), Sooan-drtiga (Nubian), or "the Island of Asouan." (Wilkinson: Modern 300)

Abu Island contained a Nilometer to gauge the rise of the annual Nile inundation.

Khnum, Father Deity

Khnum was the god of Abu Island and Souan. (Brugsch: History 495)
Khnum/Khnum-Ra is the nocturnal Sun and Lord of Shennu or Sheni. (AE1 30/40), (BB 292/304)
"Khn" means to blow, puff away, breathe, thus breath, air, wind. This relates to what we learned about Aswan. The geographic area Khnum presided over on Abu Island is not limited to the Island. Khnum is the combination of the motion and the thing, the flowing and the water, blood, breath. This then relates to the foundation of opening and the opening foundation for another cycle and form of life. For instance, Khnum is the flowing of liquid essence and Khnef is the flowing of breath, air, wind. This flowing also includes scent and smelling and the flowing of sound and hearing and speaking. Khnum and other variations relate to the opening, flowing and foundation of the elemental souls of life which form the senses. Through the senses, we learn and are taught. Each sense is for being and perceiving. (NG1 39/57, 80/98), (BB 62/74, 150/162, 176/188, 205/217, 449/461)

Khnum or Ptah or Kheper is the potter who forms both the sun and man from the matter of earth. Atum is the soul of life in the matter of the sun and Atum is also the sun (soul, sensum) of man (the soul of life that provides the blood and breath and flesh of man). Khnum was ram-headed or goat-headed. His color was green with a blue tint as the color of reproduction from the underworld representing plants and the water. This, as we learned, represents the child, the ever-coming one, Horus, Osiris and many other names of deities. (AE1 437/447), (BB 94/106, 130/142, 330/342)

Variations: Kneph, Khnef, Num, Nef, Osiris (Wilkinson: Modern 280), (Bunson: Encyclopedia 28), (AE1 473/483)

Satet, Mother Deity

Satet was worshipped at Abu Island and Esnè as goddess of the Nile River inundation, thus Satet is a form of Isis, Mother Earth who brings forth waters and children from the waters. Satet is associated with war and arrows. Satet is the source of the name Ta-Sati or Ta-seti, land of the bow and arrow.
This matches Ta-Kens as the name of the land over which Khnum ruled. Khnum is Khn is Khen is Ken. Also Num and Ken are related through Numming and Kenning which relate to knowing, nose and smelling and using the senses.
Khnum is to smell with the nose for determinative. The same word means to choose and select with the nose. It is also the name for the nurse, tutor and educator; the nose being a primary teacher. Khnum is to ken by the nose, and the word modifies into num, to guide, direct; accompany, go together, in such an act as “numming” with noses, and other forms of kenning or knowing each other. (NG1 80/98)
These things speak to the meanings contained in the place names Souan and Abu.
Thus, it is likely Ta-seti was the land south of the cataract at Souan, on the Philae Island side, while Ta-kens was the land north of the cataract at Souan, on the Abu Island side. In both cases, the meanings of both words still apply, with one revealed and one hidden. Ta-seti and Ta-kens are another form of the two lands and many forms of two truths such as Khnum and Satet. Quite possibly, the place names Ta-kenset or Ta-Khenset are combined forms of the two lands and the two deities
Once again, despite land being called by different names and despite smaller portions being named, that does not stop the land from still being part of larger designations such as Upper Mestrea and Lower Mestrea.

In some manner, the transformations that took place on the land on either side of the cataract at Souan is connected to the Ages of Gemini and Sagittarius.

Lastly, Satet is shown wearing the white crown which had antelope horns on it. She was also shown wearing the vulture headdress, reserved for queens who had given birth to heirs. (Bunson: Encyclopedia 374)

Variations: Satè, Satis, Sati

Horus, Child Deity As Heir-Apparent

One form of Anubis is the jackal/dog headed deity of Dogstar in Canis Major. Anubis is every Polaris South & North. Anubis is the Opener Of the Ways for souls to enter into the afterlife so they can journey through the world below the world we know, so they could be transformed and reborn on the other side of the dividing line. In this case, a cataract and a line of latitude. Anubis as the opener matches Souan and Abu Island as places of opening. In a related role, Anubis is the guard dog of cemeteries and is called Lord of the Necropolis. This matches the area south of the cataract at Abu Island, as the abyss tomb, cocoon. Anubis accompanies the dead through the underworld. This matches Anubis being the god on both sides of the cataract divide who watches and announces and serves as witness of the impending arrival of the ever-coming one. This matches the area on both sides of the cataract being the transition zone shared by both Upper Mestrea and Lower Mestrea. Anubis is Osiris who is being reborn as Horus. This is the same as Ursa Minor who is Draconis being reborn as Kepheus.

When it comes to the land and the human, Af-ra is the tangible version of spirit-soul. As spirit-soul, Af-ra is the power of transformation in matter. This also is the twin parent being reborn through the twin child. Twins beget twins. This is the same as saying twoness within oneness begets oneness as twoness. This is the same thing as: As Within, So Without. We see this in the land. The twins of Upper & Lower Mestrea gave birth to Upper & Lower Egypt. There are many other forms of two lands and two truths discussed elsewhere.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Brugsch-Bey, Henry, A History Of Egypt Under The Pharaohs Derived Entirely From The Monuments, Vol I, Second Edition, (London: 1881), Translated & Edited From German by Smith, Phillip

Bunson, Margaret R. "Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, Revised Edition" (New York: 2002) Facts on File, Inc.

Wilkinson, Sir Gardner, F.R.S., “Modern Egypt and Thebes: Being A Description Of Egypt; Including The Information Required For Travelers In That Country,” (London): John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1843.) Vol II

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Lower Mestrea: Egypt & Aswan
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1543


(Part 9pu of 11)

We can now more easily remember the two lands lately called Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt are naturally one land. These two lands are only divided by the people. The land was created as one land by the Nile's superhuman creators that we can summarize as Mother Earth and the earthlings.
It is also becoming more obvious that the two lands are the two Mestreas formed by the Nile inundation.
Khartum and the cataracts are the first Mestrea or Upper Mestrea or Upper Nubia or South Karua.
Just before and after the last cataract begins the second Mestrea or Lower Mestrea or Lower Nubia or North Karua which is modernly subdivided into Upper and Lower Egypt.
As we can see, there is a transition overlap zone between Upper Mestrea and Lower Mestrea. This transition zone is south of the cataract at Aswan and north of the next cataract. For now we can use Abu Simbel as the southern border of the transition zone. We choose Abu Simbel due to the similarity of its name to that of Elephantine, which we shall investigate later. Abu Simbel is another of many places now submerged under the waters of the Lake Nasty Nasser formed by the Aswan High Dam. We can also use the end of the northern tropical zone as a probable boundary. Along the Nile, the northern tropics end near the town of Kalabsha which is now also submerged by Lake Nasser.
At a macro level and still hidden in our awareness is the natural fact that the first Mestrea is Upper Egypt and the second Mestrea is Lower Egypt.

We've already stated this in Mestrea, Mestraea, Mestria Defined & Recombined, Monumental Age Of Egypt, Unity Consciousness #1538,
We now continue to show different ways of knowing the same thing. We do this by peeling back another layer of definitions and meanings associated with place names along the Nile, as we've already done with Khartum, Mestrea, Aethiopia, Alkebulan, Khent and the two lands by many other names.

We continue to repeat that most place names today have been changed in spelling or in boundary or both. The most recent period of change has taken place in the past 2,500 years as lands have changed hands. This is the normal progression of human thought and behavior.

Clearly then, Aswan is not the original form of the name for the area that begins just before, at and north of the cataract of the southern boundary of the most recent variation of Egypt. What is also becoming clearer, is that all variations of names and all variations of definitions and meanings, no matter how disfigured, derogatory or unrecognizable, are still variations of the original. We found this out in terms of the “N” word, Nga and Nigger. This we also know to be true when we apply the three things said in this paragraph to the human race's variations from the original.

Aswan, Upon Closer Inspection

Blood and breath are two truths named Sun (later Sen). U is earlier than E. “Sun” or “Sen” means (1) make a foundation by opening, and (2) open by making a foundation. This two-way process involves breath and blood. Sen also signifies to pass (move from one place to another or one stage to another). Sun or Sen means the process of the flowing of breath and/or blood. From this comes the sunnt or sennt as in the Sound, a strait, a sea passage, and the snout, a passage for the breath or liquid essence as blood or water. Sunnt is the self-hood founded from sun (blood or breath).
Sun or Sen, the foundation, is Sunnu in Assyrian. (NG1 177/195)
Variations: sent, scent

The basis of the word Aswan is the Sun as representative of the two truths of breath and blood that form the foundation and opening by flowing. When we relate this metaphor to land, flow of Nile waters form the mes foundation of land out of the narrow valley gorge of the Mest-Ruan, and into a broader section of land. This flowing also brings breezes.

Aswan earlier variations: Asuan, Asouan, Assouan, Esooan, Eswan, Oswan, Souan (Coptic), Syene or Syrene (Greek).

Syrene became the basis for the word syrenite, the red granite at Souan.
Souan signifies "the opening or open space." This opening (Souan or Aswan) lies approximately at latitude 24° 5' 30" which is just outside of the tropical zone which ends at 23.5 degrees north. (Wilkinson: Modern 294)

It is likely that “Asian” is a form of Asouan. Asian is the opening from Africa. Asia is one-half of the two lands of Africa-Asia, that are actually one land.

Additional variations: Aswan was called “the Southern Gate,” or swenet, which is translated as “conducting business.”
The Sweno stone is the Shenu stone. Shennu is the circle of time consisting of two halves from Shen or Sen. Shen also means the brother and sister, the male and female halves. These two figures are portrayed on Sweno’s stone bending over the child born at the place where Osiris father, Isis mother, and Horus child met in “Shennu” at the crossing.
This indicates the movement of the people into the Souan area took place at the transition of an Age, possibly the transition of both the Polar Age and the Ecliptic Age, as is also taking place right now, to be completed in the early 2040's and early 2050's. (BB 424/436)

As mentioned above, Aswan was also called Sunnu in Assyria, and also in the Nile Valley. Sunnu is also related to the Shennu circle. Shennu relates to the point of turning in the orbit of the solar course. Shennu also relates to the child as the seven elemental souls of life. Shennu also relates to the resurrection on the celestial circular mountaintop that has risen out of the waters.

In the Solar Mythology, the birthplace of the ever-coming one was shifted from the Shennu mountain at the upper pole to the Shennu mountain at the horizon. This is likely when orientation for reckonings also shifted from upper south and moved clockwise to the east. This is the same as saying reckonings and orientations and perspectives and contexts changed from Sabean Upper Mestrea & Lunar to Lower Mestrea & Solar.
This further indicates the transition from Ptah as mother to Ptah as father. (BB 359/371)

It appears that the Polestar and its constellation is the Greater Lord of the Great Year Circle while the Equinox Star and its constellation is the Lesser Lord of the Lower Great Year Circle on the Ecliptic. Lastly, the Sun and its solar system constellation is an even Lesser Lord of the Annual Year, but its impact is overstated when the Great Year is omitted. Earth is further moderated by the Moon, whose lunar cycles also Lord over Earth. We know this simply by the way the Moon influences water flows, blood flows, emotion flows and impacts other motions. Whatever influences one aspect of an entity, also influences all aspects of that entity. Thus, Moon's influence on Earth, also influences all aspects of all entities on Earth. And this is so also for the Sun as Lord and the two Great Year constellations as Lords.

Aswan was the abode of the deities Khnum father, Satet mother and Horus (Anukis or Anubis), the child as the ever-coming one who is the rebirth of the elementals and rebirth of mother and father. (Bunson: Encyclopedia 77, 460)

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Bunson, Margaret R. "Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, Revised Edition" (New York: 2002) Facts on File, Inc.

Wilkinson, Sir Gardner, F.R.S., “Modern Egypt and Thebes: Being A Description Of Egypt; Including The Information Required For Travelers In That Country,” (London): John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1843.) Vol II

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Founders, Builders, Shapers & Transformers Of Human Thought
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1542


(Part 9pt of 11)

What follows is a small sample to help fuel further inquiry for the truthseeker initiate and serve as a ready reference for correlating, comparing and contrasting information obtained elsewhere.

1. Observation & A Natural Desire To Learn - Egyptian mythology was founded on facts closely observed in the ever-recurring phenomena of nature. These natural facts were then expressed in sign language and various other modes of expression such as oral stories, Mdw Ntr, buildings and so on. (AE1 121/131)

2. Mythology was a science founded on the observation of natural phenomena. (NG2 209/217)

3. Logical Use Of Metaphor - All attempts to fully understand mythology, thus the foundation of all human thought, is futile unless the primary physical phenomena of nature are consulted as fundamental keys. Fortunately, these keys to the allegories of mythology, thus knowledge of self, are captured and preserved for us in types and typology, I.e,, metaphor, metaform, mirror image. (NG1 5/23)

4. Repetition - The root of Anima (wind, breath, air, soul, spirit) has to be traced back to Khn (to blow, puff, breathe) in the form of “An”
Anima is the repetition of breath (breathing). As stated many times, this life, existence and universe are based on repetition (cycles of motion). That repetition is based on one-two (oneness and twoness as the same things, mirror images, Sem-Sem, Sen-Sen, Sem-Sen).
Thus, at a minimum, Anima is based on the continuous repetition of the two-part motion of breathing (exhale, inhale).
Although Anima is repetition of breath, the root “ An ”simply means to repeat, thus renew, thus repeat. Therefore, “Animal,” “Animation,” “Animism,” “Another” and more are all based on the repetition, thus renewal of motion. To deny that you are not all of these is to deny your complete self, thus deny yourself access to wholeness. For example, you must be an animist in order to exist. You are an animation. We know we are animals. We should know we are “another.” Another of what?
Another of other.

Using this as a basis and context, we can understand how early humans observed the repetition of motion in nature and formulated their thoughts. In other words how humans awakened to the truth through truth. How humans came into knowledge of self and all else, but using self and all else to inform them about the other, the another.
Eventually “An” came to mean repeating and “being” in one word, in one creation, one motion, one occurrence of natural phenomena.
Related to this is the word “spirit” which is not only derived from the breath, but also from breathing. Thus not from the noun, but from the noun and verb together, both of which give each other definition, context, meaning and the power “to be” and for being and for beingness. Breathing contains the repeating and the being in one.
The word Spirit is formed in two parts. First from “Sep” or “Spi” which means a time or turn, manifestation, spontaneous act, self-activation. Secondly “ter” the circle gives us the variation “Ret” which means repeated. Thus SPI-RET (spirit) is the spontaneous manifestation and motion repeated in the one-two of breath and breathing or beingness and breathing or any noun-verb combination.

We also see the basis of SEP-RET leading to the word “separate.”
We have also found the basis of Osiris that came into human thought through observation of the bivalve oyster. Oyster or Oys-ter leads to Osi which is combined with ret to form Osi-ret, thus Osiris which means (to divide in two in order form the basis for continuous repetition and renewal of the one).
Also, we are reminded that a form of Anima is Enigma. This reconnects the sameness of repetition to the difference of repetition. This again shows twoness in one, and, oneness in two. Two truths that are opposites, yet composites that form the same thing. Enigma is also a form of the “N” word.

Finally, I suspect spirit is a form of sep-ter, thus scepter, thus power. (BB 144,156, 150/162)

...to be continued in this same space...

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Racism By And A Function Of, Large Numbers
Unity Consciousness #1541


(Part 9ps of 11)

Racism requires extremely large numbers of people who exist throughout society in all institutions for generation after generation. Racism, by default and definition of its nature, is 365/24/7. Racism either exists or racism does not exist. There is no in between. That is, except there is very brief transition after racism has already begun to steadily be dismantled at the foundation, i.e., there is no regression, relapse. In the the absence of foundational institutional dismantling and repairs, I.e,. reparations, racism has not lessened.

You can have one billion people write about racism for 8 hours, then another billion people write about racism for the next 8 hours, and then another billion people write about racism for the last 8 hours of each day. You can do this for an entire year and none of those writers write about the same incident, and there would still be incidents of racism that have not been written about.

So stop treating racism like it's an incident against an individual.
Racism is a system organized and maintained by an enormously large global collective for the express purpose of infringing on the multiplicity of rights of another group of people. People are targeted not based on incidents and the circumstances of those incidents, but because they belong to the disfavored disenfranchised group.

I wish racism did equal someone calling me nigger or dressing in blackface. Hell, if that was racism, that would not be a problem, except for some people getting the hell beat out of them. Not because of those two examples but simply for being an annoying idiot and thinking you can just throw your idiocy in my face anytime anyplace.
There are many things that are related to racism and byproducts of racism, but they are not racism. Racism is a core seed ideology context asili. From the seed of racism comes a vast number of ills and evils.

Without foundational colon cleansing of logic, when racism does flip the script on “who's it,” and “who's the target,” then power will simply do to the racists what racists have done with power. Call it abuse. We have already seen this taking shape in terms of the gender script flipping. In most areas of human thinking and behavior, you can't tell if the thinking and behavior is coming from a male or female. There is already abuse of power by females. What do you think will happen as females regain power? Do you think the world will automatically be a better place by virtue of gender? No! If that were true, the world would already be a better place because there are more women in the world than men. Truth is, as women gain more power, they will not automatically forgive and forget and say live and let, and say let all things be equal and let's not get any redress. That would be in fairytale land.
Do you think women racists will stop being racists as they achieve gender equality? If gender and power were the reasons for racism, we could easily defeat it and kill three birds with one stone: gederism, racism and unequal power and resources.

Without fundamental rapid improvement in knowledge of self, both heaven and hell will pay for the enormous amount of debt racism is accruing each day. It is already experiencing the calling in of debt and markers accrued under male gender domination, persecution, terrorism, evil discrimination, psycho-sociopathy.

But let us remember, women were in power first in human society. Women were honored first. Women were the goddesses during a time when there were no gods. We can be certain that women in those societies, abused their power, and so the cycle continues. It is only able to be broken through knowledge of self and admittance of wrongdoing on both sides and an equalizing of all resources, and a period of punishment, including a period where those currently in power will have to experience and remember what it's like to be on the other side.

Again, This Just In

Racism has tricked, programmed us, to say, “To generalize is not fair.”
Well, racism generalizes and doesn't give a damn about who it affects.
There are so many racists in the world, you'd be wise to take names, ask questions later and assume racism exists on G. P. alone (general principle), because racism is a general generalizing widespread disease that needs almost 100% participation in order for it to exist. Racism is not an act by act, person by person disease. A person with a smiling face, who never appears racist can still be racist. Don't let things fool you while racism is still running rampant like a heat-seeking stampede that always needs to feed.

If a racist person was not surrounded by and supported by racists, the racist would be uncomfortable and go live in a desert with no friends or family. Truth is, racists and racism show each other much love and support and you should already know it when thousands upon thousands of upon millions upon billions of people continue to support racism. If they did not, racists and racism would be squeezed out by peer pressure alone.

Again, This Just In Again And Again

Racism has tricked, programmed us, to say, “To generalize is not fair.”
Well, racism generalizes and doesn't give a damn about who it affects.
There are so many racists in the world, you'd be wise to take names, ask questions later and assume racism exists on G. P. alone (general principle), because racism is a general generalizing widespread disease that needs almost 100% participation in order for it to exist. Racism is not an act by act, person by person disease. A person with a smiling face, who never appears racist can still be racist. Don't let things fool you while racism is still running rampant like a heat-seeking stampede that always needs to feed, like one of those worms in the Tremor movies. Every time you move a little bit, such as inhale or exhale, racism is on your tip..

If a racist person was not surrounded by and supported by racists, the racist would be uncomfortable and go live in a desert with no friends or family. Truth is, racists and racism show each other much love and support and you should already know it when thousands upon thousands of upon millions upon billions of people continue to support racism. If they did not, racists and racism would be squeezed out by peer pressure alone.

Most of those who are racists, thus practicing nonstop racism, know it and know each other are doing the same. Racism is not a new thing. Racism is allowing, supporting and defending the continuation of an old thing. And then, wanting us to buy in to the false notion that everyone has an equal chance and all it takes is hard work. Bullshit. And then wanting us to not generalize, while all the while racism and its racist systems everywhere are harming black people in general.
On the other hand, most of those attacked by racists, don't know it. Why? Because we don't pay attention, don't trust our own instincts and only have surface interactions with each other. We especially only talk to each other in superficial ways.
I've lived my entire life around racists. Racists are good actors and distractors and illusionists and pretenders and befrienders. Every school I've attended has been filled with racists and racism. Every place I've lived. Every place I've worked. Every sport I played. Every business I've given my money. Every government agency I've dealt with. And in those small amount of times where the racists were not in the majority, their racism still was.

We live in racist societies that tell you if you do nothing wrong and follow the law, pay your taxes, stand for the national anthem, then you have just as good a chance as anyone else, unless of course, some individual harms you. Yet the society itself harms you constantly. It is designed that way for that specific general purpose. The society (the majority collective) tells you to forget about past inequities and let's just start right now and be even in our treatment of each other. They want us to change the definition of equality and a fair chance to something based on imbalance and based on the perpetuation of imbalance, yet we are just supposed to work hard, not generalize and not make everything about racism, yet the society is doing all that and more, because to them everything is about money and power, and race is the best way to obtain it in a world where they and others like them are the minority.

Perfect Article On Racism, Synonyms & Code Words
Unity Consciousness #1540


(Part 9pr of 11)

Racism Synonyms, Code Words, Slang, Vernacular, Etc.

1. Blue Lives Matter
2. Diversity (while maintaining the status quo)
3. Make America Great Again
4. Patriotism
5. Privatization
6. Racism
7. White Privilege
8. White Supremacy
This list will be updated as I receive more suggestions. Be sure to consider the racism by other names taking place in many other countries such as India and Myanmar, which quickly come to mind.

Brush up on the definition of racism. Search the combination of “collective” “racism” “rights”

Secondly, the only way a black person can be a racist is if that black person is part of collective that is infringing upon the rights of another collective, and doing so via systematic, widespread, ongoing, institutionalized practices from top to bottom that have become so normalized that most of the participants in racism think they are not racists, yet they live with the contradiction that their behavior just ain't right, yet they quickly justify it with the antidote logic escape routes that racism programs and provides them for those type of emergency moments of moral dilemmas.
Antidote #1: Deny, Deny, Deny.
Antidote #2: When called out for any form of racism, call the caller a racist.
Antidote #3: Get people to agree that everyone should be treated equal (while maintaining the status quo).

And here's the perfect article: “Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk?” by Leda Fisher

Also read this presentation of the same: 'I am not a racist': Student who wrote op-ed titled 'Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk?' speaks out
In this article, read what the Dickinson President Margee M. Ensign said and you'll understand how, though it sounds good, Dickinson most certainly teaches, in most of its classes, the viewpoint of white America, especially white males.

My Comments Submitted To The Dickinsonian Student Newspaper

Perfect. Truth hurts. But racism hurts more. Where is the outcry against all the forms of racism that exists, even in colleges, such as the curriculum, which is almost completely from a white male perspective?
It would be helpful to understand racism exists when one group as a collective infringes upon the rights of another group as a collective. Just merely saying something is not an infringement, you have to do something to ensure what you say is carried out, and then you have to be part of a collective that can actually continuously make it happen. Racism is active and passive, direct and indirect. And so are the participants and the victims. It is not possible to be born into a racist society where you are a member of the disfavored group, and you not experience racism or be a victim of racism. Likewise it is not possible to be born a member of the favored group and accrue its benefits and you not be a participant in racism, i.e., a racist.
It is not possible for Ms. Fisher to be a racist until she becomes part of the favored group who then goes along with the ways of a racist society and justifies the status quo, while, in many ways, claiming racism doesn't exist and that, for the most part, the problems of the disfavored group, are of their own making.

For the most part racism is something under our control for shaking and for taking back the countries where racism exists. And we will, be it 20, 30 or 60 years from now, we will. We know this for the simple natural fact that God's will is already being done. God's will brought racism into the world and God's will is going to take racism out. As a remix of a question often posed, what side of history are you on? The MAGA or the MAKHA? [this last paragraph not submitted]

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Menes Is Mitzraim, Mena is Mitzr
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1539


(Part 9pq of 11)

We know Mitzraim is Mestrea that is an area extremely larger than Lower Egypt or combined with Upper Egypt. As a matter of natural fact of Earth history and world history, Mestrea is the entire planet Earth, thus so are the Mitzraim the people of the entire Earth and the people by which the entire Earth was populated.

Summing Up What We Initially Know

1. The name Mena, Menas or Menes has been brought to us by racists who are hardcore Egyptologists misleading us to believe Mena and related words only represent a human pharaoh who built the Egyptian city of Memphis. We are misled to believe this is approximately 4400 BCE, coincident with the most recent Age of Taurus.

2. We know the words Menes and Mitrzraim are the same (See below). We know Mitzraim is the plural of Mitzr. We know Mitzr is Egypt. Thus Mitzraim are the people of Egypt. Thus Menes is the people of Egypt. Thus, to say Menes founded and built the city of Memphis is to say the people of Egypt founded and built the city of Memphis. Menes is not automatically one human person. (BB 3-5/15-17)

3. In the event there was a human by the name of Mena or Menes, it is just as likely that this person as Pharaoh took the title of Mena or Menes or Min during the most recent Age of Taurus. And that this Pharaoh could be Narmer or Aha. Secondly we must allow for the possibility there was more than one human named Menes.

4. The city of Memphis being built during the most recent Age of Taurus is unlikely. This was after a deluge of some sort. If Memphis was built at that time, it should also be true that other cities of the broad expanse of Delta were built afterwords.

5. What we will likely find is what we already know. Names relating to Men, Min, Mines, Mena, Minos, Menas, Menes and others are first related to the elemental souls of life, and gods and heroes as planets, suns, moons, stars. These names also relates to celestial things or locations. These names also relate to earthly things and locations. All this likely occurred before any human took the name of Mena or Menes.

6. We must go back to an earlier time in order to get a better idea of Men and related spellings. What is certain is there can be no human with the name before there is a superhuman. Also, if there is a below, there must also be an above. Since Earth is in the middle, we should find at least one occurrence of a Mena Menes related term, in Amenta Above and in Amenta Below.

7. We already have our answer because we know there is an Egypt above, an Egypt in the middle (on Earth) and an Egypt below. Egypt is Mitzr is Mena. Mena already exists in all three places. We will use a different way of going to show a different way of knowing. But first we'll look at a few clues. We need to correlate, compare and test these clues with other information.

8. Menas was the first king of the Egyptians. (Diodorus Siculus per Cory: Ancient 241)

9. Menes was first King of Egypt. (Herodotus per Cory: Ancient 245)

10. Menes and Mestraim is the same person who ruled Egypt for 35 years. (Syncellus per Cory: Ancient 230)

11. After the dead demigods the first dynasty consisted of eight kings. The first was Menés the Thinite; he reigned 62 years, and perished by a wound received from an hippopotamus. (Manetho per Cory: Ancient 185)

12. The first ruler of Thebes was Menés the Thebinite, the Thebaean ; which is by interpretation Dionius. He reigned sixty-two years. (Eratosthenes per Cory: Ancient 171)

Menes (Mestraim) ruler of the part of Egypt called Mestraean region. Menes ruled 2,211 years before Amosis the 86th king from Menes. During the reign of Amosis, Cambyses of Persia invaded (Hieronymus' old Latin version of Eusebius per Cory: Ancient 237-8, 232)

13. The children of Mizraim came to Egypt after the dispersion from Babel, of which they appear to have continued some time in undisturbed possession. Menés, Mines, Misor, Mestraim or Mizraim is first sovereign of the united realm, at the head of all the catalogs. (Cory: Ancient 21, 22,38). [We should not confuse this reference with thinking Egypt was first or primarily populated from Babylon. Neither should we think Egypt's first ruler was Menes.]
The colonizing of Babylonia from Egypt was during the reign of Sut, or at least in the time of the primordial pole-star one great year ago, when the pole-star was previously in the Lesser Bear or the male hippopotamus.(AE2 585/49)

14. We've already begun our inquiry: Menat & Mena, Great Mother Wet-Nurse, Definitions, Meanings, Monumental Age Of Egypt, Unity Consciousness #1510

15. In UC#1512 we are reminded: No monument associated with Pharaoh Mena has ever been found. Nothing is inscribed with his name. Nothing is known to have been made in the time of Mena, yet he supposedly built Memphis. Writing things in stone using Mdw Ntr (hieroglyphics) began thousands of years earlier at least in Khartum, so why wouldn't Mena, a human uniter of two lands, not have his name inscribed everywhere?
Pharaohs of Egypt were assimilated to the divinity, and monuments were raised and temples built to their own “ name ” in honor of the deity whose name they bore. (BB 38-40/50-52)

16. We know the Great Sphinxes had somebody's human face on them and that they were built prior to the most recent Age of Taurus.

Cory, Isaac Preston, "Ancient Fragments Of The Phoenician, Chaldean, Egyptian, Tyrian, Carthaginian, Indian, Persian, And Other Writers; With An Introductory Dissertation: And An Inquiry Into The Philosophy And Trinity Of The Ancients," William Pickering (London:1832), Second Edition

America, The Beautiful Failure & Education
Unity Consciousness #1537


(Part 9po of 11)

From former USA President Barack Obama's eulogy speech at Nelson Mandela's Memorial Service. Beginning at the 9:00 mark, Obama said:
”And he [Mandela] learned the language and customs of his oppressors, so that one day he might better convey to them how their own freedom depends upon his. Mandela just demonstrated that action, and ideas are not enough. No matter how right, they must also be chiseled into law and institutions.”
America (the white collective), came to America seeking freedom from the tyranny of England and escape from their criminal past, or shall we say, escape from being held accountable for their criminal intents. They were also seeking a second chance from imprisonment. In exchange, the white collective of America was supposed to send resources back to the white collective of England. Honoring that contract between criminals lasted about a Yorkshire minute. America sought freedom for themselves at the expense of tens of millions of people who were already in America. America sought freedom at the expense of hoarding all the resources, lording over the resources and using any means necessary. The white collective of America was, and still is, trying to be like the wealthy of England who were trying to be like the wealthy of Rome who were trying to be like the wealthy of Greece who were trying to be like the wealthy of Egypt. Being a millionaire is important no matter how you get there. America has pretty much sloppily copied and more perversely implemented most things from England and late stage Egypt.

America (the white collective) knew they were wrong in the first place. They've always known it and always tried to disown it using psychology 101 of displacement and projection to make themselves seem innocent and right by God and by law and by any lie necessary, including the handy dandy plausible deniability – the trump card of lies, when whiteness alone won't do. And this is why the white collective and other collectives worldwide depend on the notion of superiority and inferiority to justify their behavior against humans and other creations. This notion is taught constantly everywhere in these societies. The seeds of this notion started in Africa and with each passing use of it by another group of people, it got worse and worse and worse by leaps and no bounds. It leads to empire building which is something that is mostly not to be admired, due to what it requires.

America has never received a passing grade in terms of human rights or the rights of creation.
Egypt missed the melodious mark when it was in decline and failing, which is what made them vulnerable to takeover. This has happened to all empires. One rising power removes another power. Each time around, the superhuman powers assist human powers to help reset the scale.
America is not the exception to the rule. Instead, America is the epitome of the rule.

America knows the right things to do, but America's heart and soul are calcified, petrified and irretrievably hardened.
America has made many beautiful laws holding truth to be self-evident. But these laws are circumvented by several other institutions, namely the legal justice system, which includes all forms of law enforcement by any name from local to federal to global.
Also, what one law gives, several other laws take away.
Furthermore all “remedies” so far, have the effect of pain killers that do nothing about the causes of the pains.

America has never scored above an “F.” Read the progress report for yourself.

This means many things, such as, you can't get a good education from a nation who has always failed harmony.
The only people who get a good education are those whose self-education outweighs the education they get from America's institutions.
Just because a certain type of education allows you to get a higher paying job does not quality that education as a good education.
The standard for a good education must be rooted in the person's thinking and behavior in relation to the rights of creation.
In other words, as master teachers have said, a good education means understanding the proper use of the power you have.

Neither can you get the health you need by using the same worldview context as a sick country. Rampant cancers, diseases and other names for sickness are proof enough.
America is in no ways, the best place in the world....unless failure is the only option.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Mestrea, Mestraea, Mestria Defined & Recombined
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1538


(Part 9pp of 11)

Before the Egyptians reached the area that is today called Egypt, the Egyptians were already Egyptians.
Back then, to be an Egyptian was to be a later form of what you already were.
Not only that, but to be in Egypt meant to be in the same place in a different location and stage.
Likewise, Earth did not come ready made. We already know Lower Egypt was once part of the Great Green Sea. But there's more to the story.
Earth also had to grow and develop like all other lifeforms, all other planets, all other stars, all other bodies. Same as other creations, Earth was formed from a seed that had to unpack and specialize to develop its different parts. This is why Earth was, and still is, one land mass. Just because part of your body is sometimes underwater doesn't mean it stops being one body, still connected above to the below.
Land on Earth has simply become separated by being submerged in water. At the equator, Africa is a plateau. From this point, land began to form in various directions out of the mes deposited from the abyss by the four rivers. The entire Nile (Gihon) did not exist as it does today. Neither was Lower Egypt the only land formed from the mes. Land began to be formed in Khartum. From Khartum to the Great Green Sea (Mediterranean) is the area called Mestrea.

Understanding Mestrea By Word Association

Mestrea is a form of Mest-ru, the rebirthplace or otherwise stated as the second birth place or the outlet from the birthplace. Mestrea is formed from the mes, the primordial matter from the Khaos abyss containing all essences of the elemental souls of life. (BB 447/459)
Sample Of Variations: Mest-ur, Mitzr, Muzr. Muzau, Mesr, Metzr, Mazr, Mizr, Mestraim, Mitzraim, Mestruan, Mest-ruan, Muru, Meroe, Merowe, Mes-terui, Kep-en-teriu. (UC#1238), (UC#1242), (BB 4-5/16-17, 34/46)

Mest-ru and Mest-ur are the Egyptian equivalents for the Hebrew Mitzr, plural Mitzraim.
Mest-ur is the chief and most ancient place of birth which is not to be limited to Lower Egypt. Mestur expresses both the eldest born and the oldest birthplace. (BB 3-5/15-17)

Mestrea begins with Khebma.
Khebma begins in the great lakes region and expands in all directions around the globe and fills the entire globe. There is no land on this Earth and no people on this Earth that do not begin in the Great Lakes Region of Eastern Africa.
Khebma modifies into Khcb and Kam. These three words are the names of lands and names of groups of people. Mitzraim is Khebma, Kheb or Kam. The children of Mitzraim are the Ari or Kabiri or Kamari or Arians. (BB 456/468 )
Mitzraim is not just a name of the area that is today called Egypt. At a minimum, Mitzraim began in Khartum, but totally, Mitzraim refers to all of Africa, thus to all lands, because not only was Africa formed out of the mes as the Mest-ru, but so were all other lands. Therefore, Mitzraim, Mestrea, Kheb, Kam, Khemi, Egypt, Ta-meri, Aethiopia, Karua, Aeria and many other names are names for Earth, because even Earth itself was formed as mes out of the waters of Nun. All lands of Earth are parts of the whole, thus take their identity from the whole. (BB 3/15)

Mestrea Is Earth

Earth is one land separated into many parts by waters.
Humans are one people separated into many parts by murky water memories.
In the northern heaven, Nut, the abyss of heaven, contains Cassiopeia which is close to the release point of the Milky Way River. In the southern heaven, Nut contains the River Iarutana (Eridanus). These two rivers above are the same as the White & Blue Nile. These two rivers above combine to form the mes, the mass of Earth.
There is Metrea on Earth below and Mestrea above. And just like below, Earth is only one of the parts of the celestial Mestrea.

Place is like race. It's all one pie that depends on how you slice it and name it.
Then the pie is recombined and sliced again and named again. This process is never-ending.

Who you once were as the descendants of twins, you are now as the descendants of their grandchildren.
Who you once were as Pangeans, Karuans and Africans, you are now from the lands separated by the waters above, but connected by the land below the waters.
All of this speaks to your context, worldview, utamawazo, definitions, meanings, perception, awareness, orientation and understandings.

Bringing us back down to Earth, I repeat. Mestrea begins where the waters and mes from the abyss originate out of Nyanja ya Tanganyika and Nyanja ya Ukerewe. However, I have temporarily limited our focus of Mestrea to beginning at Khartum because we are expanding our mind in stages. We are expanding Mestrea from beginning at Lower Egypt to beginning at Khartum. We are also expanding Mestrea from ending south of Philae to ending where the Delta of Lower Egypt merges with the Great Green Sea.
This is again for the purpose of helping us understand that we must expand the location of Egypt from the commonly stated Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt designations and extend Egypt at least all the way up south to Khartum.
Egypt, Mestrea and Khartum share the same meaning, yet they are only part of the even larger Egypt, larger Mestrea and larger Khartum.
We can understand these things better by remembering basic processes of evolution relating to all creations. Earth evolved in stages, yet the entire place is and was, still the same Earth. Humans evolved in stages, yet the entire people, is and was, still the same humans. Locations where humans congregate evolve in stages, yet, the sum of all those places, is and was, still the same place and the same people. A rose by any other name is still a rose, even each petal when separated. These evolutions of natural fact and of human understandings represent births and rebirths.

At this point in our journey in the spiritsphere, we know there is more than one Earth. Now we also know there is more than one Mestrea and more than one Egypt. In each case, there is more than two. There are many. One and Many are two truths.

Kharum, Khartoom, Kartoum Where Ancient Egypt Extends

Khartum begins at 15.5 degrees north latitude and goes for another 8 degrees to 23.5 degrees which is the end of the tropical zone. Eight is also the number of the feminine composite as Kar-tek (Otava, Octavia). The end of the northern tropics could be the transition from feminine Ptah to masculine Ptah.

What we can say with a high degree of certainty is that Khartum, at one point in time, was inclusive of the cataract containing Skail Island and also inclusive of the highlands of Koloe. Even if this is not true of Khartum, it is true of Mestrea. Khartum is likely where the stellar or luni-stellar began or perhaps both.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Morse, Jedidiah, "The American Universal Geography: Or, A View of the Present State of All the Kingdoms, States and Colonies in the Known World," Lincoln & Edmands, S.T. Armstrong, West, Richardson & Lord, (Boston:1819), Seventh Edition, Vol II of II.

Cory, Isaac Preston, "Ancient Fragments Of The Phoenician, Chaldean, Egyptian, Tyrian, Carthaginian, Indian, Persian, And Other Writers; With An Introductory Dissertation: And An Inquiry Into The Philosophy And Trinity Of The Ancients," William Pickering (London:1832), Second Edition

For Initiates: (Cory: Ancient Fragments 38, 230, 237-8), (BB 3-5/15-17, 29-30/41-2, 33-4/45-6)

Racism, An Equal Opportunity Employer, Still Hiring
Unity Consciousness #1536


(Part 9pn of 11)

Until racism is dealt with from a system perspective and its extensive network and foundation dismantled and eradicated, we will keep mentioning racism, lest we fall into the trap of thinking, lack of constant mention means lack of constant occurrence, thus falsely think racism is an infrequent act perpetrated by a small number of individuals against a small number of individuals.
Lest we immaturely think racism is wearing blackface or a white hood or calling someone nigger. No! That's stupidity. Racism is a deep abiding mental illness that also poisons body, emotion and spirit. A person can be individually stupid, but not individually racist. Racism requires the collective consciousness of an enormously large group of people who exist in every aspect of life worldwide. Racism is not just an American problem. It exists in China, in India, in Europe, of course, in Brazil, in Africa, in the Caribbean and in many other places. These are not independent places of racism, they are all part of the same collective racism the permeates the entire culture and all major institutions, not limited to government, religion, schools, media, entertainment such as sports, politics, law, business, labor, non-profits. Racism does not equal KKK, no more than the fingernail on your pinky finger equals your body.
Every time you identify a racist act or person or hear about a racist act or person, you should ask yourself what does this person think and where did they get that logic from. Follow the trail. Also ask what supports that kind of behavior? Follow the trail. If you follow either trail you will end up at the foundation of the culture, the foundation of the people, the foundation of who the people think they are and the foundation of what causes people to think they have the right to infringe upon the rights of another group of people. You must learn to be more thorough in your critical analysis of all the causes and effects and how they connect.
Be very clear, that none of those white people crying foul about the Governor of Virginia in blackface has every come out publicly and consistently and loudly protested against acts of racism, not even when the racism is the murder of people by police. Stop falling for the okie doke. The only reason these white folks are claiming to be against racism is because this is one group of white people trying to get power from another group of white people. It is not about racism. They are using racism as a way to get power for themselves, not to put an end to the foundations of racism.
Racism teaches one group to think in terms of superiority and privilege and another group to think in terms of inferiority, minority and underprivileged. As a result, this thinking concludes that whatever the superior and privileged does, must be right and okay because, most certainly, the inferior cannot possibly intellectually challenge us or have no moral standing with our God. To go along with this, both sides are taught FEAR.
Racism logic, once deployed will employ any means necessary to manifest fully and for as long as possible. Racism is still hiring all applicants and never fires anyone,except, of course, those who think they are simply working for a company or government.
Racism is an equal opportunity destroyer as an employer of genetic potential. Racism uses your genetic potential to infringe upon the rights of another human just because that human belongs to a group designated by the culture as “fair game” in a 365/24/7 hunting season. Racism destroys the doer who conceives, the doee who receives and the doer who carries out the logic. Racism is the poison that keeps on giving. Once a system of poison is established, then that poison knows no color or has no allegiance to the hands that breed it and feed it. Racism is an equal opportunist. Poison gets some of that action whenever and wherever it can. It is insatiable. This we already know.
This is why generations of doers are sicker and sicker. The maintaining of racism logic drains the life force of those who support it. And this is why the children of a racism culture have all manner of diseases and cancers. Racism continues to weaken all four inseparable aspects of self. And this is why the trickle down and diffusion of racism poison becomes normalized in the behavior of children who must mirror the adults. As macro, so micro.

The poison gas of people who are old farts doesn't just pass away and allow the rest of us to have a sense of relief and rest in peace. The poison gas of old farts is transfused into others and reborn. You can't just sweeten the poison gas of racism and think that breathing “air freshener” is okay, healthier, and preferable to pure air free of toxins. No! You have to change the conditions that produce the poisons of racism and removes all transfusions of racism logic, so injuries can be healed completely once and for all. Otherwise the air is not cleared, minds are not cleared of racism, thus behavior continues unabated, unremediated.

The whole circle of truth is: (1) racism affects the doer who conceives on the front end who must damage their spirit in order to damage others; (2) racism affects the doee who receives; and (3) racism affects the doer who swallows the poison in order to carry out the logic. All the live long day, racism affects doers who claim not to be poisoned. This poisons current and future generations which sets them up for non-viability in a changing superhuman world.

On a regular basis, God purges Earth using fire, water, wind and sun. Species come and go, rise and fall. This also takes place at the Great Year level. The Great Year consists of long seasons covering hundreds of years and thousands of years. In the presence of amnesia, this makes the changeability of things seemingly impossible. It also makes the means to the end of seasons misunderstood. When racism poison arrived on the scene, the superhuman immune system began working on an antidote. The plague and poison of racism-type logic is being met with offsetting plagues. These offsetting plagues are actually cures, but the poison producers and virus makers and cancer creators don't quite see it that way. This process of transition from one truth to the other truth has taken place many times in the history of superhumans and humans.

Racism strikes at the core because it is a collective based poison. An entire group of people drinks poison, then carries out their madness on another group. This requires constant drinking. Otherwise they'd sober up, and if racism poison logic was no longer available to them, they'd go through withdrawal, make the logical adjustments and then think and behave in a healthy fashion. This is not what is taking place among the collective who depend on racism to keep them from trembling and happy. As discussed elsewhere in terms of “victims,” racism logic must first destroy the superhumanity of an entire group of attackers so they can be programmed to attack actively and passively and feel righteous. As a result, even among the doers, their dealings with each other is disaster-filled and has no allegiance except when it comes to racism.

Racism is poison is corrupt logic is an equal opportunity destroyer and employer once it is unleashed and allowed to circulate in the system.

In The Midst Of What We Think Is Just Theory

Using one example, America, we can understand how racism is used to delude. The majority of crime in America is caused by racism. Racism is the main driver of the culture of America. Otherwise, America, as currently configured with haves and have nots, could not exist.

Another word for America is “the white collective.” Yet Americans claim to want to fight crime and corruption, but the white collective Americans do not fight against racism. They do the opposite. So the crime they are talking about is a smidgen of the total crime taking place. The majority of the crimes they are talking about have causes and effects tied to racism. If Americans really wanted to fight crime, they would stop all the lies in their education system and media system and television programs. That's just one of the main things they'd do. When you think of crime in America, but do not also think of racism, you have been hypnotized, okie-doked, and bamboozled by the fragments in your mind. Crime in America is more equal to the white collective than crime is equal to “minorities.”

Using another example, we are reminded that genderism is an earlier form of racism. Both genderism and racism are superiority based poisons where one group, as a collective, infringes on the rights of another group, as a collective.
Genderism and racism go hand in hand, except genderism is a double agent working for racism and against racism. In other words, part of the collective who is fighting for gender equality is also supporting racism. These women will not change as they get more gender equality. They will simply use that power to support more racism. To say this another way, the fight of white women for gender equality is not a fight for equal rights for all humans. The fight of white women for gender equality is not a fight for the equality of “women of color” as humans. “Women of color” are being used by white women, so white women can get power from white men, but white women have no intentions of changing the system of racism against “women of color.”

So to you black women I say, if a white woman talks to you in terms of female solidarity, question her behavior in terms of who you are as a woman of color. Question her and listen to how she talks about incidences when racism is an issue or should be the issue. It shouldn't take more than a few conversations for the facade and veneer to be exposed.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Great Moments In World History:
Khartum, Part Of Egypt & Mestrea
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1535


(Part 9pm of 11)

The more we understand the monumental nature of how large Egypt actually is, then we can better understand the geographic range of where to look for Egypt's monuments. We can also better correlate information relating to the Age of Egypt such that if an Age of Egypt is given that does not include the full geographic range of Egypt, then we should know something's missing from the story being told.
Consider a basic truth. Just because you are now called by a particular name and you are now located in a particular place, doesn't mean that's where your life started. Your life is inclusive of the entire timeframe when you existed as sperm and egg. Your life also includes every stage of development, even if those stages have different names such as baby, child, toddler, kid, teenager, adult, ree-ree, reb, rebby, reba, riva, beckie, miss bekka jones, miss becky smith, mrs. rebecca jones-smith. All of these are the same person.
We know that whenever and wherever we find this person today is not where they started and is not the whole story.
Therefore no matter how many names Egypt has or has had, Egypt is still Egypt. And no matter how many times the geographic boundaries of Egypt has changed according to human reckoning, Egypt is still Egypt in its fullness, despite our inaccurate reckonings.

As a second example. Just because the Judaeo-Christian reckoning says the world began 6,000 years ago, doesn't make it so. We know this because it doesn't add up with other information. Likewise just because we call Earth, the big blue marble, does not stop it from being the world, a planet, a star. And just because we think the world is limited to our continent or to the top layer that we stand on, doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't exist. We know this because of other information.

The more we understand the true age and geographic range of Egypt, then we can also remind ourselves of basic things that need not be proven again, such as the natural fact that for most of world history, the overwhelming majority of Egyptians were black people. And even in the worst of times of the last days of Egypt of the past 13,000 years, Egypt was still overwhelming filled with black people. Under no circumstances was the majority Egyptian skin color white-looking or semite-looking or arab-looking in the manner those three groups look today. Very few Egyptians could pass for the always promoted lighter portion of any of those three groups. Yet, still today, on TV, on PBS, on NOVA, and history channel, are programs about Egypt and the Great Pyramid at Ghizeh, that portray the population of Egypt as looking like the three groups above, and not a black face in the crowd. This is quite ridiculous, quite the blatant lie and part of the core reason racism still exists fully intact at the heart and soul of all countries that promote such mental illness (incongruent logic).

In addition to the daily dedication to misrepresentation of who the people were, telepathic vision is being used by those three groups, and others, to continue to program into your brain, dozens of other lies about world history. See any post on this blog regarding history, world history, education, miseducation.
The word Egyptian is equal to the word Aethiopian and Mestrean and Kamite and Kushite and Hamite and Nubian and also equal to many other words.
The words are different, but that difference only relates to different stages of development. Thus those words contain layers of meaning regarding the location of the people, the age of the people and what else was going on during that stage of development under that form of the name.

Confusion was meant to be a necessary condition for The Only One to overcome. Thus, also, so are moments of clarity. And by now we are beginning to understand that “moments” exist on small scales and large scales. The time is now for Great Moments of clarity, based on the changing channels of vibration frequency being broadcast over the spirit web of the telepathic vision greater than human tv.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Intro To Number Fifteen & Khartum, Khartoom, Khartoum
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1534


(Part 9pl of 11)

Also Kartum, Kartoom, Kartoum.

First we remember what a number is: Numbers combine all forms of truths to form the complete circle, thus numbers re-present the image of nature to communicate the whole picture. Numbers are not simply for counting. More broadly numbers are for re-counting (reckoning).
Additionally, in keeping with revelations from UC#1532, we also understand numbers are another form of divine speech. Numbers are one of the languages of the gods, who are the elemental souls of life, who are divisions of spirit-soul, or what is later termed, Evolutions of Ra.

Head Notes

From the equator to either of the poles is 90 degrees. This forms the half-circle circumference of 180 degrees.
Each degree of latitude is 60 nautical miles, thus the distance from the equator to either of the poles is 5,400 nautical miles or 10, 800 miles to travel half-way round the world, as the ship sails.
Every 15 degrees latitude is 900 nautical miles which is one-sixth of distance from equator to pole or one-twelfth of the distance from pole to pole.
The Tropic of Cancer is from the equator to 23.5 degrees North or 1,410 miles. The Tropic of Capricorn is from the equator to 23.5 miles south of equator or 1,410 miles.
In Africa, the northern tropics end near Kalabsha of old. This town is now submerged in what is now Lake Nasser before reaching Asuan (Aswan). This is as good a place as any to remember that the current inhabitants of Egypt are long lost Egyptians, who are so lost, they are completely against the original version of themselves. The Aswan High Dam is a recent creation that created Lake Nasty, which floods many lands south of the the dam under the pretty sounding name of lake and reservoir. Most dams worldwide must go, to allow the waters to freely flow. And they will, come hell and high water. Tsunami's from the ocean are just one form of tidal wave. Earthslides of mes containing mud, rocks, trees, etc. are another. This represents the shedding of skin and resetting of equilibrium. Vibration waves are another (earthquakes). Wind waves are another. Heat waves are another.
In Africa, the southern tropics end just before reaching Maribana, South Africa.

Nautical miles.
Latitude and the tropics.

The approximate location of Kalabsha must be ascertained by referring to the map of Lake Nasser inclusive of old names, then comparing it to Google maps of Lake Nasser and clicking on the same location and checking the coordinates by right clicking to get as close to 23.5 degrees as possible.

Longitude starts at the meridian (the vertical equator). We know Earth's center is where the Prime Meridian intersects with the Equator. This is just off the west coast of Africa near the Islands of Sao-Tome and Principe. However, the center of Earth's mass is where the Great Pyramid at Ghizeh is located. This position is 29.9792° N, 31.1342° E. This is a difference of approximately 30 degrees north of Earth's equator and 31 degrees east of Earth's prime meridian or122,000 square nautical miles based on 60x (60x1.13)=4,068x30. This is how much Earth's two center points differ. Therefore Earth must be balanced on another vibration frequency, another Meridian and Equator, and another circle, be that the solar system or solar circle of the Great Year.

Intro To Khartum

Khartum is located at 15.5 degrees north of the equator which is between fifteen and sixteen degrees. Latitude wise, this is halfway between Earth's center and Earth's center of mass. Latitude wise this is approximately 900 miles from the equator and 900 miles south of the Great Pyramids at Ghizeh and at Old Cairo. Longitude wise this is slightly east of Earth's center of mass or approximately 90 nautical miles.

Khartum is part of Mestrea which extends from Khartum to the Great Green Sea. We know Koloe and Khartum are close in proximity and both are part of South Karua. Present day Coloe is likely more in line with Skail Island. We have already determined that formerly Coloe was Koloe as Kalua is Karua which is a bigger area encompassing the great lakes and the entire Nile valley. These four locations represent transition points and births of another form of the child, the ever-coming one elemental soul of life, who each time brings forth different manifestations of genetic potential.

What Begins At Khartum

1. reunion of Nile above and below

2. the inundation

3. Through the mestru outlet, the oldest mest-ur waters of Nun on Earth gives birth to land as mes. The child of mes is the Mes-su or messu or messiah. Therefore, mes as land is a form of the ever-coming one, the savior of the world, the circle, the kar, the kar-ter, the krater, the creator. Mes as land contains all of the elemental souls of life. Mes as land contains the holy spirit, Ra in the form of Ar. And this is why mes as land can be used to form mes as man. And this is why what keeps humans alive is all the productions and byproductions of mes as earth. And this is why Ar as star is an element factory. And this is another reason why Earth is a Star.

4. mater-nity (na-ti) gives birth to child as land as Khartum as a prelude to birth of child as man as Atum, both of which are prior to being begotten of the pater-nity (na-ti).

5. cataracts

6. transformation of Mdw Ntr into a form more specifically for humans as opposed to Mdw Ntr of gestures and sounds shared by other animals and creations.

7. Mdw Ntr writing

8. addition of written history to go along with oral history

9. stellar and luni-stellar mythology

10. rule by Auritae princes under the divine reign of Hephaestus. (Khepha, Khefa, or Kefa as mother and child).

11. Karua and Kalua divides into at least three zones: (1) place of convergence of White & Blue Niles, (2) lower location on Skail Island, (3) higher location in Koloe. This is the Kep-en-teriu.

12. Egypt, or what can be called, Ha-Keb land or Ha-kebu-lan or Alkebulan.

13. this spot reserved for more potential beginnings.