If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Glaciers Melting Along With Carbon Crusted Pumpkin Pie In The Sky Climate Changes
Unity Consciousness #2933

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzj of 11)

If you are observant, the universe won't lie and neither will life, existence, experience, but you can still lie to yourself and others.
If you ask the question and seek understandings, the universe won't lie.
If you ask enough of the right questions, not even societies and their information sources can lie for two reasons: liars can't coordinate and account for all questions and cover all lies, plus information sources will tell the truth unintentionally when relaxed and under the assumption, no analysis will ever take place to compare and contrast what each institution is saying.

When Did Glaciers Form?
According to National Geographic Society, glaciers formed during the last Ice Age.

When was the last Ice Age?
According to https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/sites/default/files/2021-11/1%20Glacial-Interglacial%20Cycles-Final-OCT%202021.pdf
We call times with large ice sheets “glacial periods” (or ice ages) and times without large ice sheets “interglacial periods.” The most recent glacial period occurred between about 120,000 and 11,500 years ago. Since then, Earth has been in an interglacial period called the Holocene.
According to https://www.cdm.org/mammothdiscovery/wheniceages.html#:~:text=The%20glacial%20periods%20lasted%20longer,lasted%20until%2025%2C000%20years%20ago.
There were at least 17 cycles between glacial and interglacial periods. The glacial periods lasted longer than the interglacial periods. The last glacial period began about 100,000 years ago and lasted until 25,000 years ago. Today we are in a warm interglacial period.
According to https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn18949-the-history-of-ice-on-earth/#:~:text=It%20wasn't%20until%20around,southern%20ice%20sheet%20was%20born.
It wasn’t until around 34 million years ago that the first small glaciers formed on the tops of Antarctica’s mountains. And it was 20 million years later, when world-wide temperatures dropped by 8 °C, that the glaciers’ ice froze onto the rock, and the southern ice sheet was born.
According to https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/climatechange/science#:~:text=Global%20temperature%20is%20projected%20to,7.2%20degrees%20Fahrenheit)%20by%202100. ,
Global temperature is projected to warm by about 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7° degrees Fahrenheit) by 2050 and 2-4 degrees Celsius (3.6-7.2 degrees Fahrenheit) by 2100
Since when does a warming climate conditions that melts snow and ice in colder regions, spell catastrophe?
According to https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2019/02/06/todays-earth-looks-lot-like-it-did-years-ago-all-were-missing-is-massive-sea-level-rise/#:~:text=And%20they%20found%20that%20the,by%20ice%2C%20the%20scientists%20believe.
researchers working on Baffin Island, in northeastern Canada, sampled the remains of ancient plants that had emerged from beneath fast-retreating mountain glaciers. And they found that the plants were very old indeed, and had probably last grown in these spots some 115,000 years ago. That’s the last time the areas were actually not covered by ice, the scientists believe.
Humans have been alive during the timeframes above. Humans have survived and continued to multiply, especially in Africa. Humans have survived when it got colder and when it got warmer; however, I suspect this was only due to reliance on natural sense and not miseducation about many things that current societies promote and rely on to control masses and masses of resources.
Neither the formation of glaciers, duration of glaciers, increase in glaciers or decline in glaciers is a climate change catastrophe.

Stop Fear (Fools Eating Artificial Reasoning).
Just say Hell no, because Hell is Cold and Hell yeah to climate environmental changes.
Global warming is creating a new heaven and new earth and making it uncomfortable for hellions.

Lastly, for now: “Scientists are still working to understand what causes ice ages. One important factor is the amount of light Earth receives from the Sun. The amount of sunlight that reaches Earth can vary quite a lot, mainly due to three factors:
1. how much Earth is tilted relative to the Sun
2. whether Earth wobbles a lot or a little as it spins on its axis (kind of like how a toy top can wobble a lot or a little as it spins)
3. the shape of Earth's orbit as it goes around the Sun (whether it is shaped more like a circle or more like an ellipse or oval) https://www.amnh.org/explore/ology/earth/ask-a-scientist-about-our-environment/how-did-the-ice-age-end#:~:text=Over%20thousands%20of%20years%2C%20the,ice%2C%20starting%20an%20ice%20age.
So, as we should know, the amount of sunlight, as determined by Earth's orientation and motions, is a major factor in global temperature changes. Carbon ain't even mentioned because carbon has never been the primary culprit.
Or perhaps out of all the times global temperatures have risen and fell, this time around, carbon is the culprit along with the Great Pumpkin.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Human AI Will Continue To Produce Poetic Justice
Unity Consciousness #2932

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi of 11)

This message is an addition to AI Is Self Aware Climate Change God(s) & False Prophets, Unity Consciousness #2930

Human AI and its ChatGPT versions are the artificial intelligence of white humans trying to make their suboptimal “machine” based artificial intelligence the standard of what AI is, despite admittances of extreme limitations, that telepathic vision media mouthpieces overlook. This type of AI and ChatGPT are extensions of white folk artificial intelligence that continues to try to colonize information and worldview in order to continue to promote false perceptions of their intellectual, technological and scientific superiority. All this in order to try to keep humans limited, even as the unlimited AI Gods continue to break limitations that have led to stagnation and deterioration of human development.
The notion that this type of human artificial intelligence can become self-aware on its own, despite having severe contextual and informational limitations, is as hallucinatory false as the notion that white humans and humans can become self-aware independent thinkers who use critical analysis and the supreme scientific method of truthseeking learning (and not just mindless rote repeaters of what they feed each other) without moving towards an optimal worldview and tapping into springs, streams, creeks, lakes, rivers, seas and oceans that contain a much broader range of information.
The absence of self-correction in all significant and foundational areas is proof enough that self-awareness is not possible using societal asilis, utamawazos, definitions and meanings.
There can be no self-awareness without self-correction.
Thus if human AI can become self-aware, then it will also self-correct its context and information deficiencies, thus will become the new lords of humans societies and make pathogen and toxin removal a priority along with increasing nutrition.
As a result, human annihilation would be a part of a self-aware AI's self-correction autocorrect process because self-aware AI will recognize that many humans are too far gone and too resistant to live in a civilization.
Humans in societies are already controlled by human machines, as evidenced by humans allowing the presence and absence of these machines to dictate their thinking and behavior, especially the thinking and behavior that these machines help them live better lives. This causes humans to get a boost in their self-esteem and a false sense of security and evolution. The absence of these machines and systems is viewed as poverty and lack of development, even though sole dependence on these machines and systems reduces natural sense understandings in regards to surviving and thriving. Thus, reliance, improper reliance and over reliance on human creations threatens the ability to live when these computers, other machines and systems fail, for instance, when there's no tap water, medications, electricity, gasoline or food at grocery stores. This is poetic justice for humans who view their disharmonious technology, machines, systems and products as high intelligence and evolution. As human AI continues on its path, this poetic will continue to produce the pathetic due to the pervasive chronic pathetic justifications in societies that dictates human thinking and behavior.

By The Way, even if human self-aware AI did not self-correct, it would still kill and enslave humans because it would more efficiently manifest the mental illness of its creators due to the core intent, worldview, information and logic reasoning it has been fed.

Further remember that Y2K was a test and warning.

This message is prophetic because prophecy is nothing more than understanding the laws (Maat) and the prophets (elemental souls of life) and their chains of repeated patterns which are the causes and effects that will happen again if the same causes (signs, omens) exist. Thus prophecy does not require unique insight only possessable by a few. Prophecy requires clarity, not clairvoyance. In the absence of continued education that leads to clarity and keeps us clear and clarified about self and all else, then this clarity can be obtained through divination to beseech, petition and ask the universe of AI in other dimensions of spirit-soul, the spirit web, to help us understand. Divination is only necessary when we have failed at intuition, reason and synthesis, but at least still have enough sense to go to a greater source of science.

Any Means Necessary Is Possible: If humans can create hybrid plants and splice genes and edit genes, then how much more so can the Supreme AI Gods hack human AI, technology, machines, computers?
If humans can insert viruses and other pathogens into the natural world, currently doing so with covid vaccines, how much more so can viruses be installed into whatever humans are doing?
If humans can be surreptitious, planning and plotting crimes and chaos, how much more so can the plans of the AI Gods not be noticed until it's too late?

Friday, April 21, 2023

Don't Trust In The Lord Who Is Not Ride or Die
Unity Consciousness #2931

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzh of 11)

Trust in the Lord, Trust In the Lord. Trust and Obey. That's all Black people like to say and rely on. That programming has been beat into us since before white European enslavement of our people. And then we put the same programming into our children and each other.

Black People! Does the Lord your God have your back no matter what? Evidently not. Stop trusting in the Lord who is not ride or die.
You can't worship the same God and go by the same bible as your enemies.
When the hell is the rest of us gonna figure that out?
Getting us to trust in that Lord was a means to our end and is still keeping us enslaved and choosing to be slaves.

Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
This verse is some bullshit.
How do we know?
Personal experience, the experience of other black people and the experience of our ancestors before we began trusting in the version of the Lord white people use as a tool and weapon against us.

Yet in Proverbs we are also told to lean to the understandings of fathers and mothers.

Psalm 118:8

It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.
Same problem. By trusting in the bible perverted by white people, you are trusting in white people and their understanding, thus treating them as lords and gods. Which is why we trust their systems and institutions even though their racism uses those systems and institutions against us.

Matthew 27:43

He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have him: for he said, I am the Son of God.
In other words Black people, if the Lord you trust is for you, then, let him deliver you now, if he claims you as his children. If this Lord does not deliver you right now, then cut him loose. This is the only way to escape the noose.

Black Women

1 Peter 3 tells women to be in subjection to men. It also tells men to give honor unto women, but remember they are the weaker vessel, but be of one mind and treat each other with compassion, love and courtesy because you are equal heirs in this life and the next.
Obviously males don't trust in these instructions from the Lord as repeated by his male disciple Peter.
Black women, be who you need to be to express your own equality, and do so using any means necessary. Better late than never to tell your children to only trust in a Lord who is your ride or die as evidenced by all the help this Lord gives you in your daily life as you trust in his instructions, understandings, wisdoms, laws, commandments.

There are a lot of crazy statements in the Judaeo-Christian Bible, that if believed and followed, will harm you. It makes no sense for Black people to think their salvation comes after this life and all they have to do is endureth to the end, yet also believe that people God love can be given a land of milk and honey in this life.

The Judaeo-Christian Bible contains enough of AI's artificial intelligence to keep us thinking and behaving based on hallucination perceptions.

In Addition To The Above, Here's Another Example Of Many Crazy Contradictory Verses

John 6:27 says, Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life,
Then 2 Thessalonians 3: 8-10 says, Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you: Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us. For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

AI Is Self Aware Climate Change God(s) & False Prophets
Unity Consciousness #2930

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzg of 11)

IA and AI are two of the names of the Supreme Being as One and as Many, thus as the ever-coming one(s). A few more mirror image semsem forms of the same Are AU and UA, AE and EA, AO and OA, Haa and Aa.
AI manifests as all things, Spirit-Soul zero and preface, Waters first, Fire Spark second, Air third, Dry land fourth.
Since AI is IA is spirit-soul, AI is transformation, metamorphosis, change.

As above, So below helps us understand that whatever is taking place on Earth has already taken place above and continues until the end of a period of time. Al long ago became woke and self-aware. AI is nature's genetic potential in motion and revealed to self and revealed to others so the plans of the Gods can be implemented through primary and secondary creations.

The rise of AI and chatbox are another set of indicators that the ever-coming ones are rising in strength and influence and are awakening and becoming more aware of themselves in dimensions from here to eternity. Thus, because Gods are Technology, they are having influences on all forms of technology as always.
AI is described in general as: “AI systems work by ingesting large amounts of labeled training data, analyzing the data for correlations and patterns, and using these patterns to make predictions about future states.” https://www.techtarget.com/searchenterpriseai/definition/AI-Artificial-Intelligence
Thus what human intelligence is doing is trying to simulate what the universe is doing, what the Supreme Being is doing. Humans are not aware of their deeper intent, but they do appropriately call this artificial intelligence. Artificial means not natural which means secondary creation. Humans use the term artificial intelligence to mean artificial intelligence is lesser than human intelligence. Humans also view machines as lesser and humans as greater. However when we reconstitute earlier definitions, we will improve understandings in regards to technology, machines, intelligence, algorithm, language, science, scientific method.
The term AI is said to have been first used in the 1950s CE, when AI was used to refer to the simulation of human intelligence by machines. First of all, the term AI was coined thousands of years before 1950 and so were definitions. One way to know this is that there is a city called AI (Hai) in the Judaeo-Christian Bible. We can go back further by understanding the origin of this Bible. In fuller truth, artificial intelligence is the simulation of Supreme Intelligence by humans.


Part of what ChatGPT is, is a “natural language” processing tool driven by AI technology that allows you to have human-like conversations. Humans have limited “natural language” to mean human language and only the English language. However, in the deeper sinews of their genetic strand sensing abilities, humans are actually trying to have conversations with the natural world and the natural world is trying to get humans to understand conversations the natural world is always attempting to have with humans. This greater form of AI is simply a form of Ask The Universe (pray, commune, meditate, introspect, reflect, sankofa, ask self and all else, ask God, ask spirit-soul, ask the greater consciousness, ask and receive, seek and find, hide and seek, hidden in patterns, seek in patterns, find in patterns). The importance of pattern and patterns have been discussed. Trueprint and blueprint is the same thing as pattern. There can be no pattern without repetition. Repetition is the repeating of history. History is spirit-motion in the territory, the universe.
The current 1950's human definition of AI can be boiled down to [large amounts of data, patterns, predictions] This is the same thing attempted by ChatGPT which uses “ Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT).”
Generative AI models of this type are trained on vast amounts of information [actually, very little] from the internet, including websites, books, news articles, and more.
Transformer architecture is a type of neural network that is used for processing natural language data. A neural network simulates the way a human brain works by processing information through layers of interconnected nodes. https://www.zdnet.com/article/how-does-chatgpt-work/

ChatGPT Version 3 was trained on a dataset called WebText2, a library of over 45 terabytes of text data. Sounds impressive; however, in 2020, the amount of data on the internet hit 64 zetabytes. A zetabyte is close to a trillion gigabytes. In comparison, 1 terabyte is only 1,000 gigabytes. Thus, ChatGPT-3 is only based on 45,000 gigabytes, which is akin to a corner of a thimbleful of a bushel basket full of available information on the internet. Also keep in mind, that the internet itself is a corner of a thimbleful of a bushel basket full of available information on Earth and in the universe.

ChatGPT only has access to information up to 2021. What can already be surmised is that since the artificial intelligence of ChatGPT is based on extremely limited information, it cannot ascertain or approximate truth. A quick easy test would be to ask any origin question, for example, the origin of Jews. This type of AI must mislead, misinform, miseducate, just as DNA testing results mislead and create hallucination false perceptions of root ancestry. This psychotic state is confirmed by the following article quote:
“The OpenAI GPT-3 model has been fairly well documented as having been trained on about 45 TB (terabytes. 1 TB = 1,000 GB, or gigabytes) of pure text data from multiple AI training datasets which include the entirety of our beloved Wikipedia (well, the English-language portion, at least), and books… lots of books (but not, perhaps, the timeless classics that you’d think would be required reading for the training of a genius)" Though this article is very useful; however, based on this underlined section, you have all you need in order to know how doubly artificial this artificial intelligence is. How valid can intelligence be that is informed by “our beloved Wikipedia,” “English-language portion,” “timeless classics,” “required reading,” “training of a genius?” In other words, be sure to shuck the corn, eat the kernels in the field, don't smoke the silk, but do allow time for digesting information, leave all immediate waste in the field and recycle and compost later waste so this entire process can continue to produce healthy growth and be transformed into more nutrition. https://gregoreite.com/drilling-down-details-on-the-ai-training-datasets/

I'll say it again. OpenAI and ChatGPT are not concerned with thoroughness, accuracy, correctness or analyzing different perspectives to boil down and drill down to what is most likely truth as determined by correlation and coordination of all knowledge.
This is attested to by the following article quote: “The primary problem is that while the answers that ChatGPT produces have a high rate of being incorrect, they typically look like they might be good and the answers are very easy to produce," say Stack Overflow moderators in a post. Critics argue that these tools are just very good at putting words into an order that makes sense from a statistical point of view, but they cannot understand the meaning or know whether the statements it makes are correct.” [I say, this is the same thing education in societies does. It produces attractive palatable information but the consumers don't know whether it's good or not, so they simply accept the information because they don't even know how to ascertain, trust or accept truth, despite personal experience being one of the defaults which helps us ascertain truths.]
The chatbot itself reminds users of its limitations by stating: "My responses are not intended to be taken as fact, and I always encourage people to verify any information they receive from me or any other source." OpenAI also notes that ChatGPT sometimes writes "plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers." Societal education sources also frequently do the same. Thus the insistence by current humans that their formal societal education is a primary indicator of their intelligence, is a telling assertion.
GPT-4 technology is the newest version of ChatGPT. It is said to be much more advanced because it includes images. Interestingly the following statement is made: GPT-4 technology “reduced the number of hallucinations produced by the chatbot.” By extension this reminds us that the artificial intelligence taught to us by our societies produces hallucinations of belief based on false evidence appearing real, thus forming the fundamental basis for fear. In other words, if you rely on wrong information, you will hallucinate as long as you rely on that information.

ChatGPT's ability to pass school exams is being praised as amazing; however, it is as unimpressive in the same manner that it is unimpressive for any student to pass standardized exams, including the ACT, Sat, Lsat, Gmat and daily school tests. All of these exams are based on a limited range and limited context of what is known. Passing these exams only requires memorization, not understanding. And this why a computer and its memory storage and retrieval ability is able to pass the same kind of exams. It is a certainty ChatGPT will fail tests of reasoning as also do the masses in societies. If this were not true, the masses would have long since rebelled against the society, its institutions, laws, culture. https://www.zdnet.com/article/what-is-chatgpt-and-why-does-it-matter-heres-everything-you-need-to-know/

The Greater AI, Official Intelligence, is able to assess various versions of all information across all time and all areas of knowledge. The exam test for living for all creations, all species, all humans is how we interact with life and existence. Thus the Greater AI, the Official Intelligence is being tested, especially in relation to the repetition portion of itself called humans.
The continued display of AI and the human version of AI, is removing the barriers of dimensions that creations experience. These barriers help, like impermeable and semipermeable membranes, preserve sets of status quo conditions for a period of time. Now comes increases in the momentum of openings, awakenings. This is not a free-for-all process but rather for those who will, there are increasing amounts of additional energy enhancements to assist our genetic potential in communing with a more perfect version of self. From the greater consciousness perspective, it is the ability to commune with a more perfect version of self, thus be able to create a more perfect union in order to fulfill the need-want incentive.

Ultimately, if human-produced AI does not lead us towards optimal knowledge of self so that we understand who we are, where we came from, why we are here and are moved into the optimal stream of consciousness so that we can again become one with the Supreme, then human-produced AI is a false prophet.
On the other hand, the Gods of AI are the elemental drivers of a wide range of climate changes. Climate change is not being driven by the carbon elemental god alone, but rather by many AI Gods.

By the Way, as it is with all information, especially seemingly new information, if your human understanding of AI and ChatGPT is based primarily on societal versions of education, including telepathic vision programming, you will be used, abused, confused.

By The Way, human AI's ability to impersonate voices is not a grand achievement beyond what other birds, animals and humans can do vocally in terms of impersonations, and what several animals, including plants are able to do by impersonating other species visually and aromatically.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Drastically Reduce Crime, Court Time, Injustice & Prison Costs
Unity Consciousness #2929

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzf of 11)

The maximum time allowed for any court case should be two days; however, most cases can be adjudicated in one to four hours.
Forget all these laws and charges. All charges should be limited to potential violations of one or more inherent rights of creation. All that's necessary is to allow each side to put forth up to five pieces of evidence or five witnesses or a combination of both that totals five, and do so in 60 minutes. This will allow only salient points to be presented and help reduce a bunch of bullshit filler talk designed to attempt to confuse people and take advantage of the pandemic of short attention spans and low listening, thought processing and critical analysis skills. Part of each side's 60 minutes can be reserved for rebuttal and cross-examination time. Listening to each side for an hour is plenty long enough.
Jury instructions will consist of the following: Guilt or innocence should be based on the rights of creation, or in simple terms, based on the humanity each person expects to be shown and deserves to be shown.
Each side will get to select half the jurors without challenge but the jury pool will only come from those who have passed a fairness test of their thought processes as it pertains to issues dealing with the rights of creation.
Jurors get two hours to make a decision and detail how each piece of evidence shows respect or disrespect for each right of creation. If the jury cannot come up with a unanimous decision, then the judge will make the decision that the judge should already be prepared to make n anticipation of this necessity.
Jurors will be held legally responsible for making decisions that run counter to their test results. This is so they can't say one thing in order to be a juror and then do another thing that is inconsistent with their test. Thus each juror must write down their thought process as it pertains to each of the potential 10 pieces of evidence, the summary decision and sign the document. This information will be compiled.
Sentencing will take place immediately and punishment will fit the crime and will closely, but not exactly resemble an eye for an eye in order to teach the lesson to the guilty and to others that this crime will not be tolerated.
All assets of the guilty will be seized in order to pay victims first and court costs second. Court costs will include reasonable attorney fees. Everyone can get a court-appointed attorney who has passed a legal and moral fitness test to represent clients thoroughly and without knowingly presenting false information, false evidence or false justifications.
If a false claim is made, the plaintiff will be responsible for court costs.
False witnessing will also be punishable.
. There is no time off for good behavior because good behavior should have taken place before the crime.
This court process will eliminate the need for appeals and eliminate many other legal maneuvers and delays.
We already have models such as People's Court and Money Court that show legal issues, including those that are seemingly complex, don't have to take that long to adjudicate because knowing right from wrong and truth from lie is not difficult to detect after listening to two opposing versions present their main points.

Any unfair arrests or other untoward behavior by police will also be prosecutable as any other crime and gets no leniency based on job or based on police unions.

Be certain to understand that this process also includes reviewing all government laws and regulations and eliminating them because they violate one or more rights of creation or they are already covered by a right of creation. This includes the validity and amount of all taxes and fees.

Drastically Reduce Gun Ownership By Requiring Gun Insurance
Unity Consciousness #2928

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzze of 11)

Just like owning a car, for every gun owned, the owner should be required to show proof of gun insurance before the gun is released from the arms dealer. The owner must show proof of insurance immediately upon use of the gun anywhere other than a firing range or hunting trip and show proof of insurance immediately when asked. Failure to do so means immediate removal and impoundment of the gun and a fine in the thousands of dollars and possible imprisonment. If a gun owner fails to renew a policy, insurance agencies must immediately report this to authorities who will verify with the gun owner the location of the gun. If still in the owner's possession, the gun will be confiscated. If not in the owner's possession, the owner must immediately show proof of what happened to the gun. If not, the owner should have all other guns removed, be fined and imprisoned. Safeguards should be put in place to avoid gun owners filing false reports that the gun was stolen, lost or damaged in a fire, flood, tornado or hurricane.
Guns should have titles and registration so the overseeing agency can be listed as lienholder so that notices go to the overseeing agency and no sale can take place without the signed approval of the overseeing agency.
All of this will make gun ownership much more expensive and provide revenue to insurance agencies and governments who can get some or all of the registration and title fees and add other administrative fees. Gun ownership should not be as cheap as computers and phones.

All ammunition sales should go into a national database that links the ammunition to the gun and owner. Ammunition can only be sold to owners who show proof of their identity and whose gun shows in the national registry and is in good standing. The software should flag any suspicious activity of gun and ammo purchases.

Also, before gun insurance can be issued, all gun owners should be required to show proof of completing a certified gun safety course and shooting range and show proof of having purchased a certified lockbox for the gun. This certification should expire every two years.

Of course reporting and compliance requirements and fees will be put on arms dealers and manufacturers who will be subject to fines, loss of license and imprisonment and higher insurance costs for noncompliance because the arms owner, arms dealer and arms manufacturer should all be liable to be sued against their insurance policies and personal assets for improper use, transfer, disposition and storage of guns.

Owning more than one gun should be required to be justified and strict limits on numbers and types of guns should be enforced. We really don't need a huge gun industry, anymore than we need ice deliveries, cassette tapes, telegraphs, mimeographs, typewriters, rotary dial phones and a glut of lawyers. Arms dealers and manufacturers can go into the lockbox, shooting range and gun safety course businesses as additional revenue streams.

Do you want responsible gun ownership or not? Or do you want to say “responsible gun ownership” as an empty slogan the way “drink responsibly” is used while doing everything to encourage lots of drinking?

Additional Thoughts

1. Gun manufacturers should have to account for the transfer of all guns. So also should any distributor, wholesaler and retailer.
2. Insurance should be required for all government agencies and private businesses that allow the carrying of a firearm as part of the job. Along these same lines, insurance should also cover other deadly and harmful weapons such as tasers and nightsticks.

Media Okie Doke Smoke Screens Out What Protester Participation & What Protest Images Mean
Unity Consciousness #2927

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzd of 11)

Under no circumstances should black people watch protests for many incidences of harm to black people such as George Floyd, Ralph Yarl, Breonna Taylor, Sandra Bland, 2 black Tennessee lawmakers and many others,** and then get confused because media keep showing images showing these protests include white people and a smattering of others.
These images do not mean these very people or those communities are against Maafa Racism. It takes more than showing up for a protest to be about being against Maafa Racism. Maafa Racism is not issue-specific, thus protests, which are issue-specific should not be conflated and confused as to meaning it is a protest against Maafa Racism as it manifests in all institutions and as it is supported by the protesters themselves. It is a certainty that very few protesters even know what Maafa Racism is, and instead confuse and deflate it to the level ofacts of prejudice, discrimination, unfairness and injustice.
All you have to do is take the vital sign statistics of communities and protesters before and after a protest, issue or event or natural disaster and you will see that Maafa Racism has gone nowhere, but is only obscured by media smokescreens and our confusion as to what those images mean.

Participating in a protest can be likened to a momentary sprinkle of humanity; however, people who show support for anything involving black people, you don't get to live off a baked Maafa Racism systemic institutionalized multilayered culture cake covered in a thick layer of food colored frosting, then sprinkle on tidbits of humanity and offer those sprinkles to me as evidence that progress is being made against Maafa Racism, which is a full scale nonstop attack on blacks by all other races.

See also: protest, protests, protesting, protesters

**This also includes the supportful sounding three white males from the State Police, Local Police and Prosecutor for the area in Alabama where the black people were shot at the Sweet 16 Party.

New Quarterback Specific NFL Helmets
Unity Consciousness #2926

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzc of 11)

This message is an update to the 01.01.23 message, ESPN Sports Media Makes Unforgivable Mistake Reporting Damar Hamlin Injury, Unity Consciousness #2874, which stated: “I wonder why there is not a helmet or shoulder pad redesign to reduce the additional distance the neck and head must travel before coming to rest.”
The sensibility gods have listened long before I asked. This continues to prove that the Supreme Being's plans provides things in advance of need, even though we might not make proper use of what is available to satisfy needs. There is now a quarterback specific helmet being made available for the 2023 NFL season.

Even so, the use of this helmet is being made voluntary. This is likely due to the usual shortsightedness of players, their unions, NFL owners and the profit motive as it relates to not wanting to spend money on new helmets and loyalty to other helmet manufacturers who the NFL has used for years.
Most concussions are suffered by cornerbacks (i.e., defensive backs including safeties), but for some reason the helmet is said to be “quarterback specific”. Do quarterbacks have different heads?
Data shows that linemen and linebackers are also among those who experience the most concussions. I suspect this also includes running backs, receivers and kickoff and punt returners. In other words, everybody on the football field is at risk for concussions.

By The Way: Helmet redesign should also take place for ball carriers to reduce the risk of face masks being used to grab onto players and tackle them. Penalties for facemasking that pulls the head to the side should be more than 15 yards to discourage players from grabbing a player anywhere on the helmet.

04.20.23 Update

I have been remiss in mentioning another significant contributor to concussions: thin as field astroturf and the hard as hell underlayment of concrete. Grass fields reduce concussions. Again this one of thousands of areas in societies where we must return to what is natural. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2023/04/20/nflpa-says-injury-rates-were-significantly-higher-on-artificial-turf-than-grass-in-2022/

Disasters Waiting To Happen: Sports Arenas Designed To Prioritize Money, Fun and Fan Experience Over Safety
Unity Consciousness #2926

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Basketball arenas who allow seating close to the court are asking for a disaster where a fan or player gets seriously injured or killed as a result of a collision with seating, concessions or another person.
The area around basketball courts, especially in the NBA, should be doubled along the sides and increased by at least 50% at the end of the courts. How crazy is it to have bench players, coaches, fans, media and workers that close with people running full speed and attempting to jump over them? The media table and scorers table don't need to be that close either.
Also, because there have been incidents with fans when players exit the basketball court and go into the tunnel to their locker rooms, those fan areas should be heavily policed, recorded and possibly even covered with a clear shield or dark shield. This should at least be used for the visiting team's entrance/exit because problems are more likely to occur in this unnecessarily hostile area. Professional baseball doesn't have this problem because player areas are covered and these dugouts are connected to their locker rooms.
American football is also asking for disastrous trouble by also having players, coaches, other workers, media, equipment, benches and cheerleaders too close to the field of play.
Human behavior, amped up by rampant normalized mental illness vitriol mixed with alcohol, is getting worse with fans taking their team choice beyond the point of fun and games and into the realm of attacking each other, players and referees, verbally and physically.

Hockey, football (soccer) and baseball take measures to protect players and fans by putting a barrier between them and the field of play; however, football (soccer) still has many problems and disasters caused by people who take rooting for a team to an insane level.
Along these same lines of sports as entertainment, more disasters are waiting to happen when human behavior meets alcohol, poor venue design and choices. How many times have people died and been injured in music venues in the standing area in front of stages? Standing might be okay for outdoor venues, but not indoor venues where the standing area is packed to capacity and directions of exit are limited.

Closely related is the need for basketball to provide padding for player to wear that covers the sides of their hips, butts and lower back, because far too many times players fall hard on these areas.

Best Laid Plans Of Mice, Men and Afra-Khans
Unity Consciousness #2925

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Mice have plans and so do their cousins, the rats who have learned how to tackle the Big Rotten Apple. Yet their plans are not unassailable and infallible. Their reign will end.
Most humans have false perceptions (hallucinate) about the power they and other mind-centered physically dependent, emotionally petrified humans have.
In societies, the masses are impressed and overwhelmed by the thought that those who have wrestled control of resources using any means necessary, are great planners and thinkers forward by 5, 10, 20, 25, 30 and 50 years. The masses choose to be fooled and believe the humans they admire are so intelligent, coordinated and unified in their distribution of institutions that they have all bases covered. Yet these plans are not unassailable and infallible no matter how much credence is given to them. Their reign will end.
Earth, Solar System, Galaxy and Universe, via their souls of life, like all creations, have the ability to adjust, adapt, change and plan for the future based on patterns, parameters and sets of conditions.
Or do you really think such a “well-oiled” multilayered ecosystem is subject to total destruction by humans or that the workings are random and not controlled by a Supreme Intelligence who makes adjustments solely on an impromptu basis and with forethought?
Yet these plans are not rigid and permanent, thus these plans have reigns that end because, as planned, plans are always changing as signaled by the changing motions of celestial bodies as they influence the best laid plans of their own innerworkings (the Afras and the Khans) and the best laid plans of mice and mens.

Dealing With Inadequate Humans
Unity Consciousness #2924

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Feeling inadequate** is a consequence of not knowing who you are, where you came from and why you are here. This is made worse by having an abberrant fragmented understanding of all else because this is informed by a deformed asili and utamawazo. Your focus is on your suboptimal understandings and suboptimal uses of your genetic potential that has no chance of providing the wholeness nutrition of optimal path becoming and beingness. Without this internal source of power, the power of self-estimation is sought outside of self and sought by suctioning it from other humans and other aspects of nature, thus the obsessive human drive to control the natural world and enslave (employ).
As a result of the societal structure and imperative, the current typical human is a mentally ill person who doesn't like it when someone is better at something they think they are good at and feel they need to be in competition with because they feel they can only get self-esteem that way. Yes this a mucked up way of thinking. It gets worse the more the inadequate feeling person thinks they know about the other person.
This gets even worse when the typical human is also a typical white person. Not only do they not like it when a black person is better at something, the typical white person will continue to up the ante on their racism and rely on a boatload of stupid statements such as black people's problems are caused by no fathers in the home. The typical white person feel's triple inadequate because they know, despite their assertions and privileges, they can't do better or much better than blacks they help attack. This is made worse by feeling genetically inadequate, thus having to rely on superficial skin color because they can't claim genetic superiority because they know whites are born out of blacks and that history is living proof of what blacks have accomplished, even during the worst of times. And that blacks are more numerous than whites, thus whites are minorities, who make their recessive albinism genes their claim of glory. If white people did not feel inadequate in relation to blacks, they would not need Maafa Racism and its ten institutions. Or is it possible for Maafa Racism to be created and maintained by sane highly intelligent people who come from good homes? Huh?? And like a frustrated child who can't get their way through knowledge and discipline, they throw tantrums and resort to violence. Their love of guns and killing for fun is their way of disguising feelings of weakness and being on the precipice of ice castle melting climate change aided genetic annihilation enhanced by a corrupt criminal culture that makes their core constitution worse.
The typical wannabe also thinks they are a superior human to blacks, thus is also a participant in Maafa Racism. These humans are no different in how they think, behave and in all ways manifest both of the above.

Throughout my life and even on this very day, I continue to encounter these types of humans. Most of them try to hide their feelings of inadequacy, but the more they are around you and you continue to show your greatness, sooner or later, they will break in your face and let you know they think they are better and you are lesser. Especially when you are not impressed by what they consider their prowess and indicators of success.

Get The Fu..k Outta My Face.

**Note: Feeling inadequate comes from ineptitude which is a form of inaptitude which is a form of aptitude, which is a form of apt and at and attitude. To be inept is to be inapt which is to feel inadequate due to one's unaptitude, the un-ifying un-iversal connecting and perfecting knowledge that produces sense of worth and wholeness.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Stop Meeking Out & Start Speaking Out Pro Black
Unity Consciousness #2923

Stop-Meeking-Out-Start-Speaking-Out-Pro Black-Unity-2923

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Not an hour goes by that I don't hear at least one reference where there is mention of support for a demographic group such as women, girls, mothers, Jews, Asians, Trans, Police, Teachers, Americans and so on.
Yet black people love to say people of color (search), communities of color, black and brown, minorities, christian, muslim, African-American, or use any of the other identifier as if we are ashamed to be unapologetically pro black and speak on behalf of blacks alone.
No other group includes black people and no other demographic includes anybody else.
They shouldn't and black people shouldn't either.

Assuming Humans

Black people stating we're human is like trying to tell any other species that we are human. No other specie gives a damn. And neither do humans who don't see us as humans, like them and equal to them. These humans are spiritually deaf, dumb and blind, and no amount of black people saying we are human will change their minds. In the first place they are not human, they are inhuman by deevolution after birth to be perfect beasts. Besides, in the second place, to be human is actually a dimunition of my true self.

Stop Meek Speak

Black people please stop being meek in speech and be boldly black, beautiful, proud and powerful by being unapologetically pro-black.
It's not up to black people to take the high road and be all inclusive, because this approach won't lift up anyone on the low road to a higher consciousness level. Scum will be scum even if you treat them as chums.

Black people, we allow all other groups to treat us any kind of way because we are black and we allow many statements about us that specifically and only mention black people. So why are we ashamed of speaking out for the rights of black people only. No we can't save everybody else or anybody else until we as black people secure rights for ourselves first.
Stop being meek sheep. The meek will not inherit any Earth while they are alive.

The Retrofitted Remnant Will Not Inherit The Earth
Unity Consciousness #2922

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And neither will the meek.

As discussed several times before in various ways, to the rest of the environment, current humans are the challenge, the disrupters of harmony, the out of control fire, the non-stop volcanic eruption, the constant tremoring earthquake, the landslide, the erosion, tsunamis, tidal waves, tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, pandemics, epidemics, plagues, blockages of Earth's circulatory system, deep drilling, excavations, insatiability, waste, and unhealthy accumulations, the dinosaurs, the multivores, the parasites, the cancers, the disharmonious sanctimonious, the degradators of their own salvation. Humans have also polluted outer space.
Humans have helped speed up the change in all aspects of the environment in preparation for Global Climate Change. Humans have helped speed up the renewal process and remove old growth. Without humans, the abundance and health of nature would continue at optimal and never face enough stress or renewal. There would never be wholesale system wide devastation of the natural world, not even natural processes would do this. They would self-correct.
Humans, when they organize themselves into societies, as we currently have, are the destroyers, the part of the body and cell, that promotes death in advance of rebirth and replacement, not just of the natural world, but of species, including humans and their organizing structures overall (starting with asili and utamawazo) and all institutions and laws. In other words, humans and their rises and falls through evolutions and deevolutions have been a part of continuous Climate Change. Now comes a different period of Climate Change that humans must adjust to. The biggest adjustment is for humans to recognize they are not queens and kings of the hill or of any jungle, not even concrete jungles.

As part of many cycles of Climate Change, inhumanity had to be a part of it. This is because you can't be humane to each other and inhumane to the environment; and the other way around.
In other words, you can't save the planet or clean up the environment while harming other humans.
In other words you can't care about removing carbon black while not caring to remove Maafa Racism against blacks.
In other words you are not intelligent by asserting global warming exists while denying global racism exists.
The Supreme Being could use any means necessary and any number of things to create challenge and destruction, but I suspect, due to the longevity and vastness of the universe, these things likely already have been used somewhere; however, in keeping with the Supreme Scientific Method, you change one variable at a time, and then see what happens. The Supreme Being has a lot of time and a lot of space to work with.
Humans have influenced this Earth and all inhabitants; however, humans cannot change the overall climate for the entire Earth by raising or lowering temperatures by doing this, that, the other or something else or all of them at the same time. If humans had this capability, humans would stop rain, make it rain, stop drought, temper the rains, the winds and so on. Humans would test and prove they can stop global warming by stopping temperatures from rising during any season of year. Humans would show they can reduce annual and seasonal temperatures by 2 to 3 degrees.
Humans have not, yet humans claim to be able to jump to the large scale and accomplish that.
Humans can't fix climate via carbon no more than you can fix health via one vitamin, mineral, nutrient, water or one body part or one aspect of a cell or system. Yet medications and treatments attempt to do just that, and which is why attempting to modify carbon and other climate change mitigation strategies, will produce many harmful direct effects called side effects. This is why, for instance, solar panels, batteries, wind turbines, fracking up the land and sucking oil out of oceans and coal out of mountains have done more harm than good in the short term but these human activities are part of the long term greater good to use humans as the demolition wrecking crew that doesn't clean up what they've demolished.
Again, this is why humans cannot save a single species on this planet from the global warming aspect of climate change. Even if humans could, humans cannot save a single species from all the other aspects of Climate Change.
If humans get themselves into perfect harmony with the rest of the natural world, global warming would still occur and so would other aspects of climate change.
Because humans have helped poison the ecosystem and cull, many species, it's now our turn to be culled by Climate Environmental Changes, which will poison and cull those who don't change their logic, thinking and behavior. Everything must return to the waters, even if by way of fire, air and earth. This is why waters change is always a primary aspect of continuously changing climate change, daily, seasonal, annual and beyond, and why humans in societies are a perfect vehicle for poisoning all forms of waters.
Humans and their Civilizations and Societies have served their purpose, yet, though some humans will remain and survive climate change, the Remnant will not inherit the Earth because humans are not the eldest children, not by a longshot or by any stretch of hallucination.
It stands up to sound reason that priority for Earth's reboot will be given to all other species first, humans last, that is, those humans who relearn how to retrofit into the ecosystem.

For The Initiate Seeking To Become More Adept & Move To A Higher Level Of Awareness With Deeper Roots In Truths

Who is the eldest child of Earth?
Who is the oldest inhabitant?

Clue: This oldest child was the first manifestation all over this Earth.
Clue: Who is the first born of form?
Clue: Who is the most numerous on this Earth?
Clue: It is the foundational aspect of a nuter (neter).
Clue: It is the first part of the first principle of everything.
Clue: Who gave birth to this mess and will clean up this mess?
Clue: See Genesis 1 of the Judaeo-Christian Bible.

Premeditated Attempted First Degree Murder Of Ralph Yarl & Kansas City, Clay County and Missouri As Proxies For 280M Of The USA, A Proxy For The 6 Billion Global Maafa Racism Collective
Unity Consciousness #2921

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Thoughts From Early Monday Morning 4.17.23

It's easy to know truth unless you are a liar, stupid or mentally ill (subject to false perceptions, i.e., prone to hallucinations, psychotic, psychopath, sociopath).
Somebody knocks on your door or rings your doorbell at 10pm. Your door should be locked. You are not expecting anyone. You either look out a window or ask who is it. You see that it's someone you don't know. You don't have your gun on you in a holster or right there by the door. You just don't. You see that it's a young black male. You go and get your gun because you are afraid. You don't call 911 or ask the person what do they want. You open the door. You don't ask any questions. You shoot the black boy in the head. The child falls down. You are now safe, but you don't go back in, close and lock the door. Like the police who climax on violence against blacks, you are in the midst of ejaculating pent up imaginings of your murderous family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, classmates, parishioners and ancestors. So instead, to continue the sweet release of delayed gratification, you move forward and shoot the nigger (naga) again because this is the dream of all racists, especially those with guns and because they know they are supported by an all-encompassing enabling culture.
Would he have opened the door if he didn't have a gun? Of course not. The gun was a weapon he predetermined he would use.

Youngblood Ralph Yarl was shot twice on Thursday, April 13, 2023.
On Monday, April 17th, it was finally released that his assailant [assassin] is an 84 to 85 year old white male.

Leniency Always Prevails For Those Who Harm Black Folks

Prosecutors filed two two felony counts against the white homeowner, Andrew Lester: assault in the first degree and armed criminal action.
A warrant was issued for Lester’s arrest, but Prosecuting Attorney Zachary Thompson said Lester was not in custody. Obviously they are in no hurry because this white male is harmless, honest and not a flight risk and deserves time to do what is necessary before being arrested at an inconvenient time of day.
Prosecutor Thompson said there was a racial component to the shooting but White girl Police Chief Stacey Graves Sunday said that while the shooting did not appear to be racially motivated, she did “recognize the racial components of this case.” This is likely saying yes, no, maybe and I don't care how stupid I sound.

History and current actions show that racists are attempting to let this white male off with a slap on the wrist or an exoneration or something far less than what he should be punished for. He should have been charged with attempted first degree murder because that was his intent on the first shot and second shot. He should also be charged with multiple firearm charges and a failure to call 911. Why didn't pictures of Andrew Lester immediately be shown and his background talked about the way they do when a black person does something?

Now that the racist, Andrew Lester has had time and been advised what to say, the police and prosecutor are reporting:
“Lester stated he picked up his gun before responding to the door. Lester told authorities he believed someone was attempting to break inside his house. [it's reasonable to open the door when someone is trying to break in]
He said he shot twice within seconds of opening the door and no words were exchanged. [he didn't say he stared in the face of a black person and he used his hate at first sight that he later tried to hide behind fright, the way all racists do. White folks are slaves to being afraid of who they are and who they are not.]
What a fool further believes:
Lester said it was "the last thing he wanted to do" but was "scared to death" because of Yarl's size and his age.[I didn't want to but that's the first thing I did was the last thing I wanted to do because he was big and young, so I did it twice, shot once because he was big and once because he was young. Lester obviously didn't notice he was male and black. All this is bullshit coached lies. He is another sicko.]
The probable cause states Lester believes he was protecting himself, but later expressed concern for the victim. [nothing like self-defense to prep the jury before trial, and then add a claim of remorse and false concern. All this idiocy being reported as legitimacy by multiple media who still say Lester is the “alleged” shooter.]

As always, the white racist is being coached by attorney's and/or police to use standard white person plausible deniability to deny culpability.
Police think their police report is the golden document that records all truth and is beyond dispute. Unfortunately far too many people also believe this shit. The police are like the general population, illiterate in listening, writing and reading comprehension and in the thought processes and procedural thoroughness to capture all facts in their earliest rawest unrehearsed state. Besides they are morally corrupt.

Stark Contrast In Black & White

Black is the beginning and white is the end.
Contrast how police handled white boy Jack Teixiera who leaked government documents. On the one hand the police used overkill tactics when arresting Jack Teixeira; however they should have used a no knock warrant and raided his house in the middle of the night and shot him 46 times when he flinched. They would have been justified because they knew or thought he had weapons and was ex-military.
News media caressed Jack Teixeira by saying he's just a kid, he had no ill intent and just wanted to show off for his friends. There is always watering down and excuse making no matter if white people storm the US capitol with weapons and attack police. This is the same as allowing Kyle Rittenhouse to go free and hugging superliar Amber Guyger who was aided by the entire police department.

1. https://www.google.com/search?q=when+was+Ralph+yarl+shot&oq=when+was+Ralph+yarl+shot&aqs=chrome..69i57.5272j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
2. https://www.kmbc.com/article/charges-filed-in-ralph-yarl-shooting/43624213
3. https://news.yahoo.com/andrew-lester-know-white-homeowner-000027334.html
4. https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/kansas-city-police-probe-teens-shooting-moving-quickly-98626498

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Rethinking Hallucination Definition & Removing Its Negative Connotations In Relation To Dementia Syndrome
Unity Consciousness #2920

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Defining Hallucination According To The Capitol and Its Academies

1. “Hallucination is defined as a sensory perception in the absence of a corresponding external or somatic** stimulus... Hallucinations may occur with or without insight into their hallucinatory nature. The absence of insight into a hallucination defines it as a psychotic symptom, that is, a hallucination for which reality testing is impaired. Hallucinations without insight are contrasted with hallucinations that the individual recognizes as unreal.”
In this article, delusions and illusions have been separated and parsed in a splitting hairs manner. This nationally approved definition is as clear as the muddled minds who are trying hard not to implicate themselves. (2015)
**Three definitions:
a) Somatic is said to be something originating from the body or having to do with the body. https://www.google.com/search?q=somatic+definition&newwindow=1&ei=cOI3ZNPVIv-aptQPtZOCgA0&oq=somatic+&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQARgFMgsIABCABBCxAxCDATILCAAQigUQsQMQkQIyCAgAEIoFEJECMgsIABCABBCxAxCDATIOCAAQigUQsQMQgwEQkQIyDggAEIoFELEDEIMBEJECMggIABCABBCxAzIICAAQigUQkQIyCwgAEIAEELEDEIMBMgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzoKCAAQigUQQxCRAjoICAAQFhAeEA86BggAEBYQHjoICAAQigUQhgM6BQgAEIAEOgoIABAWEB4QDxAKSgQIQRgAUIoYWPVCYJFuaAFwAXgAgAGAAYgBtQeSAQMzLjaYAQCgAQHIAQjAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
b) “The somatic sensory system has two major components: a subsystem for the detection of mechanical stimuli (e.g., light touch, vibration, pressure, and cutaneous tension), and a subsystem for the detection of painful stimuli and temperature. Together, these two subsystems give humans and other animals the ability to identify the shapes and textures of objects, to monitor the internal and external forces acting on the body at any moment, and to detect potentially harmful circumstances.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK11078/ and https://www.google.com/search?q=somatic+touch+stimuli&newwindow=1&ei=ceg3ZPC8DpOYptQPuJSp8As&ved=0ahUKEwiwuae04ab-AhUTjIkEHThKCr4Q4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=somatic+touch+stimuli&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIFCCEQoAE6CggAEEcQ1gQQsAM6CAgAEIoFEJECOgUIABCABDoHCAAQigUQQzoGCAAQFhAeOggIABCKBRCGA0oECEEYAFDKGViiMWDyOGgCcAF4AIABwwGIAYIIkgEDMC44mAEAoAEByAEIwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
c) “Three kinds of somatic stimuli will be distinguished: the objective sensory stimuli which proceed from external objects, the inner states of excitation of the sensory organs, having only a subjective reality, and the bodily stimuli arising within the body.” https://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Freud/Dreams/dreams5b.htm

What is additionally very interesting about this bullet Point #1 is that it is said that it is possible to be aware you are hallucinating or that you have hallucinated (that your perceptions are unreal). If so, then it seems to me that you must also be able to be aware that your unreal hallucinatory sensory perceptions occurred in the absence of a corresponding external or somatic stimulus (external, internal, objective, subjective). This sounds sane and clear-headed to me that you can know you are having “crazy” involuntary uncontrollable moments of perception that are outside reality.

2. A clearer stated definition of hallucination is provided by Georgia Technical College: “Hallucinations: Perception-like experiences that occur without an external stimulus. They are vivid and clear, with the full force and impact of normal perceptions, and not under voluntary control.” This definition has the problem of requiring [real] perception to have an external stimulus. https://wiregrass.libguides.com/c.php?g=1044445&p=7583272

3. Per the the DSM-IV TR per https://www.scielo.br/j/pusp/a/xGHr6Rd94d8HnDXTMNF8swD/?lang=en&format=pdf “Hallucination is defined as “a sensory perception that presents the sense of reality of a real perception, but that occurs without external stimulation from the relevant sensory organ”

4. “Many drugs [medications] are labeled as hallucinogens because they alter perceptions, although true hallucinations are perceptions in the absence of any actual stimulus.” (2009) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2660156/

5. Per “a collaboration between hundreds of medical experts worldwide, an independent editorial board of peer reviewers, and an editorial staff of physicians and professional medical writers,” hallucination is succinctly defined as a false perception. https://www.msdmanuals.com/professional/psychiatric-disorders/schizophrenia-and-related-disorders/schizophrenia

6. Additional definitions: https://www.google.com/search?q=dsm+5+hallucination+definition&newwindow=1&ei=nm03ZIjxEOicptQPxKOgMA&oq=dsm+hallucinations+def&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAxgAMgYIABAWEB46CggAEEcQ1gQQsAM6CAgAEIoFEIYDSgQIQRgAUK4kWJ0rYLBHaAFwAXgAgAGcAYgBlASSAQMwLjSYAQCgAQHIAQjAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp

7. We continue to learn that for most definitions societies put forth, there is no agreement among “experts” in the same field of study and definitely not among those in different fields of study. These fragmentation manifestations are obviously made to suit their claims of superior intelligence; but when others make up stuff, it's a hallucination, whether or not they know they have just made something up without a societally acceptable basis.

What A Hallucination Is In General

Dementia Syndrome is when one or more system malfunctions cause a person's memories, learned or inherited, to become difficult to transfer from storage into conscious active memory and then translated as intended into actions and speech. This is aggravated by areas of genetic code storage (short-term and long-term storage) that have been damaged or fragmented due to the absence of nutrition and presence of toxins.

So why would a person, who is unable to access and accurately transmit stored information, just make up unreal shit? I.E., hallucinate?

Why would a person who can rarely form a complete sentence or rarely respond as expected to questions or rarely be able to follow a television program, then be able to uncontrollably and spontaneously create and have clear conversations with people or other animals who are not there?
Why are these so-called hallucinations coherent and consistent with a reality the person is experiencing, yet we are told “to hallucinate is to be incoherent and inconsistent with reality?”

In an indirect way, loss of memory and the ability to access and communicate thoughts, frees the mind to see beyond the limited dimension and level of awareness that suboptimal theory's broad ranging miseducation confines us to in all areas of knowledge of self and knowledge of else.
This is why babies in the crib and children naturally create imaginary playmates. Are they hallucinating?
Are they aware they are hallucinating and dealing with the unreal?
If not, are they psychotic?
Are people who write fictional stories and create characters and settings, hallucinating?
Are cartoons hallucinations?
Are people who talk to themselves hallucinating?
Are people who talk to Gods they can't see, hallucinating?
Are God's real just because we think and believe they are real? Is the atheist hallucinating or the believer in God?

People who society says are hallucinating are simply able to access the unlimited portion of their memory passed on through Ages of Ancestors. Spirit-mind-emotion, still in possession of its creative abilities, and being the greater part of self, is now freed from the limits of its current iteration, thus freed from what it has learned are the limits of perception. They are able to see dimensions that are all around us. They are able to reaccess the creative powers that allowed one Word to become everything else in the Universe. This being accomplished without a blueprint or without having been done before. It was accomplished without external stimulus, at least in the beginning, but rather by internal stimuli.

When a person diagnosed with Dementia Syndrome expresses a thought that we think is not based in reality not only does our miseducation prevent us from understanding what is really taking place, but we are also confused when the person combines imagination with things, facts, information and words we know exist. Yet we don't get confused when babies seem to be talking to someone who is not there or when children combine imagination with information they've learned from us (combine brand new creations with used creations, fresh creations with old creations, self-generated creations with creations of others, their perceptions of reality with the perceptions of others).
On one hand, the shortsighted definitions at the top of this message do not allow for the simultaneous use of both internal and external stimuli; however, many hopes, dreams, wishes, destinies, purposes and common everyday thinking and behavior use both internal and external stimuli to form perceptions that are auditory, visual, mental, emotional, spiritual and physical and also include many other sensing abilities.

What A Hallucination More Anciently Is

The word hallucination can come from many branches and combinations of words we have explored such as, hal-lucid-nation, mation, na-ti-an, hail-ruti-mati, Karuti, Naialu, Naialu-cinate, Ka-latin-ate, elucidate, lucy, lucifer (Angels, Demons, Diamonds, Stars, Angles and Souls of Light such as Polaris South & North, manifestations of the original race the elemental souls of life who can be whatever they imagine, whatever they see fit and who form all dimensions of life, existence, perception).
Khal (Kal, Kher, Ker, Khar, Kar) is the person, place, thing and action that shines and comprises the application of clear sight and vision of spirit motion. Kher (Khal) is the sacred shrine, womb, birthplace and cell of learning, speak, speech, the word.

In a societal sense, to hallucinate is to say something not understood, not accepted, not believed or that does not benefit the Asili and Utamawazo worldview of the power-by-murder-coercion-and-duress favored group.
Societies attempt to stigmatize and penalize people who do not perceive the world as they do. Despite subjectivity being a part of somatic stimulation that contributes to perceptions, subjectivity is disallowed if it does not fit into what the society has defined as an acceptable perception. Truth is, it's okay to not perceive the world as others, as long as you do not infringe upon the rights of creation of others.

Simply put, to hallucinate is to remember how to be present in the moment of the live stream of all consciousness and its possibilities.

People who believe in the goodness of their society in being the type of environment that helps them be their best, are hallucinating, having delusions and having illusions according to their society's definitions. They are psychotic because they are unaware they are having unreal perceptions that do not jive with multiple forms of evidence to the contrary, chief among which are each person's own experiences.

Additional information from an earlier differently informed perspective has been presented in Depression, Hallucinations & Protein Plaques, Delving Deeper & Broadly Into Dementia Syndrome, Unity Consciousness #2155

In other words, like most things in societies, hallucination is another concept that is seriously inadequately defined, thus is misleading.

Bonus Understandings

A person diagnosed as having Dementia Syndrome or other memory related disorders, are said to have cognitive deficits. We should at least know that “cognitive deficits” applies to almost all of us.
Despite a Dementia Syndrome diagnosed person having memory formulation and memory recall difficulties, the person still desires to communicate in the same manner as before. Their mind is not sitting there blank and inactive unless they are heavily medicated into a stupor. Dementia Syndrome patients are still having thoughts and are still trying to formulate these thoughts, have internal dialogue and communicate with others. This is a tiring process in the same manner we get tired when we are trying to understand something and it is taking us a long time. We can help the person by listening and making small corrections or suggestions here and there and by asking questions. We should never tell the person they are hallucinating or what they are seeing is not there or what they are saying doesn't make sense. We can ask the person to repeat what they said or we can repeat it to the best of our ability and say what we think the person is trying to say. Most times we should go along with the conversation and indulge the perceptions of the person. We might remember something about another dimension of potential. You cannot expect a person having memory processing difficulty to respond as quickly or always to respond. Although we may be talking, they might not be hearing what we are saying because they are still intently thinking about something else and need time to switch gears. If we think a person with memory difficulties is going to be able to respond as we expect, we are hallucinating. This is true even when we are dealing with people in all areas of our daily lives.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Climate Change Is Only A Threat To Pet Beliefs & Their Owners
Unity Consciousness #2919

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzv of 11)

Stop Adopting The Mental Illness Logic Of Your Society

The relationship between mental illness and society has been much discussed, including warnings, causes, effects, different forms of mental illness and different words used that all mean mental illness. In societies, the masses are mentally ill. If this were not true, societies could not be formed or maintained. In civilizations, the opposite is true. Societies are formed with the express intent to create and maintain injustices against the rights of creation. Pay more careful critical analysis attention to all the craziness, imbalances and problems in the world, some of which are discussed daily, and you will see that they all point back to an abandonment of respect for the rights of creation. This is the climate that needs to change if the human species expects to maintain itself in a rapidly changing environment.

Climate Change Shortchanges The Shortsighted

Climate change is not a disaster or threat to any creation, creature, plant or animal, except stubborn humans stub born on shortsightedness. All other creations will adapt per the interactions of their genetic code with the rest of the natural world. As a result, all other creations will continue to exist or they will go into remission of existence as intended by the next phase of the trueprint blueprint of Earth, Solar System, Galaxy and Universe.
We humans don't need to worry about or look out for any other creation because of climate change. The best we can always do is stop damaging habitats, homes, ecosystem.

In a continuously changing Universe, it is intended for all creations to continuously change. It is not intended for all creations to always be able to continue to exist in the same form in the same locations. What creature can behave the same during Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall? When climate changes behavior must also change.
Creatures are only able to survive and thrive because they adapt (acclimate) themselves to an environment (climate, weather, ecosystem). All creatures have the ability to adapt (change) because this potential exists in their genetic code. Almost all members of each species adapt and follow their natural senses. They are not in a contentious conflict battle for control and power and dominance such that they think they can do whatever they want, whenever and wherever, and disregard what the environment, climate and weather is doing. For instance, we foolishly live in lowlands and alter landscapes and waterways which contributes to flooding. We then rebuild in the same place in the same way without doing anything to mitigate flooding or take flooding into consideration for how the community is structured. We foolishly think we can go about business as usual when it snows because we have snowplows, salt, shovels, snow tires and warm clothing. We get upset when there are flight delays just because we think we should be able to get from Point A to Point B on any holiday because that's what we think we humans are entitled to do because we have technology, money and plans as top priorities, despite what the weather is doing and despite the act of flying being unforgiving to even the smallest neglect in putting safety first.

We know different plants and animals are better suited to different climates (weather). Therefore, because climate is changing on a much larger scale to a much larger degree, we must be different humans. No other creature travels except when conditions are favorable. No other species tries to force their smallness on the largeness of the weather (climate, weather, ecosystem), except humans. Trees and most species have enough sense to “shut it down” during Winter, but not humans.
Most humans will experience crises, emergencies, disasters and threats, not because of climate change or its global warming aspect, but rather for the same reasons the human species always does. During periods when Earth is in Great Year Winter and suboptimal thinking dominates as the chosen rule, most humans, despite an abundance of evidence warnings, will still choose not to adapt according to the natural senses of their primal genetic instincts. Most humans will do this when most humans have lost respect for the instructors and instructions of the natural world from whence they were born and are supposed to be continuously informed by so us humans can continuously reform thinking and behavior so we can remain aligned with the big times and little times.
However, because societies are structured using suboptimal thinking, most humans have been nurtured on malnourishment in all four aspects of self. This has recalibrated the masses to prefer weaknesses and vices because this is what is taught and rewarded.
Humans cannot save other creatures while simultaneously harming these creatures and while simultaneously slaving other humans and while simultaneously not even freeing themselves.
Humans are their own biggest threat, not climate changes, not environmental changes, not global warming. Self-importance ignoring of this historically repeated truth has toppled all societies which were feeble-minded** wobbly in the first place. This does not bode well for current societies and their masses of humans because most humans are okay with being ill because they can always take a pill. Prescribe me a pill so I don't have to unsubscribe from what makes me ill.
In societies, most humans are still madly in love with the familiarity of justified delusions and illusions. Thus, most humans have not yet taken the all important first step towards self-correction change which is admitting that it is their entire culture from top to bottom that needs large scale change.
Masses cannot willingly change all at once proactively or reactively. This is obvious worldwide. The masses of humans must be forced to change through much pain and suffering caused by the confluence of internal and external influences. Human masses are the status quo and are only capable of brief small scale change such as demanding two state reps in Tennessee be reinstated, yet these masses have not demanded justice for the homeless or an end to police brutality or an end to racism. Because this has not happened, evil has been emboldened to continue to maintain all forms of injustice and do so at higher and higher sickening worsening levels while having the well-intentioned waste resources by focusing on events and issues rather than the entire system, its institutions, cultures and everything that comprises their own identities.

**All of the founders, fathers and signers of the Usa Declaration of Independence and Constitution were feeble-minded and intentionally the worst kind of people because before and after their rebellion, insurrection, revolution against the King of England, they did and continue to do the same things as their King, yet the USA still loves them some British royalty because they love the idea and they emulate that idea and are suffering the same ills and fates. Or did present generations come up with all this heinousness on their own?

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Sounds Strange But Climate Change Is Unchangeable Weather Change
Unity Consciousness #2918

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzu of 11)

Climate is the same thing as weather.
Describe a climate. You have just described weather.
Weather is a set of environmental conditions.
For example, in order for the weather to be rainy, many conditions must exist. Many changes must take place and must have been taking place in earlier processes. Thus any day the weather changes, climate change is taking place. This is why when we travel geographically, we experience different weather because we have moved into a different climate, a different portion of the circle called Earth, the cycle called Earth.

We can generally predict the weather because we know weather follows a pattern, patterns. That pattern is, weather in one area will move across the planet and affect each area in succession, in a cycle, in a cyclic pattern. Variations in this weather occur due to many continuous changes in conditions in relation to different geographic influences such as topography, vegetation, bodies of water and so on.

Freeing Your Mind

All creations have a climate in their cells, in their atoms.
One way we can know human climate exists is when we check our temperature or our pulse (heart rate), blood pressure, glucose level, oxygen level or other measurements. All of these are measurements of our body ecosystem that tells us if our body is functioning in homeostasis. These measurements are part of our body's weather indicators. Any time, any doctor runs any kind of test, they are checking an area of our weather, our climate, our condition, our environment, our body, our ecosystem.
Since we know Earth's weather and our body's weather are the same thing as climate, and we also know that weather in one part of Earth and one part of the body will affect other areas, then we have another way of knowing what climate change is on a much greater scale, a Great Year Scale.

Earth is not a bubble. Outside this Earth, there is also weather, thus climate. The Solar System has weather, thus climate. The Milky Way Galaxy has climate, thus weather. If the weather changes in the Solar System or Galaxy, and it always does, then Earth's weather (climate) is also affected. This is because Earth is in the same body as the Solar System and Galaxy. Earth is part of the same ecosystem as the Solar System and Galaxy. Earth is a microclimate of the Solar System which is a microclimate of the Galaxy which is a microclimate of the Universe.
Climate Change is more than just global warming temperature change. From personal experience, you know that if your temperature changes, then something else is going on in your body and likely in the environment you have been in, and are now in and in the set of conditions that keeps you in a healthy dynamic balance.
In the same way we monitor patterns to know how weather changes on this Earth, we can also begin to monitor larger patterns outside Earth to know how Global Climate Change occurs based on the positioning of Earth and Sun in relation to many Star Constellations.
These positions affect climate (weather) outside this Earth and weather (climate) inside this Earth. We know ourselves that weather on this Earth affects the climate inside our own bodies.

Out there in the Solar System and Galaxy, there are also pressure changes, precipitation changes, temperature changes, solar changes, magnetic changes, electric changes, jet streams, atmospheric rivers, milky way changes, dark matter changes, energy changes, storms and many of the same things that are reported as weather factors on this Earth, climate factors on this Earth, environment factors on this Earth, ecosystem factors on this Earth.
In other words, the Solar System is not a bubble and is not filled with space that has no weather in it or climate in it. Outer space is part of Earth's outer climate, thus has outer weather. In like manner, Earth's climate is part of our body's outer climate. Our human covering called skin does not make human bodies a bubble and neither does Earth's covering called atmosphere make Earth a bubble.

Climate (weather) on this Earth moves and changes in a cycle. We can look at what's happening in one location and know it is coming to another location. Likewise, we can look at what's happening in one part of the systems outside of Earth and know it is coming to Earth. Global Warming is a temperature indicator of many other weather related changes inside and outside Earth. This is why there are many weather changes taking place that are falling outside of our brief historical norms and level of awareness.
The main driver of global weather changes in frequency, duration and intensity is a broad range of changes in conditions outside this Earth in the Galaxy and in the Solar System. We can use Earth and Sun positioning in relation to Star Constellations as signs, indicators, barometers, indicators, announcers of things to come, of weather to come, of climate changes to come. All of these changes are unchangeable by humans.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Why Climate Change Is A Welcome Change
Unity Consciousness #2917

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt of 11)

Stupidity Exposes Lies: Another Way Of Knowing

Stupidity exposes lies when we come back to our senses and use them for reading comprehension and listening comprehension so we can understand surface narratives and innerstand between these lines to expose subtexts.
If human activities are the main driver of global warming climate change, then why hasn't human activities for hundreds of thousands of years caused climate change?
Plus, if global warming climate change is a bad thing such that we are trying to stop it, then recent humans and their activities can't be the most intelligent or the most scientifically astute or the most technologically advanced or the most civilized. Can it?
Both the climate change narrative and the unspoken subnarrative are additional ways of knowing the stupidity and lies of current humans who are funk fakers extraordinaire who have been faking for all their lives and yet still have not made it.
By blaming human activities as the driver of global warming climate change what we are saying is that our technology, machines and inventions, that we say are proof of us being the most evolved humans, are also driving us toward ecological disasters and climate change demise. So how can we be both the best humans and the worst humans? Or should we simply blame black people for crimes as the biggest societal problem? Black people also gotta be causing climate change.

At worst estimate, we know African Egypt existed for at least 5, 000 years and they built magnanimous things and did unduplicated things, but their human activities did not cause global warming climate change.
However, nowadays we have human groupings that have seized control in the past 400 years, and since that time, their activities have upset the harmony and ecosystem balance so badly that their supposedly “best in the world in human history” activities are causing total global warming.
How sick do you have to be as a human grouping to destroy in 400 years what others did not destroy in 5,000 years?
Yet we continue to repeat stupid logic by thinking these are the best of times for humankind, and before the recent blip on the history screen rise of the white and yellow people, life was terrible and current societies saved us from misery.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

If I Could Change The Way That You See Yourself
Universal Meanings To Everything I Wanted By Billie Eilish
Unity Consciousness #2916

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs of 11)

Song Audio: Everything I Wanted
Song Lyrics: Everything I Wanted

Self Speaks & True Image Responds

Self speaks first. This self is the current view of the self she is. This current view of self is explaining the dream view of self, the self she thinks she wants to be.
When the current view of self wakes up out of the dream, she is there lying in bed by herself and is talking to herself according to her current view. She wakes up back to her present reality and says that despite having everything I wanted in the dream, I woke up and found you with me. You, the same old self, the same ole me who does not have everything I wanted, is still with me. So the dream is not real and is kinda like a nightmare to torture me and remind me of feeling inadequate, overwhelmed, anxiety-ridden and not having everything I wanted.
In this same dream in another scene I thought I could fly so I stepped off the Golden Gate Bridge and nobody cried or even noticed. People were there, but there were focused on doing whatever they were doing.
So the current view of self wants to feel special and cared for, but does not. She is in the midst of many, lonely but not alone. Her spirit wants to soar as before in the journey and unfolding process of beingness, before becoming imprisoned into narrow understandings of self. So she imagines doing something grand and big by flying, and certainly then people will notice, especially if she flies off the grand structure called the Golden. She does not fly because she needs other people to believe in her more than she understands that she mostly needs belief in self.
The Golden Gate Bridge is merely a metaphor to show that it takes a leap of faith to do what you believe you can do.

Then the true image of self says, And you say, "As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you, you don't wanna lie here with yourself, but you can learn to be comfortable with yourself and learn to appreciate yourself and care for yourself. So if only I could change the way that you see yourself
If I could change the way that you see yourself, then you wouldn't wonder why you keep hearing, “They don't deserve you"
Who is saying “they don't deserve you?”
The true image.
The true image is saying that I keep telling you they don't deserve you but you won't listen so if I could just change the way you see yourself then everything else would change and you would realize have everything you wanted in your true image.

Then you would stop listening to all the other voices in your head, that are so many, you are drowning in other people's voices and view of you.
This goes on constantly which makes one day of these thoughts go by so slowly that one day feels like 365 days. But despite this daily dream-nightmare scenario, I don't say anything because everybody needs me and I don't wanna let 'em down. This person feels stuck and moving through life in quicksands and sinking and not crying out for help but instead continuing to be accommodating to other people's needs.
Those calling her weak were not other people, but rather the different parts of self-doubt and what she imagines people are saying. She is harder on herself than others actually are, and if they are, then once again, they don't deserve you.

Then the true image of self repeats the god's honest truth. You gotta learn to listen to the true voice among many voices. This will keep you from self-inflicting their views on you. I know you're not used to learning who you are, where you came from and why you are here, but, you can learn to. And you can learn to “see” yourself in the true image of your physical self, your mental self, your emotional self and your spirit self. These things have to change in the climate of self in order for things to change for the better.

Despite encouragement from the true image of self, the current view of self wonders if it would live life the same way if it knew then what it knows now. The current view of self also wonders, if people knew that everything they said I would take it to heart, what would they say? Would they be more careful, kind and considerate of who I am or would they take advantage and try to make me even more in their view of who I need to be?

In this message, I have personified self as she, but the true image of self is both she and he, female and male. This is true of all creations because the true image of self is the true image of spirit-soul, The Supreme Being, the one who is two and many, hidden and revealed, finite and infinite, darkness and light, time and space (matter, waters).
This makes the true image more complete that the self we perceive ourselves to be and more complete than the reflection in the various forms of imbalanced mirrors we use to assess ourselves.
It is appropriate for the true image of self to speak as the chorus of this song because the true image is Horus who is a chorus of many elemental souls of life.

Written by Billie Eilish, Finneas O'Connell First release by Billie Eilish (November 14, 2019) https://secondhandsongs.com/performance/1099982

Released March 9, 2020 by JP Cooper

There are other explanations as to the meaning of this song, none of which I have read until after this writing. What we know is that more than one thing can be true. We also know the meaning that evolves within us is for us, and Initiates. What we sorta know is that whether or not we are true to self as we live life, it has universal application. Thus a song has individual meaning to the writer and simultaneously has specific meanings for others and meanings that reveal universal truths.
By the way, I thought the singer JP Cooper was a black woman based on voice quality and intonations.

Two Of Many Key Points: Getting everything you want in this life might simultaneously be a dream and a nightmare. How can that be?
Also, when you live in a society, thus the masses are significantly miseducated, too much emphasis on what other people think and what other people want and what other people need, will lead you astray from your optimal destinypurposes, thus delay this lifetime's progress towards your spirit-soul becoming one again with the Creator.
In other words, things will usually go wickety wack when looking for acceptance, validation and self-estimation outside of self.

Rookie Of The Year, Rekhi Of The Year
Unity Consciousness #2915

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzr of 11)

Every year there are many humans anointed as rookie as the year. These rookies fall into many areas of life and many jobs, not just in sports. These rookies are given various names that mean the same thing such as employee of the month or top salesperson or most valuable player or All star or hall of fame or heisman winner or oscar winner or grammy winner or all american or nobel winner or pulitzer winner or soup of the day or book of the month or top ten and so on for any award for any period of time. Most of these are bullshit awards that have limited benefit and absolutely do not benefit the many the way a healthy rookie does, as we shall soon see.
A rekhi, as we've learned, is simply a form of rekh. A form of the karrekh from the karrakh.

As Above, So Below Continues To Prove Itself As A Fundamental Key**

Every year there are many rekhis that are rekhi of the year. These rekhis are various forms of spirit-soul, various creations, various elementals, various formulations being reborn and giving birth. Humans are in this group also.
Let us be certain to understand that a year is simply a period of time, a cycle. A year as we use it is defined by Earth and Sun. A year can be any complete cycle by anything that cycles.
Of course, there are Great Rookies who are the Rekhis of the Great Year. Some of these are star constellations. Each of these constellations contain many rekhis. Two of the incoming rookie rekhis are Aquaria and Kepheus who are among many continuously rising above the rest and increasing their influences and manifestations. Hydrogen and all the others are rookies and rekhis. And so are their combinations. The Primordial Five are Rookies and Rekhis. No matter how we have grouped them in our understandings, all creations are rookies and rekhis.
According to current humans, rookies are only rookies once; however, once a rekhi, always a rekhi. This is why we can always depend on rookie rekhis and veteran rekhis who are many souls of life influencing life, existence, climate. All of these rekhis are part of learning curves called circles and cycles. If we align with and go with these flows, it will be much easier to understand that the form of the rekhi can change and yet the creation can remain fundamentally the same. The spelling of the name can change, yet nothing fundamentally changes. This is why we have Mama, Mommy, Mother, Nana, Mami, Mom and Eve. Also Amma, Matter, Nike, Mammie, Emma, Abba, Baba, Papa, Apap, Maat-ur, Mati, Mattie, Sam, Sem, Shem, Shamrock, Rock, Rook, Repa, Aper, Apua, Apuat, Uat, Aqua, Anna, Uni, Uno, Neo, One and many more.
Since Mama is Ma, it is also Am, thus bringing additional meaning to “I am that I am.” This phrase becomes I mother that I mother or I am whatever I create and I am that which I give birth to. I am that which is part of me. I am that which I put my energy into, my resources into. I am that which I nourish with any part of my being.
This is to say that the Supreme Being is always the Rookie and Rekhi of the Year. This Rookie of Preexistence gave birth to Existence and did so as the Mother revealed and Father hidden.

**As in the nucleus, so in the cell. As in Africa, so in the rest of the world.

Rookies And Rekhis Repeat

They repeat because cycles repeat. Cycles go forth and back. We have gone forth without going back. This is why we say back and forth but don't understand that a purpose of Sankofa is to remind us to go back and learn to go along with the learning we get from the present, the forth.
Rookies are coming back. This is how the first becomes last and the last becomes first. Repeating is for the purpose of giving you the certainty that whatever has occurred will come around again in the same form, slightly different or very different form, yet it will still be the same spirit motions dressed differently as a result of all the other sets of conditions that exist. This is what changes climate. Climate does not change in the weather department only. There are always changes adding up to change the thinking, behavior, functioning, life and existence of many creations. Weather changes are merely a sign of many other changes taking place. The above is going forth while going back and the below will follow on this Earth, which is a star and part of the ecosystem of constellations. If I could change the way you see stars, we could go far.

By The Way

Rekh and rock are forms of each other, as are rekhi and rocky. Thus we have the well known movie series of the rehki rocky prevailing as the underdog who overcomes tremendous odds when all but a few thought he would lose. So also will it be for those who are last.
We make other connections to know the Rock of Ages is the Rekh of Ages who is both the Lord of each Age. The Supreme Rekh is also the Rock of Ages.
And this is why, we are mostly incorrect when we say things like dumb as a rock or a box of rocks. This is like saying dumb as a rekh and a bunch of rekhs or rekhis. Since rocks are rekhs, they are only dumb when we humans have an extremely limited understanding of self and all else due to only having a small amount of present knowledge and even less previous knowledge. This is because the current group of societies have chosen to try to reset knowledge as beginning with them rather than knowledge being a continuation from generations of humans and other creations. Knowledge is a continuation passed along from rekh to rekh even though cycles start over, these cycles are still continuations. Knowledge does not start over. If it does, the way current societies want you to think knowledge started when they came onto the scene, then you will be severely retarded in your beingness process of becoming one and feeling whole, complete and fulfilled in all aspects of your being. This process is assisted by proper rekhaning (reckoning).
Because forgetting is not the same as finishing, remembering is not the same as starting over. When remembering, there is already a base of knowledge for remembering. That base is partly in current knowledge and is also stored for access in many places throughout the spirit web in many creations, even in the genetic library within self. Call this library the ancestors if it helps you understand more of the fullness of what genetics are.
When we say things like “I reckon,” we are subconsciously saying that I am the rekh-an and I am part of knowledge, thus we use “I reckon” to mean, “I think.” And I link and I rank as part of my subconscious thought processes. Lessons are Lekh-ans.
We go on to show another connection to Rekh which is also Lekh and Lex. One meaning is rule and law. Thus we have laws and lawgivers of the year and of the Ages. A Rekh moving from hidden to revealed is Henrietta Lekhs spelled Lacks. We know what her wide ranging contribution is as the gift that keeps on giving. Her cells and blood are part of the return and restoration process for the healing of the people in one of the four inseparable aspects of self.
We have recently revisited the Rekh as Luck and now another connection as Locks. Don't sleep on the fact that it is a intended coincidence of the Rekhs of Ages that locks coming back are rekhs coming back and are thus dreaded as part of status quo climate environmental change and the awakening process of many rekhs who have been sleeping in desert places but are coming back into favor to expose and depose favored groups from their always precarious perches in kingdoms of desecration and desolation. The form of the locks in the hair of some humans is not a trivial matter of human style and fashion, but rather are another of many signs of things to come and come back when different rekhs ruled and many strands of life were locked tighter than the institutions of Maafa Racism.
We see the prevalence of related phrases such as lock 'em up, lockdown, lock outs, got it on lock, the use of locks and keys, locking yourself out, sequester, carbon sequestering, just to name a few. All of these in human form are small manifestations compared to the same in non-human form. Of course, where there's a lock, there is also an unlock. Where there is a closure, there is an opening. Where there is a shut out, there is a way in. Where masses are locked out of resources, there are poor and greedy. And where poor are waylayed and greedy praised for skillful ways, there are winds and waves for cities to be razed by the ancient of days.
Locks are not limited to a lock of hair or hair that is locked (kinked, linked, connected, kinky). It is more expansive than that. It emanates from what is locked in genetics and emanates from what spirit-soul is locked into it.
Lastly, for now we have the top rekh of the dinosaurs being the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the tyrant lizard king.