If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Food Fight: Fixing The Fight!

Food Fight #1

Who does not want to be healthier? Since no hands went up, the next step is a firm foundation of understanding. As always, this is about sharing things I've recently learned. By reviewing some very simplified but necessary basics, we will have a better chance of winning the food fight we're personally responsible for instigating every single day.

The food fight I'm talking about is happening inside our bodies. Food is responsible for a huge part of our health. Food is not just something to put into our mouths and swallow when hungry. In its purest sense, hunger is a reminder that the cells in our bodies need energy. Food is how the energy gets into the body.

Our stomachs are the primary energy replacement storage tanks. If the food in our stomachs does not contain energy, even though our stomachs are full, there won't be enough energy to go around to the trillions of cellular mouths we have to feed. Some cells will get fed, others won't and many will be partially fed. We have over 50 trillion cells in our bodies. They are all alive and need energy to do their job. When a cell does not get the energy it needs, it becomes tired, weak and does a poor job. Sometimes it dies. The moment any cell doesn't get the energy it needs, we are one cell closer to poor health. It's that simple and that serious.

Here's the definition of food: Food is good. “Good” means it is helpful and healthful. This means that in order for food to be good it must supply the energy our cells need. Whatever we eat that does not supply energy for our cells is not food. Call it what you want but not food. Even though it's FDA approved, edible and sold in stores, if it is not helpful and healthful to our cells, it's not food and it's not good. This is why we must focus on feeding our cells and not on filling our stomachs.

Don't believe me. Do a bit of internet research. For example, apple + benefits. Do the same for doughnut, soda, juice, broccoli, coffee, hot dog, nuts, hamburger, onion and anything we put in our mouths and swallow. Once we perform some quick searches, we will notice a common theme of two words being mentioned. If anyone knows now, please mention below. Go ahead and venture a guess, otherwise we'll discuss next week.

Food is manna from heaven. This energy was placed here to help us in every aspect of living. Food is here to assist the body, the spirit and the mind. Nothing says personal growth, nature and spirituality like food. Food is a direct, daily link to living fully.

Here's how I look at it for myself. Several times a day I have a choice to continue to ignore these basic facts and keep doing as usual. If what I put in my mouth and swallow only serves to fill the stomach, it serves me right if it kills the lummox.

Here's the forgiving part. Our cells are the original “will work for food” crew. Our cells will give us back more than the energy we give them. All we have to do is help them fight their way back by giving them energy.

BTW: Why is it, in food fights, people are always throwing soft, mushy, cooked things and desserts. Why isn't anyone hurling apples, oranges, brussel sprouts, carrots, etc. Because there ain't any around! How quickly the fight would be over if there were. If fact, imagine what a cell might say if it is holding some of this energy and a bacteria, virus or renegade cell approaches. “Don't start nunthin', won't be nunthin'.”

That's how it will be inside our bodies once we start giving it weapons of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. We can fix the fight in our favor.