If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Mayan Calendar Prediction: Another Y2K or End of The World?

If the computer-related Y2K was enough to scare us, because of potential machine failure, what about the “end of the world?” Based on a “Mayan” calendar, many believe December 21, 2012, will be the end of the world caused by a Planet X (Nibiru) crashing into Earth.

The end of the world belief is strong enough for NASA to issue a statement six months ago to refute the possibility of a related apocalyptic event occurring in 2012, a supernova explosion. (In order to believe NASA we must believe NASA understands celestial bodies to that extent. Then we must believe it is in the government's nature to tell citizens the truth. Then we must check history for verification.)

Leading up to Y2K 12 years ago, we thought telecommunications, utilities, elevators and air traffic control systems would fail; logistics would come to a standstill (no gas, no groceries); and nuclear power plants and hospital systems would malfunction. We withdrew cash because bank accounts would lose money into a dark hole. Businesses bought insurance policies. We bought more guns (also after Obama was elected). We bought bottled water, non-perishable things to eat and supplies. Disaster/survival books were written and revived. Movies were made along with TV programs and computer games (huh?).

What will happen as 122112 gets closer? There have already been numerous books, websites and articles. People are building blast/bomb shelters and stocking them with everything. Songs and movies have been made. Time and effort by The History Channel, The Discovery Channel and The National Geographic Channel have been spent on documentaries and series.

Five Basic Questions After Viewing The Newest Discovered Mayan Calendar

1. Isn't the timing of this discovery, with the exact information needed to refute 122112 end of the world rather convenient? Just in time to allow us to exhale. We now have 1,600 more years to live.
2. Why is a scientist giving a report to refute "pop culture" as he calls it instead of a scientist just reporting a discovery? (Same is true of NASA's report)
3-4. Why would NASA and other “reputable” sources spend time refuting pure foolishness? What is the harm?
5. Just like the doomsday believers, isn't this scientist also putting the same kind of wholesale faith in the Mayan calendar?

Clearly, when it comes to the end of the world, the standard approach is to say it ain't so. Either way you look good.

One thing is certain. More of us are starting to question and lean away from wholesale belief in major life-affecting philosophies, especially those learned at an early age. Among other things is the way individuals are changing their approach to food and embracing more environmental, sustainable, natural, organic, green, original, healthy, intelligent, spiritual, sensible and harmonious things. These changes can lead to the “end of the world” and create a return to a better world for every creature.

By the way, there are underground doomsday apartments in Kansas. Interested buyers have included an NFL player, a racing car driver, a movie producer and famous politicians. There is a waiting list. The buyers worry about events ranging from solar flares, economic collapse, pandemics, terrorism and food shortages. (Most likely, planet collisions would also qualify.)