If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, July 10, 2017

Primates & Linnean Taxonomy Species Classification
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1057


I wonder why Carl Linnaeus chose the word “primate” to name the category of humans and other apes? Primate means first, principal, chief, prime. Neither apes nor humans were first in the Animal Kingdom. Primates are seventh according to the Linnean system of classification of species, a system which is less than 250 years old.
From the broadest to the narrowest classification, humans are:
(1)Animalia, (2)Chordata, (3)Vertebrata, (4)Mammalia, (5)Theria, (6)Eutheria, (7)Primates, (8)Anthropoidea, (9)Hominoidea, (10)Hominidae, (11)Homo, (12) Sapiens
Only at level 12 are humans supposedly evolved enough to be somewhat different from all other creatures.

The Linnaean system of classification is lacking because it does not connect the 5 Kingdoms to a common ancestral origin. This fundamental flaw as a starting point creates all sorts of conceptual problems. The Linnean system begins by grouping organisms based on whether they are single-celled or multi-celled and how they obtain food.

Truth is, all 5 Kingdoms have a common origin in the elements which have an origin in the One which has an origin in Zero. Nile Valley Mythology has been telling us this for tens of thousands of years.

Per Penn State University, Primates have evolved primarily in a tropical arboreal (trees) environment. All Primates share a set of unifying traits that fall into three categories:
1. Adaptations for an arboreal lifestyle
2. Broad dietary plasticity
3. Parental investment

[We can already see how these categories can apply to many land-based creatures.]

Anatomical Features

One of the most distinctive and recognizable features of Primates is they have highly manipulative grasping hands and feet. The opposable thumbs and big toes are derived traits that give Primates the ability to manipulate objects as a way to more thoroughly investigate their environment, and equips primates with the basic tools to navigate effectively through the complex arboreal world. Living in trees is not unique to Primates, but they are probably the Mammalian group that displays the greatest diversity in arboreal adaptations.

Although Primates have many specialized (recently derived) anatomical features, in many ways, the primate skeleton is a primitive, retaining many of the skeletal features of the most primitive Mammals and even primitive terrestrial Vertebrates. [Primates are not that different skeletally than mammals 80 million years ago.]

There have been a host of anatomical changes as a result of humans walking on twos rather than on fours as other Primates frequently do, but in general humans still retain and display many of the characteristics of the generalized, primitive Primate skeleton.

Physical Vision

Primates in general rely more on their sense of vision than on their sense of smell, and, in particular, Primates who are active during Light have well-developed visual abilities, such as color perception.


All Mammals have some level of parental investment, but Primates in particular have taken this strategy to an extreme. As a result of this increased demand on Primate parents, most Primates have a single offspring at a time and invest heavily in raising that infant.

Primate Diversity

Primates are most closely related to tree shrews, flying lemurs, rodents, rabbits and hares.
Based on differences in noses, primates are further divided into two groups [splitting and losing hares and rodents]:
1. Strepsirhines – wet nose connected to upper lip (lemurs, lorises, and bushbabies).
2. Haplorhines – dry nose not connected to upper lip (tarsiers, monkeys, apes and humans).

[And the madness continues.] Haplorhines can be further divided into Platyrrhines and Catarrhines [based on nostrils and “dental formula”]. Platyrrhines are the New World monkeys of Central and South America. The Catarrhines include the Old World monkeys [mostly of Africa], apes and humans.

Humans Evolved From Lemurs

Man was not evolved from the Lemur* for ages and ages. Examples of these primitive little red men may still be found in the Congo Pygmy, Veddah of Ceylon, the Pygmies in forests of South America and mountains of China. (Churchward, Signs & Symbols Of Primordial Man, 406-7)
*Lemurs are small primates known as 'prosimians,' which, roughly translated, means 'pre-primates' or 'before monkeys.

That which is elastic and stretches too far too fast has a tendency to snap back. What might help some of us minimize this reaction is, considering why the book, “Signs & Symbols of Primordial Man” is given as reference material on the national science website in the USA.

If You Look Hard Enough For A Difference, You Will Find Several

All organisms, including primates, can be classified into taxonomic categories based on having the same anatomical or behavioral traits. Traits are divided into one of two types: primitive traits and derived traits. Primitive traits are traits that evolved a long time ago in a distant common ancestor. Derived traits are traits that evolved relatively more recently. Taxonomists used only derived traits to assign each species to a taxonomic category. [This is why it is easy to perceive ourselves as being different because classifications are based on recent derived traits, the smallest part of our identities. The same misclassification approach is being used for DNA Testing Results people are paying for to receive lip service in return.]

In this classification scheme of using recent derived traits, all the monkeys and apes are classified together as Anthropoids. [Thus Anthropology is supposed to at least include monkeys and apes (humans and other apes)]

Knowledge has suffered and improper connections have flourished as a result of following the lead of Carl Linnaeus.

The Human Ape In The Chimpanzee

Chimpanzees are accomplished tool-users. Their social structure is more complex than other Primates. Chimpanzees live in fission-fusion communities where individuals spend time in different sub-groups within the community, and these sub-groups may join other individuals or sub-groups, or an individual chimp may go off on his/her own for several days. Chimpanzees are also distinguished from other Primates in the level of intergroup aggression and violence between males in different groups.

The earliest human beginning must have been with the creature who first developed a thumb to wield a weapon or to shape an implement for use. At that time there was little difference between the monkey and the Pygmy race of early humans. The closest living relative to those early humans are forest dwarfs. (AE1 249/259)

The Human Ape In The Pygmy Chimpanzee

The last of the African apes is the bonobo which is also referred to as the pygmy chimpanzee even though it is not significantly smaller than the common chimp. Bonobos are distinguished most readily from common chimps and other apes in their social behaviors. Bonobos use sexual intercourse as a means of social bonding among group members. Sex is commonly used as a greeting between two individuals, as a conflict-resolution tool, or as a reconciliation mechanism. This behavior is not limited to males and females, but includes male-male as well as female-female interactions and multiple different forms of sexual activity.