If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Forty Psycho-Cultural Perpetrations
Committed By Europeans
To Effect DeAfricanization
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1093


The promise of 40 acres and a mule was never kept, but the promise of 40 achings into a fool was.

1. Maafa
2. Infliction of psychological misorientation
3. Infliction of theological misorientation
4. Causing conceptual incarceration
5. Using the mentacide process to effect personality disorganization and consequent inferiorization or negativity
6. Effecting peripheral and alienating mentacide
7. Population decimation and slaughter
8. Slaughter of indigenous group identity
9. Inferiorization of/inflicting negativity on entire population across generations
10. Causing ineffectuality in indigenous leaders
11. Rendering humiliations on indigenous leaders
12. Cultural oppression
13. Framing indigenous traditions as abnormal and sub par
14. Disparagement of indigenous language
15. Renaming with Caucasian names
16. Exploitation of diminished ancestral memory
17. Create, unleash, and maintain extended-self-hatred (anti-African African descent people)
18. Facilitating conditions under which rage is turned inward
19. Distorting the process of group identity development into an abnormal psychology phenomenon (pathological denouement)
20. Implanting out-marriage as desideratum
21. Depleting “blood quantum” through miscegenation
22. Subject the population to de-education, diseducation, and miseducation to effect a mental slave system
23. Christianizing (using the Christian religious establishment, especially missionaries, to attack and decimate the entire population)
24. Undermining reversion to indigenous culture-centered religion
25. Disconnection from the land
26. Alienation from other kindred peoples
27. Causing inordinate amount of defensive behavior
28. “Radical evil” imbued in all aggressions and perpetrations victims are forced to inure
29. Committing anti-social acts which reinforce dehumanization
30. Quashing spiritual-moral sensibility
31. Undermining pluralism
32. Undermining the capacity of group members for orienteering as a distinct group with distinct interests
33. Preclusion of freedom (the ability to conceptualize the world in ways contiguous with the group’s history
34. Preclusion of literacy (application of one’s freedom in negotiating reality)
35. Create and maintain “a terminated people”
36. Dismal life chance statistics
37. Population in extremis
38. Circumscribing racial identity to a “nigger-to-negro” commodity
39. Creating and enforcing ADP’s (African descent people’s) “slave mentality”
40. Preclusion of psychological Africanity/African personality

Reference: Portions of the following reference have been quoted, paraphrased and significantly edited in keeping with the worldwide African climate: ”The Domain of Psychological Restoration: Reparations Down Payments for the Defeat of Mentacide, Transcendence of Psychological Misorientation, and the Mental Overturning of a Terminated People via Returning to the African Personality.” (81-2/32-3)