If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, April 22, 2024

New Liars Truly Believe They Tell New Lies To New Lie-ees
Unity Consciousness #3109

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Who and What is a new liar?

1. Someone who thinks their lie is new. The ever-repeating one, beloved of Jah, Jedidiah Solomon, peeped this long enough ago. The saying, there is nothing new under the sun, is often repeated but not heeded.

2. Someone who thinks their lie or version is new to you. Thus they think you are a new lie-ee, someone never lied to, something which doesn't exist in human form.

3. Someone who thinks a lie is a single event, rather than the result and cumulative effect of several lies.

4. Someone who thinks the lie-ee can't piece together or connect a lie to other lies told by the liar or other liars, no matter how long ago or how seemingly unrelated or how commonplace and accepted as normal or as truth. There is only one source of all lies just as there is only one source of all new liars.

5. If this is not clear to you yet, a new liar is anyone who lies for the first time or anytime or tells a lie of any kind.
Each lie is a new instance of lying but not brand new, as in never used before. The main thing that trips up most liars is that due to the nature and source and reason for lying, liars will continue to lie to support the first lie and to support subsequent lies told to support the first lie, even if they themselves did not tell the most recent first lie. Thus liars will tell an ever-expanding, ever-branching set of lies that they can't keep up with because they are mental midgets and moral degenerates. Thus liars are less intelligent than those they lie to, even though liars think they are more intelligent and more subtle than a snake, which is another reason why they lie.
New liars always make mistakes by lying in the first place. They also make mistakes contained within each lie told, sold, repeated, perpetuated and supported. This is easily discovered by asking two to three questions regarding what you have been told or shown and what those statements and behaviors are trying to get you to think, believe, accept, reject.
Be certain that a few of the many tell tale signs of those who tell tales from small to large are that new liars will try to get you to make quick decisions and inundate you with words, jargon, images, bargains and information, some of which is partly true, but in the context of what the new liar is saying, the information is false or falsely applied to lead you to false conclusions and decisions detrimental to you.

6. Knowing a lie does not depend mainly on hearing words or deciphering the contradictions. It also depends on recognizing the results of words spoken or carried out. It also relies on a spirit tuned to truth (universal harmony).

Lying Has A Foundation In Lying

A lie or to lie, means to sit, rest, stop, stand or linger in a space, location or position.
There are physical spaces, locations and positions.
There are also mental spaces, locations and positions and emotional spaces, locations and positions, and most of all there are spiritual-moral spaces, locations and positions. All of these are interconnected, thus influence and affect each other. It only takes one corruption in one of these places of logic and a refusal to self-correct, to corrupt the others. Uncorrected corruption grows and spreads like cancer because corruption is the seed of cancer.
The ability and propensity to lie is passed on from parents to child, ancestors to child, supreme to subordinates, creators to creations. It takes many generations of uncorrected lies to lead to the “dead men squawking” state of humans today, especially in self-appointed favored groups, their wannabes and in the individual focused disfavored groups.

So now we can more easily understand that not only do new liars tell the same old lies, new liars are old liars. Every liar simply renews something from the source of lies, the Rennu. Thus a new liar is a renewed liar, a revived liar, a reborn liar, a born again liar, a new disciple of the hidden claimed to be revealed.
Liars repeat, lies repeat, thus are part of cycles of ever-coming ones.
At different points in different cycles in different places, lies are more prevalent, and then this begins to reverse, climate conditions change, patterns shift, recalibrate, consciousness flows and ebbs, and lies, truths, liars and truth-tellers are revealed. They are first revealed to themselves, either immediately or eventually, but always repeatedly in everywhere mirrors self-reflecting the self-portraits of liars and their lies.
New liars lie so much to themselves, by the time they lie to you, they lie more than they breathe which is why they are able to lie with ease, it has become their default mode, their first choice. This is due to the nonstop beat-down self-mutilation of the virtuous side of their spirit that seeks to emulate this container's balance of water to dry land, but is not allowed to do so due also to the weaknesses, vices and fears by which they steer all movements, lying to themselves that they are worthy to be here and heirs to the next life.

The Closest Source Of “Lies” Is “Lines”

The reason you are susceptible to new liars is because you yourself are a new liar because you keep lying to yourself every day all day in many ways. The only reason new liars prevail is because you are using most of the same logic new liars are using. Your lines of thought about most things are messed up. That's why new liars seem normal, sound normal and seem friendly and not a threat to your health, safety and welfare. It is due to the abnormalities of logic in you.
Thus there is no such thing as a good liar or bad liar. There is only the question of where your set of logic in your body, mind, emotion and spirit is healthy enough to detect lies, how long it takes and your willingness to admit, reject and correct lies. This must become a conscious habit during times like these when lies are the overwhelming norm of what takes place in societies.