If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Muni Mah-Neh Mu-Nui Mune, Money!
Ladies First, Part 4 of 20
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3218

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Almost none of the words in use today are in their first form. And neither is word money. And neither are words today, in the CE timeframe, even in the same form they were in the BCE framing of time. In the rare instances they are, the definitions have lost meanings.

The Longest Intro Yet, To The Nui

The word Uni in word Universe is word Nui. Nui, combined with the KH spark of imagination change, forms Kh-Nui, the Nuikh power and Khiun, circle, cycle, being.
Nui is great, superior, exalted rank, deity, type, oath, covenant, appointed form, appointed time.
Nui is all forms of spirit-soul, the firstborn inhabitants and powers of the waters released as an inundation deluge flood, continuously drip by drip, drop by drop, then eventually suddenly all at once. These Nui are combined and transformed to create all other creations.
Nui are the motions, mations, titions, tations, rations, lutions, vations, iations... of all creations. Nui are natural resources, unnatural resources, raw materials, seeds, stem cells, elements, molecules, atoms, particles, nutrients, planets, moons stars, elementals, souls of life, dark energy, dark matter, galaxy, black hole and anything that can be formed by their combinations. Just so you're not totally confused by the denial of being bamboozled as the highest form of intelligence, by creation and education, the word human is MH-Nua. But this we already knew, that humans were the same as money, no different than anything else we use to make money.
It's no wonder that Nui means a lot, sufficient amount, full of, more than enough, very, abundant, overflowing.

Transformations of Nui are caused by The Supreme of Being, under various names such as Cypher, Kherf, Kherfr, Khepr, Khepra, Khif, Khifr, Kharver, Khiurver, Khiurler, Potter, Khekher, Seive. Simply put, to Kherf means to move Nui from one side of the circle to the next, and do this as many times as needed.
If we were to make a distinction between nui and rui, we could say rui are the repetitions, the second form of the nui, especially when they leave the source, womb, birthplace through the RU. So perhaps forms of rui as rui-ruti, ruir-itu and ruur-itu lead to word reality and word rarity. This is still spitting hairs by spelling words, reformulating words and attaching meanings. This does not cancel the overall truth that everything is everything. Just as hydrogen, oxygen and water are fundamentally the same.
The interesting thing about the current form of money that most frequently changes hands, is that this money is made of paper is made of wood. Word wood from khiuti.
Word wood is a generic general type name; thus word Wood is not limited to wood as trees, plants or any vegetation. Wood is a part of any form of Nui formed partially or completely by the first four or five elemental souls of life.
The fact that Nui in the form of Money is made from what we call wood, is a sign that we are near the end of the full circle of transformations.

Word Money From:

1. Mu-Nui
a) Mu is whatever Nu is, which is everything Nun, Nunu and Nnu, which is everything in the universe. This is briefly stated as spirit-soul, waters, of water, from water, to water, by water. Mother (Mo-Ther, Mu-Khiur) of all living and dead, all that is after, now and before, another, repeat, circles, cycles, an appointed time. This is the basis of word money. All resources, their motions and transformations as they change from hand to hand and move from hand to hand. A hand is also the womb, thigh, circle, boat, heaven, house, place, mouth, tongue, teeth, foot, arm, leg, water, streams, digestive systems, ecosystems and at least fourteen other things.
b) Mu is also a name of the vulture, a symbol of the mother in all her roles as chief, head, provider of needs, birth mother, keen sight and keen smell, thus significantly better foresight, compared to humans.
c) The Vulture, Mu, represents the many forms of two truths such as beginning and continuation. Another form is Two Drachmas as the basic unit of money. The Unit [nuti] of two, is the origin of every number. Thus in preexistence, the unit is two in the form of zero-zero, either of which can be construed as one, singular, alone, nothing from nothing. Then in existence, the unit is two in the form of zero-one, which can be construed as two by itself or two in the form of 00-01, or two as the second form of 00. The word unit of two was also equal to word unity, thus the unit nuti of preexistence was equal to the unit nuti of existence. Thus nuti-nuti is nuti-ti is unit-ti is 2 times 2 is four and/or 1+2 is three, thus 1+2-3+4=10, the pyramid, the makheru. Furthermore, binary code for number zero is stated as 0 (base one), but should be 00 (base two bits, mats, nuts, khuts, khubits). A logic consistency check reveals this omission is shown by binary code for number two being stated as 10 (base two mats), 010 (base three mats) and 0010 (base four bits).
d) There is no singular in the current sense of the word because it takes at least two to create a cycle, thus create self-sustaining repetition, thus life. Plus, every component of word single and word singular indicates two, second, repeat, another, more.

e) Word drachma from drach-ma from trekht-ma or trekh-tma or rekht-mat.
f) Rekh is pure wise intelligent knower, rule, reckon, reign as the supreme authority.
g) Racha in Javanese is a divine image or type. Racham in Hebrew is the womb.
h) Trekht takes the later form of Dright, (k)he who is simply the right one to direct and lead due to be being pure and wise, thus the dright one (the right one) is the pure and wise one, thus by default, knows the direction to go.
i) T represents Ta represents direction, to go. The people who follow the dright are the drighten, the endright (end-right), the entlighten, entity lightened, the enlightened, the whithen, the Khuten. Following the wrong direction and directors will never make you enlightened, no matter how many people do so for whatever reasons of personal gain or group gain. Being led this way will only continue to douse the flame of spirit-soul and keep it at the smoldering level until it dies out by feeding on itself. This then is the same behavior in terms of human money that becomes the reason for doing and not doing. This logic runs into itself as a backlash backdraft.
j) Variations: Nu-Nui, Nui-Nui, Kh-Nui, Khiun, Mu-Nu, Mu-Mui, Mu-Nnu

2. Mu-Nuh. Nuh from Hun, the womb, food. This reveals the possibility that Hun-Nuh is an earlier form of word Honey and word Money.

3. Mu-Ne and all other forms such as Mena, Mana, Mona, Munu, Muni, Mene, Menu, Meni, Mina, Monu, Mone, Moni, Minu, Mine, Mini, Manu, Mane, Mani, Many.

4. Nukh-Nui. Nukh means powerful and is a form of word Ankh which broadly means thing, things, thank, thanks, think, thinks. Nukh is Nuikh is Khiun is the circle of waters. Nukhti and leads to word Nut and word Nat, the name for gifts, offerings, to present tribute, make a collection, to bow, address, hail, help, afflict, punish, save.

5. Mah-Nui. The litter of children from the mother as Miriam (Hebrew) means to be very pregnant (fat, stout, full, filled, fulfilled, fruitful, big bellied). Miriam is Meri-Meri, the two Mary's of heaven below, heaven above. Word Miriam from Meru-Un from Mu-Rui-Nu, great mother of the waters from Kheri-Unm from Kheru-Unm from Khiru-Umn from Khiur-Umn. Miriam is Meri-Mu, Meri-Mehi, Mehi-Urt, Tefnut, Sekhmut, Sekhmet, Serkhet, Cassiopeia, Scorpio, Milky Way (Celestial Nile, Karu-Tana), Kar-Tum, Meribah, Mest-Ru-Am (Mitzraim, Ursa Major), Ma-Miri and the Mau in Ma-Shu.

6. Mat-Nui leads to word Amount. Mat is bundle, mother, two pools of two truths. Mat from Mhat from Khat.

7. Han-Neh. Han, Hen, AN or En, to appear, first sight of, bring, contribute, repeat, renew the cycle,the crossing where the cycle was renewed. This is Hansel (English), the money first appearing. We can quickly see the one step back transformation of hansel is hanser, thus another pathway to word answer from ansher from anhser. Also likely is ankhser from khanser and khansel.
To hansel money is to spit on the first that is received. The spitting is a mode of consecrating or anointing. Hant is the name for a rite of consecration, which in hanselling, is the spitting. The word Sel (Ser), in addition to sacred, private, reserved, sole, also denotes some kind of liquid, cream, or butter, and is evidently connected with anointing.

8. Khennu or Khen-Nui. Still practiced in 1881 CE, among the Kymry-Scottish peasantry of the south, the first Monday of the year, was called Handsel Monday. It was a great day for tips (money). The young people visited the old for tips. The tips of Handsel Monday are the equivalent of Christmas boxes in England practiced by the British Kymry. New Year’s gifts in England were formerly called Xenia. Khen is the act of offering, and some kind of festival. Xenia from Kenia from Khen-Nui or Kennu, means plenty, abundance, wealth. Khent is supply, festival.
Word Tip from Tep (Egyptian) from Tef (Egyptian) for first and commencement of the circle and cycle. The practice of getting tips was not known as TIP by the northern Kymry called Picts. For the northerners, Handsel Monday was the day on which labourers and servants changed their places, and were engaged by new masters. Those who stayed on were treated by the farmers to a liberal breakfast. It is in short the labourers’ day. Hanuti are the labourers. Hanuti is the equivalent of “hands”, thus hired hands, working hands, those who work getting their hands dirty, doing the hardest work for the lowest pay.
Sel (English Egyptian) is said to be word self; however, the equivalent of Self is Serf is Kerf is Kherf is Khefr, to transform using hands as a Serf-Hand, word servant. The USA and other countries now have Labor Day on the first Monday, but it is in September, which is closer to the Hebrew-Egyptian Rosh Hashanah reckoning of when the New Year begins, September 20th. We, the masses, have been educated clueless for generations as to what is really the reality going on.

9. The practice of Tips probably lead to the Halloween practice of trick or treat, which in adult form became Hansel Monday, Warth Money Worth Money, Swarff, Kherf Money, Serf Money, Serf-Hand Money, Kherf-Hand Money and Holidays to give workers a day off, and now are paid holidays to keep workers looking forward to more of the same at the end of the train that drains and rearranges resources, causing “money” in many forms to change hands.
The inhabitants of Lewis Island in Scotland, worshipped a deity called Shony, who presided over the tides that brought seaweed and other flotsam float-sem fruit-mes drift to the shore. Shony from Shennu from Khennu (Egyptian), to fish and gather from the waters. Num (Nef), the God of the Inundation, was likewise the Lord of Shennu. Shennu and Num (Nef as breath, wind) are forms of Mother Meru, the provider from, of and by the waters. Annually on All Souls Eve, at the church of St. Mulvay, each family brought food and a peck of malt, which was brewed into ale. One of them was chosen to wade into the sea up to his waist, to carry a libation to Shony. He then cried, with a loud voice: “Shony, I give you this cup of ale, hoping that you’ll be so kind as to send us plenty of sea-ware for enriching our ground the ensuing year.” He then threw the cup of ale (aru made of riu) into the sea. This ritual was performed at night. Everyone then returned to the church, where a candle was kept burning on the altar. They stood silent for a little while, blew out the candle, went into the fields and spent the rest of the night in merriment. This ritual on All Souls Eve, likely became Hallowed-Eve that led to word Halloween as it gradually lost significance until it reached trick or treat. I mean who wants to pray to a god you'll have to explain is Egyptian and spend all night with their children in drunken merriment? Another switcheroo while trying to hang on to the power of the makheru.

10. Handy-dandy is an ancient game played with the two hands. Something is passed from hand to hand, and a guess is made as to which hand the thing is in. This is the shell game. Also the game when someone puts their hands behind their back and moves something between each hand, and then someone must guess which hand it is in. This is exactly the simple way of explaining the shell game with money being played by societies, their governments, their businesses, their other institutions, especially with the taxes and fees they forcibly extract under threat of whiplash. Yet more broadly, this is how resources change hands, not just human hands, but change between forms and dimensions.

11. Handy, Hanti, Tenti. We have come to understand word handy as meaning useful, available when needed. This is a good summary for Nui. Word Handy from Hanti, the returner. From Han, to turn back, return, pass to and fro, tribute, to bring, young.. And Tenti, to reckon, separate as needed, distinguish, how, where, which one, thus knowledge of how to use which Nui when needed.

12. Word Worth from Wrath. At autumn equinox, in Knightlow Hundred in Warwickshire England, a certain rent is due called Wroth Money, Warth Money or the Swarff Penny, payable on Martinmas Day before sunrise. Wrath is the name of a pillar, a prop, the crossing of the equinox and the cross of the circle. Word Wrath from Khart, the orbit, course, cycle or circuit of the two heavens.
Wrath, as used by the Scots, referred to food for humans and provender (grain as food for livestock). This indicates the Warth Money as the Provision Penny, likely to help the poor and the “common” laborers.

13. Penny. The Swarff Penny probably denotes the Kherf penny, an offering of first fruits by which homage was paid. Possibly word penny from fennu, for dirt, earth; however, more likely from Feh-Nnu, fruit or grain from the waters. Or from Fekh-Nui.
The Kherf Penny is likely an earlier Kherf Money and Kherp Mummy. The soul of life of all renewal and resurrection manifesting through various forms of nature, is called Osiris, the Mummy, the Corpus Christi, the Karest, the Money in the Bank. The Piggy Bank as the Moon and the Piggy Bank as the womb of Pekhi. Osiris the Kherf Money Mummy was reborn through his son Horus, the sun, who caused and fekhed various forms of renewal on the third day in the moon or third month in the moon, third day from the waters, forty days from the earth. In the Kamite original, the night of the Last Supper, and the death of Osiris, and the laying out of his body on the table of offerings are identical. It is the “night of provisioning the altar” and the provender was the mummy of the god provided for the mortuary meal. That was the dead Christ, or Corpus Christi who represented the food eaten by humans and livestock.

14. Lammas Day or Lam-Mas, Ram-Mas, Rem-Mas, preserves the Rem (Egyptian), a span and a measure (a hand and an arm's length). Because the hand is an extension of the arm, the Remmes Festival used a pole for the arm and attached an enormous glove, which was stuffed and carried through the city. The Rem measure was sometimes measured using the foot for the span, thus it stands to reason that the leg was equal to the arm. This opens the possibility that the saying, an arm and a leg, is used to indicate someone asking for too much, a double measure. The Rem was one thirty-second of a measure of land. One Rem is a span. The quantity may be varied, as the word Remn means the extent, extending to, up to, as far as, the border or limit, the Rim, which in the form of Rum leads to word Room. Word Arm from Rem, thus by similarity, also Word Leg. Rem as Remi, also yields word Earn. Word glove is word Kherf, a first form, a model figure, a primal offering.
Rema is a combination of Ru that contains the waters and the waters called Na or Ma, thus Runa and Ruma. These two words represent an amount of water that extends to the limit of something. This leads to Rema and Rena or written as REM and REN. Rem + It (heaven, two) is Remit is Limit. Remi is the limitless one original source with the genetic kinetic potential capable of rising, coming forth drop by drop, drip by drip and pouring out into other sources and filling them to their limit. Rem means to rise up, surge up, weep, moan, cry, reach out, stretch out, expand, elongate. This motion of surging up and going forth is the act of yearning and grieving expressed by the word Erme (English) to grieve, to lament from Reme. This is enough evidence to show Lammas leads to word Lamaze. And enough to realize that these late European practices barely recognizable facsimiles of earlier festivals.

15. Mana-tata, money. Mana is Men is fixed, firm, magic influence and power, the abnormal, mediumistic, or supernormal power. Tata, strike, strike terror, double land, upper of two, head, chief, prince, heads of ways, head of crossroads, head of houses, or the equivalent of rent-paying people. Tat, cross, take; Ta, leave; Tata, go, gallop. Mana-Tata Money is rent money paid to the heads, rulers, princes. This money was extracted by force if necessary. In a broader sense, it is the payment due at the cross, at the crossroads, at the toll road, where things that take their toll, show up to be reckoned with before passage is granted. Thus the rulers of the incoming Ages can decide to take it or leave it in regards to what payments are needed to provide resources for the incoming rulers to establish their kingdoms. Word rent is word land and word lent. Thus rent was paid on land lent. Tata is also vase, dish, jar. Thus payment is also received from womb locations as needed. Word payment is Peh-Ment is May-Ment is Meh-Meant is Meh-Menat. Menat, or word Ment, is a measure of ten feet, the oldest unit of Egyptian land measure.

16. All this and more tells us money in its current form is fading, changing and being replaced faster than we think we think we know.