If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Black Primate Apes Or Black Primate Humans?
Unity Consciousness #3174

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzp of 11)

Over the course of more than 3,000 articles, it is evident that any title that potentially confirms your fragmented beliefs and connects black people to apes, always gets many more views than titles that question your unsubstantiated belief in a religion.
Truth is, where you came from as a species and geographically is what all religions tell you.
So now, using the title of this article, quick pick your position as to which lie you prefer?

Most of you will choose the universal generic truth because it sidesteps both. The generic truth is that humans originated from God, who with movie-like laser precision teleported zapped us into existence, thus bypassing the process of development via evolution, a healthy word that our polluted minds are afraid to ingest if it suggests humans evolved from some creation other than humans.
A lot of supposedly I-ain't-crazy people actually think God used magic hands like a dust pan to scoop up some earth, and evidently a lot of water, to form all the different body parts, bones and organs of the first human, then breathed into the figurine. A custom-made process for a high maintenance creation.

Most of you who choose the generic universal truth will also choose that you originated from wherever your main group is currently found.

Most of you are utterly discombobulated confused and also choose to exclusively believe those DNA testing results that fragment your genetics as if each percentage has a different origin and root such that none of them meet and merge into one human beginning.

There are either two truths or two lies and two truths.
1. Either humans descended from Apes and Africans in Africa Proper. or neither.
You are educated enough and miseducated enough to know.

2. If neither is true, thus there are two lies, then there must not be a universal god. Instead there must be a god of fish, hippos, ants, birds, humans, plants....and each variation within a species of creation, must also have their own god and origin, totally separate from others of the same species who somehow can interbreed without any connection or cooperation from their gods in the planning process.
Despite all this, you still believe that somehow, there must be a separate heaven for each, and that humans, bearing all resemblance to apes and each other, will somehow get to heaven and get bird wings, even though bearing no resemblance to birds, unless you count two eyes and two legs. And that in your wacko world, there is a devil in human form with a long ass tail that no human or other god has but many animals on this earth do.

Dig This

We should know there is no such thing as human water, human air, human sun or fire, human earth or human hydrogen, human carbon, human atoms, human vitamin A and so on. Yet we know enough to understand how a baby evolves in the womb, through an evolutionary process of these microelements, elements and macroelements, all of which are shared throughout all creations, yet we humans evolved as a separate packet of elements while all other creations went through an evolutionary process through other creations. Yet somehow you can wrap (warp) your mind around mermaids and Super Duper Man and the Hulk and Spiderman and so on, while ignoring plain sight evidence of human origin through the ape, gorilla, monkey, chimpanzee, gibbon, orangutan primate series of creations. This belief-blinded denial despite sharing the designations of primate, mammals, vertebrate with other species, and the fact that female gorillas have a menstrual cycle.

So we now take a King Kong Dinosaur leap backwards in order to move forward in our evolutionary process. The natural world of all creations show us that life is primarily an evolutionary process and that we must all share and participate in each other's evolutionary process in order for us as individuals to evolve and for us as humans to evolve. Otherwise the first default is that evolution must take the slower route in isolation from deevolutionary forces. Otherwise, the final default of both truths you deny is the other side, the rapid slip slide back to the drawing board, the traking board ruled by climate changer rearrangers, current strangers who do more chalking it up and charting the course than talking. Who, this time around, are taking the blueprints to God tribunal to show them the only change needed is to recall all humans and put a dolphin-bee-ant-roach-mustard-seed brain in the next first human.