If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Living Instinctively, Pollination, Nectar, Pollen

Food Fight #39

Plant pollination is not the objective of insects. Bees and other pollen aiders visit flowers because they need food – pollen, nectar, water droplets and for some, other organisms. Insects do not visit flowers to admire them, smell them, pollinate them or sunbathe. Pollination by insects is a beneficial byproduct of insects living instinctively. Instincts aid the organism, its species and the concentric circles of ecosystems it is a part of. Instincts ensure reciprocity to self and to the system.

The food of living things is also its everyday medicine. Pollen and nectar are no different. All food for a living organism is designed for its prosperity because food contains nutrients to nourish cells.

If a plant produces nutrients in its roots, sprouts, stems, leaves, petals, fruit and seeds different from another plant, then wouldn't the nectar vary from plant to plant? Wouldn't the pollen vary?

This means nectar is more than sugar water and pollen is more than a protein source. Nectar and pollen contain a mix of nutrients. Just as humans need to eat a variety of foods, nectar drinkers and pollen eaters must visit a variety of plants in order to maintain optimal health.

When honey is taken in excessive amounts, bees are fed sugar water or high fructose corn syrup water. This is malnutrition and toxic.

When bee pollen is taken, substitutes are fed to the bees. One such recipe contains 24% sugar [likely high fructose] , 12% water, 12% white granulated table sugar, 24% soy flour, 24% yeast and 4% pollen. This is malnutrition and toxic.

What do you think is happening to the health of bees who are eating sugar water and pollen substitutes? The same things that are happening to us as we continue to eat things that are tainted and not nutrient rich. It weakens their systems and genetics. Children, who then inherit weaker genetics, unfortunately encounter the same malnutrition and toxins when they eat. Weaker and weaker generations suffer from “unexplainable” disease, maladies and dysfunctions just as humans with ongoing malnutrition and toxicity in the diet of their family tree.

Humans are the only organism where large numbers override their instincts. Where is the benefit to ourselves and other forms of life that depend on the beneficial byproducts of living instinctively?

Herbivores, Pollen & Complete Protein: Omnivore & Carnivore Behavior Not Required
Bees & Colony Collapse Disorder: CCD Revisited
Natural World Observations: Going Wild Like A Flower In Spring Breaking Free