If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Crime Defense 101: Inherent Rights - Doing The Right Thing

Often the best defense is doing the opposite.

Inherent rights are natural laws established by powers greater than humans. Second are freedoms humans expect for themselves and extend to others. “Live and let live,” as the saying goes.
Crime is a violation of an inherent right directly or indirectly, immediately or eventually.
White collar crime is committed by government, business, individuals. It includes a lot crimes occurring daily but not covered by daily media; thus, not vilified as other crimes and neither are those who commit white collar crime.

Many nations, countries and states, despite claims of civilization are not civil. Crime is built into society. This white collar crime is evidenced by:

1. Physical harm from food and water systems.
2. Mental harm due to misrepresented history which fuels superiority, hatred and disparities.
3. Loss of life, vitality and opportunities due to destruction of habitats.
4. Laws against growing food on land you “own.”
5. Advantages taken of children, elderly and the sick.
6. Harmful products sold with legal blessings.
7. War, abroad and at home.
8. Unequal access and provision of public services, i.e. taxation without materialization.
9. Needing a permit from the government to protest against the government.
10. Reducing public funding of medical care for the poor, poorest of elderly and food for the hungry.
11. Suffering, deaths and wasted resources from cancers while many governments, businesses, doctors and scientists ignore the most probable causes of nutrition, toxins and rest.
12. Education that trains people to work for others instead of learning themselves, their purpose(s), being their intended best and optimizing intelligences and potentials. Per Dr. Bobby Wright, [true] education is a liberating force, ie. It doesn't tie you to a life where basic needs hinge on economy, jobs, stores, utility companies and other man-made dependencies.
13. Individuals tricked into paying for job training (college) which is supposed to be a business expense.
14. Unequal education for children.
15. 13-14 years of education (High school diploma) that is not good enough. In other words, not only is free education unequal, it not enough. Then, access to education that gives you a “real” chance (college), is based on money and based on achievement in the unequal free public education system. A partial solution is for anyone with a high school diploma equivalent to get free college education so opportunity remains equal and differences result from individual ability not system bias.
16. The power of individual voice, protest and vote are diluted in various ways.
17. Mental harm that prevents a spiritual connection to natural law, thus awareness that crime has an inverse relationship with inherent rights, i.e. crime goes down when inherent rights go up.
18. Property damage (environmental degradation).
19. Harmful medical products, treatment, drugs and vaccines.
20. Police who function as the interior military against those perceived to be the enemy of the State.
21. Taking from the young and working but not returning what's promised in wages, social security and pensions.
22. Voting for discrimination by voting for those who discriminate.
23. Children taught societal virtues that are counterproductive to health.
24. Racial categorizations.
25. Psychological manipulation that causes fervent belief that all the above adds up to patriotism and liberty and justice for all.

Many sovereign nations need renovation - no lower, middle, upper or elite. The house must be one inherent level using an open floor plan. Since similarity/commonality is the essence of inherent rights, the largest portion must be common area - shared space and resources.

There are far too many religious people in the world for wrong to exist to the degree it does since “doing the right thing” is supposedly the predominant disposition of most religions.

Though we dutifully defend various ideologies and ways of life, until we defend inherent rights, there will be no defense against crime.

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