If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Expanded Definitions: What Is Time – Money? Keeping Track of Time & Climate Change.

Earth Time

Time is the motion of cellular processes.

Earth is a type of cell in the body of the Universe.* Earth's cellular processes cause motion. Humans have chosen to measure time based on the motion of Earth in relation to the motion of the Sun. I call this “Earth Time.”

Individual Time

Each living being has its own motion, therefore its own time. I call this “Individual Time.” In other words, time is an individual thing. Humans use Earth's Individual Time to keep track of human Individual Time. We do this because the motions of Earth and Sun extend across the lifespans of humans and are more consistent than the Individual Time of humans. Using Earth Time as a standard measure of time makes it easier to communicate the idea of time among humans. As a result, humans use Earth Time to represent time for everything and everyone living, non-living, no longer living, organic and inorganic.

For example, when we speak of someone who has transformed from this state of matter to the next (died), we state how long they have been dead. This is Earth Time. We could not communicate how long the person has been dead if we used the person's Individual Time because their Individual Time has stopped and no longer exists.

Using Individual Time would be complicated. It could not be based on minutes, hours, days and years because these designations come from Earth Time. Individual Time would have to be based on each individual's progression through growth stages. This would complicate the ability to communicate the concept of time among humans. When a person died, we could only say the person died at a certain stage. We could not say how old the person was because the concepts of “age,” “young” and “old” are all based on numbers related to Earth Time.

The bottom line is, using Earth Time connects the inner motion of ourselves to the inner motion of other, greater, living beings. It also helps us become aware of their characteristics and qualities such as gravity, friction, magnetic and electric. Using Earth Time connects the human portion of the natural world to the rest of the natural world and natural universe as we journey through different states of matter.

The Speed Of Time Is The Speed Of Motion

Since time is the motion of cellular processes, the speed of cellular processes affects the speed of time. When the speed of Earth's or Sun's cellular processes change, Earth's Individual Time also changes. Humans adjust Earth Time when this occurs but most of us are unaware this happens.

We know living beings go through growth stages that are faster or slower than the stage before. This means Individual Time is not constant. For example, a fetus, a young child and a child experiencing puberty are moving at higher rates of speed than at other times because their cellular processes are in rapid phases of development. This means human aging occurs at different rates of speed during each person's life. We know this is true for many other beings such as dogs. Most life goes through fast and slow periods of development.

This also means Earth is likely to experience different periods when it's cellular processes change speed. As speed decreases, motion slows down and Earth generates less heat. Possible changes could be a colder climate, mini Ice Age or Ice Age. As speed increases, motion speeds up and Earth generates more heat. Possible changes could be a warmer climate, Interglacial Optimum or Desertification. Earth could also reconfigure itself.

Time also changes when a person drowns in really cold water because their cellular processes slow down. The person's Individual Time has slowed but not their Earth Time. If resuscitated, the person is actually younger than their Earth Time. This is not insignificant to humans because we keep track of smaller differences such as the time difference between multiple birth babies (twins, triplets, etc.).

Unfortunately, humans have learned to change the speed of cellular processes and thus speed up the development process of chickens, cows, fish, plants and other living beings. This is mainly accomplished by adding growth hormones or stimulating the release of growth hormones. This has high negative implications because, in order to maintain system integrity, balance and health, the entire system must adjust gradually or at least maintain its intended proportions. This is why many of these same “fast-tracked” beings must be given assistance to fight off disease.

Time Is Not Money

Earth Time is a standard measure of motion that makes it easier to communicate different types of motion. In the same way, money is a standard measure of value that makes it easier to trade different types of resources.

Cellular processes are a resource.** This makes cellular processes valuable therefore motion is valuable. Time represents cellular motion therefore time is also valuable because it is a resource. Time is not money. Money has no value unless there is a resource it represents. Likewise, time has no value without motion.

This is why we must not be preoccupied with Earth Time because it is how we use Individual Time that matters most. We must be careful not to refer to the passing of Earth Time as evidence of change for individuals or circumstances. We must also be careful not to rely on the passing of Earth Time to change most things.

We must not be preoccupied with money because it's how we use individual resources that matters most. We must be careful not to refer to the possession of money as evidence of success for the individual. We must also be careful not to rely on the possession of money to change most things.

If we do not develop a greater awareness of motion and resources, we will be limited by the illusion of time and money.

Time To Move To The Next Stage of Our Developmental Process

Time is motion and motion is a process. Since a process is a sequence of events, time is also a sequence of events.

Life also is a sequence of events that take place over a period of time. In other words, a sequence of events (life) occurs during another sequence of events (time). Since these sequences are motion, life represents motion within motion.

Furthermore, life for us on Earth does not exist without our cellular processes. Viewed this way, life represents motion, therefore life represents time. This means each life is time within time because we are motion within motion.

In summary, life is motion within motion; process within process; sequence within sequence; and time within time.

Reality expands at a faster rate than an increase in awareness. This is the best guaranteed return on investment we will ever find. We have the ability and responsibility to use what our senses know to deduce additional harmonizing knowledge. If we don't, we are not being responsible. For example, we know there's a difference in how different living beings experience types of light, sound, color, patterns, vibrations and scent. This must also mean, there's a difference in how different living beings experience types of motion. Different beings most likely experience time differently.

Humans must stay in motion according to their intended process of development in order to maintain the feel and rhythm of time and everything else in motion. This is the best way to keep track of time. If we do not, it's possible to be on time but not in time.

One Second Future
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*Once we make this connection and integrate it with the fact there are other solar systems and other galaxies, then we are able to recognize the likelihood of other cells like Earth.
**Giving cells everything they need to do their jobs, is a pretty good indicator we know what's best for ourselves and that we know what is valuable.

Asante Sana Tehuti, Heru and Maat, Seers of Enblackenment, Enlightenment and Truth. Yebo Ashe Yebo!