If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, September 16, 2013

Self-Esteem | Employer, Employee Differences Poem

Pimp & Ho

by Usiku

Even with courting before consummating
The deal still is, imbalanced labor relating
No matter how much you're negotiating
Nothing man-made is worth what you're making
Nothing is worth the greatness you're forsaking
Selling self to disrespect, claiming blah blah for survival
Not admitting, it's submitting, for which you are liable
Your chosen condition, ill-fitting, spirit-soul you stifle
Boss taking much more, giving you an allowance and a title
And all you have to do is wear this 40-year bridle
Controlling you for needing money, far beyond where basics go
Not resourceful, repentant or remorseful is starting to show
You have an addictive habit, and need a lot of dough
Sounding like pimp and ho
At least between master and slave there's no pretending so

[Sound of a slap, then a thump]
Dat's fo' de heth cur ya's ben wontin'
[Sound of a whip cracking flesh]
Dat's de onlys time offin' ya's gittin' wen I'm teechin' ya dis here lessin
Now come 'ere boy an' pick dat gal up an' brang 'er wit' cha
Der's lotsa wurk ta be dun
An' I aims ta git it outta ya
Yer costin' me takin' breaks, layin' down sprawled lak dat an' bleedin' ev'rywers
Oh yeh, an' wers my muny ya dang wuthless fools

Related Quotes

We lie, pretend and beg to get them, pray to get them, thank God we have them, dread going to them, are more excited about days off, can't wait to quit them, dream one long, grueling dream of retiring from them and call them blessings. WTF!?

When we must program ourselves to go into an automatic operating mode of daily pretension, it gets harder each day to separate our true selves from the illusion. As a result, though we may not realize this is the reason, many of us hate our jobs but endure them for the money. This is a self-hate crime because we are trading what is good about us (health) for a toxic relationship (job)