Spiritual Basic Needs
0. A Two Truth vantage point and a One Truth point of view. Circular orientation to duality.1. Abilities
2. Abundance
3. Africa
4. Analysis
5. Ancestors
6. Asking
7. Body (A physical body for this stage of the journey)
8. Black energy
9. Black matter
10. Blackness
11. Change (includes evolution)
12. Children
13. Civilizing principles of matter (Spirit, carbon, melanin)
14. Clothing
15. Communal living
16. Creativity
17. Creator
18. Culture
19. Discipline
20. Elders
21. Energy (From the spirit to animate flesh and other matter)
22. Energy (From sources of nutrition)
23. Female/male pairing
24. Freedom in union
25. Fundamental keys and ways of knowing.
26. Genetics and other inheritances.
27. Giving
28. Higher purposes (Includes bringing forth an abundance of divine creations)
29. Home
30. Identity (Includes knowledge of origin)
31. Influence
32. Interrelatedness
33. Knowledge Of Self (Includes all needful knowledge to live life by, to perfect abilities and achieve happiness, fulfillment of destinypurposes and love.)
34. Land
35. Learning (Includes experiences of self and others)
36. Maat (duality)
37. Manipulation
38. Memory (Maintaining the past and the future in current memory)
39. Motion
40. Natural world as an ecosystem
41. Natural world as the only source of resources
42. Natural world as the means to know the Creator and connect with the Creator
43. Nutrition (From sources of nutrition)
44. Organization
45. Organizing principles of matter (Spirit, carbon, melanin)
46. Process. For example: (oneness, separation, connection, knowledge of self, oneness) and (thriving, oppression, survival, resistance, resilience, triumph, thriving) (1)
47. Protection from harm
48. Receiving
49. Reciprocity
50. Relationships
51. Rights of Creation
52. Seeds and more.
53. Self-study (Independent and joint)
54. Sharing
55. Shelter for the entire self.
56. Spirit as the essence of the Creator
57. Spirit as the primary universal language so all other universal languages may be understood and properly used.
58. Teachers who embody their subject.
59. Thought (Including introspection and reflection)
60. Thought process using a natural world context
61. Time
62. Truth (Includes knowledge of self and higher purposes)
63. Understanding
64. Zero waste
65. Help. Each and all of the above means we need help. Help is the essence of the meaning of all of the above and is what interconnection, interrelation, communal, ecosystem and many other words mean in their essence. Help each other, help your self. Every person has all of these spiritual basic needs. If a need is not being met by the higher self in the optimal way (Hot), it is being met in one of two ways:
1. By the lower self in the suboptimal way (Cold) (Creates clear contradictions within and without.)
2. By the higher self and lower self in combination (Lukewarm) (Creates cloudy contradictions accompanied by the lingering feeling something's not right, but often, for various reasons, the contradiction is not corrected. When the lower self is used to meet a spiritual basic need, the basic need goes by a different name. All of these names are the same as the problems we currently face and these are responsible for preventing societies from becoming civilizations. For example, the higher self did not have the abundance of the natural world during the Ice Age and could not get the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical nutrition it needed. The lower self dominated. Greed replaced abundance and human beings became humans.The lower self is only focused on minimal needs. Its focus is on surviving and food, shelter and clothing. The higher self is focused on all it needs and focuses on thriving. The higher spiritual self and the lower spiritual self are in contention of the being they are both within. This is what is taking place in each person. Lack of nutrition, which includes knowledge of self, swings the balance towards the lower self. The presence of nutrition, which includes increasing knowledge of self swings the balance back towards the higher self. This tug of war battle, in each person, is similar to the battle in Earth, in the heavens, in the universe and in the Creator. The Creator is sending nutrition to Earth to heal Earth. All the changes in the universe, galaxy, solar system and in Earth's climate attest to this. I hope some of this is for humanity to regain unity consciousness. This hope is not to be relied upon however, since it would amount to an extra dose of mercy, grace and blessing after we've wasted so much of it already. To put too much hope in the fact that help is on the way is to tempt the Creator into becoming an enabler of weakness in the lower self – the very thing the Creator is trying to prevail against everywhere. Many of us already know we need to get more nutrition and yet we refuse to do so though the means to get more nutrition is ours for the accepting and the seeking.
Everything we need is also fundamental to our nature. Our needs and our nature are complements. The two cannot be separated just as food and medicine can't. These things are fundamental. If we do not receive all the parts of what is fundamental to our nature, we will not be able to completely function in accordance with our nature because we won't have everything we need. We will display behaviors that are not as they should be. This has been proven in the Creator above and the necessary steps to transform the lower-self have been accomplished. Who will be among those to take the necessary steps right now to help the Creator transform the lower self in Earth below?(1) Myers, Linda James, Ph.D. & Speight, Suzette L., Ph.D., "Reframing Mental Health and Psychological Well-Being Among Persons of African Descent: Africana/Black Psychology Meeting the Challenges of Fractured Social and Cultural Realities,"The Journal of Pan African Studies, (2010, June), vol.3, no.8, p. 68.