If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Education Is The Key, Education Is Not The Key | Poem
Unity Consciousness #61

Education Is The Key, Education Is Not The Key

by Usiku

The main thing about Yurugu's sickery
Is it can only survive on trickery
Thus the unhealthiness of many societies
Teaching education is the key
The key to what?

Tricking citizens into slavery?
For a better life
Seeking basic needs ignoring basic needs
Maximizing income, minimizing outcomes
As dependents, expecting annuities
Retiring into delayed awareness of poverties
The worst is yet to come for this type of security
Societies built on this kind of education
Have foundations that support being weakly
Using many contradictory philosophies
Such as education is the key
And the best things in life are free
Yet the best education costs money
And everything you are taught you need
Comes with a cost. price, tax and fee
Education is not the key to liberty financially
Few can figure this out literally
Due to being taught how not to think critically
But to rely on some expert person as the key
Their education supersedes sensibility
This type of educational programming limits ME
Therefore education is the key to controlling me
While extolling the virtues of me, me, me
Knowledge of self holds keys to set me free
From wages doing Yuruguian activities
To stages of becoming mature spiritually
Which is the key to world peacefully
And the key to living eternally
All other creatures live intuitively
Yet we are the intelligent ones supposedly
Education is not the key

Per Dr. John Henrik Clarke, “education is for the purpose of training the student in the proper use of power.”
African culture, as the hidden key to our educational excellence.

Know yourself and know all else.

How To Never Lose Keys Again

Using ways of knowing and applying keys, unlocks analogies.
Nutrients are the keys to the process of life.

The African worldview is key.
What blackness can do, its creations can also do, especially creations which are blackness in their core being.
"Key Definitions | What Is Science? Who Are Scientists?"

In honor of the daily birth, life, death and resurrection of Heru, the prototype for Jeru of Jerusalem, the prototype for Jesus. Heru, the light of world is the light of blackness of the solar ecosystem. Heru is the original Jesus, both the son and sun of blackness through which light is brought to the world. Heru is the child that is born to parents Auset and Ausar. Auset is the prototype for Isis and Mary. Ausar is the prototype for Osiris and Joseph. Auset, Ausar and Heru are the Holy Family and Holy Trinity.