If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Critical Analysis Of The Nature Of The Struggle
Unity Consciousness #42

After reading, “What Did Young Activists Gain From White House Meeting? What Did the President Get?”, these thoughts and reminders seem appropriate.

If a meeting is to be held with the enemy, have them come to your house under your terms or some neutral place, otherwise the only thing accomplished is acquiescence to power, the wasting of resources and the providing of names and fingerprints of those in the movement. Have your media there and security.

For Organizers and Supporters Who Move Against The Status Quo*

The Global System Of Human Racism White Supremacy will always attempt to absorb just enough changes to satisfy insistent, consistent demands. These demands cannot be the end game unless these demands are aimed at dismantling the System that generates, nurtures and feeds all discriminations.

Perhaps most importantly, they remind us a rhetoric has not often been turned into action, because rhetoric did not become analysis and analysis did not develop program and program did not lead to insistent careful organizing of our people to effect radical change.

As Malcolm X said, “Any movement of freedom and power that is dependent upon the oppressors support for its survival is doomed to failure.”

1. This means if success is, getting the enemy to change some things or all of the things demanded, then success depends on the enemy's support - that support being the enemy's agreement to meet what is demanded.

2. Radical change as mentioned above means dismantling the system. This is something many of our organizers already know and have stated historically.

3. We can not allow our people to be led down a path of accomplishing a set of demands that amount to something but nothing in regards to the root of the problem.

. 4. The demands must be the dismantling of the System. Since this is unlikely to be agreed upon, why demand it? Why waste time talking to the enemy about it? Just go about the work necessary to bring it about.

5. It is not difficult or hard to hit the enemy fast and hard where it hurts – the pocketbook. As we are doing this, we can work on all other things. An essential demand to our supporters must be abstaining from unnecessary consumption and redirecting those dollars to building businesses that address basic needs.

6. Read and study brief historical summaries about movements that worked. The Black Panther Party is one of the best examples for me along with the Haitian revolts which contain many lessons, especially as related to those misnamed as “maroons.” We must listen to Malcolm X speeches and follow nation-building principles laid out for us already by Garvey, Booker T., Dubois, Elijah Muhammad and others.

7. African consciousness and Optimal Theory must form the philosophy of any movement that is intended to liberate Africans. Consultation with the elders of movements is warranted such as All-African People's Revolutionary Party, Nation Of Islam and the editors of Black Agenda Report. These same elders and other educators and psycholgists must reach out and guide our vital energies in ensuring the progress already made continues to build fundamental momentum. There is no need to agree ideologically on everything. We know this. We also know there is no substitute for combining wisdom, infrastructure and other resources. There is not enough time left for another fragmented approach. We must combine power with other groups young and old. Local activist groups must unite and then county and statewide and then nation wide and then worldwide. If there is a valid reason not to unite then groups obviously are not fighting the same essential fight. The enemy is. That's why there's a Global System Of Human Racism White Supremacy and other discriminations. Our enemies don't love each other to death but they will work together against us until their last breath. We are one nation and must have one overall approach under one name, then each group can have individual assignments. After that, if a group has other ideas, they can carry them out under their individual name.

Moral persuasion, reason and logic will not work. This thought process is the trick of the matrix mindset. It is an illusionary approach. Later for that. History proves this. Our master teachers remind of us of this. Ongoing examples puts this in our faces every second. The enemy has no reason, no logic and no morals. The System of Racism is their moral, reason and logic. Being tricked into talking to the enemy is to be tricked into talking to the System. Talking to either one is like talking to the hand.

8. We don't need another civil rights movement, we need to address the heart of the matter while taking care of other fundamentals.

* Segregated Black History, Segregated Outcomes