If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

I In I Am The Way To Truth & Light
Unity Consciousness #582


See UC#580.

Since who I know and what I know are both “self,” then I am the key.
This is why Ancient Ancestors used “know yourself” as a principal context reminder for daily learning understandings.
Who I am and what I am and why I am, etc. must be key questions which lead to answers of understandings.
This means, by knowing I, I also know the way to truth and light. Since both truth and light are understandings gained through self, the way is also through self.

This brings to mind the “I in I” or “I and I” phrasing of the Rastafarians.**

I in I means I and the Creator are the same in essence.
I in I and I and I is the same as saying “I am we,” “I am because we are,” and “I am you.” These statements connect me to seeing self as the same type as all else in creation. When everything is seen as the same as I and also within I, this awareness inhibits me from working against self, thus the collective benefit.

In some bibles, the Creator refers to self as, I AM.
This is in response to the question, “Who are you?”
The Creator's answer to the question is also my answer and your answer to the same question.
I am that I am, I am who I am, I am what I am, I am why I am, etc.

“I am,” is all-encompassing because the Creator, who said, I am, is all-encompassing.
I am is as all-encompassing as know yourself because that is the process the Creator is currently engaged in – to know self through creation – which is forms of self – which is I and we.

The I in I is the All in All and the I and I is the All and All. All this is one.

If I do not know I am the way to truth and light then how likely is it for me to be the change I want to see in the world and the change I am intended to be in the world?

Change in the world takes two forms. The good/higher/strong form compared to the evil/lower/weak form. These same forms are the two forms of discrimination, the two forms of manipulation and the two forms of spirit. (These will be called mostly by their higher-self/lower-self names)
Since both forms are possible and present within self, then not knowing who I am still creates change in the world but in the direction of lies and darkness. What is meant when it is said, she/he lost their way?
This is why knowledge of self is critical to health, otherwise there will be critical illness.

If I am to be the one to make a higher form of difference, then I must seek higher understandings, because either way, with or without higher understandings, I am making differences towards the upside or downside. Until I have gained sufficient knowledge of self, I am more than likely making differences on both sides. Not all good, not all bad.

World peace, which is balance, health, equality, justice and harmony, is achieved through the context of understanding World peace is not achieved through the placating, platitudes and promises of resisters and deniers of knowledge of self. World peace is not achieved through the vague “love sweet love” songs. World peace is achieved through self-understanding of the I in I and I and that reveals the way to truth and light.

Rhythms of I in I invoke where it can
Lead me where we understand
Unified, I and I become perfection again
See UC#380.

** Hailie Selassie I as the divine one incarnate is not fundamentally different than other belief systems who esteem Buddha, Yeshua (Jesus), Muhammad and others. The notion of “I in I” is not different from being Christ-like or the in-dwelling spirit or being a child of God.