If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Medication Malaise: Prescription & Over The Counter
Another Major-Mini Self-Health Assessment
Unity Consciousness #665


What kind of information are we relying on when logic tells us medication is the best we can do for our health over the long run?
We are relying on incomplete, mixed-up information.

Medication is a human-made secondary creation.
Medicine is a Creator-made primary creation.
Medication is a drug.
Medicine is food.
Medication is not nutrition.
Medicine is nutrition.
Most medication “works” by interfering with cellular processes (It makes us feel sorta okay about continuously using broken logic. We know something ain't right but we choose not to use what is free to willingly put up a fight).
Medicine repairs and restores balance to cellular processes. (It fixes logic)
Medication has direct negative effects that we are taught are on the “side,” thus we think side effects are not the main thing we should consider when it comes to taking medication.
Medicine has no negative effects because food has no negative side effects.
You gotta eat medicine.
You don't gotta eat medication.

At best, medication is useful in the short-run, sometimes.
Medicine is always healthful, short term and long term.

How many medications actually address the cause of sickness? The answer is: relatively few.
We know we must be in a medication malaise if we expect something that does not address the cause of sickness to produce the effect of health (overcoming the sickness).

Most medications and medical treatments wreak holy health havoc by causing more fundamental cellular imbalances.

The medication malaise has us afraid to think for ourselves without a doctor's approval. Humans are probably the only creature who outsource basic needs, especially the information we put into our logic. Secondly, we also choose to use our sensing abilities in a subservient manner to the sensing abilities of others of the same species.

We must consider a radically old approach:
If what is out of balance in our body is not immediately life threatening, then the logically healthier choice is to adjust habits to bring the body back into balance, rather than take medication to hide symptoms.
Medication, as a health necessity and imperative, is preached more often than medicine as food as nutrition as health is taught. Thus we have bought a lot of what we've heard a lot.
We repeat the short list of supposed benefits of medication without repeating the mega list of known side effects. Test yourself or any person taking prescription or over the counter medication and you will find they can tell you the benefits but not the side effects, even though some are listed on the package.

Consider this radically old approach:
Nutrition less toxins improves health outcomes and helps us live better lives.
Since food is nutrition and nutrition is medicine, food helps us live better, healthier lives, not medication. Food is healthcare insurance.
The general malaise we're in, in societies, apart from that caused by medications, has us following suboptimal thinking trying to get to optimal living.
We think we're doing good when we come away from the doctor's office with a prescription and our health insurance covers it.
Believe it or not, there is always a huge co-pay to pay when we think this way.

The prescription for all our needs is: more nutrition less toxins.
This is true no matter what symptoms our imbalances are manifesting themselves as. Call it what you want, all sickness has the same cause.

The Water & The Medication

Continue to consider what is happening to us.
Taking medication is like drinking dirty water and expecting to get healthier. Though the body is able to extract the water molecules, the body still has to deal with and process the dirty toxic stuff through the cells of the body. How much dirty toxic stuff can our cells tolerate and for how long, just so we can get the benefits of the water?
Most of us who are not officially taking prescription or over the counter medications are still drinking dirty water daily because we have the ”civilized” convenient luxury of medicated water – on tap. The chemicals in tap water that should not be there have the same negative effects as straight up medication.
The medication malaise allows us to overlook this because we are told it ain't so and are issued clean water quality reports.
These reports rely on not-so-sophisticated, not-so-scientific lies. Here's why.
Parts per million or billion are not okay when you have trillions of cells in your body.
It only takes one cell to malfunction to get health moving in the wrong direction.

Taking medication is like taking one part help and 11 parts harm.
Study the medication you are taking** – unless the malaise says otherwise.
Otherwise all of us must take clean water (food) and clean medication (food) in order to be healed and healthy.
This is the logic we must self-assess with whatever we intend to ingest.

No matter if we convince ourselves the benefits of medication outweigh the side effects, that relationship, though it “might” start out in our favor, always deteriorates towards the negative. Understand this. A person on medication is unlikely to also address nutrition. Then, as an already weakened body is continuously beat down by the toxic side effects of medication, the body needs more medication, because nutrition has not improved sufficiently enough. The body also needs medication to offset medication. This is a predictable slippery sickening slide downhill towards graver consequences. Let us not confuse the benefits of medication that fights infections as equal to non-infection medication. An infection is an external pathogen that found its way inside. Most health problems begin internally as cellular imbalance, cellular malfunction. This is the main area where medication falls way short. We must not extend the same positive conclusion we see from infection medication to non-infection medication.
This is why infection medication is advised for short term use only and prescribed that way, as it should be. Short term should also be the length of use for other medications – otherwise we are simply feeding the profit pig of others while depleting our resources, especially health.

The second thing we must not do is mistake the absence of pain, when we take pain-killers as an improvement to health. Just because medication stops us from feeling pain, doesn't mean the cause of the pain has been corrected, even if the pain is not felt after we stop taking the medication. We must not falsely conclude the absence of pain or the medicating away of pain is always a good thing. We must not falsely conclude pain medication works for us in a healthy way and therefore, other medication is also healthy for us.

Let us be certain to understand an over-the-counter or prescription vitamin is medication. A vitamin in non-food form is not nutrition. These vitamins are medication (put together by humans) and ARE NOT EQUAL to vitamins in medicine (put together by the Creator). The main reason is because of all the other ingredients included for various reasons. Most vitamins contain toxins, thus are medications. The secondary reason vitamins are not nutrition, even if the vitamin does not contain a toxin, is because nutrients we need for cellular healthcare do not come in isolated form. Try to find any vitamin by itself in the natural world intended for us to eat. Thus, when it comes to human-made or human-extracted or human-put-together vitamins, since the associated nutrients are missing or are not in their natural state and form, prescription and over-the-counter vitamins can have less than the desired intended healthy effect, thus should only be considered as medication. Thus vitamins should only be used short-term unless there is just no way to get food into the body.

Vitamins and minerals sold separately from food to be ingested in a non-food form walks the line in terms of being beneficial.
The universal ecosystem and our body ecosystem are based on balance. Life is based on balance. Vitamins and minerals must exist and function in balance. Separating vitamins and minerals from their food source removes the balance that exists with other elements in food designed to work in conjunction with the vitamins and minerals we need. It also disrupts the digestive process. There are steps in the process that must take place before the nutrients in food are made available to our cells. When this does not happen, because the nutrient has been pre-processed, other living portions of our body suffer.

When we try to skip or shortcut the process involved in ingesting and digesting food, we are on the wrong path. We know this from the mirror image mistake we've made trying to shortcut the process plants need to get nutrition. When we simply add fertilizer (vitamins and minerals) to the soil, it disrupts and harms the ecosystem, and even though a plant might grow and appear healthy, how can it be healthy if, simultaneously, its ecosystem is being harmed?
Most plants must get nutrition mainly through the decomposition of organic matter just as humans must get nutrition mainly through the digestion of organic matter – decomposition and digestion are two forms of the same process to provide nutrients to two forms of the same creation.

**Side effects are called different names: side effects, warnings, interactions, contraindications, dangers...