Words can easily be the same or derivatives or closely related, without seeming to be.
“Batata” becomes 'patata” becomes “potato” becomes “tater.” You can be certain "batata" goes back to Inner Africa. It clearly has Kiswahili written all over it and any other number of Inner African languages.
Somewhere along the way, a plant root that swells and enlarges became known as a “tuber” which is related to protuberance and protrude. 500 years from now the people might not know this. Relative to the amount of time it takes for things to come into existence, it doesn't take long to forget or remember.
Meanings: Number 1, the first one, the one, primary, mother, grandmother, great mother, royal mother, gestator, bearer, carrier, duplicator, water Words: A, Ama, Ank, Ankh, Enga, Gigi, I, Kaka, M, Ma, Mam, Mama, Mami, Mat, Mater, Maturea, Maut, Me, Mem, Memfo, Memi, Mi, Mma, Mo, Moe, Mom, Momi, Momo, Momu, Moo, Mot, Mu, Mumi, Mut, Nana, Nga, Nga-Nga, Ngoro, Nike, Noki, Nya, Nyoka, Umma Words Derived: mad, madder, match, mate, maternal, maternity, Mathias, Mathura, matriarch, matrix, Matrona, matter, Matthew, mature, maturity, my, memfi, memphis, mimi, mummy, nag, naga, nega, negate, negative, negro, niga, nigga, nigger, night Mother
Meanings: The old Mother, the Great or Grandmother, Darkness, Number 1, the old first one, the bringer forth, womb of life, mother of the fields of heaven, mother of beginnings, mother of movement in a circle, mother of the starry revolutions, mother of the cycles of time, founder of the heptanomis Words: A, Akhet, Apt, Caca, Ego, I, Kaka, Kara, Koko, Mama, Mami Wata, Maya, N, Nana, Nina, No, Yak, Yo Words Derived: ago, aptitude, Ogo, Cara, Coco, mamma, mamie mommy
References: See Source Notes On Listening To Spoken & Unspoken Thoughts, Unity Consciousness #879