If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Re-solving Puzzles With Understandings & Symbol Reckoning
Unity Consciousness #841


(Part 3 of 6)

Changing Genetics

Since we know the physical world is changing, we should also know physical genetics are changing.
Since we know physical genetics are changing, we should also know spiritual genetics are changing.
If we know ourselves minimally adequately, we should also know the physical and spiritual, contain the mental and emotional.
Thus, then we also know mental genetics and emotional genetics are also changing.

By following a basic process such as this, we can and must reach understandings that are within reach before we can reach understandings way over yonder somewhere we don't even know exists. We can follow any understanding forwards, backwards, sideways and at any angle and reach the next connection to understandings. The web is that way. Light is that way.
This is a basic process of solving puzzles of understanding. By combining current understandings with the components of reckoning by symbols, expansion takes place and layers of understanding are exposed to the Initiate, even to the recent Initiate or temporary Initiate.

I saw a fall/winter pumpkin emerge out of a summer squash. Although these two varieties of the same thing have puzzling names, the principles by which they diverged have not changed. Thus, as the Universe is on a quickening pace to reverse course, the oracle and executor are beginning to obey the stronger force. What started out as the soft yellow variety turned into the hard orange variety mid-season for no other reason than the genius of something, so spectacular yet so frequent and normal, it could be reckoned as commonplace, so nothing.
Reflecting on experience provides time and space for ever-ready teachers to continue the lesson.
Creative genetic potential genius does not need the permission of belief-bound cognition on lockdown before it can reveal what it is capable of. In fact, the opposite is true. Creative genetic potential genius reveals what it is capable of in order to free belief-bound cognition with multiple ways of knowing.
The squash pumpkin went from light yellow to dark orange color, from smooth to bumpy texture and from thin to thick skin. All that was needed was obeying the principles of the law of the stronger of its two genetic dimensions.

Once I began reflecting on the vision of my experience, understandings and reckonings entered the classroom and flowed into rhythm. The metachange I witnessed bore witness in the pulpit of my nucleus until the same meta also transformed me by algorithm.

Two varieties of squash merging into one again, colors reversing and most of what is one way is flipping script, are symbols of genetic recalibration. These symbols are signals announcing more emergences telling us where, when and how the Sons of Men will be deposed and the Daughters/Mothers of Creation shall be re-established as the dual symbol of the whole.

Even at the Giri So, it is believable the physical world is changing and even at the Giri So it is knowable these changes go beyond the superficial. By way of the Initiate's process to reach understandings, it is possible to also know the greater ability to re-solve puzzles is also changing on every needed level.