If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, May 26, 2017

Khaos As Mes, Mest, Meskhen | Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1031


(Part 2 of 7)

Khaos As Meskhen

Meskhen or Mes-khen is the celestial birthplace above and below, the womb, cocoon and tomb for the Sun according to the gnosis of the Egyptians. Thus, the Meskhen is the birthplace and re-birthplace of spirit-soul and matter. It is symbolized by the Great Bear constellation, earlier known as Kepha, the Hippopotamus. (BB 44/56) and (Bunson 129/147) and (AE2 600/64)

Khaos As Mes

Mes comes from the terrestrial birthplace below and above. (AE1 294/304)

Mes means the product of a river or waters that is gathered, engendered, massed.
Mes is mass and cake. The symbol of this mass was the hieroglyphic cake which was the Egyptian symbol of land.
The cake is still symbolized by the wafer/cracker eaten at religious Communion and Mass, as it also was in Egypt. So to eat the wafer is to eat the mass of the waters just as you did inside the placenta waters of the womb. The drinking of wine during Communion represents the liquid essence nutrition that fed you in the womb.

The mass or product of the river when caked, is the primeval land, the pure land periodically brought forth fresh and renewed from the waters. The birthplace of this black or red mud comes from the source of the Nile, Nyanja Ya Tanganyika. (BB 4/16) and (AE1 303/313)

Khaos As Mest & Mest-ur

Mest-ur consists of:
Mest or Mes-t as the birth-place of Mes. Mest is the lying-in chamber, the lair of the whelp, the product of the waters. Mest is the tail, end, sexual part, womb, great, chief, primordial.
Ru is the gate, door, mouth of outlet.
Ur is the great, oldest, chief.

Mest-ru is the outlet from the birth-place.
Mest-ur is the chief and most ancient place of birth. Mestur is both the oldest birthplace and eldest born.

Types of Mests and Mest-urs are Tanganyika, Lower Egypt, Khebt and Amenta. All are Khaos birthplaces. (BB 4-5/16-17, 29/41)

This child is the mes who came out of the mest, thus the child is the mes-siah.
The mes is the product and word of the mest and so is a mes-sage and messenger to deliver the information from the birthplace of knowledge.

Khaos As Mystery & Mes-terui

Mystery is today's version of Mes-terui which means the birth of a child of the dual time, born at the spring equinox in the unlimited place of Kef-en-terui or Terui. Creation is the child who is born in the unlimited expanding place of the womb. (BB 334/346) and Fu-nen-tera

Teriu or Kep-en-terui or Ha-Keb is the concealed secret sanctuary of the two times, the double seat, which is the corner, angle, Kheb, Khep, Kep, Cove at which the young sun-god was re-born where the two became three in one. Teriu and Kep-en-terui express both two in one and three and one. This is why the reborn Sun is called the brilliant triangle.
Terui, Kep-en-terui, Ha-Keb means the place of and action of hiding, concealing, lying in wait, looking, watching. (BB 333/345)

Parts 1 and 2 help explain the First and Second Truths that is Khaos and Chaos. It also helps us distinguish between the knowing of the Egyptian Mes-terui and the unknowing of what is called mystery. Utamawazo, context or worldview is essential to understanding the Nature of self and all else.