Both first and second can be good and bad depending on the current set of conditions.
Both first and second have pluses, minuses, advantages, disadvantages, pros, cons, responsibilities, etc. Together they help tell the whole story of the infrastructure in a universal system of dualities that must function and dysfunction to maintain everlasting life.
Number Definitions & Meanings
The root of the words Numero and Number may be found in Num which means to join, put together, add, repeat, again, twice, second. Nema means the other, one-half of a whole. This is identical to Num or Nem in Egyptian which means the other or second half, which means to add another one to the first to get two, twice, second, twin-total, the all. Nub is a variation of Num. (NG1 188/206) Ber is the eye, an image of the circle and circle-making.* (BB 243/255) Thus, once again we see each number is:1. Complete - the total, the whole circle, duality.
2. Partial – a one part repetition of the total whole that unites to form the circle.
3. Understanding - a way of knowing, perceiving, recognizing, identifying. (BB 239/259), (NG1 80/98) Numbers are one way of expressing and communicating the total picture.
Numbers represent the Circle Cycle of Life (Nature). Numbers re-present Nature and are Nature.
Time To Shift Back To The Duality Context
Time is running out on the logic of “We're number one, can't be number two and winners and losers” which has been kept front and center through societies and their cultures. If there's more than one way to do something, and both are okay, then does it matter what order they came into existence? When it comes to thinking and behavior, we know there are two primary forces, before the individual even begins to make a choice. Coming in second, culture programs thinking and behavior, but first the dual energies of the Star Power Ages provides the fuel.This is how we know changes are not simply about celestial alignments and weather changes.
*Another form of Ber is Per. Per is perimeter of the Circle. Cir, Per and Ber are dealing with the circumference. Cir-cum-ference is circle reference and also forms the basis the word conference, meaning everybody together.