If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Culture | Mental Health Definitions & Meanings
Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Pt X
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1096


(Part 3 of 11)

Definition 3 – Based On Culture (Asili & Utamawazo)

Mental health is thinking and behaving in accordance with the original human nature (the nature or personality of the African). Optimal Theory is universal because it “places primary value on peace, harmony with all creation, balance, the greatest good, positive interpersonal relationships, being holistic, cooperation, spiritual/material reality, spiritual/material unity, communalism, the extended self, inclusive logic, learning through inductive synthesis, multiple ways of knowing, self-knowledge, Ancestors and more.”
To expect Europeans whose mental reasoning was deformed in an extremely harsh Ice Age culture, to operate as if they lived in a tropical country of abundance would be not dealing with reality. To expect the lifestyle of a man in the Ice Age to have the same moral values compared to a man coming from the sun climate of Africa would be opposite to reality.
Thus, the context for determining what is normal mental functioning for humans, by necessity, has an African origin, as should be expected, since civilized thinking and behavior (civilization) also evolved out of African deep thought regarding the proper relationships of humans with each other and the rest of nature.
We can understand why, under no circumstances where nature is being significantly harmed, does mental health exist among the majority of people in a culture that justifies such behavior based on “might” and legal laws. No matter how miseducated we are, we still know it is insane to bite the hand of nature that feeds us or shoot ourselves in the foot just because we have the power to do so and it's legal. Legal law is the weakest form of mental reasoning we can use to judge thinking and behavior. The culture of a Giri So functioning nation of laws is exhibit one of the seed of its intentions and warped worldview.

In today's human climate, what constitutes mental health is no longer determined by observing natural laws and neither is it based on the original human culture, but in contradiction, like a scattered-brain, mental health is defined by each individual subculture branch, each in self-imposed identity crisis due to straying from the original human culture in Africa.
Yet, we continue to deal with mentally-ill culture-raised people and we keep getting the same mentally-ill culture-raised responses. Time after time with blinders on our minds, and no protection for our behinds, we continue to remain aligned with these cultures and stupidly think we are going to get justice some kinda way someday if we hope, protest, pray, obey and do what the mentally ill say.
Since when does cancer, willingly turn around and head the opposite way? People who expect that, die of mental illness before their body dies. Cancer does not “go into remission.” No! Instead, cancer is beat back and beat down into submission when healthy cells of the immune system go on the self-preservation offensive and self-preservation defensive. Since this requires healthy logic, we cannot beat cancer using cancer logic and we can't beat weak culture using that culture's weak logic. (Azibo 33-4/2-3, 35-7/4-6)

Another way to understand the role of culture and mental illness is this:
”Physical and mental illness is viewed primarily as a form of disorder or imbalance resulting from disunity between mind and body, between the individual and society, or between humans and spirits. A proper diagnosis of the root causes of disease requires an investigation of social relations and spiritual transgressions.” (Asante & Mazama 448-449)
In other words, individuals cannot get mental illness unless the culture is responsible and also mentally ill. Individuals cannot lack nutrition for the total self and function in a self-degrading manner contrary to beingness unless the culture is responsible and also mentally ill.

Culture sets all ring tones we cling to, sing to, bling to and answer to. As cultured members, we just follow along, making connections to ideologies from a human selection, then thinking we have made healthy individual choices using the culture's unhealthy directions.


Asante, Molefi Kete and Mazama, Ama Editors, "Encyclopedia Of African Religion," (2009) pp. 448-449.

Azibo, Daudi Ajani ya ”The Azibo Nosology II: Epexegesis and 25th Anniversary Update: 55 Culture-focused Mental Disorders Suffered by African Descent People,” The Journal of Pan African Studies , vol.7, no.5, November 2014, Portions quoted, paraphrased and added to.