If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Split-Personalities | Church, State, Business, Personal
Unity Consciousness #1551


(Part 9qc of 11)

The logic of separation of Church and State is a logical stage of the “lying to yourself” process that matures into plausible deniability. Logic that says it's okay to separate Church and State is the same as committing suicide and claiming you've been murdered. This is exactly what most nations today are doing. Part of this delusion is to create all sorts of boogeymen to play the role of murderers, terrorists, criminals and other forms of worthlessness. This logic then leads to ruthlessness by Church and State.

First of all, Church, synagogue, temple, mosque, sanctuary and house of worship, as practiced by humans, is what people come together and create to express how they will govern themselves based on a universal higher authority than humans.
Second of all, “State” is what people come together to create to express how they will govern themselves based on local human authority and local geography.

To suggest it's normal and healthy to separate Church logic from State logic, is to suggest living with a split-personality that contradicts itself is the best logic that has ever existed.
Yet that is exactly what's been going on.

People created a justification for having a Church belief system that contradicts their State belief system.
Then, once that justification excuse escapegoat from responsible thinking was firmly installed in our minds, spirits and emotions, then people had the logical leeway permission to split themselves by having State as a primary authority based on what's legal and illegal, and also having Church as a primary authority based on what is moral and immoral. The two of these, we tell ourselves, are separate, thus they do not contradict, even though they most times do contradict. Separation of Church and State is the logic that explains why things contradict but it's okay and there's nothing wrong with it, because Church and State are separate.

This kind of thinking allows us to be taught to have one type of logic for our current residence and another type for our birthplace in Africa.
This allows us to have separate logic for our bodies, separate logic for our minds, separate logic for our emotions and separate logic for our spirit-souls.
This allows us to separate Science from Church. And separate Science from Science. It allows us to separate science into thousands of parts and only recognize a few of those parts as science. (As a reminder, everything that exists is science and everything humans do and learn is science. There is nothing we can name that is not science.)

Separation of Church and State is the kind of logic that allows us to separate energy and matter from spirit.
The examples are numerous. This is why we have separate logic that says nature is good and important and needed and should be protected, yet we quickly dismiss all of that logic and allow it to be overridden in the name of progress and business and jobs and having our yards look good.

Separation of Church & State is like thinking you can have a coin with heads in one pocket and the other half of the coin with tails, in the other pocket. You can think combine and separate the coin as necessary with the greatest of ease, the flip of a logic script,

The acceptance of and acquiescence to separate Church and State logic allows thousands of people we consider smart, intelligent and experts to function using separate logic in capacities that are supposed to help us and keep us safe.
How can it ever make sense if one person is supposed to do something and another person is supposed to double-check it, that it is then okay to allow the same person who does something in the first place, to also be the main one and only one who double-checks?
Yet this is is exactly what the FAA has been doing in terms of Boeing and other airplane manufacturers.
We already have the side effects to prove the same thing is going on in terms of drug medication safety. One mostly overlooked form of this is tardive dyskinesia caused by unsafe medication. Meanwhile, most of us have mental illness and are walking around with the unmedicated form of tardive dyskinesia, i.e. our thinking and behavior are erratic in terms of the Universal, Church and Personal but quite normal in terms of the Local, State and Business logic we follow.
This is what allows people at the FAA and Boeing to continue to say we did what was legal and what we were certified and approved to do. In other words, as long as you do what the law allows per the State, then it's okay to not consider the laws of the Church. There is no need to follow the law of the Highest Potentate. Separation of Church & State is a pre-planned escape from responsible thinking. And so is separation of Business & Personal. This gives us no reason to try to reconcile our thinking, self-correct or make amends.
This is what leads to “Natural Law 101 & Construction 101, UC#1286.” Notice the similarities of broken logic where things were accelerated without regards to safety. Also, oversight was put in the hands of those who had priorities that were higher than safety concerns and the fiduciary duty we all have to all beings. The multiple messages on the FIU bridge crash collapse is a micro study that captures the macro problem continuously devastating us.

This is a repeat of what we have seen many times and is still taking place all over the world in multiple areas of each society. It's the same thinking and behavior as the movie, 'The China Syndrome.” In addition, there are many more avoidable accidents and disasters that will continue to happen on larger and larger scales.

Because we give Church & State the highest seat of authorities in our lives, we can be certain that our Church logic and State logic is responsible. And because we secondarily give Business & Personal the third and fourth highest seats of authority, we can be certain that our Business logic and Personal logic are always responsible as co-conspirators to Church & State.

Acceptance of separation of Church and State is what allows people to say they did their jobs, even though their jobs clash with their Church belief system and are to some degree inhumane against superhuman and human. There is no actual universal separation of superhuman and human. Separation of superhuman and human only exists in human logic.
Even in a world where no humans existed, humans still existed in the seed and womb and genetic potential of the superhuman in Mother Earth and Mother Universe. In other words, humans preexisted before humans existed. In other words, humans existed by virtue of preexistence. There is no separation. Wholeness logic was being taught to us in the womb.

Lack of this essential fundamental understanding is what allows us to rob countries, send aid to those same countries and pretend to be “good guys” and be all about caring about humanity and yet we deny people humanitarian assistance when they want to enter “our” country so they can help themselves further by finding work and enjoy better conditions that allow them to live.
Church & State split-personality logic is what allows people to tout their community togetherness when a natural disaster occurs, yet at all other times, these same people live in communities where things and laws and rules are very separate and very different for not so different groups of people.
This is why we accept police policing themselves with their office of internal affairs, or when we allow other police agencies to be the ones who double-check police. This is what happens when we allow county or state police or military or the FBI or the CIA or the UN or NSA or Homeland Security to be the ones to double-check. And this is why it is rare for findings of guilt to be issued.

Church and State are two parts of logic in our brains that must coexist. If the logic contradicts, then it will make us crazier by the minute unless we separate the logic by justifying our behavior. We do this by saying Church and State should be separated. Personal & Business give birth to Church & State with gives birth to Business & Personal which gives birth to State & Church. Thus then, as you can see, State & Business has moved into first place while Church & Personal are not second, but last. Between first and last is a lot of wiggle room that State & Business leaves for itself to create variations that appease some of us “just enough” to allow State & Business to remain in charge while not allowing Church & Personal to overrule them. This is only possible by our consent.

As you can see we now have State & Business as one and the same, and then we have Church and Personal as one and the same. This is the understanding in our logic. In reality, all four are the same. This is why, for instance, we are able to support killing people we don't know because one State disagrees with another State.

And this is why multiple States have created their own version of Church and/or rewritten Church bibles, so that Church authority tells us to obey State authority. Then it's again okay to combine Church and State.

Now we go back to the top of this message and point out what we already know: It is necessary to suggest separation of Church and State for sanity's sake, even though the sanity is fake in the larger universal matrix, but very real in the smaller matrices we create.
Separation of Church & State is also necessary because Church authority is a higher power than human authority. Church authority is not a respecter of human persons based on the multiple demographics we use. On the other hand, State authority does not have to consider all humans. State only needs to consider some of the people in its Feifdoms. Just enough to maintain control. Thus, during suboptimal periods of existence, when people want to justify behavior outside of the collective good of all creations, they seek separate Church and State. Not separation in fact, but only on paper and only in rhetoric, but never in practice. This must be properly understood.

Matthew 6:24 of the Christian Bible states: “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.”

Which one do we hate? Our Church logic or our State logic?

Church is a master and State is a master.
Business is a master and Personal is a master. Which one do we hate?
Mind, body, emotion and spirit are each a master. Which one do we hate?
Sun, moon and stars are all masters. Which one do we hate?
Water is a master, and so are Earth, Wind and Fire. Which one do we hate?
Does it make sense to separate our logic for any of these masters such that contradiction, conflict, incongruity exists, thus allows the favor of one to result in the detriment of the other?

Only a split-personality trained person is able to say and do the same thing, and in some instances it's truth and in other instances it's a lie, in some instances it's right, in other instances it's wrong, sometimes legal, sometimes illegal, sometimes moral, sometimes immoral, sometimes fair, sometimes unfair, and so on.

Only a split-personality trained person is able to create the conditions where two lies are allowed to exist within self but not tolerated anywhere else, when the universe is based on two truths that must coexist everywhere.

See also contradict, contradiction, contradictions, mental illness.

All of this simplifies to us having a split-personality when it comes to understandings. We think we can understand the current way things are, without understanding the way things were and how both lead to each other and to how things will be. We think we can look at a snapshot and understand the whole movie. We know whatever is taking place in different scenes of a movie with different characters has everything to do with the whole story being told. Thus we know what is presented at separate times in separate places is still all connected and cannot be separated in our processing of logic that produces the best understandings of this movie called life and existence, directed by God and starring everything in Creation.

This brings us back around nearer to the greater beginning. A split-personality temporarily has no concept of self-correction. Yet, since everything is a manifestation of the Creator, then the split-personality within humans is being corrected, some of it by humans and some of it by the superhuman, thus awareness of the need for self-correction is rising. This is so because Kar-tek is directing the show and now correcting our ad-libbing of truth. Broken logic in our operating system is being repaired along with multiple forms of maintenance that clears temporary files, junk files, removes viruses and malware and frees up space in order to move us towards more optimal thinking, thus behavior.

This brings us back around again to what has been said elsewhere: when that which is one thing has twoness within itself, and then it becomes separated and exists as two creations, this splits the personalities. Thus, the existence of split-personalities is not problematic until we move away from unity consciousness and towards disunity consciousness. The problem is our lack of understanding how one thing can be two things and how two things can be one thing. Same is true within self, when we don't understand how different parts of self are supposed to work together.

Who claims one part of self has nothing to do with another part?
So why do we claim our Church logic has nothing to do with our State logic, thus should be kept separate? And who claims our Business logic has nothing to do with our Personal logic? What healthy person claims that who they are at home has nothing to do with who they are at work, thus should be kept separate? Separation of Church and State is the same thing as separation of Business and Personal that allows us to treat people differently when we are in business mode and differently when we are in personal mode. This allows our thinking and behavior to be guided by small interests. Separation of Church & State and Business & Personal is at the root of destruction and suffering.

Where We Are In The Process, In The Cycle

A... “fragmented existence is a looming disaster—a slow-motion extinction event.”
Under our conditions where logic is severely separated, fragmented, corrupted and scrambled, we already know what usually happens?

A reboot start over do over of the computer to restore things to last known good configuration or factory presets, thus erasing all present user settings that have caused corruption. This restores fundamental balance, thus causes a redistribution of everything fundamental.

See also the 1976 movie “Network” starring Faye Dunaway which echoes the essence of what has been said above and in multiple places elsewhere. Truth is always self-evident to those whose thought processes are developed enough to allow them to “pull self together” from the fragments of truth we encounter. It is true that most of us would not know much of anything were it not for television. I add to that sentiment that, formal education teaches us on paper and writes the script of our logic. Then television puts it into visual moving images. Formal education and television come after Church has ordained the worldview and contributed to the script and after State has created the conditions to ensure it happens. Thus most people gain their sense of truth from School, Television, State and Church. Thus the suboptimized mind, having all faith in what it was fed in School, in Church, by the State and on Television, concludes, that since information from four major life areas agree, then that must represent the majority of truth. This then makes it easy for Business & Personal behavior to follow with faith-driven fervency of proselytes drawn towards anything larger than self in any way.

Let us be certain to understand that corroboration of logic by School, Television, Church and State does not guarantee we will have an accurate balanced understanding of self or of anything else or of all else. Even at the lowest level of awareness, this is self-evident in hundreds of ways. Most of know when “something ain't right.” Thus, most of know a whole bunch of things in our societies, our cultures, our nations, ain't right.

So in order to reach and remain at the “vantage point” of self, we must continuously double-check logic we receive outside of self against default factory preexistence logic inside self and with logic of the superhuman inside and outside of self. When we abdicate and outsource our critical thinking to others, we remain children, vulnerable to misguided guidance.

1. Outside human world: School, Television, Church, State
2. Outside superhuman world: Everything not considered human
3. Inside human world and inside superhuman world: Self.

“Self” must be based on a balanced understanding of optimal identifiers of self and suboptimal identifiers of self.

4. The antidote is self-study that provides enough information to balance out the avalanche of information from the four places above. This is how you get back to the vantage point where advantage and disadvantage of all things are understood beyond our current suboptimal understandings of advantage and disadvantage.