From a side road, a thought crossed my mind of how we can be married to a person who is not right for us and for whom we are not right for. It's a match that was missed when the strings were attached, but had not yet become twisted, i.e., before we enlisted and tied the knot, formally or informally.
Most of us know we can be with a “good person” who is the “wrong person.” Two good people can both become wrong people and both can become the reason the relationship goes wrong if they form a relationship of any type that is not the type of relationship they should be in, and neither of them changes that relationship as soon as they recognize this is not the relationship they should be in.
This brings me quickly to thoughts I was programmed with during my days of ill-advised lockstep love with a lesser lover, i.e., modern Christianity. We are often reminded to not be unequally yoked. This, we are told, means don't marry a non-Christian. Turn out, this is the minimum weakest form of what unequally yoked means.
It also means to not be unequally yoked with a friend who goes against what the Christian Bible says in regards to the two greatest commandments. Anyone and anything that goes against the two greatest commandments, if we join ourselves to those people or things, then we are unequally yoked.
This includes our jobs, careers, workplaces and employers. If what those places are doing and what we are doing for those places violates the two greatest commandments, we are unequally yoked.
This brings me to the constant widespread continuous thinking and behavior or masses of us who allow violations of the two greatest commandments because it's our job, or it's not our job. This brings us back to the side road referred to above. The two crashes of the Boeing 737 Max airplanes (Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines) need not to have happened. As usual, plenty of people were aware of the inanity and of the danger. Those at Boeing, at the FAA, in all of the flight safety organizations, at NASA, in each airline that bought those planes and in the pilot associations. Most of us know that you can't buy any appliance or machine without being warned to fully read the owner's manual and operating instructions before using the machine.
Each group of irresponsible people associated with those two plane crashes, had ample opportunity to say, hey, this is not right and I am not going to go along with it. I am no longer going to unequally yoke my thinking and behavior to craziness.
Any country or person who is still following the lead of America in any shape, form or fashion, is a damn fool. There is no indication or historical precedent of evidence that America has ever done the right thing, the most intelligent thing or adhered to either one of the two greatest commandments, yet “God Bless America,” is what dem crazy baldheads say. And we pledge allegiance to the frag-mented contradictory nature of all things American. These are the people who make a mockery of Maat, yet they want to make an example of us because we don't want to wave their flag, fight (die) for America, stand for their anthem or recite their pledges.
Name me one country who is following the two greatest commandments or following the highest commandments of the religion of that country?
As often commented and lamented, “Oh if only America would follow the essence of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.”
By the way, America is the African Amenta Land. Does your business, job, workplace or employer have you on logic lockdown because your free will you have sold for a slave dollar that doesn't solve the problem of 64 basic needs, thus making you the joke of your own okie doke? Stop being unequally yoked in all aspects of life. Look at the logic you have tied yourself to. Is it equal to who you are, where you came from, why you are here and what you should be doing? Any knowledge, belief, opinion, conclusion, choice and decision you make that does not match, is hereby officially declared as a reminder that it is an unequal yoke.
An unequal yoke is its own beast and its own burden. In your God you must trust.
“Take a good look at yourself through your God.” That alone is your burden of proof that will help you understand the extent of what “unequal” means and the extent of what “yoke” means.
Then you can sankofa yourself back around and ask yourself, what fellowship does my spirit-soul have with the logic that has my mind under its control?
If your God, your spirit-soul, your logic, your mind, your thinking and behavior are all in alignment, then you are equally yoked.
Every religion, despite the corruption it contains, still contains the kernel of the essential truth.We must extract that truth and leave the rest alone. What is the essential truth of your religion?
The metaform of the metaphor makes it incontrovertibly so.
Submit that truth to me for any religion you understand and I will compile it for all to see to compare and contrast.
It is a certainty we will find more similarity and sameness, rather than incongruent contradictory difference. Are you equally yoked with your friends, your job, the work you do, the things you support, the businesses you patronize? Or have you fallen prey to the slave mentality of “its okay to separate church and state, business and personal, work and play, work life and home life, what I do for a living and what I do for money, my spiritual self and my physical self and my national self and my sports team self and my other suboptimal identifiers of self?”
You see what happened to Samson when he allowed his God-given genetic potential to be taken away by human hands because Samson “had to have it.” In other words, Samson justified being unequally yoked because he had to have what he wanted because he confused it with what he needed and confused the way to get what he needed with the optimal way to get what he needed. I'm certain Delilah was a deep drink of juice, but she was forbidden because she was a drainer rather than an enhancer of strength. And so it is with logic. All logic is forbidden to us that causes us to be less than our optimal best. Logic that causes us to set our optimal self aside under justifications that we are only doing what we are doing because we need to survive. And if we didn't have to survive, we wouldn't do it. Truth is, that's a lie. Because the test of our morals not tested under one set of conditions, will still be otherwise tried.
In other words, for example, we don't lie or steal because we have to. We do so because we lack understanding to pass the universal test. Thus, outside conditions do not cause corruption of spirit-soul, only conditions within self cause corruption. The seed controls when it germinates and what it will be. It is determined by the soil, the water, the air or the sun. Otherwise, all seeds would germinate, or not, at the same time. The external in our lives influences us, yet, the internal has greater control.
And yet, the script is flipped when we have been programmed to give more power to the external, which is the current state of the world of humans.
The power Samson lost represents the standard cost of the everyday high price of unnecessary trouble, hardship and sacrifice that obscures the optimal self and eventually, because it a double-edged knife, it also separates us from that with which we are unequally yoked. Separation is sometimes systematically pendulum slow and sometimes dramatically guillotine swift. Either way, it leaves us at the crossroads of a starting over point. There is a crossroads and starting over point for each piece of logic we have. We must begin finding our way back home by going back to each crossroads and re-deciding, if this is where I went right or wrong.
Be certain to understand that every piece of logic we have either drains us or enhances us. Every relationship we have also does the same. This is true if the relationship is with a person, a place or a thing. Spirituality and religion are supposed to enlighten us with understandings of a universal nature. This is the yoke and the equal in one.
All our Lord God wants us to say is yes. Yes, I understand a little more now than I did when I first made the decisions I still follow now. Yes, I will do better to the extent of my understandings. Yes, I will continue to seek to understand more. More about self and all else. This is the only way the yoke that connects current thinking and behavior does not choke us to death using against us, the hold we have clinging to that logic. How can you be the best whatever you are at work, if you do not infuse your work with the best logic of who you are? Who are you? What does it mean to be you? Are you always being that person? Or do you set it aside sometimes when necessary? When is it necessary to not be who you are? When is it necessary to not uphold the highest ideas of the God you follow? Every follower of every religion can find one or two ideas that override or stand at the pinnacle and foundation of all other teachings in the religion. Stick to that one teaching or those two teachings. Yoke yourself to them. Refuse to allow confusion of genetic misusings to confuse you.
People who are in the same religion can still be unequally yoked with each other.This is only achievable when we go back and rethink what is the highest authority and law. Is the highest what's legal? Or is it what's moral? Or what's decent? Or what's human? Or what's respectful? Or what's fair? Or what you do to avoid getting in trouble and being punished? What is your standard of standards that you will not sell, barter or trade your soul for? Is that limited to a certain time of day or is it limited to certain place and certain situations? Quit having separate laws of what is right and wrong at home, at work, at church, in public, at sporting events, etc.
Likewise, it is also possible for people of different religions, or of no religion, to be equally yoked. Not just in “marriage” but in any type of relationship, as long as those two people, in that form of relationship, both follow the highest ideologies of their God and/or their belief system.
This is possible for any two demographics or optimal identifiers of self or suboptimal identifiers of self.
You and I both know, that the way you treat people at your job, the way you treat your fellow employees and the way you treat all those you interact with outside of the company, is the same approach others are taking in their workplaces. Everybody is following a bunch of separate company goals and policies and procedures that, most of the time, do not give universal consideration to the “rights of creation.”
As often said, workplace behavior is more often than not, contrary to decency, thus harmony.
A whole bunch of people had plenty of time to prevent both of those 737 Max crashes.
And who didn't know? The general public, that's who. And why not? Because, we, the general public are too duped up on okie doke. We are yoked to logic that keeps us in the weakest, most minimal, mismatched positions possible. Even so, I am coming out and there is more that I require of thee. So many of us love to say “I don't curse,” yet, we curse everyday all day by following, carrying out and acting out, cursed logic. Logic that crushes the optimal part of us and others. Understand clearly, that in the song, “Say Yes” by Shekinah Glory Ministry, the song doesn't say anything specifically as to what we should be doing. It only says to be willing to do God's will.
Do not continue to be unequally yoked.