Number two will be as easy as listening. This will expose many more of you who have yet to lose your skin. The hollow sounds coming out of your head will give you up for dead. All your words will testify to your super unnatural actions.
Curious to know what went wrong, the beasts will crack open your skulls with Willie clubs you legalized for constant use. They will find malfunction after malfunction especially in the center. The female half and the male half are unable to communicate due to a crevasse. This is why coldbloodedness is your highest achievement.
The beasts will remove all knowledge gained from the original people. At once, everything you've created will disappear also, including the bulk of your language. Some words will be spared so all may hear you plead your case.”I didn't know so much was stolen,” you will say.
The beasts, not used to perjury, will slash your tongue with Willie's knife.
You will swallow tongue and words until both are coming out the side of your neck, as is fitting. Trying to hide behind the disguise the internet provides will not save you.Though you choke, you continue to “pommise two twell dwa twooth” but do not yet die.
And so will be the second mark in the second moment. It is no doubt sufficient by itself.
Read, Third Mark Of Exhibited Beasts – Fears Multiplied