If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, June 29, 2015

Plants Are Not In Competition For Nutrients & Resources
Unity Consciousness #319


”Plants compete for nutrients” is programmed logic repeated without analysis.

All the meadows, pastures, fields, forests, yards, lawns and much more, prove this to be a false notion. In all places where humans have not interfered, plants prove they are not in competition for nutrients and resources because there is no need to be in competition. These plants all live together, mix, intermingle, cooperate and thrive.

Even though it is a certainty that the vast majority of plants do not compete for nutrients, humans insist on sticking with the lie that plants are in competition.

Humans created the illusion of a competitive nature among plants because humans themselves were already competing against each other unnecessarily.

It is a false notion that humans must compete for resources. This lie came into existence and fullness in Eurasia during the Ice Age. The thousands of years of trauma in a cold-as-hell climate deformed tropical man into icehead boy because tropical man went from living amongst civilization, happiness and abundance to living amongst desolation, misery and scarcity.

As a result, these humans have transferred their suboptimal worldview onto plants.

One of the things that makes it seem like plants compete for nutrients is depleted soil. When the soil is not strong enough to naturally supply nutrients, it runs out and plants suffer. Humans take this to mean plants are competing for nutrients when instead it's because there are not enough nutrients in the soil. Humans choose to believe plants compete for nutrients because humans have done so many things that now cause humans to have to purchase nutrients. Because humans only want to pay for nutrients for the plants they want to grow, all other plants are seen as competitors for nutrients. When there are nutrient deficiencies in the soil, it is not because plants competed for the nutrients, it because the available nutrients got used up.

Thought Process To The Truth

If the above is not enough to know the truth, continue to follow the thought process of the intuitive self.

Plants and humans do not need to compete for nutrients so why would we thinks plants and plants need to compete for nutrients? Plants give humans the nutrient of oxygen and humans give plants the nutrient of carbon dioxide. There is more being exchanged by plants and humans. If humans and plants can live symbiotically, what makes us think that plants and plants cannot live symbiotically? We already profess to understand that some bacteria fix nitrogen, a nutrient, for plants. If bacteria help plants out and humans help plants out, simply by humans breathing, what makes us think plants don't help each other out? What makes us think plants are not pre-designed to work things out to share nutrients and resources?

We already know plants work together rather than compete when we talk about companion planting, three sisters and deep-rooted plants pulling up nutrients for shallow-rooted plants.

Despite these truths, we continue to believe that plants only look out for themselves and thus compete with other plants for their needs. We think this way about plants because that is what we deeply believe is the way humans are supposed to behave – be in competition for nutrients and resources. We think this way because those currently with the resources need us to believe they got the resources by competing for them and since they have the resources they must be the better, stronger and more capable and thus worthy of survival at the expense of those they have supposedly out competed. This is pure mental mutation mindset. Icehead boy must promote this type of thinking to pay tribute to the lower self ego which is master over him.

The universe is an ecosystem. An ecosystem is self-sustaining. Self-sustaining requires balance and re-balancing. If competition is the foundation upon which an ecosystem is based, that ecosystem must and will fail. Why? Because any system that competes within itself is a house designed to be forever divided and thus can only be on a certain path to less and less viability, then extinction.

The rules of competition within a system leads to extinction of the system. This means there can be no eternity on earth nor in Heaven. Heaven requires an eternity and an eternity requires an ecosystem. An ecosystem requires cooperation not competition.

Listen people! When competition is a foundational philosophy, there must be winners and losers. There must be adversaries. There can be no harmony. Love has no place.

If whatever philosophies and values and cultures we are following is not helping us reach these understandings, we must get rid of them now.

If competition for nutrients and competition for resources was truly the basis of life and existence, then there would be no such thing as evolution.

The only thing possible would be survival of a lesser and lesser quality. Evolution can only take place under conditions of thriving. Thriving cannot occur until understanding transcends the survival mode and the competition mode.

Time To Start Repeating The Truth About Plants & Humans

Plants give more to creation and return more to creation than they use. Plants are restorers not destroyers. Plants are net suppliers not net consumers. There is no need for plants to compete with each other. The ecosystem is based on cooperation and sharing which optimizes resources and creates abundance for everyone. The ecosystem is not based on competition and greed which suboptimizes resources and creates problems everywhere.

Why would we think plants compete for nutrients when plant material is the bulk of what is in compost and the bulk of what most organic matter is?

It can't be said enough that plants are net contributors of nutrients to the soil.

Plants are a major part of the cycle of nutrients that allows the ecosystem to self-fertilize by not wasting anything.

The ability to live by contributing to one's own needs and each other's needs is a primary component of what sustainable is and what an ecosystem is. It is what the Creator is all about.

In an ecosystem, plants help provide their own nutrients as long as what humans do is helpful not harmful.

For these reasons and more, plants are not in competition for nutrients and resources. If there is a nutrient problem, it is not about plants competing but about humans depleting, more than likely. Curiously, plants seem only to compete for nutrients in human gardens but nowhere else where man has not interfered with the Master Gardener.

By absorbing the essential nutrient of understanding, we can extend what is absolutely true about plants and know the same must be true about humans. If competition for nutrients and resources is a necessity, then this must mean this is not a world of abundance which also means no one can live an abundant life. Abundance for humans can never be achieved in the context of competition. Abundance for plants that is taking place could not be taking place if what was really happening among plants was competition for nutrients and resources. If competition among plants was actually taking place, fewer and fewer plants would survive and then fewer and fewer survivors would survive. This cycle would continue until the system broke down so much, no one could survive. This is exactly what has been happening during the Dark Age terrorism of icehead boy. He became an adversary to himself because he denies knowledge of his true self. He needs everybody to do the same in order to help him prolong his demise. As a result, he orchestrates competition any way he can.