Vibration Wave Motion Is More Fundamental Than Thought Motion
Before there is a thought motion, there is a vibration wave.A vibration wave is a forth and back motion. A two-part cycle.*
A vibration wave is the same thing as a vibration and the same thing as a wave. A vibration wave is how the collective energy of motion travels.
This travel takes place throughout the Spirit web, the Earthly Web and the Web within self.**
Each of these webs is more vast and intricate than the world wide web (
You've Got Some Nerves
by Ancestors through Usiku Look at your nerves
Through the mirror image of spider's web
And the vibration motion of initiation
Will connect understanding with common thread
*What we perceive as back and forth motion, might just be a tight orbit.
**This is true of the former three webs for three reasons: they are primary creations, were created at higher dimensions and created with higher vibrations of thought.