More Specifically What The Moors Say:
The Moors say they are descendants of Ruth, The Moabitess. The Moors rely on the 3-in-1 Religion of Christianity-Judaism-Islam for their worldview, thus their sense of reality that supersedes all other verifiable indicators of reality. As a result, just like other religious lemmings, the Moors sidestep over history and right, off the cliff of logic, to the descending way of brief thinking. They contradictorily claim to have originated out of Asia despite all reasonable evidence that says no human originated out of Asia or anywhere else except out of Africa, not even albinos (whites). To maintain Bible logic as accurate, despite human and world history and mountains of information, is to deny Africa at all costs to spirit soul. To not have mind, body, emotions, spirit and soul seek to reconcile understandings with all we have been able to understand thus far, is to not seek to become complete.To not seek to become complete is to choose to become obsolete.
The Creator will hit "Delete" and assign us to a lower stage to repeat.
What The Moor's 3-in-1 Bible Says:
The Moabites are the children of Lot. Lot had sex with his two daughters after they got him drunk. Lot is the nephew of Abraham. Abraham and Lot are Chaldean. The Chaldeans are Kushite Ethiopian-Egyptian. Thus, Abra-ham is a descendant of Ham and is African. So also is Lot, his daughters and the Moabites and the Moors- those in Asia and those in the Maghreb.