If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Hyphen, Typhon, Heaven
Word Origin, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3005

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Cyve (English) is the Sieve. Sieve is Khi (Egyptian).
Cypher means to make two edges in place of one (English). Thus the Cypher uses Cyve, the Sieve, the equator and the motion of crossing back and forth over this equal road. The Egyptian word for Cyphering is Kabbing (Khabbing) which means doubling. Thus the Cypher forms the sieve, the equator to divide the circle into two parts and provide an opening for transportation, giving birth and taking life. Each equator is a large scale hyphen that separates one into two and connects two things.

The Cypher or Cipher (English) is Kheper, Khepr, Khepera, Khepra (Egyptian).
Kheper the Khabber is the transformer and former of the circle who is symbolized memorably by the dung beetle, the scarab. Kheper forms a ball to enclose the precious thing, eggs, mummies.
Khepr rearranges itself into Kherp, the Repa a form of Khepera as Khe-Repa, the child of repetition, the child of Great Mother Repit who always produces one more, another, her child, the Repa.
Khpr-iu is the transformation of one into two. This is Cyfriu (British Druid formerly Egyptian Druid) that becomes Cypher (English).
Kheper also rearranges into kphere, the sphere called many things such as circle, container, holder, cocoon, placenta.
Khepr becomes Khep becomes Khab becomes Kab, Kap, Kep, Keb, all of which mean, that which is born of a place that is hidden, concealed, secret, capable of screening (sieving, sifting, separating). (BB)

Kab in the reduplicated form of Kab-Kab (Kabt, Kabti) means encircle, enclose, surround, protect all round (BB2). Doing this forms a KAB (Cab) for Another Repa, thus Kab-an (Kabn) is a Cabin in the midst of the waters (N).
Kab is the principle of weaving with a shuttle, turning round and round while crossing over, forming loops and tying knots, doubling, turning the corner, returning, redoubling. The mummy, the precious thing, the soul of life, the seed, the egg, the baby, the child, is wrapped in a woven (weaved) container, for instance baby Jesus wrapped in strips of cloth to weave a cocoon and the basket of woven reeds carrying baby Moses (Ma-Shu).
Kab as just described is the fundamental motion always taking place; however Kab is more. Kab is making two into one, making one into any number and keeping that number functioning as a harmonious one. This has been collectively stated as one into many and many into one.
Lastly, as a named entity aspect of Spirit-Soul, Kheper is not the only Kabber, Babber, Bobber, Boxer, Weaver, Knitter, Sewer, Cypherer. Kheper has the reputation of being the main representation of the repa-iu of mutations, adaptations and variations, thus rep-u-tation.

”AN”, the place of commencement, exists at all four corners of the circle cycle. Here is a Well of Source as a Pool of the Two Truths, a Tableland resting, feasting and refreshments place and a Mount, thus the birthplace and pool as well as the death place and pool. This was the well of Neith or Anit, goddess of the bow and arrow, the needle and thread and the knitter, weaver. Anit is Hathor, goddess of the equinoxes. Thus Neith is a sign of the times in the twilight tekhish takhish water zone right before the crossover into the upper southern half of the circle, thus the southeast quarter opposite to the lower northwest.

TEN (Tent, ten-ten) is the royal seat, elevated seat, cabinet, royal chamber, throne-room, any room fit for a king, tent, fill up and complete the total. To ten (ten-t) is to take account, reckon, each and every. This is likely the source of tend and attention. (BB)
This might create another path for Cabin from Kab-ten. Kabten in the form of Kapten leads to Captain since the cabin is part of a water vessel ship and is a ship itself, both of which are Bobbers bobbing in the waters. We can be certain this is also taking place in the womb of mothers. We oughta know all celestial bodies are Bobbers bobbing in the waters, foolishly called empty space by those who look in mirrors all day long and never recognize their own face all over the place, nor recognize any other aspect of self in time or space except that which presupposes superior race.
Captain is Uau (Egyptian).
Auau (Maori) is to lift or raise up, has an earlier form in Hapai, to lift up, raise, carry, begin.
Khapat (Egyptian) is Khept, the hinder thigh of the Great Mother who must be the first captain of the ship since she is the ship. (BB2). Thus if we consider Khap, Hapai and Ten, we reach Captain. Another path is Khept-ten or Khepti-ten or Khep-tenti.

Cabin from Kobin from Kibno from Kabni from Kafn, Kafen, Khafen (oven) from Khab. Kabni (Egyptian), a vessel, ship, boat, ark, womb, cauldron and divine sanctuary of birth and re-birth. (BB). Also the Cafn, Cefn, Chevin, Haven, Heaven, Yafun (BB2). Each of these from various names of the Great Mother, the first parent to manifest outwardly, as noticeable to humans.
Naturally, Great Hippopotamus Water-Horse Thigh Uterus Constellation, Ursa Major is the Khafen Cabin of Typhon, the first Great Mother of the Waters. (BB)

When humans first built boats, doing so in Africa, the names given to boats were derived from the Great Mother. The Ubo in Ibu, and Evu in Adampe, is a canoe; the Kpero, African Kiambo, a canoe; Cayvar, English, a kind of ship ; Keffer, German, light boat. From Keb comes Teb comes the Teba or Ark, and Tub, an English name for an old ship. So every time we step into a tub or foot tub or use a pail to carry water, we are reenacting heavenly things. As Above, Sometimes Sorta So & Close Enough Below. We are Kheps off the Old Khat, Sparks off the Old Khakh.

We Can Now Go Back And Fix Broken Logic

I have rewritten the etymonline.com explanation of hyphen to bring clarity. This explains the “Upo” in https://www.etymonline.com/word/hyphen
Hyphen is a short dash used to connect two words or separate one and is from the 1620s CE from hyphen (Late Latin, Greek) meaning "together, in one," (from PIE root UPO "over and under").
HEN from PIE root sem meaning " as one, together."

Thus Upo speaks to two parts, as does the explanation of Sem.
Upo is likely from Ubo meaning canoe, thus a water vessel, boat, ark, cabin in two parts that carries both the dead and soon to be reborn litter of souls of life, is the meaning of hyphen.
We can see that the equator is a means of transporting souls of life from one side of the circle to the other. This then is true for the meridian, all lines of latitude, longitude and all angles of light.

The Hyphen is the mother ship connection.
Hyphen leads to the Female Parent as T-hyphen, Typhon, the spherical kabin divided into two parts by the center dividing line, the equator, the hyphen.
Since H implies KH, Typhon could be formed from the H in Hyphen becoming T, thus Typhen becomes Typhon.

Finally Hyphen can be derived from any of these words: Khafen, Cyphering, Haven, Heaven, Khabbing, Khabin, Khab-an, Kheper-an, Khab-ten, Typhon (Phon-Ty, Phen-ti, Khenti, Khen-Khen, Khen-Phen, Khenphen, Khephen, Kepheus, Khyphen, Hyphen). This is the nature of Khepera the transformed to go back and forth, form and reform, shape and reshape...
Khepr is first the former of the dead who are alive and the alive who are dead and the alive who are alive.

In later times, Typhon became known by many other names such as Makha and Maat, Great Mother of Two Truths, Two Divisions of the Circle. All of these are the Hyphen.

A related revelation (elevation) is that Khen-Khen as Bhen-Bhen as Ben-Ben as a symbol of resurrection and renewal, a phoenix rising out of the fire matches the Hyphen, Ursa Major, Khekh, Dry Land, Mount and the Most High.

09.08.23 Update

Ty from Hy from Hu from Khu from Khui from KH and/or IU from Khiu.
Typhon from Iukhun or Khunui or Iukhiun or Khiunui. Both Typhon and Hyphen mean two because of IU. They also mean four since Ty, Ph, Hy resolve into IU or KH thus both words are Iuiunui or Khkhnui, four spirits, four waters, four quarters, four corner, four heads, four primordial elemental souls of life, two sets of two, two hyphens form the cross in the circle, then this becomes the basis of Typhon.