If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, November 17, 2023

Two Loves Of My Life In The 2nd Degree
Unity Consciousness #3054

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy of 11)

1. Makheru Love is love given, the true voice, the two voice, the balanced voice of Existence that expresses itself mostly in proportions other than 50-50 in this mostly fixed-shape container, thus manifests in dynamic balance, which means it automatically adjusts to sets of conditions. The balanced voice of Priestence expresses itself mostly in 50-50 proportion where all things are in harmony in this mostly shape-shifting container.
The Existence half of Makheru Love is the original optimal version of conditional love. The subopitmal version is a human manifestation that loves only if, and only when, certain conditions exist that fulfill my wants and needs. The optimal version varies love to each according to need. There is no variation in conditional love in the Priestence half of Makheru Love because there is only one condition, balanced harmony.
a) True means the teru voice that exists in, and expresses itself to, the limit of the waters-based substance (the universe, the nuiverse).
Teru (Teriu) is the same word for Number Two (2) and Number Three (3).
b) Thus true means that which expresses the totality, the entirety, the complete picture, each side.
c) Ma-Shu is also Ur-Ma-Shu is Mashuur is Mashuru is Makhuru is Makheru.
d) Ma-Shu is also the Ma-Ru-Shu is Marukhe is Charukhe is Cherokee is Makheru.
e) Urma and Maur become Ursa, Urta, Taurt, Earth, Ertha, Heart, Court, Khart, Cart, Creator, Forth, Fourth, Birth, Neter, Root, Rut, Mayor, More, Alma, Elmo and so on.
f) Makheru Love is primarily the natural world that gives love to itself. This is the first half of the iunsurance policy that, like the second half, ensures continuous variations forming sets of conditions coexisting in dynamic balance as coincidences. Just remember:
humans are part of the natural world
the healthiest definitions and meanings of life and love are almost entirely the result of all things non-human
the basic human task is to properly match these rhythms of love, rhythms of life.

2. Karma Love is re-expanded and reoriented to Karuma is Kharmau is Kheruma is Makheru, love returned to sender, love received that is a payback forward. Karma Love is rarely equal to love given and rarely equal to love in the two extremes. Love (life) exists mostly between the solstices and equinoxes and only briefly in the middle. Karma Love only sometimes comes directly back and only sometimes comes immediately back.
a) Karma Love is primarily the natural world that receives love from itself. This is the second half of the nuinsurance policy that, like the first half, spreads love, spreads life continuously, with no lapses in coverage.

3. By The Way, both Makheru Love and Kharma Love are subject to the same responses.
a) When accepted and taken per granted, love is respected.
b) When accepted and taken for granted, love is neglected.
c) When rejected and taken per granted, love is misshapen.
d) When rejected and taken for granted, love is forsaken.

Quick review: As shown in an earlier message, the Three Loves Of My Life In The 3rd Degree, love is currently and primarily understood as something only humans do and only humans are capable of. Thus human expressions of love are mostly devoid of natural sense, thus manifestations of life, are also severely skewed (b - d above). Love in the 2nd degree is primarily a much needed non-human nutrient-rich infusion into our toxic confusion. Love in the 3rd Degree is Life in the 3rd Degree. This is why we are living lesser lives than natural love intends. We move a step closer acting out Love and Life in the 2nd Degree and acting in Love and Life in the 2nd Degree.

Humans In Societies Are Problematic Problem Addicts

Conceiving love from a mostly and primarily human perspective is problematic because humans are 100% natural world creations with a variation that creates humans. This is why knowledge of self must include knowledge of all else. Knowledge of self is Karma Knowledge, while knowledge of all else is Makheru Knowledge. Because humans insist on being human, as if that is a major separation from the rest of the natural world and a superior identification, this causes humans to be problematic and problem addicts because we can't stop ourselves from thinking we are something different in the sense of not being the same, thus we are mostly estranged from the rest of the natural world, thus think and behave in mostly strange ways in relation to the rest of the natural world, thus in relation to each other, because our love of self is abusive to self because our knowledge of self is abusive to the natural world, which is us 100%. We are addicted to the logic that afflicts us. This explanation is a corroboration of the main point intentionally obscured and confused by DNA Testing Results, and to some extent, the Human Genome Project itself. The Human Genome is the Natural World Genome In Human Form and the Human Variation of the Natural World Genome. If you are 100% human, then you are 100% African with 100% Black Ancestors in the trunk and root of your family tree and you are 100% Primate, 100% Mammal, 100% Animal and 100% Natural World, thus by extension and expansion, you are 100% superhuman, but this has been suppressed by the excessive intrusive ecosystem abusive human orientation, which is why human expressions of love in societies is mostly abusive love to self and all else. We HARM ourselves because our KAU has not matured (has been reborn deformed, de-formed of its true form, its two form, de-informed).